Table for publishing information. Requirements for the design of scientific articles

Based on the “EASE (European Association of Science Editors) Recommendations for authors and translators of scientific articles that should be published in English,” our journal makes the following requirements for scientific articles sent by authors:

Information about the author (co-authors)

For publication and subsequent transfer to citation databases and electronic libraries, the following information about the author (each co-author of the article) is provided to the editor:

Full Name

— completely, in Russian;

- in full, in the Latin alphabet (transliteration).

Be careful and always use (send to the editor) the same transliteration of your full name. Remember that for citing systems, “Vasil’ev Nikolay Aleksandrovich” and “Vasil’ev Nikolaj Aleksandrovich” are two different people.

Name of place of work or study

- full official name, in Russian, in the nominative case. + country, city of place of work (study);

- full official name on English language, in the nominative case. + country, city of place of work (study).

The official name in English, for educational organizations - can be found in the charter educational organization, which, in turn, can be found on the organization’s website.

You can indicate up to three places of work or study.

We recommend that authors do not indicate the branch of the educational organization, since information about work in the branch is not transmitted and is not taken into account in the RSCI and other citation systems. However, if necessary or desired, you can, along with your main place of work, indicate the name of the branch, as well as the country and city of its location - in Russian and English. In this case, the main place of work is first indicated in the nominative case, and then the name of the branch is also in the nominative case.

Position, scientific degree, title

Position and structural unit at the place of work - provided at the request of the author (not required), only in Russian.

Scientific degree, title - if available, provided only in Russian.

Students must indicate “Student”, “Master’s student”, “PhD student”. It is possible, at the request of the author, to also indicate the faculty or department, specialty.

E-mail address

Address Email for each co-author is published along with other information about the authors, to ensure the ability to quickly contact the author, both from the reaction side and from interested readers. In addition, the author’s email address is transmitted to the RSCI and other citation databases. We kindly ask you to provide real and working email addresses individually for each co-author of the article.

Citation system profiles and other information

At the request of the author, the article may indicate his RSCI profile, ORCID profile, Scopus profile, profiles in other citation systems. You can provide a link to your personal page on the Internet (including pages on social networks).

Postal address for contacting the author

Correspondent mailing address(with index) for contacts with the authors of the article:

— work (preferred) or home (optional) address.

Please note that all the information listed above is published in the journal in the public domain!

Article title

The title of the article is submitted to the editor in Russian and English.

The title of the article should be unambiguous, understandable to specialists in other fields and reflect the content of the article. Be specific, do not write in general or vague phrases. If necessary, mention in the title the period and location of the study, the international scientific name of the object being studied, or the experimental design of the study.

Avoid using abbreviations in the title of the article.

We also ask you not to write the name in CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY.


The abstract is submitted to the editor in Russian and English. The abstract must be at least 150 words.

Briefly explain why the study was conducted, what question(s) were answered, how the study was conducted, what you found, and your interpretation and conclusions from the results. The abstract should reflect the content of the article, since for most readers it will be the main source of information about this study. Use the expressions “The author(s) presented...”, “In the article...”, etc.

You should use keywords in the abstract to make your article easier to find online by those who may be interested in its results (many databases only include titles and abstracts). In an experimental paper, the abstract should be informative and include the results. Only in review papers and other large-scale publications should the introduction be indicative, i.e. should list the main issues discussed, but not the results.

Do not refer to tables or figures in the abstract, as abstracts are also published separately from the article.

Do not use formulas in the annotation, since annotations in most databases, starting with the RSCI, are published in a format that excludes the display of formulas.

References to the literature used are not permitted unless they are absolutely necessary (in which case it is necessary to place them in parentheses). detailed information: author, title, year, etc.). Make sure that all the information from the abstract is also in the main text of the article.

List of keywords

Include all scientific terms relevant to the study. Keywords must be accurate. Add general terms, only if your research has interdisciplinary significance.

Article text

Scope of the article

The minimum length of an article allowed for publication is 10–12 thousand characters, including spaces.

The maximum length of an article is 50-60 thousand characters, including spaces.

The volume of the article is assessed without taking into account metadata - that is, without data about the authors, abstracts, and references - only the text of the article.


All abbreviations and abbreviations must be spelled out the first time they are used.

Article structure

Try to structure your article, follow the plan below ( this structure is of a recommendatory nature):

Introduction (relevance): explain why the study was necessary, state the objectives of the study, and what specific question(s) it addresses. Start with more general considerations and gradually focus on your research question(s).

Methods: describe in detail how the study was conducted (i.e., area of ​​study, data collection, criteria, source of the analyzed material. All factors that could influence the results of the study must be considered. If the study involved people, it should indicate: their number, place of residence, gender and age characteristics, etc., the group should be given the most accurate description.

Results: provide research results (previously published data should not be included in this part of the article).

Discussion: provide answers to your research questions (listed at the end of the abstract) and compare your main results with those previously published as objectively as possible. Discuss their limitations and highlight your main conclusions.

Thanks: mention everyone who made a significant contribution to your research but cannot be considered as co-authors and thank all sources of funding.

Tables, figures

Pay special attention to the quality of the drawings. The drawings must be clear and the inscriptions on them must be easy to read.

If the width of the picture or table exceeds the width of the sheet, rotate the desired sheet to landscape orientation. Do not turn the figure or table itself vertically - please treat this with understanding; from the reader’s point of view, viewing such figures and tables on a computer screen is extremely inconvenient, therefore articles containing such tables and figures are not accepted for publication until they are corrected.

If it is necessary to place a fairly large image - any plan, drawing, large diagram, etc., you can contact the editors in advance in order to discuss how best to do this.

Captions under tables and figures should be informative, but not very long. If similar data is presented in multiple tables or multiple figures, the caption format should also be similar.

Captions should not be part of figures or tables. The caption should describe the content of the figure or table in such a way that you can understand what it is without reading the article itself.

All figures and tables must be numbered. Tables and figures are numbered separately. If there is only one figure or table in the article, then numbers are not included.

The text of the article MUST contain LINKS to tables, figures, and graphs.


If any special software, besides standard means Microsoft Office- please indicate which one.

If you want to convert formulas to raster format, please pay special attention to their quality after conversion.


After the text of the article there is a bibliographic list, designed in strict accordance with GOST R 7.05-2008.

Please note that in accordance with the requirements of the editors, the bibliographic list must include at least 10 items. The number of self-citations should be no more than 30%.

- several links to articles on the topic raised in leading Russian and foreign journals - this demonstrates the author’s horizons;

- several links (no more than 30%) to your work - in order to demonstrate the scale and depth of your research;

- other links to materials that were used by the author in preparing the scientific article - they will allow the reader to quickly find the sources of materials referred to by the author and familiarize himself with them, making sure of the reliability of the data from these sources. It is for the author to acknowledge the ideas of other authors and thus avoid accusations of plagiarism.

Please note that today the article list of sources is not just a list of materials used by the author, it is also the data on the basis of which in citation databases, such as RSCI, the citation rate of each author, the Hirsch index, and the impact factor are calculated magazine.

Based on someone else's work in your article, thank the other author with a correctly formatted link, this will increase his performance.

From this follows the most important rule for creating a list - add any scientific works and publications must be included- articles, monographs, dissertations, books, etc. By formatting such a source as a footnote in the text of the article, you will do a “disservice” to the author, since the RSCI (as well as other citation databases) will not process such a link.

In contrast, it is not recommended to “clog” the bibliographic list with sources that should not be there. An unambiguous criterion that a source should not be included in the bibliographic list is lack of a specific author. Such sources include: laws, regulations, standards (including GOSTs), articles from dictionaries and encyclopedias, website pages for which a specific author is not indicated, and other similar materials. They are formatted as footnotes along the text of the article.

Sources are listed in alphabetical order. The link to the source in the text of the article is written in square brackets.

If you do not know how to correctly format a particular source in the bibliography, use the instructions.

Example of a list of references:


1. Bakhvalov, N. S. Numerical methods [Text]: textbook. manual for physics and mathematics. specialties of universities / N. S. Bakhvalov, N. P. Zhidkov, G. M. Kobelkov; under general ed. N. I. Tikhonova. - 2nd ed. - M.: Fizmatlit: Lab. basic knowledge; St. Petersburg : Nev. dialect, 2002. - 630 p. : ill. ; 25 cm - (Technical University. Mathematics). - Bibliography: p. 622-626. - Subject decree: p. 627-630. - 30,000 copies. - ISBN 5-93208-043-4 (translated).

10. Kirsanov K.A. Biological, social and intellectual potentials of the individual in various educational paradigms//Online journal “Naukovedenie”, 2011 No. 1 (6) [Electronic resource] - M.: Naukovedenie, 2013 -..pdf, free. - Cap. from the screen. - Yaz. Russian, English

They are sent to the editor in three separate files:

  • table filled out in accordance with the requirements;
  • text of the article (the file should include only the text and title of the article, as well as a list of sources);
  • a scan of the agreement article completed and signed by all co-authors.

The title of all files sent to the editor must contain the author's surname!

Articles are accepted:

When you publish a sheet, report, or dashboard, it generates a unique URL that can be used by anyone outside of Smartsheet and an iFrame code that you can embed in source website to display this table or report.

This feature is only available in Business and Enterprise plans. Don't know what your plan is?

To start publishing, in the sidebar, click Publish.

Published elements are dynamic: they display current data, not values ​​recorded at the time of publication. You can -ERR:REF-NOT-FOUND-unpublish at any time. The published version of the table, report, or dashboard will no longer be available.

Required Permissions

The owner of a sheet, report, or dashboard, and collaborators who have administrative access to it, can use the publishing feature.

System administrators of multi-user accounts can limit or prevent posting for all users account. For information on how to do this, see the Global Account Settings article.

ATTENTION! When using this feature, there is a risk of disclosing confidential data outside the company. To restrict access to a link, use the access control settings (described below) or copy and share the link, available in the Table Properties, Report Properties, or Dashboard Properties. The link provided in the properties window is secure and only available to collaborators who have been granted access to the item.

Publishing a table

Publication of the report

The publishing feature displays the report in a read-only format in which users can open attachments and line comments, highlight changes, and print data.

Publishing a dashboard

The publishing feature displays the dashboard in read-only format. When viewing a published dashboard, you can use keyboard shortcuts, as well as any widget actions configured for the dashboard.

Please consider the following when publishing your dashboard:

  • Team Publish is not available if you are a multi-user account user and System Administrator Disabled publishing in global account settings.
  • The published dashboard will be automatically updated every 10 minutes. This behavior cannot be configured or disabled.

The abstract should be:

✓ informative (do not contain general words);

✓ meaningful (reflect the main content of the article and research results);

✓ structured (follow the logic of describing the results in the article);

✓ state the essential facts of the work;

✓ describe the results of the work as accurately and informatively as possible. Provide the main theoretical and experimental results, actual data, discovered relationships and patterns. At the same time, give preference to new results and data of long-term significance, important discoveries, conclusions that refute existing theories, as well as data that, in the opinion of the author, are of practical importance;

✓ repeat the structure of the article, including introduction, goals and objectives, methods, results, conclusion (conclusions);

✓ indicate the subject, topic and purpose of the work if they are not clear from the title of the article;

✓ describe a method or methodology for carrying out work only if it is novel or of interest from the point of view of this work;

✓ use syntactic constructions characteristic of the language of scientific and technical documents, avoid complex grammatical constructions;

✓ use high-quality English when translating.

You must refrain from:

Repetition of information contained in the title of the article;

Presentation of material that is missing from the main part of the publication;

Historical information, if they do not constitute the main content of the document, descriptions of previously published works and generally known provisions;

The use of abbreviations and symbols, except for commonly used ones, or the explanation must be given the first time they are used in the annotation;

Links to the publication number in the list of references for the article;

Literal translation of the Russian abstract into English.

Examples of designing a list of references

A unified format for the design of article bibliographic lists in accordance with GOST R 7.05-2008 " Bibliographic link» (Examples of formatting references and bibliography)

Glukhov V.A. Research, development and construction of a system for electronic delivery of documents in the library: Author's abstract. dis. ...cand. tech. Sci. - Novosibirsk, 2000. - 18 p.

Analytical reviews

Economics and politics of Russia and neighboring countries: analyst. review, Apr. 2007, Russia acad. Sciences, Institute of World Economy and International. relationships. - M.: IMEMO, 2007. - 39 p.


Fenukhin V.I. Ethnopolitical conflicts in modern Russia: on the example of the North Caucasus region: dis. ...cand. watered Sci. - M., 2002. - P.54-55.

Online documents:

Official periodicals: electronic guide / Russian. national b-ka, Center for Legal Information. - [SPb], / [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: URL: (access date: 01/18/2007).
Loginova L.G. The essence of the result of additional education for children // Education: researched in the world: international. scientific ped. online magazine 21.10.03. / [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: URL: (date of access: 04/17/07).
Novosibirsk training market: its own game / [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (access date: 10.17.08).
Litchford E.W. With the White Army in Siberia: Eastern Front of the Army of General A.V. Kolchak / [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: URL: (access date: 08/23/2007).

Conference materials

Archeology: history and prospects: collection. Art. First interregional conf. - Yaroslavl, 2003. - 350 p.
Maryinskikh D.M. Development of a landscape plan as a necessary condition for sustainable development of the city (using the example of Tyumen) // Landscape ecology and land use planning: abstracts of reports. All-Russian conf. (Irkutsk, September 11-12, 2000). - Novosibirsk, 2000. - P.125-128.


Tarasova V.I. Political history of Latin America: textbook. for universities. - M.: Prospect, 2006. - P.305-412.

Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic dictionary. 5th ed., revised. and additional - M.: INFRA-M, 2006. - 494 p.


RF Patent No. 2000130511/28, 12/04/2000.
Optical-electronic device // Russian Patent No. 2122745. 1998. Bull. No. 33. / Eskov D.N., Bonstedt B.E., Koreshev S.N. [and etc.].

Article from magazines or collections:

Adorno T.V. On the logic of social sciences // Issues. philosophy. - 1992. - No. 10. - pp. 76-86.
Crawford P.J. The reference librarian and the business professor: a strategic alliance that works / P.J. Crawford, T.P. Barrett // Ref. Libr. - 1997. Vol. 3. No. 58. - P.75-85.

Crawford P.J., Barrett T.P. The reference librarian and the business professor: a strategic alliance that works // Ref. Libr. 1997. Vol. 3. No. 58. P.75-85.

Kornilov V.I. Turbulent boundary layer on a body of revolution with periodic injection/suction // Thermophysics and Aeromechanics. - 2006. - T. 13, - No. 3. - pp. 369-385.
Kuznetsov A.Yu. Consortium - a mechanism for organizing subscriptions to electronic resources // Russian Foundation basic research: ten years of service to Russian science. - M.: Scientific. world, 2003. - pp. 340-342.

Electronic resource:

Artistic encyclopedia of foreign classical art / [Electronic resource]. - M.: Bolshaya Ross. encycl. [and others], 1996. - 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM).

  1. After 1 line - the inscription “References”.

References is presented in a completely separate block, repeating the list of references for the Russian-language part, regardless of whether it contains foreign sources or not. If the list of references contains links to foreign publications, they are completely repeated in References.

General scheme for describing a literature source in References:

Translation of the title of the work into English;

The name of the Russian-language source (transliteration) is written in italics;

The translation of the source name into English is enclosed in square brackets;

Imprint (place of publication, year, issue number, pages) with symbols in English;

Indication of the language of the work.

For example:

Usmanov T.S., Gusmanov A.A., Mullagalin I.Z., Muhametshina R.Ju., Chervyakova A.N., Sveshnikov A.V. Features of the design of field development with the use of hydraulic fracturing. Trudy 6 Mezhdunarodnogo Simpoziuma “Novye resursosberegayushchie tekhnologii nedropol"zovaniya i povysheniya neftegazootdachi”. Moscow, 2007, pp. 267-272. (In Russian).

A few rules:

  • We recommend using special Internet resources for transliteration:;
  • when describing publications without authors (collections, collective monographs)
  • for unpublished documents, you can make a short title with an indication in brackets (unpublished), if it has an authorship (to take into account the author's links), or simply “Unpublished Source” or “Unpublished Report”, etc., if there is no authorship in the document;
  • in the output data of publications in references (articles, books), it is necessary to indicate the number of pages of the publication: the range of pages in the publication is indicated “pp.” before pages; number of pages in a complete publication (book) - indicated as “p.” after specifying the number of pages;
  • it is necessary to remove special separators between fields (“//”, “-“);
  • The full publication is written in English. A publisher is best identified by adding the word Publ. We leave the publisher's name transliterated.
  • if the publication being described has a doi, it must be indicated in the bibliographic description in References, since this identifier is the most accurate source of information about the article;
  • It is undesirable to make arbitrary abbreviations of source names in references;
  • in descriptions of Russian-language textbooks, teaching aids The type of publication should not be specified.

Note: This article has served its purpose and will soon be discontinued. To avoid "Page Not Found" errors, we remove links that we know of. If you have created links to this page, please remove them and together we can maintain consistency across the web.

If you want to work with an external data connection in Excel Services using data in a table, you cannot use an external data range (also called a query table). You must create a PivotTable that aligns multidimensional, hierarchical data into a table or two dimensions. Here's how to do it.

1. Convert multidimensional pivot tables... are two-dimensional pivot tables...

3. display flat tabular data in Excel Services.

Choose an action

Excel Services support for connections to external data sources

Pivot tables are designed to combine multi-numeric data into totals and subtotals, and also work with multidimensional data organized in a hierarchy. On the other hand, external data ranges are structured in the form of rows and columns that display non-aggregated records of a two-dimensional table data source.

When you use the Data Connection Wizard or Microsoft Query to connect to external data, you typically create a range of external data. The only exception is when creating a PivotTable that is connected to external data. The PivotTable does not create a range of external data. The differences in the way you create a connection are important to understand when publishing a workbook in Excel Services, because Excel Services supports connections to external data based on PivotTables, rather than supporting external data ranges.

Learn the differences between external data-connected pivot tables and external data ranges

When working with a PivotTable that is connected to external data, there are differences between the behavior of the PivotTable and the external data range that you should be aware of, including the following:

Pivot table data for groups and subgroups in order from right to left

Typically grouped data is based on sorting the data into one or more columns. For example, if you want to view all employees grouped by their department, you can perform a primary sort by department and a secondary sort by employee. You can also nest groups, such as Line, Category and Product, or Geography, Country or Region, Region, Region and City. By default, PivotTables are automatically sorted into groups and subgroups in right-to-left order to make it easier to view related data, to display headers and summary information, and to expand or collapse related items.

By placing a column with unique values ​​in the row title area on the left side, you can automatically flatten the data.

Same data Line smoothed by adding a column Code Num

Product line















Exhaust pipes


Exhaust pipes



Exhaust pipes


If you don't want to display a column after you add a column in a PivotTable, you can hide the column. (Select a column, then on the " tab home" in Group cells click the arrow next to the field Format, select item Hide or show and select a team Hide Columns.)

Important: If the PivotTable encounters two or more duplicate rows of data from the data source, the PivotTable displays only one row. If you want all rows, even duplicate rows, to appear in a PivotTable, you must add a column that contains unique values ​​to the table, query, or view that you import data from the data source. If the data source does not have a unique column, you can add one data source. For example, you can add a column that contains the AutoNum data type to a Microsoft Office Access table, or a column that contains the data type identity to the table Microsoft SQL Server or calculated column that displays a unique number for each database or view query record w.

Changing data in cells and adding calculated columns

You can change the data in the external data range before you publish a workbook to Excel Services, but PivotTable data is always read-only.

At double click cells in the external data range opens editing mode, where you can change the value or enter a formula. However, please note that original value in the data source is not changed, so the next time the data is refreshed the new value may be overwritten depending on the setting set for the property If the number of rows changes range of external data.

If you double-click a row label cell in a PivotTable, the cell expands or collapses the items in that row label. When a PivotTable is pivoted into a two-dimensional table, the Pivot acts by entering all the values ​​in the group to the left of the selected cell, the rows disappear or reappear.

You can add calculated columns anywhere in a Microsoft Office Excel table that are based on a range of external data, or you can insert columns and populate a range of external data with formulas. Cannot insert into calculated columns inside a PivotTable (even though you can insert into calculated fields). However, you can add a column for fill-down data or formulas directly to the left or right of the PivotTable, and inside the Fill-Down formulas, you can use cell references in the PivotTable.

Creating Charts

If you want to create a chart based on data in a PivotTable, you can create a PivotChart, which is similar to standard charts, but there are some differences, including the following:

Interaction With standard charts, create one chart for each data view that you want to display, but not interactive views. With PivotCharts, you can create one chart and view your data interactively different ways by changing the layout of the report or information displayed. In Excel Services, both a regular chart and a PivotChart can be updated based on user interaction in the workbook, but both charts appear as static images.

Chart types The default chart type for a regular chart is a bar chart with grouping that compares values ​​by category. The default chart type for a pivot chart is a stacked bar chart, which evaluates the contribution of each value to the total by category. You can change the Pivot chart to any chart type except scatter, stock, and bubble.

Chart elements Pivot charts contain the same elements as standard charts, but they also contain fields and elements that can be added, rotated, or removed to show different views of the data. Categories, series and data in standard charts: category fields, series fields and value fields in pivot charts. Pivotcharts can also contain report filters. Each of these fields contains objects that appear in standard charts as names, titles, or series categories in the legend.

Formatting Most formatting options, including elements, layout, and style, are preserved when you refresh a PivotChart. However, trend lines, data labels, error bars, and other changes to the data series are not preserved. Standard charts will not be lost this time you apply formatting.

Move or resize elements You cannot move or resize the plot area in a pivot table. symbols, chart or axes titles, although you can choose from several set positions for the legend and you can change the font size of the titles. You can move and resize all of these elements in a regular chart.

After you create a PivotChart report, you can convert it to a regular chart if you prefer. For more information, see Create a PivotTable with data in a worksheet or Create a PivotChart.

Comparing External Data Range Properties and Pivot Table Options

External data ranges and pivot tables have properties that you can use to customize data formatting and layout and data refresh behavior.

External data ranges and pivot tables allow you to change column width, maintain column sorting, filtering, cell formatting, and data layout to update external data.

In an external data range you can also have both the first column of data including row numbers. There are no similar options in the pivot table. See the section for a discussion about adding a unique column to a data source.

When updating a range of external data, you can control the behavior when the number of rows in the range changes by setting one of the following options:

    Add new rows, remove unused cells(default)

    Add new lines, clear empty cells

    Replace existing cells, clear empty cells

When updating a pivot table, it simply transfers to the new data. However, you may be prompted and asked to decide whether to replace the existing cells below the current report.

Data filtering

Filtering data in PivotTable and Range external data is very similar, but there are some differences, including the following:


In a range of external data, you can sort by columns, up to 64, you can select any column as the main sort and you can select other columns as the secondary sort. However, the processes for sorting data in a pivot table and sorting a range of external data are different. Unlike an external data range, a PivotTable can only perform a basic sort on the leftmost column. Other columns perform auxiliary sorting by the column on the left. In other words, you can only perform primary and secondary sorting in order from right to left.

Moreover, if you place a column with unique values ​​as the first column on the left, you can sort only by that column because it creates a primary group for each row. Depending on your needs, you can pre-arrange the data in Excel, and after publishing the workbook in Excel Services, turn off sorting by clearing the checkbox Sorting in the Microsoft Office Excel Web Access web part toolbar.

Using hyperlinks

Unlike external data ranges, active hyperlinks are not supported in PivotTable cells. The hyperlink is treated as text, but it cannot be used to open a web page or document in Excel or Excel Services.

Make two-dimensional, tabular pivot tables

There are a number of actions that are necessary to summarize multidimensional data in a two-dimensional tabular pivot table. For achievement best results perform the following steps in sequence.

Creating a pivot table and connecting it to an external data source

An empty pivot table, using the list of pivot table fields displayed, will be added to Right place you entered.

Adding, marking, and arranging fields in the Row Titles area

Use the Field List to add, mark up, and organize fields. You can also use this list to ensure that all fields are added to the row title area.

    Select a PivotTable.

    Do one or more of the following:

    • To add fields to a report, do one or more of the following:

      • Select the checkbox next to each field name in the field list. Each field is placed in a default area, but these fields can be ordered.

        By default, non-numeric fields are added to the cell title area, numeric fields are added to the value area, and date and time fields are added to the column title area.

        To move a field to the row title area, click right click mouse field name and in context menu select Add to line titles.

        Advice: You can also click and hold the field name to move the field from the Fields area to any area in the layout.

    • To organize fields, click the field name in any area, then choose one of the following commands:

    To remove a field, click the Name field button in one of the layout areas and select Delete field or uncheck the box next to each field name you want to remove in the fields section.

    Advice: You can also click and hold the field name in the layout area and drag the field outside the list of PivotTable fields.

    Note: Unchecking a field area will remove all instances of that field from the report.

Changing PivotTable and Field Options

To ensure that the pivot table is similar to the outer range, do the following:

Changing PivotTable Options

    Select a PivotTable.

    On the tab Options in Group Pivot table click Options.

    A dialog box will open PivotTable Options.

    To automatically adjust the column width after updating, open the tab Layout and format, then in the section Conclusion check the box Automatically change column widths on update.

    To prevent the formatting from changing every time you refresh your data, open the tab Layout and format, then in the section Conclusion check the box Preserve cell formatting on refresh.

    To make sure that using the Filter menu after the update removes unnecessary elements, open the tab Data and in the field Number of items stored per field please indicate Absent.

Changing field settings

    Select a PivotTable.

    To enable new items in the PivotTable with the filter applied, for each field, right-click the cell and select Field Options, open the tab totals and filters and select in the section filtersInclude new elements in filter checkbox.

Change the PivotTable layout as two-dimensional tables

To layout your PivotTable as a two-dimensional table, do the following:

    Select a PivotTable.

    On the tab Constructor in Group Marking click Results, then select Don't show subtotals.

    On the tab Constructor in Group Marking click General results, then select Disable for rows and columns.

    On the tab Constructor in Group Marking click Report Layout, then select Show in tabular form.

    On the tab Options in Group Show or hide click Field names.

Customizing the appearance of a pivot table

Built-in PivotTable styles and style options are designed for multidimensional data, not a two-dimensional table. When in a 2D table, these report rollup styles do not display cell borders, but Line stripes And Alternating Columns checkboxes in a group Pivot Style Sheet Options on the "tab" Constructor" does not affect the format of the cells. However, you can style the PivotTable so that each cell contains cell boundaries, and the PivotTable uses conditional formatting to display alternating rows or columns.

Setting the Pivot Table Style

    Select a PivotTable.

    On the tab Constructor in Group PivotTable Styles select the desired style and follow these steps:

    1. Right-click a visible style, view the gallery, or if you want to see all available styles, click Additionally at the bottom of the scroll bar.

      Click Duplicate.

      A dialog box will appear Change the express style of a pivot table.

      You can also enter a new name in the field Name.

      In field Table element select Entire table and click Format.

      A dialog box will appear Cell Format.

      Open the tab Border and create a cell border.

      Also, open the tabs Fill And Font and make the necessary changes.

      Press the button twice OK.

      Click the button Additionally at the bottom of the scroll bar, then in categories Settings Click the PivotTable style you just created.

Show row or column stripes using conditional formatting


    To create a column strip, enter the following formula:


    To create row and column stripes, enter the following formula:


    Click the button Format to display a dialog box Cell Format.

    Select the number, font, border, or padding format that you want to apply when a value in a cell meets the condition, and then click OK.

    You can select multiple formats. The selected formats are displayed in the field View.