Because the hypervisor is not executed. Microsoft Virtualization Solutions

Hyper-V , native to Windows systems– in its server editions, as well as in some desktop versions and editions – an environment for working with virtual machines and their guests OS does not always work without problems. One of these problems may be a notification that pops up when starting a virtual machine, saying: Hyper-V It cannot be started because some hypervisor is not running.

What is this error and how to fix it.

A window with such an error is a universal interpretation; the reason may lie in several things.

System requirements

If Windows itself does not meet the requirements to run Hyper-V, and not all desktop editions allow you to work with this component; it simply is not activated in the system. But there are still hardware requirements. Their discrepancy may not affect the activation of the hypervisor, but in the future it can cause such an error to appear.

For work Hyper-V necessary:

At least 4 GB RAM;
64-bit processor with support for SLAT and virtualization technology.

BCD storage

The error in question may indicate an incorrect storage data configuration BCD. Component Hyper-V is deeply integrated into Windows and starts before the system kernel starts. If in storage BCD Changes have been made to modify the launch of the hypervisor, they may not be correct. Or launch Hyper-V and was previously deliberately disabled in order to temporarily optimize the use of computer resources. In this case, the configuration BCD in terms of launching the hypervisor, it is necessary to either adjust it or return the default value by setting autorun Hyper-V. To install autorun, open CMD on behalf of administrator (Necessarily) , enter:

bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto

After this we reboot.

AMD Bulldozer

Hyper-V does not work with company processors AMD with architecture Bulldozer.

Virtualization technologies

To ensure the functioning of the virtualization environment through any hypervisor, the processor must be equipped with technology that provides virtualization - Intel Virtualization, or AMD-V. Support for these technologies can be found on the processor specifications page on the websites, respectively, Intel And AMD. And virtualization technology, naturally, should be included in BIOS .

Another important nuance: for processors Intel V BIOS specific technologies must be disabled Intel VT-d And Trusted Execution. The hypervisor built into Windows is not friendly with them. This is what the settings should look like BIOS to work with Hyper-V: Virtualization technology is enabled and specific technologies are disabled.

Hyper-V is an example of a server virtualization technology. This means that Hyper-V allows you to virtualize your entire computer by running multiple operating systems(usually server-based) on one physical computer (usually with server-class equipment). Each guest operating system thinks (if operating systems can think) that it owns the computer and has the exclusive right to use its hardware resources (or any other set of computer resources to which the virtual machine has access). Thus, each operating system runs in a separate virtual machine, with all virtual machines running on the same physical computer. In a standard non-virtualized environment, a computer can only run one operating system. Hyper-V technology gives your computer this ability. Before looking at how Hyper-V technology works, we need to understand the general operating principles virtual machines.

General information about virtual machines

A virtual machine is a computing environment implemented in software that allocates the hardware resources of a physical computer in such a way as to provide the ability to run multiple operating systems on one computer. Each operating system runs in its own virtual machine and has dedicated logical processor instances, hard drives, network cards and other computer hardware resources. An operating system running in a virtual machine has no knowledge that it is running in a virtual environment and behaves as if it had full control of the computer's hardware. Implementing virtual machines in the manner described above means that server virtualization must be implemented in accordance with the following requirements:

  • Control Interfaces
    Server virtualization requires management interfaces that allow administrators to create, configure, and control virtual machines running on a computer. These interfaces must also support software administration and operate over a network, providing remote control virtual machines.
  • Memory management
    Server virtualization requires a memory manager to ensure that all virtual machines receive allocated and isolated memory resources.
  • Planning Tool
    Server virtualization requires a scheduling tool to control virtual machines' access to physical resources. The scheduling tool must be configurable by the administrator and be able to assign different priority levels to equipment.
  • State machine
    Server virtualization requires a state machine that monitors information about the current state of all virtual machines on the computer. Virtual machine state information includes information about the CPU, memory, devices, and the state of the virtual machine (running or stopped). The state machine must also support managing transitions between different states
  • Storage and networking
    Server virtualization requires the ability to provision storage resources and network resources on the computer, which allows you to give each virtual machine separate access to hard drives and network interfaces. In addition, when virtualizing computers, it is also necessary to be able to simultaneously access several machines physical devices while maintaining consistency, isolation and security.
  • Virtualized devices
    Server virtualization requires virtualized devices that provide those running on virtual machines Operating systems provide logical representations of devices that do not differ in behavior from their physical counterparts. In other words, when the OS accesses a physical computer device from a virtual machine, the corresponding virtualized device is accessed in a manner identical to the process of accessing a physical device.
  • Virtual device drivers
    To virtualize a server, you must install virtual device drivers in the operating systems running on virtual machines. Virtual device drivers provide applications with access to virtual representations of hardware and I/O connections in the same way as physical hardware.
We'll see below that Microsoft's Hyper-V server virtualization solution meets all of these requirements, but first we'll look at the core software component that enables server virtualization, the hypervisor.

Understanding the Shell

Hypervisor is a virtualization platform that allows multiple operating systems to run on a single physical computer - the host computer. The primary function of the hypervisor is to create isolated execution environments for all virtual machines and to manage the interaction between the guest operating system on the virtual machine and the underlying hardware resources of the physical computer. The term hypervisor was coined in 1972 when IBM updated the management software for the System/370 computing platform to support virtualization. The creation of the hypervisor was a new milestone in the evolution of computing technology, as it made it possible to overcome architectural limitations and reduce the cost of using mainframe computers. Low-level shells are different. For example, they differ in type - i.e. by whether they run on physical hardware or are hosted in an operating system environment. Shells can also be divided by design: monolithic or microcore.

Type 1 shell

Type 1 shells run directly on the underlying physical hardware of host computers and act as control programs. In other words, they are executed “on hardware”. In this case, the guest operating systems run on multiple virtual machines located above the hypervisor layer (see Figure 1).

Because type 1 hypervisors run directly on the hardware rather than in the OS environment, they typically provide optimal performance, availability, and security compared to other types. Type 1 hypervisors are also implemented in the following server virtualization products:

  • Microsoft Hyper-V
  • Citrix XenServer
  • VMware ESX Server

Type 2 shell

Type 2 shells run in an OS environment running on the host computer. In this case, guest operating systems run on virtual machines above a hypervisor (see Figure 2). This type of virtualization is usually called hosted virtualization. Comparing Figure 2 with Figure 1 reveals that guest operating systems running in virtual machines on Type 2 hypervisor platforms are separated from the underlying hardware by another layer. Having an extra layer between virtual machines and hardware causes performance degradation on Type 2 shell platforms and limits the number of virtual machines that can be run in practice. Type 2 hypervisors are also implemented in the following server virtualization products:

  • Microsoft Virtual Server
  • VMware Server
In a desktop virtualization product Microsoft systems Virtual PC also uses a Type 2 hypervisor architecture.

Monolithic low-level shells

A monolithic shell architecture involves device drivers that support, reside in, and are controlled by the shell (see Figure 3).

Monolithic architecture has both advantages and some disadvantages. For example, monolithic hypervisors do not require a host (parent) operating system because all guests communicate directly with the underlying computer hardware using device drivers. This is one of the advantages of monolithic architecture. On the other hand, the fact that drivers must be designed specifically for the hypervisor presents significant difficulties, since there are different types of motherboards, storage controllers, network adapters and other equipment on the market. As a result, manufacturers of monolithic hypervisor platforms need to work closely with hardware manufacturers to ensure that drivers for these devices support hypervisor. Additionally, this makes casing manufacturers dependent on OEMs to supply necessary drivers for your products. Thus, the range of devices that can be used in virtualized operating systems on monolithic low-level shell platforms is significantly narrower compared to the situation of running the same operating systems on physical computers. An important feature of this architecture is that it ignores one of the most important security principles - the need for defense in depth. With defense in depth, several lines of defense are created. In this model, there is no defense in depth, since everything is done in the most privileged part of the system. An example of a server virtualization product that uses a monolithic hypervisor architecture is VMware ESX Server.

Microkernel shells

Microkernel low-level shells do not require special drivers, since the operating system acts as the main (parent) partition. Such a partition provides the runtime environment necessary for device drivers to access the underlying physical hardware of the host computer. Partitions will be discussed later, but for now imagine that the term “partition” is equivalent to a virtual machine. On microkernel hypervisor platforms, device driver installation is required only for physical devices running on the parent partition. Installation of these drivers on guest operating systems is not required because guest operating systems only need to access the parent partition to access the host computer's physical hardware. In other words, microkernel architecture does not allow guest operating systems to directly access the underlying hardware. Physical devices can only be accessed by interacting with the parent partition. Figure 4 shows the microkernel architecture of the hypervisor in more detail.

Microkernel architecture has several advantages over monolithic architecture. First, the absence of the need for special drivers allows the use of a wide range of existing drivers provided by the manufacturer. Second, device drivers are not included in the shell, so it creates less load, is smaller, and is more resilient. Third, and most importantly, the potential attack surface is minimized because no foreign code is loaded into the shell (device drivers are created third party companies, and are therefore considered foreign code from the shell developer's point of view). Agree that malicious software penetrating the shell and establishing control over all virtual operating systems of the computer is the last thing you would like to experience. The only drawback of the microkernel design is the need for a special parent partition. This increases the load on the system (although it is usually minimal) since child partitions' access to hardware requires them to interact with the parent partition. A significant advantage of the microkernel architecture of Hyper-V is the provision of defense in depth. Hyper-V technology allows you to reduce code execution in the hypervisor to a minimum and transfer large quantity functions up the stack (for example, state machine and control interfaces that are executed higher up the stack in user mode). What is an example of a server virtualization platform with microkernel architecture? Undoubtedly, this is Microsoft Hyper-V, in the parent partition of which the Windows Server 2008 or later.

Key Features of Hyper-V

Below are some of the main features of the original version Microsoft platforms Hyper-V:

  • Support for various OS
    Hyper-V supports concurrent execution various types OS, including 32-bit and 64-bit OS on various server platforms (for example, Windows, Linux, etc.).
  • Extensibility
    Hyper-V technology has standard interfaces tools Windows management(WMI) and programming APIs that enable independent software vendors and developers to quickly create custom tools and extensions for the virtualization platform.
  • Network Load Balancing
    Hyper-V provides virtual switching capabilities that enable the use of Windows Network Load Balancing to balance the load across virtual machines from different servers.
  • Microkernel architecture
    Hyper-V has a 64-bit microkernel hypervisor architecture that allows the platform to provide various methods device support, additional performance and security.
  • Hardware virtualization
    Hyper-V requires the use of Intel-VT or AMD-V hardware virtualization technologies.
  • Hardware Sharing Architecture
    Hyper-V uses a virtualization service provider (VSP) and virtualization service client (VSC) architecture that provides enhanced access and utilization of hardware resources (such as disk, network, and video).
  • Fast migration
    Hyper-V allows you to move a running virtual machine from one physical host computer to another with minimal latency. This is done using the highly available management tools of Windows Server 2008 and System Center.
  • Scalability
    Hyper-V supports multiple processors and cores at the host level, as well as advanced memory access at the virtual machine level. This support provides scalability for virtualization environments to host large quantity virtual machines on one node. However, fast migration capabilities also allow you to scale across multiple nodes.
  • Support for symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) architecture
    Hyper-V supports up to four processors in a virtual machine environment for running multi-threaded applications in a virtual machine.

  • Hyper-V provides the ability to take snapshots of running virtual machines to quickly roll back to a previous state, streamlining backup and recovery solutions.
All of these features are discussed in detail in this review, but the most interesting are the features added to Hyper-V in R2. These functions are described below.

What's New in Hyper-V R2

IN Windows versions Server 2008 R2 added new features to the Hyper-V role. They improve the flexibility, performance, and scalability of Hyper-V. Let's look at them in more detail.

Increased flexibility

Hyper-V R2 includes the following new features that increase the flexibility of deploying and maintaining a server virtualization infrastructure:

  • Live Migration
    Hyper-V R2 includes a live migration feature that allows you to move a virtual machine from one Hyper-V server to another without interruption network connection, no downtime for the user and no interruption of service. Moving only results in a decrease in performance for a few seconds. Live migration helps ensure high availability of servers and applications running on clustered Hyper-V servers in a virtualized data center environment. Live migration also simplifies the process of upgrading and maintaining host hardware, and provides new capabilities such as the ability to balance network loads for maximum power efficiency or optimal processor utilization. Live migration is described in detail below in the Working with Live Migration section.
  • Cluster Shared Volumes
    Cluster Shared Volumes are new feature Windows Server 2008 R2 failover cluster systems. It provides a single and consistent file namespace that allows all cluster nodes to access the same storage device. The use of Cluster Shared Volumes is highly recommended for live migration and is described below in the Working with Live Migration section.
  • Support for hot adding and removing storage media
    The R2 version of Hyper-V allows you to add or remove virtual hard disks and passthrough disks on a running virtual machine without shutting down or restarting it. This allows you to adjust the entire storage space used by the virtual machine as your workload changes without downtime. In addition, it provides new opportunities Reserve copy V Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft Exchange Server and in data centers. To use this feature, virtual and passthrough disks must be attached to the virtual machine using a virtual SCSI controller. For more information about adding SCSI controllers to virtual machines, see the "Managing Virtual Machines" section below.
  • Processor Compatibility Mode
    The new processor compatibility mode, available in Hyper-V R2, allows you to migrate a virtual machine from one host computer to another if their processor architecture matches (AMD or Intel). This makes it easier to upgrade your Hyper-V host infrastructure by making it easier to migrate virtual machines from computers with older hardware to computers with newer hardware. In addition, it also provides flexibility for migrating virtual machines between cluster nodes. For example, processor compatibility mode can be used to migrate virtual machines from a host Intel Core 2 per node Intel Pentium 4 or from an AMD Opteron node to an AMD Athlon node. Please note that processor compatibility mode allows you to migrate virtual machines only if the processor architecture of the nodes matches. In other words, AMD-AMD and Intel-Intel migration are supported. Migrate virtual machines from a host computer of the same architecture to main computer other architecture is not supported. In other words, AMD-Intel and Intel-AMD migrations are not supported. For more information about processor compatibility mode and how to configure it, see the sidebar “How it works. processor compatibility mode."

Improved performance

Hyper-V R2 contains the following new features that can improve the performance of your server virtualization infrastructure:

  1. Supports up to 384 concurrent virtual machines and up to 512 virtual processors per server
    With the right hardware, Hyper-V R2 servers can be used to achieve previously unattainable levels of server consolidation. For example, on one Hyper-V host computer you can host:
    • 384 virtual machines with one processor (significantly less than the limit of 512 virtual processors)
    • 256 virtual machines with two processors (total 512 virtual processors)
    • 128 virtual machines with four processors (512 virtual processors total)

    You can also run any combination of single-core, dual-core, and quad-core processors, as long as the total number of virtual machines does not exceed 384 and the total number of virtual processors allocated to virtual machines does not exceed 512. These capabilities allow Hyper-V R2 to provide the highest densities available on the market virtual machines on this moment. By comparison, the previous version of Hyper-V in Windows Server 2008 SP2 only supported up to 24 logical processors and up to 192 virtual machines. Note that when using failover clusters, Hyper-V R2 supports up to 64 virtual machines per cluster node.

  2. Second Level Address Translation (SLAT) support
    In Hyper-V R2, the processor handles address translations in virtual machines rather than in Hyper-V code, which programmatically performs table mappings. Thus, SLAT technology creates a second level of pages under the page tables of the x86/x64 architecture of x86/x64 processors due to a layer of indirect access from access to virtual machine memory to access to physical memory.
  3. When used with the right processors (such as Intel processors with extended EPT page tables starting with the i7 generation, or the latest AMD processors with nested NPT page tables), Hyper-V R2 significantly improves system performance in many cases. The performance improvements are due to improvements in memory management technology and a reduction in the number of memory copies required to use these processor features. Performance improves especially when working with large data sets (for example, Microsoft SQL Server). Memory usage for the Microsoft Hypervisor hypervisor can be reduced from 5 percent to 1 percent of total physical memory. Thus, more memory will be available to child partitions, which allows you to achieve high degree consolidation.

  4. V.M. Chimney
    This feature allows TCP/IP traffic for a virtual machine to be forwarded to the host computer's physical network adapter. For this purpose physical network adapter and the OS must support the TCP Chimney offload feature, which will improve virtual machine performance by reducing the CPU load on logical processors. TCP Chimney offload support Microsoft Windows appeared in versions
  5. Please note that not all applications may use this feature. In particular, applications that use pre-allocated buffers and long-lasting connections with large data transfer volumes will benefit from greatest benefits from enabling this feature. Additionally, be aware that physical network adapters that support TCP Chimney offloading can handle a limited number of offloaded connections that are shared by all virtual machines on the host.

  6. Virtual Machine Queue (VMQ) support
    Hyper-V R2 provides support for virtual machine device queues (VMDq) - Intel Virtualization Technology For Connectivity. VMQ transfers the task of sorting virtual machine data traffic from the Virtual Machine Manager to the Network Controller. This allows a single physical NIC to appear as multiple NICs (queues) in the guest, optimizing CPU usage and allowing for higher throughput network, and also provides improved capabilities for managing virtual machine traffic. The host computer then does not store direct memory access (DMA) data from the devices in its own buffer, since the network adapter can use this access to route packets to the virtual machine's memory. Reducing the I/O path provides improved performance. For more information about VMDq queue, see the Intel website at
  7. · Large frame size support
    Jumbo frames are Ethernet frames containing more than 1500 bytes of payload. Large frame sizes were previously available in non-virtual environments. Hyper-V R2 provides the ability to run them in virtual machines and supports frames up to 9014 bytes in size (if supported by the underlying physical network).

This results in increased network throughput and reduced CPU usage when transferring large files.

Increased scalability

Hyper-V R2 includes the following new features that improve the scalability of your server virtualization infrastructure:

  • Supports up to 64 logical processors in the main processor pool
    The number of logical processors supported in this version of Hyper-V is quadrupled compared to old version Hyper-V. This allows enterprises to leverage the latest large, scalable server systems to maximize the benefits of consolidating existing workloads. In addition, the use of such server systems makes it easier to provide multiple processors for each virtual machine. Hyper-V supports up to four logical virtual processors per virtual machine.
  • Core parking support
    The core parking feature allows Windows and Hyper-V to consolidate data processing onto a minimum number of processor cores. To do this, inactive processor cores are suspended by placing them in state C (the "parked" state). This allows you to schedule virtual machines on a single node rather than distributing them across multiple nodes. This has the benefit of moving closer to a green computing model by reducing the amount of power required by the CPU of data center nodes.

Comparison of Hyper-V and Virtual Server

The power of Hyper-V has already led to it replacing Microsoft Virtual Server in many organizations that previously relied on Virtual Server for server consolidation, business continuity, testing, and development. At the same time, Virtual Server can still find application in corporate virtualization infrastructure. Table 1 compares some of the features and technical data between Hyper-V and Virtual Server.

Table 1. Comparison of components and technical characteristics Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1 and Hyper-V R2

Component or technical data

Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1


Virtualization type

Hosted Systems

Based on hypervisor

Performance and Scalability

32-bit virtual machines

64-bit virtual machines

32-bit nodes

64-bit nodes

Virtual machines with multiple processors

Maximum guest RAM per virtual machine

Maximum amount guest CPUs per virtual machine

Maximum RAM node

Maximum number of running virtual machines

Resource management


Guest failover

Failover of host computers

Node migration

Virtual Machine Snapshots


Possibility of expansion and control via scripts

User interface

Web interface

MMC interface 3 0

SCVMM integration

More Information For more information about Virtual Server features and how to download it, go to For information about migrating virtual machines from Virtual Server to Hyper-V, see the "Virtual Machine Migration Guide: How To Migrate from Virtual Server to Hyper-V" in the TechNet Library at -us/library/dd296684.aspx .


I built a home computer about 4 years ago that suited all my needs. I decided to save money on the processor - I took amd. There are no questions about the computer.

Then I started developing for Android and then a surprise awaited me! The emulator only ran on intel processor. It could be launched without hardware virtualization, of course, using this advice, but anyone who has used it knows that the emulator can take a very long time to start. With 12GB it took me up to 10 minutes. This may of course be due to the built-in video card.

Basics workplace I had it in the office, so I was especially worried and tested it at home real devices. But a couple of months ago the emulator became needed. The first thought was, of course, to buy an Intel processor. But I had to buy more motherboard and a video card. Most likely, I would have done so if I had not come across the updated system requirements. The requirements say that the emulator can still be run on Windows 10 (with updates after April 2018) using WHPX technology.

Now the main part of the story is how to do this. Everything turned out to be not so trivial. I apologize in advance for any omissions, because I can’t call myself an expert in either hardware or Windows.


After all the updates, the emulator naturally did not start. AndroidStudio tried to launch the emulator using HAXM and threw the error “Emulator: emulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration!”.

Must support to work with hardware virtualization.

3. Remove HAXM:

4. Enable virtualization mode in bios. It may be called IOMMU there, not VT.

5. Download bios updates from the official website. For my asus, for example, they were .

The Bios version should be something around 3001:

7. Go to the Microsoft website and study the instructions for enabling the component.

8. You need to check the Hyper-V requirements. For this purpose in command line type systeminfo. We check that these values ​​are displayed:

Instead, I had this message:

The official website says that until Yes-Yes-Yes-Yes is displayed, the WHPX system will not work. For me, the emulator starts with the low-level shell enabled.

In the Russian translation the names are slightly different:

By the way, after disabling the “Windows Shell Platform” component, “hyper-v requirements” become Yes-Yes-Yes-Yes. I didn't understand this moment. If anyone knows, write in the comments.

10. Determine whether we need all this? Or it would have been easier to buy Intel)

After these settings everything should work:

I would like to note that using WHPX technology and amd processor, starting the emulator takes about the same time as on an intel processor. Considering that the rest of the hardware is comparable in its parameters.

In this article I will describe only those errors that I encountered personally encountered during the installation process and Hyper-V settings Server 2012. You can read about other errors and ways to solve them on the Microsoft website (for example, or, unfortunately, only in English).

Errors during the installation process.

IN.: At the final stage of installing Hyper-V Server 2012, or rather after the last reboot, the system does not boot - a black screen, no response to key presses, only helps hard reset, loading in Safe mode is possible.
P.: The OS does not support or is not compatible with USB 3.0 drivers.
R.: Disable USB 3.0 Controller and all associated devices in the BIOS.

IN.: At the final stage of installing Hyper-V Server 2012, or rather after the last reboot, the system does not boot - a black screen, no response to key presses, only a hard reset helps, booting into Safe mode is impossible.
R.: Try the solution suggested by the author of this article.

Errors during setup and use.

IN.: The network adapter is not displayed in the Hyper-V Server Configuration console (step 8).
P.: 1) The cable is not inserted into the network adapter;
2) Problems with active (switch, router, etc.) or passive (cables, sockets, patch panel, etc.) network equipment.
R.: 1) Insert the cable;
2) Check the functionality of the network equipment.

IN.: When you try to execute a command in the console like netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=“ ” new enable=yes the error message “Group cannot be specified with other identification conditions” appears.
P.: Commands were inserted into the console using the copy-paste method.
R.: Type the commands by hand or simply erase and rewrite the quotes.

IN.: Hyper-V Manager displays the error message "Access denied. Unable to establish communication between And " (Access is denied. A connection cannot be established between And ).
P.: The user is not granted remote launch and activation rights in DCOM.
R.: All manipulations are performed on the client computer:
1) Launch the Component Services snap-in with full administrator rights. To do this, you can, for example, run the program %SystemRoot%\System32\dcomcnfg.exe.
2) In the console tree, expand the “Component Services” and “Computers” nodes.
3) From the context menu of the My Computer object, select Properties.
4) In the My Computer Properties window, select the COM Security tab.
5) In the Access Permissons section, click the Edit Limits button.
6) In the Access Permissions dialog box, select ANONYMOUS LOGON from the Group or user names list.
In the Allow column of the Permissions for User section, select Remote Access.
7) Close all dialog boxes with the OK button.

IN.: Hyper-V Manager displays the error message "Unable to connect to the RPC service on the remote computer ''. Make sure the RPC service is running."

P.: 1) The necessary rules have not been created in the firewall.
2) The hosts file does not have a clear correspondence between the computer’s IP and its network name.

R.: 1) There are 2 possible ways to solve the problem:

a) Disable the firewall on the client and server (not recommended).
b) Create rules in the firewall on the client and server by entering the following commands:
For remote disk management:
Netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=“Remote Volume Management” new enable=yes
To remotely launch the firewall management snap-in:
Netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=“Windows Firewall Remote Management” new enable=yes
2) To unambiguously link the server name and IP address, you need to make changes to the hosts file. For example: HVserver

IN.: Hyper-V Manager displays the error message "The virtual machine could not be started because the hypervisor is not running." (The virtual machine cannot start because the hypervisor is not running.)

P.: There are various possible reasons for this error.

With the advent of virtualization support in new operating systems from Microsoft, even client Windows 7, 8 and 10, the proprietary Hyper-V service has ceased to be the lot of system administrators in mid-level companies. Hyper-V may well replace the popular VirtualBox from Oracle in the entry-level (client-level) virtualization field. However, before installing this service, you need to check that the system requirements are met, otherwise you may receive the following message: “The virtual machine cannot be started because the hypervisor is not running.” What you should pay attention to when choosing hardware for virtualization. Is it possible to somehow save the situation if the hardware has already been purchased? Let's look at this in this post.
So, you have Hyper-V deployed on a Windows 2008 Server and when you try to start a virtual machine, you get a window

Don’t despair; perhaps the situation can still be saved. It should be noted that the OS must be 64-bit, but of course on x32 you would not be able to deploy Hyper-V at all. The first thing you need to do is check that the corresponding items are enabled in the BIOS - enable VT and AMD-V. Next, you need to make sure that your processor supports virtualization; checking tools for Intel and AMD platforms are described as one of them. (in the picture below).

A utility from Mark Russinovich can also help in determining this.

Another common problem is the inability to run virtual machines from Windows 2008 R2 on processors that support Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX) technology. This OS does not natively support AVX, however, a fix may help you in this situation