Smart mini tariff plan. Who is the Smart Mini tariff suitable for? Connecting to the “Smart mini” tariff on MTS

How to switch to Smart Mini on MTS? This question arises for many users. It is worth understanding the main features of the proposal and providing as much information as possible for further study.

There are differences in price. Users are looking for a program for 200 rubles, others for 100. This is due to the following factors:

  • The tariff plan has been updated. The company changed its conditions and cost.
  • Settings may vary depending on region.

Therefore, it is worth studying the current conditions for your subject. Usually they can be found on the operator’s website in a special section with current offers.


What conditions apply to the tariff? Let's study the latest version of the program from the operator:

  1. The subscription fee is 100 rubles per month.
  2. Unlimited inside home network.
  3. Issued 100 minutes for other operators.
  4. You receive 50 SMS.
  5. 1 GB of traffic is provided.
  6. The cost of calls to numbers of other operators after the end of the package is 1.5 rubles.

The advantage is a significant number of free minutes and unlimited access to your home network. The operator is quite common in this moment. If you actively call MTS numbers, then such a program will be an excellent solution.

For many, the disadvantage will be the small amount of traffic.

With monthly use, 1 GB is only enough to view email and occasionally visit social networks.

Even in this scenario, there is a high probability that the package will end earlier.

Is it worth using the tariff? It all depends on your needs. If there are enough packages offered, then it will become good decision. For 100 rubles, a client gets unlimited access to his home network, 100 minutes and 1 GB of traffic, which is quite good.

How to study the balance of packages?

How much traffic, minutes or SMS is left per month? You can check this data in the following ways:

  • Using the command *100*1#. Enter your request and wait for a response.
  • Log in to your personal account. The personal account contains all the information you need, including package balances.
  • You can use the “My MTS” application. The program allows you to manage your account and quickly obtain the data of interest. It acts as an analogue of a personal account.

How to switch to the Smart Mini MTS tariff for 200 rubles per month

Attention! In many regions the tariff is officially closed!

The company constantly updates its offers. Individual programs become archival. This means that they are completely closed for connection. There is no way you can access them.

This also happened with the Smart Mini tariff. The company decided that this option was outdated. Therefore, it moved to the archive, and Smart was created as a replacement.

Everyone who used the pricing plan can keep it for now. But what happens next?

  1. The company may adjust the conditions for the archive tariff.
  2. The offer risks becoming not as attractive as before.
  3. Archival programs close after 5-7 years, when there are a minimum number of users left.

How to switch to the MTS Smart Mini tariff? You won't be able to do this. All archived programs are completely closed for connecting new users. Smart Mini is saved only for people who managed to join it.

Don’t look for ways to connect to the archive tariff, there simply aren’t any. But if you study the information, you will find on the Internet Special offers to join the program.

Don't believe in such promises. These are most likely fraudulent schemes.

The person will lose money and receive nothing in return. Be very careful and use only official connection methods from your operator.

How to switch to the tariff in regions where it is still available?

Smart Mini operates in some regions of the country. If your subject is on the list, you can connect. How can I clarify this fact? Go to the MTS website and study the list of tariffs. If Smart Mini is on the list, then the transition can be performed in several ways:

  • Request to number *111*1023#.
  • Call the call center operator.
  • Use your personal account.
  • Through the program.

It's easier to use the activation application. You need to download the program from the official store. Then go into it and open the tab with tariffs. Find a suitable option among them and connect immediately.

Not all subscribers who use mobile communications focus on using Internet traffic. Especially for those users who do not want to overpay for excess Internet volumes, the Smart Mini MTS tariff was created, which is perfect for people who want to use mobile communications at an affordable cost.

First of all, switching to this tariff plan will be beneficial for schoolchildren and students, as well as people who use the Internet only to view pages and documents online. Would you like to learn more about how to connect Smart Mini to MTS and what the cost is? mobile communications at this rate?

Detailed description of the MTS Smart Mini tariff

For just 200 rubles a month, MTS subscribers get the opportunity to use packages of free minutes and SMS messages, as well as high-speed Internet access. The MTS Smart Mini tariff plan has the following basic characteristics:

After using up the free packages of minutes and SMS, as well as for calls and SMS outside the provided packages, the following prices apply:

The price of one SMS message for sending within the home region on the tariff MTS Smart Mini after using up the free package - 1 ruble. The free package does not apply to numbers from other regions of the Russian Federation and SMS costs RUB 3.80. Sending SMS to the numbers of subscribers of international operators – 5.25 rubles.

If there is a need to check the remaining minutes and SMS, this can be done by sending the command *100*1# from your phone. You can find out the amount of available Internet traffic on the website or by requesting *217#.

Internet on MTS Smart Mini tariff

With this tariff plan, only 500 MB is initially available - a volume sufficient for comfortable Internet surfing. However, this will not be enough to view multimedia content. You can disable the MTS Smart Mini tariff and change it to a tariff plan with a large volume of traffic, but this takes a long time and is not so profitable if the other characteristics of the tariff suit you.

The best option is to use the “Additional” option Internet Smart”, which automatically connects 500 MB packages costing 75 rubles each. In one month you can activate up to 15 packages inclusive. The option is enabled initially on the Smart Mini tariff; you can disable and enable it again by sending the command *111*936#.

Tariff plan MTS “Smart Mini” allows subscribers to use the “Turbo Button” options for 500 MB, 2 GB and 5 GB - they provide the specified traffic volumes for 30 days. In addition, you can activate an additional 1 GB package for 120 rubles on a monthly basis.

How to connect to the smart Mini MTS tariff?

The cost of switching to the tariff is 0 rubles. Before connecting the Smart Mini tariff to MTS, make sure that there is enough balance on your phone to make the first payment - 220 rubles. You can switch to the tariff in one of the following ways:

  • Send a short command *111*1023# from your phone.
  • Contact an employee at one of the offices with a request to connect to the tariff plan.

You can also purchase a new SIM card with a connected “Smart Mini” tariff or connect “Smart Mini” to MTS through your personal account on the official MTS website - it’s easy and won’t take much time. There you can also view a detailed description of the tariff plan.

Do you need to disable MTS Smart Mini? To do this, you should change the tariff to another more suitable one - for example, to basic tariff no monthly fee.

Is a series of “Smart” tariffs
designed for active smartphone users who regularly
going online using mobile internet. The article will talk about
MTS "Smart Mini" tariff. Initially, this tariff was advertised as very
beneficial for every novice user and ideal for
subscribers who are inactive on the Internet. However, everything is not as simple as
the operator reports, since the available services and facilities will be able to pass for
useful only at the beginning of using the tariff plan, and then it happens
detection of many pitfalls. Problems arise when
use "free" traffic, and during conversations. Further
a description of the tariff plan, its main advantages and

MTS Smart mini Tariff description

Subscription fee for MTS Smart mini

Starting from May 15, 2014, there is a single price for the tariff plan in
200 rubles monthly (the first two months of work), and then it happens
increase to 250 rubles. If the subscriber continues to use Smart
Mini" as of May 15, 2014, then the service "Everywhere at home Smart"
is completely free for him in the first two months, and then
is charged at 50 rubles monthly. Further increase occurs
only in the 13th month, after which you will need to pay 100 rubles

Thus, if the subscriber is unaware of the full functionality of this tariff
he needs to pay 400 rubles for the first two months, and from the third
until the end of the year of operation - 300 rubles, after which
stable payment of 350 rubles monthly. And it's worth saying
that the negativity regarding prices does not end there.

Mobile Internet on MTS Smart mini

The uniqueness of the system for providing mobile Internet traffic inside
tariff plan is that in the first two months of the subscription
the board covers 1 GB, but after two months this volume will decrease by
50% (up to 500 MB). Unlike other tariffs based on work with
mobile Internet, when the provided traffic is exhausted,
not a decrease in connection speed, but complete shutdown services. At
If you want to continue working, you must activate the “Turbo button” service
or actually buy additional volume at a price of 75 rubles for 500 MB
or 200 rubles for 2 GB. To make matters worse, the tariff plan is not designed for
work with GPRS packages.

And at this point the negative aspects are not over, since it is important
moment in working with the provided traffic is what exactly
The device is used while connected to the mobile Internet. All
depends on the newness of the device, but the developers of the tariff plan clearly do not
thought about taking care of the comfort of subscribers with the latest devices on
iOS and Android platforms. Statistics show that such devices
require up to 1 GB of traffic monthly and these are just averages.
Accordingly, more active users will activate “Turbo
buttons” with regular consistency and replenish the budget of the mobile operator.

Tariffication of calls on MTS Smart mini

Telephone conversations are perhaps one of the positive aspects of the tariff
plan, since no fees are charged in the home region, and
calls within the territory Russian Federation will cost the subscriber 1.5 rubles
in a minute. It is also worth saying that from 03/06/2014, when changing
tariff, an existing subscriber to “Smart Mini” is provided with a bonus of
in the form of a free month of work.

“Everywhere is like home Smart”

This connected service reminds all “old-timers” of cellular
operator MTS about a similar service - “Neighboring Regions”. It would seem that,
what is the additional fee for calling within one country?
already a relic of the past, but that was not the case. The subscriber must already
the third month of using “Smart Mini” should be posted in addition to
subscription fee 100 rubles. The catch is that
the prices for activating this service do not please the user. Having left for
borders of the “home” region, the subscriber will call home for 8.89 rubles per
minute of conversation, and communication with numbers of other Russian operators will be
costs 15 rubles every minute. Thus, due to the huge
payments by subscribers who have connected “Smart Everywhere at Home” are formed
low rates for calls within the “home” region. Also
connection “Everywhere is like home Smart” allows you to access the network throughout
country. After all of the above, it's time to form
advantages and disadvantages of this tariff.

The main advantages of the MTS Smart mini tariff

Despite all the negativity of the above, a comparison of “Smart Mini” and
popular " Super MTS» allows us to say that some advantages
of the described tariff are available. But these advantages immediately kill any
hope for a bright future for subscribers who have connected “Smart mini”. Rate
"Super MTS" is a guiding star for sociable subscribers,
since 60 free minutes are provided daily for communication on
territory of the “home” region and even for calls to some city
telephones. A replenishment of 300 rubles will provide the user with
free calls throughout Russia. But the prices for the rest
directions are 2.5 rubles per minute, which is higher than those offered in
"Smart Mini" prices.

As for mobile Internet, Super MTS offers 50 MB
to each subscriber daily, and if the traffic ends, then
it just reduces the access speed. Thus from comparison
main characteristics, we can safely say that the advantages of “Smart
Mini" can only be traced by a person not burdened with the issue of costs,
who doesn’t care exactly what amount he spends on payment
mobile internet and communications.

Disadvantages of the MTS Smart mini tariff

All the negative aspects of tariffing and provision of services are described above,
but there is also a problem at the stage of connecting to the “Smart Mini”. First
the queue kills any hope for the honesty of the subscriber’s work and
mobile operator that the user agreements when connecting
“Smart Mini” is crammed with the same “pitfalls” that
was said at the very beginning. The MTS company easily bypasses
legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the need to allocate
for the client, all notes and footnotes so that they are
readable. Now, instead of asterisks and small font, a new one has been invented
"Laz": dim grey colour note text on dazzling white
screen, making it almost unreadable.

To study in detail the information about the tariff plan on the website
mobile operator MTS must be carefully followed
all pages of the portal and “unearth” the corresponding PDF file. On
on the surface, only a motley message about bonuses, promotions and
The positive aspects of the tariff are advertising. By opening a particular link in
beautiful description of the tariff plan, the user will come across
abracadabra of complex terms and various monetary amounts.

Bottom line

It is strongly recommended that all users remember the saying: “Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap!”. Study everything carefully
documentation related to the operation of any tariff plan and
exploitation of any paid and, more importantly, so-called
"free" services. We wish you good luck, be careful and don't become
victim of legal scammers!

The leading operator MTS has recently often released tariff plans that are narrowly targeted at a specific consumer. The well-known MTS Smart tariff plan was developed by the operator for use in smartphones and managed to become popular. However, the proposal did not take into account all the needs of modern subscribers. Therefore, the operator released new tariff- “Smart Mini”.

Description of the tariff plan

Today there are four tariffs that are included in the “Smart” line developed by MTS. Smart mini is the most “basic”, as it is available due to the lowest cost.

The tariff plan requires a monthly subscription fee. Which means that the user is obliged to pay the company 400 rubles every month. After payment, he receives a special package of services. It includes minutes for outgoing calls and a mobile Internet package.

Among the advantages that the MTS operator offers to subscribers today, it is worth noting the allocated traffic in the amount of 1 GB per month and the availability of free minutes to MTS operator numbers in other regions of Russia as part of the included in subscription fee package. You can buy an MTS smart mini tariff at official points of sale, including in our online store. Among other things, you can choose a beautiful phone number that will express and highlight the individuality of the owner.

MTS Smart mini basic tariff

Tariff from federal number and direct code 495 for the Moscow city number was created specifically for smartphones. The subscription fee includes monthly: 350 minutes of outgoing calls to any numbers in Moscow and the region, as well as 350 minutes of outgoing calls to other regions of Russia to MTS numbers. When you are in Moscow and the Moscow region, all incoming calls are free; when traveling around Russia, when you are in intranet roaming, incoming calls are free when you activate the “Everywhere, like at home Smart” option.

Conversations with other cellular and fixed-line operators are charged separately. Calls within your home region are charged at a rate of 1.50 rubles per minute, and calls to subscribers in other regions of the Russian Federation - 10 rubles per minute. The MTS Smart mini tariff plan includes free 350 SMS, which can be used to numbers in your region. The cost of a message sent to numbers of other networks throughout the country is 3.8 rubles.

Mobile Internet and roaming

The MTS Smart mini tariff allows subscribers to use mobile Internet. This service is already included in the subscription fee. The subscriber is provided with 1 GB of Internet traffic monthly, intended for use in the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region. In other regions of Russia, it is recommended to activate the “Everywhere, like at home Smart” option to use basic package mobile Internet outside the Moscow region. If the 2 GB limit is exceeded, the subscriber is automatically connected to an additional Internet traffic package in the amount of 300 MB for 30 rubles. To refuse automatic traffic replenishment, you must enter the command *111*936#.

The MTS “Smart mini” tariff is the youngest of the “Smart” line. It has minimal volumes of calls, traffic and SMS. The low monthly fee makes “Smart mini” one of the popular TPs among MTS clients. Let us consider in detail the conditions of this tariff, its cost and additional services.

Parameters and cost

Monthly fee for “Smart mini” with a federal number - 350 rubles per month. The package includes:

  • unlimited minutes to MTS numbers home area;
  • calls to phones in the connection region – 350 minutes;
  • Internet - 1 gigabyte;
  • SMS to subscribers within the home area – 350 pieces.


On the “Smart mini” tariff, incoming calls are not paid. If the package of minutes is used up, outgoing calls are charged as follows:

  • in the MTS network of your region - free of charge;
  • clients of other operators, users of landline numbers and MTS SIM cards in Russia – 2 rubles/min;
  • to phones of clients of other operators in other regions of the country – 14 rubles/min.

Team for checking the remaining minutes in the package* 1001 * 1 # .

A package of minutes is spent on calls to subscribers of all telecommunications service providers. Calls to MTS phones are also taken into account. Only after the package ends, outgoing calls to MTS subscribers in your region will become free.

For short calls service numbers operator minutes of the package are not consumed. If the short number is a paid one, a certain amount per call will be debited from your account, but the package will remain untouched.

SMS messages

The SMS package is valid exclusively in the region of connection. When 350 SMS are exhausted, one message will cost 2 rubles. A message sent to another region costs 3.8 rubles, SMS abroad costs 8 rubles apiece.

Internet on MTS Smart mini

When you exhaust 1 GB of free traffic, the operator will automatically connect an additional 500 MB package for 95 rubles. Up to 15 such packages can be connected within a month. We are dealing with a service imposed by MTS, since many subscribers do not check their traffic balances, and the additional fee. Internet can increase communication costs.

To check the rest of the traffic on MTS Smart mini, dial ussd code * 111 * 217 # , A disable additional internet - team * 111 * 936 # .

If necessary, you can purchase additional ones. Internet traffic if you use .

Roaming in Russia

The Smart Mini tariff plan from MTS does not work outside the home area. When traveling around the country you pay for everything:

  • incoming and outgoing calls (including MTS numbers) - 10.90 RUR/minute;
  • long distance calls - 14 rub./minute;
  • one SMS - 3.95 rub.;
  • 1 megabyte of Internet - 10.90 rubles.

To use the tariff conditions when traveling around Russia, activate the service.

How to connect MTS Smart mini

To switch to a tariff plan, there must be a minimum amount of 300 rubles on your phone account, since the subscription fee is charged at the time of connection to the tariff.

To change the current MTS tariff to “Smart mini”, dial * 111 * 1023 # .

You can connect “Smart mini” through the gadget application “My MTS” or the operator’s website with detailed description tariff plan.

How to disable "Smart mini"

It’s easy to cancel the tariff, choose any option:

  1. login to " Personal Area» on the MTS website and select another tariff plan in the “Tariffs” category;
  2. call the operator at number 0890 and ask to switch you to another tariff;
  3. come to the nearest MTS office and write an application to terminate the communication services contract.