Wi-Fi technologies. What is a hot spot? What is Hotspot? Creating a Wi-Fi network in Windows from a Linux virtual machine

Finally, Windows 10 has a standard and simple function that allows you to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi from a laptop or computer. This feature is called "Mobile Hotspot". This is a separate tab in the settings, where you can literally launch a Wi-Fi access point in just a few clicks. All you need to do is set a name and password Wi-Fi networks, which the laptop will distribute, and indicate the Internet connection from which you want to distribute the Internet to your devices. Everything is very simple and clear. I checked everything, everything works great.

Now, in order to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi in Windows 10, you do not need to perform complex configuration of an access point via the command line, as I wrote in the article, or use third-party programs. All you need to do is set up the “Mobile hotspot” and activate the function wireless point access.

Important point! The Mobile Hotspot feature appeared in Windows 10 version 1607 . After installing the anniversary update dated August 2, 2016. If your system has not been updated (there is no "Mobile hotspot" section), then there are two options: update Windows 10 to the latest version (via Update Center, or by downloading the update from the Microsoft website), or start the access point using command line. I provided a link to the instructions above.

I tried different options for configuring this function. I started Wi-Fi distribution from my laptop, and from desktop computer, via Wi-Fi adapter. True, it didn’t work on a PC, I’ll write about everyone at the end of the article possible problems, which you may encounter while setting up a mobile hotspot in Windows 10. I set up the distribution of the Internet, which is connected via network cable, via a 3G/4G modem (cellular network), and even via Wi-Fi.

To distribute the Internet, it must be connected to your computer and it must work. Also, you must have a Wi-Fi adapter. It is built-in in a laptop, but can be used on a PC USB adapters. It must be connected, the driver installed, and there must be a "Wi-Fi" section in the settings and a button on the notification panel. If you have problems with Wi-Fi, then see.

Wi-Fi distribution via Mobile Hotspot in Windows 10

First of all, open the parameters. Since we have detailed instructions, then I show you how to do it:

Go to the "Network and Internet" section.

Open the “Mobile hotspot” section. There, the standard name of the Wi-Fi network will be immediately specified, which will be broadcast by the computer, and the same will be specified. standard password, which should be used to connect to this network. You can leave them or you can change them. To do this, click on the "Change" button.

Set your network name and password. The password must be at least 8 characters.

In the "Internet connection sharing" drop-down menu, you need to select the connection through which you connect to the Internet. It doesn't have to be "Ethernet". There may be a connection with the name of your provider. To launch the mobile hotspot, click on the switch next to “Allow the use of my Internet connection on other devices.”

That's all, the computer distributes the Internet via Wi-Fi. You can connect to mobile network your devices using the set password. A maximum of 8 devices can be connected at the same time. Information on mobile hotspot clients will be displayed in the same window.

I tested everything, the Internet on the devices worked perfectly. I didn't notice any connection interruptions.

Launching an access point when the Internet is via a 3G modem (mobile network)

I decided to connect my 3G USB modem to my laptop and try to launch the Mobile Hotspot. After all, many people use the Internet through 3G/4G modems, and want to distribute it to their mobile devices, without buying a router. This method will suit you, everything works.

This is what it looks like:

I can’t say for sure that this method will work on all computers and with all modems, but everything works for me.

We connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi, and distribute via Wi-Fi networks

Strange, isn't it? I decided to check this method too. It doesn't make much sense, but still, it might be useful to someone. It turns out that you can get the Internet via wireless network, launch an access point and distribute it via Wi-Fi to your devices. It may come in handy when, for example, you are allowed to connect only one device to Wi-Fi. We connect the laptop, and we are already distributing the Internet through the “Mobile hotspot”.

This is such a strange function, but everything works. It turns out that the laptop acts as an access point with a wireless network connection.

Managing the Mobile Hotspot feature

You can disable the function itself and stop distributing the Internet by simply setting the switch to the “Off” position. in the settings window.

Or by clicking on the button that appears when you click on the connection icon in the notification panel.

Everything is convenient and at hand.

Possible problems when setting up an access point and their solutions

As I wrote above, during the process of starting the access point, you may encounter various errors. When I tried to launch a mobile hotspot on a desktop computer with a TP-LINK TL-WN721N adapter, I also encountered the error “Cannot set up a mobile hotspot. Turn on Wi-Fi.” No matter what I did, I could not start the virtual network. At the same time, on the same computer, with this adapter, it is possible to start Internet distribution via the command line without any problems. I wrote about this in the instructions: .

Error "Cannot set up mobile hotspot. Please turn on Wi-Fi"

This error looks like this:

According to my observations, this error appears due to problems in the Wi-Fi adapter driver, or because the virtual adapter is disabled. At the same time, as I wrote above, I could not overcome this error on one computer. Although, everything was there in the device manager necessary drivers, and they worked. Even if your Wi-Fi is turned off with a button, the mobile hotspot starts up smoothly.

If you think logically, then the problem is definitely not the lack of a driver wireless adapter, because if there were no driver, then the “Mobile hotspot” tab would not exist at all. Just like the "Wi-Fi" tabs in the settings.

The problem needs to be looked for in Device Manager. First of all, try updating wifi driver adapter. Reinstall it by downloading it from the manufacturer's website. If this does not help, then go to the device manager and check if "Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter". It may have a number at the end. It is through this adapter that the laptop distributes Wi-Fi in this way.

To do this, you first need to enable the display of hidden devices. If there is an icon near the "Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter" adapter, then click on it right click mouse and select "Engage".

If this doesn't help, you can also try the tips in the article.

A few more solutions

1 Error "Unable to provide for public access this connection to the Internet, since there is no connection to the mobile network."

I got this error when I tried to start distributing the Internet when connected via a 3G modem. Everything was resolved simply by restarting the Internet connection. Make sure the Internet on your computer is working. You can restart your computer, connect to the Internet, and start everything again.

2 Error: "The mobile hotspot could not be set up because the computer does not have an Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or cellular network connection."

You will most likely see this error only if your computer is not actually connected to the Internet. Check the connection.

3 Devices do not connect to a running Wi-Fi network. I have not encountered such a problem, but anything can happen. Most often, the connection is blocked by antiviruses and firewalls. Disable them and check your network connection.


Finally, Microsoft has made a simple solution for setting up such a useful and popular function as an access point. This is much more convenient than entering obscure commands through the command line. Everything works, but of course not without problems. I think that errors most often appear due to old drivers. After all, not all manufacturers have released drivers for Windows 10 yet. And for many devices, these drivers will no longer be available.

If the Mobile Hotspot function in Windows 10 does not work for some reason, then try starting the access point via the command line. I provided a link to the instructions at the beginning of this article.

In the comments you can ask questions and share tips on setting up a mobile hotspot on your computer. Best wishes!

In this article, I will share information about what a hotspot is and how this feature can make your Internet experience easier.

What is it and how does hotspot work in Windows 10

Hot spot (or hot spot) is a technology for creating a virtual area of ​​​​an active connection to the global network. The function of creating an access point is available in all smartphones, tablets, and now in desktop Windows 10.

The principle of hotspot operation is to create a virtual access point on the main device, which is a “bridge” between Wi-Fi connection router and end device. It does not switch traffic packets, but simply duplicates network parameters.

By creating an access point using a computer, you provide better connection speed, because a smartphone is not able to provide sufficient throughput communication channels for simultaneous connection and stable operation of several gadgets.

Thanks to the Windows 10 Hotspot feature Code active network can connect up to 8 devices. These can be any computers, smartphones and tablets that support Wi-Fi technology.

Windows requirements and checking the OS version

The function to enable hotspot was previously absent in Windows. The option appeared after a major OS update in July 2017. Enabling the access point is supported in only one version Windows 10 – Update 1607 and in subsequent new firmware versions.

Before creating an access point on your PC, it is important to check for two OS settings:

  • The version of Windows 10 you are using;
  • Hosted network support.

Follow these steps to check the version installed on your PC operating system and the code for its latest update:

If you use more old version OS, the system needs to be updated. You can do this using a window “Settings” - “Update and Security” - “OS Update Center”. Understanding what hotspot technology means is not enough; you also need to check the network.

Checking the hosted network

After you have verified that the OS version is correct, you should check one more parameter – hosted network support. This feature allows the computer to work with multiple adapters simultaneously wireless connection. If such a function is not available on the PC, this means that you need to purchase an additional physical module that is connected via .

To check the support of the hosted network, you need to open the command line:

Creating a hot spot

After we figured out what a hot spot is and checked everything required parameters you can start creating a hotspot. Follow the instructions:

After activating the hotspot, you can set the network name and access password. To do this, click on the button "Change" in the function settings:

The active access point will be available on all gadgets that support connection to Wi-Fi networks. To connect to the Internet, just start scanning mode for available routers and connect to the network with the name of the newly created hotspot.

Windows allows you to turn your computer into an access point, i.e. act as Wi-Fi router, which provides an Internet connection to any Wi-Fi enabled device.

This can be useful, for example, when you only have one wired connection and you need to provide an Internet connection to all your gadgets.

Another application option is strengthening Wi-Fi signal: computers usually cost more than powerful Wi-Fi receivers that “see” and can work with wireless networks over significant distances that phones simply cannot see. You can try connecting your computer to a distant wireless network, and create a new Wi-Fi for your gadgets so that they connect to it.

Regardless of your goals, there are at least three ways to create your own Wi-Fi network in Windows:

Regardless of the method chosen, they all have one limitation - you cannot create an open access point, i.e. Wi-Fi network that you can connect to without a password. However, there are still options - details at the very end.

Setting up your Wi-Fi network in Windows

Starting with Windows 10 anniversary update build 1607, the settings item “ Mobile hotspot", he is responsible for creating his own Wi-Fi network. To get to it, click on the button Win, and then on Options:

Now tab Mobile hotspot:

If desired, you can change the network name and password:

When everything is ready, click the appropriate button:

Enable Wi-Fi network in Windows from the command line

The previous method is very simple, but like too simple things, it has some limitations: but it does not allow you to select a Wi-Fi adapter to create your wireless network (if you have several of them), it does not allow you to check whether your Wi-Fi card supports work in as an access point. The next method does not have these disadvantages.

To enter subsequent commands, open a command prompt Windows string, to do this, click Win+x, and in the menu that appears, select “ Command Line (Administrator):

Now copy the following line there and press ENTER:

NETSH WLAN show drivers

Look for the inscription Hosted network support:

I have two Wi-Fi adapters and they both support this feature:

Those. should be written " Hosted network support: yes».

The command to start your own access point is:

NETSH WLAN set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Your_SSID key=Your_Password

In it Your_SSID replace with the name of your network, and Your password replace it with the password that users must enter when connecting to a wireless network.

For example, I want to create a network named SuperWiFi, with access password bestwifiever, then the command will look like this:

Now to activate the hosted network, run the command:

Now select the adapter that is used for the Internet connection, it may be Ethernet or Wireless network.

Right-click on the appropriate adapter and select Properties:

By the way, pay attention to the new shortcut Connection via local network with the name of our Wi-Fi network:

Now go to the tab Access and check the box Allow other network users to use your Internet connection of this computer . Then select the appropriate one from the drop-down list Connection:

Click OK to finish. Your Wi-Fi network is now connected to the Internet.

To turn off your Wi-Fi point access, run the command:

NETSH WLAN stop hostednetwork

You can enable it at any time:

NETSH WLAN start hostednetwork

If you want to change the name, then use the following command (don't forget Your_new_SSID change to real name):

NETSH WLAN set hostednetwork ssid=Your_new_SSID

To change your password (don't forget Your new password change to real password):

NETSH WLAN set hostednetwork key=Your_new_password

To see the current AP settings, do:

NETSH WLAN show hostednetwork

The previous command will not show the password; to see the AP password, run:

NETSH WLAN show hostednetwork setting=security

Selecting an adapter to create a wireless network in Windows

Windows OS does not have an option to select the wireless adapter that will be used when creating a Wi-Fi network. However, this limitation can be circumvented. The algorithm is as follows:

1) we disable the first adapter

2) raises the Wi-Fi network (it will be launched on the second one, since the first one is in this moment not available)

3) turn on the first adapter

To do this, we need to know the name of the interface; we can look it up with the command:

NETSH WLAN show drivers

Interface Name: Wireless Network

Means the interface name is " Wireless network».

Use the following command(" Wireless network" replace with the name of your interface) to disable the adapter:

Netsh interface set interface name="Wireless Network" admin=disabled

Set the wireless network settings (if you haven’t done this before)

Netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Network_name key=Password

In the previous command, replace Network_name And Password to the corresponding values, for example:

NETSH WLAN set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=SuperWiFi key=bestwifiever

Start the network:

Netsh wlan start hostednetwork

Now you can re-enable the first adapter (replace “Wireless Network” with the name of your adapter):

Netsh interface set interface name="Wireless Network" admin=enabled

Program for creating Wi-Fi in Windows

There are dozens of programs for Windows to create your own Wi-Fi network. And they all work on the same principle - they are graphical interface for the above commands. Those. they don't add any functionality and have the same limitations.

After launching, the program will prompt you to enter the name of the Wi-Fi network and its password, and also select the adapter that will share the Internet connection:

No additional configuration required:

Creating a Wi-Fi network in Windows from a Linux virtual machine

This is an exotic method that requires an external (USB) Wi-Fi adapter and knowledge of the basics of working with Linux. Its essence lies in the fact that VirtualBox creates a virtual machine into which Linux is installed. An external Wi-Fi card is connected to the virtual machine. Then, using, for example, the create_ap program, an access point is created.

Despite the apparent confusion, the method is not that complicated. At the same time, it is possible to create open Wi-Fi networks, as well as freely choose which adapter you want to use.


In order to use the created in Windows Wi-Fi the network requires that the computer be always on; it should not be in sleep or hibernation mode.

The connection speed may be reduced compared to using a router as an access point.

However, sometimes Windows configured to create Wi-Fi can help in unusual or problematic situations when, without a router, you need to share one wired connection between several devices.

For some time now, operating room users Windows systems the tenth version after the update we were faced with the appearance of several new and, I must say, rather non-standard functions. Among all the innovations, it is especially worth noting mobile Windows hotspot 10. Few ordinary users yet know what it is, what it is for and how to activate this tool in the system. Further, it is proposed to dwell on all these issues in as much detail as possible.

What is a mobile hotspot?

If we do not take into account the purely technical side of the issue, but limit ourselves to the simplest explanation, then new feature is a unique tool that can be used to create an Internet connection distribution point for any other devices.

Roughly speaking, a Windows 10 mobile hotspot is a tool for turning a computer terminal or laptop into a kind of station from which a connection signal is broadcast. To put it even simpler, computer device turns into a very ordinary router like a router or modem based on a wireless connection.

Previously, it was necessary to perform complex manipulations using the command line in order to correctly configure the distribution. Now the question of how to set up a Windows 10 mobile hotspot comes down only to determining for yourself from which connection the distribution will be made, setting the name of the network and specifying the desired password (this is a prerequisite).

And there can be quite a lot of connection and distribution options (each of them will be considered separately). In addition, a connection activated by this method can be used by any device, including computers and mobile devices. But you should immediately pay attention that all of them must have built-in or external Wi-Fi adapters with correctly installed drivers.

How to enable mobile hotspot in Windows 10 for Wi-Fi distribution?

Based on the fact that the new feature appeared only when updating to build 1607 ( Anniversary Update), all those users who did not have the update installed in automatic mode, you need to search for updates yourself using the “Update Center”.

After installing the update in the notification menu, the icon of which is located in the system tray at the bottom right, when deployed, the “Mobile hotspot” tile will appear. Windows 10, however, can provide access to this function through the options menu by selecting the network and Internet settings section, where the corresponding line is displayed in the list. The tray icon serves solely to enable the hotspot, but the main settings are made in the specified section.

So, after entering the menu you are looking for, the first thing you need to do is pay attention to the name of the network and the password that the system sets by default. Just below there is a button for changing them, which you need to press if adjustments need to be made to the established combination.

In the settings window, you can change both the name of the selected network and the access password itself, but it must contain at least eight characters.

The network sharing string can be anything at the moment. available connection(name of provider, Ethernet, wireless network, etc.).

To activate access, you simply move the permission slider to the on position. Additionally, you can enable the permission to enable the function remotely (the description directly states that Bluetooth must be activated on both devices), but this is not a prerequisite for the correct operation of the service.

Note: with this type of distribution maximum amount simultaneously connected devices cannot exceed eight (it will be impossible to connect more for purely technical reasons).

Distribution via 3G/4G modems

There should not be any special problems with modems capable of operating on the basis of 3G/4G technologies. The main condition here is the presence of a working device with correctly installed drivers.

The settings are the same, and modems, as a rule, are automatically detected by the system when the distribution is activated.

setting up a mobile hotspot to distribute a signal via a Wi-Fi network

No less interesting, although somewhat unnecessary, is the ability to connect a computer or laptop to a wireless network and distribute a signal through it. It turns out that the terminal receives the Internet via established network and sends a signal through it.

This doesn’t make much sense, but in practice, such a connection can be used if the existing Wi-Fi network has restrictions on connecting only one device and no more.

The simplest control methods

As for the controls, here too the developers tried to ensure that the user has everything at hand. Naturally, you can toggle the slider directly in the settings shown above.

However, as already noted, there is a special tile in the notification area, clicking on which activates or deactivates the distribution. Smart and simple.

What to do if Wi-Fi does not turn on?

Now a few words about possible failures and problems. Let's assume that in Windows 10 the mobile hotspot does not turn on, and the system displays a message that Wi-Fi is not turned on.

It is not always possible to resolve problems using conventional means (not to mention reinstalling the wireless adapter drivers). In this case it will help command console, in which the line netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="NetworkName" key="ХХХХХХХХ" keyUsage=persistent is written, as shown in the image above. Instead of the specified network name (NetworkName) and password (ХХХХХХХХ), you must enter your data). Usually, after executing such a command, everything falls into place.

In some cases, if the mobile hotspot is disabled in Windows 10, you should pay attention to the status of the corresponding driver. Here it should be understood that this situation is in no way connected with its absence (if it had not been installed on the system, there would not even be a “Mobile hotspot” tile in Windows 10).

The best solution to start with is to call the “Device Manager” and turn on the display of hidden components. There may be several Wi-Fi adapters Direct Virtual Adapter, on each of which you need to right-click and use the “Enable” line through the menu if the device is not active.

As a last resort, updating drivers is also suitable (this item can be called either directly from the RMB menu, or use the properties bar, and in the new settings window go to the driver tab).

Problems with mobile modems

If a mobile hotspot does not work in Windows 10 when you try to distribute using connected modems, the problem is usually not with the drivers.

Most likely, this is due to short-term failures of the operating system itself or the lack of an operator signal. Here, either a regular system reboot will help, or choosing another location where the connection will become stable.

What to do if you can't connect to existing networks?

Finally, let's see what can be done if the mobile hotspot on Windows 10 disappears, and after that the user receives a notification that the system cannot connect to an existing wireless or Ethernet network.

Apparently there is really no connection. In this case, it makes sense to check the cables for the wired connection or even reboot the router, first disconnecting it from the power supply and pausing for about 15-20 seconds before turning it back on.

A similar situation may also arise due to the fact that the Internet connection uses the high-speed PPPoE protocol for connection. Unfortunately, the Windows 10 mobile hotspot simply does not see such connections or, if you prefer, does not recognize them. Alas, this is how things are. You may have to slightly change the router settings by setting it to use L2TP or selecting a static or dynamic IP with automatic settings for the IPv4 protocol in its properties.


That's all about this interesting innovation. Finally, Windows has a simple and universal tool that allows you to distribute the Internet from any computer (or mobile) device running the tenth modification. And then before even many system administrators we puzzled over organizing and turning on the access point, while using the maximum number of system tools. Now you just need to specify the network name, set a password and press the power button. One can only wonder why this idea was implemented so late.

As for errors or connection failures, as you may have already noticed, almost all of them, with rare exceptions, are software in nature. Do not forget that the service itself seems somewhat flawed to many users (for example, some modems or Wi-Fi USB adapters may not work, while there are no problems with other models).

Sometimes the service can be blocked by various types of antiviruses or even the system’s built-in firewall, so it makes sense to disable them for a while and see what the result is.

But in general, the new product looks quite decent and will be useful to all those who are trying to quickly organize a distribution from their computer device. And of course, I would like to hope that this service will soon be slightly improved (at least in order to use support for high-speed connections via PPPoE).

Mobile hotspot (hot spot) or mobile point Internet access is designed to distribute the Internet from your phone. And within the framework of this article, I propose to consider the purpose of a mobile hotspot, as well as its main advantages and disadvantages.

Meaning of the term hotspot (hot spot) known to almost any person who has a modern mobile phone, supporting access to the Internet.

And this is the description the dictionary of terms gives us:

Hot spot(from English hot spot - “hot spot”)- a section of terrain (for example, an office premises, a cafe, a metro station), where using a portable device (laptop, smartphone or pocket computer), equipped with a radio access device using the Wi-Fi protocol, you can access information networks such as the Internet. Thus, many cafes create free hotspots to access the Internet in order to attract visitors and how additional service. In many cases, hotspots provide a commercial Internet access service (with payment based on time or volume of data transferred).

Those. This is an access point to which we can connect our devices in order to gain access to the Internet. What then is a mobile hotspot?

What is a mobile hotspot?

If the usual access point in the same cafe is a Wi-Fi router, then in a phone such a device is the phone itself. That is, this functionality allows you to distribute the Internet from your phone or make it an Internet access point for other users.

Advantages of mobile hotspot (hot spot)

Imagine the situation: you are sitting with your friends in the park, and only you have access to 3g/4g Internet, and your friends do not have it for some reason. And if your phone has the Hot Spot function, then you can make an access point from your smartphone; your 3g/4g Internet will be distributed via Wi-Fi to your friends. As a result, it will be available to everyone. Essentially, your friends will use your 3g/4g internet. Also, the function of creating an access point from your phone eliminates the need to buy a 3g/4g modem for your computer. If in any country house If you don’t have Internet on your computer or laptop, but a GSM network is available on your smartphone, you can connect to the Internet using your phone and share it via Wi-Fi or cable. This way you can access the Internet from a desktop computer or laptop.

Disadvantages of mobile hotspot (hot spot)

The main disadvantage is the drop in speed. If the standard speed of your Internet connection is 2 Mbit/s, then when you distribute access to another user, the speed will be divided by two. Now, when downloading data, the speed will be 1 Mbit. If other users also connect to your smartphone, the speed will be further divided. Of course, this is all approximate, but in theory this is how it works. The more devices are connected to your Internet channel, the slower the Internet will be. And if the Internet bandwidth is already small, then using Hot Spot will be unbearable.

Another drawback is traffic pricing. Many telecom operators have a tariff in which the subscriber must pay for each downloaded megabyte. The cost may increase if the permissible volume is exceeded. Therefore, when distributing Internet Hot Spot Wi-Fi, it is worth remembering that connected users can load large volumes of traffic. And you or the person who distributes this Internet will have to pay for it. Of course, with an unlimited tariff, this disadvantage will not exist.

Likewise, a computer can act as a Wi-Fi broadcaster, and this can have very dire consequences for network security. But we will tell you how to prevent this on enterprise computers in the following lessons.