Text document on Windows 10. Restore in the context menu of the item Create - text document

Before you start working in Microsoft Word, you need to learn how to create new documents. The process is quite simple. With our instructions you will figure it out very quickly.

Using Hot Keys

As you know, hotkeys can significantly speed up your computer work. Likewise in Microsoft Word, basic operations can be performed by pressing the appropriate key combination.

If we want to create a blank document, without formatting, completely ready for work, we should click:


This must be done while the editor is running.

Using the editor menu

Launch Microsoft Word. In the left top corner Click the "File" button. Select "Create". A menu will open with all available templates. You need the item "New document". Select it and click the "Create" button.

The document will be created, you will see a blank sheet without formatting. Now you can work with it.

Windows Context Menu

If you have a software package installed on your computer Microsoft Office, then the functions for creating new documents are built into the Windows context menu.

Go to the folder in which you want to place the future document. Call the context menu by pressing right click mouse for any free place folders. In the menu that appears, select "Create", then " Microsoft Word Document". It will be created.

Let's now give it its name. Select and call the context menu again. Now click on the "Rename" item. Type the desired value and click "Enter".

Now launch it and you're good to go.

Create a Document Template

If you often work with documents that have a similar structure, then it makes sense to create a template for them.

A Word template is the basic structure of a document, which includes the arrangement of individual elements and text formatting settings. An example of a template is an official letter. The company logo is in the top center, information about the director is on the side, etc.

Every time you need to write a letter to your clients, all you need to do is create a new document based on a ready-made template and add the necessary text.

So how can you create new template in Word. Launch the editor and create a new document. Please format it accordingly. Add all the necessary elements and graphics. Once this is completed, go to the "File" menu, and click the "Save As" button. In the window that opens, select the file type " Word Templates", and the location of the template. Click the "Save" button.

Now when you need to open it, just select the template from the list.

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Everyone probably knows that Microsoft company launched the Office online service, if not, then Office online these are web applications - Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and new Sway. To work with the package you do not need installation, just select any application and use it completely free. Isn't it convenient?

The Office Online document editing software package allows you not only to view, but also to create and edit previously created documents, and most importantly, you do not need to purchase an expensive license for MS Office products.

In this guide, we will look not only at how to use the MS Office online package, but we will also try to integrate the MS Office online package into Windows 10 as much as possible, after which we will be able to create new Word documents, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Sway and edit them almost like on a desktop Microsoft program Office, only for free.

Note: The instructions are written for Windows 10, which uses a Microsoft account to log in.

First of all, let's solve the issue of launching/creating MS Office documents directly from the desktop. To do this, we need to create shortcuts for the Office suite programs, after which we can pin them to the taskbar or the Start menu.

We create shortcuts for web applications Word, Excel, PowerPoint.

It's easy to create shortcuts for the MS Office online package.

  1. On an empty space on the desktop, right-click in the window that opens. context menu select “Create” → “Shortcut”.

  1. In the line, copy and paste or type the link given below, according to required application from the MS Office package, click the button "Further", in the example we create a shortcut for the Word text editor .

  1. In the next window, enter the desired name for the shortcut.

  • Word: https://office.live.com/start/Word.aspx?ui=ru%2DRU&rs=RU
  • Excel: https://office.live.com/start/Excel.aspx?ui=ru%2DRU&rs=RU
  • PowerPoint: https://office.live.com/start/PowerPoint.aspx?ui=ru%2DRU&rs=RU
  • Onenote: https://www.onenote.com/notebooks?ui=ru-RU&rs=RU&auth=1
  • Sway: https://sway.com/my

Repeat this operation for the applications you need.

Let's set up OneDrive cloud storage.

Using Explorer, you can create any folder in OneDrive to store your documents. In the example we will use Windows folder 10 - "Documentation".

In order for a new MS Office document to be saved in the Documents folder or to be able to edit previously created documents from the folder, we will need to configure OneDrive.

Let’s open OneDrive Settings, we are interested in the “AutoSave” tab.

  1. Right-click the OneDrive icon on the taskbar and select from the menu that appears "Options".

  1. In the window that opens, go to the tab "Auto-save".

Here it is necessary in paragraph "Documentation" select from the dropdown list "OneDrive" After making changes, press the button "OK".

If you did everything correctly, then in the “OneDrive” folder you will see that the “Documents” folder appears.

Let's test how we managed to integrate Microsoft Office online into Windows 10.

Creating and editing documents.

Let's create a new document in MS Office online from the desktop.

  1. To do this, launch any of the previously created Word, Excel, PowerPoint shortcuts. When you first start, you will see a prompt to log in using your account. Microsoft records, if you are already using an account to log in, you do not have to enter a password.

  1. In the window that opens, click " New document" or you can choose one of the available templates, you can start printing everything, you agree, quickly and conveniently.

The document is saved automatically; you don’t have to worry that the text you typed in Word or the Excel table will not be saved.

  1. After you have made changes to the created document, close the window and in Windows Explorer go to the folder " OneDrive" → « Documentation".

In the folder you will find the document you created; it is stored not only in the cloud but also on your computer, that is, you will have access to the created file even without the Internet.

Note: you must understand - if you delete a file on your computer, it will be deleted in the cloud and vice versa.

How to open or edit previously saved documents in MS Office online.

You can transfer your old documents created in any version of MS Office to this folder and easily open and edit them.

To open a previously created document, open File Explorer, go to the folder " OneDrive" → "Documents", right-click on the desired document and select from the context menu "View on the Internet".

After opening the document, you can make edits (See screenshot of the Word Online example).

That's all, Now you can create and edit your documents and, most importantly, you do not need to purchase an expensive license for MS Office products.

I hope the information is useful. What do you think about Microsoft Office online, share in the comments below.

The computer has many of the most different files a variety of formats. We use some files from these formats often, while we work with others extremely rarely or never at all. But there are also those in the computer that you simply need to know and be able to use. And one of them is doc files. These are a variety of documents that all users who decide to master a computer begin their work with. Of course, if you use your computer only for games and communicating on the Internet, then you can easily do without Word. But in this case, you can hardly be called a confident user. After all, a confident user is one who knows how to perform basic operations on a computer (create a folder, copy, delete) and work with popular programs, including Word and Excel. In this review I will tell you exactly how to use free program WindowsWord for viewing and editing Doc files.

Open the program. We need to open a new one Text Document. To do this, click on the file, as shown in the picture

then click open button as shown below

We get this usual file as a result:

Saving the file is also very easy. You need to press the button with the floppy disk and the file will be saved

Now let's look at the document search function. After all, if a document is more than a dozen pages long, a search is often required. To do this, on the top toolbar we find the edit tab and search in it, as shown in the figure or simply by pressing Ctrl+F

There you can enter the words you are looking for.

But let's not forget that we are editing the text. Therefore, it is very important for us to work with the font. The WindowsWord program has a special Font window, which can be opened by clicking on the button in the top Font toolbar. Here you can easily change the font, font size, writing style (bold, bold, italic, strikethrough), as well as the font color and font background color. This is what the window looks like

Now let's look at working with tables. Everything is very simple here, to create a table, click on the table tab, create a table as shown below

In the window that opens, select the number of rows and columns, as well as the table scale

If you right-click on a table field, in the menu that opens you can choose: cut, copy, paste, change font, paragraph, list parameters, you can add a row above or below, and also add a column to the left or right, split a cell and view the properties of the entire tables

You can also easily change the document size from A4 to A5, A6, or even set your own page size. The size button is at the bottom of the toolbar

With this I will finish my review of the main functions of the new free editor WindowsWord. As a result, I can say that it is very easy to use, easier than Microsoft Office in my opinion. And it’s more suitable for beginners, because... There are not a huge number of buttons that are so easy for a beginner to get confused about. Great for general editing. Main advantages: ease of use and freeness of this text editor.

Just recently released new program, which performs all office functions, but does not require additional activation and is quite easy to use in practice. We will talk about the basics of working with it below.

First steps

So, you have installed the program, it step by step installation described in the previous article. What's next? Double-click on the desktop icon that looks like this

A program window opens in front of us. It is quite unremarkable, no different from those that you may have seen before, but its interface is convenient and everything you need and often use is located in front of your eyes, which makes it easy to navigate.

At the top in front of us there is a toolbar, just below there is a white field, which is analogous to clean slate paper and on which you actually need to type and edit the text, and on the left you can view the number of pages and their miniature image.


This is what the entire toolbar looks like:

As we see, her most top part has the following tabs:

When you click on any of them, a context menu pops up, consisting of various tools that help when working with text. This way you can click on each tab to visually familiarize yourself with the interface.

Below are icons for the most frequently used functions that are used when working with text documents. They are organically sorted into sections, which makes it easy for even an inexperienced user to navigate.

We will not list them all, since there are quite a lot of them, but we will deal with the main tasks.


The first thing you need to constantly remember when working with documents is saving; without this function, all your work will be done in vain. It looks like this on the toolbar. And then select the location to save the document according to the standard procedure.


Once you become more familiar with all the features, the toolbar (or quick access toolbar) can be customized based on how often you use the features you need to always have at your fingertips. This will organize your work and make it even more efficient.

Editing documents

The program contains everything standard features edits:

Many more useful things can be found in the WindowsWord program, but its main feature is its ease of use and clear interface. Inspiration to you!

IN Windows editor word contains a set of all the necessary functions for creating/editing text.

For quick editing document, it is useful to use the Quick Access Toolbar at the top right of the screen. All important actions: “Create”, “Open”, “Save”, “Print”, “Paste”, “Undo/Redo”, “Bullets”, “Numbering”, “Indents”, editing text in a document, as well as font styles, options Typefaces and scaling are always at hand.

To create a new document, you need to click the “Create” button in the upper right corner of the quick access panel, or perform the action: “File” -> “Create”. To edit an existing document, you must click on the “Open” button, or the action “File -> “Open”, and then select required file and confirm your choice.

You can save the document by clicking on the floppy disk icon on the quick access panel, or by using the action: “File” -> “Save”. To save a document in different formats, you need to go to: “File” -> “Save as...” and select the desired format.

You can print the entire document, or specific page by clicking the "Print" button in the form of a printer icon on the panel, or through "File" -> "Print...". You will be prompted to select a printer, print range, and number of copies.

If you need to find a specific word or sentence in the text, you can use the "Find..." button on the quick access panel, or go to: "Edit" - Find.

Setting the page parameters, margins, headers and footers and paper parameters can be found by following the action: “File” -> “Page Settings”, and in the window that appears, set the desired value. Then confirm by clicking “Ok”.

Often when editing there is a need to cancel a completed action or return it. For this case, there are “Undo” and “Redo” buttons on the panel and in the “Edit” tab.

Changing the font style, style, size, color and background of the text is possible in the "Font" and "Format" tabs. For quick changes, there are columns of styles and text size on the quick access panel.

When working with paragraphs, you can edit text along the edges, width, center, and distribute it along the length if you use the “Paragraph” tab

If you need to create a bulleted/numbered list, you can use the "Paragraph" -> "List" tab.

The "Insert" tab will allow you to insert into the document: file, picture, horizontal lines, hyperlink, page number, text field, number of pages and different types footnotes

When working with tables, you must use the "Table" tab, or the table icon on the panel for quick placement with the selected number of cells. Even after placing the table, you can add columns and rows to it from any side, as well as delete, merge and split cells. To do this, you need to select the table and right-click, and in the window that appears, select the desired action.

When working with large amounts of text, you can use the Thumbnails on the left side of the screen to quickly navigate through pages. The current page and its number are highlighted with a red frame.

How to use the WindowsWord editor

WindowsWord text editor – indispensable program in the office and at home. It is easy to use and performs a full range of necessary functions for creating and editing text files.

The main program window consists of several parts:

    Control panel at the top of the window,

    Navigation bar on the left,

    The text field itself is in the form of a white sheet,

    At the bottom there is a panel with document statistics and a choice of display scale.

Main screen

File menu

At the top of the control panel there are drop-down menus with a variety of functions.


After launching the program, a blank sheet will open in front of you that can be edited - this is a new document. To create another new document, in the “File” menu, click on the “Create” item - a new empty file will open.

To open an existing document, select the first item “Open” in the “File” menu, after which a dialog box will open asking you to go to a specific directory (folder) and select the desired document. In addition, you can select in the same window the type of documents that will be displayed: doc, docx, rtf, etc.

Open file

After finishing editing the document, save it using the “Save As” item in the “File” menu or press the key combination Ctrl+s. In the window that appears, select a folder, a name for the file and its format.

Save as

Page settings

If you need to create your file on a sheet other than the default A4, go to the File menu, Page Setup. There you can change the size, orientation, margins and footers of the sheet.


The "Print" item in the "File" menu provides the ability to print finished document by selecting the printer, required pages document (print range) and number of copies.

The next drop-down menu in the program is “Edit”. The items in this menu are provided with icons to help you understand the menu functions.

The first part contains “Undo” and “Redo” - that is, each of your actions in the current document can be canceled or, if it is still necessary, returned as it was. It is convenient to use the hotkeys Ctrl+z and Ctrl+y, respectively.

The second part contains the functions “Cut”, “Copy”, “Paste” - these are actions with text and images that are done on selected elements. This helps you work not only with text and images from one document, but also copy, cut and paste from another file or browser

Edit menu


You can find and replace a phrase or word in the text using the corresponding item in the “Edit” menu.


Menu Format

Background (window)


Line numbers

Adding elements is done through the “Insert” menu. A picture can be added through the “Picture” item dialog box.

Insert menu



Add symbols of mathematical formulas and other symbols that are not on the keyboard using the “Symbols” item.

You can add a table and change its parameters through the “Table” menu, where all the necessary functions are present

Menu Table

Insert table

Menu Service

In the “Service” drop-down menu there are only two items “Spell Check” and “Settings”.


The “Spell Check” item helps to avoid spelling, punctuation and other errors in the text of a document by simply pointing out them or suggesting correction options.


The “Settings” item will help you configure the program, change the design, select the language and spelling nuances. For example, by selecting “Appearance - Skins” the user can choose the design theme of the program itself to suit his taste. The default is Windows.

After saving all changes, you can close the program in three ways:

    Selecting "Exit" from the "File" menu,

    By clicking on the cross icon in the upper right corner of the window,

    Using the key combination Alt+F4.


To see the entire document or zoom in on a fragment of it, use the right side of the bottom panel of the reactor window. To change the document display scale, move the slider or click on “+” or “-”.

Windows Word is a new convenient text file editor available for free download. The program is suitable for creating and editing files with text information, reading books and the like. The editor looks like this:

Once you launch the application, you can start creating a new document, and then use the function to save it. It is extremely simple and similar to the same function in any other Windows applications: File -> Save, or File -> Save As...

Or you can open an existing file in order to familiarize yourself with its contents and/or edit the information contained in it. This is also done in the standard way: File -> Open -> Name of the file you are looking for.

Like any reputable editor, Windows Word, among other things, has the function quick search words or text fragments open file. To open the search window, you can press the key combination Ctrl + F, or the button with the image of binoculars. In the window that opens, you must enter the word or phrase that you want to find in the text. You can also select search functions: case-sensitive or case-insensitive, search only for matches of the entire word, search below or above the current cursor position. After this, you need to click on the “Find Next” button, and matches in the text will be highlighted in blue.

Editing text information in Windows Word is subject to the same rules as working with texts in any other editor. In addition to directly editing texts, using this editor you can add hyperlinks, pictures, tables to the file. This can be done either through the “Insert” and “Table” menus, or using the corresponding buttons on the panel. Using the sequence of actions Insert -> Symbol, you can insert symbols of the Greek alphabet, mathematical formulas and many others into the document.

Of course, Windows Word also provides a large number of options to change the text style. You can choose the font, text and background color, make the font bold, italic, underlined or strikethrough, subscript or superscript. All this can be done both through the “Font” menu (“Type”, “Size”, “Text Color”, “Text Background Color”), and using the corresponding buttons.

The Windows Word editor also has a convenient “Paragraph” menu item, with which you can format the text: select the distribution of lines to the left, right, justified or centered. Also through this menu item you can add numbering, bullets, change indents and spacing. The same can be done using the buttons on the panel, as well as by dragging the corresponding sliders on the main work field.

A document opened in Windows Word can also be sent for printing. This can be done either through the File -> Print menu, or using the button with the image of a printer. It is also possible to preview open document before printing to get more full view about how it will look on paper.

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Available pre-installed software, which is part of Windows 7, the very first tool for working with texts is the long-known “Notepad”. It would seem that now it is no longer relevant: the same OpenOffice or MS Word have much more functionality. But, Notepad is still in demand due to some of its features: firstly, it is very lightweight (it starts instantly, works quickly and flawlessly), and secondly, it does not save formatting, which is very useful if you need to save text in uniform style.
Creating a txt document (this is the format in which Notepad saves files) is very simple.

You will need:


The program itself is located at the following address: C: WINDOWSsystem32otepad.

But having to go the same long way every time – you must admit, it’s inconvenient. It would be more practical to open “Notepad” by calling the “Start” menu, the “Programs” section, and in the “Standards” column we will see the coveted shortcut.


Working with this text editor is extremely simple. The interface itself has not changed since Windows 98, and has a work area, as well as several sections with a drop-down menu at the top.

How to create a txt document

After you finish working in the editor, you will probably want to save the text.

To do this, you can use the key combination Ctrl+S or select “Save as...” from the “File” context menu.
Select the required location, specify the file name and click “Save”.

If during work you need to change the encoding, you can do this by calling the file save menu (Ctrl+S).

Instead of the * sign, indicate the file name, and from the drop-down menu at the bottom, select the required encoding and click “Save”.

Here I will explain, to begin with, what exactly I want to say. There are text editors for simple documents, sort of. txt, which store a small amount of information and I can’t even recommend anything other than Notepad++ or AkelPad.

But also, there are documents that have huge volumes, reaching up to several hundred pages, in one document and such files, as a rule, have a format. docx.

I’ll say right away that this format, was introduced by Microsoft, and in fact, imposed, by the main program in the world of office applications, this is Microsoft Office. Of course, few will argue with the fact that this product is a leader in its segment. And in vain! In fact, Microsoft Office is a good advertising campaign plus, the very first product of its kind on the market.

For those who don’t know, this package provides full support for all office applications, from simple typing, creating tables and graphs, to presentations and databases. That is, in fact, it has everything that may be required in various offices and workplaces. In addition, they have developed special program and not even just one, designed for different kinds of users, one of these programs is the student program, the essence of which is that if you are a student at one of the universities that are registered with Microsoft and have a special status, then you are provided with absolutely free, Office applications.

Why, in fact, do people mainly use only this product? One of the reasons for this “monopoly” is that Office appeared earlier than others, accordingly, in almost all organizations, it is installed, and for example, you made a presentation in some other program and decided at your work to demonstrate it, already on Office, then it may not open at all, or it may open without any objects, that is, incorrectly. The composition of Office inspires its scale, but at the same time, believe me, there are separate third party applications, which work much better than those included in it. Here again, there is a quality at work that is inherent in many people - to have everything at once, and not separately and more effectively.

Microsoft Word - text editor;

Microsoft Excel - working with tables, graphs;

Microsoft PowerPoint - development and viewing of presentations;

Microsoft Outlook - includes: calendar, notes, task scheduler, mail client, The address book;

Microsoft Access - an application for creating and managing databases;

Microsoft InfoPath - data collection and management application;

Microsoft Lync - designed to organize comprehensive communication between people;

Microsoft Publisher - an application for preparing publications;

Microsoft Visio, a business and technical diagramming application, lets you transform concepts and routine business data into diagrams;

Microsoft Project - project management;

Microsoft Query - viewing and selecting information from databases;

Microsoft OneNote is an application for writing and managing notes;

Microsoft Groove - collaboration application;

Microsoft SharePoint Designer- a tool for building applications on Microsoft platform SharePoint and SharePoint site customizations;

Microsoft Picture Manager - Working with pictures;

Microsoft Document Image Writer - virtual printer;

Microsoft Diagnostics - diagnostics and recovery of damaged Microsoft applications Office.

Of course, the standard package does not include all these programs, but you can easily purchase them. The office application package has a fairly impressive price and is not small in volume. Besides everything else, latest versions, load the system quite heavily and are slower than their earlier versions. The main advantage, compared to other office applications, is without a doubt the functionality, in fact, because of which the Windows system slows down. For example, in none text editor, there is no such high-quality spelling and punctuation checking as in Microsoft Word. In my opinion, a significant disadvantage is that this package is only supported Windows system, while direct competitors support both Linux and MAC.


Actually, the name speaks for itself - it’s free office suite and a direct competitor to Microsoft Office. It includes: text and spreadsheet editors, a tool for creating presentations, an application that works with databases, graphics editor and formula editor.

In terms of functionality, it is only slightly inferior to Microsoft Office, but it works several times faster. Among other things, it is used in all schools to teach children computer science.

There is an analogue, which at the same time is the same OpenOffice, since it was created by the same people, and at another - a separate product. But if you install it, you won't notice much of a difference, even in menu items. The composition is the same.

These packages are fully compatible with formats supported by Microsoft Office, so that users can seamlessly move from one program to another.

All applications, be it Microsoft Office or Open Office, are not very different from each other in their appearance, that is, if it is a spreadsheet editor, then there are always cells there, if it is a text editor, then here in front of you is a sheet of paper on which you type, etc.

A significant advantage of the Open and Libre packages is that they take up several times less space, unlike Microsoft Office (200–300 MB versus 1 GB).