Telegraph connection. Bodo apparatus: a new stage in the development of telegraphy The equipment on which the telegraphist works

Telegraph apparatus

an apparatus for transmitting and (or) receiving electrical telegraph signals - for telegraph communication (See Telegraph communication). The first practically suitable T. a. (electromagnetic type) was invented and demonstrated in action (1832) by P. L. Schilling. In the early stages of the development of telegraphy, coded messages were transmitted by a keyboard device or a telegraph key (See Telegraph key) and, upon receipt, were recorded in a telegraph writing machine (See Telegraph writing machine) in the form of a broken line (for example, Undulator om) or dots and dashes (for example , in Morse apparatus e) . In the Wheatstone telegraph apparatus (See Wheatstone telegraph apparatus) and the Creed telegraph apparatus (See Creed telegraph apparatus), received telegraph signals were recorded on perforated paper tape; T. a. Creeda could also reproduce printed characters. The letter-printing telegraph apparatus turned out to be more advanced (See Letter-printing telegraph apparatus) , which include T. a. Jacobi, Yuza, Siemens, Bodo's multiple telegraph apparatus, and others. In addition, the so-called letter-writing T. and. The first Soviet T. a. were created by A. P. Trusevich (1921), V. I. Kaupuzh (1925), A. F. Shorin (1928); T. a. the last one was put into operation in 1929. Great contribution to the development and design of T. a. introduced by Soviet inventors and scientists L. I. Treml, S. I. Chasovnikov, E. A. Volkov, N. G. Gagarin, A. D. Ignatiev, L. N. Gurin, G. P. Kozlov, V. I. . Kerby and others.

Modern (mid-70s of the 20th century) T. a. subdivided into devices of uneven and uniform codes (see Telegraph code). Due to low efficiency and low suitability for letter-printing (letter-printing) reception of T. a. non-uniform code in telegraphy are rarely used. In T. a. uniform code, any code combination contains the same number of elements, which allows for direct printing. According to the method of transmission, such T. a. are divided into start-stop and synchronous (see Start-stop apparatus, Synchronous telegraph apparatus).

Modern T. a. usually consists of a telegraph transmitter (See telegraph transmitter) and a telegraph receiver (See telegraph receiver) , power supply for devices direct current carried out most often from rectifiers at 60 V, and variables - directly from the electrical network. Operations performed by the transmitter: encryption (encryption) of the transmitted character (receiving a combination of elementary signals in accordance with the code table); converting a parallel codeword into a serial one; inclusion in the code combination of service signals for synchronization and phasing of the receiver; transmission to a communication line (See communication line) of a sequence of electrical signals of the required duration and amplitude. When the transmitter is operating ( rice. 1 ) each character corresponding to the transmitted message from the source of information enters the encoder (encoder), where it is automatically converted into a code combination, the elements of which, appearing at the output of the encoder at the same time, follow the typesetting device. The transmitting distributor sequentially converts each element of the code combination into an electrical signal of a certain duration. The output device generates electrical signals of the required power, polarity and shape, and the sensor produces the service elements of the combinations. The drive determines the telegraphy speed. The transmission method (start-stop or synchronous) depends on how the control device operates.

Receiver functions T. a. ( rice. 2 ) - reception of electrical signals of the code combination; determination of the polarity of each elementary signal; decoding (decoding) of the code combination; imprint of the received mark. The electrical signals of the code combination are fed to the input device, which determines their polarity and corrects distortion. Further, the elementary signals of the combination are sent through the receiving distributor to the dialer, where they are accumulated and transmitted to the decoder. The signals from the output of the decoder are entered into a printing device, which records the message on a paper tape (in a tape telegraph apparatus (See Telegraph tape apparatus) , e.g. Teletype e) or on a roll (in a roll telegraph apparatus (See roll telegraph apparatus)). Synchronization and phasing of the receiver are carried out jointly by the receiving distributor and the control device. The speed of the receiver is determined by the drive.

In structure T. and. may also include automated prefixes (reperforator, transmitter), answering machine and hitchhiking. They allow you to automatically send and receive messages, check the correctness of the established connection, turn on and off the drive T. a.

Until the middle of the 20th century. T. a. remained devices with an electromechanical principle of operation. By the 70s. in the USSR and a number of foreign countries, serial production of electronic-mechanical T. and. In such devices, most of the devices, as a rule, are based on contactless elements, including: in the transmitter - encoding and output device, distributor, drive, control device, service element sensor; in the receiver - input and typesetting devices, distributor, decoder. In electronic-mechanical T. a. there are a number of advantages compared to electromechanical ones: high telegraphy speed, longer service life, lower power consumption, the ability to quickly change the telegraphy speed and the type of code used. Work is underway to create fully electronic T. a.

Lit.: Balagin I. Ya., Kudryashov V. A., Semenyuta N. F., Transmission of discrete information and telegraphy, M., 1971; Principles of construction of electronic-mechanical telegraph devices, M., 1973.

A. I. Koblenz.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

  • Telegraph address
  • telegraph channel

See what the "Telegraph apparatus" is in other dictionaries:

    TELEGRAPH APPARATUS- CELEGRAPH apparatus, serves for the transmission and (or) reception of electrical telegraph signals in the process of telegraph communication. Usually consists of a telegraph transmitter and (or) a telegraph receiver. The most common type-printing telegraph ... Modern Encyclopedia

    TELEGRAPH APPARATUS- serves for the transmission and (or) reception of electrical telegraph signals in the process of telegraph communication. Usually consists of a telegraph transmitter and a telegraph receiver. In the 2nd floor. 20th century the most common start-stop telegraph apparatus ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary- TELEGRAPH DEVICE, serves to transmit and (or) receive electrical telegraph signals in the process of telegraph communication. Usually consists of a telegraph transmitter and (or) a telegraph receiver. The most common type-printing telegraph ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    TELEGRAPH APPARATUS- installation for transmission and reception at a distance of alphanumeric (encoded) information (telegrams). Telegraph communication (), c) is most often implemented using electrical signals transmitted over wires using a telegraph key, or ... ... Great Polytechnic Encyclopedia

    telegraph apparatus- A device in which a direct-printing device with a keyboard, as well as a transmitter and receiver of telegraph signals are structurally combined. [L.M. Nevdyaev. Telecommunication technologies. English Russian Dictionary directory. Edited by… … Technical Translator's Handbook

    telegraph apparatus- serves to transmit and (or) receive electrical telegraph signals in the process of telegraph communication. It usually consists of a structurally integrated transmitter and receiver of telegraph signals. In the second half of the XX century. most common... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Telegraph apparatus- 71. Telegraph apparatus Apparatus for transmitting and (or) receiving telegraph messages

In 1872, the Frenchman J.E. Bodo created an apparatus that allows one line to transmit several telegrams simultaneously, and the data was received no longer in the form of dots and dashes (before that, all such systems were based on Morse code), but in the form of Latin and Russian letters (after careful revision by domestic specialists ) language. The Bodo apparatus and those created according to its principle are called start-stop. He, in 1874, based on a five-digit code, designed a double device, the transmission speed of which reached 360 characters per minute. In 1876, he created a fivefold apparatus, which increased the transmission speed by 2.5 times. The first Bodo apparatus was put into operation in 1877 on the Paris-Bordeaux line. The Bodo apparatus made it possible to use the time of pauses between dots and dashes for signal transmission. It became possible, using a special switch, to work on one line at once for four, six or more telegraph operators. The most widespread were the two-time Bodo devices, which worked for long-distance communications almost until the end of the 20th century and transmitted up to 760 characters per minute. In addition to these devices, Bodo developed decoders, printing mechanisms and distributors, which became classic examples of telegraph instruments. In 1927, the unit of telegraphy speed was named after Bodo. baud. Bodo equipment was widely used in many countries and was the highest achievement of telegraph technology in the second half of the 19th century. Further modifications to the design of the start-stop telegraph apparatus proposed by Bodo led to the creation of teleprinters (teleprinters). In addition, Bodo created a very successful telegraph code (the Baudot Code), which was subsequently adopted everywhere and received the name International Telegraph Code No. 1 (ITA1). The modified version of the code was named ITA2. In the USSR, on the basis of ITA2, the MTK-2 telegraph code was developed.

The telegraph signal amplification point for the Bodo apparatus was set at a distance of 600-800 km from the transmitting center in order to "drive" the signal further: for work, it was necessary to synchronize electricity in two channels and carefully monitor the parameters of information transmission.

The Bodo apparatus operates in duplex mode (in total, up to six working posts could be connected to one transmitter) - the response data was printed on paper tape, which had to be cut and pasted onto the form.

ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS II. 1. Electric bell. 2 and 3. Double insulator for wires. 4. Iron framed insulator. 5. Bell for alternating currents. 6. Wire connection. 7. Relay. 8. Writing telegraph device, ordinary German. 9. Thomson siphon marker. 10. Polarized writing telegraph machine Siemens and Halske. 11. Morse receiver. 12. Morse key.

Primitive types of communication[ | ]

Since time immemorial, mankind has used various primitive types of signaling and communication for the purpose of ultra-fast transmission. important information in cases where, for a number of reasons, traditional species mail messages could not be used. Fires lit on elevated areas of the terrain, or smoke from fires, were supposed to notify the approach of enemies or an impending natural disaster. This method is still used by those who get lost in the taiga or by tourists experiencing natural disasters. Some tribes and peoples used certain combinations for these purposes. sound signals from percussion (for example, speaking and other drums) and wind (hunting horn) musical instruments, others have learned to transmit certain messages by manipulating reflected sunlight using a system of mirrors. In the latter case, the communication system was named " heliograph”, which is a primitive light telegraph.

Optical telegraph[ | ]

Om Morse transmission using a ship's optical telegraph (Ratier lamp)

Semaphores could transmit information with greater accuracy than smoke signals and beacons. In addition, they did not consume fuel. Messages could be sent faster than messengers could, and semaphores could carry messages across an entire region. But, nevertheless, like other methods of transmitting signals over a distance, they were highly dependent on weather conditions and required daylight (Practical electric lighting appeared only in 1880). They needed operators, and the towers had to be located at a distance of 30 kilometers from each other. It was useful to the government, but too expensive for commercial use. The invention of the electric telegraph made it possible to reduce the cost of sending messages thirty times, in addition, it could be used at any time of the day, regardless of the weather.

Electric telegraph[ | ]

Diagram of an electromechanical telegraph

One of the first attempts to create a means of communication using electricity dates back to the second half of the 18th century, when J.-L. Lesage built an electrostatic telegraph in Geneva in 1774. In 1798 the Spanish inventor Francisco de Salva (d) created his own design of the electrostatic telegraph. Later, in 1809, the German scientist Samuel Thomas Semmering built and tested an electrochemical telegraph using gas bubbles.

Main telegraph lines for 1891

Phototelegraph [ | ]

In 1843, the Scottish physicist Alexander Bain demonstrated and patented his own design for an electric telegraph that allowed images to be transmitted over wires. Bain's machine is considered the first primitive fax machine.

In 1855, the Italian inventor Giovanni Caselli created a similar device, which he called the Pantelegraph and offered it for commercial use. Caselli apparatuses were used for some time to transmit images by means of electrical signals on telegraph lines both in France and in Russia.

Caselli's apparatus transmitted an image of a text, drawing or drawing drawn on lead foil with a special insulating varnish. The contact pin slid over this set of alternating areas of high and low electrical conductivity, "reading" the elements of the image. The transmitted electrical signal was recorded on the receiving side by an electrochemical method on moistened paper impregnated with a solution of potassium ferricyanide (potassium ferricyanide). Caselli's devices were used on the communication lines Moscow-Petersburg (1866-1868), Paris-Marseille and Paris-Lyon.

The most advanced phototelegraph devices read the image line by line with a photocell and a light spot, which ran around the entire area of ​​the original. The luminous flux, depending on the reflectivity of the original area, acted on the photocell and was converted by it into an electrical signal. This signal was transmitted via a communication line to a receiving apparatus, in which a light beam was modulated in intensity, synchronously and in phase running around the surface of a sheet of photographic paper. After the development of photographic paper, an image was obtained on it, which is a copy of the transmitted - phototelegram. The technology has found widespread use in news photojournalism. In 1935, the Associated Press was the first to create a network of newsrooms equipped with telegraph machines capable of transmitting images over long distances directly from the scene. The Soviet TASS Photo Chronicle equipped the newsrooms with a phototelegraph in 1957, and the pictures transferred to the central office in this way were signed Telephoto TASS. Technology dominated image delivery until the mid-1980s, when the first film scanners and video cameras appeared, followed by digital photography.

wireless telegraph[ | ]

On May 7, 1895, the Russian scientist Alexander Stepanovich Popov, at a meeting of the Russian Physical and Chemical Society, demonstrated a device that he called a “lightning detector”, which was designed to record radio waves generated by a thunderstorm front. This device is considered the world's first radio receiver suitable for the implementation of wireless telegraph. In 1897, with the help of wireless telegraphy devices, Popov carried out the reception and transmission of messages between the shore and the warship. In 1899, Popov designed an improved version of the electromagnetic wave receiver, where the reception of signals - ohm Morse - was carried out on the headphones of the operator - radio operator. In 1900, thanks to the radio stations built on the island of Gogland and at the Russian naval base in Kotka under the leadership of Popov, rescue operations were successfully carried out on board the warship General-Admiral Apraksin, which ran aground off the island of Gogland. As a result of the exchange of radiotelegraph messages, the crew of the Russian icebreaker Yermak received timely and accurate information about the Finnish fishermen on the ice floe in the Gulf of Finland.

Abroad, technical thought in the field of wireless telegraphy also did not stand still. In 1896, in the UK, the Italian Guglielmo Marconi filed a patent "on improvements made in the apparatus of wireless telegraphy." The device presented by Marconi, in general terms, repeated Popov's design, which had been repeatedly described by that time in European popular science magazines. In 1901, Marconi achieved sustained transmission of the wireless telegraph signal (letter S) across the Atlantic.

Bodo apparatus: a new stage in the development of telegraphy[ | ]

In 1872, the French inventor Jean Baudot designed a telegraph machine that could transmit two or more messages in one direction over a single wire. The Bodo apparatus and those created according to its principle are called start-stop. In addition, Bodo created a very successful telegraph (Bodo), which was subsequently accepted everywhere and received the name International Telegraph No. 1 (ITA1). A modified version of MTK No. 1 was named MTK No. 2 (ITA2). In the USSR, based on the ITA2, the telegraph MTK-2 was developed. Further modifications to the design of the start-stop telegraph apparatus proposed by Bodo led to the creation of teleprinters (teleprinters). The unit of information transfer rate, the baud, was named after Bodo.

Telex [ | ]

Telex Siemens T100

By 1930, the design of a start-stop telegraph apparatus equipped with a telephone-type disk dialer (teletype) was created. This type of telegraph apparatus, among other things, made it possible to personalize the subscribers of the telegraph network and to quickly connect them. Almost simultaneously in Germany and the UK, national subscriber telegraph networks were created, called Telex (TELEgraph + EXchange).

Based on international agreements of the 1930s, a telex message was recognized as a document, and telex, respectively, as a type of documentary communication.

Telegraph services in Kazakhstan individuals not available from January 1, 2018. For legal entities tariffs have been changed since July 1, 2018, now one telegram word costs 675 tenge (1.8 USD). The profitability of providing this service by the operator JSC Kazakhtelecom amounted to minus 92 percent, which does not imply its further development.

At the same time, in Canada, Germany, Sweden, Japan, some companies still provide services for sending and delivering traditional telegraph messages.

Impact on society[ | ]

Telegraphy contributed to the growth of organization "on the railways, unified financial and commodity markets, reduced the cost of [transferring] information within and between enterprises." The growth of the business sector spurred society to further expand the use of the telegraph.

The introduction of telegraphy on a global scale has changed the approach to collecting information for news reports. Messages and information now spread far and wide, and the telegraph demanded the introduction of a language "free of local regional and non-literary aspects", which led to the development and standardization of a world media language.

see also [ | ]

Notes [ | ]

  1. What was the first telegraph
  2. Scan of the patent (indefinite) .
  3. Phototelegraph- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.
  4. L.Ya.Kraush. Phototelegram // Photokinotechnics: Encyclopedia / Ch. ed. E. A. Iofis. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1981. - 447 p.
  5. Michael Zhang.

The first telegraph devices and stations on railway transport

(According to the book "History of electrical communication of railway transport", N.M. Semenyuta and I.A. Zdorovtsov, publishing house Transport book, 2008)

In the history of the telegraph in the period from 1753-1839. there were more than 47 different transmission systems. Most of them remained on paper, but there were those who persistently made their way to practical application ... .

The basis of the first telegraphs was devices for transmitting and receiving messages. As a transmitter, as a rule, manipulators were used, closing and opening electrical circuits. On the first telegraphs, the most widely used special keyboards(telegraph of Schilling, Jacobi, etc.), and then the simplest telegraph keys (telegraph of Morse, Siemens and Halske, etc.)

Receiving devices were usually more complex in electric telegraphs, their device was determined by the principle of message transmission. So, in the Semmering electrolytic telegraph, the receiver was a vessel with water (electrolyte) and electrodes. In Schilling's first electric telegraph, the reception of a message was fixed by the deviation of the magnetic needle of the multiplier with a disk and an oscillation damper. In all subsequent telegraphs, the reception of messages was carried out exclusively by devices, the device of which is based on the temporary magnetization of soft iron (electromagnet). Such a device served to receive telegraph signs, and its operation was based on the effect of galvanic current on soft iron.

All the main units of telegraph devices of that distant time: motors, regulators, tape drives were built on elements using mechanical dependencies and gears.

Morse writing machine. Samuel Finley Morse (1791-1872) is one of the most frequently cited inventors of the telegraph machine named after him. In fact, he was only one of the inventors, and he had to challenge his invention for almost his entire life. This situation arose due to the fact that he repeatedly visited Europe and was familiar with many developments of other inventors of that time. The Americans nevertheless created Morse's unfading glory of the inventor and even during his lifetime. in 1871 . in New York, in his presence, a monument was unveiled to him.

Monument to Samuel Finley Morse

As a result of many years of experiments, on September 4, 1837, Morse in New York, using his apparatus and the conditional alphabet developed by him, for the first time transmitted the words: "A successful experience with the telegraph September 4, 1837."

As a transmitter of electrical signals (station A) in the Morse telegraph apparatus, a key (manipulator) with a linear battery is used. The signal receiver (station B) was an electromagnet. When the key was closed at station A, the current through the communication line entered the receiving electromagnet and returned back to the battery along the ground. An armature rotating on an axis was attracted to the core of an electromagnet. Simultaneously with the attraction of the anchor, his shoulder with a writing device moved upwards - a wheel dipped in black paint. The wheel, being pressed against a moving paper tape, left a mark on it in the form of a line. With a short press of the transmitter key, the wheel made a short line (dot), with a long press - a long line (dash). When the key was pressed in various combinations of duration, signs were obtained on the tape of station B - dots and dashes in the same combinations. In Morse code, letters of the alphabet, numbers and punctuation marks were indicated by combinations consisting of current parcels of various durations, which left a trace in the form of dots and dashes on the paper tape of the receiver.

The principle of operation of the writing telegraph machine Morse

This scheme of the apparatus, which allowed telegraphy in only one direction and received the name simplex, allowed to work from station A to station B with a capacity of 500 words per hour. In practice, schemes were also used that made it possible to alternately telegraph first from station A to station B, and then vice versa - from B to A ( half duplex) or simultaneously telegraph in both directions ( duplex). With duplex telegraphy throughput increased by about two times.

The main advantage of telegraph communication on Morse devices was the ability to receive control over the transmission of one's own message via a telegraph tape, which was a document for controlling the movement of trains, as well as the ability to control the state of the communication circuit using a galvanoscope (milliammeter), i.e., open or short circuit on line. Thus, the beginning of diagnosing the state of communication circuits was laid.

The Morse telegraph apparatus consisted of two main parts: an electromagnet and a clockwork with a system of wheels driven by a weight or spring. The clock mechanism was designed to advance the telegraph tape.

General view of the writing telegraph machine Morse (1844)

The reason for the practical unsuitability of many electromagnetic telegraph devices was the complexity of their design, bulkiness and low reliability. According to these indicators, the Morse telegraph machine significantly surpassed many other designs. In addition, the device made it possible to organize communication over long distances. Simplicity is a remarkable feature of the Morse apparatus, which ensured its unprecedented success and many years of use on railways in all countries of the world.

Yuz's letterpress. The letter-printing telegraph apparatus of Professor D. Hughes (1831-1900) was first installed on the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway in 1865. Its peculiarity was the transmission not of dots and dashes, for example, as in Morse devices, but the transmission of letters, numbers and other characters , which significantly reduced the processing time of received telegraph messages.

General view of Yuza's telegraph apparatus with a weight drive

To send messages, a keyboard consisting of 28 white and black keys was used. The device had a weight drive with a centrifugal speed controller for telegraph tape advancement. Reception of current parcels was carried out by a polarized electromagnet of the relay. A rotating standard wheel engraved around the circumference with signs (types) of the alphabet, numbers, etc., printed them on a paper tape.

The principle of operation of Yuz's direct-printing telegraph apparatus.

The principle of operation of Yuz's direct-printing apparatus was based on the synchronous and in-phase rotation of the typical wheels of the transmitting and receiving apparatus. When, for example, the K key is pressed on the transmitter of station A, a current is sent to the line through the key contact. When the standard wheel of the receiving apparatus is above the letter K, the electromagnet M will work, and the received character will be printed on the telegraph tape.

The efficiency of the Hughes apparatus at 120 revolutions of a typical wheel per minute was 10,800 characters per hour. The transmission range was within 600-800 km.

On the railways, the telegraph direct-printing synchronous apparatus was not widely used, although it was the subject of study in the telegraph laboratory of the St. Petersburg Institute of Railway Engineers.

Fast acting Wheatstone apparatus. The Wheatstone telegraph apparatus belonged to high-speed devices (2000 words per hour) and was used to transmit over long distances (2000-9000 km) large volumes of correspondence between large railway departments - railway departments, etc. The peculiarity of this device was that the message, what was to be transmitted was previously transferred in Morse code to an oiled narrow telegraph tape, and then transferred from an already perforated tape to another station. On the tape, the Morse code point corresponded to two round holes perpendicular to the middle line of the holes, the dash - two holes with a shift relative to each other. The middle round holes were intended for pulling the tape in the transmitter (transmitting device) by means of a gear wheel.

The Wheatstone apparatus consisted of the following instruments:

Perforator for pre-setting telegrams intended for transmission on a telegraph tape;

A transmitter (or transmitter) for automatically sending signals from a pre-prepared perforated tape;

A receiver or receiver for recording on tape the received signals in Morse code;

Telegraph key for manual transmission of message signs

Whitson perforator for narrow paper telegraph tape

The keyboard of the puncher had three keys for punching holes in accordance with Morse code. To punch round holes in the telegraph tape, a certain force was required and it was produced by special massive “mallets” when hitting the corresponding punch buttons. The blank of perforated telegraph tape could be made in advance on several perforators.

After preparation, the perforated telegraph tape was inserted into the telegraph apparatus and passed through the transmitter at high speed, which automatically sent a current of positive polarity to the line when transmitting a dot and immediately negative to discharge the line, and when transmitting a dash, a positive and a little later negative current. This method allowed significantly increase the speed of transmission of current parcels. The pulling of the telegraph tape in the transmitter and receiver was carried out using weights or clockwork with springs.

Siemens high-speed apparatus In the history of communications, several variants of Siemens and Halsks writing telegraph devices are known, which "distinguished by special strength and distinctness of action". Their main difference from Morse devices was a more complex electromagnet device.

Siemens telegraph apparatus: a) a transmitter with a perforator; b) receiver

On the railways, Siemens devices were mainly used, which had a very high speed (5000 words per hour), for the telegraph exchange of the ministry with large railway junctions. In Siemens devices, as in Wheatstone devices, messages were pre-typed on a keyboard puncher, similar to the Wheatstone telegraph machine. To transmit letters and numbers in the transmitter, combinations of five current pulses of positive and negative polarities were used. On the tape for each letter, five holes were punched in various combinations. The message received by the receiver (receiver) was recorded on the paper tape of the apparatus (undulator) in zigzag lines in accordance with the Morse code.

Multiple Bodo apparatus Baudot Jean (1845-1903) - French inventor who created a practical system of multiple serial telegraphy, which was used for many years on railways.

Jean Baudot

The idea of ​​multiple telegraphy was to use the time intervals between the transmission of characters from one device to other devices, i.e., to use one communication line for several telegraph transmissions that fall into the receiving devices of another station intended for them. The Bodo apparatus has received worldwide distribution.

The Bodo apparatus consisted of three main parts: a contact distributor; keyboards; printing device. In Bodo devices, each sign was transmitted by five currents of positive and negative polarity in various combinations. To send five signals, a keyboard or manipulator was intended, which had five keys: three for the right hand and two for the left.

Bodo telephone keypad

The main element of the printing device was a typical wheel with an ink wheel pressed against it. The printing of a letter (number) on a telegraph tape was carried out by pressing the telegraph tape against a typical wheel.

Receiver and printer of the Bodo telegraph apparatus

Bodo apparatuses were 2-, 4-, 6-, and 8-fold, having the corresponding number (mult) of sets for receiving; on the railways, mainly 2- and 4-fold devices were used. The efficiency of 2-fold devices was 2700, 4-fold - 5400 words per hour. The equipment of the most common 4-fold Bodo apparatus was placed on five tables, on which a distributor was installed, four sets (krats) consisting of a receiver and a keyboard.

General view of the high-speed four-fold Bodo telegraph apparatus

For the first time, the Bodo system was put into operation in 1877 on the Paris-Bordeaux line, and then in other countries, including in 1906 in Russia, where until 1950 it was the main type of telegraph apparatus. Bodo telegraph sets ensured stable operation on lines of 700-1000 km and were used in railway transport to connect the Ministry of Railways with road administrations and the latter with large railway junctions.

The device of telegraph stations The simplest telegraph stations at the beginning of their development were stations in which telegraph lines ended with telegraph devices included in them. Such terminal stations were relatively rare. Intermediate telegraph stations, which allow switching communication lines and devices, have become more widespread. Word " switching" comes from the Latin commutatus - change. Switching processes in electrical communications are implemented in a special device - a switch, in which communication lines are switched and the directions of transmission of telegraph dispatches are changed. At intermediate telegraph stations for manual switching, at first the simplest round and then square switches with three holes were used. The switches consisted of three copper plates attached to a wooden board so that they did not touch each other; but they can be connected together by inserting a copper sleeve (plug) and making the connection. one line wire at intermediate stations to two devices.

With the increase in the number of line wires and telegraph machines, more complex switches began to be used (“Swiss”), which consisted of several mutually perpendicular copper plates with round holes. To connect the horizontal and vertical strips and the line wire with the necessary telegraph apparatus (1, 2, 3), a copper bushing was inserted into the hole. The number of plates in each row depended on the number of wires converging at the station for which the switch was intended.

Swiss telegraph switch

The principle of operation of such a switch has been widely used in automatic systems switching. In subsequent years, the capabilities of such switches were expanded, with their help it became possible to switch not only telegraph sets and linear wires, but also batteries, that is, they became universal and were called linear-battery switches. Of these, the most widespread was the more advanced Swiss switch of the coordinate type, which consisted of transverse and longitudinal brass plates (lamellas) located at right angles. At the intersection of the plates, they had cylindrical holes for inserting a copper plug. If a plug is inserted into the holes, then the upper plate is electrically connected to the lower plate and the circuits are switched. The capacity of such switches was small (10-12 lines), so they were later replaced by domestic linear-battery switches (LBK) with a capacity of 60-100 lines.

Widely used in the practice of an intermediate telegraph station - broadcast (from lat. translation- broadcast). With the introduction of telegraph communications, one of the main problems was the increase in the distance of direct telegraph transmission, that is, the direct connection of two terminals. General view of the telegraph broadcast of the BSTO (Big Northern Telegraph Society), widely used on Russian railways:

General view of a simple telegraph broadcast type BSTO

The limit of direct transmission of telegraph devices of that time was about 300 miles. Consequently, in order to transmit dispatches over long distances, it was necessary first to transfer it to an intermediate station located at a distance of no more than 300 versts, to receive it there, write it and, using another apparatus, transmit it again 300 versts, etc. To such a manual transmission dispatches took a lot of time. The main elements of the broadcast were Priss polarized telegraph relays. The use of telegraph broadcasts made it possible to significantly increase the distances during the direct transmission of dispatches.

The process of formation and development in the Russian state of the industry for the transmission of messages using electrical signals is inextricably linked with the beginning of the construction of railways. Historically, the era of the formation and development of telecommunications on Russian railways can be conditionally divided into three stages. The first stage covers the period from 1843 to 1958 (115 years) and is characterized by the use of analog networks of overhead communication lines (ALS) of various designs. The second stage is determined by the period from 1959 to 1994 (35 years) and is associated with the replacement of VLS with symmetrical cable communication lines (CLS) with copper conductors, sealed with analogue transmission systems with frequency division channels (FDM ASP) of the K-24 type , K60, etc. The third stage covers the period from 1995 to the present and is associated with the complete replacement analog systems and communication networks to digital ones using fiber-optic cable, radio relay and satellite lines equipped with digital transmission systems with time division channels (DSP and VRC)

The technique of transmitting messages began its complex evolutionary path with a primitive telegraph connection (1843). Before the design and construction of the St. Petersburg-Moscow railway, foreign experience was considered, the study of which was entrusted to the Department of Railways. All work on the construction of the St. Petersburg-Moscow railway was headed by the Chief Manager of Communications and Public Buildings, General Pyotr Andreevich Kleinmikhel.

P.A. Kleinmichel (1793-1869)

Particular attention was paid to "accepted and used systems and methods for signals given from the road and from wagons in different occasions when traveling by rail. On the Freiburg railway operated mirror telegraph, invented by Trentler. The representative of the department reported to Kleinmichel that “The mirror telegraph had a great complexity of both the signals themselves and the way they were serviced. .. such telegraphs are needed for every mile at least 10 .. ”. Thus, at least 900 such telegraphs would be required for the St. Petersburg-Moscow railway. The French engineer Guérin developed Acoustic telegraph. It was based on a telephone device used to compress air, which was used to transmit orders and signals from one station to another through the guards. The sounds of the telephone were made on a piston horn and were heard for 8 or more miles. The device made it possible to transmit up to 10 different signals, quite distinguishable from each other. The signalmen serving him had to have an ear for music.

Acoustic telegraph transmitter (1843)

The technical commission reacted coldly to Guerin's phone. However, Kleinmichel's attitude was warm, and he reported on the apparatus to Tsar Nicholas I.

Also considered Bayle bell signaling . The bells were powered by a wire drawn at the foot of the rail (the beginning of mechanical centralization!). In summer the action was good, but in winter the wire froze to the ground. signal pipes. This type of signaling was used to transmit voice messages during negotiations. On the Munich-Augsburg railway. when there was no wind, the signal was heard at a distance of 1000-1200 m. But, as in all types of signaling and communications, safety (safety of pipes) depended on the vigilance of the guards.

In 1850. just before the beginning of the drafting of an electromagnetic telegraph along the St. Petersburg-Moscow railway, a report was received about Electrochemical telegraph American inventor Ben. The report noted that “..Letters in Ben's telegraph, as well as in Morse's telegraph, are transmitted by signs consisting of dashes and dots, connected in various ways. In Morse telegraphs, these signs are marked on paper with a steel needle and therefore are not quite clear; in the telegraph of the city of Ben, they are indicated on paper in blue very clearly.

Ben's electrochemical telegraph apparatus (1835)

In general, the members of the Committee liked Ben's apparatus, but a drawback was noted: it took quite a long time for the formation of cuts in the paper for the transmission of the dispatch. It was proposed to purchase an electrochemical telegraph in one complete copy to compare it with other tested telegraphs. Kleinmichel agreed with this proposal and the Ministry of Finance purchased one of Ben's telegraph machines for 2,300 rubles. Subsequently, Kleinmichel refused to use it, and the Committee concluded that it did not fit the Russian telegraph system, but could be useful for science and placed in the museum of the Institute of Communications Corps, which was done in 1851. The principle of electrochemical processing of received telegrams subsequently was widely used in telegraph devices, i.e. for science, the principles of Ben's apparatus were undoubtedly useful.

In May 1845, a representative of the department informed Kleinmechel about Electric telegraph , which was used in Germany, and its device was entrusted to the famous Munich physicist Seingheim. In another message in August 1844, it was said about the Englishman G. Ferdely, who “... he is very much engaged in inventing signaling by means of electricity ... and has made a very satisfactory electromagnetic printing telegraph. There is no doubt that this telegraphic system is the most perfect so far in this subject. known systems; its large-scale use has decreased by half the price, due to the newly invented method by which the leading wires are carried out, not like to the village under the ground in rubber brows and in cast-iron pipes with garz lubrication, but by air - on high supports, and all touch points are isolated with glass or polished earthenware. Mr. Ferdeli assured me that Academician B. Jacobi could easily arrange his telegraph in St. Petersburg.”

Academician Boris Semenovich Jacobi

Of all the studies of the use of the telegraph abroad, representatives of the Russian Empire came to the conclusion that “The Tsarskoye Selo Railway Company, for example, for its own benefit, could arrange an electromagnetic line between St. Petersburg and Tsarskoye Selo.”

The first telegraph line in Russia.

Traffic along the St. Petersburg-Moscow railway was opened in separate sections at different times, starting in May 1847. By the opening of traffic on the St. Petersburg-Moscow railway, the “Regulations on the composition of the Administration of the St. Petersburg-Moscow railway” were issued , according to which the Road Administration had four compositions (in modern terminology - “services”): road, station, mobile, telegraphic. At the same time, the "Telegraphic Composition" from the moment the Road Administration was organized was an independent service, and it included two Telegraph Administrations, which were located in both capitals (St. Petersburg and Moscow). The staff of these departments consisted of two officers on duty, two clerks and two couriers. At the rest of the stations there were "telegraphic departments" (from the 1st to the 35th), headed by a non-commissioned officer, and all the lower ranks made up the "telegraphic company".

Morse devices were located at the metropolitan stations, at the rest - Siemens devices. Taking into account the telegraph connection with the Winter Palace, there were three Morse apparatuses at the metropolitan stations, to which 4 senior "signalmen" were assigned. 76 Siemens devices were installed, each of them was assigned 1 senior and 2 junior "signalmen". Each "telegraphic department" also had one "cantonist", who was trained as a signalman. The Morse apparatuses of the metropolitan stations, as well as the Siemens apparatuses located at all first-class stations, were connected by a "thick" conductor. Stations of the second, third and fourth classes were connected by "thin telegraphic wires". Let's pay attention that already on the first railway line St.-Petersburg - Moscow stations were divided into classes. For the operation of the devices, two batteries were provided: "one for action and the other for change the next day". On Russian telegraphs, at first (until 1865) Daniell cells were used for batteries, and then they were replaced by Meidinger cells.

The line was originally built using underground conductors, which operated for two years and were replaced by overhead ones. Since 1852, Siemens apparatuses also began to be gradually replaced by Morse apparatuses. The replacement was due to the fact that Siemens devices provided a transmission rate of no more than 25 words per hour and required 100 or more batteries, control of the dispatches was difficult, since they had to be dictated when receiving on a disk with letters, and this was main reason slowing down the reception of dispatches. The Morse apparatus provided a transmission rate 100 times faster, and the received dispatch remained on the telegraph tape. Apparatuses for about 100 years were used in railway transport. In Russia, all telegraphs of that time were under the jurisdiction of the Main Directorate of Railways, they transmitted telegrams related to the work of both railway transport and private individuals. The railway telegraph was in general use until 1864, when the telegraph was transferred to the post office. From here arose the “bondage” of the postal department over railway telegraphs, which had to be fought before the organization of public telegraph communications.

Start of construction . Academician Jacobi was entrusted with drafting a telegraph between St. Petersburg and Moscow on the model of the electric telegraph communication he arranged in 1843 between the buildings of the Main Department of Railways in St. Petersburg and the Tsarskoe Selo Palace, as well as between the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg Petersburg and the office of the Chief Manager of Communications. Major Whistler, one of the well-known railway specialists, was invited from America as a "consultative engineer". His tasks also included questions on the organization of signaling on the railway.

By the highest command in 1845 . was “It was recognized as necessary to make an experimental electromagnetic connection from the Znamensky Bridge, in the direction of the railway, for one verst, in 1846 - an experimental line from St. Petersburg to the Alexander Plant, which produces mastic (insulating mass). The implementation of both lines was also entrusted to the academic collegiate adviser Jacobi.

Jacobi faced an extremely difficult problem, requiring the solution of a number of complex tasks: to improve his telegraph apparatus; to improve the production of underground wires, insulated and laid in glass tubes with rubber joints; create an insulating mass for the joints of the tubes; to develop the necessary measuring instruments, etc. Construction began with the underground laying of metal conductors in the berm of the railway bed. Jacobi's proposal to use overhead wires, already widely used abroad, did not find support. Moreover, the Main Directorate of Railways insisted on a "more correct means" and settled on underground wiring. Jacobi nevertheless made efforts to carry out the work entrusted to him. For better insulation of the 600-verst line, I used two copper wires laid in wooden gutters and covered with asphalt. The discovery of gutta-percha made it possible to use it as an insulating substance. However, the artisanal method of "isolation" did not give satisfactory results. Ultimately, the failures disappointed Jacobi, and in 1848 he asked to be released from work on the telegraph device. Subsequently, the development of the telegraph in Russia was closely connected with the names of Karl Karlovich Lüders (Lidere) and Werner von Siemens, who came to Russia from Prussia to "apply" their invention - the telegraph apparatus.

In the 1850s Lueders made a proposal on the distribution of "telegraphic stations" on the St. Petersburg - Moscow line.

Karl Karlovich Lueders

It outlined the basics of the device, operation and maintenance of the telegraph on the first high-speed railway line in Russia St. Petersburg - Moscow: “... it turns out to be necessary to arrange as many telegraphic stations as there are on the railway, namely 33. For each of them, in addition to the terminal ones in St. hours of duty per day for each, 192 signalmen will be required for a full telegraphic operation .... Telegraph apparatuses should be placed at the stations themselves, for without this it would be impossible for trains stopping only for a few minutes to report the dispatches received and receive those from them. For the installation of devices at stations of I and II classes, one of the rooms located near the cash desk, which is part of the cashier's apartment, can be occupied. At class III stations, the devices can be placed in one of the hot water outbuildings, which does not have a specific purpose; the tender for a spare locomotive will be placed in another annex. Finally, in class IV stations, apparatuses can be placed in passenger houses, where there are such, and where they are not, the apparatus itself can be placed in the lower section of the water-heating house, under the fireboxes, as is now done in Kolpino. There is no space at the stations themselves for placing a telegraphic team and for maintaining and charging galvanic batteries, but as special houses and services should be arranged with them, when drawing up projects for these buildings, one should keep in mind the premises for servants, with the telegraph required " .

Palace telegraph station in Peterhof.

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Telegraph is, definition

The telegraph is a means of transmitting a signal over wires or other telecommunication channels.

The telegraph is a system of technical devices for transmitting messages over a distance by wire using.

The telegraph is a means of transmitting signals by wire, radio or other communication channels.

A telegraph is a device for transmitting some kind of signals (for example, letters) over a distance using electricity through wires.

A telegraph is an institution, a building in which notifications sent in this way are accepted for sending and received.

The telegraph is a communication system that ensures the rapid transmission of messages over a distance - by means of electrical signals over wires or by radio - with their recording at the receiving point.

Bodo apparatus - a new stage in the development of telegraphy

In 1872, the French inventor Jean Baudot designed a telegraph machine that could transmit two or more messages in one direction over a single wire. The Bodo apparatus and those created according to its principle are called start-stop. In addition, Bodo created a very successful telegraph code (the Baudot Code), which was subsequently adopted everywhere and received the name International Telegraph Code No. 1 (ITA1). A modified version of MTK No. 1 was named MTK No. 2 (ITA2). In the USSR, on the basis of ITA2, the MTK-2 telegraph code was developed. Further modifications to the design of the start-stop telegraph apparatus proposed by Bodo led to the creation of teleprinters (teleprinters). In honor of Bodo, the unit of information transfer rate, baud, was named.


By 1930, the design of a start-stop telegraph apparatus equipped with a telephone-type disk dialer (teletype) was created. This type of telegraph apparatus, among other things, made it possible to personalize the subscribers of the telegraph network and to quickly connect them. Almost simultaneously in the UK, national subscriber telegraph networks were created, called Telex (Telegraph + EXchange).

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