Data collection terminal for a warehouse: what is it and how to use it? Data collection terminals tsd What is a tsd terminal.

A data collection terminal (DCT) is a wireless portable device that includes:

  • built-in barcode scanner – provides code reading;
  • RFID reader – fingerprint scanner and other means of identification.

The main manufacturers of data collection terminals are Motorola, Datalogic, Intermec, CipherLab, Casio, Pidion, Argox.

Distinguish following types modern data collection terminals:

  • autonomous (Batch) – data exchange between the terminal and the PC is carried out via an interface stand, which is connected to the computer;
  • radio frequency – Wi-Fi data collection terminals that transmit data via wireless communication via radio channel.

TSD is a means of quickly collecting and transmitting information about a product, and their use in conjunction with a WMS system ensures maximum operating efficiency of the entire warehouse complex.

How to use data collection terminals?

An example of how TSD works with the TopLog WMS system:

1. Acceptance

  • the employee scans the bar code (BC) of the pallet on which the goods will be accepted;
  • alternately scans the bar code of the incoming goods until the WMS system signals that the required quantity has been accepted;
  • a warehouse worker scans HQ pallets;
  • scans the printer and prints pallet sheets.

2. Checking balances

  • the employee scans the security code of the cell or product;
  • when scanning a cell's security code, an employee receives information about the remaining goods and batch to this address;
  • When scanning a product, the security control system receives information about balances in all locations of a given item.

3. Acceptance of returns

  • an employee scans the flight's security code;
  • then scans the product’s bar code or selects a name from the list by article number;
  • indicates the quantity of products being returned and scans all returned items;
  • At the end of the operation, the WMS solution generates a return acceptance certificate.

4. Search for storage addresses

  • the employee scans the security code of the product or cell;
  • receives the storage addresses of the goods of interest.

5. Recharge

  • a warehouse employee selects a replenishment zone and receives a list of addresses from which it is necessary to take goods to replenish active storage;
  • scans the CC of the storage cell from the task list, after which a window appears with the name of the product and the quantity that needs to be recharged;
  • an employee scans the item's security code;
  • confirms the selection in the input window.

6. Moving

  • an employee scans the security code of cells or pallets, after which the WMS system provides a list of stored products;
  • The warehouse worker selects the required product from the list;
  • the employee delivers it to the required cell or pallet and scans its address.
  • the employee scans the printer and prints out the pallet sheet;
  • further – scans the pallet sheet;
  • approaches the required cell and scans the item’s bar code;
  • enters the quantity of goods to be selected;
  • collects goods until the pallet is full, or the warehouse management system signals that the collected quantity has been accepted;
  • enters the amount of container.

8. Inventory

  • The employee alternately scans the security code of the cells and the goods stored in them.

Thus, data collection terminals greatly simplify everything technological processes at the enterprise.

Advantages of using data collection terminals

  • reduction of mis-grading and shortages, thanks to automatic identification of goods;
  • increasing the speed of acceptance, shipment, inventory and movement of goods by at least 2 times;
  • optimizing enterprise resources and increasing employee productivity;
  • a radical reduction in the influence of the human factor and, as a result, a reduction in errors on the part of personnel;
  • reducing the number of information entry operators and the total number of employees by 30%.

All this significantly reduces the costs of the enterprise and increases its efficiency.

From our company you can order models of data collection terminals from top manufacturers for a variety of needs of your business.

Modern logistics and trade processes are difficult to imagine without various automated devices and systems, be it a WMS system for warehouse management or various automated racks. The variety of equipment and device manufacturers provides the end consumer with a large selection and the opportunity to select equipment to suit their specific needs. One such device is a data collection terminal (DCT). There are many different types of TSD from different manufacturers equipment. Below we will look at what TSD is, their types and their purpose.

What is a data collection terminal (DCT)

TSD is a specialized laptop computer designed for collecting data, processing it and interacting with the information system in an organization. This is a type of equipment for

The simplest modification is a device the size of cellular telephone, with built-in barcode scanner. The most complex models can operate underwater or at temperatures down to -50 °C. With the help of TSD, warehouse workers process turnover, ship consumable orders, or take inventory.

Operating principle of TSD

The principle of operation of the TSD is to read information by scanning a barcode and further transmitting this information to information system.

Also, tasks can be issued to warehouse workers on the TSD screen, and if available additional functions The TSD can be used as a printer or intercom.

  • Transferring information to the information system is possible wirelessly or by connecting the TSD to a computer via a cable.
  • Some TSDs can be attached to the hand, and some are equipped with a pistol grip for easier operation.
  • There are also industrial data collection terminals that scan specialized types of codes or operate under difficult external conditions.

How to use the data collection terminal

Using TSD is quite simple, you just need to send laser scanner to the barcode so that the terminal reads the encrypted information. This information is then stored on the internal storage for subsequent transmission to the information system or transmitted directly via a wireless connection. Usually installed on the terminal itself special program for the TSD, which processes scanned information.

Also, tasks can be issued to warehouse workers on the terminal screen, and if there are additional functions, the TSD can be used as a thermal printer or intercom.

Using the terminal, you can carry out inventory, accept and ship goods, check the expiration date of goods, and check the correctness of price tags on the sales floor. When barcoding documents, the terminals can be used in document flow.

How does the data collection terminal work?

Transferring data to the information system:

After reading the information from the barcode, the data must then be transferred to the organization’s information system. For this purpose, data collection terminals are equipped with various data transfer interfaces.

  • Some terminals are connected to the information system in real time and data exchange occurs via wireless communication,
  • and some scan information to an internal storage device and subsequently transmit it when connected via a wire.
  • It is also possible to transfer information via memory cards.

The main methods of transmitting TSD data:

  • Connecting the TSD via a wired connection. Connection interfaces: RS232, USB. Sometimes a so-called cradle stand is used (a stand for a TSD connected to a PC). Several options for the operation of the cradle stand are possible - one-to-one (one base stand + one data collection terminal) and multi-point (one stand + several scanners). The advantage of a wired connection can be considered a long time battery life, because there is no need to waste energy maintaining a communication channel. The disadvantage is the lack of constant connection with the information system and feedback.
  • Connecting the TSD via a wireless connection. Connection interfaces: BlueTooth, Wi-Fi, IrDA (IR port), GSM. There are restrictions on the operating distance of the terminals: with a BlueTooth connection they work at a distance of up to 15 meters, Wi-Fi - up to 100 meters. IrDA is an infrared port, it works at a close distance of up to 10 cm. To connect via GSM, the information system must have a modem to receive the signal, it works in a stable signal area cellular communication. The advantages are constant connection and feedback with the information system, always up-to-date information on the TSD. The disadvantages include a slightly higher price than wired terminals.

Scanner operation:

Modern barcode scanners differ in the type of reader, decodable codes, read capabilities QR codes and RFID tags.

The reading element device can be laser or LED.

  • Laser TSDs are the most common and use a red diode laser. Scans standard linear (1D) barcode of various sizes (up to several decimeters).
  • An LED scanner (image scanner) takes a picture of the barcode, and then analyzes and extracts the information.
  • The image scanner can scan more complex barcodes (1D, 2D, mixed, damaged, QR codes) and operate at a distance of up to 15 meters.
  • RFID tag scanners are not very widespread yet, but they successfully combine several technologies (barcoding and radio frequency identification). Can be used for marking expensive products.

There are also specialized scanners for recognizing codes made using direct marking technology (DPM). Application of a barcode is possible by drilling, laser engraving, etching with chemical reagents, extrusion (perma code) and other methods, depending on the type of surface. This type of coding is often used in industrial production. The operation of a simple scanner is complicated by the fact that the barcode is made on the very surface of the product, be it metal or polyethylene. Therefore, a special DPM scanner was developed.

operating system

The data collection terminal is a specialized mini-computer, with its own processor, RAM and long-term memory, and any computer must be controlled operating system. There are several such operating systems for TSD:

An old operating system, found mainly on older models and has a number of limitations. On a DOS system, only certain things generally work. software, developed by the device manufacturer. Software developed in programming languages ​​such as C++ or Visual Basic is also possible.

DOS terminals have a monochrome display, low computing power and internal memory storage. It would seem that such terminals are not in demand and are already falling out of use, but despite all the shortcomings, such TSDs have a number of advantages over more complex terminals. Low power consumption and, as a result, longer operating time on a single charge, system reliability, affordable price, which still allows us to compete in the equipment market.

  • Windows

This is the most common and flexible operating system for a data collection terminal. Windows Mobile a more universal system, can be used in various modern terminals, but for this operating system there are higher system requirements. It is considered a more popular operating system because... A lot of applications have been developed for it for all areas of trade and logistics. Windows CE does not require significant computing power and is flexible in use.

  • Android OS

A fairly new operating system that has recently appeared on the market of data collection terminals. It is characterized by ease of use, lower cost of developing applications for the terminal (compared to applications for Win), and the absence of complex software licensing. Interesting for small and medium businesses.

Relationship with WMS (thin client, thick)

To operate a data collection terminal, one device is not enough; you also need the appropriate software. This software (TSD driver) is developed for the operating system installed on the terminal. Large developers of their own corporate information systems are developing their own programs for TSD. Some equipment suppliers offer comprehensive solutions TSD + drivers for popular ICs (for example, for 1c). In general, there are two approaches to organizing the workplace.

Thin client based

For devices in the operating room Windows system Remote Desktop Protocol or Citrix Metaframe client can be used. With their help, you can remotely display the contents of the server desktop. You can also develop WEB applications to create a thin client. In this case, the “thin” client on the TSD will be any web browser supported by the system. For terminals on the DOS operating system it is possible using telnet. In this case, the application running on the telnet server will be displayed on the TSD screen via telnet-client. The wireless connection mode ensures continuous communication between the TSD and the information system. This approach is considered outdated because equipment running DOS systems is becoming less and less.

Organization of a workplace based on a “thick” client

A “thick” client is an application developed specifically for a specific data collection terminal. The application can be developed for both offline and online mode. Modern operating systems in TSD (Windows, Android) allow you to develop various applications for the terminal. The disadvantages of a “thick client” are that it is tied to the operating system for which the application was developed. There is a risk of data loss if for some reason the data is not transferred to the information system.

Interface (sensor, buttons)

Used in various terminals various ways entering information. This can be a keyboard with a different number of keys or a touch screen, or a combination of a touch screen with function buttons is also possible. The number of buttons varies, both in TSD types and models. The advantages of a touch screen include the fact that any number of buttons and their combinations can be displayed on the screen. The disadvantages are that it is not always convenient to press buttons on a small screen; the accuracy of information input may suffer. Keyboards in terminals are also different. In the very simple version these will be keys with numbers only. Some models have keys with numbers, each of which is assigned its own set of letters for enumeration, and there are keyboards with a full set of letters and numbers necessary for full input of information. The number of buttons in such terminals varies (12, 32, 53, etc.). A terminal with up to 8 function keys is considered convenient. There are terminals with a full qwerty keyboard, but these are specialized industrial models.

Additional features of TSD

  • There are terminal models with their own characteristics.
  • Some TSD models can be connected to an additional barcode printer, which allows you to print and replace labels if an error is detected in them.
  • It is also possible to have a camera for additional photography of objects and entering information into the database.
  • Some TSDs in the form of a PDA have a GSM module and can be used like a cell phone.
  • Sometimes TSDs are equipped with backup batteries of small capacity and size. If the main battery is discharged, the backup battery allows you to save data and, if possible, transfer it to the IC.
  • There are models with an adjustable laser angle for scanning barcodes, which reduces the muscle load on workers, and this affects labor productivity.

Battery, autonomy

One of the main characteristics of TSD is battery life. Naturally, the larger it is, the better. At a minimum, the TSD should be enough for one 8-hour work shift, and some models, with a larger battery capacity, work up to 24 hours without recharging. Most models of data collection terminals are powered by Li-ion or Li-pol batteries. The rest are from regular alkaline batteries or other types of batteries. Some TSD models come with removable batteries that can be hot-swapped. The advantage of this is to ensure uninterrupted operation, but as a result, the price of such models is higher.

Temperature conditions, protection

There are specialized scanners that can operate in a wide temperature range, from -50 °C to + 50 °C. They have enhanced protection from the external environment, a durable housing, sealed connectors, and a screen with impact-resistant glass. The TSDs are also equipped with enhanced sound and light indication for operation in conditions of increased noise and limited visibility. The scanners have a rubberized body and can withstand repeated drops from a height of up to 2 meters. Such scanners have a protection class, which is determined by international standard IEC 60529, designated IPXY (X – degree of protection against the penetration of foreign objects, dust. Y – degree of protection from moisture).

Types of TSD brief overview

Data collection terminals can be divided into several generally recognized categories. There are also many different companies producing TSD. There are also separate services that repair TSD.

  • Entry class TSD, equipped with a simple barcode scanner and not big amount function keys. Designed for small organizations. The data obtained as a result of reading barcodes is stored on the device and later transferred to the information system via a wired connection. The setup of such TSDs is minimal.

Advantages: low price, ease of use, reliability.

Flaws: lack of computing power for complex warehouse operations, little functionality, need to connect to a computer to transfer data.

Many companies produce entry-level TSD

  • TSD with handle– a special type of terminals that are distinguished by an attached pistol grip for ease of use. Handle-mounted LCDs often have a long-range barcode reader that operates up to 9 meters away and can scan through glass, allowing forklift operators to read codes without leaving their seats.

Advantages: ease of use, protection from the external environment, all the functionality of full-size TSDs.

Disadvantages: price.

TSD with handle

  • Wearable TSDs are attached to the wrist, leaving your hands free, and the ring-shaped laser scanner is placed on your finger. Maybe voice control. A very convenient device when workers need to have free hands during scanning.

Advantages: ease of use, protection from the external environment, all the functionality of full-size TSDs.

Flaws: price.

It is a device that systematizes data regarding products at the stage of reception, internal movement, dispatch and accounting. It has a touch or regular screen, with buttons it resembles mobile phone.

Activation and execution of operations are accompanied by a sound and/or light signal. To connect to computer network,TSD uses Wi-Fi, IR or Bluetooth.

Working with TSD in a warehouse

Let's try to figure it out and answer the question about TSD: what is it in the warehouse? Data collection terminal is an independent mini-computer equipment capable of reading data encrypted in codes and transmitting them for subsequent processing. The ability to accumulate information allows you to store it inside the data collection terminal, as well as transfer it to the module with external connection in batch mode and individually.

Scanning is performed by a laser or LED component. The first type of TSD recognizes information well at a distance of up to 30 cm, but it doesn’t matter

copes with worn out labels. For expensive models, image and photographic scanners are provided.

If it is impossible to read information at close range, they will help out. They are able to accumulate and identify the information received on goods placed in closed cars, unloaded by powerful equipment that is impossible to get close to.

How much does a data collection terminal cost?

The price of devices consists of 6 indicators:

♦ Basic functionality. Terminals are divided into storage (collecting information) and transmission. The first type only collects information, while the second is additionally capable of transmitting it to other modules. Stationary brands are convenient for working in one place, while mobile ones take into account the movement of the worker with the device. Wireless ones are considered more convenient, as they eliminate tangling and accidental breakage of the switching cord.
♦ Multi-action. Single-tasking machines run on DOS. Inexpensive in price, but capable of malfunctioning - “freezing”. Multitasking, adapted for Android and Windows, provides the ability to perform several tasks in parallel. Multitasking ones are able to integrate with the EGAIS system and conduct commodity accounting activities at a more advanced technical level.
♦ Barcode recognition. Simplified terminal models only work with linear codes. For two-dimensional analogs, more complex devices are required. Sometimes there is a need to read pictures and signatures.
♦ Scanner type. Image terminals are considered the most expensive and effective. However, their purchase is not always justified. To read two-dimensional codes, an LED scanner is not enough, so a laser scanner is used. If you have glossy labels on uneven or worn paper, the LED analogue is almost irreplaceable.
♦ Special operating conditions. When you have to work in dimly lit rooms, on the street in the evening and at night, in unheated and damp rooms, in conditions of very limited space. It is better to purchase two-module scanners that work with all types of labels.
♦ Additional design options. The presence of a microphone and camera in the terminal is necessary in large or multi-storey warehouses, when employees can communicate at a distance on work issues.

Data collection terminal cost starts from 20 thousand rubles.

How to choose the right TSD model

How to work with TSD in a warehouse was discussed above. Before purchasing, take into account the conditions under which the terminal will be used. This concerns the climatic characteristics of the territory.

The size of the warehouse assortment and the duration of work during the day are also important. The need to scan different types/types of labels and the quality of the barcode image are taken into account.

How to choose terminal software

The software must be suitable for the selected model of the data collection terminal, ensuring its full functioning. The model of comparability with 1C was chosen as the priority integration. The second condition is the adaptation of the terminal’s operating algorithm in relation to the assigned tasks. Otherwise, you will need to select suitable software or improve the product data collection model.

Data collection terminals: conclusion

The decision to purchase TSD is made by the director or owner of the company. If you are interested:

a) increasing the efficiency of warehouse processes;
b) full accounting of goods without “duplication” of codes;
c) reducing errors made by employees;

then you should definitely purchase a data collection terminal.

The terminal will help:

♦ enter all barcodes without exception into the database
♦ check the quantitative accuracy of the shipped products;
♦ adjust the cost of inventory;
♦ quickly conduct an inventory of balances;
♦ analyze data on received goods.

Each model comes with detailed instructions, explaining how to use TSD in a warehouse, on the sales floor, and in intermediate places along the route of goods.

How a terminal differs from a scanner, how to choose a TSD, which models of devices have earned a reputation as inexpensive and reliable, is described in the article.

Owners of even small stores with a team of 3–5 people prefer to automate the accounting of goods by purchasing equipment capable of reading barcodes. One of the leading devices of the automation system is the data collection terminal (DCT). It is responsible for reading, remembering, and processing information “hardwired” into product barcodes. How a terminal differs from a scanner, how to choose a TSD, which models of devices have earned a reputation as inexpensive and reliable, is described in the article.

How does a TSD differ from a scanner?

Portable data collection terminal - a miniature computer running in the operating room Microsoft system Windows Mobile, Palm OS, DOS or Linux. It is equipped with a scanning device that reads product codes, as well as a module that communicates with the warehouse computer via WiFi.

Professional automation of goods accounting in retail. Organize your store

Take control of sales and track indicators for cashiers, points and organizations in real time from any convenient place where there is an Internet connection. Formulate the needs of outlets and purchase goods in 3 clicks, print labels and price tags with barcodes, making life easier for yourself and your employees. Build a customer base using a ready-made loyalty system, use a flexible system of discounts to attract customers during off-peak hours. Operate like a big store, but without the expense of specialists and server equipment today, starting to earn more tomorrow.

They also produce stationary devices, but these devices, costing from 2-3 thousand dollars, are designed for use by large warehouse and logistics companies that process several hundred items of cargo daily.

The color display of the TSD is often made using touch-screen technology, only you need to work on it not with your fingers (as with a smartphone), but with a special stylus included in the kit.

A regular scanner will read the code (they are located at store checkouts), and the terminal will not only read it, but remember it and allow you to immediately add the quantity, batch number and make notes about the condition of the goods. Data entered into the device is saved in its memory, then transferred to a computer with installed accounting program via wired or wireless connection.

Three steps to choosing a terminal

A person who has never faced the choice of special equipment will simply be confused by the abundance of brands, models, and modifications of data collection terminals. Start with the simplest:

Step 1: Decide what you need the device for

The cheapest model (200-300 USD), with a minimum of functions, can accept goods, carry out inventory, and move between the warehouse and the sales floor. But if the business is to develop, the capabilities of technology should not interfere with this development.

Example: a device has been selected that does not support a wireless connection to a PC, the store has moved, the warehouse area has doubled, and the number of goods accepted daily has increased. The device’s memory has become insufficient; to free up space, you have to constantly run to the warehouse, connect via a cord to your PC, and spend 2-3 hours per shift on this.

Step 2: Consult a specialist

The data collection terminal should not complicate life, but simplify accounting. Therefore, it is important that the device’s hardware is synchronized with the accounting program installed in the store. The IT specialist who installed the software will be able to tell you which models are suitable. If you are just planning to automate accounting, immediately discuss the set of equipment that will be needed in your store.

Step 3: Set a Budget

The cost of models with approximately the same capabilities differs significantly. It’s better to immediately decide what price category of devices the store can afford. In the selected price niche there will be 2-4 device models, from which you can find the most suitable: specifications, availability of support service, service center, duration of warranty, speed of replacement of a broken (defective) device.

When the first steps are taken, start studying the technical characteristics.

Technical specifications

How much the terminal will help in the operation of the store, how much it will cost, is determined by the technical characteristics:

1. Reading type. Three types of devices are produced:

  • laser: read linear barcodes, do not work well with damaged, blurry labels, cost from $150;
  • equipped with a photo scanner(largest group): reads 2D codes, PDF417 and QR codes, can be used to work with EGAIS, will read even damaged code, cost starts from $350-400;
  • working with radio frequency tags or RFID: works only with special tags (these are used to mark products made from natural fur, expensive clothes), the optimal choice for large stores with a warehouse area of ​​200 sq. m. m.

2. Housing protection: each model is provided with data on recommended operating temperatures, moisture resistance, and protection from mechanical influences. There are models that operate at subzero temperatures and can withstand a fall from a height of 2-3 meters after being completely immersed in water. For heated warehouses, most protective functions can be neglected, but if you have to receive goods on the street, it is better to choose a device that can work normally in negative environmental conditions.

Comprehensive trade automation at minimum costs

We take a regular computer, connect any fiscal registrar and install the Business Ru Kassa application. As a result, we get an economical analogue of the POS terminal as in big store with all its functions. We supply products with prices in cloud service Business.Ru and let's start working. For everything about everything - maximum 1 hour and 15-20 thousand rubles. for the fiscal registrar.

3. Method of transmitting information to the host computer: wireless or using a cord (the second name is a batch) connecting the TSD to a PC. As a rule, devices with a wireless connection are additionally equipped with a cord for RS-232, USB port. Wireless transmission data possible via IrDA, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GSM. Batch standard models are cheaper, but you won’t be able to add a wireless module to them.

Improving the accounting system, monitoring the movement of goods, transferring, storing and analyzing data is associated with the use of modern mobile devices, allowing to significantly increase the speed of work when performing standard warehouse and trade operations.

The electronic data collection terminal (EDT) makes it possible to quickly manage merchandise flow based on reading barcodes. The equipment is used not only for conducting inventories, but also for generating incoming and outgoing invoices, documents for the movement of goods, for checking the correctness of price tags, and drawing up revaluation acts.

What is TSD

TSD stands for data collection terminal. In most cases, this equipment is used for inventory in warehouses, trade, and distribution centers.

A standard data collection terminal is a mini-computer equipped with a built-in scanner, keyboard, and display. Its own operating system allows you to process and save the received information and then upload it to central bank data.

Externally, the TSD terminal resembles a thick mobile phone with a large number of buttons on the panel. The device is distinguished by noticeable ergonomics - it “fits” in the hand and does not slip out.

How to use the data collection terminal

In order to record information, it is necessary to direct a laser beam at the barcode being scanned. Device in automatic mode will take all necessary further actions to save and transmit information. To make the necessary clarifications and corrections, you can use the keyboard buttons or the touchscreen.

The standard scheme for working with TSD in a warehouse is as follows: direct the scanner beam at the barcode. Everything else depends on your attentiveness and speed of action. To download information from storage-type devices, it is enough to place it in a special communication device.

To avoid possible errors and failures in the settings, as well as to fully become familiar with the functionality of the TSD, it is necessary to read the instructions for each before starting work specific model.

Why do you need a data collection terminal?

The use of a data collection terminal makes it possible to minimize the participation of the so-called human factor when carrying out inventories, acceptance and release of goods. Automatic processing and transmission of information contributes to a significant reduction in the number of errors, which ultimately leads to improved organization of work and reduction of time losses.

Electronic TSD is used:

  • when conducting inventories;
  • upon acceptance, release and internal movements of goods;
  • to check price tags on the sales floor;
  • to serve customers at the checkout offline mode(in order to speed up service) with the issuance of a check.

The functionality allows you to upload data either when installing the terminal in a “socket” connected to the system, or directly at the time of scanning.

If it is necessary to expand the range of options, additional software is installed that allows you to analyze the product range, manage operator actions, and place pre-orders.

How does the data collection terminal work?

During the scanning process, data is accumulated in the terminal’s memory or immediately transmitted to the central port via a radio channel (depending on the model).

The TSD is connected to the computer using a special communication stand, which simultaneously serves charger for the terminal. It is also possible to transfer and exchange data with using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, infrared or USB (depending on the features of the retail equipment).

Radio terminals are used in cases where continuous uploading of data to a central system is necessary. In this case, the information is immediately processed and allows operational mode eliminate any miscalculations and errors that have arisen. In fact, the radio terminal acts as a common part unified system. The devices are used in large warehouses, hypermarkets, distribution centers, and factories, making it possible to reduce time losses and have real information about the movement of items in real time.

How to choose a data collection terminal

The correct selection of electronic TSD for a warehouse guarantees uninterrupted work on collecting and transmitting information to the central system, thereby ensuring the stability of control and accounting processes.

When purchasing a terminal, you should consider the following parameters:

  • Compatible with the operating system of the main commercial equipment. When using Windows CE, Windows Mobile it is possible to work with touch screen, receiving colored and graphic images. The DOS system is installed on terminals with a monochrome display and provides information only in the form of text; such TSDs differ long term work without recharging (up to one day).
  • Software. Must be consistent with the ability to integrate TSD into a centralized system. The most functional and reliable software include SOTI MobilControl, Logistic Solution, 1C, CITYSOFT Warehouse.
  • Data Collection Format– linear barcodes or PDF417, electronic signatures, radio frequency tags.
  • Functionality and room size– sales area, warehouse, distribution center.
  • Special working conditions. To use terminals in industrial conditions, additional protection from dust and moisture, the ability to operate at low temperatures (up to – 30°C), and an impact-resistant housing are required. Parameters such as distance from the scanned object, the presence of sunlight, glare from glass and plastics are also taken into account.

Experts in working with commercial equipment recommend purchasing electronic TSDs produced under the brands famous brands– Motorola (Symbol), Casio, Datalogic, Opticon, Pidion, Honeywell, which allow you to quickly upload or transmit information online to a central system.

Types of TSD (brief overview)

The procedure for using the TSD depends on the specific model and its functionality. In total, experts identify six main types of terminals, based on the purpose and number of programmed options.

The most simple devices to collect data by scanning. Used to carry out inventories in stores, pharmacies, and small warehouses. Data correction is possible using the buttons on the panel. The data obtained as a result of scanning is saved on the device as a file, the information is uploaded via wired connection to the computer.

The devices do not support WAN or Wi-Fi.

Pocket PC

Represent powerful devices small size (with mobile phone), connecting functions personal computer, scanner and phone. Provide guaranteed access to remote information located in the main database. Ideal for managers, inspectors, forwarders.

Support Wi-Fi, GPS, WAN (GPRS and 3G), Bluetooth.

Full-size TSDs are small units with a wireless connection to the database. Functionally similar to pocket computers, but at the same time have higher efficiency and a full-fledged keyboard.

The devices are actively used in large warehouses, in the trading floors of hypermarkets, on construction sites, and in freight transport - the equipment is reliably protected from atmospheric factors and is resistant to temperature changes. Some models are designed specifically for underwater use.

TSD with pistol grip

The equipment is designed to work in difficult conditions – Long-range scanners are capable of reading barcodes from a distance of up to 9 meters. In the absence of Wi-Fi, the terminal works as a storage device. It is particularly reliable even during intensive use.

The use of a pistol grip TSD in distribution centers, large warehouses, construction sites, and cargo terminals makes it possible not only to quickly and efficiently scan, but is also one of the factors ensuring the safety of employees when working at height.

Wearable TSD

The main advantage of the devices is that When working with them, your hands remain free. In fact, these are the same TSD with a pistol grip, but attached to the wrist. The scanner itself is made in the form of a ring and is put on your finger. Control format: voice. The equipment significantly increases work efficiency, but for some reason is not particularly in demand.

Transport TSD

They are distinguished by high levels of computing power and are used when receiving, shipping and assembling goods in conditions of increased vibration - on loading platforms and vehicles, in particular, sea vessels.

The scanner is connected to the device separately, There is no built-in laser in the terminals.

How much does TSD cost?

An important factor when choosing a TSD is its price. The cost of equipment depends on the set of options, type of connection, and brand. It is worth noting that even the simplest devices (from 10 thousand rubles) can significantly facilitate the collection of data in the process of inventory or goods acceptance.

The greatest demand is for mid-priced models (22-27 thousand rubles), making it possible to promptly resolve problems with errors and malfunctions during operation.

The most expensive data collection terminals cost about 80 thousand rubles; the devices are distinguished by an expanded set of options or are designed to perform work in specific conditions.


How to configure TSD?

Connection and configuration of data collection terminals is carried out in accordance with the Procedure for connecting and setting up retail equipment.

In most cases, TSDs go on sale with an installed operating system and several standard programs. There are no disks for installation. Independent attempts to connect equipment by non-specialists can lead to the “demolition” of factory programs and the need to reflash the terminal. The specific model is configured in accordance with the installed operating system, scanner type, and product range.

If you are not a professional, it makes sense to entrust the matter to the experts from the service company that services your commercial equipment.

How to reboot the TSD?

Two types of reboot are considered - hot and cold.

A warm boot is similar to a standard PC reboot and is performed by pressing one or more buttons (one of them is red) depending on the model. Cold boot means resetting everyone installed applications and restoring factory settings. Again, the combination of buttons depends on the specific model. Rebooting can be performed by employees of your enterprise.

How to pass a case-sensitive prefix to TSD?

What is unloading of goods in TSD?

Standard unloading means unloading documents that indicate goods with a barcode. TSD does not read products without barcodes. To account for such goods, modified unloading processing is required.

How to check the TSD - is it working or not?

To check the functionality of the TSD, just press the power button and scan any barcode. If the terminal issues sound signal, then the equipment is in order. If any problems arise with the terminal, you can contact the specialists of our company by calling 2000-215, 2000-214.

How to connect TSD to 1C?

To connect the terminal to 1C, you need to install a special driver included in the package, or download it from the manufacturer’s website. Then you need to configure the connection parameters to the TSD in 1C (port, exchange rate, exchange fields, etc.)

How to reset the password on TSD?

To reset your password, contact our company specialists.

How to find out imei TSD?

Information about IMEI is contained in the settings, in the "About the device" section

How to reflash the TSD?

Reflashing the TSD is exactly the case when you should contact specialists without hesitation.

How to accept weighted goods with TSD?

To accept weighted goods, special driver settings are required.