“Territory of Meanings” is preparing to open. Educational forum "Territory of Meanings on Klyazma" opened in the Vladimir region

VILLAGE OF Dvoriki /Vladimir region/, June 27. /Corr. TASS Anna Ustinova/. The first session of the All-Russian youth educational forum “Territory of Meanings on the Klyazma” solemnly opened on Tuesday in the Vladimir region. Famous guests, including Yegor Konchalovsky, Yuli Gusman, Ernest Matskevichyus and Tina Kandelaki, will discuss and share the experience of active youth.

“For us, this event is, first of all, educational in nature. There is no task to make a place for entertainment, there is a task to make a place where young professionals and specialists can come different areas, the best in their field, exchange experiences, learn something new, meet new people, see interesting speakers and gain valuable information for themselves and then pass it on to the same guys in other regions of our great country,” said the head of Rosmolodezh before the opening of the forum Alexander Bugaev, who also read out a greeting from Russian President Vladimir Putin to the participants.

About a thousand young people from all regions of the Russian Federation will take part in the first session “Youth student clubs, student activists and student media”. Over the course of seven days, they will participate in discussions and educational workshops, as well as personally interact with professionals from various fields. This year, in-person selections for the country's largest forum were held in 17 cities, including Syktyvkar, Kaliningrad, Grozny, Chelyabinsk, Novorossiysk, Astrakhan and Vladimir

“I believe that the forum is a huge opportunity for young people in general, and for the Vladimir region it is a great happiness, because we are hosting it, and we are happy about it,” said Svetlana Orlova, governor of the Vladimir region.

After the forum was declared open, the sky above the tent camp and tents was colored with festive fireworks.

The opening of the forum was preceded by a retro carnival “Forward to the Future!” in support of the World Festival of Youth and Students - 2017, which will be held in Sochi in October this year. Participants in the “Territory of Meanings on the Klyazma” were immersed in the atmosphere of 1957 and 1985, when similar festivals were held in Moscow. A photo zone with vintage cars from different eras was organized for young people, as well as a concert program consisting of music from the 50s, 80s and summer hits of 2017. At the beginning of the concert, the performers, together with the participants, sang the unofficial anthem of the 1957 festival - the song "Moscow Nights".

Forum - 2017

This year, within the framework of the forum, which will be held from June 27 to August 20, seven thematic sessions are planned: “Young specialists in the field of IT and related industries”, “Young specialists in the field of economics and business”, “Young leaders of NGOs, human rights and volunteer projects”, “Young parliamentarians and political leaders”, “Young political scientists and sociologists”, and for the first time there will be shifts “Youth student clubs, student activists and student media” and “Young specialists in the transport industry”. About 7 thousand graduate students, masters, bachelors and specialists from all over the country aged 18 to 30 will participate in the forum.

The All-Russian Youth Project Competition will also be held as part of the forum. Participants of the site will be able to publicly present their social projects and receive 100, 200 or 300 thousand rubles for their development. The total grant fund for the forum will be 21 million rubles.

The organizer of the “Territory of Meanings on the Klyazma” is the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs.

On June 27, the third All-Russian youth forum “Territory of Meanings on the Klyazma” began its work in the Vladimir region. The arrival of the first shift of forum participants and the opening ceremony took place.

The head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Vladimir Region, Major General of the Internal Service Vladimir Aleksandrovich Belozerov, took part in the ceremonial events.

Together with the regional governor Svetlana Yuryevna Orlova and distinguished guests from the capital, the head of the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations attended the opening ceremony of one of the most significant youth events in the country.

Let us remind you that the forum is being held on Lake Zapolsky in the Vladimir region within the framework of the work plan of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs and the administration of the Vladimir region. The forum will be held until August 20th. It is planned to hold seven specialized sessions, in which students, young scientists, teachers, politicians, sociologists, businessmen, and public figures from all over Russia will take part.

Today, during the first shift of the forum, participants of the first shift “Youth student clubs, student activists and student media” came to the camp.

The first day of the forum and the opening ceremony itself passed without incident. To ensure the safety of the forum, a group of forces and resources from the RSChS was created in the amount of 84 people, 16 units of equipment, 7 watercraft, including from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the amount of 20 people, 7 units of equipment and 2 watercraft

Directly at the forum venue there is a group of 24 people, 7 units of equipment and 5 watercraft, including from the Ministry of Emergency Situations -
20 people, 7 pieces of equipment and 2 watercraft.

Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Vladimir Region conducted a briefing on safety rules with everyone who was and arrived at the forum territory.

The forum has just begun its work and the participants of the grandiose event will have a lot of bright impressions and new discoveries ahead. In particular, it is planned to operate training points on the topic of life safety at the forum. We reported in detail about the preparation for the forum and the training points organized by the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations in our material:.

There is very little time left before the start of the All-Russian Youth Educational Forum “Territory of Meanings on the Klyazma”. The youth camp will open its doors on June 27 and will last until August 20. Its participants will be thousands of young specialists from various fields – from economists and political scientists to human rights activists and representatives of student media.

The camp program includes meetings between young people and major experts on shift profiles, brainstorming sessions, and trainings. The visit of the country's top officials and leaders of various political parliamentary parties is planned.

This year’s educational program is divided into seven thematic sessions:

1. “Youth student clubs, student activists and student media” (from June 27 to July 3);

Currently, the construction of a regional tent is underway on the “Territory of Meanings,” which will operate for the second year in a row. Here forum participants can get all the necessary information about the 33rd region. The tent will also house stands of municipalities and the Department of Agriculture of the Vladimir Region. The stands of the museum-reserve will tell about the history of our region, and young people can purchase works of folk crafts as gifts. The products of more than ten artisans and folk arts and crafts enterprises will be presented by the Golden Gate cultural and tourism shopping complex.