The antivirus does not start, what should I do? Antivirus won't install - solutions to the problem

Anyone can install a new antivirus program on Windows 8; the process is intuitively simple. And when difficulties arise with this, many despair, having tried all possible ways to solve the problem, but without achieving results. So why won't the antivirus install and how can I fix it?

Why the antivirus won't install - finding the reason

There aren't that many of them. If you methodically eliminate one after another without hysteria, everything will fall into place. Most often it is impossible to install due to the fact that old protection is present on the PC. If you remove it, the process will go more confidently. What to do if it doesn’t help? Methodically act in the same direction.

Many people think that it is enough to remove the old software from the launcher and throw away the shortcut from the desktop so that other programs stop interfering. Nonsense. Must be completely deactivated old program, eliminating all its components through the control panel in the uninstall programs menu.

Causes of problems with activation of some antiviruses and solutions to them

Installs perfectly on almost all known OS including Windows 7, 8 and old XP. Sometimes it cannot be installed due to conflicting programs. Or because of the same remnants of the former defender.

The fact is that some (especially those preinstalled when purchasing a PC) are not easy to remove. There may still be a program recovery log stored somewhere. You need to either go through the system with a powerful utility that can sweep out all the garbage, or completely reinstall the operating system.

It happens that an antivirus is not installed because a powerful virus is blocking its operation. Good utility will help in this case too. If there is no effect, you need to look for malicious software in safe mode computer operation.

Just in case, it is better to transfer all important data from your computer to backup media so that they do not get cleaned. It is advisable to do this when replacing the operating system. Without special knowledge in the field of IT, the average person can only uninstall old programs and try again to install the antivirus. If there is no result, it is better for him to involve a specialist.

Avast program is deservedly considered one of the best and most stable free antiviruses. However, her work also faces problems. There are times when the application simply does not start. Let's figure out how to solve this problem.

One of the most common reasons why it won't start antivirus protection Avast is to disable one or more program screens. The shutdown could have been caused by accidental pressing, or a system malfunction. There are also cases when the user himself disabled the screens, since sometimes some programs require this during installation, and then forgot about it.

If protection screens are disabled, a white cross on a red background appears on the Avast tray icon.

To fix the problem, click right click mouse over the Avast tray icon. In the menu that appears, select “Manage Avast Screens”, and then click on the “Enable all screens” button.

After this, the protection should turn on, as evidenced by the disappearance of the cross from the Avast icon in the tray.

Virus attack

One of the signs of a virus attack on a computer may be the inability to turn on antiviruses on it, including Avasta. This is a defensive reaction of virus applications that seek to protect themselves from being removed by antivirus programs.

In this case, any antivirus installed on the computer becomes useless. To search for and remove viruses, you need to use a utility that does not require installation, for example.

Better yet, scan HDD computer from another uninfected device. After detecting and removing the virus, Avast antivirus should start.

Avast critical problem

Of course there are problems at work Avast antivirus happen quite rarely, but, nevertheless, due to a virus attack, power failure, or other significant reason, the utility can be seriously damaged. Therefore, if the first two methods of fixing the problem that we described did not help, or the Avast icon does not appear even in the tray, then the most correct solution would be to reinstall the antivirus program.

To do this, you first need to run a full one followed by cleaning the registry.

Almost all computer users use antiviruses (and I advise those who do not use them to start). But there are often times when one fine day, your trusty antivirus stops running. It doesn't matter whether you use a free antivirus program or paid a ton of money for it. This problem can occur for anyone and with absolutely any antivirus.
If it stops starting for you, the first thing you need to do is find the reason why it refuses to work. One of banal reasons is that some literate person could get into the folder with the antivirus files and deleted some files. In this case, completely uninstall your program and install it again.

You may also have removed your antivirus program from startup. How can I check this? Easily! We press start and enter “msconfig” in the search and look at startup. If there is no checkmark next to your antivirus program, check it and restart the PC.
The next, more dangerous reason is viruses. Your antivirus program can be attacked by these nasties, which disable it and block its activation. In this case, you need to find and remove the infection. First of all, using the utility, we will remove the old antivirus. Next, we reinstall it and immediately scan the PC and delete everything it finds.

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What to do if nothing helps?

You need to do certain work over your system. We suggest you do this in two stages.

1. Update drivers with Driver Booster 3. This is really cool software that often helps! Updating old drivers to new ones is very important point. You might think that Windows itself lets you know when new updates are available.

Yes, sometimes it shows alerts, but mostly only for availability Windows updates or sometimes also for a video card. But besides this, there are many more drivers that need to be updated regularly.

There are five main reasons why an antivirus program does not start: the license has expired, the absence of an important component in the root folder of the antivirus, the presence of two or more antiviruses on the computer, blocking by a firewall, incompatibility with the system.

A detailed consideration of these reasons

When the license expires, most antivirus programs stop using most of their capabilities. But there are also those that completely stop working and resume only after entering the license key. Usually, when you click on the icon of such an antivirus, a window pops up containing a field for the key field and two tabs “Buy product” and “Close”. To fix this problem, get license key or remove the old antivirus and install a new one that does not require a license.

As a rule, antiviruses with a license have greater operating potential than programs that do not require licensing.

The absence of one or more components may occur due to their accidental removal. So, for example, when installing an application, the installation path in the antivirus package will somehow be indicated, and one file of this application will replace the file with the same name of the antivirus program. Such a replacement is fraught with failure of the computer defender. The same problem occurs with some uninstaller programs. When clearing your PC of errors, the uninstaller erases a number of necessary files, taking them as unimportant. You can fix this error by uninstalling and reinstalling the antivirus.

Under no circumstances should you install more than one antivirus on your computer! Such a procedure will lead to the emergence system errors and termination of the OS. The easiest way to solve such a collapse is to reinstall the system or use the recovery function.

In such a case, system rollback will only be possible through the BIOS.

Some antivirus programs do not work without network access. The firewall blocks their access to the network - standard program Windows lines. To turn it off, use the following algorithm: Start menu - Control Panel - Windows Firewall - Turn it on or off Windows Firewall" - "Disable firewall." On later Windows versions You don’t have to disable the firewall, just check the box next to “Allow this program to access the network” in the program itself.

Each program has minimum system requirements, in the absence of which it will not work on the computer. To avoid such a case, carefully read the antivirus software requirements for the system.