Apple flashes on iphone 5s. iPhone screen flickering

What to do if you find that flickering or flickering screen on iphone 6? Instructions for do-it-yourself repair we have, and very simple, understandable.

Instruction: In the presence of this problem, there may be several options for the occurrence of problems and, accordingly, different ways to eliminate them.

  1. Presumably (in most cases) a damaged screen is to blame for the incorrect behavior of the communication device. We recommend replacing it with the original analogue;
  2. The screen cable has come off printed circuit board- you just need to insert it back into place;
  3. The display control chip is out of order from a strong blow or fall, liquid penetration - computer diagnostics will be needed to make an accurate diagnosis;
  4. After the iPhone 6 cellular communication device got wet or its mechanical damage occurred, internal failures occurred, which can be detected by conducting a starting examination.

Outcome: The first 2 options can be done at home on your own, but the 3rd or 4th option can only be safely removed at a service center.

So, you are offered 2 options for solving the problem that has arisen: choose which one suits you best.

Repair at the Apple Telemama service center

Self repair

Our advantages

  1. Spare parts are sold only factory, high quality.
  2. Price. We purchase the constituent elements for replacement from the manufacturer in the largest wholesale quantities, so that we can then sell the goods to you at the lowest prices.
  3. Repair time. Replacing displays, speakers, connectors, etc. will take from 20 minutes. If there is some more complex breakdown, then another diagnosis will take about 20 minutes.
  4. Warranty 1 year.

If your communicator is broken, then the responsible employees of our Telemama service will definitely help bring it back to life. You yourself are unlikely to cope with the salvation of the means of communication. To make it more convenient for you, we have organized a courier delivery service or, at your discretion, you can bring your equipment to the Telemama SC.

In the service center in question, preliminary diagnostics by customers is not paid. We will agree with you the price of the work of the masters, and then we will begin to repair. For replacement, we select high-quality factory spare parts. They are connected to iPhone 6 by responsible, experienced employees. A 1 year warranty is mandatory.

When we get your iPhone 6 fixed, come to service center behind the device or entrust its transportation to our courier. With any of the selected delivery methods, you will receive a 1-year warranty. In the future, we will repair phones for you and your friends at a discount, to get which you just need to name the order number.

For quite a long time we have been repairing iPhone 6 communicators and selling spare parts for them. In addition, we also provide consultations for self-repair of the named equipment. We display prices transparently - we write separately the cost of parts, separately - tariffs for the work of masters.

Make computer diagnostics with us, buy the components for installation, and then connect them yourself.

Regular customers are provided with discounts that are valid daily.

We regularly hold various interesting promotions, under the terms of which you will repair your iPhone 6 device at cost and receive a 1-year warranty.

Users of Apple products rarely have to deal with device problems, so the sudden appearance of ripples or flickering of the screen should be seriously alert.

Reasons for display flickering

Experts identify several main reasons why the phone screen may start blinking:

  • loop damage;
  • breakage of the printed circuit board;
  • display failure;
  • malfunction of the screen control chip;
  • breaking one or more internal contacts;
  • software failure.

The primary source of most display problems is iPhone mechanical shock or corrosion caused by moisture. Program failure usually occurs due to the installation of unlicensed firmware or a conflict of third-party applications.

Often, users address the problem of screen blinking after trying to replace the battery or other parts of the device at home on their own.

Flickering display repair algorithm

IN simple cases, when the display backlight only flickers a little or flashes amber or blue intermittently, you can try to solve the problem yourself. For this:

  1. Check for iTunes updates.
  2. Do backup your iPhone data.
  3. Go to the "Increase Contrast" menu and turn on the "Lower White Point" function.
  4. Disable automatic brightness control.
  5. Sync your phone with your computer and hit the restore button in iTunes.
  6. Reconfigure your phone using the previously created data file.

If at the stage of adjusting the brightness or turning on the White Point Down function, the display stops behaving unusually, then further system recovery is not required.

What to do if there are ripples on the iPhone screen?

Only specialists will be able to conduct a deep diagnosis and establish the source of the problem. Depending on the found malfunction, the failed part is repaired or its complete replacement is carried out.

Despite the fact that screen flickering usually does not interfere with the normal use of the iPhone, if it does, you should urgently contact our Total Apple service center. Otherwise, a breakdown can affect other parts of the device, and fixing the iPhone itself will require much more money.

Users who have iphone 5, 5s display flashes, the image jumps, the display ripples around the edges or the picture twitches, they know perfectly well how important it is to quickly fix this problem - it becomes impossible to use the gadget.

We are looking for a reason

Technology has a tendency to fail. Typically, display problems indicate a display problem. As a rule, its replacement is necessary to solve the problem. Experts identify such reasons why the screen on the iPhone 5, 5s is shaking:

  • problems with the microcircuit that is responsible for guiding the screen (replacement is required);
  • moisture penetration into the device (any liquid guarantees corrosion of spare parts);
  • the phone has suffered a mechanical impact (the complexity of the work depends on the origin of the pressure on the smartphone);
  • a loop that departs (a completely solvable problem that requires high-quality diagnostics).

If the iphone 5, 5s screen flickers, refer to the gadget's user manual. You will be prompted:

  1. Restart iPhone.
  2. Remove the battery from the phone and reassemble the gadget.
  3. Update cell phone settings to factory settings.
  4. Contact SC.

Attention! Such a malfunction requires the prompt intervention of the wizard, do not try to fix the problem yourself.

Let's start tinkering

Well, popular homemade and life hackers do not stand aside.

They advise to determine the color that prevails on the display of the device. When the screen turns yellow or blue, then the problem is hiding behind a crash software and to solve it, only the firmware of the device is needed.

Another good option if problems start immediately after the conversation: turn off the gadget and do not use it for at least a week, and then a miracle will happen!

Note! If your phone requires a replacement display, none of the various manipulations offered on the network will make sense. You only risk losing precious time for experiments or causing even more serious damage to your mobile.

What to expect from a service center?!

Do not hesitate and contact the SC, so you save your time and phone number. Our masters are with you:

  • perform external diagnostics of the iPhone;
  • carefully look into his soul;
  • identify the exact cause of the malfunction;
  • will announce the full cost of repairs, including the necessary details;
  • after replacing the display or other manipulations with the gadget, a warranty card will be issued to you.

Non-working display - the end of the life of the device! With such a breakdown, it loses its functionality. Entrust the resuscitation of the phone to professionals and see how minor the damage can be.