Chronology of assassin's creed games. The best Assassin's Creed games: ranked from worst to best

1191 year from the birth of Christ. The Third Crusade tears the holy land apart. The main character, Altair, seeks to stop the war by preventing both sides.
The game that started it all.
You will become an assassin whose deadly art is shrouded in mystery, and whose ruthlessness inspires fear. You wreak havoc around you, and your very presence at the most important events of the era can change the course of history.

Release date: November 13, 2007

Assassin's Creed 2

Immerse yourself in the lush and deadly world of the Italian Renaissance - an era of art, luxury and political conspiracies.
In Assassin's Creed II you will meet Ezio, a new assassin who continues the murderous work of his predecessors. Join the fight against the lawlessness of power and vice, honing your art as an assassin and mastering weapons and tools invented by the brilliant Leonardo da Vinci.

Release date: March 5, 2010

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood / Brotherhood of Blood

This time the hero goes to the greatest city in Italy - eternal Rome, the center of power, greed and vice - to strike at the very heart of the enemy. To defeat the depraved tyrants who rule there, you will need not only strength, but also the ability to lead people. Ezio will lead the entire Brotherhood; Only by uniting will the assassins be able to defeat their eternal enemies and prevent the destruction of their own order.

Release date: March 18, 2011

Assassin's Creed: Revelations / Revelations

When a man has won all his battles and defeated all his enemies, what remains for him to achieve now?
Ezio Auditore must leave everything behind to find the answers, and with them the truth. In Assassin's Creed: Revelations, master assassin Ezio Auditore follows in the footsteps of the legendary mentor Altair, and incredible discoveries and revelations await him. This dangerous path will lead Ezio to Constantinople, where the growing power of the Templar army threatens the beginning of unrest.

Release date: December 1, 2011

Assassin's Creed 3

The time of action is 1775. The American colonies are ready to rebel. You are assassin Connor, sworn to preserve the freedom and safety of his people and his country. To do this, you will have to go hunting for your enemies in a huge, open and completely realistic world. In a brutal pursuit, you will use all your deadly skills, moving from busy city streets to bloody battlefields, and from there to the harsh climes of the American Frontier. You will meet the legendary heroes of American history and together you will be able to destroy those who threaten freedom itself.

Release date: November 22, 2012

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

1715 Pirates rule the Caribbean and have even established their own illegal republic, where corruption, greed and cruelty have become commonplace. Among these outcasts is a young, brash captain named Edward Kenway. The struggle for glory has brought him a prestige worthy of the pirate legend himself, nicknamed Blackbeard, but also drawn him into a war between the Assassins and the Templars, which could destroy everything that the pirates have created.

Release date: November 21, 2013

Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry / Scream of Freedom

A standalone addition to the game Assassin's Creed: Black Flag.
Uncover all the darkest secrets of Saint-Domingue and Port-au-Prince on land and sea. The brutal reality of 18th century slavery will appear before your eyes. Help revive the Maroon resistance movement to begin the slaves' fight for their rights. Kill enemies and free slaves in the exotic setting of Port-au-Prince. Bring justice to the plantations without mercy.

Release date: December 17, 2013

Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD / Liberation

1765 In the North of America, confrontation is intensifying, from which the flames of the American Revolution will subsequently flare up. Meanwhile, in the south, the Spaniards intend to seize power in Louisiana. However, they do not yet know what enemy they will face. Assassin Avelina is ready to use all her deadly skill to win the freedom of her country and her people. Avelina strikes terror into the hearts of those who stand in her way, silently eliminating her enemies one by one and luring them into deadly traps.

Release date: January 15, 2014

Assassin's Creed: Unity / Unity

Paris at the end of the 18th century. The revolution turned the capital of France into a kingdom of fear and chaos. On the streets there are rivers of blood and mountains of corpses of commoners who dared to resist the tyranny of the aristocracy. A young man named Arno manages to find out who is really behind all this. You will find yourself in the very heart of the French Revolution and see with your own eyes all the most important events of that time and help the people of France choose a new destiny for themselves.

Release date: November 13, 2014

Assassin's Creed: Rogue / Rogue

North America, 18th century. Amidst the chaos and violence of the seven-year war, young assassin Shay Patrick Cormac becomes disillusioned with the Order of Assassins and leaves their Brotherhood. Rejected by everyone he previously considered his brothers, Cormac sets out on a completely new, exciting adventure. He seeks revenge on all those who betrayed him and put him in danger, and now he becomes the most dangerous assassin hunter.

Release date: March 10, 2015

In the new part of the Assassin's adventures, London 1868 awaits you. The industrial revolution is in full swing, an era of incredible inventions and hitherto unimaginable technologies. Millions of people head to London for new opportunities, eager to be part of a new world. A world in which kings and emperors, politicians and priests will have no power, a world where money will equalize everyone with the same brush. Meet the new assassin Jacob Fry and his sister Evie, who will change the lives of millions of people by subjugating and leading the London underworld.

Assassin's Creed Chronicles Trilogy: China / India / Russia

The first chapter of the Assassin's Creed Chronicles trilogy takes place at the very beginning of the fall of the Ming Dynasty, in China in 1526. Starring Shao Jun - the last assassin from the Chinese fraternity. Having completed all stages of training with the legendary Ezio Auditore, she returns to her homeland to take revenge on all those responsible for the death of the assassins and try to revive the brotherhood.

Release date: April 22, 2015

The second part of the Chronicles Trilogy. The game takes place in India, in Amritsar in 1841. You will find yourself in the center of the confrontation between the Sikh Empire and the East India Company. The master of the Templars arrives in the city with the goal of taking possession of the legendary Kohinoor diamond, which once belonged to the Brotherhood of Assassins. Arbaaz Mir will have to protect his beloved, save the diamond, get the mysterious box and thwart the plans of the Templars.

Release date: January 12, 2016

The third chapter takes you to Russia in 1918. Nikolai Orlov seeks to leave the country with his family, but the Brotherhood entrusts him with one last task. You have to enter the house where the Bolsheviks are holding the entire royal family and take away the artifact that both the Assassins and the Templars have been trying to get for many centuries. While carrying out the task, Nikolai witnesses the massacre of the Tsar’s children, but he manages to save one of his daughters, Anastasia.

Release date: February 9, 2016

Assassin's Creed Origins / Origins

The action will take place in Hellenistic Egypt during the reign of Cleopatra. The main character will be Bayek, a Medjay who protects his people from threats.
The open world allows players to roam freely throughout Egypt. The game is played from a third-person perspective and can be explored on foot, on horseback, or by boat.

New part Assassins Creed(AS) until recently was shrouded in a veil of secrecy and uncertainty. Gamers knew very little about the next game and the Templar Order.

Recently, representatives of the French studio Ubisoft spoke about the new product, and also officially stated that they plan to release it in October 2017.

What awaits avid gamers in the new part - read in our material.


Unknown antiquity and modernity

The series takes place during events that changed the course of history, in various historical eras in the countries of North America and Eurasia. The plot also concerns the present, 21st century.

The highlight of the game is the behind-the-scenes and direct confrontation between the two strongest organizations of their time - the Templars (Templars) and the Assassins, who were dubbed the Order of Assassins. Each of them is where life is in full swing and history is being made.

Which side of modernity is this?

The main character travels back in time using a tool that can extract useful information with DNA and force the protagonist to relive the events of bygone eras. What is all this for?

Firstly, everyone understands that history has been rewritten many times, and there is very little truth about the past.

Secondly, the hero must determine the outcome of the confrontation between two organizations by finding the “Piece of Eden” and, clearly, save the whole world.

Over the decade of the series' existence gamers managed to visit:

  • Europe of the Renaissance and Crusades;
  • Italy 15th century;
  • Constantinople early 16th century;
  • during the struggle of Europeans (British crown) with Indians for the independence of the United States;
  • West Indies and Jerusalem;
  • Paris, when the Great French Revolution took place there;
  • USA - Seven Years' War;
  • London of the Victorian era.

Games where a two-dimensional world tries to look three-dimensional transported gamers to China, India and Russia. the last part Origin will introduce fans of the series to an ancient and secretive state - Ancient Egypt.

Taking it to the next level

The developers provided a couple of dozen screenshots and a gameplay video, from which, as well as from the words of the project producer, it can be understood that the game will change significantly.

Both the combat system and the quest system will change. And the shots of moving on a boat and a horse, where against the backdrop of picturesque nature there is a Medjay in a white robe, and not Geralt with gray hair, are delightful and reminiscent.

System requirements

Quest system

A lot of exciting tasks will completely immerse the player, and he will be far from the same as presented in history books and even blockbusters.

Having become immersed in each quest, you can quickly plunge into the cycle of events and the quicksand of Africa, located under the burning sun.

Carrying out assignments, the former slave Bayek - he is the main character, will meet the dregs of the then society and colorful rich people , on which the fate of ordinary people depends, which will allow you to look at Egypt from a different angle.

Each quest is a new, unique and inimitable story. Additional tasks can be completed in any order and at any time, which was new to the series, creating a unique side storyline.

New Assassin's Creed- much more than the struggle of two organizations making history, it is also a lot of intrigue, mysteries that trouble people, an understanding of the meaning of ancient fairy tales and legends, a struggle for power and the history of the emergence of the brotherhood of assassins. As before, the player has access to many square kilometers of unexplored territories, where the following are located:

  • sand-covered tombs and burial vaults;
  • pyramids are ancient energy complexes, partly converted into burial places for pharaohs.

A careful study of all the nooks and crannies will help you find out the unrealized intentions of the rulers of the empire, comprehend the plans of those who oversaw them, and even understand the gods themselves.

A brighter, more vibrant interactive world

It became this way thanks to a fair amount of processing of artificial intelligence and the study of character behavior in other role-playing games.

Each person is unique. All characters have their own needs, interests and daily routines. They behave differently under the same conditions, eat at different times, wake up and roam the brick and sandy streets. More attention is paid to the key people with whom the hero will meet while completing quests.

A group of bandits can meet the protagonist in the most unexpected place, or the hero can witness the massacre of various groups in a fairly safe place.

No one can predict whether that lion will attack the hero, or whether an unfriendly hippopotamus will appear from the pond where yesterday he was calmly cooling off in the water. The behavior of animals and people largely depends on the attitude and actions of Bayek.

Bosses also appeared in the game, each one unlike the other neither in appearance nor in the manner of combat.

Combat mechanics

The combat system of Assassin's Creed 2017 has been greatly modernized. Depending on what type of weapon and what part of the body the character was attacked, his further behavior and the damage inflicted will depend. Opponents also know how to use this, so establishing complete control over the situation is not always an easy task, and to complete it you will have to accurately choose the direction of attack and avoid mistakes.

After filling the adrenaline level, it will be possible to deliver a critical blow, and it does not matter whether you are holding a stiletto or a heavy hammer. Such a blow, as a rule, will be mining.

Uniqueness of the weapon

New combat techniques, elements of parkour and a variety of arsenal with many rare samples - everything is done so that the gamer shows his abilities in all its glory. Murder weapons found throughout the area fall into one of the following categories:

  • rare;
  • common (common);
  • legendary or rare.

Each weapon also has a degree of power and heaviness. Whether you prefer a heavy hammer, a gilded sword or a crossbow, depending on your skills and fighting style, the weapon you choose has a significant impact on the outcome. The rarity of the murder weapon also provides certain advantages on the battlefield.

Long weapons and bows

Relevant for battles in urban environments, especially when you climb higher. Here you can’t do without arrows, bows and spears.

The bow will allow you to conduct close and long-range combat, switching between modes. Some bows allow you to fire several arrows, others serve as sniper rifles with the ability to control the flight path of the arrow.

Heavy guns

Can you lift a heavy weapon and handle it skillfully? More than once you will save your life without spending a lot of time looking for weaknesses in the enemy’s fighting style. With a heavy ax you can cut the enemy, and with a hammer you can knock him to the ground.

Swordsman's Arsenal

Single, two-handed and two-handed swords will allow you to perform unique combinations of movements to finish off and unbalance your enemy.


Made from metal or a couple of pieces of wood, the shield will protect Bayek's body from melee attacks.

Assassin Creed Empire 2017 is a series popular games in the action adventure genre. The release of the first part of the franchise took place in 2007, since then the project is rightfully considered a cult in its genre. Given the steadily growing popularity, Ubisoft corporation pleased fans with new products in this series every fall. In 2015, Assassin’s Creed: Sindicat appeared on the market, this part disrupted the usual update release schedule. To the credit of the developers, the break in updating the series was announced in advance, and in the fall of this year, instead of continuing the legendary franchise, a sequel, Watch Dogs 2, appeared.

It is worth noting that work on the creation of Assassin’s Creed: Empire 2017 is actively underway, so the release date of the new product is expected in the fall-winter of 2017. It is possible that such long breaks will become the norm, so fans will enjoy new products every 2 years.

What changes should we expect in Assassin Creed: Empire 2017? The plot of the game series will probably remain unchanged: the action will unfold against the backdrop of the eternal confrontation between the Templars and the Order of Assassins. The main character has already visited London and the West Indies, now the events will take place in the sands of Ancient Egypt.

A change in geolocation will invariably entail changes in the characters’ combat system. For example, the hero will be able to use a tame eagle, whose role in the game will be irreplaceable. In addition, a new quality of graphics is expected, which will make the display of sands, oases and even mirages more rich and complete.

It is assumed that Assassin's Creed: Empire 2017 could serve as the beginning of a series where the main character Desmond Miles will travel through ancient eras, completing tasks in Greece or the Roman Empire. Of course, this is not reliable information, but the logical continuation of the game may well be like this.

When will Assassin's Creed: Empire 2017 be released on PC, PlayStation, Xbox

Name release date
Assassin's Creed: Empire 2017 / Assassin's Creed Empire Spring 2017

Name: Assassin's Creed
Released: 2008
Genre: Action / 3D / 3rd Person / Stealth
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment
Publication type: RePack
Interface language: Russian
Voice language: Russian
Tablet: Sewn in

> operating system : Windows® XP (with Service Pack 2) or Windows Vista®
> CPU: Dual-core 2.6 GHz Intel® Pentium® D or AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 3800+
> RAM : 1 GB for Windows® XP and 2 GB for Windows Vista®
> Video card
> Sound card
>: 6.5 GB

The year is 1191. From the blessed struggle for the liberation of the Holy Sepulcher, the Third Crusade turned into a personal feud between the leaders of the Christian and Muslim worlds. After the capture of the port of Acre, Richard the Lionheart prepares to inflict final defeat on Saladin in the promised Jerusalem.
Meanwhile, the Holy Land is being devastated by numerous governors who have felt their power, having lost administrative control.
A series of targeted strikes can stop the bloody tyranny: if you eliminate everyone who benefits from the war, then peace will come, and the goal of the assassin sect will be fulfilled.

Name: Assassin's Creed II
Released: 2010
Genre: Action, 3D, 3rd Person
Developer: Ubisoft
Publisher: Ubisoft / Akella
Publication type: RePack
Interface language: Russian
Voice language: Russian
Tablet: Sewn in

> operating system: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7
> CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6700 2.6 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+
> RAM: 1.5 GB (Windows XP) / 2 GB (Windows Vista / Windows 7)
> Video card: GeForce 8800 GT / ATI Radeon HD 4700
> Sound card: DirectX® 9.0c compatible audio device
> Free place on your hard drive: 6.5 GB

Continuation of the popular historical stealth action game from Ubisoft. In the second part, the action moves from the Middle East during the Crusades to Italy during the Renaissance. The new main character is the young Florentine aristocrat Ezio Auditore da Firenze. The player will meet such outstanding people of the time as Leonardo da Vinci, encounter the interests of the most powerful families of Florence and explore the picturesque canals of Venice. Assassin's Creed II will not only retain the main exciting features of the original, but will also add the ability to swim, fly, and introduce a number of other innovations that will surprise fans of the series.

Name: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Released: 2011
Genre: Action / 3D / 3rd Person
Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment
Publication type: RePack
Interface language: Russian
Voice language: Russian
Tablet: Sewn in

> operating system: Windows XP (SP3) / Windows Vista (SP1) / Windows 7
> CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3800+ 2.4GHz, Intel Pentium 4 530 3.0GHz
> RAM: 1.5 GB (Windows XP) / 2 GB (Windows Vista / Windows 7
> Video card: Radeon HD 2600 Pro / nVidia GeForce 7900 GS with 256 MB video memory
> Sound card: DirectX® 9.0c compatible audio device
> Free hard disk space: 7 GB

The third game in the popular Assassin's Creed series. Become the legendary assassin Ezio to continue the battle against the mighty Templar Order. This time, in order to hit the enemy in the heart, he must go to the greatest city of Italy - Rome, the center of power, greed and vice. To defeat the corrupt tyrants entrenched in him, it will be necessary not only strength, but also the ability to lead others. After all, now the entire Brotherhood is under the command of Ezio. Only by working together, the Assassins will be able to defeat their mortal enemies. For the first time in the history of the series, the game Multiplayer mode has been introduced, allowing you to choose from unique characters, each with their own special weapons and killing techniques, and battle other players around the world.It's time to join the Brotherhood!

release date: 2011
Genre: Stealth-action, TPS
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft Shanghai and Ubisoft Massive
Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment / Akella
Publication type: RePack
Interface language: Russian
Voice language: Russian
Tablet: Sewn in

operating system: Windows® XP SP3/Vista/7
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E4400 @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon64 X2 4000+ @ 2.1 GHz
RAM: 1.5 GB (XP) / 2 GB (Vista / 7)
Video card: GeForce 8600 GTS or Radeon HD2600XT, (256 MB), (Shader Model 4.0) GeForce GT500 or Radeon 6000, (512 MB), (Shader Model 5.0)
Sound card: DirectX® 9.0c compatible audio device
Free hard disk space: 12 GB

When a man has won all his battles and defeated all his enemies, what more can he achieve? Ezio Auditore must devote his life to searching for answers, searching for truth.
In Assassin's Creed® Revelations, assassin Ezio Auditore will follow in the footsteps of the legendary Altair on a journey of discovery and revelation. It's a dangerous path - Ezio will travel to Constantinople, the heart of the Ottoman Empire, where a growing Templar army threatens to destabilize the region.
In addition to Ezio's award-winning story, the game returns with an expanded and improved multiplayer mode with a variety of maps and characters to test your killer skills against other players from around the world.

Name: Assassin's Creed 3
Released: 2012
Genre: Action, 3D, 3rd Person
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Publisher: Ubisoft
Publication type: RePack
Interface language: Russian
Voice language: Russian
Tablet: Sewn in

operating system: Windows 7 SP1 / Windows Vista SP2
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo - 2.66 GHz / AMD Athlon II - 2.6 GHz or better
Video card: 512 MB (GeForce 8800 GT / Radeon HD 4850) or better
Free hard disk space: 15 GB

Assassin's Creed III is a continuation of the famous Assassin's Creed series, which will complete the story of Desmond.

The main character of the new part is Connor, his father is English, his mother is Native American, and he grew up in the Mojave tribe. The plot takes place between 1753 and 1783. Players will witness historical events such as the Great Fire of New York and the wintering of the liberation army in the desert valley of Valley Forge.

The time of action is 1775. The American colonies are ready to rebel. You are assassin Connor, sworn to preserve the freedom and safety of his people and his country. To do this, you will have to go hunting for your enemies in a huge, open and completely realistic world. In a brutal pursuit, you will use all your deadly skills, moving from busy city streets to bloody battlefields, and from there to the harsh climes of the American Frontier. You will meet the legendary heroes of American history and together you will be able to destroy those who threaten freedom itself.

Whether you use your predatory instincts to kill in secret, or unleash your full arsenal of murder in the open, one thing is clear: the world where the Assassins live has become even more dangerous. And along with it - you yourself.

She abandoned the usual annual release of projects, postponing the release of the game to next year. The release date of Assassins Creed Empire is 2017, exact information is available at this moment No. Presumably the historical action game will be available for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. What is causing the delay? The studio explains this by the desire to make a worthwhile product, taking into account all the mistakes of the previous parts.


Ancient Egypt will be a new location in the action game. First of all, this territory is almost untouched by the gaming industry, and therefore is attractive to developers. Creators will be able to go all out, diluting ordinary graphics with interesting solutions.

The company promises that the project will be worthwhile - blue skies, endless sands, pyramids and mirages that have become a full-fledged satellite in the deserts. And bright colors and good graphics will complete the image.


Not as much is known about the storyline as we would like. As the creators said, all the main actions of the action will unfold in that time period when the Templars and Assassins just began to appear. Many fans of the franchise believe that the project will reveal exactly the beginning of the war between these orders. The player who witnesses the beginning of the bloodthirsty battle will be able to join or watch the battle from the side. At the moment, the exact storyline cannot be identified. Another fact is that the hero will have a tame eagle. An unusual companion in the game, he will probably be a kind of assistant and combat unit for the character.


Assassins Creed 2017 will be a complete reboot for the entire Assassins Creed series. The gameplay will undergo many changes, new elements will appear. Users awaiting the release are promised:

Free combat system;
- character leveling;
- atypical means of transportation, for example, a horse;
- unique phenomena, like mirages.

Also, the main location will be the desert, therefore, you can only climb in small settlements if they are found among the sand and scorching sun.


Assassins Creed Empire news is not encouraging with its frequency, the studio remains silent and works on the project, and users make assumptions and guesses. A small list of expectations, compiled based on feedback from fans of the series:

  1. Expect an interesting plot twist. Fortunately, there is an opportunity to unfold in Ancient Egypt, so many gamers hope to see an interesting story.
  2. Good graphics. Ubisoft did not let the audience down by releasing quality products. But every year I want to see new technologies to improve the picture.
  3. Historical characters. Even if there are no famous personalities from Ancient Egypt in the action, they at least hope for the canonical local residents.
  4. Atmospheric. It's no secret that the franchise is original and interesting, so this part must keep the bar, delighting Assassins Creed fans with the created atmosphere.
  5. Error correction. Gamers are always waiting for the elimination of bugs and lags in the gameplay. The story of Ancient Egypt was no exception.


Next year, fans will be able to see the action that the developers worked so hard on. If you believe the information on the Internet, the project will turn out colorful and unique. With an open world, a complex combat system and unique hero abilities. We will be able to check after the official release in 2017.


Video gameplay

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