The difference between twins and twins: how to distinguish children who are similar to each other. The theme of friendship and dreams in Mark Twain's story "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"

Relevance of the program

As the results of psychological and pedagogical research have shown, the proportion of children who have poorly developed skills of constructive interaction and role behavior is currently increasing. In many classes, teachers and psychologists are faced with aggressive and competitive behavior in children. Due to the increasing educational and developmental load, students do not have the opportunity to form a stable group structure within the class. When a child comes to school, he poorly understands his psychological role within the group, which causes a state of anxiety, fear, and maladjustment.

New concepts of education offer parents to cultivate the spirit of individuality in their children, without worrying about developing communication skills. This negatively affects the behavior of children in a team: they replace constructive forms of communication with defensive aggressive roles. This training is aimed at forming a group structure by determining the place of each child in the team. The program is aimed at working with younger schoolchildren to solve problems of relationships in the classroom and school maladjustment.

Target: development of constructive communication skills in a class or group through determining the psychological niche of each student and training participant.

Tasks: demonstration of a person’s individual characteristics; determining the psychological niche of each student in the class; motivation for joint constructive activities.

Basic methods: elements of fairy tale, drama, art and gestalt therapy, group discussion methods, role-playing and business games, methods of symbolic self-expression.


Spacious room with tables, chairs, blackboard. At the first lesson, it is advisable for each child to be given an album in which all individual work would be completed. After each lesson, the albums are collected by the presenter, and at the end of the entire program, the albums are returned to the children. At the end of the lesson, the leader gives each child a piece of the overall picture (for example, see Appendix No. 8). Children should keep all pieces of the picture in personal envelopes, which are kept by the presenter. In the last lesson, children put together a big picture from pieces, which symbolizes the unification of the class. The duration of each lesson is 45 minutes. The total number of hours required to implement the program is 9 (1 lesson per week). The optimal number of children in a group is 12 people.

Materials: albums for each child, envelopes, fabric, ribbons, pencils, brushes, paints, paper, glue, multi-colored threads, tape, stickers, surprises for children, ball (ball), playing fields, handouts for classes, chips, dice, a dragon toy or any large soft toy, whatman paper.

IN lesson structure The following stages can be distinguished:

1. Warm-up, which is aimed at including children in the training process.

2. Working with a fairy tale, performing exercises aimed at introducing children to the topic of the lesson and finding ways to solve the stated problem.

3. Discussion, which involves reacting to the exercise on emotional and rational levels.

4. A ritual at the end of the lesson, the purpose of which is to create a comfortable climate in the team and to receive attention from each child.

Legend: M - modified exercise; A - author's development; Z - borrowed and unprocessed.

Block No. 1. Topic: “We are different”

Target: demonstration of a person’s individual characteristics.

Tasks: change your attitude towards different people; develop a model of constructive interaction with “different” people.


Warm-up "Listen to the command" (W)

Time: 5 minutes.

The music is calm, but not too slow. Children move freely around the room. Suddenly the music stops. Everyone stops, listens to the leader’s whispered command (for example: “Put your right hand on your neighbor’s shoulder”) and immediately carries it out. Then the music starts again and everyone continues walking. Commands are given in different sequences: calm and energetic. The game continues until the group is able to listen well and complete the task.

Working with a fairy tale (A)

Time: 5 minutes.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a merchant. He had a rich shop. It had everything: silks, medicines, and delicious dishes. The merchant traveled to all countries, bringing various wonders from everywhere.

One day he decided to swim to the other side of the earth. There was a mysterious eighty-ninth kingdom. No one the merchant asked, no one had been there yet. Various legends circulated about this land: about a two-headed dog that could smell enemies a hundred miles away, about an eagle bird that saw what was happening on the other side of the earth, about a beautiful princess who drives all suitors away from her. The merchant became so interested that he decided to go there.

The path ahead was long. The merchant gathered the best sailors, bought the strongest ship, stocked up on supplies and sailed. They sailed for a long time, saw many miracles, and withstood many terrible storms. Sometimes the merchant wanted to turn back to his home, but something stopped him and drove him forward. The sailors are tired, exhausted, and ask to turn home. Then a cry rang out: “Earth, earth!” As soon as they went ashore, a storm arose at sea.

The sailors went to settle down for the night. Meanwhile, the merchant found out where he could open a shop. He laid out his goods on the shelves. Local residents began to come to him and inquire about his goods. And the merchant turns his nose up at everyone: they say the smell from them is disgusting, and they are dressed too dirty, they are not taught manners. All day the merchant covered his nose with a handkerchief and averted his eyes so as not to see the inhabitants. Moreover, he turned up his nose: they say, you are all stupid, uneducated, and I already studied at universities. It’s not convenient for me to talk to you.

Customers began to leave his shop dissatisfied. Nobody wants to go there. The merchant thought thoughtfully: “If this continues, I will go broke and go around the world. What should I do? He sat and grieved near his shop. An old man passed by. He stopped, looked at the merchant and said: “All people are like flowers in a clearing: beautiful and inconspicuous, fragrant and odorless. They are different. Only they are all drawn to the sun.” The old man said these words and disappeared.

Discussion: What do you remember about the fairy tale? What important did the merchant learn? What did you like, what did you not like?

Game "Similar and Different" (M)

Preliminary preparation: The board is divided into two parts.

Materials: board, chalk, stickers for the winners (at the request of the presenter).

Time: 10 minutes.

Commentary for the presenter. If desired, the game can be repeated with other participants.

Discussion: What did you like and what didn’t you like about the game? What do you remember? What conclusions can we draw?

Conclusions: All people are different, but they have many similarities.

Game "Create a friend" (A)

Materials: multi-colored ribbons, fabric.

Time: 10 minutes.

Instructions. We will conduct a small experiment - we will try to find out what the people we like and those we don’t like look like. We will split into two teams. Each team will have to come up with clothes using ribbons and fabric for a person they like or don't like. One volunteer is needed from each team. One team will come up with clothes for the person they like, and the other for the person they don’t like. Does everyone understand the rules of the game?

Commentary for the presenter. If children refuse to come up with clothes for a person they don’t like, then the presenter himself can play the role of the “unpleasant” person. Children happily dress up the presenter in “unpleasant” clothes.

Discussion: Did you like or dislike the game? What do you remember most? What conclusions can we draw from looking at the outfits of two people? Do two dressed people (“pleasant” and “unpleasant”) resemble each other? What can you say about people who will be dressed like this? (List personal qualities.) How are these people similar to each of you? Find similarities and differences.

Conclusions: Children dress an “unpleasant” person in dark colors, very casually, as if trying to hide him. A “nice” person is dressed very carefully, in bright, beautiful colors. Dark colors are associated with anger, harmfulness, and deceitfulness of a person. Bright colors remind of kindness, fun, gentleness, and honesty of a person. Does it happen that a good person wears black clothes, and an evil and harmful person wears beautiful and colorful ones? We conclude that you cannot judge a person by his clothes (“They meet you by their clothes, but they see you off by their mind”). There are no only bad or good people, every person has good and bad.

Exercise “Finish the sentence” (A)

Materials: ball.

Time: 5 minutes.

Instructions. I will throw a ball to each of you and ask you to complete the sentence. We will do this in order to understand which people our class likes and which people they don’t like. I will jot down your answers on the board.

I like/dislike people who...

The most best quality human is...

The worst quality of a person is...

I don't want to be friends with some people because...

Conclusions: We like people who are similar to us. We consider them “ours”: we treat them well, forgive them their mistakes, and be friends with them. We don't like people who are not like us. We consider them “strangers,” refuse to talk to them, treat them poorly, and offend them. Can people who are different from us be good? What do you need to find out: what kind of person is this? You need to communicate with him, talk. One by one appearance no conclusions can be drawn. We need to talk to people who are different from us in order to understand them. Do friends look alike? Not always. Friends, like puzzles, complement each other. Can we consider a friend who is not like us to be our friend?

Commentary for the presenter. If the time and energy of the children allows, then a ranking of qualities can be made. This will make it possible to find out the personal preferences of the participants and demonstrate to the children the values ​​of their class.

Game "We Are All" (M)

Materials: color magazines with a lot of pictures, glue for each, Whatman paper, cards with the names of all training participants.

Time: 10 minutes.

Instructions. Are you interested in looking in the mirror? Now I invite you to look in the mirror. These mirrors will be you yourself. We will try to create a picture with you that would be called “We are all.” We will create it in an interesting way. I will give each of you a card with the name of your classmate. You need to think about how you see your classmate in 10 years: what will he look like? What will he do? You will have already finished school, you will be 17–19 years old. Look closely at your classmate. Did you come up with it?

Now take magazines, find the necessary photographs, pictures, cut them out and glue them onto whatman paper.

Discussion: did you like/dislike this work? Which image was most memorable? Why did all the pictures turn out different? Are there any similar pictures?

Conclusions: all the pictures are different because we are all different. But even among dissimilar people you can find some similarities.

Commentary for the presenter. If the group is friendly towards each other, then you can work with the images of the other. Otherwise, you can encourage children to create their own image. The operating algorithm remains the same.

Materials: ball.

Time: 5 minutes.

Instructions. Guys, our lesson is over for today. Look closely at your neighbor on the left. Think about how he is similar and different from you today. Each of us will say to his neighbor the following phrase: “Today you and I are similar... and not alike...” and will pass the ball to the neighbor. We'll take turns speaking, I'll start first.


Warm-up. "Ball in a Circle" (W)

Time: 5 minutes.

Standing in a circle, participants throw one, two, three or more balls to each other, signaling their intentions without using words. The one whose thrown ball was not caught is eliminated.

Exercise “Remember everything” (A)

Time: 5 minutes.

Instructions. Before starting a new lesson, we need to remember what important things we learned in the last lesson?

The presenter listens to the children’s answers and summarizes.

Conclusions for lesson 1:

All people are different, but they have many similarities.

Every person has good and bad; There are only good or completely bad people.

You can get to know a person by talking to him. We meet you by clothes, we see you off by your mind.

Working with a fairy tale (A)

Time: 5 minutes.

The merchant did not sleep all night, thinking about the old man’s words. What could they mean? The sun has already risen, but the merchant is still lying down, in no hurry to open the shop. “I’ll go to the clearing, maybe I’ll find the answer there.” He came to a forest clearing, there were apparently no flowers there. Beautiful and inconspicuous, fragrant and almost odorless - they stand, sway in the wind, their petals stretch towards the red sun. The merchant smiled, became cheerful, remembered the old man’s words and understood what they meant: flowers, like people, are different, and every person wants love and respect. If you treat everyone kindly, then people will smile at you and be happy to meet you.

The merchant stood for a while in the clearing, admired the flowers and went to open his shop. He opened a shop and is waiting for customers. Richly dressed, beautiful people came in - the merchant began to smile at them and offer them various goods. They left happy and promised to return. In the evening, poorly dressed, quiet, modest people began to come into his shop. The merchant was in no hurry to approach such customers and did not smile broadly at them. Did you think you could take it from the poor?

It's time to go home and close the shop. The merchant goes home, joyful and satisfied. Here he meets yesterday's old man. The old man says: “I see that things are going well for you. You understood my words. Remember also: every person is like an unknown book: at first you are uninteresting, and then you become engrossed.” The old man said these words and disappeared.

Discussion: What do you remember about the fairy tale? What did the merchant find out? What did you like or dislike?

Game “All people are important and needed” (M)

Materials: cards with written professions (janitor, teacher, doctor, driver, nanny, fireman, policeman, bank director, actor/actress, etc.) - according to the number of children.

Time: 10 minutes.

Option No. 1. Instructions. Guys, as you know, there are many professions in the world. What professions do you know? Do you like all professions? Now we will play a game and find out what is good in every profession. We will play this way: I will give each of you a card with a written profession. Your task: read and not show anyone what is written on it. Then each of you comes to the board and tells why this profession is needed and why it is interesting. The profession itself cannot be named! The rest must guess what kind of profession it is. Does everyone understand how we will play? I'll start first.

Discussion: What did you like and what didn’t you like about the game? What do you remember? What conclusion can we draw from this game? Why is every profession very important in people's lives? Which professions do you like and which ones do you not? Why?

Conclusions: There are professions and people that we don’t like, but they are important to us. Every person and profession is useful and interesting.

Option number 2. As stimulus material, you can use characters from famous fairy tales, cartoons, or the personal qualities of the participants. The algorithm for playing the game remains the same as with professions.

Game “Shall we check?!” (M)

Materials: several sets of colored cards (3-4 colors per set).

Time: 5 minutes

Instructions. Are there any similar people among you guys? We will need two volunteers for the game. Stand up please. How are these volunteers similar? So now two similar people will need to think alike. Do you think the thoughts and actions of similar people always agree?

Our volunteers will turn their backs to each other. I will give each of them a set of colored cards. Volunteers’ task: without words, standing back to back, show identical cards. If you are so similar, then you can easily cope with this task. So, does everyone understand the terms of the game? Then we select cards and turn around at my command.

Discussion: What did you like and what didn’t you like about the game? What surprised you? What important things can you learn from this game?

Conclusions: similar people, friends can think differently, which causes us many different feelings (from fun to anger). Sometimes people's thoughts converge, but this happens very rarely. Therefore, there is absolutely no need to hate those people who think differently from you. You may find yourself in the same situation where they hate you. All people have their own thoughts.

“Ugh, you’re not like that!” (A)

Time: 10 minutes.

Instructions. As you and I already understand, we are all different. There is nothing wrong. Each of us is like a piece in a mosaic. If some piece is missing, then you get a hole and the drawing becomes ugly. But it happens that the pieces of the mosaic begin to dislike one piece for some reason. Now we will try to find out what it’s like for this lonely piece. I need a brave and non-offensive volunteer. The volunteer will have the following role: listen and good-naturedly respond to the comments of the other guys. The rest will say: “Ugh, you’re not like us, because...”, citing their own arguments for “otherness.” So, does everyone understand the terms of the game?

Discussion: What did you like, what did you not like? What do you remember? How did you feel when you were rejected, attacked? What did you want to do? What important things can you learn from this game?

Conclusions: It is very difficult for rejected, “different” people to endure insults and persecution. Remember this state when you are rejected, so that there is no temptation to humiliate and insult someone. Each of you can find yourself in the place of the rejected person at any moment.

Exercise “Draw similar and dissimilar” (A)

Materials: A4 sheet, divided into two parts.

Time: 5 minutes.

Instructions. In front of you lies a sheet that is divided into two parts. On one side, draw a person who looks like you. And on the other hand, a person who is not like you at all. Once you've finished drawing, hang your drawings on the board.

Discussion: What do all the drawings have in common? Do similar and dissimilar people have common traits? Who do you like more: similar or dissimilar?

Game “You and I are similar and dissimilar today...” (M)

See lesson 1.


Warm-up "Hello!" (W)

Time: 5 minutes.

Everyone knows that the word “hello” can be replaced with gestures - shake hands, take off your hat, even rub noses. Participants are invited to greet with gestures that the natives might have: the tribe of cannibals U-hoo-hoo, the tribe of jumping savages Ay-yay-yay, the tribe of dancing savages La-la-la.

Exercise “Remember everything” (A)

Time: 5 minutes.


Conclusions for lesson 2:

Outwardly we may be similar, but our thoughts may be different.

Every person is needed, important and interesting.

Being rejected is bad.

Working with a fairy tale (A)

Time: 5 minutes.

Again the merchant could not sleep at night, he thought about the old man’s words. What could they mean? As soon as the sun rose, the merchant went to the bookstore: maybe the answer would be found there. He came and saw: what kind of books are there!

The merchant began to take the most beautiful ones: he reads, he finds it interesting. But then a thin book with a gray cover caught my eye. Only the name is written on it, there are no beautiful pictures. The merchant wanted to put it aside, but changed his mind. The merchant didn’t even have time to read three words when he became interested. He reads page after page, he forgot about his shop, he stands reading a book. Fairy-tale worlds and magical countries open up before him. Can't tear myself away. He finished reading, looked out the window, and the day was already in full swing.

Then the merchant understood what the old man meant: we greet you by our clothes, but we see you off by our minds. Beautiful and brave people are not always more interesting than quiet and modest people. The merchant was delighted and ran to open the shop as soon as possible. Various people began to come to him. The merchant greets everyone, smiles, and is interested in their health. People also began to smile in response and made a lot of purchases. The merchant had more and more buyers, and his fame spread throughout the eighty-ninth kingdom.

Now the merchant smiled at everyone, and did not care who was in front of him: rich or poor, handsome or ugly. He spoke kind words to everyone. The merchant realized that his most important wealth was kindness and interest in everyone. Kindness will open doors to any home and show the way to any heart. Only one thing upset the merchant: he no longer met the wise old man.

Discussion: Did you like or dislike the fairy tale? What important did the merchant learn? What do you remember most?

Game "Space Travel" (A)

Materials: playing field (see Appendix 1), cards for each team (see Appendix 2), cube, chips according to the number of teams.

Time: 20 minutes.

Instructions. Guys, now we have to make a space journey. You and I will fly to different planets. Different adventures await us. In order to start the game, we need to split into several teams. (Children, with the help of the leader, are divided into teams.)

Teams use dice and colored chips to move around the playing field. On your way you encounter various difficulties. You need to overcome these difficulties by consulting with each other. For each answer you can get a certain number of points. Your task is to score as many points as possible by the end of the game. For each point a picture is given (see Appendix 2). (A picture is displayed with the planet on which the game situation was solved.)

Each team has the opportunity to solve the problem. First, the team whose chip is on the square with the question answers the question, and then the rest of the teams. So, does everyone understand the terms of the game? What is important to remember in this game: all people are different.

Commentary for the presenter. The game is played as a test. The presenter reads out the situation and the answers to it. Children choose the most appropriate answer from their point of view. The number of points is indicated in parentheses next to each answer. If any of the commands lands on a cell with an already resolved situation, then it can either be repeated or skipped.


You have arrived on the planet Aldebaran. When you exited the spaceship, you saw the following: all the inhabitants of the planet were shouting something very loudly and waving their weapons. You pulled out your space blasters and prepared to attack. Here all the residents fell silent. What will you do?

You will start shooting. In response, they also start shooting at you. You are leaving urgently (1).

You will go into the ship and hide there. All the inhabitants of the planet are surprised by this act. They didn't wish you harm. Residents get in touch with you and explain that this is how they greet everyone who arrives on the planet (2).

Lay down your weapons and raise your hands as a sign that you have arrived for peaceful purposes. Residents happily come to meet you, invite you to the best restaurants in the city, and show you all the sights of the planet (3).

You have arrived on a completely unfamiliar planet. She is very small. Only one flower grows on it. He is very beautiful. You are thinking about what to do.

Pick a flower with a robot. The robot approaches the flower, picks it, and brings it to you. You look at him and see that he has lost his beauty, that he can barely breathe. You killed a living creature (1).

Get out of the ship and approach the flower yourself, maybe this is such an inhabitant of the planet. You approach and see that in front of you is a living creature. It's reasonable. The flower says that his planet is so small that all the flowers grow on it in turn, and then hide back into the seed (3).

Don’t go anywhere, fly back (2).

- You arrive on the planet Hook. You are greeted in a friendly manner and... Then everything happens somehow strange. They spit in your face, smiling happily. You are outraged by this act (the tradition of the peoples of Kenya).

You spit back. The inhabitant of the planet rejoices and takes you on a visit. It is their custom to welcome guests (3).

You pull out a laser sword and kill the insolent person on the spot. You killed an innocent person. The inhabitants of the planet Hook take out their weapons and start shooting at you and your ship. You have to fly away urgently. Spitting in the face is a tradition to greet guests (1).

Another unusual planet appears on your way: it is all decorated with bows and painted with bright flowers. You land there. This is Planet Foxtrot. When you get off the ship, you observe a strange sight: they started clapping for you, and then curtsied (a tradition of the Zambezi peoples).

You laugh and say that the residents have confused you with someone else. The residents are offended, but explain to you that it is their tradition to welcome guests (2).

You are surprised and do the same as the inhabitants of the planet. The residents are happy and give you gifts and treat you to delicious dishes (3).

You look at the inhabitants of the planet as stupid people and, not paying attention to them, go about your business. The inhabitants of the planet are offended and drive you away (1).

- You have arrived on the planet Hieroglyph. You are very welcome and shown the sights of the planet. One of the residents decided to invite you to visit. You come and see very beautiful things. You begin to admire them, saying that the owner has good taste, since he chose such elegant paintings and vases. The owner of the house suddenly begins to give you everything that you praise: vases, carpets, dishes, toys, paintings... You are surprised (a tradition of the peoples of China).

You start saying that you don't need this. The owner is offended and kicks you out of his house. There is a tradition on this planet: if a guest praises something, then it must be given to him (1);

You gladly accept gifts. The owner simply glows with happiness. There is a tradition on this planet: if a guest praises something, then it must be given to him (3).

You think that the owner wants to change with you. You take out your things and start giving them to the owner in return. He frowns and explains that they have such a tradition on the planet: if a guest praises something, then it must be given to him (2).

On the planet Jupiter you were invited to a restaurant. You happily agreed. In the restaurant you are fed very tasty, unusual dishes. When everyone has already eaten and talked, they bring a plate with the most ordinary rice and place it in front of you. You are very surprised (tradition of the peoples of China).

You reluctantly eat it. They bring you a second plate of rice. You think they are laughing at you. But everyone has very serious faces. You feel awkward and somehow eat this rice. But when you see the third plate, you can't eat anymore. You say “Thank you!” and move it away. Everyone starts smiling. It turns out that on this planet there is such a tradition: no one touches the plate of rice that is given at the end of lunch, you need to show that you are already full (2).

You start telling her to take her away. They look at you in bewilderment. Then they explain that on this planet there is such a tradition: no one touches the plate of rice that is given at the end of lunch, you need to show that you are already full (1).

You don't touch the plate. After all, you are already full. Then they explain to you that there is a tradition on this planet: no one touches the plate of rice that is given at the end of lunch; you need to show that you are already full (3).

On the planet Neptune you were invited to the theater. You really liked the performance. You come to the cloakroom to pick up your coat. Suddenly, your companions begin to help you get dressed (a Japanese tradition).

You are embarrassed, say that you can dress yourself, thank him, but allow him to put a coat on you. The girls smile and explain that on their planet it is customary for women to help men dress (3).

You are indignant and snatch the coat from the girls’ hands. Your companions are extremely unhappy and angry with your actions. They walk away calling you rude. Someone explained to you that on their planet it is customary for women to help men dress (1).

You think that your companions are hinting to you that you should help them get dressed. You grab their coat and start helping them. The girls with smiles refuse your help and explain to you that on their planet it is customary for women to help men dress (2).

Planet Centipede was so good, so beautiful, it always made you smile. All the creatures with a huge number of legs were kind to you, they were happy when you asked them something, they were interested. They simply rarely have guests. They invited you to a concert. Did you like the way the celebrity sang? After the concert you began to applaud. But... For some reason no one supported you. On the contrary, they began to console you and tell you not to worry, that everything would be fine (the tradition of the peoples of Tajikistan).

You get angry and leave. You don't understand these people at all. You wanted to thank the singer from the bottom of your heart, but instead you got something unknown. Some person catches up with you and says that on their planet it is not customary to clap. If you clap your hands, it means someone has died (1).

You look around in confusion. Nobody claps, everyone is looking at you. You get embarrassed, apologize, and don't clap again. They explain to you that if you clap your hands, it means someone has died (2).

You sit there and wonder why no one is applauding. You ask why this happens. They explain to you that if you clap your hands, it means someone has died (3).

Landing softly on the planet Tubut, you exit the ship and see the inhabitants of the planet. They are very unusual. They have one eye, orange skin, and otherwise they are very similar to humans. They are telling you something. You do not understand. After numerous attempts to establish contact, you realize that the inhabitants are inviting you to see their planet. You decided to confirm your guess: “Do you want us to look at your planet?” Instead of saying “Yes,” for some reason the residents stick out their tongues at you and laugh merrily (a tradition of the peoples of Tibet).

You are furious. You never expected such a stupid joke. You immediately board the ship and fly away. Then you will find out that the inhabitants of this planet in this way show their approval, agree with something (1).

You shrug your shoulders in bewilderment and agree to accept the invitation, but your appearance suggests that the inhabitants of this planet are extremely unpleasant to you. Then you will find out that the inhabitants of this planet in this way show their approval, agree with something (2).

You are surprised and decide to show your tongue in response. All the residents are happy. They explain to you that the inhabitants of this planet in this way show their approval, agree with something (3).

You arrive on the planet Sardina. You explore the planet and admire the local beauties. Suddenly a local resident comes up to you and grabs you by the cheek (a tradition of the peoples of Sicily).

You get angry and start hitting the offender. They separate you and explain that there is a tradition on this planet: if you like someone, you can hold that person’s cheek. The local refuses to accept your apology, and you are kicked off the planet (1).

You don’t understand what’s happening, you’re trying to move away from this crazy thing. The local resident gets upset and tries to pull your cheek more and more persistently. They explain to you that there is a tradition on this planet: if you like someone, you can hold this person’s cheek (2).

Without hesitation, you grab the strange man by the cheek. He smiles joyfully and gives you an amazingly beautiful box. Then a local resident explains to you that there is a tradition on this planet: if you like someone, you can hold that person’s cheek (3).

Discussion: What did you like and what didn’t you like about this game? What do you remember most? What important conclusions can we draw from this game? Is it possible to immediately start treating someone badly? What did you get the most points for, for what answers? How were these answers similar?

Conclusions: People “unlike” us are also people. They have different traditions and views on life. There are many interesting people among them. You can’t immediately be offended or angry with them; first you need to talk and get to know these people. You can try to do what they, “different” people, do. It can be fun, interesting, and educational.

Game "Meeting with Aliens" (A)

Materials: ribbons, fabric.

Time: 10 minutes.

Instructions. After a long flight, you decided to stop on one small and, as it seemed to you, very cozy planet. You rested a little and decided to take a walk. But since everyone was not allowed to leave the ship, you had to walk alone. You walked for an hour or two, you were already bored, but then you saw an alien. Guys, who wants to be an alien?

The facilitator explains his role to the volunteer. He notes that you can start communicating with an astronaut if only he speaks very, very well.

Show how an astronaut and an alien will communicate.

Discussion: What did you like and what didn’t you like about the game? What do you remember? What important things can this game teach? How should you communicate with “different” people to make everyone feel good?

Options for “alien” behavior: afraid, threatens, laughs at the interlocutor, is silent all the time, does not know how to talk, is very short / large in stature.

Commentary for the presenter. The alien can be played by a facilitator to provide opportunities for children to practice ways to interact constructively.

Conclusions:“Different” people are also people. You need to communicate with them like this:

Be kind. How can you express your kindness?

Speak politely. How can you talk politely?

Take an interest in his affairs. How can you be interested?

Say nice things. What can you say nice to a stranger?

Exercise “Me and Others” (A)

Materials: paper, pencils.

Instructions. You and I realized that “strangers” are those who are unlike us, and “ours” are those who have a lot in common with us. We prefer not to communicate with “strangers”. But as we learned from previous games, “strangers” can turn out to be very interesting people.

Think about what you could do together with “strangers” (play, study, craft, etc.)? Draw what you could do together with “strangers”.

Discussion: How are the drawings similar or dissimilar? What do you especially like about them? What conclusion can we draw from looking at these Ruthenians?

Conclusion: You can find common cause with “strangers”.

Game “You and I are similar and dissimilar today...” (M)

See lesson 1.

Block No. 2. Topic: “To each his own”

Target: determining the psychological niche of each student in the class.

Tasks: recognize individual differences among classmates; change the attitude of students towards each other; develop a model of intragroup interaction between classmates based on the individual characteristics of children.


Warm-up "Earthquake" (W)

Time: 5 minutes.

Instructions. The players are divided into threes. Two people depict a house (hold hands and stretch them upward). The third player is the owner of the house and stands under the “roof”. The presenter is in the center and gives out commands:

To the owners: “All owners are looking for a new home!”

To the house: “All houses are moving to a new owner!”

To all players: “Earthquake! All players change roles and form new houses with new owners!”

The player who is left alone now issues commands.

Exercise “Remember everything” (A)

Time: 5 minutes.

Instructions. Guys, before starting a new lesson, we need to remember what important things we learned in the last lesson?

Conclusions for lesson 3:

Kindness will open doors to any home and show the way to any heart.

You need to talk to those who are “different” in the same way as to those who are “similar”.

“Different” people do not mean bad.

Working with a fairy tale (A)

Time: 5 minutes.

Time passed, the storm at sea subsided, and the merchant began to gather his team home. But I couldn’t gather everyone: someone decided to stay in the eighty-ninth kingdom, someone got married, someone got a house. The merchant thought again: how could he sail home without a crew? After all, one cannot handle the ship alone.

He called out and people came. The merchant recruited a team for himself. I started asking everyone who knew how to do what. One turned out to be a good listener - he could hear the wind and a storm from afar, the other turned out to be a jack of all trades - he could build anything you wanted, the third was an accurate marksman, he could shoot a duck at the other end of the earth, the fourth had such a gift - he was a merry fellow, he could make anyone laugh, and the fifth - a strong man, could lift enormous weights.

Everyone listened to the merchant, but did not speak to each other. They were too different. Everyone believed that they would lose their pride if they spoke first. So they sailed in complete silence, sometimes only bickering in a low voice. We sailed for a long time and saw a lot of things.

One day it turned out to be a cloudless and windless day. The wind did not fill the sails, everyone became sad, but then the merry fellow began to cheer everyone up. Whether it was long or short, there was still no wind, and the provisions were running out. Then the shooter looked into the sky, saw a flock of ducks and shot a couple, the team ate. Everyone became full and happy.

Time passed, the sea became shallow, there had been no rain for a long time, and the ship found itself aground. Then the listener shouted: “A strong wind is coming towards us, we need to prepare the sails!” The strong man jumped off the ship, grabbed the ship by the bottom, strained himself and refloated it. But he didn’t calculate his strength and made a hole in the ship. Water poured into the ship. The merchant and his crew were scared, but the craftsman was not at a loss, grabbed a couple of boards and dived into the hold with water. Knock-knock, nailed the boards and said: “I fixed the ship, you can sail on!”

The merchant sighed, smiled and said: “Thank you, brothers, each of you saved us from death. I will reward you royally when we sail home!”

Discussion: what did you like and what didn’t you like about the fairy tale? What important things did we learn from this fairy tale?

Conclusion: everyone is good in their own way.

Game "Interview" (A)

Materials: fabric, ribbons.

Time: 10 minutes.

Instructions. Let's imagine for a moment that you are sailors who really want to see all the countries of the world, look at all the wonders of the world. And there is only one ship that sets off on a long voyage. This is a merchant's ship. You really want to get on the team. But for this you need to go through an interview with the merchant. You need to tell them what you can do well. So, you have time to come up with an outfit using ribbons and fabric. As soon as I clap my hands, your preparation time is up and it’s time to take your seats. So, has everyone understood the terms of our game? ( The presenter gives the children a few minutes to create an image.) I see that you are already ready for the interview. Who will be first? ( Next is an interview: what can you do well? Why should I take you on my ship? What do you like to do in your free time? Do you know how to restrain yourself if you don’t like something?)

Discussion: Why did the merchant take someone on his ship, but not others? What were the two most important questions the merchant asked? (what can you do well? Do you know how to control yourself?) Why are these two questions very important for working in a team?

Conclusions: Every person has their best side, their dignity. A person cannot do everything well, he is a master of one thing. Let's think about what Baba Yaga can do well (scare children)? Koschey the Immortal (long to live)? Vasilisa the Wise (the smartest)? If we know what a person can do well, then we will give him the appropriate job. For example, if a person knows how to cook soup well, will we force him to run a hundred meters? Each student in our class is a piece of the puzzle. The detail seems small, but without it there won’t be a beautiful picture (the presenter can demonstrate this using a mosaic).

Exercise “Your role” (A)

Time: 5 minutes.

Instructions. As we understand from the fairy tale, each person has his own strengths. What he does best. Now we have to find out what your best sides are. Why are we doing this? We do this in order to know which of you can do what well: who will stand up for all the kids in the class or who should be sent to running competitions, who will help solve a problem, or who can always make you laugh in a sad moment. So let's take a close look at each other. If suddenly someone says bad words about his classmate, then he leaves the game. We only say good things. ( The presenter writes down all the positive qualities of the children, then one that is most pronounced is selected.) Does everyone agree with these qualities? Guys, to make it easier for us to remember our qualities, let’s now think about which of the fairy-tale characters had these qualities as the main ones?

Why is each of you needed in the classroom?

Comment for the presenter: If there are many children in the class and it is difficult to come up with individual characteristics, then you can combine them into groups based on similar qualities. You can keep the results of the brainstorming session for yourself, so as not to forget the main qualities of children.

"Let's make up a fairy tale" (A)

Materials: fabric, ribbons.

Time: 10 minutes.

Instructions. Guys, we have determined what fairy-tale character each of us is like. The question arises: why did we suddenly all gather in one place? What brought us here? What events happened? Let's come up with a new fairy tale that includes all these characters. ( The presenter listens to the children's answers and writes them on the board. One of the options that is most interesting for children is selected.) So, we all gathered for a certain reason. How will events happen? What will each of you do? ( Children come up with outfits from ribbons and fabric. Next, the action takes place, the presenter comments and guides it.)

Options: birthday of one of the characters; the child began to compose a new fairy tale and gathered all his favorite characters together; the kingdom where the characters lived was attacked by a villain.

Discussion: did you enjoy playing? What do you remember most? Did you like the resulting fairy tale? What kind of fairy tale would you write with all the characters?

Comment for the presenter: It is necessary that all children prove themselves. To do this, you need to select a central character with whom the interaction will take place. The presenter must comment on every action of the children. The game is unstructured, so it is necessary to clearly remember the goal of the game and the game plot. After playing, you can tell the resulting tale.

Drawing “Portrait of our class” (M)

Materials: pencils, paints, half a Whatman sheet for each student.

Time: 10 minutes.

Instructions. Guys, as you know, in every house there are creatures that help people, but which no one has seen - these are brownies. If a brownie loves his owners, then he helps them. But if he doesn’t like it, if his owners have forgotten about him, then he begins to play pranks. Likewise, each class has its own spirit, which can be called cool. The cool one is like all the students in the class. ( The presenter reminds what qualities were highlighted as the most important in each student.) What do you think such a creature might look like? Draw it. ( The presenter turns on calm music.)

Discussion: did you like drawing? What is similar in the drawings? Tell us about your drawings: who is drawn, what is he like? Which class portrait do you prefer?

Game “You and I are similar and dissimilar today...” (M)

See lesson 1.


Warm-up « Gordian knot" (W)

Time: 5 minutes.

Participants form a tight circle and close their eyes. Then they separate, and each player must grab someone's hand (that is, there must be someone's hand in each hand). When this has happened, the players open their eyes and try to untangle the resulting knot, turning around and stepping over each other. It is only forbidden to unclasp your hands. The game is over when all players stand in a circle, holding hands, and the knot is untangled.

Exercise “Remember everything” (A)

Time: 5 minutes.

Instructions. Guys, before starting a new lesson, we need to remember what important things we learned in the last lesson?

Conclusions for lesson 4:

Everyone has a strong side.

Everyone in the class complements each other like puzzles.

Working with a fairy tale (A)

Time: 5 minutes.

A merchant is sailing with his crew, enjoying the wind. Only one thing greatly upsets him: the sailors began to quarrel among themselves. Everyone began to say that it was he who saved everyone from inevitable death. The merchant became sad: “Why is this happening, they don’t want to talk to each other. Only swearing is on the ship...” The merchant was sunbathing, he didn’t know what to do.

Suddenly the ship stopped, as if someone was holding it tightly. The merchant got scared, ran out onto the deck and saw: a sea monster had wrapped its huge tentacles around the ship. The monster spoke: “You are sailing on my waters, you are not paying me tribute. Let one of you come down to my kingdom, otherwise I’ll eat everyone!” The sailors were scared. And the monster is rocking the ship, about to sink to the bottom.

Then the merchant said: “Brothers, you are all dear to me, everyone helped us save ourselves from death. I gathered you together, tore you away from your homes, and I have to answer for this. Just remember my last words and always follow them: together you are strong, but individually everyone will take you with their bare hands.” The merchant said this and jumped into the mouth of the sea monster. The monster swallowed him and disappeared into the depths of the sea.

The sailors became sad. Grief is grief, but you have to swim on. Everyone became their own captain. One will spread the sails, and the other will fold, one ship in right side will lead, and the other - to the left. The sailors sailed and sailed, and suddenly they found themselves among the northern ice. They realized that they had sailed to the wrong place and were lost. They began to look at maps and determine the way home by the stars. We began to think: “How did we sail so hard that we missed the house? Are we really going to remain among the northern ice?

Then the sailors remembered the words of the merchant: “One at a time you are weak, but together you are strong!” They stopped swearing and blaming each other, looked around: and around! Dust, dirt, they are all ragged and hungry. The sailors realized that they would not be able to get home if they did not stick together. We looked at each other and thought: “The guys all seem to be good!”

Discussion: What did you like or dislike about the fairy tale? What do you remember most? What important did the sailors understand? Why are they weak alone? Who will defeat the strong, cheerful, skillful, accurate, good-hearing? Why should everyone stick together?

A game "Give it to me..." (A)

Time: 5 minutes.

Instructions. Imagine that you are sailors sailing on a ship. A monster attacks you. It tells you in a human voice: “You sail on my waters, do not pay tribute to me. Give someone from your team or prove to me that you cannot do without this person. If I believe you, I’ll let you go, and you’ll continue to swim. If I don’t believe you, I’ll choose anyone and take it for myself.”

(The presenter names the name of the child whom the monster wants to “eat”.)

Now your task is to prove to the monster that you need this person. Keep in mind: the ship is large, if there are few people on the crew, you will not be able to cope with it, you will go to the bottom. Start proving it like this: “We won’t give it to you... we need it ourselves, because...”

Discussion: What did you like or dislike about the game? What do you remember? What can this game teach us?

Conclusions: Every person has something good, every person is interesting.

Commentary for the presenter. The game can be repeated several times, choosing those children who have problems in relationships with classmates to play the role of “eaten”. This game forces those who reject to take a fresh look at the rejected, to find and express the strengths of the latter. During the game, you can “eat” one or two of the most active ones in order to give more passive children the opportunity to take part in the game. The “eaten” go over to the side of the monster and decide who to choose. It is necessary to focus on the fact that there are very quiet, calm, silent children in the class. But it came as a surprise to you that there is so much positive in them. It should also be noted that the class is becoming friendlier and friendlier every day, everyone protects each other. Each child becomes better and kinder, because even inveterate enemies defended each other in front of the monster. The presenter says this with a sense of pride for the children, noting the merits of each child.

A game "You really..." (A)

Time: 5 minutes.

Instructions. Guys, the sailors on the ship understood one important thing: friendship can make us stronger. Friendship, as we know, begins with a smile. Let us smile at each other in a circle and say the following phrase: “You really... (the main characteristic of a student), because...”

(If there are few children, each member of the class says the indicated phrase to one person..)

Discussion: What did you like or dislike? What words stood out to you the most? Was it pleasant or unpleasant to listen to? Why say kind words to each other?

Conclusion: kind words are like a gift; it’s nice to receive and give.

A game "Our Islands" (A)

Materials: whatman paper painted blue, islands made of thick paper, paints, pencils, multi-colored threads, glue, double-sided tape, recording of calm music.

Time: 20 minutes.

Preliminary preparation: Attach blue Whatman paper (sea) to the board.

Stage 1. Instructions. Guys, imagine that each of you is an island in the middle of a huge ocean. You are the King/Queen on this island. Your island is named after your main quality. Let's remember them.

(The presenter with the children recalls the strengths of each participant.)

So, we remembered the best side of each of us. Now you have to draw what the islands look like. If the King of the Island is the main Good One, will he draw evil people on his island? Of course not. He will gather all the good people on his island. ( The presenter discusses with the children possible contradictions in the drawings, putting the children in a positive mood.)

So, did everyone understand the task?

(The presenter turns on calm music. After finishing drawing, children glue their islands onto whatman paper - sea.)

Discussion: did you like drawing? Tell us about your islands: who lives there, what is the order there, what do the inhabitants of your islands do? Which island do you like best?

Stage 2. Look at our sea with islands. Is everything alright? Maybe something is missing? These islands are not connected at all, it seems that people don’t even know that there are other islands. Let's try to connect our islands. We will make bridges using colored threads. Choose a thread of any color. Now think about which island would you like to build a bridge to? To connect the islands, you need to say five good words to the owner of the island. If the owner of the island thinks that what you said was bad, he may refuse to build the bridge. So who wants to try first?

During the game you can create various difficulties for speakers:

The king raised the fee for the construction of the bridge: more good words must be said;

You are speechless from meeting the King: you must say a compliment without words, that is, show with gestures how well you treat the King of the island;

A storm has come upon you: you need to crouch and say good words to the King;

The King had trouble: his beloved hamster ran away. The king is very upset: first you need to console him, and then say good words for him.

Discussion: did you like or dislike the game? What do you remember most? What important things can you learn from this game? What can you learn? Why are all islands different?

Conclusion: It’s easy to say good words, you just have to make an effort and think about it. Kind words are a passport to any country, any friendship. We all need each other. None of us are worse or better than others, we are just different, because we have different main qualities.

A game "Rescuers" (A)

Materials: ribbons, fabric, toy dragon (a large toy dressed up as a dragon), whatman paper with islands and bridges (see previous game), candy.

Preliminary preparation: it is necessary to determine the stage (place for the performance), children need to be given fabrics and ribbons so that they can come up with costumes for themselves in accordance with their individual characteristics.

Time: 10 minutes.

Instructions. Guys, as you remember, each of you is different from the other. Now we will play a fairy tale. In a fairy tale, everyone will act in accordance with their role. So, just listen and watch the story. As soon as you hear your quality, go on stage and start acting in accordance with your role. So, does everyone understand how we will play? Then let's begin.

There were islands in one very large ocean. People lived peacefully and happily on these islands, they were friends with each other. They visited each other across the bridges and drank delicious tea with cakes and raspberry jam. One day a dragon attacked the islands in the ocean. He began to destroy bridges, houses and take people captive. People thought for a long time about what they should do, how to save their ocean from such a scourge. And they came up with it. The strong one... (what did the strong one do?) The good one decided... (what the good one decided to do?) The smart one tried... (what did the smart one try?) When the dragon was defeated, our heroes threw a feast for the whole world, they congratulated each other on their victory and salvation.

The facilitator lists everyone in the class, asking what those with certain qualities would do. If there are many children in the class, then you can call one person from the group with similar individual characteristics. After the rescue, you can give candy to all the children to celebrate their victory.

Discussion: What did you like or dislike about the fairy tale? What do you remember most? What important things did we learn from this fairy tale?

Conclusion: all the guys offered different options. Why did it happen? Because for them the main values ​​are different qualities. How could a strong man run away from a dragon? Or could a good man kill a dragon? After all, the dragon is also alive. A good-natured person would think about how to do without sacrifices. Is it possible to say that one of you is worse or better? Of course not. We are all different, that’s why we act differently. None of us is worse or better than the other, we are just all different.

A game “Today you and I are similar and dissimilar...” (M)

See lesson 1.


Warm-up: "Move the chair" (W)

Time: 5 minutes.

The players perform the following task - to move a chair from place to place: as if it were a bag of gold, as if it were a vat of water filled to the brim, as if the player was walking through a minefield.

Exercise "Remember all" (A)

Time: 5 minutes.

Instructions. Guys, before starting a new lesson, we need to remember what important things we learned in the last lesson.

Conclusions for Lesson 5:

Every person has their own strengths.

Everyone's strengths are different.

Every person is interesting.

Working with a fairy tale (A)

Time: 5 minutes.

The sailors thought for a long time about how they would get out of the ice. No one wanted to be the first to go to war; everyone considered themselves the best. So they sat until their ship was frozen into the ice. They began to freeze, the food was running out. One by one they tried to save the ship from the ice, but they were exhausted, and that was all. They sat down, each on looked at a friend, sighed and said at once: “Each of us is good at one thing, we can’t do without each other. The merchant said correctly: only together we are strong.”

They began to think about how to get out of the ice: “You, a strong man, will drag a ship out of the ice, and you, a craftsman, will crush the ice with an axe, you, a merry fellow, will amuse us so that we can work better, you, a listener, listen when the ducks will fly so that we can have a hot meal, and you, shooter, shoot the ducks and put them in the pot.” That's what we agreed on. They understood that good brotherhood is better than wealth.

They worked for a day, they worked for the second, and on the third I heard a rumor that spring was coming, the wind was carrying warmth. The sailors were delighted, began to shake hands and thank each other. They straightened the sails and sailed on. They began to remember what the merchant taught them: “Smile and call each other by name, do not spare kind words for each other. Remember: everyone is good in their own way, but together you are strong.”

Peace and quiet reigned on the ship. Everyone minds their own business, everyone helps each other, they talk about their wives and children. So they sailed to the place where the sea monster ate the merchant. They look and don’t believe their eyes. An island rises in the middle of the sea. There is a tower on the island. The sailors went ashore and were amazed: a merchant was coming towards them, alive and unharmed. They rushed to the merchant and began asking how he managed to escape the monster. The merchant says: “The monster dragged me to the bottom of the sea. I looked around, but there was no one around. One monster lives in the depths of the sea. I felt sorry for the monster; it’s not easy for one. And a kind word melts the ice. The monster’s heart melted and it began to smile. It set me free, and even gave me an island. That’s it, brothers, it’s better to live in peace and kindness.”

And the sailors told the merchant about their adventures. “We,” they say, “also realized that a friend is more valuable than gold.”

Discussion: What did you like or dislike about the fairy tale? What do you remember most? What important did the sailors understand in the fairy tale?

Conclusions: a team becomes strong only when everyone respects each other, communicates, and treats each other well.

Exercise "Broom" (M)

Materials: broom.

Time: 5 minutes.

Instructions. Guys, you all probably know the story of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, in which his father suggested that his brothers break a broom, but they didn’t succeed. When the broom was disassembled into its rods, the brothers easily broke them. Now we will try to do the same experiment. Our class is a broom. ( The presenter demonstrates the broom, trying to break it. Then he invites one of the children to try.) The broom is very strong, it is difficult to break it entirely. But if we pull out one twig at a time, we can easily cope with this task. ( The presenter demonstrates and invites the children to try breaking twigs.) What conclusion can we draw from this experience? That's right, when we are together we are strong, but when we are alone we are weak. Tell me, is it possible to sweep the floor with a broom twig? Give it a try. ( The leader gives twigs to several children, they try.) You can, of course, but we will be sweeping the classroom for a week. If we connect all the rods into a broom, we can easily sweep the classroom in five minutes. What conclusion can we draw? If we all do something together, we will do it quickly, but we may not be able to do it alone.

"Horror stories" (A)

Materials: ribbons, fabric, chairs, scarves.

Preliminary preparation: it is necessary to determine the stage (the place for the performance so that it is safe), the children need to be given fabrics and ribbons so that they can come up with costumes for themselves in accordance with their individual characteristics.

Time: 10 minutes.

Instructions. Guys, as you remember, each of us is different from the other. Now we will play “Scary Stories”. In these stories, everyone will act in accordance with their role, their main quality. We will unite in groups of 5-6 people and show our skit. The scenes will be different for everyone. You need to show how a person will behave if he finds himself in a certain situation and who has the main quality, for example, intelligence. Do you remember that our game is called “Scary Stories”? What is the main color in such stories? That's right, black. So when your time comes to perform the skit, I will blindfold you. How this scene ends will depend only on you.


In one black-black country there was a black-black school. In this black-black school there was a black-black class. Children studied in this black-black school. One day they were locked in the classroom in the evening and their mothers could not find them. These children are you. How will you proceed?

In one black, black country there were black, black jungles. In the black, black jungle there was a black, black pit. You traveled through a black, black jungle and fell into a black, black pit. What are you going to do?

In one black-black country there was a black-black sea. There was a black, black storm on the black, black sea. You were traveling on a black-black ship, got into a black-black storm, your ship crashed, now you are sitting on a big board in the middle of the ocean. What are you going to do?

In one black-black country there was a black-black excursion. You went on a black-black excursion and got lost in a black-black city. What are you going to do?

Commentary for the presenter. If the children do not show initiative, the presenter can propose the outline of the speech: a situation has occurred - what will each of the participants do (what will the strong, kind, etc. do)? After each scene, it is necessary to find out from the children whether the actors played their roles correctly? Did the role correspond to the main quality of the actor? How should you play? How would you continue this story?

Discussion: Did you like it or didn't you like playing? What important things did you learn from this game? Why did all the actors behave differently?

Conclusions: Each person will have different main values, views, thoughts, so all people behave differently in the same situation.

Drawing "My Niche" (A)

Materials: drawing of a forest edge (see Appendix 3), a picture to demonstrate natural relationships, niches (see Appendix 4).

Time: 10 minutes.

Instructions. As you know, every part of nature has its own place. Trees grow in the forest, grass is on the ground, birds fly high in the sky, and animals live in burrows. ( The presenter shows a picture of natural niches.) Our class can also be imagined as a part of nature, for example, a forest edge. On one side there is a forest, and on the other side there is a field. There are many different creatures in the forest: insects, animals, birds; trees, grass, flowers grow. Each of them has its place. For example, it would never occur to a butterfly to fly higher than birds, and it would not be able to do this. A tree never wants to be lower than a flower. All plants and living beings live peacefully, without interfering with each other, because everyone has their own niche, their own place in nature, which no one can occupy.

I offer you an interesting job: imagine that our class is animals and plants from the forest edge. ( The presenter gives the children a drawing of a forest edge.) Look closely at each other. What do you think is like what animal, insect, plant, bird? Have you thought about it? Now start drawing. Be sure to sign who is who. Otherwise you might get confused. ( After drawing, children show their drawings, accompanying them with comments..)

Discussion: What did you like or dislike? Which drawing seems the most interesting? How are the drawings similar?

(If there is a trend in relation to a child - several people have allocated the same place or the same character to him, then it is necessary to comment on this.)

Why do you think it happened that several people saw in someone one bird, an animal? What conclusions can we draw?

Conclusions: When a person has his own home, his own place, he lives very calmly. Your quality is your home, where no one can enter without asking. Each of you has a place in the classroom: this is your desk. It would be very unpleasant if you were moved every time: you would have nowhere to put notebooks and textbooks, hide toys or your secrets. You would come to school and not know where you would be put. If all the kids have their own desks at home, but you don’t, will it be pleasant for you to come to school?

Your main quality is constant, just like your name. It would be unpleasant if it was changed all the time: in the evening your name was Vasya, and in the morning you would wake up and not know your name. Also, your main quality is something that no one can take away from you. You are the King of Intelligence, Beauty or Speed. There is no good or bad quality, better or worse, main or last. For example, who should be sent to a beauty contest? Of course, the Queen or the King of Beauty. Should the King of Mind be sent to running competitions? I doubt he'll be the first to arrive. The main quality is your name, your home. Every person needs to be the boss at something.

Commentary for the presenter. If the participants have time and energy, you can carry out the work further: discuss with the children what animal, bird, plant, insect each child in the class is like. Write this on the board. Say where each of the named characters lives, in what niche, in what house. Ask the children to make new drawings, taking into account the information received. Next compare the pictures. They become more similar. The discussion follows the same pattern. We can conclude that the second drawings are calmer and more interesting to look at, because everyone has their own place. This is due to the fact that we put everyone in our own houses.

Game “How will we communicate” (A)

Time: 5 minutes.

Instructions. Guys, we talked a lot about how we need to communicate in the classroom so that everyone feels good and comfortable. Let's play out some scenes and see what pleasant and unpleasant communication means. ( The presenter chooses children for roles. After every two scenes, you need to ask the question: how are these scenes different?) We looked at how you can communicate. Let's think about how to communicate so that the interlocutors are pleased?

(The facilitator discusses patterns of interaction between classmates, making short notes on the board. It is useful for the presenter to save the points highlighted with the children for future work..)

Situations for scenes: a pleasant and unpleasant guest, a salesperson, a “new kid” in the class.

Sample list of communication rules:


Call by name;

Speak kind words;

Come up with common games;

Respect each other;

Remember that everyone is good in their own way;

To help each other.

Game “You and I are similar and dissimilar today...” (M)

See lesson 1.

Block No. 3. Topic: “Let's be friends with everyone!”

Target: motivation for joint constructive activities.

Tasks: awareness of the need for constructive communication, demonstration of the positive aspects of friendship; changing attitudes towards constructive communication, developing a model of constructive intra-group communication; integration of acquired knowledge and skills.


Warm-up "Siamese twins" (W)

Time: 5 minutes

Siamese twins are two people who share some parts of their body. Players are invited to split into pairs and become such twins: the right hand of one and the left of the other should remain free. After that, they must complete simple tasks for a while: light a candle with matches, thread a needle, tie a shoelace. The couple that was able to do it faster than the rest wins.

Exercise “Remember everything” (A)

Time: 5 minutes.

Instructions. Before starting a new lesson, we need to remember what important things we learned in the last lesson?

Conclusions for Lesson 6:

Together we are strong.

We have different main qualities, so we behave differently.

Everyone has their own niche, their own home, where they feel like they are in charge.

Working with a fairy tale (A)

Time: 5 minutes.

The sailors began to live on the island. Each one got his own household: he built a house and brought a wife. They lived together and helped each other. They rarely quarreled. If they quarrel, they go and apologize. So one day a merchant calls them to his mansion and says: “Brothers, we sailed a lot, experienced a lot of things, but I need to go on merchant business. Not for service, but for friendship - help me out, help me manage the ship.”

The sailors agreed, they themselves feel that they have been sitting idle, they want to go to the sea, breathe the salty air. They gathered and swam. We sailed for a long time and saw all sorts of foreign wonders. They ran out of water and began to think about where to replenish supplies. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an island appears. The sailors went ashore and were amazed: all the houses were dirty, dilapidated, people walked around without looking at each other, turning up their noses.

Here the lady appears: “I am,” she says, “the queen of the island. My name is Ya. What do you want in my kingdom? Why are you bothering me? The sailors answer that they just need to get some water... The Queen says: “I like you, stay. And you, merchant, come with me and tell me stories!”

The merchant agreed. He tells fairy-tale stories to the queen the day, the second... On the third day the queen says: “Go, merchant, rest, otherwise you’re probably tired...” The merchant happily agreed. The queen herself went to see what the sailors were doing and what they were doing. She came and saw a strange picture: all the sailors were repairing the ship together, no one turned up their nose, no one said offensive words to each other. She was surprised. “Let’s change,” he says. I will take away your friendship, and in return I will give you everything you want: treasures, precious stones, you will be richer than kings. Each of you will buy an island and rule on it.”

The sailors looked at each other and became interested. First one, and then everyone else agreed. Queen I took away their friendship.

They, like all the inhabitants of the island, began to turn up their noses at each other and brag about their merits. The merchant woke up, went to the ship, and it was time to get ready for the journey. He comes and sees: all the sailors are not talking to each other, the ship is not ready to sail. The merchant was upset. He looks, Queen I is standing next to him, smiling at everyone, saying kind words, wishing him health. The merchant understood everything. The sailors could not stand the test of wealth and gave up their friendship.

He ordered the ship to be prepared for sailing: “All my words were in vain. You didn’t understand how much wealth and power you gave to the queen.”

Discussion: What did you like or dislike about the fairy tale? What do you remember? What important things did you learn from this fairy tale? How do you understand the merchant’s words that friendship is strength and wealth?

Game “Who are “friends”?” (A)

Materials: pictures with characters (see appendix 5 for handouts), playing field (see appendix 6), cube, chips, scarf, cards with the inscription “Friend”, blank cards, ball.

Time: 20 minutes.

Game conditions:

Reach the end and collect as many friends as possible.

Everyone takes turns, rolling the dice and moving the chip a certain number of spaces.

In some cells there are tasks. If you complete this task correctly (in accordance with educational goals - socially desirable behavior), then you will gain a friend. If it is wrong (again in accordance with educational goals), then you will not gain a friend. Friends are represented by pictures.

If there are a lot of children, you can combine them into groups of 2–4 people.


Once upon a time there was a boy. The most ordinary boy: he studied at school. He loved to play football, run around the school corridor during breaks, and sometimes fought with other boys. Only one thing confused him: he seemed to be friends with everyone and everyone seemed to be friends with him, but he did not have a FRIEND. A true friend. He was very worried about this, although he didn’t show it.

One evening he came home from school, had dinner and went to bed. But I couldn’t fall asleep. I lay there and looked at the ceiling. Suddenly a Shadow flew from the ceiling. The boy was scared. But the Shadow said in a kind voice:

Don't be afraid! Come with me to a magical land. Maybe there you can find the answer to the question: “How to find a true friend?” Well, shall we go?

The shadow said these words so kindly and so calmly that the boy’s fear completely disappeared and he agreed. Then the Shadow waved its arms and they flew. The boy did not understand how long or short their flight was. "Soft landing! - said the Shadow, - now you will travel yourself! At that same moment the boy fell from the sky into the clearing:

“You could have warned me that it would hurt,” he muttered, rubbing his bruised knees.

So, guys, we found ourselves in a magical land where adventures await us. Who remembers the purpose of our journey? Why did we go to a magical land? Correctly to answer the question: “How to find a true friend?” We will travel in this way: we have a playing field, a cube and colored chips. We roll the dice and travel as many cells as there are dots on the dice. Our goal: to reach the finish line and find as many friends as possible. Along the way we will meet different heroes, they will ask difficult questions and tasks that we will have to complete. If we complete the task correctly, then this hero will be friends with us.

Situations for discussion


1) A true friend is someone who always lets you copy homework and tests. Why work on your own when you can copy from a friend? That's what friends are for. Conclusion: a friend helps you understand, but does not give you ready answers.

2) A true friend is someone who will always help me beat up the enemy. Even if he treats this person well, he still has to hit him too. Otherwise I won't be friends with him. Conclusion: friends are not obligated to help in a fight.

3) A true friend is the one who warns me of danger. For example, I behave badly in class all the time: I play around, make faces. If a friend hears that the teacher wants to give me a bad grade, then he should tell me to hide the diary. Conclusion: a friend is the one who will stop me from doing bad things.

4) A true friend is one who always shares something tasty with me. Even if you don't have enough candy, you still have to give it to me. Conclusion: a friend can share, or he can keep everything for himself. It's his right.


1) A true friend is one who will help you overcome difficulties. For example, I really want to play ball. And someone is already playing ball. My friend and I must take the ball away. Conclusion: a friend will suggest another version of the game.

2) A true friend is the one who is fatter than me. You can always laugh at him. Conclusion: It’s not good to laugh at your friends.

3) A true friend is one who is afraid of me and does everything as I want. Conclusion: friends should not be afraid of each other.

4) A true friend is one who always listens to me and does everything as I say. For example, you tell him: let’s not listen to the teacher in class, he will do so. If they give you a bad grade and the parents are called to school, it’s okay. Conclusion: a friend may have his own opinion.


1) A true friend is one who can run fast. Such a friend can always be persuaded to take the ball, run away and hide it. Conclusion: a friend should not do bad things for the sake of friendship.

2) A true friend is one who is stronger than me, who will always stand up for me. For example, I called someone a name and they promised to beat me up. I will come and tell my friend that they just want to beat me. The friend will beat them first. Conclusion: a friend is not obligated to protect a bully.

3) A true friend is one who always gives in to me. For example, I want to play tag, and my friend wants to play hide and seek. A friend should always play my games. Conclusion: friends should listen to each other's opinions.

4) A true friend is the one who always gives me his sweets. I take care of his teeth. I'd rather have bad teeth. Conclusion: a friend may not share.


1) A true friend is the one who always gives me first place. Should my friend feel sorry for me? So let him give me the medals, otherwise I will cry and stop being friends with him. Conclusion: a friend can be better than you at something.

2) A true friend is one who will never solve problems better than me, who knows all the rules of the Russian language better than me. After all, I will be offended if my friend is better than me. We must be the same in everything: in intelligence, in strength. Conclusion: a friend can be better than you at something.

3) A friend is one who always allows you to play with your toys. Even if he wants to play himself, he must give them to me first. Otherwise he will be greedy! Conclusion: a friend does not have to always give in.

4) A friend is one whose things I take without permission. If we are friends, then why ask permission? Conclusion: you need to ask your friends for permission.


1) A true friend is one who always praises me. Why do you need friends who say mean things? For example, that lying is not good. Conclusion: friends have the right to judge you.

2) A friend is someone who always invites you to a birthday party. If you invite me to your birthday, I will play with you today. Conclusion: friendship cannot be bought, it must be earned.

3) A friend is one who always gives gifts. If you don’t give me a sticker, candy or a car, I won’t be friends with you! Conclusion: friendship cannot be bought, it must be earned.

4) A true friend is the one who always keeps me in order and clean. For example, I have books, notebooks, candy wrappers, and toys lying on my desk. My friend will always put everything away neatly while I play at recess. Conclusion: a friend is not a cleaner; you need to clean up your own mess.

The Dragon

1) A true friend is one who agrees to do bad things. For example, scribbling in other girls’ notebooks, and then laughing at how they cry! Conclusion: a friend is not obliged to do bad things with you.

2) A true friend is the one who wrongs the weak with me. He can also be punished! Conclusion: a friend is not obliged to do bad things with you.

3) A true friend is one who will never tell adults about my bad deeds. Even if I was planning to do something very bad, like stealing a phone. Conclusion: a friend should stop you from doing something bad.

4) A true friend is one who always believes me. Even if I deceive him, he still has to believe me. For example, I eat candy, I have a hundred more of them. A friend will ask for candy, and I will say that I don’t have any more. A friend should not be offended by this. Conclusion: friends have the right not to trust each other.


1) A true friend is one who is only friends with me. If a friend is friends with five more people, then he might spill my secret to someone. Conclusion: a friend can be friends with anyone.

2) A true friend is one who shouts about our friendship. The one who screams loudest is the best friend. Conclusion: true friendship cannot be determined by the volume of screaming.

3) A true friend is one who has no secrets from a friend. Real friends tell each other everything. Conclusion: Friends can have secrets.

4) A true friend is the one who is dumber than me. You can always fool him. Conclusion: you can’t deceive your friends.

(the presenter can nominate a player in any order)

1. “Say kind words.” The driver (the one whose chip lies on the corresponding cell of the playing field) looks carefully at each student in the class. What kind words would you say to everyone? Tell them.

2. “Find your friend’s hand while blindfolded.” The driver chooses a friend. Feels his hand. He is then blindfolded. The rest of the participants extend their arms forward. The driver must feel each hand and find his friend. When the driver realizes that he has found a friend's hand, he can untie his eyes.

3. “Guess when a friend touches.” The driver chooses a friend. The friend shows how he will touch the driver’s shoulder. The driver sits on a chair with his back to the class. Blindfolds his eyes with a scarf. The rest of the participants take turns approaching the driver and placing their hand on his shoulder. When the driver feels that a friend is touching him, he must say: “Stop!” Next, he unties his eyes and looks to see if he identified correctly.

4. “Guess who your friend is by the words.” Each participant (except the driver) is given small cards: only one has “Friend” written on it, the rest are blank. All participants need to say the phrase: “I am your friend.” The driver must determine by facial expression and intonation who his friend is. It is useful to have a discussion: How do friends talk about friendship? (Confidently, looking into the eyes.) How do they feel?

5. “Guess who your friend is by his smile.” The scheme is as in point 4. The driver must determine who his friend is by his smile. It is useful to have a discussion: how does your friend smile? How is his smile different from other smiles? (Open, joyful.)

6. “Guess who your friend is by the handshake.” The scheme is as in paragraph 4. The driver must determine by the handshake who his friend is. It is useful to have a discussion: how do friends shake hands? (Confident, strong.)

7. “Give a gift to a friend.” Look closely at your neighbors on the right. What gift do you think they would like to receive? Tell them what you will give. After receiving gifts, it is customary to say “Thank you.”

8. “A gift without words.” What gift do you think the neighbors on the right would like to receive? Give them a gift, but you cannot use words, you can only show with gestures what you want to give. The neighbor is trying to understand what they are giving him. After receiving gifts, it is customary to say “Thank you.”

1. Which animal is bigger - a horse or a dog?
Horse =0 points,
wrong answer = -5 points.

2. In the morning you have breakfast, and in the afternoon...
Let's have lunch. We eat soup, meat = 0 points.
We have dinner, sleep and other erroneous answers == -3 points.

3. It’s light during the day, but at night...
Dark =0 points,

4. The sky is blue and the grass...
Green == 0 points,
wrong answer = -4 points.

5. Cherries, pears, plums, apples... what are they? .
Fruit =1 point,

6. Why does the barrier drop before the train passes?
To prevent the train from colliding with the car. So that no one
hit by a train (etc.) - 0 points
Incorrect answer === -1 point.

7. What are Moscow, Rostov, Kyiv?
Cities =1 point.
Stations=0 points.
Incorrect answer = -1 point.

8. What time does the clock show (show on the clock)?
Well shown = 4 points.
Only a quarter, a whole hour, a quarter and an hour are shown, correct = 3 points.
Doesn't know the clock = 0 points.

9. A small cow is a calf, a small dog is...,
a little sheep is... ?
Puppy, lamb = 4 points,
only one answer out of two = 0 points.
Incorrect answer = -1 point.

10. Is a dog more like a chicken or a cat? How are they similar, what do they have in common?
Like a cat, because it also has four legs, fur, tail, claws (one similarity is enough) = 0 points.
For a cat (without giving similarity signs) = -1 point.
For chicken = -3 points.

11. Why do all cars have brakes?
Two reasons (braking down a mountain, braking at a turn; stopping in case of danger of a collision, stopping altogether after finishing driving) == 1 point.
1 reason = 0 points.
Incorrect answer (for example, he would not drive without brakes) = -1 point.

12. How are a hammer and an ax similar to each other?
Two common features = 3 points (they are made of wood and iron, they have handles, they are tools, they can be used to hammer nails).
1 similarity = 2 points.

13. How are squirrels and cats similar to each other?
Determining that these are animals, or citing two common characteristics (they have four legs, tails, fur, they can climb trees) = 3 points.
One similarity = 2 points.
Incorrect answer = 0 points.

14. What is the difference between a nail and a screw? How would you recognize them if they were lying here in front of you?
They have different signs: a screw has a thread (thread, a twisted line around a notch) = 3 points.
The screw is screwed in and the nail is hammered in: the screw has a nut = 2 points.
Incorrect answer = 0 points.

15. Football, high jump, tennis, swimming... is this?
Sports, physical education = 3 points.
Games (exercises), gymnastics, competitions = 2 points.
Incorrect answer = 0 points.

16. Which ones do you know? vehicles?
Three land vehicles, aircraft or ship = 4 points.
Only three land vehicles or a complete list, with an airplane or a ship, but only after explaining that vehicles are something you can use to get somewhere = 2 points.
Incorrect answer = 0 points.

17. What is the difference between an old man and a young man? What's the difference between them?
Three signs (gray hair, lack of hair, wrinkles, can no longer work like that, sees poorly, hears poorly, is sick more often, is more likely to die than young) - 4 points.
One or two differences = 2 points.
Incorrect answer (he has a stick, he smokes, etc.) = 0 points.

18. Why do people play sports?
For two reasons (to be healthy, hardened, strong, to be more mobile, to stand straight, not to be fat, they want to achieve a record, etc.) = 4 points.
One reason = 2 points.
Incorrect answer (to be able to do something) = 0 points.

19. Why is it bad when someone avoids work?
The rest must work for him (or an expression that someone else suffers as a result of this). He is lazy. Earns little and cannot buy anything = 2 points.
Incorrect answer = 0 points.

20. Why do you need to put a stamp on the envelope?
This is how they pay for sending, transporting a letter = 5 points.
The other one would have to pay a fine - 2 points.
Incorrect answer = 0 points.

After the survey is completed, the results are calculated based on the number of points achieved on individual questions. The quantitative results of this task are divided into five groups:

Group 1 - plus 24 or more

Group 2 - plus 14 to 23

Group 3 - from 0 to 13

Group 4 - from minus 1 to minus 10

Group 5 - less than minus 11

According to the classification, the first three groups are considered positive. Children who score from plus 24 to plus 13 are considered ready for schooling.

Overall assessment of test results

Children who receive three to six points in the first three subtests are considered ready for school.

The group of children who received seven to nine points represents the average level of development of readiness for school learning.

Children who received 9-1 1 points require additional research to obtain more objective data.

Particular attention should be paid to a group of children (usually individual children) who scored 12-15 points, which constitutes development below the norm. Such children need a thorough individual examination of intelligence, development of personal and motivational qualities.

We often wonder how twins differ from twins when we see a similar brother and sister. Why do we call some twins and others twins? What really is the difference and characteristics of these identical people?

Among scientists there is no such thing as “twins.” Only the scientific term “twins” is used. If you look at your school biology textbook, you will remember that the unborn baby develops in a fertilized egg. There are identical (monozygotic) and fraternal (dizygotic, trizygotic, etc.) embryos.

The main difference: in conception!

How are twins different from fraternal twins in the first place? A special process of conception. The idea is that different cells are fertilized by separate sperm. Gynecologists call this multiple pregnancy. When an egg divides into several cells, most often two, identical twins are conceived. The development of the fetus proceeds in a separate way, although conception occurred thanks to one sperm. And fraternal twins are the non-scientific name for fraternal twins. They develop in different fertilized eggs. Simply put, separate male cells fertilize two different female cells almost simultaneously.

As a rule, twins are same-sex, but twins are not. It was the twins, a boy and a girl born at the same time, who were called royal twins. The twins also have an identical eye shape and color, skin tone, and hair structure. Twins most often duplicate each other's features, but may be no more similar than a brother and sister who were born a short time apart.

In genetic terms, there are many more differences and similarities. Identical embryos have the same set of genes, blood type and Rh factor. Even the fingerprints match. If they ever have to undergo an organ transplant, the operation will most likely be successful. For fraternals, such substitutions are incompatible, because in a biological sense they are completely different.

What is the probability of having twins?

Usually it's a matter of chance. Geneticists still cannot reliably determine what the order of genes should be for their conception. There is an opinion that more often this happens on the maternal side and is passed on from grandmother to granddaughter. However, scientists have already come to some proven facts according to which the likelihood of having twins increases.

Identical twins are born approximately once every 3-4 thousand births. Twins are conceived at a rate of 1 in 90 births. But recently, statistics have been increasing, and the latter are being born much more often.

Is it possible to detect the difference between twins and twins on an ultrasound?

Yes, you can. But only if the egg has split into two before implantation. Otherwise, the picture during the examination will look as if the woman is carrying twins, and twins may be born.

The difference cannot always be seen in the structure of the fetus during pregnancy. The difference can be recorded if the embryos are of different sexes. However, even here one cannot be completely sure, because after the birth it becomes clear: twins were born, although ultrasound determined the twins by the sex of the embryos.

How is raising twins and twins different?

After conception and birth, babies face a difficult journey - to grow and mature. Considering that such children are special, their upbringing should be appropriate, as many parents think. However, this is not quite true.

The frequent differences between twins and twins are noticeable in terms of upbringing. They have almost no similarities in terms of character, talents or other inclinations. For one simple reason - any child is raised and develops in his own environment, and even twins, similar in all genetic and biological parameters, can be completely different in character, temperament and taste preferences. Twins, on the other hand, may have the same views and were raised the same, but will not have biological similarities.

In 1922, an experiment was conducted in the States. Two identical twin girls, Jessie and Besie, were placed in separate families two weeks after birth. As we remember, identical twins have the same set of genes. Only in this case they had different living conditions. They first met at the age of 18, and it turned out that they had a similar level of intelligence, energy, and they both had tuberculosis. But the girls had different taste preferences, views on life, opinions on problematic issues and life aspirations.


So, the main differences between twins and twins:
  • different process of conception and fetal development: identical embryos develop in one egg and are considered twins, fraternal embryos develop in different eggs and are considered twins;
  • twins are always same-sex, and twins are mostly opposite-sex;
  • Although twins are similar to each other, they are completely different biologically, and twins are similar in appearance and genetic make-up.
This is such an interesting process of birth and development. Therefore, remain attentive to yourself, your health and remember that twins and twins are, first of all, children!

The theme of friendship and dreams in Mark Twain's story “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”
In the story “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” the main character is the boy Tom. He is very restless and constantly gets into some kind of story. Tom has a half-brother, Sid. But Sid is not like Tom. Sid was considered a good boy, and Tom was considered a bad boy. But Tom still loved his brother, although Sid told Aunt Polly, where the boys lived, about Tom’s tricks. Volume - good friend. He is friends with Huck, although Aunt Polly does not like this friendship. Tom was a wealthy boy from a good family. And Huck's father was a drunkard.

Tom went to school, but Huck did not. Tom and Huck met each other secretly. Tom and Huck's friendship has been tested. When Tom decided that he was not loved, the boys ran away from home. They traveled a lot. But soon Tom wanted to return home, but Huck didn’t want to. He only had his father at home, whom Huck didn’t really like. The boys experienced a lot on this journey, but then returned home. Tom and Huck had a dream. They wanted to find a treasure. The boys came up with a game for themselves. They were looking for treasures hidden in the cave. When they found them, Huck received a lot of money and became equal to Tom. But then Huck stopped liking being rich.

A widow took him in and forced him to go to school. The kind woman washed and brushed Huck and gave him clean clothes. Tom understood Huck, but he didn’t want to change anything, everything suited him. The boys valued their friendship, although they could quarrel. This happened when Tom fell in love with a girl. Her name was Betty. Huck didn't like Betty because she was well-mannered and always wore clean clothes. But I think Huck just didn't want to lose a friend like Tom. Tom and Huck were real friends. They were able to fulfill their dream. They found the treasure and helped catch the criminals.

I think that the boys' friendship will not disappear when they become adults. I would also like to have a friend like Huck or Tom. Such friends will always tell you the truth and be able to support you in difficult times.



  • show students that the characters in the book are distinguished by their rich imagination, spiritual purity, and love of freedom;
  • develop the ability to justify your judgments with references to the text;


  • to plant in children’s souls the concepts of “friendship”, “childhood”, “fantasy”;
  • develop in children a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance;
  • demonstrate an example of children's friendship;


  • introduce children to the world of exciting reading adventure works;
  • teach children to think creatively about a work of art;
  • prepare children to understand the value of friendly relations between people.


  1. Portrait of Mark Twain (color reproduction).
  2. Exhibition of works by Mark Twain (to be arranged a few days before the lesson).
  3. Exhibition of children's drawings for the novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” (to be submitted 1-2 days before the lesson).
  4. Photo of the monument to Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn in Hannibal (USA).


Even the most serious, most businesslike person,
when talking about this world famous boy,
begins to smile, and his eyes become kinder.

I. Ilf and E. Petrov.


Hello guys!

The topic of our lesson today: “The world of childhood in Mark Twain’s book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.”

We have been going to today's lesson for almost a year. During the whole school year, in literature lessons, you and I turned to this wonderful book, followed the events unfolding on its pages, and worried about the fate of the young heroes of the novel. And today we can confidently say that we have read and understood the book. For the lesson, you had to make drawings for the chapters of the book that attracted your attention, you liked and remembered. Pay attention to the exhibition of drawings, we will refer to it later during the lesson.

Our goal today is to find out what Mark Twain’s heroes are like, how the author relates to his heroes, and also to strengthen the ability to work with the text of the work.

Before we talk about the work and its characters, it is necessary to get acquainted with the writer whose work we touched upon.

Several people in the last lesson expressed a desire to prepare short reports on Mark Twain on their own. Please!


Mark Twain is a famous American writer. At the age of twelve he began his working career. He worked as a typesetter in a printing house, a gold miner, a reporter, and a pilot on the Mississippi River.

Mark Twain is the writer's literary pseudonym. His real name is Samuel Clemens. This pseudonym was not chosen by chance. “Mark Twain” among Mississippi pilots at that time meant: “everything is in order, there are no shallows, you can safely navigate the ship.” Mark Twain wrote many books. The most famous of them: “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”, “The Prince and the Pauper” and, of course, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”.

So, M. Twain is the literary pseudonym of the American writer Samuel Clemens, who, before becoming a writer, changed several professions, including being a pilot on the Mississippi River.


Thanks guys for the message. We continue to work.

Your impressions of the book. What did you like? Tell me.

Guys often call the following chapters the most interesting:

Chapter IV. About how Tom makes up illnesses to avoid going to school.

Chapter VIII. About how Tom and Joe Garler play Robin Hood.

Chapters XIII, XIV, XVI. About how Tom, Huck and Joe live on the island like pirates.

Chapters XXXI, XXXII. About how Tom and Becky Thatcher traveled after getting lost in a cave.

Chapter XXI. About how Tom and his friends taught the evil teacher Dobbins a lesson.

I listen to every child. His opinion is important for the outcome of the lesson as a whole.


The board presents your guys' drawings for various chapters of the book.

And now I will ask those who wish to comment on their work. Tell me, why did you want to depict this particular episode from the book on paper?


So, based on your reviews of the book, based on your wonderful drawings and comments on them, I conclude that you liked the book. The adventures of Tom Sawyer and his friends have not left any of us aside. And we are not alone. Mark Twain's book about the adventures of the never-dull tomboy Tom Sawyer has been and is being read in many countries around the world.

Why is this book so attractive? Let's try to figure out this question.


1. Let's remember where the novel begins? How does Tom appear to us from the first pages? (Reading)

From the very first lines of the book, Tom appears before us in all the splendor of boyish restlessness, mischief, and resourcefulness.

2. How do you imagine Tom? (Support your answers with references to the text)

4. Why are Tom’s inventions, his restlessness, his mischief and pranks so striking?

5. By the way, in what city does the novel take place? What is this city? Find its description on the pages of the book. (St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg)).

Americans like to give small provincial towns the names of large cities and even the capitals of other countries. They have not only St. Petersburg, but also Constantinople and even Paris.

After the guys answered about the habits of the town’s residents and their way of life ( Small city I’m used to a quiet, measured life, tranquility. Nothing disturbs the ordinary life of its residents. Everyone in the town knows each other by name and by sight), I ask about the reaction of St. Petersburg residents to the appearance of a new person in the city or a whole family (as was the case with Becky Thatcher’s family). In response, the children say that this is a real event for a quiet town. Therefore, Tom, with his mischief and enormous vitality, is like a natural disaster for Aunt Polly and all the other townspeople.

6. Why did Tom hate school and church? (Confirm your answer with text.)

Tom didn't like school; he doesn't like learning his lessons by turning over the pages of boring textbooks. But he really loves to read. He read many books about adventures.

It's time to ask the guys what adventure books they have read. If children's answers are stingy, it is worth naming them several works and recommending some of them to read.

7. Where and why do boys feel free and happy? Why? (Support your answer with references from the text.)

8. But why do friends still leave the wonderful island?

9. So what is Tom like? What kind of hero is he, positive or negative? What did you like about Tom, and what do you consider to be a flaw in his character?

But before answering this question, I suggest you watch a skit prepared by your classmates

(SCENE) The guys prepare for the scene in advance, select costumes, and make props.

So, what attracted you to Tom Sawyer?

10. Which character in the book is similar to Tom? The same mischievous person? How are they similar to Tom?


Tom, like hundreds of other children, like many of you, is a lively, cheerful boy who is fond of reading and knows a lot of games, a great inventor.

He has a kind and sympathetic heart. At school and church he is unbearably bored and uninterested. He is often punished for various pranks and tricks, but he never loses heart and always finds new fun. For example, Tom turns whitewashing a fence into an exciting game.

He and his friends (Huck, Joe) cannot put up with the boring life of a small provincial town and run away to an island where they enjoy freedom and feel happy. Tom is unselfish, noble, good-natured, and Becky even calls him noble.

12. Who else do we call noble? What is “nobility”?

Tom's amazing adventures cannot leave not only us, but also American children and adults indifferent. Yes, even adults know and love Tom Sawyer and his friends, as well as the man who invented them - Mark Twain.

On your desks, guys, is a reproduction from a photograph of the monument to Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn in Hannibal (USA), where Samuel Clemens was born.

13. For what purpose do you think the Americans erected this monument? (Note the inscription on the monument).

Mark Twain was and is loved by many generations of young readers. And even writers and poets, Twain’s colleagues, admired his talent. And the Russian poetess Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva dedicated the poem “Books in Red Bound” to Mark Twain:

From the paradise of childhood life
You send me farewell greetings,
Friends who haven't changed
In a worn, red binding.
The lights on the chandeliers are flickering...
How nice it is to read a book at home!
Under Grieg, Schumann, Cui
I found out Tom's fate.

It’s getting dark... The air is fresh...
Tom is happy with Becky and is full of faith.
Here's Injun Joe with the torch
Wandering in the darkness of the cave...

Cemetery... The prophetic cry of an owl...
(I'm scared!) It's flying over the bumps
Adopted by a prim widow
Like Diogenes living in a barrel.

The throne room is brighter than the sun,
Above the slender boy is a crown...
Suddenly - a beggar! God! He said:
“Excuse me, I am the heir to the throne!”

Oh golden times
Where the gaze is bolder and the heart is purer!
Oh golden names:
Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer, The Prince and the Pauper!


It is important that the conclusions on the topic of the lesson correspond to both its course and the goals set by the teacher.

X. CAN'T FORGETat the end of the lesson, mark each child who took part in it, comment on each mark, praise the children, motivating them to have a positive emotional field, to work in the next lesson.