The display on the iPhone 4 does not work. The iPhone fell and the display does not work

Mobile phones from the manufacturer Apple are famous for their durability. Unfortunately, even reliable electronics with high-quality assembly not protected from technical breakdowns. Often, users encounter a problem when the screen on iPhone 5, 5s does not work. Such problems arise both due to the oversight of the owner of the device, and when components wear out during operation.

Why did the iPhone display suddenly go dark?

So, we have a phone whose screen does not turn on, but the device itself works. What does it mean? Malfunctions in which the gadget’s functions are in working order, but the display does not turn on, are common. The reason is simple - a careless attitude towards a mobile phone. If dropped on the floor, asphalt, concrete or other “hard” surface, the display will not show signs of life due to damage to the module or the contacts of the cable and connectors coming off.

Other reasons for the iPhone going dark include:

  1. Use in conditions with sudden temperature changes, which leads to damage to the microcircuit.
  2. Bathing in water, juice and other liquids. Moisture getting under the housing can cause short circuit in vital electronic circuits or their oxidation.
  3. Errors, freezes and malfunctions in iOS.

What to do if the screen on iPhone 5 does not turn on? Try rebooting. Sometimes such actions lead to restoration of the functionality of the device.

It is important. If restarting does not help, take the device to a workshop for diagnostics and adjustment.

Miser pays twice

If the iPhone's black screen does not turn on, but the Apple device remains operational (SMS notifications and calls are received), you cannot do without the intervention of a professional technician. Some users, wanting to save money, attempt independent “resuscitation”. However, such an initiative usually ends in failure. Ignorance of design features, lack of experience and specialized equipment - all this leads to the final breakdown of the “apple” or more expensive adjustment.

If your phone fails, do not disassemble it yourself. Trust your employees service center. The workshop has everything you need to test broken mobile phones and fix them properly. We will find out why the display on iPhone 5, 5s does not work and quickly eliminate the causes of the malfunction:

  • let's disassemble the device;
  • We will replace the failed parts with new ones and assemble the electronics in the reverse order;
  • Let's check the performance of the "apple".

Do not delay your visit to qualified craftsmen! Contact a consultant now. With us it is possible to repair iPhone 5s in St. Petersburg cheaply, quickly, with a guarantee. Call us and we will give a second life to your device.

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The touch screen is one of the most fragile parts of the iPhone 5 and 4 series. Therefore, the situation when only part of the screen is lit, and the rest of the display is dark and the sensor on it does not respond to touches, occurs quite often.

Why is half the screen not working?

More often iPhone screen doesn't work after falling. If your friend dropped his phone and then his phone froze touch screen, most likely the problem lies in mechanical damage. The reason may be a broken touchscreen or a poorly functioning cable that has undergone significant damage.

Apple service center addresses

How much does it cost to repair if the iPhone screen doesn't work?

There are often situations when the phone is quietly charging on the table and at this time a glass of water accidentally tips over on it. In this case, almost instantaneous oxidation of the parts occurs and no attempts to unlock, shake, turn off and dry the device will help. Also if your iPhone screen, or part of it, does not work. But the phone is turned on or turns on when you press the power button, the problem may be a failure operating system. In this case, some of the basic functions are blocked and only part of the display lights up.

What to do if the iPhone screen does not work or only half of the screen is lit

Or only part of the screen works after the phone has been dropped, which means the reason, as mentioned above, is a damaged touchscreen or a torn cable.

In the first case, the problem can be corrected by completely replacing the display module. Let’s say right away that this will cost you quite a lot, but, unfortunately, there is no other way to correct the situation.

If the iPhone screen does not work as a result of a broken cable, solving the problem will cost you much less. To do this, you need to disconnect the battery, disassemble the case and replace the damaged element, and then reboot the phone.

Oxidation of parts due to moisture leads to the failure of many iPhone parts, and the screen is no exception. Restoring a damaged device in this case requires careful diagnostics, without which repairs are almost impossible.

Did you manage to drain your smartphone during an update or downloaded an unlicensed application and now the iPhone screen doesn’t work, it’s glitched? In this case, you will need to flash the device, which will solve all the problems.

Benefits of turning to professionals

Our service center has been servicing and repairing iPhones since 2009. If the screen on your iPhone 5 has gone dark, and the sensor does not respond to touch, we will help you fix the problem. The repair will take only 30 minutes, during which you can sit comfortably in a chair while waiting for the work to be completed; read more about all types here. Ultimately, you will receive a fully functional phone, refurbished using original parts that are covered by warranty. Come to our service, and we will be happy to solve any of your problems!

 For almost any phone, falling is a very serious problem. Even protected devices often break after an unsuccessful hit on the floor, let alone ordinary devices.

 Iphone in in this case is a very vulnerable device, especially the 4 and 7 series, which had front and back panel covered with glass.

 Sometimes dropping a phone results in a slight scare, such as a scratch on the case, or even leaves no trace at all. But there are times when the smartphone stops working. This is a much more serious problem, which is sometimes impossible to solve on your own.

 Owners of iPhones very often have a problem when the screen does not work when dropped. The phone itself turns on and works, but this can only be determined by the sound.

 There may be several reasons for such a malfunction:

poor contact on the display cable;

damaged smartphone matrix;

Screen backlight does not work;

damaged video chip.

 The first problem can be solved on your own if you have the right tool and at least some experience in disassembling phones. The only problem is that it is impossible to determine what exactly is broken in the phone without disassembling it.

 All that remains is to try. We disassemble the phone, look at the condition of all cables and connectors. If you find that some cable is not tightly connected to the connector or is completely disconnected, then connect it. The problem with the screen in this case should be resolved.

 Damage to the matrix is ​​an expensive proposition. The smartphone will have to be taken to the workshop and prepared only for spare parts from 2000 rubles and much higher if you have the latest iPhone models.

 If you do not trust the restored modules and decide to change the entire module, and not the display matrix separately, then you can carry out the repair yourself - you will save on the cost of work. You need to buy a new module assembly, be sure to have the correct color. The smartphone is disassembled and assembled, tightly inserting all the cables. Next, we assemble the device and enjoy its normal operation.

 A broken screen backlight, at first glance, is not such a serious problem, but you only think so until you encounter this problem. The image on the screen is almost impossible to view without additional equipment.

 For example, you can shine light on the screen bright flashlight and then you can see the outlines of the image. The cause of such a breakdown may be damage to the cable or connection in the backlight. There is no point in fixing this problem yourself. It’s better to immediately contact the service center, where they will do everything efficiently and your smartphone will work for a long time after repair.

 A damaged video chip should alarm the phone owner the most, since such repairs are quite expensive. However, such breakdowns are rather the exception. When falling, they occur extremely rarely.

 When repairing, they most often suggest replacing motherboard entirely, but some craftsmen offer to re-solder the chip and sometimes they do it quite well. Naturally, it costs much less, but no one can guarantee that everything will go well.

 Sometimes it’s quite difficult to determine what works and what doesn’t after dropping the phone. Especially if the device is turned off. The first minutes after this trouble you simply have no idea what to check, you try to turn on the device and do not pay attention to the operation of the device.

 First of all, you need to listen, if everything except the screen works, then when you turn it on there should be corresponding sounds, you can check the sensor. However, sometimes there is nothing.

 The phone does not turn on and there is no way to check which elements are working. Most likely there is no power on the phone, the cable could have come off the battery.

 It is necessary to disassemble the device and check its integrity and connection. We immediately check the remaining cables for functionality.

 If your iPhone does not respond to touches, read

Most often, the screen stops working after mechanical damage or moisture. But sometimes the display on an iPhone fails for no reason. In this case, Apple recommends forced reboot device and reinstall iOS. This may help if it happens software glitch. But not always.

After restoring iOS, the smartphone screen may remain black or unresponsive, which indicates problems with the hardware. We will help you solve them.


Mechanical damage and moisture ingress cause extensive damage, including complete screen failure. In this case, you will need to replace the display module, which consists of a touchscreen, glass and a display matrix. If the case is particularly severe, other damage may occur. After iPhone inspection The service center specialist will accurately determine the breakdown. If you only need a module replacement, we will repair your iPhone in 30 minutes. The time frame for repairing other damage depends on the severity.