Latest intel core i7. Intel and AMD processors: news, innovations and developments

Those who have to assemble a computer should understand that the socket is one of the key concepts. Most novice users, when they need to replace parts, begin to wonder which socket to choose? You can understand this issue only when you know exactly what it is and why it is needed.

Correct selection of motherboard

It is strictly forbidden to install powerful components on a cheap motherboard. It will not be able to function at full capacity and withstand heavy loads. Likewise, a weak processor does not require a powerful motherboard, since the money will be wasted.

It’s better to start selecting a motherboard after the rest of the components have been purchased. Only after this can you decide on the class of the motherboard and the type of connectors.

So, socket is a type of motherboard connector that corresponds to the connectors in the processor. Highlight:

  • sockets starting with the letters AM, S, FM – to support AMD processor
  • sockets with the letter combination LGA, installed in Intel processors

You can find out which socket is suitable for your processor by reading the instructions. As a rule, the method of choosing a motherboard means purchasing it at the same time as the processor.

It should be noted the number of sockets in the motherboard. If you need to assemble a server, it is better to purchase a motherboard with several socket connectors. Processor support depends on their number. If the board has two sockets, it can interact with 2 processors at once. The maximum number of sockets on one board is four.

Modern motherboards and sockets

The majority of motherboards are produced by AMD or Intel. However, the sockets for them are not interchangeable analogues for each other.

For all Intel brand processors they make boards with sockets

  • LGA 1150 (Socket 1150 model)
  • LGA 1155 (Socket 1155)
  • LGA 2011 (Socket 2011 model)

Previously, the manufacturer Intel developed models LGA 1156 or 1366. Older versions of the processor use LGA 775 and PGA 478. The numbers in the name reflect the number of contacts. The processor has a certain number of legs or pads.

AMD creates sockets of a different type for processors. Now new version considered socket FM1, FM2, FM2+. In addition, you can also buy the AM3+ model. Considered more outdated motherboards with sockets designated AM3, AM2, AM2+. At the same time, the “plus” indicates that the socket is compatible with the updated version of the processor. Models 754 and 939 are called obsolete, but despite this, they can be found today in offices and personal devices.

We hope that now you will learn to understand not only the concept of socket itself, but also some of its subtleties.

Processors (or CPUs) are the most important part hardware your computer. This electronic unit carries out the complex machine instructions that form the basis of how your hardware operates. Modern technical processes make it possible to do powerful processors with a different number of cores (up to 12) for user equipment. Popular processor manufacturers include Intel, AMD and IBM.

Last September, Intel acquired California-based Movidius, which since 2005 has been developing specialized processors for deep machine learning and computer vision. At that time, engineers developed the Myriad 2 processor, which was installed in drones, security systems and other devices for tracking and recognizing objects. By acquiring the company, Intel gained its hands on an impressive portfolio of patents and technologies. AND new processor superior to its predecessor in everything.

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Processors: results of 2016

Ivan_FCB 01/17/2017 00:00 Page: 3 of 3| | print version | | archive
  • Page 1: Introduction, AMD: what's new, processors for existing platforms, Bristol Ridge
  • Page 2: Intel: Broadwell-E processors and Kaby Lake generation
  • Page 3: Overall trends, conclusion

Overall trends

No competition - no progress

For many years now, AMD has not released anything for the high-performance segment of the market, and so far all hopes are pinned on 2017 and an early announcement AMD processors Zen – in 2016, in the absence of competition, absolutely nothing happened.

Yes, Intel’s senior desktop processor now has ten cores rather than eight, but they are asking $1,700+ for the processor alone. The LGA 1151 platform, which is closer to the people, received old and new Kaby Lake, where tangible progress is noticeable only in the budget segment, and that’s all. Call the i7-2600K and i5-2500K processors of the year again? How long? Still, these are new items for 2011, and we are saying goodbye to the already departed 2016.

I hope that Zen will be really good, and then we will be able to see something truly new, and in a competitive environment, probably affordable.

Thanks to the Chinese

Perhaps it was China in 2016 that gave some glimmer of hope to those who wanted to upgrade the system at a reasonable price. The spread of engineering samples of Intel Skylake processors, at prices from 7-8 thousand rubles.

These CPU models are analogs of the i7-6700, are made on full-featured cores (with full cache memory, all cores, etc.), and differ from officially sold commercial copies by extremely low multiplication factors, requiring a significant overclocking of the base frequency.

The nominal frequency of the most popular CPUs is 2.2 GHz (actually 2.4 GHz, this Turbo multiplier is available when using four cores), but when has this stopped an overclocker? On the contrary, there is room for experimentation, a return to the roots, at a time when the younger Core 2 Duo was overclocked almost twice, and the benefits or savings from overclocking were really noticeable.

Moreover, unlike serial Skylake processors, which, when overclocking the base frequency, were deprived of temperature monitoring, as well as support for AVX instructions, engineering samples do not have this problem, and when overclocked, the processor is fully functional.

This is such a gift. Perhaps, if not for these processors, 2016 (at least for overclockers) would have been quite sad.

AMD stock growth

All I had to do was “spend” April Fool's Zen test, as the price of the company's shares rapidly crept up.

Well, if we omit jokes of the level of Evgeniy Vaganovich, then the main reason for the growth was technology licensing production of X86 processors.

But what’s interesting is that the spring increase in stock prices by 52% was not an isolated phenomenon in the spirit of “jumping” with a subsequent return to previous values ​​or with a simple stabilization of the rate. No, growth continued in the summer, against the backdrop of the release graphics adapters Polaris, later on the background of entering operating break-even, autumn-winter background the Zen announcement is gradually approaching.

As a result, over the course of the year there was a total increase of 4.5 times:

Apparently, investors are really confident in both the success of the company and the success of the products being prepared for announcement. At least, I would like to believe this, and that the stock price has not been accelerated in order to be successfully “merged” at one fine moment.

What have you heard about Zen?

The capabilities of the new products, named Ryzen, were demonstrated December.

As part of the presentation, the performance of the flagship (or one of the top-end) processors was compared with the eight-core Core i7-6900K, where good results were shown, especially for the used CPU frequency.

Among other interesting information, it is worth noting that the processor operating frequency will be able to adapt to the cooling system used, that is, the CPU will have auto-overclocking functions in the spirit of what is now used in modern video cards.

New architectures, new solutions are what the market has been missing for the last eight, if not nine, years. As for the positive news, it can be noted that with the older representatives of the AMD line, it is “targeting” the price segment at the $500 level, and in order to sell a processor for that kind of money, it must be really good.

As for the timing of the announcement, now they call it the end of February - the beginning of March, and this is very soon.