Iphone 5 screen is buggy after replacing the cause. What to do if the sensor on the iPhone does not work

I would like to immediately note that in this particular case it is illogical to contact the workshop immediately. This overloads the staff, and in some cases the problem can be fixed by you in a couple of minutes. First, you should check the safe independent methods, and only then think about what to do if the sensor on the iPhone does not work and who to contact.

It is immediately necessary to clearly distinguish between faults by type:

  • Software;
  • Hardware related to contacts;
  • Hardware related to the sensor itself.
  • They also need to be dealt with differently. But first things first.

If the sensor stops functioning for no reason, contact our specialists

Statistics tell us that most often it is simple problem with management teams. To make it easier, the device does not see its sensor. Try wiping the protective glass with a special damp cloth, or a fiber cloth using special means. Ordinary dirt can dissipate fingertip static so that it is invisible to the sensor.

If the problem is not resolved, try updating the system. Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button until a lever appears and move it to reboot. cardinal method full reset with "Sleep / Wake" and "Home" clamped.

All software problems are also solved by a full restoration of the factory settings. There are a lot of cons here:

  • Settings will disappear;
  • The data will disappear;
  • The device will acquire the properties of virgin new.

Do not try to troubleshoot the sensor yourself

Decide on your own given type We absolutely do not recommend any problems. On the contrary, the very delay in contacting us can be dangerous. In the conditions of the service center, the masters will disassemble, find out the cause and completely restore the sensor's performance within an hour. A well-thought-out algorithm, coherence, the availability of tools and an equipped workplace allow them to work so efficiently and quickly.

In addition, I would like to note the fact that this problem is extremely rarely the only one in case of accidents, it is simply the most obvious and is simply fixed by the user. Solving related problems may require additional time and money, which will be finally clarified only by the master after the diagnosis.


The role of such an important system is invaluable, and nothing can compensate for its loss. Do not suffer, try and hope for a miracle. Just contact us and soon you will forget about the problem for a short time.

The thin mechanism of the touchscreen sometimes gives unforeseen failures. This can happen both spontaneously and after manipulation. We will understand in detail why the sensor lags on the iPhone 5, 5s, and what to do in such cases.


Most users face device management problems after replacing the screen in an unqualified center. Poor workmanship and non-original parts lead to the fact that the phone perceives pressures distortedly, has an insensitive zone, acts spontaneously or does not react at all to touches.

The sensor on the iPhone 5, 5s can also start to fail due to a number of other factors:

  • after the fall, microcracks formed, dust and moisture enter inside;
  • the protective glass or film is not installed correctly;
  • contact with a liquid that reduces the sensitivity of the sensor;
  • natural wear and tear on the display, distorting the operation of the touchscreen in one area;
  • software update failure;
  • a program incompatible with IOS or the current version;
  • malfunction of internal structures that arose during power surges.

Note! The device does not have a cooling system. Overheating of the processor is one of the reasonsWhy is the touchscreen not working?. Do not allow the gadget to be exposed to sunlight for a long time and, in case of detecting unnatural heating during charging or use, immediately contact a specialist.

Self repair

When the screen on the iPhone 5, 5s is buggy, the owner is able to take a number of actions to improve performance:

  1. Reboot the system. To do this, hold down the "Home" or off buttons for 10-15 seconds.
  2. Remove the protective cover and thoroughly clean the touch screen surface.
  3. Silicone cases delight with a bright design, but not always with quality. You should remove the acquired protection and check the performance.
  4. If screen problems are caused by software issues, reset the device to factory settings or perform a system restore to remove the result incorrect update. Please note that all data from the memory will be deleted: before starting, you must transfer the information to a PC.

If none of the measures helped, the problem will be solved by a professional.

Where to go for help

Our service center open to all owners Apple products. The specialist will replace the screen and chips if:

  • the apparatus is filled with water;
  • undergone preliminary repairs;
  • tupits when pressed after a fall;
  • The lower part of the display does not work after overheating.

Important! Professional tools are used to replace the screen matrix and display controller. Repairing requires skill and skill. It is impossible to do it yourself at home.

Ordering professional diagnostics and repair of iPhone 5 and iPhone 5s in St. Petersburg is cheaper than buying a new device or changing the motherboard.

Some lucky iPhone owners sometimes have to deal with quite an unpleasant problem- the sensor on the iPhone 5S is buggy. There can be many manifestations and reasons too. But, not the essence of the matter, it is more important to know what to do now.

Sometimes you can do it on your own, and in some particularly difficult cases, you can’t do without going to the repair shop. Therefore, in order to decide whether to carry the device for repair or heroically save it on your own, you need to figure out what the problem is and what caused it.

So, the main signs of problems in touch screen iPhone:

  • The screen does not respond to touch or only responds in certain areas. This may happen all the time or only from time to time;
  • The touch response is delayed;
  • The smartphone begins to live its own life: read Chinese blogs, call the Prince of Monaco, and send vulgar SMS to friends, family and boss;
  • There are causes for every manifestation, and naturally, in order to troubleshoot, it is necessary to find out why it happened.

Why is the touch screen not working?

If the sensor is completely unresponsive to touch, then this is probably caused by mechanical damage, for example, when dropped. It can also be caused by the penetration of water into the case.

But, it is possible that the problem lies in the OS, especially if the screen does not work only partially. Cause of the glitch operating system it may turn out to be a banal failure / temporary freeze or an incorrect update.

Also, a disconnection or malfunction of the sensor can cause certain program, usually downloaded from an unknown source. And, it is not necessary that it is "bad" - it may simply be incompatible with the current version of the axis or, in general, be outlawed by Apple developers.

If the iPhone 6 or 5c suddenly acquired artificial intelligence, and the “rebellion of the machines” took on serious turns, then this is probably the work of a virus. Previously, no infection for mobile devices did not exist, but those days are long gone. Often this is the "Autoclicker" virus.

If the screen module has already been changed, it is possible that it was installed incorrectly, something was damaged at the same time, or it itself is of poor quality. There are no options - to carry it back to the unfortunate master.

What else can affect the operation of the screen?

  • The screen matrix has failed;
  • There was a breakdown of one of the parts of the device, for example, the corresponding microcircuit;
  • Internal pollution and, as a result, a short circuit

In the latter cases, professional help is indispensable, and in other cases there is a chance to cope on your own.

What to do if the sensor on the iPhone is not working?

The very first working step is to reboot the device. This applies to any electronics. In the case of an iPhone, you need to hold for 10-15 seconds home buttons and inclusions. After that, the device will reboot, and, perhaps, everything will start working.

If it doesn’t help, then more radical methods will be required - a full reset to the factory settings or a rollback latest updates. In this case, all data will be cleared, so you should make a backup on your computer before proceeding with this procedure.

Also, it is possible that dirt has got under the protective film of the screen, especially if it is pasted poorly. Then you need to remove it, wipe it and stick a new one.

Sometimes after a fall protective glass microcracks appear, and air and moisture enter the space between the glass and the screen. An oxide film appears on the touchscreen, and it stops responding to commands or doing it poorly. There are no options here - the glass is removed, the screen is wiped and a new protective surface is put on.

The case may be in the bumper, which sometimes runs into the screen. Therefore, if everything works fine without it, the protective accessory needs to be changed to a more suitable one.

As already mentioned, a certain program can affect the operation of the axis. For example, the Zillow app leads to similar results, especially on the iPhone 5S.

And finally, smartphones do not have a cooling system, so when the processor overheats, for example, on a hot summer day, protection will be triggered that disables the control functionality. Here you just need to turn off the device and let it cool down a bit.

How to prevent?

If all else fails, you will have to go to the nearest workshop. And there they will either make, probably, an expensive repair, or they will offer to replace the device with a new one.

Therefore, it is better to follow simple rules that will significantly reduce the risks of such breakdowns.

For this you need:


Protect your smartphone from moisture. Do not leave it near containers with water, use it in a bathhouse or fishing (in any case, be extremely careful at the same time), and also do not talk on it in the snow or rain (moisture will inevitably get into the case or under the screen protection). This is where a headset comes in handy.


Needless to say, it is highly undesirable to drop it. For added protection, it's best to carry your favorite toy in a case, even if it doesn't look very pretty.


Not all bumpers and protective films perform their functions, and sometimes produce the opposite effect. Dirt gets under a poor-quality film, which scratches the sensor, and an unsuitable bumper itself will abrade the case, and sometimes even interfere with the screen.


Do not carry the device without a case in your pocket along with metal objects: keys, small change, key rings, etc.


In some cases, the suggested tips help, but it's safe to say that if the sensor started to work intermittently, then this will probably continue in the future.

So you should be ready to replace the device with a new one, because, in fact, the screen module is the most important element in this device.