Top gaming processors. Athlon Key Features

The most important hardware component of a PC and many other types of computer equipment is the processor. The more powerful it is, the higher the performance of the entire system. What processors can the modern market offer us? What criteria should you use to choose a microcircuit? If we take the leaders in the PC solutions market, which processor is better - AMD or Intel? And if we are talking about mobile gadgets? Which processor is better for a tablet or smartphone?

We will begin to answer these questions by listing the most important characteristics chips. These traditionally include clock speed, overclockability, cache size, bus performance characteristics, number of cores, and TDP value.

Clock frequency

The operating frequency of a processor is, according to most IT experts, the most important indicator of its performance. This indicator determines the number of operations that the microcircuit performs in one second of time. The frequency is expressed in hertz (in practice, almost always in mega- and giga-units, abbreviated as MHz, GHz). The higher this indicator, the better the processor (other things being equal).

Modern processors operate at frequencies of 1.8-3 GHz. The range is quite large, but if a microcircuit is installed on the computer, at least at the level of the lower limit, then with a high-quality selection of additional hardware components, the system will be able to work fast enough to solve most user tasks.

"Overclockability" of processor frequency

Many experts consider it appropriate to elevate such a property as “overclockability” to the rank of an important criterion when choosing a processor. It means the compatibility of the technologies used in the manufacture of the microcircuit with the possibility of artificially increasing its frequency (software or hardware method). That is, some types of processors operating with a performance of 1.5 GHz can be “overclocked,” say, to 2 GHz. What does this give? This will bring the user closer to finding the answer to the question of which processor is better to buy purely from an economic point of view: a chip with a higher “factory” frequency (those 2 GHz) would cost more. In turn, a chip that cannot be overclocked is less “profitable.”

True, there is one nuance here. "Overclocking" a processor is almost always accompanied by an increase in its operating temperature. And excessive heating of the microcircuit can lead to its failure. Therefore, the user will most likely have to purchase additional system cooling. What should its characteristics be? Which cooler is best for a processor? According to many experts, the performance of computer chip cooling systems almost always correlates with their price. Therefore, a cooler that costs 3 thousand rubles is most likely more technologically advanced than one whose price is 2 thousand. What does it mean? It may well turn out that an “overclockable” processor in combination with a high-quality cooler will be significantly more expensive in total than its more powerful counterpart with a high “factory” frequency.

Cache size

Another important parameter of a processor is its cache memory. It is a resource very similar in purpose to RAM modules. Functionally, these hardware components are almost identical - both are types of memory designed to store and process data (in the form of signals). However, cache chips are many times faster than those installed in RAM. The more data operations they can “take over” from the main memory modules, the faster the computer will work. In deciding which good processor buy, the user must pay attention to the size of the cache in the chip, and what is especially important - to its values ​​depending on the level of memory of this type. What are we talking about here?

The processor cache operates at three levels. They differ precisely in the speed of work. Of course, the higher the score for each level, the better. But the technological architecture of even the most modern processors imposes significant limitations on the size of the cache memory. Even at the first level, its value rarely exceeds 512 kilobytes (for comparison: the standard figure for modern RAM modules is 4-8 gigabytes, thousands of times larger). But, as in the case of conventional memory, the principle works here - the more, the better. I must say that 512 KB of cache is an excellent indicator, according to many experts. In turn, the recommended volumes for the second level cache are 1-2 MB, and for the third - 6 - 12.

Bus frequency

The processor bus is an area of ​​the chip that ensures the exchange of signals with the microcircuits of the PC motherboard, as well as through their mediation with other hardware components of the computer. And here the principle “the faster, the better” is relevant. Optimal indicator for bus frequency modern processor- 1.6 - 1.8 GHz. Although, as some experts note, values ​​within 1 GHz are sufficient to solve most problems.

Number of Cores

The criteria described above convinced us that the principle “the more the better” should be the key. We learned how important processor speed is. We also determined which memory best provides processor performance - this is the first level “cache”. The next most important parameter is the number of cores with which the chip is equipped. What are these elements?

Processor cores are areas of the chip responsible for numerical operations. A kind of “brain” of the processor. Accordingly, the more cores, the more calculations the processor can perform. Until a few years ago, most chips had only one "brain" element. Today the situation has changed. Processors with two, four and big amount cores. But how important is this indicator?

Despite the indisputable pattern that we mentioned above, namely, the more cores, the more powerful the processor, there are experts who believe that everything is not so simple. The fact is that various tests of microcircuits have shown that a large number of “brain” elements may not provide practical significance. It all depends on the types software, launched on the computer. There is software that simply cannot fully utilize both processor cores using only one. It turns out that the chip is working at half capacity. And in many cases it loses to its single-core counterpart (since, due to technological features, one large processor “brain” works faster than a single small one of two).

More cores?

At the same time, experts especially emphasize the fact that now an increasing number of programs are adapting to the architecture of processors with two or more cores. What should the user do? Experts recommend: you need to focus on a typical market parameter. Today these are exactly two cores. Most modern software can take full advantage of this resource. But four cores, experts admit, are too much for today's programs. Although, they believe, in the very near future software creators will adapt their products to such a number of “brain” elements of the processor.


Another interesting criterion that will allow us to decide which good processor to buy is TDP. This indicator is expressed in watts, it allows you to determine how well the technical characteristics of the chip cooling system correspond to its temperature conditions. For example, if the TDP of a processor is 80 W, then the cooler installed on it must have the appropriate heat dissipation power.

The practical significance of this parameter, as experts note, is of an economic nature. The fact is that a good cooler is not a cheap product. As a rule, the more power this unit produces, the more expensive it is. Therefore, in many cases you can get by with a processor with a small TDP (although it is usually less powerful), but at the same time save significantly on the cooler. And if we are talking about microcircuits with the same frequency, number of cores and cache size, then priority, of course, should be given to those with a lower TDP.

In this way, we make sure that cost-effectiveness, along with technical characteristics chips is also important. Therefore, when deciding which processor is best for a computer, we will know the one whose use is accompanied by fewer indirect costs.

Intel or AMD?

The global processor market has been dominated by two companies for many years - Intel and AMD. Therefore, when choosing a microcircuit, in most cases the user will be determined between these two brands, as well as between sockets - types of connectors on the motherboard designed to connect one or another microcircuit. If the computer has a processor slot, say, for AMD, then it is almost impossible to connect a chip from another brand to it. Which processor is better - AMD or Intel?

It is difficult to answer this question objectively. Both processors have their advantages. It is also very difficult to say which processor socket is better. Objectively, the connectors are not much different; they are only designed for microcircuits of a certain architecture. The technologies used in them are generally very similar.

At the same time, as experts note, a much more important aspect is not the brand of the chip, but the feature specific model. Much more often, experts believe, one has to choose not between Intel and AMD, but between solutions of the same brand, presented on the market in a wide variety.

Therefore, we will not now find out which Intel processor is better, or its competitor. We will try to learn how to choose the optimal solution within one model. Let it be Intel. If only because this company is the undisputed leader in today's microprocessor market, despite the fact that AMD, according to experts, is still actively competing with the American brand).

Fellow competitors

The most popular solutions from Intel today are Core line processors, namely i3, i5, and i7 chips. How are they different from each other? How to choose the right chip? Which processor is better - i5 or one of its “brothers”?

The most “junior” in the line under consideration and affordable are Intel Core i3 chips. They have two cores installed - a typical indicator, as we said above, for the modern market. The i5 processor, in turn, is a little more expensive, but also more technologically advanced. It is also available in a quad-core format (however, as experts note, such models do not have some useful additional modules - for example, those that allow the chip to independently process graphics).

The i7 chip is the most powerful of the line. If we still consider Intel processors, we now know which one is better. It is installed in models with four and six cores. Computers with such a processor, as experts note, have not yet gained popularity, but this is a matter of the near future. Therefore, it makes sense, experts believe, to buy a PC with an i7 chip with an eye to new technological trends. To then be pleased to state what a good processor we managed to buy a couple of years ago.

By the way, if the index of a Core line chip contains the letter X, then, as experts note, this means that the chip has very good overclockability. We learned above how significant this criterion can be.

How to choose a mobile processor?

Above we looked at parameters that can help you decide on the choice of chip for personal computers. We studied Intel processors - which one is better in terms of technology. But, as you know, mobile devices - smartphones and tablets - are no less popular today. What good processor for this class of devices can the market offer us? If for iOS gadgets from Apple problem choice is uncharacteristic (one brand - only chips), then in the Android segment there are a lot of competing solutions. Which processor is better for Android?

One of the world's leading brands producing mobile processors for the Android platform is the American company Qualcomm. Among the most popular brands of chips is Snapdragon. It is installed on devices such as Samsung Galaxy, HTC One. The Snapdragon processor in its latest modifications, according to many experts, is especially good at processing 3D graphics. Of course, it also performs standard computing operations perfectly. Various tests conducted by experts always show that Snapdragon is among the most productive solutions in its class.

Some mobile brands produce their own chips. In particular, this includes Samsung, which uses in its devices not only chips from Qualcomm, but also a processor of its own production - Exynos. In particular, it is also installed in Galaxy devices. Experts call it one of the most productive in its class (although they talk about increased power consumption of the chip).

The mobile processor market also includes Intel company. Many experts believe that solutions from this company cannot yet compete with the segment leaders. But Intel, as experts admit, is still making progress. It is quite possible, they believe, that processors such as Clover Trail and Baytrail may well displace the mobile chips that we described above, and largely due to greater technology in terms of energy consumption, experts believe, since the duration battery life- the most important criterion of functionality mobile devices. There is also information that Intel wants to release separate processors for both smartphones and tablets in order to consistently squeeze out competitors in both market segments.

Which processor is better for a tablet or smartphone? American from Qualcomm, its compatriot from Intel or “Korean” from Samsung? Experts do not advise unequivocally trusting the test results, according to which the Exynos processor is confidently in the lead. Performance mobile devices, like a PC, largely depends on large quantity other hardware components. For smartphones and tablets, this is primarily the amount of RAM and the type of graphics accelerator. The functionality of gadgets of specific brands plays a significant role. A smartphone or tablet can be very productive, but not endowed with the technological capabilities that a particular user needs. But other things being equal, it is quite acceptable to focus on the processor brand. Moreover, there are recognized leaders on the market.

On this moment The following disadvantages of AMD in comparison with Intel can be cited:

  • An older technical process, as a result, increased heat generation.
  • Excessive number of cores that are not always used.
  • Lack of support for new DDR4 RAM

Eight-core AMD processors require a heatpipe cooler for cooling

Other points can be considered insignificant and accusations of other “sins” are nothing more than nit-picking. And in the budget (up to 10 thousand) segment, even these 3 accusations cannot be called significant. Problems with cooling processors with a power of up to 100 W are a thing of the past back in the days of the Pentium 4, with eight cores no one is better budget processor 2016 is not equipped, and DDR4 RAM is still a bit expensive.

After brief overview All comments towards AMD, you can go straight to the point. The AMD FX-6300 review is intended to prove that the best budget processor for gaming in 2016 may well be a representative of the AMD brand. Of course, the newer FX-6330 could be considered instead, but there is no significant difference between them. At the same time, the “old man” is supported by a much larger number of motherboards, so preference was given to it.

AMD FX-6300 Review

AMD FX-6300 Key Features

AMD FX-6300 packaging

The AMD FX-6300 comes in the Tray package, that is, without coolers, in a regular box. It costs from 8 thousand rubles. There are also boxed modifications with a cooler, but they are about a thousand rubles more expensive. The characteristics of the AMD FX-6300 are as follows:

  • 3 dual-core units with 2 cores each (6 cores in total), operating at a frequency of 3.5 to 4.1 GHz;
  • 3 L1 cache blocks, 96 KB each;
  • 3 L2 cache blocks of 2 MB each;
  • Shared 8 MB L3 cache;
  • Up to 128 GB of supported DDR3 RAM, frequency up to 1866 MHz;
  • Bus with an effective frequency of 5200 MHz;
  • Process technology 32 nm;
  • Heat dissipation at 95 W.

Characteristics of AMD FX-6300 in the CPU-Z program

The AMD FX-6300 is installed in the long-known AM3+ socket, which may please owners of PCs purchased up to 5 years ago. Many AMD AM3 motherboards after BIOS updates“bulldozers” and “piledrivers” begin to support the latest version. And replacing 2 cores of some Athlon II X2 270 with 6 new ones is not a bad idea.

The processor case is traditional, with 942 legs and a cover that protects the crystal from chipping and improves heat dissipation. It contains the marking of the chip, the year the production of cores on this architecture began, data on the country of origin and a QR code.

Photo AMD covers FX-6300

AMD FX-6300 Features

The capabilities of the AMD FX-6300 are more than enough for operation. But since the chip is nominated for the title of “best budget gaming processor“—then games should become the measure of his abilities. For measurements we used gaming video card high level GeForce GTX 680 2 GB (a little outdated, but not inferior to modern mid-range solutions). Random access memory it was 8 GB, it worked at a frequency of 1866 MHz. Screen resolution is 1680x1050 pixels, graphics settings in games are the highest. Windows 7 x64 system and games were installed on a Kingston SSD. Also chosen for the test were the already slightly outdated Core i3 -3240, which costs a little more (in comparison, the successors of the 4th or 6th series have become more economical, but their performance has hardly increased), and the quad-core AMD FX-4300.

Intel Core i3-3240 is the main rival of the FX-6300 in the test

Let's start with the mega-popular online RPG World of Tanks. The brainchild of Wargaming is distinguished by the fact that it was developed on the ancient BigWorld engine, which cannot work properly with a large number of cores. The platform was created back in 2006, when dual-core chips were just spreading their wings, and quad-core chips were a novelty.

On maximum settings graphics, in a resolution of 1680x1050, the FX-6300 demonstrates from 31 to 61 FPS. For comparison, the Core i3 3240 produces from 37 to 60 frames per second (due to the powerful two cores), and the AMD FX-4300 from 27 to 45 FPS. That is, even taking into account the far from modern engine, the performance in World of Tanks is good and does not fall below the conventional comfort limit of 30 fps.

IN popular game Elder Scrolls series, Skyrim, everything is also good. With the same high settings and monitor resolution, the processor allows you to develop from 50 to 80 FPS. The FX-4300 shows from 41 to 72 frames per second, but the Intel Core i3 is noticeably ahead, showing a maximum of 106 FPS (minimum 70).

But in Prototype 2, the FX-6300 fully justifies the title of “best budget processor for games.” It demonstrates from 54 to 80 FPS, which is 5% more than the Core i3-3240 (older and costing around 10 thousand). The junior model of the FX series, number 4300, produces from 40 to 66 frames per second.

In Hitman Absolution, the best budget processor for games in 2016, the FX-6300, is also good. It produces from 45 to 56 FPS, versus 39-48 for the mentioned i3 and 33-41 for the FX-4300 model.

In Far Cry 3, the hero of the review once again had the last word. It allowed you to squeeze out from 64 to 80 FPS from the game. The competitor from Intel showed 60-75 frames, and the quad-core “little brother” - from 50 to 65.

The last game in the test was the notorious GTA V. This game is often considered the standard of a heavy application, in addition, it is a cross-platform project. The fifth part of the Grand line Theft Auto gains from 30 to 42 FPS, which is quite good. The Core i3 3240 shows parity, delivering between 32 and 41 frames per second. But the quad-core FX-4300 is not far behind: the minimum 25 frames per second is not particularly attractive, but tolerable, and the maximum is 36 FPS.

Minimum FPS values ​​in games

Average maximum value FPS


The best budget processor for gaming in 2016, represented by the AMD FX-6300, fully justifies this honorary title. It demonstrates results that slightly exceed the average capabilities of the slightly more expensive and aging Intel Core i3 3240. The junior model in the line, called FX-4300, in principle also shows acceptable results, but in FullHD resolution the potential of this CPU will seem small. However, all 3 models are great for a budget gaming PC.

Best processor for gaming | Introduction

Detailed specifications are great, of course, but only if you have time to study them. However, all the user needs is best processor for games for the available amount. For those who do not have time to look through numerous test results, for those who do not feel confident enough in their choice best processor for gaming, there is absolutely nothing to fear: the editors regularly update this article, which talks about the choice best processor for gaming for every budget and taste. At the same time, you will find here links to the most current detailed reviews if you want to clarify any details.

A few notes necessary to understand the article:

This article is written for gamers who want to get the most out of their investment. If you are not a gamer, then the processors on this list are most likely more expensive than what you really need. In any case, regardless of whether you need best processor for gaming, or for work, at the end of the article we have added an indicative list of gaming processors.

The criterion used to compile the list is simple: price/performance. We recognize that there are other factors that affect a CPU, such as platform price or CPU overclocking potential, but we don't want to complicate things by adding motherboard costs to the list. Our recommendations are based on base clock speeds, performance, and pricing.

Prices change daily. In the article "" we cannot offer you the most up-to-date and accurate pricing information, but we are able to list a few good chips, having bought which, you most likely will not regret the money spent.

The list is compiled based on the best prices in Moscow online stores. Prices in other countries or retail stores will likely vary. IN this list We have presented you with retail prices for the new OEM CPUs.

Best processor for gaming | List of the best processors for gaming

Model Intel Core i7-9700K Intel Core i5-8400 AMD Ryzen 5 2400G AMD Ryzen 3 2200G
Category The best in everything Best in price/performance Budget choice First level

Price in Russia, rub. 33500 16800 11800 7600
CPU socket LGA 1151 LGA 1151 AM4 AM4
Number of cores (threads) 8 (8) 6 (6) 4 (8) 4 (4)
Base clock frequency, GHz 3,6 2,8 3,6 3,5
Clock frequency in Boost mode, GHz 4,6 1 core: 4.0; 2 cores: 3.9; 4 cores: 3.9; 6 cores: 3.8 3,9 3,7
RAM speed DDR4-2666 DDR4-2666 up to DDR4-2933 up to DDR4-2933
RAM controller Dual channel Dual channel Dual channel Dual channel
Unlocked multiplier Yes No Yes Yes
PCIe lanes x16 Gen3 x16 Gen3 x8 3.0 x8 Gen3
Integrated GPU 350 / 1200 Intel UHD Graphics 630 (up to 1150 MHz) Vega Vega
Cache (L2/L3) 12 MB 10.5 MB 4 MB L3 4 MB L3
Architecture Coffee Lake Coffee Lake Zen - Vega Kaby Lake
Technical process 14nm++ 14nm++ 14nm+ 14nm+
TDP, W 95 65 65 65

Read also: Hierarchy of Intel and AMD processors: comparison table
What about those processors that aren't on our list of recommendations in Best Processor for Gaming: Current Market Analysis? Are they worth buying or not? A comparison table will help you figure it out.

THG recommends:

Vacations are in full swing, but the weather outside is not very good. What would you do with this? I suggest you spend time with pleasure: play computer games. Is your “old man” not up to modern toys? Maybe, . But which one?

Today's article is designed to help you decide on the choice of “pebble” for your gaming PC. The rating of the best processors as of mid-summer 2017 included models that showed the optimal balance in terms of performance and price. For your convenience, we have divided them into 3 groups: costing approximately $100, approximately $200 and approximately $300. So that no one feels left out, each group consists of a pair of processors - one Intel and one AMD.

Around $100: Intel Core i3-7100 and AMD FX-8320

Intel Core i3-7100

The Intel Core i3-7100 desktop processor is the most balanced in terms of cost and performance in the $100-120 price segment. In combination with a top-end video card produced in 2016-2017 and motherboard based on the H270 or Z270 chipsets allows you to comfortably play the vast majority of modern games. Except, perhaps, the most demanding ones.

Yes, it has only 2 cores, but this drawback is compensated by a high clock frequency (3900 Mhz), support for DDR4-2400 memory and, to some extent, Hyper Threading technology, which allows the operating system to use each physical core as 2 logical ones. In addition, the “pebble” has good built-in graphics with support for 4k resolution at 60 Hz. Thanks to it, you will be able to do without a discrete video card if for some reason you put off purchasing one.


  • Microarchitecture: Kaby Lake (7th generation).
  • Number of cores: 2.
  • Clock frequency: 3900 Mhz.
  • Socket: LGA1151.
  • Process technology: 14 nm.
  • Multiplier: 34, unlocked.
  • L1 cache: 64 Kb (instructions + data).
  • L2 cache: 512 Kb.
  • L3 cache: 3072 Kb.
  • PCI Express controller: yes.
  • Technologies: Hyper Threading, EM64T (x64 support), Virtualization Technology (virtualization), Enhanced SpeedStep (power saving), hardware encryption, XD Bit, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, SSSE3, VT-x,MMX.
  • Thermal power (TDP): 51 W.
  • : 100 °C

The most attractive qualities of the Core i3-7100: high performance, reasonable price, integrated graphics and low TDP - the small cooler included in the kit is enough to cool the processor even at maximum load.

Disadvantage – it only works on Windows 10 (as well as Linux and Mac OS). Those who cannot part with the “seven” and “eight” will have to choose - either the system or new processor. By the way, this drawback applies not only to the Intel Core i3-7100, but to the entire Kaby Lake and AMD Ryzen line.

AMD FX-8320

A MD FX-8320, although old, is extremely successful model game "stone". In mid-2017, the balance between its performance and price reached optimal levels, which gave us a reason to include it in today's rating and place it on the same level as the Intel Core i3-7100.

8 cores, 4000 Mhz frequencies with the ability to increase to 4600 Mhz or more due to overclocking by a multiplier (here, unlike its competitor Intel, it is free), as well as support for DDR3-1866 memory perform well in multi-threaded games like Battlefield.


  • Microarchitecture: Vishera.
  • Number of cores: 8.
  • Clock frequency: 3500-4000
  • Socket: AM3+.
  • Technological process: 32 nm.
  • Multiplier: 17.5, free.
  • Integrated graphics: no.
  • L1 cache: 96 Kb.
  • L2 cache: 2048 Kb.
  • L3 cache: 8192 Kb.
  • PCI Express controller: no.
  • Maximum supported memory size: 128 GB.
  • Supported memory standards: DDR3-800/1066/1333/1600/1866. There is ECC support.
  • Technologies: AMD64 (x64 support), Virtualization Technology, AMD PowerNow (noise reduction), Turbo Core 3.0 (increasing frequency during peak loads), NX Bit, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4, SSE1, SSE4.2, SSSE3, MMX, VT, XOP, TBM.
  • Thermal power (TDP): 125 W.

Advantages of the AMD FX-8320: high performance, reasonable price ($115-120), the multiplier makes it possible to build an inexpensive gaming computer, which will remain relevant for the next 3-4 years.

Disadvantages: very hot - requires a powerful cooling system, consumes a lot of energy, does not have a graphics core.

About $200: Intel Core i5-7500 and AMD Ryzen 5 1600

Intel Core i5-7500

I ntel Core i5-7500 is sold in retail stores at a price of $200-210, that is, about a hundred more expensive than the i3-7100. However, for this money you will get 4 full-fledged physical cores, which gaming systems much preferable to virtual ones, as well as as much as 6 Mb L3 cache.

The clock frequency of this processor reaches 3800 Mhz (or a little more) with dynamic overclocking, there is built-in video - the same as the i3-7100, and support for DDR4-2400 memory.


  • Microarchitecture: Kaby Lake.
  • Number of cores: 4.
  • Clock frequency: 3400-3800
  • Socket: LGA1151.
  • Process technology: 14 nm.
  • Multiplier: 39, unlocked.
  • Built-in graphics: HD Graphics 630.
  • Graphics core frequency: 1100 Mhz.
  • L2 cache: 1024 Kb.
  • L3 cache: 6144 Kb.
  • PCI Express controller: yes.
  • Number of PCI Express 3.0 lanes: 16.
  • Maximum supported memory size: 64 GB.
  • Supported memory standards: DDR3L-1333/1600, DDR4-2133/2400.
  • Technologies: Turbo Boost0 (increasing frequency during peak loads), EM64T, Virtualization Technology, Enhanced SpeedStep, Intel vPro ( remote control computer outside the OS), hardware encryption, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, SSE4a, SSSE3, MMX, TBT 2.0, VT-x, XD Bit.
  • Maximum temperature: 80 °C

Advantages of the Intel Core i5-7500: fast, cool (TDP 65 W), supports dynamic overclocking (Turbo Boost 2.0), has built-in graphics, and the Intel vPro function is implemented. The latter allows you to remotely edit the BIOS and run diagnostic tests outside operating system by connecting to a computer via a network.

Disadvantages - no support for the universally beloved Windows 7, no hyperthreading, locked multiplier (at this price, as many believe, they could implement Hyper Threading and make multiplication free).

AMD Ryzen 5 1600

Ryzen 5 1600 is another AMD representative, this time modern and also very successful. On board are 6 physical and 12 virtual cores (supports multithreading), a free multiplier and 16 MB of L3 cache. A bonus is support for DDR4-2666 memory (competitor Intel has a maximum DDR4 frequency of 2400 MHz). Standard core clocks are 3200 MHz, with dynamic overclocking - 3600 MHz, after overclocking by a multiplier - up to 4200 MHz.

Processors based on the Zen microarchitecture, one of which is the Ryzen 5 1600, are characterized by low power consumption and TDP (which is unusual for the bulk of AMD products). In addition, the boxed model includes a compact, efficient and quiet cooler, the power of which is sufficient even with some overclocking.


  • Number of cores: 6.
  • Clock frequency: 3200-3600 Mhz.
  • Socket: AM4.
  • Process technology: 14 nm.
  • Multiplier: 32, free.
  • Integrated graphics: no.
  • L1 cache: 96 Kb.
  • L2 cache: 3072 Kb.
  • L3 cache: 16384 Kb.
  • PCI Express controller: yes.
  • Number of PCI Express 3.0 lanes: 16.
  • Maximum supported memory size: 64 GB.
  • Supported memory standards: DDR4-1866/2666.
  • Technology support: multithreading, AMD64, virtualization, hardware encryption, Precision Boost (increasing clock cycles during peak loads), Pure Power (energy saving), SSE instructions, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, SSE4a, SSSE3, MMX .
  • Thermal power (TDP): 65 W.

Pros of AMD Ryzen 5 1600: excellent performance at a moderate price ($200-210), low heating, low power consumption, overclocking, the ability to unleash the potential of any modern video card.

Cons: no integrated graphics, no Windows support 7.

Around $300: Intel Core i7-7700K and AMD Ryzen 7 1700

Intel Core i7-7700K

Intel Core i7-7700K is the best price/performance ratio among top processors today. Here's what it has: 4 physical and 8 virtual cores, a free multiplier, 8 Mb L3, the frequency of each core is 4500 MHz in Turbo Boost mode and 5000 MHz in overclocking. In my opinion, excellent opportunities for the most resource-intensive toys. Others also available gentleman's set– DDR4-2400 support and integrated HD Graphics 630 graphics core with higher clock speeds than the younger brothers of the Kaby Lake family.


  • Microarchitecture: Kaby Lake.
  • Number of cores: 4.
  • Clock frequency: 4200-4500
  • Socket: LGA1151.
  • Process technology: 14 nm.
  • Multiplier: 42, free.
  • Built-in graphics: HD Graphics 630.
  • Graphics core frequency: 1150 Mhz.
  • L1 cache: 128 Kb (instructions + data).
  • L2 cache: 1024 Kb.
  • L3 cache: 8192 Kb.
  • PCI Express controller: yes.
  • Number of PCI Express 3.0 lanes: 16.
  • Maximum supported memory size: 64 GB.
  • Supported memory standards: DDR3L-1333-1600, DDR4-2133-2400.
  • Technologies supported: Hyper-Threading, Turbo Boost0, EM64T, Virtualization Technology, Enhanced SpeedStep, hardware encryption, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, SSSE3, MMX, XD Bit.
  • Thermal power (TDP): 91 W.
  • Maximum temperature: 100 °C

Strengths of the Intel Core i7-7700K: best ratio performance in games and purchase costs ($300-315), unlocked multiplier, powerful video core. In short, a good foundation for the future.

Weaknesses: in case of overclocking, it requires a powerful, expensive cooling system; it does not support Windows 7.

AMD Ryzen 7 1700

A MD Ryzen 7 1700 is the best of the best for multi-threaded games and a wide variety of resource-intensive non-gaming tasks, in particular 3D graphics rendering, video editing, etc. An excellent investment for the future.

“Under the hood” of this processor: 8 physical and 16 virtual cores, a free multiplier, 16 Mb L3, support for DDR4-2933, 24 PCI Express lanes (competitors have 16), the frequency of each core in dynamic overclocking is 3700 MHz, when overclocked by the multiplier – up to approximately 4100 MHz. There is no built-in video card, but the systems for which the Ryzen 7 1700 is intended do not need it. Besides, he's cold. Even under intense load (by the way, it is extremely difficult to load it 100%), it does not heat above 50 °C.

The cost of the model is comparable to the Core i7-7700K.


  • Microarchitecture: Summit Ridge (Zen).
  • Number of cores: 8.
  • Clock frequency: 3000-3700 MHz.
  • Socket: AM4.
  • Process technology: 14 nm.
  • Multiplier: 30, free.
  • Integrated graphics: no.
  • L1 cache: 256 Kb (instructions + data).
  • L2 cache: 4096 Kb.
  • L3 cache: 16384 Kb.
  • PCI Express controller: yes.
  • Number of PCI Express 3.0 lanes: 24.
  • Maximum supported memory size: 64 GB.
  • Supported memory standards: DDR4-1866/2933.
  • Technology support: multithreading, AMD64, virtualization, hardware encryption, Precision Boost, Pure Power, SSE instructions, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, SSE4a, SSSE3, MMX.
  • Thermal power (TDP): 65 W.
  • Maximum temperature: 90 °C

Advantages of AMD Ryzen 7 1700: amazing power, multitasking, versatility, energy efficiency. The disadvantage is that there is no support for older versions of Windows.

According to many owners and experts, the Ryzen 7 1700 is AMD’s huge leap forward. The release of this processor showed that the “reds” are far from being as hopelessly behind as they are thought to be, and are still capable of giving the “blues” a hard time. As they say, they harness for a long time, but go quickly.

The best processors of 2019 that will make your PC happy.

After your graphics card, it is the processor that has the biggest impact on your computer's gaming capabilities. When you buy a processor, you need to balance performance and budget options with the overall needs of the build. If you can spend $400 (R26,000 + VAT), our favorite gaming processor is the Intel Core i7-9700K, which can dominate with eight cores and excellent single-threaded performance.

Intel also maintains a strong position in the mid-range price segment with its impressive . Moving further to the budget segment of the market, everything is divided depending on the selected graphics. and are great options if you don’t plan to spend money on a discrete graphics card. But if you have discrete graphics, the Intel Core i3-3100 will provide better performance By reasonable price. And if you're really strapped for cash, check out the AMD Athlon 200GE with Intel Pentium Gold G5400. Both processors have their advantages and disadvantages, depending on what budget you have.

If you're looking for a new processor for an upgrade or your next build, we've rounded up the best processors of 2019 in this ranking. If you're looking to boost the performance of an existing CPU (and it's unlocked for overclocking), you'll find a lot of useful information in the overclocker's column about features like Liquid Nitrogen, CPU Solder, and Voltage Boost.

Why should you trust us?

We've been reviewing PC components for several years now. We subject every processor to a variety of tests that measure everything from single-core and multi-core performance in apps and games to the power consumption of each chip. We've tested a variety of models at stock and overclocked settings where applicable, so we can separate the best processors from the rest.

| AMD RYZEN 7 2700X


A final victory for AMD.

Cores: 8 | Streams: 16 | Base frequencies: 3.7 GHz | Limit frequencies: 4.3 GHz | CacheL3: 16 MB | TDP: 105 W.

  • pros: Productivity leap | Reasonable price;
  • Minuses: High energy demand;

For a long time, AMD played second fiddle to Intel in many categories, but offered the best value. Those days are over. With the new Ryzen 7 2700X and 2nd generation Ryzen in general, AMD introduces the first 12nm processors and the performance to match, beating Intel in single-core and multi-core performance for the first time. If you're looking for a high-performance processor at a reasonable price, trust us, look no further.



The fastest processor for gaming, streaming and more.

Cores: 8 | Streams: 16 | Base frequencies: 3.6 GHz | Limit frequencies: 5.0 GHz | Overclocking: Yes / 4.9 – 5.0 GHz | CacheL3: 16 MB | TDP: 95 W.

  • pros: The fastest in games | Many cores for other tasks;
  • Minuses: Ultimate overclocking potential | Need a second cooler;

The best processor can mean many things. For gaming purposes only, the Core i9-9900K's performance is unnecessary unless you equip your computer with a top-notch graphics card. However, for a user who is not limited to gaming, the Core i9-9900K is the performance king. This is the fastest consumer processor based on LGA1151.

The Intel Core i9-9900K doesn't offer the same number of cores as the monster i9-7980XE or Threadripper 2990WX, but it has the highest clock speed among existing processors with excellent performance per core. Install it on a good motherboard and you'll likely see "base" clock speeds in the region of 4.7GHz under low workload conditions, with a potential of up to 5.0GHz.

You'll have to configure your own cooling, Intel's usual approach with Series K and Series X processors, and there's no skimping here. Thanks to the additional cores, the i9-9900K can consume a ton of power and run faster than the previous generation. Even if you don't plan on overclocking the processor, we wouldn't run the i9-9900K air-cooled. We recommend a powerful liquid cooler like the NZXT Kraken X62.

| AMDRyzen 5 2600X


Maximum performance at an affordable price.

Cores: 6 | Streams: 12 | Base frequencies: 3.6 GHz | Limit frequencies: 4.32 GHz | CacheL3: 16 MB | TDP: 95 W.

  • pros: Single-core performance | Gaming performance;
  • Minuses: Slight price increase.

If you're looking for an affordable processor for content creation, look no further than the AMD Ryzen 5 2600X. With 6 cores and 12 threads and a base clock of 3.6 GHz, you get much better performance than the expensive Intel Core i5-8600K - with the included RGB CPU cooler. Sure, the increase in gaming performance is marginal compared to the blue team, but once you get into multitasking, who doesn't love being able to open 100 Chrome tabs while gaming? The value of this processor is at its limit.

| AMD RYZEN 3 2200G


Integrated graphics on a budget.

Cores: 4 | Streams: 4 | Base frequencies: 3.5 GHz | Limit frequencies: 3.7 GHz | CacheL3: 4 MB | TDP: 65 W.

  • pros: Plays games in 1080p | Accessible;
  • Minuses: Latest drivers;

If you're building a gaming PC on a tight budget, the AMD Ryzen 3 2200G could serve your purpose well. While it doesn't support the hyper-threading of its predecessor, the Ryzen 3 1200, the inclusion of integrated graphics makes this APU one of the cheapest ways to play light games on a PC. We were even able to run Overwatch in 4K Ultra-HD resolution and Epic graphics settings without a dedicated graphics card.



Great gaming performance for less money.

Cores: 8 | Streams: 8 | Base frequencies: 3.6 GHz | Limit frequencies: 4.9 GHz | Overclocking: Yes / 4.9 – 5.1 GHz | Cache L3: 12 MB | TDP: 95 W.

  • pros: Gaming Performance | 8 fast cores;
  • Minuses: No hyperthreading | Limited overclocking;

The Intel Core i7-9700K is an interesting step down from the i9-9900K. It has the same number of cores, the clock speeds are also similar, most Z390 motherboards squeeze out processor turbo frequencies from 4.0 to 4.7 GHz. In games, it effectively competes with its expensive colleague Core i9, but costs $100-150 (6,500 - 10,000 rubles cheaper). This is because Intel is releasing for the first time Core processor i7 without hyperthreading.

As a result, the end user receives an excellent balance between price, performance and features. Compared to the Core i7-8700K, the processor offers 33% more cores, which directly affects multi-threading. Hyperthreading typically only improves performance by 10 to 15 percent, so the benefit is clear. The lack of hyperthreading also means the i7-9700K doesn't get as hot as the Core i9, so you can get by with a good air cooler.

If you live stream games, do video editing, or any other serious content creation work, upgrading to 9900K makes sense. But if you're primarily interested in gaming, the 8-core Coffee Lake processor clock frequency around 5 GHz will be excellent choice and will serve as the best processor for you.

| AMD RYZEN 7 1800X


Ryzen has been preparing for this and is ready to roam in virtual reality ( VR).

Cores: 8 | Streams: 16 | Base frequencies: 3.6 GHz | Limit frequencies: 4 GHz | CacheL3: 16 MB | TDP: 95 W.

  • pros: Amazing multi-core performance | Insane price;
  • Minuses: Overclocking | Temperatures are "unique";

Main Intel competitor Core i7-7700K, ADM Ryzen 7 1800X poses a compelling threat to the best Intel processor in 2019. While it's unfortunately more expensive than the 7700K, which is uncharacteristic for the red team, the Ryzen 7 1800X is certainly on par with most Intel chips. Additionally, unlike the Core i7-5960X and 6700K, the most sophisticated competitors, the AMD Ryzen 7 1800X is much better qualified in the field of virtual reality.



The show goes on…

Cores: 8 | Streams: 16 | Base frequencies: 3.6 GHz | Limit frequencies: 4.3 GHz | CacheL3: 11 MB | TDP: 140 W.

  • Reliable multi-core performance;
  • Best price/performance ratio for 8-core Intel;


  • Mediocre benefit compared to the cheaper Ryzen 1800X;
  • Threadripper is cheaper;

All these complicated names are confusing considering that the Intel Core i7-7820X is part of the series Intel Skylake-X, rather than Class X chips built on 14nm Kaby Lake, but semantics matter little when you get your hands on an Intel CPU with a higher core count. Although the fact is that you will need a new one motherboard While using this eight-core monster might easily turn off some Ryzen users, Intel fans won't mind the upgrade.



There's a new sheriff in town!

Cores: 18 | Streams: 36 | Base frequencies: 3.0 GHz | Limit frequencies: 4.4 GHz | L3 cache: 24.75 MB | TDP: 165 W.

  • pros: Leader in the HEDT segment | Insane performance;
  • Minuses: Price is like a whip;

If you are one of those consumers who are looking for cutting-edge performance, but don't forget the importance of reasonable pricing, new Intel Core i9-9980XE is the best processor of 2019. This is 18 cores by 36 threads, capable of blowing away the performance of any other processor on the market. Multithreaded Applications and workstation-level tasks will bounce off this processor. However, if you ask for its price more than once, the processor may not be affordable for you.



Performance Intel Core i3 from Pentium.

Cores: 2 | Streams: 4 | Base frequencies: 3.5 GHz | CacheL3: 3 MB | TDP: 54 W.

  • pros: Indicators are close to Core i3-7100 | Hyperthreading;
  • Minuses: Limited to DDR4-2400 memory | Decrease in productivity;

Considering how much money you'll save by purchasing the Intel Pentium G4560 relative to the Core i3 chip, we promise you won't mind such a small performance loss when comparing the two chips. Being the first Pentium processor For quite some time, capable of using hyperthreading, the G4560 does its best to offer you everything you might be missing. And in tests it turned out to be extremely close to the expensive Intel Core i3-7100 processor.

| AMD RYZEN 5 2400G


Ryzen and Vega finally met.

Cores: 4 | Streams: 8 | Base frequencies: 3.6 GHz | Limit frequencies: 3.9 GHz | CacheL2: 2 MB.

  • pros: Integrated Graphics | Price quality;
  • Minuses: PCI-E lane limit;

The only thing we were missing when AMD Ryzen blew up the processor market was support for integrated graphics, which significantly limited their appeal to PC fans. However, with the Ryzen 5 2400G, everything has changed. Featuring impressive Vega graphics, this is a great APU that any HTPC user will love. And now that AMD has lowered prices, you can switch to 4K resolution for less than ever.

Want to see new performance? Here.