Top best services for Instagram promotion. Services for the promotion of VKontakte

Good evening, dear visitors of my blog. Today I want to tell you about step by step instructions, using the general concept of which you can create an active Vkontakte community with about 50,000 or more users. The information presented here has been tested and obtained experimentally. I want to thank the user misf from the forum about in social networks ZISMO, who kindly shared it with the forum community. I will not pull the cat by the ears, I will start.

Cheat services

Services with the help of which the growth of participants was carried out. I already wrote about some on the pages of my blog, and now consider briefly the main criteria for these systems.

  • Price for 1000 participants - 300 rubles
  • The percentage of dogs - 10 - 15%
  • no group restrictions


  • Price for 1000 participants - 150 rubles
  • The percentage of dogs is about 50%
  • no group restrictions
  • no settings for adding users


  • The price for 1000 participants is about 160 rubles (depending on the quality)
  • The percentage of dogs is about 40%
  • no group restrictions
  • there is a free bot (buy accounts and spin)

  • The percentage of dogs - can reach 80% depending on the parameters of the cheat
  • There are group restrictions.
  • there are settings for adding users

  • The price for 1000 participants is about 50 rubles
  • The percentage of dogs is about 20%, but a lot of bots write off more than half of the participants
  • no group restrictions
  • no settings for adding users

  • 1000 participants - 40-50 rubles
  • The percentage of dogs - from zero is very large, up to 80%, 10% unsubscribe
  • there are restrictions on groups
  • no settings for adding users

Working with a group


As we can see, there are no miracles and you have to pay for everything. However, after reaching the desired number and if there is activity in the group, you can start selling ads, and over time, if you develop the community further, your investment will pay off. You can cheat users for free, but it will take you a very long time to get to 50,000, even if you have super interesting content. Everything, as always and everywhere, rests on money. You can buy a group with 30,000 inactive members for 7-8 thousand rubles and not suffer, but you can be thrown or blocked at any time of the transaction. As they say, it's up to you, my job is only to talk about one of the options. Tell us about your experiments in the comments, thanks for your attention.

Greetings to all on my own! As you probably already know, I am now actively interested in the study of SMM and everything related to them. I already wrote a little about that. Today we will continue this topic, and consider attracting subscribers to VKontakte groups using free and paid services.

Straightaway I warn you. I have used these services. at one's own risk, realizing that the contact does not like when third-party services are used to cheat likes, subscribers, friends. I used both my main account and a specially created fake one. So far, nothing has happened to them: neither one nor the other.

I also want to tell you that these group promotion methods will not be able to catch up with a bunch of visitors in a day. If you need to quickly promote the group, then it is better to hire a professional admin and order paid promotion of the group from him. So it will be faster and better. But if you yourself are promoting some kind of group, especially just having created it, you will need people, so to speak, for extras. This is the crowd we will create with you. And not with bots, but with real people (offers), who may become interested in your group later and stay with you. Of course, some of them can come out in a day, two, three, a week. But this is an inevitable process of band life. Someone always unsubscribes. We must put up with this, and try to make the number of unsubscribers less than the number of new participants.

So, I present to your attention

trusted social media promotion services

Let's start in order.

principle free promotion in these services one. Upon registration, you are given a certain amount of coins (points) to your balance. You can top up your balance with real money, or you can by completing simple tasks: join a group, add as a friend, like a photo. You probably already guessed how to promote your group using these services. But if not, I will briefly talk about each of the services.

Fastintop (Fastintop) - promotion service in social networks

Register as usual. After registration, we are given 50 bonus coins.
Next, we create our first task. To do this, go to the tab My projects -> Create a new project. We fill in all the fields. As an example, you can see the screenshot below.

CPC I advise you to put equal to 10, not 4 as in the screenshot. As I later checked, basically people bet just such an amount of coins for joining a group.
And what happens if we set CPC (cost per click) equal to 10, then we will only get 5 subscribers to our group? Yes it is. But you can also earn these coins by also completing the tasks of other participants. For this, under the inscription Free points choose the task you want to complete. For example, join a VKontakte group. You will need to connect your account to this service in order to complete tasks. Click just connect, and allow access to the application. Further, if you have chosen to join groups, you will see the following picture:

To complete the task and get coins, you must click on the button "join" . A window with a VKontakte group will pop up. You click join the group. You close the window. Coins are automatically added to you (look at the top right near the word Balance). If you don't like the group, you can skip it by clicking the "skip" button. Thus, you can only join groups that appeal to you.
And by the way, according to the rules of this service you can't leave groups (cancel likes, delete friends) but I don't know how they check it. Statistics in the VKontakte group (as far as I managed to study it) does not give such detailed information so that you can track down those who escaped from your group (this can be done using various applications, but I don’t know how much they are telling the truth).
Those who do not want to click "join the group" and who have money in this service are provided opportunity to buy coins(points), set a task and enjoy the increase in the number of subscribers in the group (for example, 10,000 points cost about 300 rubles).

The next service where you can give and complete tasks for coins in the same way is

SMOfast (SMOfast) - promotion service in social networks

Also a proven and pretty good service to cheat subscribers, likes of friends in various social networks. Registration is not difficult.

If the previous service was aimed only at contact, then here we can create tasks for all the most popular social networks in Runet: facebook, contact, twitter, google +, youtube, linkedin, Instagram.
Here are the tasks you can give on this service:

We add our task. To do this, click on the link "add task" on the right. Select the task type from the drop-down menu. In our case, this is VK Groups. In the group field, enter only the id of our group or its short address.

It is better to give the entry price 4-5 points. It is unlikely that anyone will see a lower cost in the list of tasks.
You can check your newly created task by clicking on the "my tasks" button and selecting your type of task "VK group" in me. Thanks to this service, 66 new people have already appeared in the group.
When the coins given to you for registration run out, you will need to earn coins by completing simple tasks, or simply buy a certain amount of coins for money.

The cost there is not high (from $0.75 per 1000 coins). Let's calculate how much a subscriber to a VKontakte group will cost us. For 1000 coins, we can get 250 subscribers (provided that in the task you set the cost of joining a group of 4 coins). 250 subscribers cost $0.75, and one subscriber generally costs $0.003.
I'll tell you little secret: at the top of this site there is such a section "Bonuses". If you complete 25 tasks a day, you will receive 50 bonus coins to your account, which you can spend on promoting your VKontakte group.

vLiker (vLayker) - a service for promotion in social networks

This service can also be used to promote your communities and accounts. In it, you can wind up likes on photos, videos, posts on the wall and comments, as well as buy subscribers, friends, reposts.
Likes are wound up in the usual way: "you give me - I tell you." How much you like, so much you like.
For example, we need some post in the group to receive initial approval from people in the form of likes. We insert a link to this post (you can get a link to the post by clicking on the time of its publication) in a special field and choose how many likes we need. Let's say we need 10. We choose and we are immediately offered a choice of photos that we will "like".

As soon as we complete the task, a window will appear in which the progress bar for our task will be shown. And of course we are offered to speed up this process for money. But we are not accelerating, we are just waiting. Usually during the evening our hearts come already.
This service can be used to win contests, to increase the authority of posts in the group (liked ones cause more trust and desire to like back), to improve moodin general, it all depends on your imagination.

Also, this service provides an opportunity to buy a certain number of subscribers to the group. But I haven't bought them so I can't comment on their quality. The prices there are: 90 r. per 100 people.

Likest (Likest) - free promotion service in social networks

Registration simple: log in through VKontakte. Next, we place a certain phrase in the status, which confirms that this is your account. You are immediately given 30 hearts. For confirming your soap, 20 more hearts. For adding people as friends 4 hearts, for liking a photo 1 heart, for joining groups - depending on how much people assigned for this entry. For inviting friends, both you and the friend who followed the link will receive 20 and 10 hearts, respectively. So if you want to register in this service, follow my links 😉
What did I like about this service? The fact that when ordering subscribers to a group, you can make certain targeting, i.e. choose who can join this group (gender, age, number of friends). And it's absolutely free!

I ordered 19 followers for 57 hearts. They arrived in just a minute. Glad the targeting is working. Only girls came. “Dogs” were not noticed among them, which also cannot but rejoice. No one left the group right away. So everything is fine.
In addition to likes and subscribers, you can also wind up polls and reposts . Which also can not but rejoice. (for example, for fans of VKontakte contests, this will come in handy). And this project is non-commercial, so there are only the same lovers of hearts here who will perform your tasks.

Turboliker (Turboliker) - a service for free and paid promotion in social networks

Another service for cheating subscribers or likes. Register as usual. If you register using my link, then in addition to the standard 25 hearts upon registration, you will be given another 25 hearts after completing several tasks.
In this service, you can only promote contact and YouTube. You can wind up everything: likes, polls, reposts, comments, friends, subscribers to groups. True, this service has its own troubles: when you make any order (for example, wind up subscribers in groups), part of the hearts you have allocated will go as a deduction to the service. This makes it a little more difficult to calculate the number of hearts needed to get a certain number of subscribers. But in this service you can target(i.e. choose which subscribers we need).

Also in this service you can buy these same hearts (likes). For example, 50 likes (the internal currency of the service) cost 5 rubles. With if you set the price of 10 likes per subscriber to the group, then for 5 rubles we can get 4-5 people. Basically, it's very cheap. Plus, they give discounts to regular customers.

Olike (Olike) - a service for promotion in social networks

I also want to tell you about one similar promotion service in social networks - Similar. I registered there. Appearance I liked the site. How to use the service - very clear, they are given detailed instructions with screenshots. It seems that everything should be fine with the service. But there are a few "buts" because of which I do not recommend this service.

    1. At we are not given no initial hearts(currency in this service). Those. to get yourself subscribers or hearts on ava, you need to work hard right away. Perhaps this is done so that people do not create multi-accounts, but as an honest user, this is very inconvenient for me.
    2. The cost of joining the group in this service only 2 hearts when like - 1 heart. So immediately get hold of a bunch of hearts will not work. This is also a minus, I think.
    3. Further more interesting. I think you should check out this service. It is in the second place in the search results for the query " free subscribers to the group." I began to like photos from my fake photos and join groups. At what I did it carefully, not too often, so that the account would not be banned “for suspicious activity”. A likes don't come! More precisely, not for every like I put, I get a heart. Hearts should come within a minute. But If they don't come right away, don't wait for them anymore.! They won't come!
    4. I wanted to test this service not for cheating likes, but for cheat subscribers to the group . I don't need much, 10 people would be enough. So I think: “10 people, 2 hearts each, I need to like 20 photos. Not so much." I think we’ll check if I earned 20 hearts, I go to the “subscribers for VKontakte groups” tab. I'm trying to order a service, and it says in small print: at least 100 subscribers! Well, what for me so much?
    5. Decided check this service at least for a boost of likes. There is also a limitation - the minimum number of likes is 10. I think, okay! Let's check. I ordered. All 10 likes came instantly, in a minute, WITHOUT notifications about these likes. Those. to see that they still reached me, I had to refresh the page.
    6. But I am a stubborn girl and decided to finish off this service and still find out what subscribers will be if they are ordered on Olike. I did not spare myself for several days in a row like other people's strange pictures and records. Moreover, these same pictures were not always available! You want to earn your likes, but there is nothing to like. And this happens there quite often. But for you, my dear readers and subscribers, I conducted an experiment, scored minimum 200 hearts and ordered 100 subscribers to my group.

Report on those subscribers that I received in the Olike service

To begin with, I give a screen that, nevertheless, subscribers appeared that day.

How quickly did you get followers? Almost in the first 20 seconds, 35 participants appeared at once, for the first couple of minutes the number of new members increased to 80, and then new subscribers entered more slowly. I didn’t measure the exact time for which everyone else reached me, but within half an hour everyone reached somewhere. Among the subscribers somehow turned out to be 5 "dogs". Before this experiment, I cleaned the group of dogs, so I can say for sure that these dogs are from those that I ordered. The rest of the subscribers turned out to be almost all with avatars, and decent enough. More than half of the new subscribers were men. Left immediately after the entry of 7 people. We'll see how they carry on. If anything interesting comes up, I'll let you know.
In total, at the time of writing, out of 100 ordered people, 12 left or were banned.

Thus, in principle, if you are not embarrassed by the number of likes that you need to put, if you are not embarrassed that your likes will not always be counted, and you need free subscribers to the group for certain purposes, then you can order. I checked, although the service is crooked, it works.

So friends, I have provided you with verified information on some promotion services in social networks, told what kind of subscribers you can get there and what (time or money) costs it will cost you. And to use such services or not - decide for yourself!

Write in the comments if you used such services to cheat subscribers or likes? What services do you like? What did not like? If you haven't, what methods do you use to promote your group?

And you were Christina,
experimenting with her groups and accounts

The social network Vkontakte has become so popular that today each user of this social network has its own group or public. and filling it with all sorts of interesting things is a trifling matter, but finding people who will be interested in your group or public is not so easy.

But there is a way out, because. on the Internet now you can easily find services for cheating:

  • I like (likes);
  • Friends;
  • Subscribers to a group or public;
  • polls;
  • Reposts;
  • and etc.

The mechanism of work in these services is very simple, and consists in the exchange. Those. You, in turn, for example, join a group or like someone, and thus earn chips or hearts ( ). Chips and hearts ( ) is the so-called currency of such services, using which you will promote your Vkontakte group.

Not everything is as simple as it seems. Because, you need to promote the group wisely, and not just stupidly take and wind up some subscribers into the group. Based on the fact that in these services everyone creates fake pages, and sooner or later they are blocked or frozen, and therefore if you simply cheat such participants into groups, then the Vkontakte administration can simply block your group.

To avoid blocking your group, and indeed, in order for promotion to be effective, you need to:

  1. Keep track of the members in the group, i.e. so that the number of dogs does not exceed 30% of the total number of people in your group. Simply put, you need;
  2. Cheat not only subscribers, but also simultaneously cheat likes, reposts, comments, etc.
  3. Post daily to the group. In general, you need to make the group seem alive.

Pros of promotion:

  • This promotion in contact is free, you will not need any investments;
  • Speed ​​and ease of wrapping;
  • Revitalization of your group or public in the shortest possible time and bringing it to the top.

Promotion cons:

  • You must have at least 5 fake pages on Vkontakte.

Services for promotion VKontakte

Here I will place all existing ones today. I won’t particularly describe them, since the mechanism of work on all such services is the same and very simple. These services are good because you can revive your group for free.

6. - perfect for promoting young groups. Clear and user-friendly interface.