Tracking drivers by phone. Anti-theft satellite car tracking system.

A satellite car tracking system is modern equipment that allows you to constantly monitor the movement of your vehicle, for example, if it is stolen. The system itself consists of a number of components on which the performance of all equipment depends.

What's the point

Each system is a well-thought-out design that allows timely monitoring of the condition of a particular vehicle. The equipment is based on a personal GPS tracker, which looks like mobile phone, he has internal battery. The device allows, if necessary, to send a signal to the phone or monitoring server. The satellite vehicle tracking system allows you to receive data on the location, speed, and mileage of the vehicle online.

Main functions

The most popular include GPS/GLONASS, which allow you to solve several problems at once:

  1. Track the position of vehicles in real time.
  2. Monitor your mileage.
  3. Monitor engine hours worked.
  4. Monitor fuel consumption.
  5. Monitor the performance of vehicle mechanisms.

"GLONASS" - what is the point?

Among the most popular ways to monitor your car, GLONASS car tracking takes a special place. This equipment is aimed at monitoring moving objects. Its work is carried out on the basis of satellite navigation. The basic configuration includes an on-board controller, thanks to which the movement of the vehicle, its speed limit and the functioning of individual units are monitored. In practice, the most popular systems are GPS, GLONASS and GSM.

But still, it is GLONASS that remains the most functional. This equipment is distinguished by its functionality, so it can solve a number of problems:

  1. Track the vehicle's position online.
  2. Monitor trucks.
  3. Allows the dispatcher to receive operational data about the direction and speed of the vehicle.
  4. Fully controls the operation of the machine’s instruments, both standard and additional.
  5. Remotely control the vehicle, for example, turn off the engine if the car has been stolen or there is a problem


The GSM satellite car tracking system was not widely used, since the service did not accurately determine the car’s coordinates and its speed. In the standard version, this equipment can only show where it is, therefore the accuracy of such systems is low.

GPS-based monitoring works by receiving navigation signals that are constantly sent by satellites. Reception is carried out using special sensors and antennas that are installed on vehicles. Navigation information is received from several satellites at once, making it possible to determine in real time where the car is and what speed it is developing.


The GPS satellite car tracking system is in great demand due to the fact that the equipment is compact and reliable. Special car GPS trackers are attached to a magnet or connected to the on-board power supply. The observer has the opportunity to see where the desired object is at any time, and this can be done using a mobile phone or on a PC. The system will store all data about the speed and direction of movement of the car. To the benefits of choice of this equipment can be attributed:

  • installation is simple and quick, requiring minimal costs;
  • the equipment quickly pays for itself;
  • control systems are effective.

In addition, a satellite car tracking system against theft is insurance for the car itself, since in any situation it will always be under control.

"Caesar Satellite"

Today, many companies offer transport monitoring systems, which ensures its safety, and the transport fleet itself operates more efficiently. "Caesar Satellite" is a system capable of solving several problems:

  1. Maintain remote control over each unit of transport.
  2. Record routes, runs Vehicle at any time.
  3. Control consumption.
  4. Protect against robbery with a panic button.

Reliability, durability of operation and accuracy of the resulting funds - this is what distinguishes this system satellite car tracking. The photos presented in the article show how this system works. Installation of the equipment is simple, and it itself is compact and takes up very little space.


Few people know that MTS also has its own tracking system. The MTS-Tracker kit determines the vehicle’s coordinates using GPS, and then transmits the received data via the cellular network. The owner of the equipment can track the movement of vehicles via the Internet. TO distinctive features This system includes the following:

  • a map with the location of the car is available on the phone screen or on the computer;
  • using the SOS button on the tracker, you can automatically send messages to 6 preset phone numbers or email;
  • the device has a microphone, which allows voice monitoring of the environment;
  • the MTS satellite car tracking system is equipped with a built-in non-volatile memory in which the entire history of movements is stored in case there was no connection;
  • the tracker works on average up to 90 days in sleep mode;
  • The built-in accelerometer adjusts the frequency of sending messages depending on how fast the car is moving.


As you can see, car tracking systems have become widespread, which is explained by the effectiveness of their work, regardless of weather conditions and time of day. It is also important that in addition to protection against theft, such systems are capable of solving a number of problems, which is especially important for large transport companies:

  • control fuel consumption;
  • track unplanned downtime;
  • prevent “left” flights or empty runs;
  • improve driver discipline.

For each specific case, you can choose your own GPS monitoring, which will be more effective and convenient for use. Despite the fact that such complexes are not cheap, they pay for themselves very quickly, and the presence of tracking systems makes it possible to increase the safety of vehicle operation.


Place your mobile phone inside the car so that even the most experienced intruder cannot find it. Show your imagination - perhaps it can be placed in the back of a chair, the ceiling, etc. The main thing is to eliminate the possibility of accidentally pressing keys, provide for constant charging of the device’s battery from the on-board network through a special car Charger(necessarily equipped with a fuse), and also take care of good passage of radio waves. Sign up for a service from your operator in advance that allows you to determine the location of your phone. Don’t forget to remove it from storage every six months and order any paid service, otherwise the SIM card will be blocked. To prevent your phone from ringing and revealing its location, turn off everything on it. sound signals. Depending on your own preferences, choose the service itself either with a fixed subscription fee, or with charging for each request.

Set up the service in such a way that you can track the location of the device hidden in the car from another phone that you constantly carry with you. It must be connected to the same operator, since the location service is only provided within the network.

To determine the location of your car, depending on the operator and type of service, send an SMS or USSD request. In response, you will receive an SMS or MMS message with the address, and in the second case, a fragment of the map. Some of the operators also allow you, having received a login and password, to log into a special website using them at any time and see the location of the phone on the monitor screen.

If the phone is equipped with a GPS receiver, the requirements for its location become more stringent, because it is much easier to block the satellite signal than the signal base station. But you don’t need to order a special service from the operator - just connect to unlimited Internet access. Install a tracker program on your phone (for example, TrekBuddy), get a login and password from the program manufacturer, after which on a special website you will be able to determine the location of the car even with greater accuracy than in the previous case. If you use a special children's phone, in which the tracker program is part of the firmware, you will not have to install any software on it at all.

You can position the phone so that its camera can observe what is happening inside or outside the cabin. In combination with the Mowecam or Mobile Webcam program and the unlimited Internet access service, this will allow you to constantly see on the screen of your computer or other phone what the camera is capturing (although the image will not be updated very often). Be sure to configure the program so that the broadcast from the camera is not public.

Do you want to know where any of your acquaintances, family or friends are now? They will come to your aid telephone, or more precisely, a service that is capable of determining location mobile device and, accordingly, its owner.


Megafon subscribers can determine location telephone and its owner in two ways. Method one: go to the website, there you can get the necessary information containing the coordinates of the mobile device, which can be viewed on the attached map. By the way, you can access this site both from a computer and from telephone A. If you decide to use the second method, then send a request *148*subscriber number# (indicate the number via +7) or call 0888. Each request will cost 5 rubles (including taxes).

Beeline has two numbers by which you can find out where it is telephone and its owner. You can call one of these numbers (06849924), and the second one can send an SMS message “L” (684). However, no matter which number you choose to determine the location of another subscriber, you will pay the same: any request will “lighten” your balance by 2 rubles.

The telecom operator "MTS" provides a special service "Locator". To use it, send a message to the short number 6677 with the number of the subscriber you want to find. Price of this message will be equal to approximately 10 rubles (it depends on the tariff you use).

No modern security systems provide the car owner with a 100% guarantee against theft. The car market is increasingly filled with premium cars, which are a tasty morsel for easy money. But modest “horses” attract no less attention, because it is much easier to steal and resell them. Therefore, when buying a car, it would be a good idea to inquire about theft statistics from the traffic police.


According to traffic police theft statistics for Moscow for the first half of 2014, the first place is occupied by the Mazda 3, which never leaves the top five most stolen cars. In second place is Mitsubishi Lancer (the “hot” top ten also includes Outlender), also a regular “client” of car thieves. At different times, he either became popular or lost interest in him. But in general, Mitsubishi models have always been in the top ten most stolen cars. Ford Focus, due to its mass production, is also very attractive for theft. Moreover, car thieves do not disdain even very old cars. And in honorable 4th place is Lada Priora.

The preferences of car thieves change over time. More often this is due to the release of a new car model. As, for example, Toyota Corolla is always in the top ten stolen cars. And there was a period when she was confidently in the lead. Toyota does not leave the list at all - Camry, Land Cruiser, RAV4 - all these models will never lose their attractiveness for both buyers and car thieves. Among premium cars, the most stolen are Mercedes-Benz crossovers and BMW sedans.

What then happens to the stolen cars and why are some brands of cars, despite their low cost, in demand in the criminal world? Inexpensive or old cars are stolen to be dismantled for parts. Budget cars are widespread, which means there is a demand for spare parts. Plus, few owners of used Zhiguli cars contact the traffic police to report the theft of their car. If you search on the Internet, the most low prices for spare parts and the largest selection can be found at the so-called “sorts” - garages. And when buying spare parts there, few people will be interested in their origin.

Expensive cars are more profitable to resell. Nowadays it is not at all difficult to legalize a stolen car - new documents are made, license plates are changed, they wait for several months and are transported to nearby republics - Tajikistan, Dagestan, the Chechen Republic, and no one will look for them there.

How to protect your car from theft? Do you really have to give up your dream if it tops the list of the most stolen cars? You can buy such cars, but you just need to take safety more seriously. Be sure to install a security system, mechanical locks, and a beacon for satellite signal transmission. Insure your car against theft. Don't waste your money on this! Don't leave your car overnight in your yard. Place it either in the garage, even if you have to remove it, or in a guarded parking lot, but not in a “shell.” The largest percentage of thefts occur during the day. Motorists lose their vigilance and, leaving for a few minutes, do not arm the car or close the mechanical locks. But it takes no more than a minute to steal an unsecured car. In large parking lots shopping centers Park the car closer to the entrance and under CCTV cameras. And if possible, do not use underground parking - the reception of the security system signal there is poorer.


  • where to find a car

Instead of buying a fancy car alarm that starts blaring in the middle of the night every time a bird flies by, annoying everyone nearby, you can protect your car using a simple cell phone.

  • The effectiveness of the system depends on the actions taken by the police and the telephone company.
  • Remove external panels phone before installing it in the car. This will make him even more inconspicuous.
  • There are also websites that allow you to track your phone's location (GPS services based on triangulation of the phone's signal). In case the car is stolen, you can simply give the police a link.
  • Some countries (e.g. Norway) do not charge for incoming messages, so the tariff is suitable prepayment.
  • You can save on your tariff plan by activating the “favorite” number service.


Don't forget your phone number and IMEI number.

  • Don't tell everyone that you have this system. If you know that such a system is installed in a car, then it is very easy to neutralize it. Remember that a trap that everyone knows about is not a trap.
  • Before giving out your phone location, telephone company may require you to release her from any liability, as well as a warrant from the police.
  • If you do not have experience working with electricity, use the services of a professional.
  • Keep your phone number secret.
  • Try to install the phone closer to the driver's seat.
  • Install the system discreetly.
  • Do not connect any additional services to phone number. It's okay if you can't use SMS messages and your phone is outdated.
  • The system may not work if the car is in an area where there is no cellular reception.
  • Install the phone so that signal reception and transmission are not blocked.
  • Better to tariff plan implied post-payment, but if you are sure, you can take a pre-paid tariff.
  • You will be required to pay your invoices on a monthly post-paid basis. It will be inexpensive because you are unlikely to use this number often.

August 30. More than 1.5 million of these small devices Already sold worldwide. This is the most affordable solution for tracking the location of a car, as well as for finding lost items.

Have you ever lost your car in a parking lot? Has your car ever been stolen? This happens quite often. You start looking for your car, contact law enforcement agencies who are trying to help you, but this is not always possible.

What to do? Install a GPS beacon? It is expensive. You don't want to pay every month subscription fee for communication services to use this device. Don't you have enough monthly payments?

But is there a way to track your car without spending a fortune? Yes, now there is such a way!

A California company has managed to create a device that is installed in a car and allows you to track the location of the car using a smartphone.

What it is

This device is called TrackR. It is small in size and easily installed in a car.

How it works

Everything is very simple. The user installs on his smartphone free application TrackR. The TrackR device itself is attached to the object that needs to be monitored. For example, to a car. The user attaches the device to the object and launches the application - everything is ready.

TrackR can be attached to your keys, briefcase, wallet and other things you don't want to lose. The application will help you find these items if they get lost.

Forget about expensive GPS tracking systems. Nobody wants to pay a monthly subscription fee.

As for the car, you can simply hide TrackR under the car mat, in the trunk, glove compartment or under the dashboard. That is, where it will not be detected by intruders in the event of your car being stolen.

If you forget where you parked your car, just launch the application and you will find it in a matter of seconds. All you have to do is click the “Find device” button and the application will show you the exact coordinates of the last known location, as well as the distance from you to the item you are looking for.

The device is equipped with easily replaceable CR2016 batteries.

With one smartphone you can track up to 10 items at the same time.

Cost in Russia

In Russia, this device can be purchased through online stores. The cost varies from 1750 rubles. On the manufacturer's official website, the device costs $29.

How else can you use it?TrackR

The device is very small (only 31mm in diameter), so it can be attached to your pet. You can attach the device to your keys or wallet, then you won't waste a second looking for things.

TrackR comes with double-sided adhesive tape that allows you to attach the device to any object.

To start using this wonderful device, just follow 3 steps:

Step 1: purchase TrackR (by the way, there are promotions on the manufacturer’s website, for example, when you buy 2 devices, the third one is free, the only caveat is that the website is in English).