Twitter with new graphics and applications. How to log into Twitter if you have changed your phone number? To register on Twitter you need to fill out the registration form

Deleting your account is quite simple. But this can only be done in the full version of the site. Therefore, if you have finally decided to leave Twitter, you will need a computer or laptop.

IN mobile version or mobile applications You will not be able to delete your account on the microblogging service. When you try to open full version site from mobile devices (including tablets), the site is automatically translated into a stripped-down mobile version.

So let's compare the advantages and disadvantages of both solutions. Conversation with Jakub Gurnik and Jack Karaszewski. We have different goals than commercial magazines. Our clients are recipients, not advertisers. This is the main difference - a conversation with the creators of the new version of the site.

However, on the computer I find it difficult to concentrate on more long texts. And I'm the opposite when it comes to focusing. I find it harder to read in paper magazines than on a tablet or combo. But it's also because it's hard to find more time and space just to read. Jacek: There are no links to the next millions of articles on paper. There will not be fifty open tabs in this session. Do you have restrictions on open bookmarks? What, when you're under thirty, you know it's a little overdone?

What to do if you don’t have the opportunity to access Twitter from a computer or laptop? You can, for example, use the mobile version of the browser Google Chrome, where there is an option “go to the full version of the site”.

So, you have somehow visited the full version of the website. Now you only have a little time left.

You need to click on the hexagon icon on the right top corner screen (between the envelope and the feather) and in the drop-down menu click on the “Settings” button. The page that opens must be scrolled to the end, after which at the very bottom of the screen you will see the “Delete my account».

My average is somewhere between sixty and seventy. Jacek: That's what it's called. filter bubble or bladder. A co-founder site that builds before the first reader lands on the page. He was educated and passionate about being a software engineer. Take, for example, Marc Andreessen, one of the most important venture capital investors. Sometimes he writes a few tweets, a twist storm, about the future of the press. And those dozens of tweets become the actual version of the opinion, more or less successfully reproduced and reprinted by all industry sources for weeks to come.

All that remains is to press the confirmation button on the page that opens and that’s it. You have left Twitter.

After deleting your account, you will lose all your followers!

Features of deleting from Twitter

Your data will be stored for another 30 days. That is, if within a month you change your mind about leaving Twitter, you just need to log into the site using your old account - and it will be restored. After 30 days, it will no longer be possible to restore your account.

But all the value and content is already in these tweets, in the most condensed form. Jacek: We knew for sure that this time we had to create a responsive website that was adapted not only to desktop computers, smartphones and tablets, but also adapted to screens of any size, resolution and density.

Yakub: Of course, otherwise “Dvogutnik” could be seen on stone tablets. For each change, strategic, operational or financial analyzes are conducted. What you need, what you need, and what you can achieve. The design of a "fortnight" or other chain store is the design of the receiver's attention mechanism. Everything in between the reader and the text is constantly changing, and you must constantly adapt to it. What has changed in the “two-week” over these 6 years?

If you want to change your username or your Twitter address, you don't need to delete your account and register again. You just need to change this data on the settings page. In this case, all your mentions and subscribers will remain with you.

Some of your tweets may be saved in search engines. Twitter itself does not control the information that search engines index.

Until your account is completely deleted (that is, another 30 days), you will not be able to use the address assigned to it Email or username. To register again, you should either get a new mailbox or wait until the old profile is completely deleted.

There were many meetings to show what this could look like. Not to mention social networks, which have become popular in Poland. Until he killed up to 5 thousand friends and shut him down because he wasn't a real person. When we started, there were no models online yet. Is this code some kind of cultural text? Is it wise to archive code as something that has future value?

Jakub: Now this is the vision of a romantic programmer who writes something and thinks about the beauty of his code. Actually, it has nothing to do with it. If anything, the code should be written in a way that is easiest to understand. We have all the versions archived. Any IT project, even a slightly professional one, must use version control systems that record every change. Although we would be very upset.

In the window that opens, click on the blue button “Delete account @/your nickname/”, after which you will be asked to enter your current password. After this, you will receive a message that your account has been deleted. This message will also be sent to your email.

If you change your mind about deleting your account, simply log into Twitter within 30 days of deletion - the social network stores your account data for a month after you request deletion. Additionally, if you plan to use your nickname to create another account on social network Twitter or register new account to the one indicated in this account email, then change your nickname and/or email information before deleting an unnecessary account. Otherwise, you will not be able to use them until complete removal account – for a month after deletion.

Using the mobile version of Twitter. Mobile version of Twitter is supported on all phones with a web browser

An interesting topic is archiving web pages. Have you ever been impressed by your code? Jakub: At the time of creation, as much as possible. When you see that you have managed to create an elegant solution. Jacek: Nobody likes to return to the old code. Code is much more difficult to read than it is to write. This is why many people prefer to do something from scratch rather than handle something they inherit from another programmer. If you inherit some code, you should understand how he thought about the problem, not just the problem itself.

If you want to change the username or URL of your twitter account, you don't have to delete your account and create a new one. Just go to the “Account” tab and replace them there. After changing your account information, the system will require you to enter your current password. To change the current email, you will need not only to enter a password, but also confirmation via email, and a confirmation request will be sent to the old email.

Jacek: As for the production approach, it looks more or less similar. We draw on the knowledge we've gained from commercial projects, but we both view the project differently. Typically, projects are a fixed and fixed scope, meaning we have a fixed range that we don't go beyond and declare that that scope will be implemented by that time. With "two weeks" so that we all care about this final product, although the word "product" is not appropriate, it was the best, so we burn it for a very long time along the way.

September 8, 2017.

Twitter is an information network on which 200 million registered users exchange information.

Who needs Twitter and why.
Twitter in Russia.

is the best way to find out what's new in the world


Twitter is a new and easy way to discover the latest news.

Twitter - what is Twitter?
Twitter is a social network that allows users to leave short text messages (up to 140 characters),
using the web interface or SMS.

Twitter is the property of Twitter. Inc. Founded in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, based in San Francisco, California, United States.

The main office is located in San Francisco (California), Twitter Inc., address: USA, San Francisco, st. Folsom, 795, of. 600, 94107.
It also has servers and offices in San Antonio (Texas) and Boston (Massachusetts).
The website launched on July 15, 2006. As of July 2010, it has over 175 million active users.

Twitter with new graphics and apps

For example, a week before publishing a new design, we will change the font or article template. The process itself is more chaotic than a commercial project. If this were a commercial project, we would define exactly what we are doing and not go beyond that structure.

Programmers, coders and interaction designers are the hidden artisans and artists of modern culture, mostly digital. The code in the graphics goes to our screens and determines the use and experience of text, sound, film. Hybrid forms cannot be reduced to their individual elements. We're talking to developers who can do this.

Twitter (Twitter) English tweet - “tweet”.
Tweet, Tweets - “Tweet” is a 140-character text message published on Twitter blogs. Twitter is often called Internet SMS.

Therefore, the main thing for communicating on the social network Twitter is the ability to express your thoughts, if any, as briefly and clearly as possible.

Twitter in Russia.

After the administration created the Presidential microblog on Twitter, in Russia, as usual, many pages appeared in the category “Me, my biography, my photograph.” And also “teachers” with supposedly a description of the tweeter in Russian and the usual content for them - “now I’ll teach you”, “twitter read my next lesson”, “twitter for dummies”, “now I’ll tell you about the tweeter”. Quoting, literally, the purpose of creating the first version of the Twitter project: to find out “what are you doing now.” When it was still called “40404” and was used as an internal service to control hundreds of Odeo employees.
Those who do not understand that the main advantage of modern Twitter is the instant publication and accessibility of socially significant messages to millions of users. And the “diaries” of just anyone, with a description of their day, from morning to evening dressing, are of no interest to anyone.

Jakub: First of all, commitment. Then again, we've been doing this for years after finally doing this interview. There is one thing that makes such projects very different. In the commercial market, in any business, if you succeed, you will succeed financially.

Jacek: On the one hand, hurry up, we are not selling anything. On the other hand, chicken, we don't sell anything. Like if we were selling, we could have had a bigger budget to develop it. Success does not mean funding. We had the same amount of money to update the site when we had three times fewer users.

How to use Twitter for business

Twitter is ideal for both consumers and businesses. By using of this service you can quickly share and collect information, creating long-term relationships with customers and partners in real time.

Yakub: There is such a magazine “Good”. They have a consulting firm that helps other companies be socially responsible. But it's also a completely different market. In Poland it is more of a public funding issue. You make a side of Amino soup that lasts two months. Jakub: In a project like this, continuity is the most important thing. This is not an implementation project. Over the years we have worked in the same line. We know what works, what works.

If we silence a user, their tweets and retweets will not appear in the list of posts we typically see when visiting the site. However, a disabled user will have the ability to read our messages, mark them as favorites, and rewrite them.

What will you have on Twitter

Once registered on Twitter, users can create a personal profile with photos, lists of personal interests, contact and personal information, add other users as friends, and exchange messages. In addition, users can join groups for common interests: Art and design, Books, Business, Entertainment and others. With Twitter, your messages can be instantly shared with millions of users. Twitter can be used to alert the public to dangers, broadcast real-time events, news, voter education, and receive feedback. Twitter is free and easy to use.

The mute feature can be accessed by switching to your user profile and clicking on the gear icon. You wouldn't know it was muted. Of course, you can cancel at any time. You only see what's recently posted on Twitter.

Layout - the most important thing is the order

The muffler feature removes some of this clutter, but the control remains in the hands of the individual. It will be available gradually over the coming weeks. See what you have to offer! You can be sure that they will stay there. They have numbers at the end and their sum in one element cannot exceed the magic number 12. This page layout provides users with basic styling and gives you the ability to scale your site. This way, you won't have to struggle with separate styles for different resolutions, as was the case until recently.

Personal page on Twitter

The Twitter Page is a public, personal page that helps you share your interests and voice your opinions with everyone. Twitter networks. You can create a Twitter page in a few minutes using a user-friendly interface. Examples:

@MedvedevRussia (formerly @KremlinRussia): Official twitter - Dmitry Medvedev account Official twitter - account of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin

Navigation - Create something that will stimulate millions

A clear, responsive grid means getting rid of the Achilles heel of website building - it now limits us almost entirely to our imagination. Increasingly complex services require complex navigation, so developers have also thought about this problem. Simple rules menu builders allow you to quickly create even the most complex layouts, which will work until you open the page on your phone. On mobile devices instead of a menu we will see a small circle that, when clicked, will display the navigation customized to our screen.

D. Medvedev made his first entry while in the office of Twitter.Inc. in the capital of California and posted two photographs: the view from the window of his hotel in San Francisco and footage of a meeting in the Twitter office.

By creating several accounts, the Presidential Administration apparently did not fully understand what microblogging on a server in San Francisco (California) was. And who will she ask to close, for example, a clone - KermlinRussia.

Modules and components - could it be even better?

If you're not a fan of implementing this solution on your site, make sure the menu is always visible. You can achieve this by anchoring it to the top of the browser. There are many marketers who might think that websites are often a "do-it-yourself" business. However, if you want to create something unique, you will need more sophisticated tools.

The structure includes not only the main functionality, described above, but also. A set of text specifiers, scalable icons based on font structure, loading bars, pagination systems style headings, tables and paragraphs. In the past, heavy and complex Flash animation put web pages into colossal sizes. They used a lot of graphics to best illustrate the content - you can say that this chapter is already closed.

December 6, 2011 after entering into address bar - you will be transferred to -

The blog on Twitter of the American President is rather several pages “in the name of Obama” and only a few tweets are signed by him personally.

@BarackObama Washington DC
This account is run by the #Obama2012 campaign.
Tweets from the President will be signed - BO.

This is possible due to the fact that the browser itself creates these effects - of course, they need to be described in the page code. With this functionality, you'll save time by creating consistent, fast appearance and create pages that meet your customers' expectations.

The creators of this tool introduce new and new additions to it, ensuring that available version always up to date and supported by the most popular browsers. backward compatibility and the promise of adding new elements can be a pleasant surprise for any user who updates the framework - because who wouldn't want to update a site with one click of "Update"?

That is, Barack Obama's Twitter account is an appendix to his official website, where moderators with ten years of experience repeatedly sift through and publish only the most verified information. Because only inexperienced elementary school students respond to messages from the network immediately after receiving them. On official websites, any information (including answers to questions) is posted in web documents only after approval and receipt of visas from all departments.

The simplified rules and criteria set by the framework give web designers many advantages. First of all, they can be sure that everything will work without problems. Mobile support and ready-made animations make your website responsive and user-friendly. Although sites built on this structure are said to be too similar to each other, this argument can be quickly dismissed - there are no overlapping structures to build the grid from. This is not always a matter of the tool itself, but sometimes simply because the developers use the most convenient solution for them.

Registration in a free international social network

Creating a Twitter account

Create a new Twitter account, login to Twitter.

Before you can start using the service, you need to register.

What is required to register on Twitter?
You must have an email address on any mail server. After filling out the registration form, a message will be sent to the email address you provided with a link to confirm your registration.

To join the community you need to create an account on Enter your name, username, password and email address.

To create a personal page on Twitter, you need to have a mailbox on any mail server. Read about creating electronic mailboxes on mail servers on the pages -

To register on Twitter you need to fill out the registration form.

In the first field - Full name, you will be asked to enter your full name. "Twitter strongly recommends using your real name."
You can change your username at any time in your account settings. Usernames must be no more than 15 characters in length, and cannot contain the words "admin" or "Twitter", to avoid confusion with the Twitter brand.
Enter your email address - Email. Twitter uses it to send confirmation that the registration process has completed.
Create and enter a Password. Make sure your password consists of letters and numbers. Do not use simple dictionary words for your password.
After entering a sufficiently strong password, you will be prompted to select a Username. Try to choose something that is related to your work, hobbies - be it interests or hobbies. This name will be used when sending @ replies, direct messages, or retweets.

After entering your information into the registration form on Twitter, click the button - Create my account.

On the Twitter / Interests page, select topics that you are interested in.
* Art & Design * · * Books * · * Business * · * Charity * · * Transactions * · * Entertainment * · * Family * · * Food & Drink * · * Health * · * Music * · * News * · * Politics * · * Science * · * Sports * · * Technology * · * Travel *
Add friends on Twitter. Find a few people (from your "friends on duty" list) you want to hear from.
You can skip this step (by selecting "friends later, in your account from the Profile menu item") by clicking on the button - Next Step: Friends.

If you would like to tell Twitter your password mailbox, for example on Gmail - click the button - Gmail or other postal service. At the beginning of 2011, Twitter did not collect addresses and passwords from your electronic mailboxes, allegedly Russian, mail servers- Mail, QIP, Yandex, Rambler (all of the above are owned by foreigners).
When you select a service, a secure login window will open in front of you; you need to allow Twitter to see contacts from your address book. In turn, you will only see users who have allowed them to be found by email address. The Twitter administration will ask you to believe - "Don't worry: we won't share information about your contacts with anyone or send messages without your consent." That is, it is possible that having addresses and passwords will not read your email messages.

Enter your mailbox name and password for your Google account.

Skip this step by clicking Skip import ) . See above.

Sending SMS messages to Twitter. Sometimes Twitter is called "Internet SMS"

You can post to Twitter blogs from via SMS messages - first find out how much it costs.
Servers are located in Englewood (California).

Mobile version of Twitter.

Using the mobile version of Twitter. The mobile version of Twitter is supported on all phones with a web browser.

To access mobile Twitter versions A phone with a web browser is required. From the menu on most phones, you can access a web browser and open it to the URL (web address) To save time, add the twitter website to your phone's bookmarks list.

mobile version