23 has an email address. Temporary mail

Purpose of the lesson. Studying information technology creating a mailbox and working with email (or e-mail in English).

Brief information. To work with email, you need:

Mailbox– a place where letters will be folded;

email address – the address to which letters will be sent to you. The address looks like: mailbox_name@mail_stateserver_address. The address cannot contain spaces and must contain the @ symbol;

username, sometimes called account or login - what comes before the @ symbol in an email address;

password – the password to access your mailbox, since the mailbox is password protected so that no one else except you has access to it.

Task 30.1. Create your own mailbox.

Brief information. You can get a mailbox (and more than one) by registering on the server of one of the free mail services. There are several such services on the Internet. The most popular services are Hotmail, Yahoo, Inbox.ru, Land.ru, Mail.ru. The last three are Russian services.

Operating procedure

1. Enter in address bar Russian free postal address Mail services– www.mail.ru and press the key. Wait for the page to load (Figure 30.1).

Rice. 30.1. Page of the free mail service mail.ru

3. Following the instructions, register your mailbox (Fig. 30.2). As a result, you will receive your mailbox address, for example [email protected].

4. For further work, it is important to remember two things: your login and password, because every time you log into postal system from your computer or any other, the password and login are entered into the appropriate fields.

Brief information. The password is entered exactly as during registration, observing upper and lowercase letters, always in the same case and in the same language.

Task 30.2. Sending a letter by email.

1. Log in to mail.ru again, enter your password and login, you will see a mailbox (Fig. 30.3). Immediately after registration, there will be no letters in your mailbox, unless Internet services congratulate you on purchasing a mailbox.

2. Create a new letter and send it to yourself. To create a letter, click the button Write a letter. A field will appear for entering the recipient’s coordinates and below there will be space for entering the text of the letter (Fig. 30.4). Enter your address as the addressee, enter any text of the letter and click the button Send.

3. If necessary, save the letter by checking the “Save a copy” checkbox. Finish with postal service by pressing a button Exit.

Task 30.3. Receive a letter by email.

1. Log in to mail.ru again, enter your password and login, you will see your mailbox. Now there is definitely a letter in your inbox that you sent to yourself, and the number next to the “Inbox” folder shows the number of new letters.

2. Click the button Inbox, to access letters. You will see a list of letters. Open the incoming letter with a mouse click.

3. Reply to your letter using the button Answer(Fig. 30.5). Attach a file to the letter.

4. Send the letter and finish working with the postal service by clicking on the button Exit.

Task 30.4. Studying the MS program interface Outlook Express.

1. Launch MS Outlook Express (if standard installation execute the program Start/Programs/MS Outlook Express). If the computer is not connected to the Internet, then at startup you will first be prompted to establish a connection to the organization

Rice. 30.2. Mailbox registration form

Rice. 30.3. Mailbox on mail.ru

Rice. 30.4. Creating a letter on mail.ru

Rice. 30.5. Reply to a letter on mail.ru

providing access to the Internet. Connect or select offline mode.

2. Study the program interface. Elements of the main Internet windows Explorer consists of a main menu, a toolbar with pictographic menu buttons, and a status bar (Fig. 30.6).

Task 30.5. Setting up the Outlook Express mail program.

Operating procedure

1. Launch Outlook Express. Select menu Service/Accounts. A window will appear Online accounts.

Rice. 30.6. Interface Internet programs Explorer

On the tab Mail click the button Add and indicate the item Mail.

2. A window will appear in which you need to fill out the column Your name. Enter your name there, it will be displayed in the field From: all your letters.

3. In the window that appears, enter your email address. Click the button Further.

4. Then you need to specify servers for working with mail.

In the “Incoming message server” line, select POPZ. In the line “Pop or imap server for incoming messages” enter pop3.east.ru.

In the “Server for outgoing messages” line, enter smtp.east.ru. Click the button Further.

5. Specify your account and password.

In the "POP Account" column, enter what appears in your email address before the @ symbol.

In the “Password” column, enter your password for working with email. Click the button Further.

6. Enter a name account. Enter the name that is convenient for you or leave the default name given by the program. Click the button Further.

7. Specify the connection type. Depending on how you connect to the Internet, select by phone or via local network. Click the button Further.

8. In case you are connecting via telephone line, you may be offered a choice of one of the telephone connections. Select the one you use to access the Internet. Click the button Ready.

Note. If you have problems setting up your email program, contact technical support.

Task 30.6. Creation email in MS Outlook Express.

You can create a letter using the button Create. After clicking this button, a new letter is created with empty fields. You can attach a file to a letter using the button Attach.

After the letter has been created, it can be Send– the letter goes to the recipient if you are connected to the Internet. If there is no connection to the Internet, then the letter is sent to a special folder for letters intended for sending.

You can reply to an already sent email using the button Answer. When you click on this button, the following will be added to the subject of the email: Answer: Re and the body of the letter itself will be quoted, that is, the symbol > will be added to the beginning of each line of the original letter.

You can delete an unnecessary letter using the button Delete– moving the highlighted letter of the current folder to the “Deleted Items” folder.

Operating procedure

1. Click the mouse in the upper left corner of the mail program on the list button next to the button Create a message(select the “Form selection” option) (Fig. 30.7). Select the design of the form, for example – “Antique”.

2. A new window for writing a letter opens on top of the mail program window (Fig. 30.8).

Rice. 30.7. Selecting a form for an email

Rice. 30.8. Window for creating an email “Detailed letter”

3. In the upper half of the letter window, fill in the lines: “To”, “Cc”, “Hidden” and “Subject”.

In field To whom enter email mailing address the person to whom the letter will be sent, for example an abstract address - [email protected].

In field Subject write a short line that captures the meaning of the letter, such as “Test letter.”

If you enter the address in the field Hidden then the recipient will not know that such copies have been sent to anyone else.

4. After filling in the addressing fields, click the mouse at the bottom of the letter window so that a text cursor appears there - a blinking vertical line. Type the text of the letter. Using the buttons on the text formatting panel, change the size, style and color of the font of the letter text.

5. Click on the button labeled Send– the window will close.

Task 30.7. Sending an email in MS Outlook Express.

Operating procedure

1. When you click the button Send, then the prepared letter ends up in the “outbox” folder and lies there waiting. And only when all the letters are ready to be sent, click on the button labeled “Deliver mail.” In this case, the letters will be sent to the outgoing mail server.

Brief information. Receiving and sending mail are completely independent. For example, the size of the letter you send is in no way dependent on the size of your mailbox, because the letter does not go into the mailbox when sent. Please note that the purpose of the incoming and outgoing mail servers is different. Mail is received from the incoming mail server, and mail is sent from the outgoing server.

2. When finished, close MS Outlook Express.

All letters are sorted into folders. They are called differently in different email programs, but the meaning is usually the same. This is what they are called in Outlook Express.

Inbox folder – contains incoming mail.

Outbox folder – contains messages that are ready to be sent, but have not yet been sent. They can be sent by clicking the button Deliver in the mail program menu.

The “Deleted Items” folder in email programs has its own trash bin. Deleted messages do not end up in the general trash, they end up in the “Deleted Items” folder. Don't forget to empty this trash can.

Depending on your email program, there may be additional folders.

Additional tasks

Task 30.8.

Create a mailbox on mail server http://mail.yandex.ru

Task 30.9.

Send yourself a letter congratulating yourself on mastering your first email techniques (to the mailbox created in task 29.8). Create a response to your letter.


1. Artamonov V.S., Kashenkov D. B., Serebryakov E. S. Personal computer for beginners. – St. Petersburg: Gerda Publishing House, 2001.

2. Bekarevzh Yu., Pushkina N. Microsoft Access 2000: Tutorial. – St. Petersburg: BHV-St. Petersburg, 2001.

3. Vetrova A. Techniques for rational work with office programs // Accountant and Computer. – 2001. – No. 11.

4. Vetrova A. About the “usefulness” of Microsoft Excel // Accountant and computer. – 2001. – No. 12.

5. Vetrova A. Techniques for working with text editor MS Word // Accountant and computer. – 2002. – No. 2.

6. Vlasenko WITH, Malenkova A. Word-97 in questions and answers. – St. Petersburg: “BHV-St. Petersburg”, 1997.

7. Dyachenko A. Computer for the office//Accountant and computer. – 2002. - No. 4.

8. Efimova O., Morozov V. Computer technology course: Proc. allowance. – M.: Publishing house ABF, 1998.

9. Eastabrook Noel. Master the Internet on your own in 24 hours. – M.: Binom, 1998.

10. Konyukhovsksh P.V., Kolesov D.N. Economic informatics. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

11. Kotsyubinsky A.O., Troshev S.V.Microsoft Office XP. – M.: Triumph Publishing House, 2001:

12. Krupnik A. Search on the Internet. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.

13. Levin A. Self-instruction manual useful programs. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.

14. Levin A. A short tutorial on how to use a computer. – M.: A. Levin Publishing House, 2001.

15. Mikheeva E., Rogov V. Let's dive into the Windows environment//Nutrition and Society. – 2001. – No. 9.

16. Mikheeva E., Rogov V. My first document//Nutrition and Society. – 2001. – No. 10.

17. Olifer V.G., Olifer N.A. Computer networks. Principles, technologies, protocols. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

18. Prokusheva A.P. Economics of computer science. – M.: Publishing house “Dashkov and K 0”, 2001.

19. Robinson S. Microsoft Access 2000: Textbook. well. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

20. Stone M. David, Pur Alfred. Your PC//Problems and solutions: Translated from English. – M.: Publishing house Economy, 2001.

21. Stotsky Yu. Self-instruction manual for Office 2000. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 1999.

22. Trubochkina N.K. Internet for beginners: Textbook. allowance. – M.: UMK Ministry of Railways of Russia, 1999.

23. Halvorson M., Young M. Effective work with Microsoft Office 2000. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

24. Shafrin Yu. Information Technology. – M.: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge, 2000.

25. Economic Informatics: Textbook / Ed. P.V. Konyukhovsky, D.N. Kolesov. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

26. Yakubaitis E.A. Information networks and systems: Reference book. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 1998.

27. Yakushina E. We study the Internet, create a Web page. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.

28. Microsoft Office 2000: Reference / Ed. Yu. Kolesnikova. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 1999.

PREFACE................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ..... 1

Section 1 BASICS OF WORKING IN THE WINDOWS ENVIRONMENT.................................................... ........................................................ ................................................... 2

Practical work 1................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................ 2

Topic: ORGANIZATION OF WORK ON PC. OPERATING THE PC KEYBOARD.................................................... ........................................... 2

Practical work 2................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................ 7

Topic: ORGANIZATION OF WORK IN THE WINDOWS ENVIRONMENT. CREATING AND DELETING SHORTECTS.................................................................... ....... 7

Practical work 3................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ...................................... 12

Topic: CUSTOMIZING THE WINDOWS USER INTERFACE. “MY COMPUTER” WINDOW.............................................. 12

Practical work 4................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ .................................... 17

Topic: WORKING WITH FILES AND DIRECTORIES IN THE EXPLORER PROGRAM................................................... .................................... 17

Practical work 5................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ...................................... 20

Topic: PLACING, SEARCHING AND SAVING INFORMATION. ANTI-VIRUS PROTECTION....................................... 20

Section 2 STANDARD WINDOWS PROGRAMS.................................................... ........................................................ ........................................... 24

Practical work 6................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................... 24

Topic: BASICS OF GRAPHIC IMAGE PROCESSING.................................................... ........................................................ ............ 24

Practical work 7................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................... 29

Topic: MULTIPROGRAMMING MODE IN WINDOWS ENVIRONMENT................................................... ............................................... 29

Practical work 8................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ...................................... thirty

Topic: INTEGRATED WORK WITH INFORMATION IN THE WINDOWS ENVIRONMENT................................................... ............................................. thirty

Section 3 CREATION OF TEXT DOCUMENTS IN MS WORD-2000................................................... ........................................................ ........ 31

Practical work 9................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ .................................... 31

Topic: CREATION OF DOCUMENTS IN MS WORD EDITOR. FORMATTING FONT.................................................... 31

Practical work 10................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ................................... 37

Topic: FORMULATION OF PARAGRAPHS OF DOCUMENTS. HEADER FOOTER................................................... ........................................................ 37

Practical work 11................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ................................... 41

Topic: CREATING AND FORMATTING TABLES IN MS WORD.................................................... ........................................................ ............. 41

Practical work 12................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ................................... 46

Topic: CREATING LISTS IN TEXT DOCUMENTS.................................................... ........................................................ ............... 46

Practical work 13................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ................................... 49

Topic: COLUMNS. LETTER CAPITAL. FORMATTING REGISTERS.................................................... ........................................................ ...... 49

Practical work 14................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ................................... 52

Topic: INSERTING OBJECTS INTO A DOCUMENT. PREPARATION FOR PRINTING.................................................... ........................................... 52

Practical work 15................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ................................... 56

Topic: INTEGRATED USE OF MS WORD CAPABILITIES TO CREATE TEXT DOCUMENTS.......................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................ 56

Section 4................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ................... 59

CALCULATIONS IN ELECTRONIC TABLES MS EXCEL-2000................................................... ........................................................ ........................... 59

Practical work 16................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ................................... 59

Topic: ORGANIZATION OF CALCULATIONS IN MS EXCEL TABLE PROCESSOR................................................... .................................... 59

Practical work 17................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ................................... 64

Topic: CONSTRUCTION AND FORMATTING DIAGRAMS IN MS EXCEL.................................................... ................................................... 64

Practical work 18................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ................................... 70

Topic: USING FUNCTIONS IN MS EXCEL CALCULATIONS.................................................... ........................................................ ............... 70

Practical work 19................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ................................... 75

Topic: RELATIVE AND ABSOLUTE ADDRESSING MS EXCEL................................................... ........................................................ .. 75

Practical work 20................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ................................... 77

Topic: DATA FILTERING AND CONDITIONAL FORMATTING IN MS EXCEL................................................... ........................... 77

Practical work 21................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ................................... 80

Topic: COMPREHENSIVE USE.................................................... ........................................................ ................................................... 80

MS EXCEL POSSIBILITIES FOR CREATION OF DOCUMENTS.................................................... ........................................................ .......... 80

Section 5 INTRODUCTION TO MS ACCESS-2000 DBMS.................................................... ........................................................ ............................................... 83

Practical work 22..................................................................................................................................................................................... 83

Topic: DATABASE DESIGN IN MS ACCESS DBMS.................................................... ........................................................ ............ 83

Practical work 23................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ................................... 89


Practical work 24................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ................................... 95


Practical work 25................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ................................... 99

Topic: WORKING WITH DATA AND CREATING REPORTS IN THE MS ACCESS DBMS................................................... ............................................... 99

Practical work 26................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ................................ 103

Topic: INTEGRATED WORK WITH MS ACCESS DBMS OBJECTS.................................................... ........................................................ ... 103

Section 6................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ .................... 103

CREATING A PRESENTATION IN MS POWER POINT-2000.................................................... ........................................................ ........................... 103

Practical work 27 Topic: DEVELOPMENT OF PRESENTATION IN MS POWER POINT.................................................... ....................... 103

Practical work 28................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ................................ 110

Topic: SETTING EFFECTS AND DEMONSTRATING A PRESENTATION IN MS POWER POINT...................................... ................. 110

Section 7 BASICS OF ORGANIZING WORK ON THE INTERNET.................................................... ........................................................ .................... 113

Practical work 29................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ................................ 113

Topic: SEARCHING FOR INFORMATION ON THE GLOBAL INTERNET.................................................... ........................................................ ...... 113

Practical work 30................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ................................ 118

Subject: EMAIL (E-Mail)............................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ .......... 118

Don't want to share your real email address? Tired of endless spam in your inbox? Temporary mail for 10 minutes will be the solution to these problems.

Our reliable and free service allows you to create a quick temporary email anonymously and without registration. Temporary mailboxes have a short lifespan - from 10 minutes to 10 days. Use them when registering on websites, create several accounts on social networks and don’t worry about security and anonymity.

Who needs a service for creating temporary mail and why?

There are many advantages of the service. You yourself know about them or guess, since you are on our website.

But it would not be superfluous to clarify that temporary mail is extremely necessary:

    If you work in the field of SMM (social media marketing), to create several accounts on social networks.

    If you don’t want to “shine” your real Email address on various Internet resources.

    If you want to remain anonymous on the Internet, but access to some sites and services requires registration.

    If you do not want to receive spam and annoying mailings to your main mailbox.

    If there is a need to correspond with the respondent while remaining anonymous.


Thanks to temporary mail, you can remain anonymous always and everywhere. For example, you wanted to register on some forum or portal, but you do not want to reveal your real Email address. Then Crazymailing is perfect for you.

Spam protection

When creating accounts on various sites, there is a potential risk of becoming a victim of an attack by hackers who can instantly steal your personal data and use it to your detriment without your knowledge. There is nothing easier than introducing a virus through a letter to your computer or mobile phone, even if there is good antivirus. A temporary mailbox minimizes the risk of losing personal data and ensures the security of your computer and mobile device. Temporary mail will the best solution this problem, which will protect you as much as possible from unwanted spam while maintaining complete anonymity.

Forwarding letters to a real email address

We have provided the ability to send a letter from a temporary address to your real mailbox. This option is useful for users who want to receive letters from different sites without showing their real email address.

Chrome browser app

Install the application in your browser and use temporary email addresses without going to the site itself. Just click on the Crazymailing icon in the right top corner browser, and in a second a window will appear with a new temporary Email address. In the same window you will receive notifications about received letters.


Temporary mail can not only receive letters, but also send them! No one except you can view the contents of letters! Your safety is under control.

1 account and 10 email addresses!

Log in to the website using the method convenient for you social network(Facebook, Vkontakte, Google+, Twitter, etc.) and get access to manage up to 10 temporary email addresses. Delete old ones and add new ones, extend the period of activity of mailboxes, redirect letters to your main mailbox - customization exclusively for your needs!

By the way, the service is absolutely free! Use it!

Nowadays, no one can do without email. Network communication has become widespread. Many issues - both business and personal - are resolved in this way. It's convenient, fast and doesn't require much effort. This method of information exchange is available to every user who has a computer and the Internet. Therefore, it is important to know what an email address is and how to write it correctly. Thanks to this service, you can quickly contact someone, send important documents, or simply chat with a person who is far from you.

We will tell you how to become the owner of a mailbox on the Internet

Electronic Mail (e-mail) services are used everywhere. Each organization or institution, along with other contacts, always has an email address. Any PC user should have it. Without it, you cannot register on websites, subscribe to mailing lists, or gain access to closed resources and forums. It is also needed for some programs to work.

This spread of email is due to the fact that services for sending messages are accessible and understandable to every person. They appeared a long time ago, but still remain relevant. Not needed for email powerful computer or fast internet. There are many different sites where you can register it. Everyone has a different interface and functionality, so there are options for every taste. If you don’t like online services, install special utilities on your computer - email clients.

The e-mail address is unique for each user. It's like a phone number or a zip code - no two are alike.

You can send messages of any length and add attachments to them: files, pictures, documents. Such a letter will be delivered instantly. Most email services have a huge range of text formatting tools. Various fonts, styles, colors, background insertion, and pictures are available. You can send the real one greeting card. And the recipient will see it on the same day.

What does an e-mail address consist of?

E-mail has a clear structure and is formed in a certain way. It consists of several elements. The elements themselves may vary, but they must be written in Latin letters. It is acceptable to use numbers, punctuation marks and some other symbols. This is the generally accepted standard. This is what the email address looks like: “login@domain”. Let's look at each part of the address in more detail.

The structure of an email address is not that complicated

  • Login (login). This is your username or "nickname". Unique identificator, by which the system for receiving and sending messages will calculate that this is your e-mail. You have to come up with it yourself. It can be anything, the main thing is that it does not coincide with a nickname that already exists in postal service. When registering an email, a warning “This login is already taken” or something similar may appear. Then you need to come up with and write down another name. It is not necessary to change it completely - just add some numbers or symbols to it to make it unique.
  • Next comes the separator character “@”. It is called "Commercial at" or simply "Dog". On the keyboard it is located in the same place as the button with the number “2” (you can type it in the English layout). This sign is required in all e-mails - it stands between the login and the domain. IN different countries it is called by different names. For example, in Finland it is “Cat” or “Cat’s tail”, in Italy it is “Snail”, in Bulgaria it is “Monkey”, in the USA it is simply “at”. On public Internet resources, this symbol is sometimes replaced with “at” in parentheses. This is done so that the address does not end up in spambot databases. When sending messages, you must replace “at” with “@”.
  • Domen (domain). URL of the service where the e-mail is registered. This can be a corporate or any free site (for example, mail.ru or gmail.com). Many resources offer several domain options. You cannot invent it yourself - you can only choose it. Many organizations create their own domains, but this comes at a cost.

See how to write an email address with a specific example: “ [email protected]», « [email protected]».

How to register an email?

Several sites with the function of free e-mail registration:

  • Yandex
  • Gmail
  • Rambler

Viewing your inbox on Google is quite convenient

They're not just for composing email. Each of them has a huge range of informational, entertaining or simply useful services. To obtain a personal address, you must do the following:

  1. Go to the resource.
  2. There will be a button “Create an account”, “Register”, “Register email” or something similar.
  3. Fill in the fields. Usually you need to write your name, desired login, indicate a security question and answer to it, and set a password. If you don’t want to enter your real name, you can replace it with a nickname. But in an e-mail that is needed for work or some official business, it is better to write correct user data so that it is displayed in messages to your clients, colleagues and employers.
  4. It is advisable to make the password complex. Not related to login, name, date of birth or anything similar. So that it cannot be picked up.
  5. The login may consist of letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers or special characters. If you enter an invalid character, the system will warn you about it.
  6. Confirm your registration.

Dialogue for creating a mailbox in one of the systems

Large organizations register their own domains. It looks presentable. Serious companies prefer not to use free e-mail services.

If you don't know how to come up with an email address, try something like this:

  • Last name with initials or abbreviated full name. You can add numbers, dots, dashes, and underscores. Convenient for business communication. From the login it is immediately clear who it belongs to.
  • A nickname that you often use on the Internet. Those who know you by this nickname will be able to recognize your email at first glance.
  • In some services, the address is automatically generated from your name (if you specified it). The system will offer several logins to choose from. If one of them suits you, use it.
  • It's better to create a nickname that is easy to remember. You should not specify an incoherent set of letters or numbers if you intend to use the service in the future for communication or work.

How to send an email?

Do you want to send something by e-mail? It's very easy to do.

  1. Log in to your email site or launch your email client.
  2. Click the New Email button. It may be called differently.
  3. In the To field, enter your address.
  4. In the Subject field, briefly describe what your message is about. The first thing the recipient will see is the sender's email and this subject.
  5. The largest field is for the body (content) of the letter.
  6. When finished, click on “Submit”.

Webmail interface various services approximately the same

It’s quite easy to figure out how a user’s email address is generated. It consists of three parts: login, @ separator character and domain name. These elements are fixed and cannot be swapped. Each email is a unique set of characters; no two are alike. You can come up with a login, you can just choose a domain from the proposed options. The address must consist of Latin letters, numbers or some symbols.

Nowadays, email is needed everywhere: making an appointment with a doctor, buying tickets online, registering on social networks. Therefore, I will tell you how to quickly and freely create a new mailbox on Mail.ru

Registering a mailbox on Mail.ru

To register, go to the website mail.ru(enter into your browser's address bar). A page will open with a special form in the upper left corner.

Start of registration in mail ru mail

Registering a new mailbox on mail.ru

The page opens Registration. There is nothing difficult about filling out the registration form. First name 1, last name 2, date of birth 3 are required, but no one will check whether you wrote honestly or not. You select your gender by switching button 4.

How to choose a mailbox name (mail address)

In the line Desired mailing address 5, options for email names will appear, compiled automatically, taking into account your first name, last name, and date of birth. You can choose from the list provided, or you can choose a good name yourself.

The name must be 4-31 characters. In addition to Latin (English) letters, you can use numbers, underscores (_), a period, or a hyphen (-), but the name of the mailbox cannot begin with these characters. Be prepared for the fact that the simple name you want to use is already taken and you will receive a response that “A mailbox with the same name already exists.”

You can choose a mailbox name in four domains: mail.ru, inbox.ru, list.ru, bk.ru. Yours Email, depending on this, may look like this: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].

If in the same domain beautiful name busy, then check in other domains. To do this, click on the domain that is visible in window 6 (in my example - bk.ru), a list of four domains will open, and you select the one you like from the list. When you finish choosing the name of the mailbox, proceed to entering the password.

How to choose a strong password for your mailbox

If you are going to use e-mail for a long time and for serious purposes, then password 7 should be strong. Russian letters are not allowed. And while we love to use meaningful words, it's best not to. If your password is hacked, you will not only lose your emails, but it will also be difficult for you to get your mailbox back.

The password must consist of at least 6 characters, but it should not consist of only numbers. It must contain English letters, numbers, and symbols (for example: $, %, #). Letters must be used, both lowercase and uppercase. As you type, hints will change to the right of the password: Not strong password , average password , strong password . Make sure your password is strong - then you can sleep peacefully!

To make sure that you entered the password correctly, in the next field 8, enter the same password again. After this, immediately write down your email account name and password in notebook before we forget!

Enter your mobile phone number

Field Phone 9 must be filled in in case you forget your password and cannot access your mailbox. Anticipate such a nuisance!

To do this, select your country from the drop-down list and enter the number mobile phone. Within a minute you will receive a message with a confirmation code.

Enter the confirmation code

Enter the Code received via SMS in the appropriate field and click Continue.

How to register a mailbox without a mobile phone?

If you do not want to indicate your mobile phone number, then click the link I don’t have a mobile phone 10. An additional field will open. In this field, enter an additional e-mail, if you have one, and click the Continue button. . In principle, you don’t have to specify anything, but keep in mind that if your password is hacked or lost, it will be difficult for you to get your mailbox back.

When you register mail without a phone number, a window will appear in which you need to enter the code from the picture. For such cases, I keep a magnifying glass on hand. And, anyway, you have to click the link 2-3 times. I don’t see the code to update the picture to a more legible one!

Registration without a mobile phone

Have you entered the code? Now click the Continue button, and you will find yourself in your new mailbox. There you will receive 3 letters from the Mail.ru Team with congratulations and recommendations for working with email.

Although no! You'll see the contents of your new mailbox, but a setup window will appear in front of it.

Setting up your new mailbox on mail ru in 3 steps

So, I’m showing you how to quickly complete your mail setup.

Step 1. Upload a photo and create a signature

In the first step, a window will appear allowing you to upload your photo and create a signature that will be inserted into every email you send. After these steps, click the Save button. However, if you don’t have the photo at hand, and you haven’t decided on the signature yet, then click on the Skip button and you will find yourself on the next step.

Step 2. Select a theme for your mailbox

The second step is to choose a theme that will decorate your mailbox while you work with letters. Having selected the theme you like, click the Save button. You can click the Skip button - then all that remains is Classic theme. As I see, for most users, this is exactly what remains.

Step 3: Install mobile app Mail.ru

The third step suggests installing a mobile application from Mail.ru. If you register on a smartphone, you can immediately press the button App Store or Google play(depending on your smartphone model) and install the application on your phone.

If you create a mailbox on a PC or laptop, then it’s okay! As soon as you have a smartphone, you can install the mail ru application and, using your login and password, link your email to this application.

Now click the Finish button, and you will find yourself in your new mailbox. Write and send your letters, receive and re-read letters from friends!

Mail mail registration - video tutorial on registering and setting up a mailbox

The video tutorial shows how to register an e-mail on the popular Mail ru mail server, Video 2017 from the Virtual Computer Academy

  1. Find the registration page in mail
  2. How to choose an email address name?
  3. Enter a strong password!
  4. We receive a confirmation code via SMS.
  5. We go to our mailbox.