Remove the header and footer from all pages except the first one. Removing headers and footers in MS Word

Microsoft Word- this is one of the most popular programs to work with electronic documents, included in . It hides a huge number of different possibilities. Well, some of these possibilities entail various questions. Today we will tell you how to remove headers and footers in Microsoft document Word 2010.

First, let's remember what headers and footers are. A header and footer is a line that is located at the edge of the typing bar. May contain a title, author's name and other information. In a Microsoft Word document, this line is most often .

First of all, you need to open the header and footer work area. To do this, you need to left-click either on the top area or on the bottom area of ​​the page. After this, the section " Working with headers and footers".

Here you will need to check the box " Special header and footer for the first page". After this, the headers and footers from the first page of the document will be completely removed.

But if you need to remove headers and footers not on the first page, then you need to do it differently. The first thing you need to do here is add a section break. To do this, go to the tab " Page layout"and here on the menu" Section breaks"you need to click on the item" Next page ". It looks like this.

Next, open the area for working with headers and footers. To do this, double-click with the left mouse button in the lower or top corner pages. Next you need to click on " As in the previous section". Thus, you disable the connection between sections.

Now all you have to do is click on the " Page header" or " footer". Accordingly, to remove headers and footers, you must click on the corresponding buttons, namely " Remove header" or " Remove footer". At the end you need to click on the button " Close the header and footer window".

Headers and footers in Word documents can be headers and footers, that is, placed at the top of the page or at the bottom. The font in them is usually lighter compared to the main font of the document. They may contain numbered pages, contact information or the title of the book and the name of the author. If headers and footers take up a large part of the page and they are not needed, then they can be removed.

Users may encounter a problem: how to hide the header and footer in MS Word. This article will show you how to do this.

Removing all headers and footers

Removing both header and footer can be done in 2 ways, each of which we will consider below.

Method 1: via tape

This method is performed using the top panel of an MS Word document.

Method 2: Using a cursor

This method is simpler than Method 1 described and involves the following operations.

  1. First, move the mouse cursor over the header and footer text and double-click the left mouse button. A window will pop up "Constructor", where in the section "Header and footer" select a line "Page header".

  2. The next action is similar to the second step of method 1. Click on the inscription "Page header" and then to the line "Remove Header".

  3. To remove a footer in the text, double-click on the footer label. At the same time, in the window "Constructor" a group appears "Header and footer"

  4. Now we move the mouse over "Footer" and select the line "Remove Footer".

Removing a header and footer from a title page

Sometimes you need to hide the header and footer from the original page of text. This section will show you step by step how to perform such an operation.

Now you can freely hide headers and footers on the pages of a document created using the MS Word office program.

Removing a header and footer from different pages

This section will demonstrate how to remove headers and footers from different pages.

Method 1: from even pages

To perform this task we use the mouse.

Method 2: on any page

This section presents step-by-step instruction to hide headers and footers on any page.

  1. Click at the top of the page where you want to hide the footer and activate the tab "Page layout".

  2. Click on record "Breaks" and select the line "Next page".

  3. After this you need to do it with the mouse double click along the footer of the selected sheet and on the tab "Constructor" click on the icon "Same as previous section".

  4. The next step is to select an entry "Page header" and click on the line "Remove Header".

  5. When finished, double-click on the page.

To remove the footer, repeat all operations, but only with the footer.


After studying all the sections on removing headers and footers, you will be able to configure without any problems appearance document that is easy to use.

A footer in the Word editor is a special auxiliary page element that contains information about the document (page, title, logo, author, etc.). Does not relate to the main text, performs exclusively design functions. Depending on the location on the page, a distinction is made between the header and footer.

This article will tell you how to remove a header and footer in Word. different ways on one page (selectively) and on all.

Removing headers and footers in a document

Method #1

1. Double-click the left mouse button on the header you want to delete (footer or header).

2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor over the footer content to highlight it.

3. Press the Delete key. The text and image in the footer field will disappear.

4. To go to the text, double-click on it with the left button or click the “Close footer window” button in the top panel.

If the header and footer was created as a table, delete its data as follows:

1. Go to the field (double click), select the content.

2. Click right click according to the text.

3. B context menu Click "Delete table".

Method #2

1. Open the “Insert” section in the Word menu by clicking the mouse.

2. Click the “Header” or “Footer...” button (depending on where it is placed on the sheet).

3. In the panel that opens, under template layouts, click the “Delete” command.

How to remove from the first sheet of a document?

1. Double-click the first page footer.

2. In the Word menu, on the “Designer” tab, click on the box next to the “Special footer...” add-on.

Note. After performing this operation, the contents of the information field on the first sheet will be automatically deleted. It can be left blank or changed (indicate other data different from subsequent pages).

How to delete on other pages?

1. Place the cursor in the area of ​​the project where you want to create a sheet without a header (for example, on the last page of a chapter).

2. On the “Page Layout” tab, click the mouse to open the “Breaks” submenu.

3. Select Next Page.

4. Now that the text is divided into sections, double-click on the header and footer field (on the page where you want to remove it).

5. In the “Designer” section, by clicking the left button, disable the “Same as in the previous section” setting in order to remove the connection between sections.

6. Click the "Footer" or "Header..." button.

7. Click “Delete...”.

8. Double-click on the text to exit the edit field.

Have fun working in Word!

A header and footer is a line located at the edge of the typing bar on paper or in documents. In the standard understanding of this term, the footer contains the heading, the name of the work (document), the name of the author, part number, chapter or paragraph. A footer is placed on all pages; this applies equally to printed books and text documents, including Microsoft files Word.

A footer in Word is an empty area of ​​the page on which the main text of the document or any other data does not and cannot be located. These are a kind of page boundaries, the distance from the top and bottom edges of the sheet to the place where the text begins and/or ends. Headers and footers in Word are set by default, and their sizes can vary and depend on the preferences of the author or the requirements for a particular document. However, sometimes a header and footer is not needed in a document, and this article will discuss how to remove it.

Note: As usual, we remind you that the instructions described in this article are shown using the example of Microsoft Office Word 2016, but at the same time it applies to everyone previous versions this program. The material presented below will help you remove the header and footer in Word 2003, 2007, 2010 and newer versions.

The requirements for many documents are such that the first page, which is the title page, must be created without headers and footers.

1. To open the header and footer tools, double-click in an empty area of ​​the sheet whose header and footer you want to remove.

2. In the tab that opens "Constructor" located in the main tab "Working with headers and footers" check the box opposite "Special footer for the first page".

3. Headers and footers will be removed from this page. Depending on what you need, you can leave this area empty or add another header and footer exclusively for this page.

To close the window for working with headers and footers, you need to click on the corresponding button on the right side of the toolbar or double-click the left mouse button on the area with text on the sheet.

How to remove headers and footers not on the first page?

To remove headers and footers on pages other than the first (this could be, for example, the first page of a new section), you need to follow a slightly different procedure. The first step is to add a section break.

Note: It's important to understand that a section break is not a page break. If there is already a page break before the page from which you want to remove headers and footers, it should be removed, but a section break should be added. The instructions are given below.

1. Click in the place in the document where you want to create a page without headers and footers.

2. Go from the tab "Home" to the tab "Layout".

3. In a group "Page settings" find the button "Breaks" and expand its menu.

4. Select an item "Next page".

5. Now you need to open the header and footer mode. To do this, double-click the footer area at the top or bottom of the page.

6. Click "Same as previous section"- this will remove the connection between sections.

7. Now select the item "Footer" or "Page header".

8. In the drop-down menu, select the required command: "Remove Footer" or "Remove Header".

Note: If you need to remove both the header and footer, repeat the steps 5-8 .

9. To close the window for working with headers and footers, select the appropriate command (the last button on the control panel).

10. The header and/or footer on the first page following the break will be removed.

If you want to remove all headers and footers that follow the page break, double-click the header and footer area on the sheet where you want to remove it, then repeat the above steps 6-8 . If the headers and footers on even and odd pages are different, the steps will have to be repeated for each type of page separately.

That's all, now you know how to remove a header and footer in Word 2010 - 2016, as well as in earlier versions of this multifunctional program from Microsoft. We wish you only positive results in your work and training.

Programs that relate to Microsoft package Office, including Excel number and Word, provide each user with ample opportunities for editing various documents. Inscriptions that are printed on any sheet at the bottom or in the header relieve users of the need to enter information text twice. But there are also cases when this data is absolutely unnecessary on some pages, and therefore there is a need to erase it.

How to remove headers and footers in Word 2010

More than 10 years have passed since the release of the text editor. During this period of time Microsoft Office improved both externally and functionally. Working with various sections of Microsoft Word released in 2007, as well as 2010 and 2013, has become much more comfortable, although the visual differences from the previous version are enormous. However, in these programs you can perform the same actions, but using different methods.

Eg, to turn off headers and footers in Word 2010 release, you must follow these instructions:

  1. It doesn't take much effort to distinguish header data, which is common to the entire document or parts of it, from key text. The colors of the letters and any logos, if present, will not be so bright, slightly muted.
  2. Double-click on the inscription. You will not see a frame in this version; the dotted line acts as a border for the main text.
  3. A new submenu called “Designer” will appear on the taskbar. In this submenu you can edit the entry if necessary. But in order to remove information partially or completely, you will need to select the text and then press the Del key.

This method is suitable not only for Word 2010, but also for the 2007 version of the text editor. For these programs, in addition to the usual actions with headers and footers, other parameters have been added. For example, the “Express Blocks” submenu can help automate the procedure for inserting information and visually diversify the document. Among the available options, you can choose not only the lower or upper inscriptions, but also the side ones, located to the right or left of the marking.

Working with headers and footers

Quite often there are cases, especially when it comes to student work, when the document needs to be corrected only partially, leaving the main material unchanged. This is where questions regarding working with text editors Excel and Word. For those who are just starting to use the functionality of these programs, it is often unclear how to remove the header and footer from the second page, leaving it on others. But the capabilities of these widely used editors allow you to implement these and other similar actions.

Removing the header

The data located at the top is usually intended to convey some essential information: the name of the headings, coordinates. The information can be the same for all sections, or differ if necessary.

Area dedicated to headers, most often contains the following data:

  • Name of the organization;
  • job title;
  • Company `s logo;
  • name, address and telephone number of the creator;
  • document creation date;
  • short summary, quote.

When no additional information is needed and you need to delete it, this can help knowledge of the intricacies of the editor.

To remove a header in Word, use this method:

  1. Double-click the left mouse button, moving the cursor closer to the light text above.
  2. In the “Design” tab that appears, select the “Header” submenu on the left, and then go to the very bottom and select the “Delete” command.

The information found at the bottom of the document is much more common. There may be no informational data in the page header, but there is almost always a footer, especially for large files. This is explained by the fact that at the bottom of the sheet: in the center, on the left or on the right, the page numbers are located. Occasionally this information supplemented with the name of the author, the title of the section and the title of the work.

It is very easy to remove this information with sheet numbering . To do this, follow these instructions:

  1. Double click on the information at the bottom of the page.
  2. Select all unnecessary text and remove it using the Del button, or open the submenu called “Footer”, and then find the “Delete” command.

Header and footer on last page

Upon completion of writing a thesis or term paper, authors must indicate the sources used. A similar design is used for books or scientific works. The header data that was needed for previous sections is now out of place on the final sheet of the file. Therefore they have to be removed.

To solve the problem, follow this method:

  1. Place the cursor after the final sentence, find and click on the “Page Layout” tab, then select the “Breaks” submenu, after which you need to call the “Next Page” command.
  2. Find the headers and footers of the created final sheet and double-click on them.
  3. In the “Designer” section, which will open after clicking, you need to disable the “Same as in the previous section” option.
  4. Now click on “Delete” inside one of the submenus for the footer or header.
  5. Write the main text on the final page.

Removing the header and footer from the title page

The title page of each document is designed in a certain way. There should not be any unnecessary information, be it a page number or a section title. Newbies starting to work in Word should know that the procedure for removing unnecessary information from the first page can be automated.

This instruction will help you with this:

  1. Before creating the title page, position the mouse cursor before the beginning of the first sentence of the key text.
  2. Go to the “Page Layout” section, open the “Breaks” submenu and select “Next Page”.
  3. Double-click on the header and footer on the next sheet, which comes after the title sheet. Now you need to disable the “Same as in the previous section” option.
  4. Make a few clicks on the inscription, which is located on the first page, and then delete it (Del or using the appropriate submenu).


In our video you will find detailed instructions on removing headers and footers in MS Word.