Remove the login password in Windows 7. How to reset the password on Windows of any version

A password to log into the Windows operating system is, of course, wonderful, security and all that. However, if you are the only user of a computer or laptop that is in your home, then entering a password every time you turn it on can be tedious. I'll show you how to disable the password request in the Windows operating system.

If you FORGOT the administrator password in windows 10 - the caretaker is here. If you remember, then read on.

How to disable the login password request in Windows

This instruction is relevant for all latest versions of windows (7, 8, 8.1, 10)

Press the WIN + R keys and the following window appears where you need to copy the line:

control userpasswords2 or netplwiz

and click OK

Enter here control userpasswords2 or netplwiz

A list of computer users will open in the next window.

Select the user, than the password should be removed

I have only one user here, you may have several. Select the user for whom you want to enable automatic login and uncheck the “Require username and password” checkbox. Click OK

In the next window, enter the current password for this user. We repeat the input. Click OK.

Enter your password for automatic login

Everything worked out, the next time you turn on the computer you will not be prompted for a password.

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Welcome to my blog! I have already told you how to disable the password request when the system boots in Windows 7, in this article I want to tell users how to disable the Windows 8 password request that appears when the system boots. When installing Windows 8, the system persistently “asks” the user to enter a password for your account, and many users create a password. But if no one uses the computer except you, then such protection only gets in the way. Many users like to log in immediately and not have to enter their user password every time.

Windows 8 differs from previous versions in that it supports not only a local account, but also a Microsoft account, which allows users to download applications from the store and synchronize their documents for public use on different computers and some other useful features.

But such a service forces the user to constantly enter a password when logging in, and if you do not need an account with Microsoft, then both it and the password for logging into the system can be disabled. If you only have a local account, then the password request to log in can be easily disabled, just like in Windows 7.

To do this, you need to open the “User Accounts” window.

To open it, press the Win+R key combination and enter the command in the input window: control userpasswords2 or

In the next window, uncheck the “Require username and password” checkbox.

Then enter the username and password of the user whose login will be automatic. After this, the system will not ask you for a password when booting.

As you can see, everything is as simple as in previous versions of Windows, but it should be noted that this method will only work if you have a local account connected to the system. If you have connected a Microsoft account to the system, then this option will not help and you will still have to enter the password, since the system will ask for it. But this situation can be corrected and also very easily.

To cancel entering a password in this case, you need to disconnect your system account from your Microsoft account. To do this, click the “Start” button and go to the main system window.

You can do this by clicking on it in the lower left corner of the screen. But if you don’t have it there, then click it on the “miracle panel”.

You can open it like this:

1. Move your mouse cursor to the lower or upper right corner of the screen and in the menu that appears, click “Start”. 2. Press the Win key and in the menu that appears, click “Start”.

Then in the upper right corner, click LMB on your account and select “Change avatar” in the menu. In the new window, you will have a “Disconnect” link at the top, click it and disconnect your account from Microsoft.

In the next window, you can set a new name for your account, or you can leave the old one, but we do not touch the fields for entering passwords, but simply click “OK”.

But it also happens that you cannot disable the account or activate Windows, then you will not be able to remove the password request using these methods. But there is a way out. You just need to create a new account with administrator rights, without a password, and disable your old one. I will write how to do this in the next article, don’t miss the updates. Now you know how to disable Windows 8 password prompt.

Sincerely, Yuri Khripachev.

How to disable password prompt when logging into Windows XP - 10

Anton Maksimov, 02/10/2017

Quite often, when logging in, we are asked to enter the user password. This measure allows you to keep user data safe, preventing external intrusion. Of course, you can hack a password if you want, but it will require too much effort. In cases where it is not really necessary to protect data with a password, it can be disabled. But doing this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. This question is especially relevant for Windows 10 users, who have literally been transferred to Microsoft accounts and are required to enter a password every time they turn on. So, to disable the password when starting the operating system, you need to follow these simple steps.

For windows XP: Start -> Run and enter control userpasswords2 For windows 7/Vista: Start, enter netplwiz in the search field and press ENTER. For windows 8-10: Win+S, enter netplwiz in the search field and press ENTER.

Uncheck “Require username and password.”

After unchecking the box, click OK.

Enter the password twice.

After completing these three steps and rebooting, the system will no longer prompt for a password and will immediately log into the account whose data was entered in the last step. It is important to remember that a password ensures the security and safety of personal information. Therefore, you should not turn it off in cases where someone else is using the computer, or if it is located in a place where there are third parties who can access your personal information.

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How to disable the password prompt when starting the computer?

If you recently reinstalled Windows on your computer, then you probably already had to enter a password every time you started it. The first few times, this is not difficult to do.

But after a while, it gets boring and so today I want to show you a way to disable the password prompt when starting your computer.

Open the “Run” utility; this can be done in two ways: by opening the list of standard programs or by using the keyboard shortcut “Win ​​+ R”. Next, enter the query “control userpasswords2” and click OK. Now uncheck the “require username and password” checkbox. In the “users of this computer” field, select the account from which you want to disable requests for credentials (I have “Admin”). Now click "OK" button.
Next, you will need to enter the system password that you enter when you start the computer. It is important that it be exactly the same, because if you enter the wrong password, the system will still accept it. But the next time you run it, it will display an error stating that the specified data is incorrect and ask you to specify it again. So be careful with this. After entering the password, click the “OK” button and restart the computer. Now are you convinced that disabling the password request is not so difficult? And if you suddenly want to set a password for Windows 7, you can find out about this by clicking on the link. If you have any questions, you can contact me and I will be happy to answer them.

And finally, to protect your computer from hacking and other threats, you can find out how to change your account password in Windows. And now it’s time for me to leave, good mood to everyone and see you soon.

Setting a password on your computer is intended to ensure more reliable security of information on it. But sometimes, after installing code protection, the need for it disappears. For example, this may happen because the user managed to ensure that the PC is physically inaccessible to unauthorized persons. Of course, then the user may decide that it is not very convenient to always enter a key expression when starting the computer, especially since the need for such protection has virtually disappeared. Or there are situations when the administrator deliberately decides to provide access to the PC to a wide range of users. In these cases, the question becomes clear: how to remove the password. Let's consider the algorithm of actions to solve the problem posed on Windows 7.

Resetting the password, as well as setting it, is done in two ways, depending on whose account you are going to open for free access: the current profile or the profile of another user. In addition, there is an additional method that does not completely remove the code expression, but does not require you to enter it at login. Let's study each of these options in detail.

Method 1: Removing the password from the current profile

First, let's consider the option of removing the password from the current account, that is, the profile under whose name you are currently logged into the system. The user does not need to have administrator privileges to perform this task.

Method 2: Removing the password from another profile

Now let's move on to the issue of removing the password from another user, that is, from a different profile under which you are currently performing manipulations in the system. To perform this operation, you must have administrative rights.

  1. Go to the section "Control Panels" which is called "User Accounts and Security". How to perform this task was discussed in the first method. Click on the name "User accounts".
  2. In the window that opens, click on the item "Manage another account".
  3. A window opens with a list of all profiles that are registered on this PC, with their logos. Click on the name of the one from which you want to remove the code protection.
  4. In the list of actions that opens in a new window, click on the item "Deleting a password".
  5. A password removal window opens. There is no need to enter the key expression itself here, as we did in the first method. This is because any action on another account can only be performed by an administrator. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether he knows the key that another user has set for his profile or not, since he has the rights to carry out any actions on the computer. Therefore, to eliminate the need to enter a key expression when starting the system for the selected user, the administrator just needs to click the button "Remove password".
  6. After performing this manipulation, the code word will be reset, as evidenced by the absence of a status indicating its presence under the icon of the corresponding user.

Method 3: Disabling the need to enter a passphrase at login

In addition to the two methods discussed above, there is an option to disable the need to enter a code word when logging in without completely deleting it. To implement this option, you must have administrator rights.

In Windows 7, there are two methods for removing a password: for your own account and for another user's account. In the first case, it is not necessary to have administrative powers, but in the second, it is necessary. At the same time, the algorithm of actions for these two methods is very similar. In addition, there is an additional method that does not completely remove the key, but allows you to automatically log in without having to enter it. To use the latter method, you also need to have administrative rights on the PC.

Removing the password when logging into Windows 7 is quite simple. This will require a minimum amount of time and knowledge. This kind of operation usually takes no more than a couple of minutes.

This can be done in various ways: through a special console, command line, or by resetting key data from SAM. Each method has both its advantages and disadvantages.

Why set a password

It often happens that some important and confidential data is stored on the PC, access to which should be limited. Microsoft Windows makes it possible to easily limit the circle of people who have access to files on your computer by installing a special key. Each person can have his own if there are several users.

An access code is also required to protect information on the PC to different owners from each other. For example, this is often necessary for parents so that curious children are not able to get acquainted with some information that they are not entitled to.

Removing the password through the “Run” console

One of the easiest ways to disable entering an access key on the OS is by using the “Run” item. Accessing it is quite simple - just click on the “Start” button. Most often, the item in question is present on the right side of the window that opens.

Entering a command

To disable the function in question, you must enter a specific command. It will open a special applet that allows you to do this.

The process of entering the command is as follows:

  • open the Start button menu;
  • click on the “Run” item;
  • In the field that opens, write “control userpassword2”.

After completing these operations, a window called “User Accounts” will open.

It contains two tabs:

  • "Users";
  • "Additionally".

You need to focus your attention on the first tab. Since this is where all account settings are made, including changing the login, access key and other attributes. In addition, if desired, you can easily add new accounts or delete old ones.

Disabling the password

To disable Password, just open the corresponding window (“accounts” -> “users”). In it, you need to uncheck the box called “Require username and...”. In this simple way you can disable the need to enter Password.

Confirming the user

You can also completely disable the Microsoft Windows login window.

To do this, you need to do the following:

  • in the window called “Accounts”, double-click on the desired line (admin, user or something else);
  • click “OK”.

A window will open containing three fields. Only the top one should be filled in; login is written there. The rest remain empty. After that, click on “OK” again. After performing these operations, when starting Microsoft Windows, there will be no need for Password. Which is quite convenient if only one person has physical access to the PC.

video: Password reset

Removing the password when starting Windows without programs

Also, Password in the operating system in question can be unstuck without using the “Run” item, as well as various third-party applications. To do this, just use a special command line. In this way, you can avoid having to enter Password when you turn on the computer, as well as when it comes out of sleep mode.

Command line setup

In order to configure the command line, you need to use the Windows distribution disk. This method of setting up and resetting the access code is suitable if it is forgotten and it is not possible to start the OS otherwise.

First of all, you need to install it through the BIOS to boot from a CD or other device containing the distribution. After this, you should reboot and start the installation.

After this, the following actions are performed:

  1. CmdLine – enter cmd.exe;
  2. SetupType – replace parameter 0 with 2;
  • select section 999 and click “Unload hive”;
  • extract the distribution package and reboot the PC.

Resetting your password and login

After loading the operating system, the user will immediately see the command line window. To reset the password, you must enter the following command: net user username

Photo: Net user username_new_password

If for some reason User has forgotten the account name, then you can simply write net user without parameters. This will allow you to display all available items and select the one you need.

If the new Password is not intended to be used, then it is sufficient to leave the field blank.

If you need to enter a new one, the command will look like this: disk name:\Windows\system32\net user user_name new-key.

It is also often necessary to create a new account without an access key.

To do this, you need to run the following commands in strict order:

These commands perform the following operations in strict order:

  1. creating a new User;
  2. adding it to the Administrator workgroup;
  3. removal from the Users group.

The reset method in question is quite complicated, but quite feasible even for not very experienced PC owners.

Method for resetting key data from SAM file

There are a huge number of different ways to reset your login code. But all of them only change in various ways the information stored in a special file called SAM. It is used by the OS to store data related to both User and Password. This abbreviation name stands for Security Account Manager.

The file in question does not have an extension, since it simply does not require one. It is a direct part of the registry, located in the directory systemroot\system32\config. Also, a copy of the file in question is available on the emergency recovery disk, if for some reason this function was not disabled earlier.

Editing this file to change the operating system login parameters is the most difficult way. To work with SAM, you need specialized software from third-party developers. All operations with SAM must be performed with the utmost care and precision.

How it works

The most popular application for changing data in the SAM file is active password changer. Before you start, you need to copy the application to some media or other FAT32 hard drive.

After performing this operation you must:

  1. run the password file from the folder "BootableDiskCreator";
  2. in the window that opens, select "Add USB...";
  3. activate the button "Start".

After completing all the above steps, a bootable USB flash drive will be created.

The process of changing data using the application in question is as follows:

This method of working with accounts and their attributes is as secure as possible. Since it allows you to avoid editing the registry and other manual operations. This can sometimes be difficult for not very experienced users who started working with their PC relatively recently. The likelihood of harming the operating system in this case is practically zero.

Another important advantage of this program is the ability to set a schedule for PC use by individual accounts.

The disadvantages include the fact that some older motherboard models do not support launching from a USB drive. In such a situation, you have to look for some alternative options: a floppy disk, a CD, or something else.

Quite often, especially with beginners, situations arise when the combination of characters required to enter the OS is forgotten or lost for other reasons. There are many ways out of such a difficult situation; reinstalling the system is not always required. Moreover, any computer owner who has minimal skills in interacting with this type of equipment can cope with resetting the OS access code.

If you have set a password for your account (the user under which you boot into Windows), but you don’t want to enter it every time, then you can disable password entry.

Before you disable password entry in Windows, it is important to understand that anyone who can approach your computer can also gain access to any data on it. But when accessing via the network, the password will still be valid.

This instruction is also useful if you created a new user, and Windows stopped automatically logging in with your user, stopping at the welcome screen. The instructions are valid for all modern versions of Windows (7-8-10)

Instructions for disabling password entry in Windows 7, 8, 10:

1. Click " Start", write in the search field " netplwiz" (without quotes), press the " key on your keyboard Enter"[you can also press the Win+R keys, in the "Run" window that appears, in the "Open" field, enter "netplwiz" or "Control Userpasswords2" without quotes and press "Enter"];

2. In the “User Accounts” window that appears, in the “Users on this computer” list select the desired username(the one you are running under in Windows);

3. Uncheck near the inscription “Require username and password”;

4. Click the button OK" and enter the password of the user selected in the second step twice;

A password is the basis for the security of any system and helps to lock your computer from third parties intending to use it. By neglecting safety, you consciously take upon yourself all the possible consequences of your actions. It often happens that it becomes too annoying to enter a password, especially when you are the only owner of the computer. So how to remove the password when logging into Windows 7?

Before removing it, let's take a look at the advantages of such a system.

To achieve the desired result, you do not necessarily need to remove your password set for your account; there is the option to create a new account.

Thanks to these actions, you will be able to:

  1. Be protected from unwanted computer use;
  2. Log in to an unsecured account;
  3. Protect your PC from the harmful actions of some viruses that cannot be executed without the required level of access.

Such an alternative exists, and in this article we will briefly consider it; read in more detail in the next publication. But first, we will perform actions related to the immediate topic of the article. To achieve the desired result, you will need access as an administrator and, of course, a password for recording during the procedure.

Disable password requirement when logging in Windows 7

1. Open the “Run” line, this is where administrator rights come in handy, without them you will not gain access, press Win + R;

3. You will be taken to the “User Accounts” window, below are all previously created user accounts, select the one you need and uncheck the “Require username and password” checkbox;

4. After this, apply the specified changes, you will be asked to enter the old password to confirm these actions.

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There is also another method, it is almost identical to the previous one, except that it does not require you to use the command line to find the account settings window.

The method also differs in that you do not remove the requirement to enter a password before starting the system, but remove the password, thereby removing the need to ask for it.

How to remove a password?

The starting requirements are the same, access to the administrator account and the password for the desired account.

1. The most accessible way to get to the desired menu is to click on the picture indicating your avatar. In your current account, to do this, open “Start” and click on the picture, go straight to step 3;

2. This point has a right to life, because in some versions of themes used from third-party developers there is no such window, you should follow a different path:

  • Click on the windows sign in the lower left corner, “Start” should open, select the “Control Panel” option;
  • Find, often at the bottom, “User Accounts” and click on it.

3. Go to the “Delete your password” tab;

4. Enter it in the empty line and click “Remove password”;

Another option similar to this could be: instead of deleting the code (point 3), go to “Change your password”, enter the outdated password, and leave the space for the new one empty, so there will simply be no password.

Sometimes the option does not work completely; the computer still asks you for a password when you log in, but allows you to access your account by simply pressing Enter, without a password. If you have such a problem, then use the first method by disabling the Windows function that is responsible for requiring a password when logging in.

Creating a windows 7 account

1. Open the account settings menu as we just did and click “Manage another account”;

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2. You will see a window with accounts that already exist, and at the bottom is the “Create an account” button, which is what you need;

3. 2 parameters are required: name and type, regular or administrator access;

4. After everything, click “Create an account” and you can use it.

Now, if you click the button that is located slightly to the left of “Shut down” in the “Start” menu, you will see a list of possible options for stopping the system; you need to click “Change user” and switch between them if necessary. When you start your computer, you can immediately go to the newly created entry.

On our website we already have a description of many functions that are relevant and useful for the user, based on this we will not dwell on this, but it is important to understand the differences between all methods. In the first case, you completely remove the password, in the second, you set an empty one, and in the third, you simply create a new account without a password, and leave the Administrator protected.

You need to understand that the most important system commands can only be executed on behalf of the Administrator.

However, you can create another account with administrator rights, so they will have equal rights to access and edit content. Be careful and do not give them without the proper level of trust, because this will make your computer more vulnerable. If you still have questions on the topic “How to remove the password when logging into Windows 7?”, you can ask them in the comments

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Forgot your Windows 7 login password? No problem! This article will help you reset it!

Good day, dear readers, Denis Trishkin is in touch again.

In the latest versions of operating systems from Microsoft, for security purposes, it is possible to set a password to enter the work area. If this tool is no longer relevant, you can disable it. I will tell you how to remove the password in Windows 7 in several ways. After all, constantly entering secret characters sooner or later gets boring. This is especially irrelevant when only one person is working at the computer.

Why do you need a password? (to contents)

Many users store information on their computer that only they should have access to. If only one person uses the device, this is not a problem. But in the case when another may approach him, certain difficulties may arise.

Windows provides a special tool that restricts access to data by setting a personal key. For example, parents often use this tool to prevent their children from seeing content they are not supposed to see. In addition, this way you can protect yourself from changing your personal settings.

Disable password(to content)

There are several ways to turn off key entry. Each of them assumes that you are the owner of the account that needs to be updated. The first means that the password is known and the user has administrator rights.

It allows you to quickly deal with this problem:

That's all. Now, when the system starts, you will not be prompted to enter a secret key.

Important! However, if you change your account or go to the lock screen, you will still need to enter your password.

You can remove the annoying function using the standard “User Accounts” menu. True, in this way it will not be a shutdown, but a complete deletion. Despite this, Password will not be asked under any circumstances, even after resuming from sleep mode.

To disable the protection tool, do the following:

That's it, now the system will not ask “stupid questions” regarding security in this area. Here you can also create a secret combination of symbols.

Interesting to know! When installing a key, experts recommend entering large and small letters in different languages ​​and also adding numbers. The length must be at least six characters. Only in this option can at least some security be guaranteed.

Resetting the network key (to contents)

Probably all computer users know what a network is. It is a connection between two or more devices that allows the exchange of information. The younger generation is familiar with this concept, as games can be played together through this method.

But what should you do if, after connecting the machines, a window appears to enter the network password? Moreover, if it does not exist, confirming an empty string will not lead to the desired result.

The fact is that Windows 7 provides new security tools, and therefore several conditions must be met to log in:

    Use classic settings on all devices.

If all this is done, then you will not need to enter secret characters.

Resetting the administrator password (to contents)

Sometimes situations happen when, under some circumstances, you simply forgot the password with which you can get to your desktop, and generally gain access to personal data. This often happens when a user constantly works on multiple devices. And if the passwords on them are not written down anywhere, then it is quite possible to confuse them.

There are several solutions. The first thing you can do is spend some time on selection. Alternatively, simply remove the system from your computer and install a new one. But in this case, the data that was on the system disk will be lost. And it’s not a fact that they can be restored, although methods exist.

But there is a safer way - a bypass, which I want to talk about. To do this, you will need an installation disk or flash drive with Windows. It is important to note that the operating system must be exactly the same. For example, if the Ultimate version is installed, then the same is true on a portable device.

So, if everything is found and prepared, you can proceed:

After the work has been done, a command line will appear while the OS is loading. Here we can change the password. To do this, enter “net user user password” in the line. We confirm the action. Example command: “net user admin 1111”.

Using this method, we changed the password for the user “admin” to “1111”. Now, in the window provided, we enter our treasured numbers and wait for the download.

Password reset via SAM file (to contents)

There are many ways to bypass the login security system. Despite this, they all only change the information that is stored in the SAM file. It contains all the necessary data related to User-Password links.

It is worth noting that this file does not have a special extension. The fact is that it is a registry component. It can be found in the “windows\system32\config” folder, which is located on the system drive.

It is also important to note that this method is considered one of the most difficult. Nevertheless, I consider it necessary to tell it to you. To work we need a special program. At the same time, each step must be performed with extreme caution, because this can radically change the entire process.

We will use Active password changer. In addition, we will need a clean flash drive.

So, to remove the password prompt, you need to:

If everything goes as it should, no problems should arise in the future, since only the components we need are changed in the system area.

The only downside is that some relatively older motherboards may not support starting with portable memory. In this case, you can use a plastic disk.

Well, as you can see, there are several different ways to remove or change your account password. At the same time, they are absolutely simple, you don’t even need to watch the video. By strictly following the instructions, everyone will be able to gain access to the necessary information.

I hope everyone here will find an option that will help them cope with the problem. Subscribe and tell your friends about me!

How to remove the password when logging into Windows 7.8, etc.?

Good time friends! Yesterday I was asked by email how to remove the password when logging into Windows 7 or 8? Well, as usual, I decided to write an article about this and tell you the same thing. In order to secure the use of Windows 7, the user can enable password entry at startup. If you no longer require this option, you can cancel the required password field. So, first you need to select an account, which will be automatically loaded upon activation of the PC. Along with this, administrator rights are required. Let's take a closer look at how to do this.

In order to remove the password when logging into Windows, first enter a special directive on the command line.

  1. To do this, press the key combination “Win ​​+ R”, after which you will see a window for entering commands. You should also enter “control userpasswords2” here and confirm your intentions by clicking on the “Ok” button.

Disable the mandatory password entry.

  1. You will see a control window where you can manipulate accounts in every possible way. We select the desired user who will be activated automatically, then uncheck the “Require entering a name ...” option and click on the “Ok” button.

We confirm our actions.

  1. The window that appears will show the account that is loaded by default when you turn on the PC. In addition, if she already has a password, you must enter it. It will be saved and will be entered automatically when the OS is activated. If you wish, you can remove it completely.

On a note! I want to tell you something, friends, to receive my articles directly to your email - you just need to enter your email address at the end of the article in the box and then confirm your subscription in the letter. I will also be grateful if you read articles on the topic of how to reduce the screen brightness on a computer or how to disable sleep mode in Windows 7. I also told you how to permanently delete a VKontakte page and how to turn on Bluetooth on a laptop.

That’s it for all my friends, I hope you now know how to remove the password when logging into Windows 7 or 8. If something doesn’t work out for you, you can write to me in the comments and I will definitely help everyone. Don't forget to like and say thank you in the comments on VKontakte. I wish everyone only positive emotions for the next month)))

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

How to set a password on Windows, remove it and reset it if you suddenly forget

Please note: To follow most of the instructions in this article, you must use a local Windows account with administrator rights.

How to set a password on a Windows computer

If other people have access to your computer, it is wise to protect Windows with a password. This way, your settings and data will be safe: without special knowledge, no one will be able to view or change them. Windows will ask for a password when you turn on the computer, when you change your account, or after resuming from sleep mode.

How to set a password on Windows 10

  1. Open Start → Settings (gear icon) → Accounts → Sign-in options.
  2. Click "Add" under "Password".
  3. Fill in the fields according to the system prompts and click “Finish”.

How to set a password on windows 8.1, 8

  1. In the right sidebar, click Settings (gear icon) → Change PC settings. In the menu of the window that opens, select “Accounts” (or “Users”), and then “Login Options”.
  2. Click on the “Create Password” button.
  3. Fill out the fields, click “Next” and “Finish”.

How to set a password on windows 7, Vista, XP

  1. Open the section “Start” → “Control Panel” → “User Accounts”.
  2. Select the desired account and click “Create a password” or immediately click “Create a password for your account.”
  3. Fill in the fields using the system prompts and click on the “Create password” button.

How to remove the password when logging into Windows of any version

If strangers do not have physical access to your computer, it may be better to disable protection. This will eliminate the need to enter a password every time the system starts.

  1. Use the windows + R key combination and enter netplwiz (or control userpasswords2 if the first command does not work) at the command line. Press Enter.
  2. In the window that opens, select in the list the account for which you want to remove the password, and uncheck the box next to “Require username and password.” Click OK.
  3. Enter the password, confirm it and click OK.

Windows will stop asking for a password only when you turn on the computer. But if you lock the screen (windows keys + L), log out, or the computer goes into sleep mode, the password prompt will still appear on the display.

If the “Require username and password” option is unavailable or you want to completely remove the Windows password rather than disable it, try another method for more experienced users.

To do this, open the account management section using one of the instructions at the beginning of this article.

If the open section says that you are using a Microsoft online profile (sign in with email and password), disable it. Then use the system prompts to create a local profile, but do not fill out the password fields during the process.

After you disable your Microsoft account, the system will no longer sync your settings and files across different computers. Some applications may refuse to work.

If the local profile is initially active in the account management menu, then simply change the current password, leaving the fields for the new password empty.

If you delete an old password, the system will never prompt you for it until you add a new one.

How to remove the password when resuming from sleep mode

If you disable the password prompt when Windows starts, the system may still prompt you for it when you wake up. But you can deactivate this feature separately using these instructions.

How to remove password on wake up in windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7 and Vista

  1. In the search bar in Windows, enter “Power Options” and click on the found link to the section with the same name. Or find it manually through the Control Panel.
  2. Click "Require a password when you wake up," then "Change settings that are currently unavailable" and check the "Don't ask for a password" checkbox.
  3. Save your changes.

How to remove password when waking up Windows XP

  1. Open the “Control Panel” → “Power Options” section.
  2. In the window that appears, open the “Advanced” tab and uncheck the box next to “Require a password when exiting standby mode.”
  3. Save your changes.

How to reset a password on windows of any version

If you have forgotten your password and cannot log into your local Windows administrator profile, there is no need to reinstall the OS. There is a simpler solution: resetting the password protection. To do this, you will need another computer, a USB drive, and a free password reset utility.

Create a bootable USB flash drive on another PC

  1. Download the Lazesoft Recover My Password installer onto any available computer.
  2. Run the downloaded file and complete the installation.
  3. Connect the flash drive to your computer. If necessary, make a copy of the files stored on it, since all information will have to be deleted.
  4. Open Lazesoft Recover My Password, click Burn Bootable CD/USB Disk Now! and create a bootable USB flash drive using the program prompts.

Boot your computer using a flash drive

  1. Insert the prepared USB drive into the computer for which you have forgotten the password.
  2. Turn on (or restart) the PC and, as soon as it starts to boot, press the key to go to the BIOS settings. Usually this is F2, F8, F9 or F12 - depending on the equipment manufacturer. Most often, the required key is displayed on the screen while loading the BIOS.
  3. While in the BIOS menu, go to the Boot section if the system does not redirect you there right away.
  4. In the Boot section, install the USB flash drive to the first place in the list of devices that appears on the screen. If you don't know how to do this, look around - there should be some control tips nearby.
  5. Save your changes.

If the BIOS is also protected by a password that is unknown to you, then you will not be able to reset windows password protection using Lazesoft Recover My Password.