Clear the warning: There is not enough disk space. How to properly clear space on the Windows system drive (C:) without breaking anything (detailed instructions from Igor Shastitko)

Are you getting a notification that there is not enough disk space? If it is no longer possible to get rid of extra megabytes, then you can disable this message so that it no longer appears on the screen. See how to disable it in Windows 7, 8.1 and 10.

Why is there a low disk space notification?

When Windows detects that one of the hard drives or volumes (partitions) have little free space, a warning appears in the corner of the screen. The system notifies you of insufficient disk space when one of the partitions has less than 200 MB of free space left.

How can I disable this warning? Easiest by cleaning disk space from unnecessary files, but this is not always possible when there is nothing left to delete. We offer a simple way to block the display of this notification.

We warn you that if the notification concerns the system drive C, you cannot ignore it.

Therefore, before disabling this warning, pay attention to which logical partition it applies to. If the notification concerns drive C, where the operating system is installed, then it cannot be disabled.

For normal and uninterrupted Windows operation requires a certain amount free space on the system partition C. Lack of free space can lead to errors and slow down the computer. Many applications and games either will not launch or will take a long time to respond after clicking on their icons. The system in such a situation does not have free space to manage file sharing. And if there is a complete lack of free disk space, Windows will not boot after restarting the computer.

Therefore, if there is not enough space on C, then be sure to free up the required amount. We considered different ways cleaning system partitions, allowing you to increase the free volume by turning off unnecessary services, such as sleep mode (frees up to several gigabytes in the system partition).

Disable low disk space notification

If the notice relates to logical drive, for example, on which photos, videos, music, documents or other data are stored, there is a way to disable it. Using the Registry Editor, you need to change one parameter that is responsible for displaying the notification. After disabling the option, the warning will no longer appear on the screen. This solution works on Windows 7, 8.1 and 10.

Open the Registry Editor using the Win + R key combination. Enter the command in the window:

In the main Editor window, follow the path, opening the folders on the left side of the window:


Click right click mouse over the “Policies” position, select “Create - Section”. A new section will be created and named Explorer.

Then right-click on the Explorer item and select “New – DWORD Value (32-bit).”

The Explorer folder will be created new parameter, which you will call NoLowDiskSpaceChecks. Then double click on it to open the details.

In the window that opens, an item for editing the value will be available. Set the value to 1 to enable the created DWORD value.

Confirm the changes with OK and restart your computer. Now the warning about insufficient disk space will no longer appear on the screen.

In the fact that for Windows installations 10 requires a lot of disk space, no surprise there. Updates are downloaded from the Internet during the process setup files, multiple restore points are created and a full backup of the previous version of Windows is made. Of course, all this requires more than a dozen gigabytes.

If there is still enough free space on your hard drive, then you don’t have to worry and leave everything as it is. The operating system itself will eventually delete all temporary and unnecessary files. But if there is a lot of space left, you will have to work hard and clean the disk manually. Here's how to do it.

1. Click on the “Start” button, and then find the “Settings” item in the menu that appears.

2. The “Settings” window will open in front of you. Select the “System” icon in it, and then go to the “Storage” section.

3. Here you will see a list of available disks and the amount of free space on each of them. Click on the disk on which you need to free up space.

4. The next window will display a detailed breakdown of the types of data that take up disk space. By clicking on each item, you can get Additional information, as well as the ability to delete files and folders you no longer need. Here's what you should pay attention to first.

  • "System and reserved." You can delete copies here system files, which are saved to restore the computer to a previous state. But it’s better to do this only if everything works fine for you.
  • "Applications and Games." In this section, you can view your installed programs and remove old or little-used ones.
  • "Temporary files". The most interesting section for us, in which you can, with a clear conscience, get rid of garbage, temporary files and, most importantly, the backup of the previous version of Windows. In total, this procedure will bring us several tens of gigabytes, but keep in mind that after this you will not be able to roll back. So think twice.
  • "Other." Experienced users can dig deeper in this section. Here they can find Windows 10 installation files and some other things that they should get rid of.

In general, this post-installation cleaning of Windows 10 can easily free up 30–40 GB of disk space for you. But once again we want to warn you that all the actions described above should be performed thoughtfully. It is imperative to make a backup copy of your important data.

Many people ask me very actual question- how to clean the C: drive with Windows - on system disk Windows has too little space left, you need to install Windows 10, there is not enough space for applications, etc.? Windows takes up 15-20GB of disk space, and how can I clear the Windows folder of unnecessary files and reduce its size to the original 10GB? Upgrading to Windows 10 requires more free space on the C: drive, how can I clear it to install Windows 10?

Yes, indeed, installing the Windows 10 update requires 8GB of free space on the C: drive, and for owners of devices with system disks of 16GB, 32GB and even 64GB, the issue of free space on C: is very often a very painful issue, because Windows folder"swells" up to 20GB...

    go through the list installed applications and remove everything unnecessary - through the Control Panel and System Settings of Windows 8.1.

    Control Panel / Programs / Unistall Programs – to view and remove classic Windows applications

    Key combination Win+C / Settings / Change PC Settings / PC and devices / Disk space / See my applications’ sizes - to view and delete modern applications Windows (installed from the Microsoft Store). When you click on an application in the list, the Uninstall button is displayed to remove an unnecessary application

    Copying the entire contents of the directory C:\Windows\Installer to drive D: (conditionally in the folder D:\WinFiles\Installer) - run the command from the CMD (Administrator) command line robocopy c:\Windows\Installer d:\WinFiles\Installer /E /V /Z /ETA

    After successful copying, make sure (how to do this - ) that all files have been copied and remove the Installer directory from the c:\Windows folder

    create in the c:\Windows folder a link to the new directory with the installation files that you transferred (conditionally to d:\WinFiles\Installer) - run the command from the CMD (Administrator) command line mklink /D c:\Windows\installer d:\WinFiles\Installer

A SMALL ADDITION to cleaning up the C drive:, which is not in this video (but the question has already been asked

Read How to disable the system warning message that there is little disk space left. Disable the warning by editing the registry. Computer technology is probably the fastest growing industry. Development of the latest materials samples together with the application modern technologies lead to significant improvements in existing computer systems and the creation of new devices. This, in turn, makes it possible to reduce the size of the devices used while simultaneously increasing their capacity, performance and operability, and also significantly expands the potential of their possible applications compared to previous versions.


The essence of the problem

New computer devices require the same advanced software, which would make it possible to take full advantage of the opportunities the latest computers. Modern computer programs and applications allow you to process a huge amount of information and use a large amount of disk space for their needs.

Despite the fact that today there are hard disks significant capacity, situations periodically arise when the available space on the hard drive becomes catastrophically insufficient.

It could be like HDD in general, as well as its individual sections, which can be completely filled with your information.

Exist various ways clean up full partitions or disks, or you can simply add another hard drive to your device to increase the available storage space. More details about installation methods extra hard disk to your computer you can read in our article: “How to update and install a new hard drive or drive "SSD" to a personal computer? .

However, in the case when your disk or partition is completely full, and cleaning did not help, and you need all the information stored on it, then it becomes necessary to disable pop-up warning notifications about insufficient space on the hard drive. System "Windows" starts displaying appropriate notifications when any partition on your computer takes up less than "200 MB" free space. These notifications may cause some inconvenience when working on your computer. Therefore, below we will show how you can disable the display of such notifications.

What you need to know

If a pop-up notification tells you that your system disk is full "WITH:", then you should pay special attention to it, and, first of all, try to free up space on it by deleting unnecessary data or transferring possible files to another disk partition.

operating system "Windows" will work with delays if your system disk is completely full. You need to clear extra quickly free space, although no one can say exactly how much it will be needed. When the system disk is full, many applications will no longer work properly, the system may crash, and unexpected errors may occur. In any case, if you see a warning notification that there is no free space, you should probably look for an opportunity to free it up.

However, in some cases, you may see this notification for other non-system drives. For example, if the recovery partition has a drive letter assigned to it and is almost full, you may see this warning. Also try to always hide the recovery partition in case it becomes visible. In our article "How to hide the recovery partition (or other drive) in "Windows" you can read about this in more detail.

If you have a full data drive and you're not concerned about the potential problems that can arise from a full drive, or you just don't want to see this warning notification, then you can simply turn it off.

Disable the warning by editing the registry

You can only disable these low disk space messages by changing a setting in the registry operating system "Windows". This is a system-wide setting, so "Windows" will not warn you about low memory usage on any of your drives after changing it.

We will demonstrate this registry change using an operating system as an example. "Windows 10" with the latest official update from April 2018 installed. But this algorithm is equally suitable for other versions of operating systems: "Windows 7" And "Windows 8".

Registry Modification Warning "Windows" : "Registry Editor" is a powerful built-in operating system tool and using it incorrectly can make your system unstable or even inoperable. Any change to the registry can cause errors and crashes in applications, spoil the loading and functioning of the system, or lead to its complete crash. The registry change we suggest is quite simple and if you follow our instructions, you should not have any problems. However, if you have never used this tool before, consider whether you are willing to accept the possible risks that may arise from using it. "Registry Editor". Before you begin, be sure to create a backup copy of the registry (and, preferably, your computer). In the window "Registry Editor" in the main menu ribbon, click on the tab "File" and, in the submenu that opens, select the section "Export…". Give the copy of the registry a name and a location to store it, and then click "Save" to complete the creation process backup copy. Now you can always use your working registry file in case of unexpected situations.

To get started, launch the application "Registry Editor". Click the icon "Search", located on "Taskbars" in the lower left corner of the desktop next to the button "Start" and open the search bar. In the search bar, enter search query "regedit"(in earlier versions "Windows" the search field is located in the main user menu "Start"). In the best match field, select the result you want.

Or open "Registry Editor" second way: press the keyboard shortcut together "Windows + R" and call the dialog box "Run". In the command line field, enter the query "regedit" and press the button "OK" or key "Enter" on keyboard.

A User Account Control warning message appears "Windows": “Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?”. Click the button "Yes" and open the window "Registry Editor".

Use left sidebar in the Registry Editor window to move to the next section.

You can also copy and paste the section address (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer) into address bar "Registry Editor" under the main menu ribbon if you are using an operating system "Windows 10". The second method is more preferable, since in the left pane of the window "Registry Editor" There are quite a lot of similar sections, and you may accidentally make a mistake and select the wrong section.

In the right pane of the window "Registry Editor" right-click on an empty space in the panel and select partition "Create" "DWORD value (32 bits)".

Assign to parameter "DWORD" meaning of the name "NoLowDiscSpaceChecks".

Double-click the option "NoLowDiscSpaceChecks", which you just created, or right-click on it and select the section in the menu that opens "Change…".

In the window that opens "Changing a DWORD (32-bit) Value" enter in the field "Meaning" figure "1" and then click the button "OK" or key "Enter" on the keyboard to save your changes.

You can now close the window "Registry Editor". You will have to restart your computer before your changes take effect.

If you want to turn on low disk space warnings again in the future, go back to this registry key, right-click the option "NoLowDiscSpaceChecks" and select a section from the pop-up menu "Delete". When finished, close the window "Registry Editor" and restart your computer.

Create your own registry files to manage notifications

You can create your own registry files that will manage warning notifications if you don't want to edit the registry yourself. One file will disable disk space checking, and the second file will enable checking again. Create two registry files and then simply double-click the one you want to use and agree to add its information to your registry.

You will then need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect after running any of the above files.

Open the main user menu "Start" by clicking on the corresponding button in the lower left corner of the desktop. Using the scroll bar, move the slider down, and from the list of installed applications and programs, select the section "Standard - Windows". Open the submenu and click Section.

Copy and paste into the following parameters for each of the files without using outer quotes.

File to disable disk space checking (let's call it )


File to enable disk space checking (let's call it )

"Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Next, save the files with the extension ".reg". These files simply change the same parameter "NoLowDiscSpaceChecks", which we discussed above. File "Disable Low Disk Space Checks" adds a parameter "NoLowDiscSpaceChecks" to the registry and assigns a value to it "1". File "Enable Low Disk Space Checks" instead, it removes the setting from your registry.

Now you know how to disable the low disk space warning notification using "Registry Editor" and you can manage it as you wish.

Quite often, after major Windows 10 updates, users have to deal with various problems. One of these problems after the last “big” update was the appearance of a new 449 MB disk in Explorer. If you look at the properties of this disk, you can see that this is an “Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Partition.” In this article, we will look at why this disk is needed and how to remove it.

Table of contents:

Why did a new drive appear in Explorer after updating Windows 10?

If you take a closer look at what kind of disk it is using the Disk Management utility, you can understand that this is a recovery partition.
It is created on a drive with a GPT partition table during installation of the operating system.

The new disk contains service information that may be needed if you experience problems with your computer as a result of the update. Using the data stored on this disk, it will be possible to perform recovery.

A Windows user should not see this drive, but after a major operating system update it may appear in Explorer and get its own drive letter. Separately, it’s unpleasant that the user may from time to time receive a notification from the system that there is not enough disk space, but at the same time clear this disk it is forbidden.

How to remove a new drive from Explorer

If you go to the Disk Management utility, it will not allow you to hide the new partition in Explorer. But this can be done through command line in the following way:

After this, you can go into Explorer and see that drive E is no longer displayed.

How to hide the low disk space notification

If you don't want to remove the recovery partition from File Explorer, you can disable your computer from displaying the notification that there is not enough disk space. Since created by Windows update Disk 10 has only 449 MB, the system will regularly notify that there is little space on it, but it cannot be cleared.

To disable the low disk space notification, you need to make changes to the registry as follows:

Close Registry Editor and restart your computer. After this, the notification that there is not enough space on your computer will no longer appear.