We delete an account in Odnoklassniki from an Android and iPhone phone. How to delete a page in Odnoklassniki from your phone forever mobile version How to delete a profile in Odnoklassniki from the application

Erase personal profile in social network is possible not only through Personal Computer, but also from mobile devices. The result of the actions described in the article is the same as when deleting it from a PC or laptop through a browser - you will not be able to access your profile, but you will be able to return to it until 90 days have passed. While the page is deleted, you will not be able to use it: you will not be able to write to other people, listen to audio recordings, watch videos, comment on posts, or even view their capabilities. Therefore, think carefully before deleting your Odnoklassniki profile from your phone forever. This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to delete your Odnoklassniki page from your phone and describes methods for each of the popular platforms. And also deleting an account through m.ok.ru. Let's start with the last option.

How to permanently delete a page on Odnoklassniki from your phone: mobile version

It is worth noting that your smartphone must be connected to the Internet and have a mobile browser installed. Without this, you will not be able to block your own page. If your device meets the requirements (it can be not only a smartphone, but also a tablet), then you can safely delete the profile. To delete, follow these steps on your phone:

  • you will be asked to install the mobile utility. We ignore this message;
  • then enter your username and password. If you log in from someone else's device, then do not save your data in a password manager;
  • Having entered your page, you must click on the OK icon on the left top corner profile;

  • A side menu will open, in which click “Go to the full version of the site”;

  • Now scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the “Regulations” section. Click on it;

  • A list of social network rules will open in front of you. At the very bottom of the page there is a button “Refuse services”. Click on it;

  • before permanently deleting a page on Odnoklassniki from your phone, you must indicate the reason for deletion from the proposed list;
  • Below is a field for entering your account password. Write it in;
  • then press the delete button;

  • ready! Now you know how to delete your Odnoklassniki account from your phone forever using the m.ok.ru social network address.

Also on our website you can read instructions about.

How to permanently delete a page in Odnoklassniki from an Android phone?

It’s not possible to delete your Odnoklassniki profile through the Android application; the developers have not added such a function. But you can always do this through a browser, as written in the instructions above.

If you are interested, read our other article.

In the Odnoklassniki application, you can block access to your profile using these instructions:

  • Download the application to your smartphone via play store Market;

  • Enter the login and password for your account;

  • Call the side menu by clicking on the icon in the upper left corner of the application interface;

  • Next, click “settings”;

  • Next, click “profile settings”

    • At the bottom of the window, click on “Close profile”;>

In the next section of our website you can read more detailed instructions from a browser on a personal computer.

Now you know how to delete a profile in Odnoklassniki on an Android phone. Let's move on to the instructions for removing it from the iPhone.

How to delete a page in Odnoklassniki from an iPhone?

Delete a page in Odnoklassniki from Iphone phone You can use a mobile browser in the full version of the site (instructions above). Through the application you can only “Close profile” and edit privacy settings. To close your profile, use the following instructions:

  • Download and install the application from the store App Store;

  • Launch the utility and log in using your account login and password;

  • Next, open the side menu and select “settings”;

  • Under your first and last name, click the “Profile Settings”, “Basic” button;

  • In this section you must select “Privacy Settings”, you can edit “Publicity Settings” to suit your needs;

  • Also at the very bottom there is a button “Close profile”

Now you know how to remove yourself from Odnoklassniki from your phone in the application on two current platforms (Android and iPhone). These instructions are relevant not only for phones, but also for tablets. In addition, on the Internet you can find many photos and videos describing in detail the removal process. Also on our website you can find out about that and much more.

How to delete a page from your phone?

For various reasons, users of social networks have a question about how to delete a page on Odnoklassniki from their phone. The procedure for a user to liquidate his Odnoklassniki page is much simpler than, for example, a similar action on VKontakte. However, it is not always possible to do it via telephone. The reason is that in the mobile version of Odnoklassniki there is no option to delete a page, and therefore you have to switch to the full version.

As an advanced user, you probably know that this is not particularly difficult. When logging into Odnoklassniki via Android (via devices such as a mobile phone, tablet or smartphone), opens to users mobile version site. It is simpler than what we are used to seeing from a computer: some options are missing or do not work. The network developers deliberately reduced the amount of functionality in the mobile version so that users could not waste precious traffic and the charge of their phone.

If you need to delete a page on Odnoklassniki forever from your phone, you cannot do without the full version of Odnoklassniki. And here there is the opportunity not to leave the full version, even if you logged in from a mobile phone. Just go down where you find option " Full version site." Click on this link and enjoy the opportunity to see all the site options one last time. After all, in the next section you will find step-by-step instructions on how to delete Odnoklassniki.

How to delete a page in Odnoklassniki forever without recovery?

If you decide to figure out how to delete a page on Odnoklassniki forever, we will not dissuade you. You have every right to liquidate your page, and the site developers, understanding this, give you freedom of choice. The only obstacle for a user who wants to delete from Odnoklassniki is the situation if he forgot his password and login, since in order to carry out the deletion procedure you must enter a password for the page.

Delete the page in OK

  1. As we have already said, the mobile version of Odnoklassniki is not as perfect as the full version, so you will have to liquidate your profile after moving to the full version of the site.
  2. When you have entered the page using your username and password and looked at all your entries and notes with a last sad look, move to the bottom of your page and find the link “Regulations”. Click on it.
  3. After clicking on the link, you will see an article with the rules of the Ok.ru social network.
  4. Your path to the very bottom of the site navigation has not stopped, since you again need to find the necessary option: “Refuse services”.
  5. By clicking on the opt-out link, you will need to enter some data, for example, the reason why you want to delete the page, and also enter your password for the last time.
  6. Once you have weighed everything and decided, click the “Delete” button and move on with your life.

This method is the most popular and most reliable when deleting an Odnoklassniki page. Before you decide to try it for yourself, think carefully again. are you sure you want to delete your profile, because it will be impossible to restore it.

Video: how to delete your profile on Odnoklassniki?

  • Via mobile version
  • Via Android app
  • Video

You can delete your Odnoklassniki page either from a computer or laptop, or from a phone. But before you do this, think three times, is it worth it? In any case, the ok.ru administration gives you a period during which you can restore the page. But when it ends, the profile will be lost forever.

Below you will find all the methods for deleting an account in Odnoklassniki, and we will describe the algorithms for different mobile platforms. This will be iOS, Android and a simple phone with a browser. The material is made in the form of detailed step by step instructions each stage of which is accompanied by a screenshot.

Via mobile version

In order to use this method you must have working connection to the Internet and installed browser. If any of these things are missing, you won’t be able to delete your profile in OK. It is not necessary to use a phone; a tablet or tablet will do. eBook with access to the network and in general any device capable of working with a browser.

We do the following:

  1. Launch your browser to mobile device and go to m.ok.ru. Entering a URL with an m is optional. The site will automatically recognize the phone and redirect it to the simplified version. If you are asked to download an application to work with the site, refuse it and simply log in to the social network. If it is someone else's smartphone, you do not need to save the entered data.

  1. When you log in to your account, make a left swipe and thus open the Odnoklassniki menu. Scroll down and select "Full Version".

  1. Now you need to open the drop-down list and select “Settings” from it.

  1. Next, you should scroll to the very bottom of the page and select the “Regulations” menu there. We tap on it.

  1. Next, click on the inscription: “Refuse services.”

  1. Now we need to indicate the reason for refusing to use social media. networks. Select any item, enter the password for the page and click “Delete”.

That's it, your account is no longer active. With this simple method, you were able to delete a page on Odnoklassniki via your phone.

Via Android app

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to delete your Odnoklassniki account from your phone via the Android app; there is no such function. But if you need to do this, use the method described above.

Here you can only block access to your profile. All information that concerns you will only be seen by your friends.

To do this we do the following:

  1. If you don't have the app, download it from Google Play and log in after launch using your account login and password.

  1. Swipe left and bring up the main menu OK. Then go to settings.

  1. At the next stage, tap on the inscription: “Profile settings”.

In this section, you can configure publicity settings in detail, and decide what to hide from outsiders and what not.

Now that you know how to delete a page in Odnoklassniki from a phone, let's look at the option from an iPhone.

How to delete your page from iPhone?

Just like on any other device, on an iPhone you can delete a page on Odnoklassniki through the browser. Above we described in detail how this is done. Through the mobile application, you can only edit your privacy settings.

This is done like this:

  1. Download the application from the App Store, then launch it and log in.
  2. Just like in Android, open the side menu and go to “Settings”.
  3. A little below your personal data, tap on the inscription: “Profile settings”, and then “Basic”.
  4. Select “Privacy Settings” and set them as needed.
  5. There is also a “Close profile” function, after activating which no one except friends will be able to access your page.

Now you know how to delete a page on Odnoklassniki forever from your phone, Android smartphone and device iOS-based. All this works on tablet PCs too. If you want to delete a page on Odnoklassniki from your computer, read this article.



How to delete a page in Odnoklassniki forever

If you have come to an unconditional decision to delete a page from Odnoklassniki, then this can be done simply and in just a few minutes. Just follow the clear instructions and your profile (account) will be deleted forever. The only thing you should know is that all data, photos, pages and connections with friends will be lost forever and it will be impossible to restore your profile again.

There are several ways you can use to delete your page from Odnoklassniki.

Deleting a page via the menu

Enter your username and password and go to your page. If you scroll to the end, at the very bottom there will be a link called “Regulations”.
You need to click on it and another link will appear to which you should go. This link will lead to the next operation called "Cancel Services".

Click on it. After clicking, you will read a warning that by confirming your refusal, you will forever lose all information and data. In addition, you will be given the opportunity to indicate the reasons why you wish to leave the site. They will be listed and you need to select any one and click on it.

As soon as you indicate the reason (it doesn’t matter whether it is true), enter your password. Next, click on the “Delete forever” line, and your account on odnoklassniki.ru will no longer exist.

How to delete your page in Odnoklassniki if you forgot your login and password

It is impossible to delete a page without this data yourself. You will have to contact the site's technical support and ask the administration to help you recover your password and login. Your task is to be patient and wait, since the answer may not come immediately, but you will have to wait for help for several days. After you are provided with the information, go through the entire procedure indicated in the previous case.

How to delete your Odnoklassniki page from a mobile phone

By accessing Odnoklassniki with mobile phone, smartphone or tablet, you will be taken to the mobile version, which does not have such a function as deleting an account in Odnoklassniki. Therefore, your task is to open the full version of the site. How to do it?

By eliminating the page, you will forever lose all information, photos and data. But, if you again have a desire to return to this site, you can easily register again and create another profile.

The post is tagged: Useful


Two ways to delete your Odnoklassniki page forever

Who is not familiar with social networks? Such a person is unlikely to be found. Even our grandparents are users of Odnoklassniki, VKontakte and other most popular social networks. They have filled the world consciousness of humanity.

Every second first-grader already has his own profile on the Internet. But what are the consequences of such popularity of social networks? Why replace real communication to virtual? You shouldn’t hang out on Odnoklassniki for days on end; it’s better to spend your time actively and meet real people, not virtual ones.

So, you have decided to completely rid yourself of the shackles of social networks and retire from social networks forever. But then the question arose before you, how to do this. How to delete a page in Odnoklassniki forever? It turns out that not everything is so simple.

To close your virtual life and completely delete your profiles from the Internet, you need to perform some manipulations that network creators do not advertise. This is understandable: why should the founders of social networks lose fans? However, if your decision is final and irrevocable, you decide to leave Odnoklassniki, we will help you erase your page. Read further our post and you will find out how to do this.

Before you leave Odnoklassniki forever, you should know that all photos, posts, friends, groups and other information will be destroyed. So transfer the data that matters to you to your computer.

You can delete a page by following a special link, however, as practice shows, this method is not always effective. But, if it works, then you will be able to get rid of social addiction in a minimum amount of time, and your page will cease to exist. Paste into address bar with your page ID the URL entry: dk?st.layer.cmd=PopLayerDeleteUserProfile. A window will appear asking you to delete your profile. Click on the button with the word “Delete”.

So that you can check if this method worked, enter home page authorize your login and password. If you were unable to log in and a message was displayed indicating that the page was deleted by the user - congratulations! You have completely removed yourself from Odnoklassniki.

Delete your profile through special regulations

If the first method doesn't work, don't despair. You can use the second effective option to close your page. Using this method, you can permanently delete your profile.

We will tell you step by step how to do this:

  1. Log in on the site's home page. To do this, you need to enter your username and password.
  2. Next, go to the very bottom of the site, find the item called “Regulations” and follow the link by clicking on it.
  3. Scroll to the very end of the user agreement and rules for using the social network. Find the item “Contact support”. Next to it you will find two small dots. Click on them.
  4. A window will appear asking you to indicate the reason for deleting your profile. You will be given five reasons from which you must select one and tick it. For example, you don’t want to use social networks or you are not satisfied with the design of the site.
  5. Now you need to enter your password and username to confirm the deletion.
  6. Click on the inscription “Delete permanently”.

That's it, now your page does not exist, and you will be able to spend your free time more usefully and efficiently.

If you want to delete your profile through the mobile version of the site, then you will not be able to do this. Phone apps do not have this feature.

Erase a profile from a social network without entering your login and password

You will not be able to erase your page if you have forgotten your username and password. You can, of course, contact the department for help. technical support. You must indicate that you want to restore your forgotten login and password. However, you must prove that this page belongs to you and not attackers trying to take over your personal data.

This is a rather long and difficult way to delete a page, since the administration will consider your application within several days, or even months.

The site administration has blocked access to your personal page: what to do

Admins may have blocked you for the following reasons:

  • for malicious sending of SPAM;
  • you violated one of the points user agreement;
  • your page has been hacked by attackers.

You can regain access to your personal profile by performing some manipulations:

  1. Check your computer using antivirus program.
  2. Contact technical support with a request to restore access to your page.
  3. If the site administration suspects that you have been hacked, you will have to undergo validation through the mobile phone linked to the page. You may also be asked to guess the first and last names of your friends, or otherwise check that this profile belongs to you.
  4. If you have violated the rules for using the site, then convince technical support that your page has been hacked. Otherwise, your application will be rejected.

How to recover a deleted profile

It is impossible to restore your page if you deleted it yourself through the site regulations. However, you can contact technical support with a request for restoration due to your account being hacked.

You will have to prove that you were not involved in the deletion of your profile. This may require the following personal data:

  • first name, last name and patronymic;
  • the phone number to which your page was linked;
  • email address, which you specified when registering your account;
  • login or username;
  • your country of residence and city;
  • age indicated in the profile questionnaire;
  • link to your profile and ID number.

There are also cases when admins asked to send scans of documents proving your identity (passport, birth certificate, driver’s license, student ID, etc.). The application will be considered for about a week, and then you will receive a response from the site administration with by decision on the issue of restoration. The chance of “reviving” the page is minimal, however, it still exists. Therefore, if you particularly value your profile, which contains contact information that you can no longer obtain, try using these instructions.

The hour has come when you want to remove the Odnoklassniki application from your phone, whatever the application is, and even your personal page on this network. And what…? Well, you never know: the session is just around the corner, you need to “encrypt” yourself from someone, another online waster of free time has been discovered (in the person of ok.ru)... In general, everyone has their own everyday philosophy on this matter.

In front of you detailed guide about how to completely and completely neutralize Odnoklassniki from your phone or tablet. Arm yourself with it and take action.

Deleting a profile

1. To delete your account, first log in to the social network (in the browser or through the application).

2. On the profile page, in the upper left corner, tap the very first button (Odnoklassniki logo).

3. In the settings panel that appears, in the “Other” section, select “Full version of the site.” In the additional window, confirm the operation: click “Go”.

Note. After activating this setting, the site will be displayed on the phone exactly the same as on the computer. Which, in fact, is what we need, because it is in this format that we can access the “Delete” function.

4. In the menu under the avatar, click “Change settings”.

5. Move the review to the bottom of the options page (to the “footer” of the site). In the last column, follow the “Regulations” link.

6. Scroll to the very bottom of the rules for using the site. Click the "Cancel services" option.

7. In the window that opens, indicate the reason why you want to say goodbye to your account (check the box next to the most suitable option).

8. Enter your account login password (field under the photos).

9. Click the "Delete Permanently" button.

All! After this action, your profile will be deleted in a few moments.

How to delete the Odnoklassniki application?


1. Go to the Settings panel and then open the Applications section.

2. Tap “Odnoklassniki” in the list.

3. In the "About" panel, click "Stop", then "Clear cache" and "Erase data" and finally "Delete".

4. In the “Delete application?” request window. select "OK".


  1. Hold your finger on the application icon on the desktop.
  2. When she “moves”, press the cross.
  3. Confirm uninstallation.

Good luck with your “cleaning” mobile device!