Ability to operate a data collection terminal. How does the data collection terminal work?

Alexey Shabanov, Lead Product Manager
group of companies "Pilot"

It's not easy to give up the usual way carrying out warehouse processes. However, with the development of technology, there are opportunities to optimize them, reducing the amount of time spent on solving problems and the number of operational errors arising as a result of the human factor. One of the striking examples of such optimization is the use of a data collection terminal (DCT), which allows you to “playfully” carry out the acceptance, inventory and shipment of goods.

Any warehouse, regardless of its specificity or size, has to solve three mandatory tasks: acceptance, inventory, picking and shipment of goods from the warehouse. Many warehouses, despite advances in technology, still perform these three tasks manually. Not only are the processes slow, but also during their implementation there is a high probability of operational errors occurring. To negate the impact of these disadvantages on warehouse operations, there are two ways.

First, organize a workstation, the role of which is played by a regular computer, on which a warehouse information system is installed and a barcode scanner is connected. The advantage of this solution is that the problems stated above are actually eliminated. However, instead of them, others appear - warehouse processes become tied to a specific zone. This means that, for example, when receiving, it is necessary to bring all goods to the workstation so that a warehouse employee can scan them and enter them into the database. If the warehouse is small and there are not many products coming in, then this route is quite acceptable. However, if we are dealing with a large warehouse enterprise, then being tied to a workstation becomes cumbersome.

The second way is the introduction of data collection terminals (DCTs). This option, like the first, eliminates the disadvantages of manually performing tasks and also ensures mobility in the implementation of processes. At the same time, with the development of technology, the cost of data collection terminals has become relatively low: an inexpensive TSD will cost approximately 25.5 thousand rubles, the cost of an average device will be from 38 thousand rubles. Moreover, one such device can perform not only the three tasks we have listed, but also many related ones. For example, they are capable of operating in walkie-talkie mode if you connect a headset to them - many manufacturers provide this opportunity, including Zebra, Datalogic, Honeywell. TSDs can also be used as a task manager, even by installing an email client on them.

However, it is not enough to purchase a data collection terminal - it is important to equip it with high-quality software. Here retailers take three paths.

They write software for TSD themselves and prepare applications for each task. This method is not always convenient, since the number of tasks grows by leaps and bounds. Accordingly, we have to spend more and more time writing applications.

They order software written to suit their needs from developers. Here you also have to face a number of inconveniences: a small company is not always able to quickly make changes required by the customer. In addition, constant improvement of the software can cost a lot of money.

Purchase an industrial solution. In this case, it is important to consider whether the developer is Russian or foreign, since in the second case, given the current situation on the market, it is difficult to avoid currency risks. In addition, it is difficult for foreign developers to quickly adapt software to the changing requirements of Russian legislation. On the other hand, not every domestic company has the same expertise as its foreign colleagues.

But no matter which path the warehouse owner prefers, he in any case needs to take into account the following basic requirements for software for TSD.

The software must be able to work both online and offline. Working with the device in offline mode ties the user to the workplace: he will have to manually upload data for accepting the invoice to the TSD and after that go to work. In online mode, the invoice is sent to the device regardless of where it is located. However, this requires organizing wireless network and a stable communication channel, and this is not always possible: for example, due to the many metallized surfaces often present in the warehouse.

The software must be modernized as the business develops: the warehouse owner needs the ability to modify the software for TSD depending on growing requirements. Therefore, in many industrial solutions either numerous applications “for all occasions” already exist, or the possibility of them is included quick creation. For example, in our OmniLink there is an “Application Generator” - a kind of constructor with the help of which a user can create the application he needs without programming.

Software for TSD must be equipped with tools for integration with external systems, allowing it to receive data from there. The more integration tools, the better, the more flexible they are, the more opportunities the data collection terminals will have.

Task No. 1: goods acceptance

The first task that any warehouse inevitably faces is the acceptance of goods. IN manual mode it works like this: a warehouse employee prints out an invoice and uses it to check which goods and in what quantities have arrived. With TSD, the process looks different: an invoice is uploaded to the device, and the employee simply scans the barcodes of the received goods in a row. As a result, a list of incoming products is generated, after which it is sent to the external system. At the same time, the data collection terminal allows you to generate and send both a list of actually received goods and a list of discrepancies with the invoice. As a result, the warehouse worker does not have to look for goods and count them manually.

One example from our practice. The process of accepting goods from one of our customers after implementing a mobile solution began to take 6 times less time. A task that was previously performed by 3 people within an hour is now completed by one employee in 20 minutes.

Task No. 2: inventory of goods

The manual inventory method is not much different from acceptance: a warehouse employee prints out a list of goods that, according to an external system, should be listed in the warehouse, and checks it, walking around the entire premises, looking for the necessary products and recalculating their quantity. If the warehouse is small and there are 10 items in it, then this path is quite possible. Otherwise, the inventory process takes a long time, and its implementation is not without operational errors.

With TSD, the worker simply scans the barcodes of all products that come into view. And his software itself generates a list and sends it to the external system. In this case, the data can be either listed or indicated in what quantity each product item is presented.

Since in some cases inventories are broken down by area, TSD can create such a list, linking goods to storage locations. In addition, the warehouse owner receives data about which employee carried out the inventory and at what time. This is necessary if he wants to control the operator’s area of ​​responsibility.

Example from practice. One of our customers at “ manual way“The process of complete inventory of 30 stores took two weeks. After purchasing the TSD, this time was reduced to one week. He bought only two data collection terminals and simply transports the devices from store to store. Thus, it became possible to inventory 4 stores in one day. Data from each point is transferred online to an external system. During the first full inventory with TSD, some goods were discovered that had long been written off from the warehouse, as they were lost during manual inventories.

Task No. 3: picking and shipping goods

This task is most relevant for warehouses associated with online stores. In manual mode, when receiving an order, the employee has to print it out and go look for where the required products are located in the room, and then return to the workplace and enter the received data into the system. As a result, order processing time takes a fair amount of time.

With terminals, the process is much faster: the external system sends the order list to TSD. The device shows the warehouse worker exactly where the desired product is located. All he has to do is go to the specified location, scan the barcode of the product and pick it up by placing an order. At the same time, TSD sends a notification to the external system that the order is ready, and it, in turn, sends a letter to the customer that he can come for the purchase.

Example from practice. Another client of ours, a large online hypermarket, has implemented data collection terminals in the warehouse and reduced the customer’s waiting time at the delivery counter from an average of 10 minutes to one to two minutes.

In addition to the three processes listed, TSD can solve many necessary problems. For example, carry out labeling of goods. One of our clients supplies the same products to several retail chains. Accordingly, each of the networks has its own barcodes, different from those that mark the goods in our client’s warehouse. At the shipment stage, the operator completes, say, 20 packages of products, scans their internal barcode and selects at the terminal for which network these products are intended. Thus, the TSD commands the mobile printer to print new labels with the necessary (correct) barcodes.

Let's give another one of our business cases with an auto parts store. Some products arrive in packages, so they need to be marked individually. To do this, when receiving the goods, the employee scans the barcode of the general packaging, on the basis of which TSD generates a label for each product.

Working with a data collection terminal significantly reduces the time spent on warehouse processes, and also reduces to zero the number of operational errors that appear as a result of a manual approach. However, it is important to consider in advance exactly what tasks the TSD will solve and select the appropriate device and software for it.

What TSD (), how to use it, and under what conditions these devices are needed, should be presented to those who are going to set up a computerized system for recording the movement of goods in their trading enterprise.

The basis of all information system is to supply all goods received at a store or warehouse with barcode labels, which contain all information about the product in encoded form. Some products arrive with a barcode printed on the packaging, while others are provided with such labels already in place.

At the time of sale, the terminal installed at the cashier’s workplace, using a scanner included in its structure, reads the information and transmits it to the base computer, which stores a program that takes into account the movement of goods.

But it’s not only at the checkout that you need to have information about the product. It is necessary to register all incoming goods, track their movement to the sales floor, and during inventory it is necessary to check the list quantity of goods with their actual availability.

That's what a data collection terminal is for - tracking the movement of goods. You need to have a good understanding of how to work with the data collection terminal and what functions it performs.

Device functionality

If you look at any data collection terminal, its operating principle is . This is how the accounting system receives information about what products are available. But in order for her to receive all this, she must first decode the barcode, which requires the efforts of a laptop computer, and then contact the base computer wirelessly and transmit this information.

Barcode scanning

The use of a data collection terminal for scanning can be based on various scanning technologies. You can illuminate the barcode in order to analyze the reflection using LEDs or a laser beam. The latter method is more efficient and can distinguish smaller images.

By its design, the scanner can operate in one plane - then the device must be brought to the barcode, oriented precisely. Multiplane scanners work at any angle to the barcode and to the surface on which it is printed. They can perceive two-dimensional codes that carry an increased amount of information.

Computer component

The first question asked by a merchandiser who picks up a TSD (data collection terminal) for the first time is: how to use it? There is no particular difficulty in using this device: the built-in processor does everything automatically. The ability to enter information from a keyboard or touch screen is necessary mainly to correct the read barcode if its damage leads to an error during scanning. Then you can correct the technique by entering the required numbers manually.

Having read the code, the device processes it, decodes it, and in this form transmits the information to the base computer. Another function is storing information. If you had to use the device beyond the communication capabilities, the processor gives a command to switch to offline operation - in this case, all scanned barcodes are stored in memory and only after communication is restored, they are transferred in a common package to the host computer. Nothing is lost.

Wireless Capabilities

Wireless bluetooth interface reliably connects mobile and base processors at a distance of no more than 10 meters. In a small warehouse this may be quite enough. If we are talking about large warehouses in which the merchandiser has to move, moving 100 or more meters away from the base, it is best to use another interface - Wi-Fi.

How to link two computers

Organizing a wireless connection is not enough. It is important that the software is reliably connected to each other. A basic computer running on an operating system Windows systems, usually easily recognizes the connection of a data collection terminal and perceives the transmitted information without loss. If inconsistencies are found at the software level, you have to use a special driver, sometimes it is even developed by a programmer.

When everything is ready

So, the company’s commodity experts received a DCT (data collection terminal) and were told how to use it and were given training. You can start working - just go through all the products and swipe the device over the barcode. Working with the data collection terminal is extremely simple - the only task is not to miss anything. Employees quickly get used to it, and the inventory process speeds up many times.

A data collection terminal (DCT) is a wireless portable device that includes:

  • built-in barcode scanner – provides code reading;
  • RFID reader – fingerprint scanner and other means of identification.

The main manufacturers of data collection terminals are Motorola, Datalogic, Intermec, CipherLab, Casio, Pidion, Argox.

Distinguish following types modern data collection terminals:

  • autonomous (Batch) – data exchange between the terminal and the PC is carried out via an interface stand, which is connected to the computer;
  • radio frequency – Wi-Fi data collection terminals that transmit data via wireless communication via radio channel.

TSD is a means of quickly collecting and transmitting information about a product, and their use in conjunction with a WMS system ensures maximum operating efficiency of the entire warehouse complex.

How to use data collection terminals?

An example of how TSD works with the TopLog WMS system:

1. Acceptance

  • the employee scans the bar code (BC) of the pallet on which the goods will be accepted;
  • alternately scans the bar code of the incoming goods until the WMS system signals that the required quantity has been accepted;
  • a warehouse worker scans HQ pallets;
  • scans the printer and prints pallet sheets.

2. Checking balances

  • the employee scans the security code of the cell or product;
  • when scanning a cell's security code, an employee receives information about the remaining goods and batch to this address;
  • When scanning a product, the security control system receives information about balances in all locations of a given item.

3. Acceptance of returns

  • an employee scans the flight's security code;
  • then scans the product’s bar code or selects a name from the list by article number;
  • indicates the quantity of products being returned and scans all returned items;
  • At the end of the operation, the WMS solution generates a return acceptance certificate.

4. Search for storage addresses

  • the employee scans the security code of the product or cell;
  • receives the storage addresses of the goods of interest.

5. Recharge

  • a warehouse employee selects a replenishment zone and receives a list of addresses from which it is necessary to take goods to replenish active storage;
  • scans the CC of the storage cell from the task list, after which a window appears with the name of the product and the quantity that needs to be recharged;
  • an employee scans the item's security code;
  • confirms the selection in the input window.

6. Moving

  • an employee scans the security code of cells or pallets, after which the WMS system provides a list of stored products;
  • The warehouse worker selects the required product from the list;
  • the employee delivers it to the required cell or pallet and scans its address.
  • the employee scans the printer and prints out the pallet sheet;
  • further – scans the pallet sheet;
  • approaches the required cell and scans the item’s bar code;
  • enters the quantity of goods to be selected;
  • collects goods until the pallet is full, or the warehouse management system signals that the collected quantity has been accepted;
  • enters the amount of container.

8. Inventory

  • The employee alternately scans the security code of the cells and the goods stored in them.

Thus, data collection terminals greatly simplify everything technological processes at the enterprise.

Advantages of using data collection terminals

  • reduction of mis-grading and shortages, thanks to automatic identification of goods;
  • increasing the speed of acceptance, shipment, inventory and movement of goods by at least 2 times;
  • optimizing enterprise resources and increasing employee productivity;
  • a radical reduction in the influence of the human factor and, as a result, a reduction in errors on the part of personnel;
  • reducing the number of information entry operators and the total number of employees by 30%.

All this significantly reduces the costs of the enterprise and increases its efficiency.

Constant competition between entrepreneurs ensures the rapid development of commercial equipment, the main purpose of which is automation.

Wholesale and retail trade requires repeated repetition of the same actions, which causes human fatigue and, as a result, mistakes.

To speed up work and make it more accurate, particularly important processes, such as product accounting, were automated using data collection terminals (DC).

A data collection terminal is a portable computer with a built-in .

Its main function is to identify, sort and record goods. For this purpose, the TSD is equipped with its own flash memory for storing information and operating system, which allows you to sort goods into categories.

The difference between a data collection terminal and a barcode scanner is functionality. A barcode scanner simply reads the code and sends information to the computer, while a TSD is a device capable of independently carrying out full-fledged trade transactions: accounting for goods, printing barcodes and receipts.

The flexibility of settings for the operating system of data collection terminals allows you to adapt the device to any industry and take into account all the features of the enterprise. TSDs have excellent compatibility with other retail equipment (computers, cash registers, POS systems).

Scope of application of data collection terminals

The functionality of data collection terminals allows for wholesale and retail trade and accounting of goods in warehouses.

Tasks that TSD is capable of performing:

  1. When a new product arrives, TSD can generate information for creating invoices, and also transfer it to the general database.
  2. TSD is portable workplace for the seller, even outside the outlet.
  3. Assisting the main ticket offices during rush hour to eliminate queues. An assistant with a TSD approaches a customer standing in line and scans the barcodes of his products. The information received is sent to the checkout or TSD prints a new one for the total amount of purchases.
  4. The TSD is constantly synchronized with the general database, so with its help you can find out about the current status (presence/absence) of a particular product.
  5. With the help of TSD, the speed and accuracy of inventory, which can be carried out on the sales floor and in the warehouse, increases several times.
TSD models with a built-in printer can quickly re-evaluate or re-label goods by printing the necessary information.

How to choose a data collection terminal model

In order not to get confused in the variety of choices of TSD models with different functionality, you need to take into account several determining factors:

  1. The speed of the data collection terminal depends on the reading method - laser scanner is more accurate and fast, and LED has more low price.
  2. The method of data transfer (synchronization) depends on the main retail equipment. The main connection methods are Wifi, Bluetooth, infrared and wired connection via USB port.
  3. Availability additional functions depends on the purpose of the TSD. Retailers will benefit from having the ability to print barcodes and labels. Warehouses require a function for quickly sorting received goods and generating reports.
  4. The operating principle of TSD can be divided into 2 types: constant synchronization of data with a computer (some models do not have their own storage device) or accumulation of information in offline mode and periodic synchronization with a common database. Offline mode is perfect for conducting outbound trading.
  5. The brand of the terminal determines its reliability and operating life. It is better to limit the choice among popular models, because often the manufacturer provides a quality guarantee for 1 year or more - this is an indicator of reliability.

A better analogue of mechanical lever scales are.

If you need to weigh bulk materials, then elevator scales are suitable for this. Detailed information read about them in.

Popular models of data collection terminals

Honeywell ScanPal 5100 Data Collection Terminal

Honeywell ScanPal 5100

This is a mobile device that allows you to collect, record and exchange data within the trading platform and warehouses. TSD is capable of providing full customer service or preparing goods for sale.


  • The TSD is equipped with a keyboard with 28 keys (letter and function);
  • TSD display size is 2.4 inches;
  • optimal operating conditions – from -10 to +50С;
  • Data synchronization is carried out via Wi-fi and USB port;
  • battery operated;
  • price – 35,000 rub.

Portable device with built-in LED scanner. Designed to control trade turnover trading platforms, accounting for goods in the warehouse, conducting inventories.


  • the scanner reads at a speed of 100 scans per second;
  • the width of the scanned area is 124 mm;
  • synchronization with a computer is carried out via USB and infrared;
  • autonomous operation without charging – up to 100 hours;
  • creation of catalogs for 18,000 product items;
  • interface in Russian.

A functional portable device that allows you to collect, record and control information about goods.

Features of the model: color screen, Russified interface, functional operating system, input can be carried out in Russian and English languages, large memory capacity (10,000,000 barcodes).


  • the terminal runs on a DOS-based operating system;
  • laser scanning of barcodes;
  • Autonomous operation – up to 40 hours;
  • operating conditions – from -10 to +50С;
  • price 25,000 rub.

Data acquisition terminal Casio DT-930

Designed for retail and wholesale trade, as well as accounting of goods in warehouses.

Features of the terminal are accurate reading of barcodes, recognition of all standard types of barcodes, a wide range of operating settings (adjustment of the width of the scanning beam, beam color, sound indication of reading, etc.).

The terminal is easy to use, has excellent compatibility with other trading equipment, and is equipped with increased memory.


  • laser barcode scanner;
  • operating temperature parameters – from -20 to +50С;
  • powered by 2 AA batteries;
  • reading speed is 100 scans per second;
  • Information synchronization is carried out via USB and Bluetooth.

The data collection terminal helps the trade manager monitor the work of subordinates, and the work of salespeople becomes easier, faster and more accurate. TSD is perfect for companies and organizations of any profile and size.

Improving the accounting system, monitoring the movement of goods, transferring, storing and analyzing data is associated with the use of modern mobile devices, allowing to significantly increase the speed of work when performing standard warehouse and trade operations.

The electronic data collection terminal (EDT) makes it possible to quickly manage merchandise flow based on reading barcodes. The equipment is used not only for conducting inventories, but also for generating incoming and outgoing invoices, documents for the movement of goods, for checking the correctness of price tags, and drawing up revaluation acts.

What is TSD

TSD stands for data collection terminal. In most cases, this equipment is used for inventory in warehouses, trade, and distribution centers.

A standard data collection terminal is a mini-computer equipped with a built-in scanner, keyboard, and display. Its own operating system allows you to process and save the received information and then upload it to central bank data.

Externally TSD terminal resembles thickened mobile phone With big amount buttons on the panel. The device is distinguished by noticeable ergonomics - it “fits” in the hand and does not slip out.

How to use the data collection terminal

In order to record information, it is necessary to direct a laser beam at the barcode being scanned. Device in automatic mode will take all necessary further actions to save and transmit information. To make the necessary clarifications and corrections, you can use the keyboard buttons or the touchscreen.

The standard scheme for working with TSD in a warehouse is as follows: direct the scanner beam at the barcode. Everything else depends on your attentiveness and speed of action. To download information from storage-type devices, it is enough to place it in a special communication device.

To avoid possible errors and failures in the settings, as well as to fully become familiar with the functionality of the TSD, it is necessary to read the instructions for each before starting work specific model.

Why do you need a data collection terminal?

The use of a data collection terminal makes it possible to minimize the participation of the so-called human factor when carrying out inventories, acceptance and release of goods. Automatic processing and transmission of information contributes to a significant reduction in the number of errors, which ultimately leads to improved organization of work and reduction of time losses.

Electronic TSD is used:

  • when conducting inventories;
  • upon acceptance, release and internal movements of goods;
  • to check price tags on the sales floor;
  • to serve customers at the checkout offline mode(in order to speed up service) with the issuance of a check.

The functionality allows you to upload data either when installing the terminal in a “socket” connected to the system, or directly at the time of scanning.

If it is necessary to expand the range of options, additional software is installed that allows you to analyze the product range, manage operator actions, and place pre-orders.

How does the data collection terminal work?

During the scanning process, data is accumulated in the terminal’s memory or immediately transmitted to the central port via a radio channel (depending on the model).

The TSD is connected to the computer using a special communication stand, which simultaneously serves charger for the terminal. It is also possible to transfer and exchange data with using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, infrared or USB (depending on the features of the retail equipment).

Radio terminals are used in cases where continuous uploading of data to a central system is necessary. In this case, the information is immediately processed and allows operational mode eliminate any miscalculations and errors that have arisen. In fact, the radio terminal acts as a common part unified system. The devices are used in large warehouses, hypermarkets, distribution centers, and factories, making it possible to reduce time losses and have real information about the movement of items in real time.

How to choose a data collection terminal

The correct selection of electronic TSD for a warehouse guarantees uninterrupted work on collecting and transmitting information to the central system, thereby ensuring the stability of control and accounting processes.

When purchasing a terminal, you should consider the following parameters:

  • Compatible with the operating system of the main commercial equipment. At using Windows C.E. Windows Mobile possible to work with touch screen, receiving colored and graphic images. The DOS system is installed on terminals with a monochrome display and provides information only in the form of text; such TSDs differ long term work without recharging (up to one day).
  • Software. Must be consistent with the ability to integrate TSD into a centralized system. The most functional and reliable software include SOTI MobilControl, Logistic Solution, 1C, CITYSOFT Warehouse.
  • Data Collection Formatlinear barcodes or PDF417, electronic signatures, radio frequency tags.
  • Functionality and room size– sales area, warehouse, distribution center.
  • Special working conditions. To use terminals in industrial conditions, additional protection from dust and moisture, the ability to operate at low temperatures (up to – 30°C), and an impact-resistant housing are required. Parameters such as distance from the scanned object, the presence of sunlight, glare from glass and plastics are also taken into account.

Experts in working with commercial equipment recommend purchasing electronic TSDs produced under the brands famous brands– Motorola (Symbol), Casio, Datalogic, Opticon, Pidion, Honeywell, which allow you to quickly upload or transmit information online to a central system.

Types of TSD (brief overview)

The procedure for using the TSD depends on the specific model and its functionality. In total, experts identify six main types of terminals, based on the purpose and number of programmed options.

The most simple devices to collect data by scanning. Used to carry out inventories in stores, pharmacies, and small warehouses. Data correction is possible using the buttons on the panel. The data obtained as a result of scanning is saved on the device as a file, the information is uploaded via wired connection to the computer.

The devices do not support WAN or Wi-Fi.

Pocket PC

Represent powerful devices small size (with mobile phone), connecting functions personal computer, scanner and phone. Provide guaranteed access to remote information located in the main database. Ideal for managers, inspectors, forwarders.

Support Wi-Fi, GPS, WAN (GPRS and 3G), Bluetooth.

Full-size TSDs are small blocks with wireless connection with a database. Functionally similar to pocket computers, but at the same time have higher efficiency and a full-fledged keyboard.

The devices are actively used in large warehouses, in the trading floors of hypermarkets, on construction sites, and in freight transport - the equipment is reliably protected from atmospheric factors and is resistant to temperature changes. Some models are designed specifically for underwater use.

TSD with pistol grip

The equipment is designed to work in difficult conditions – Long-range scanners are capable of reading barcodes from a distance of up to 9 meters. In the absence of Wi-Fi, the terminal works as a storage device. It is particularly reliable even during intensive use.

The use of a pistol grip TSD in distribution centers, large warehouses, construction sites, and cargo terminals makes it possible not only to quickly and efficiently scan, but is also one of the factors ensuring the safety of employees when working at height.

Wearable TSD

The main advantage of the devices is that When working with them, your hands remain free. In fact, these are the same TSD with a pistol grip, but attached to the wrist. The scanner itself is made in the form of a ring and is put on your finger. Control format: voice. The equipment significantly increases work efficiency, but for some reason is not particularly in demand.

Transport TSD

They are distinguished by high levels of computing power and are used when receiving, shipping and assembling goods in conditions of increased vibration - on loading platforms and vehicles, in particular, sea vessels.

The scanner is connected to the device separately, There is no built-in laser in the terminals.

How much does TSD cost?

An important factor when choosing a TSD is its price. The cost of equipment depends on the set of options, type of connection, and brand. It is worth noting that even the simplest devices (from 10 thousand rubles) can significantly facilitate the collection of data in the process of inventory or goods acceptance.

The greatest demand is for mid-priced models (22-27 thousand rubles), making it possible to promptly resolve problems with errors and malfunctions during operation.

The most expensive data collection terminals cost about 80 thousand rubles; the devices are distinguished by an expanded set of options or are designed to perform work in specific conditions.


How to configure TSD?

Connection and configuration of data collection terminals is carried out in accordance with the Procedure for connecting and setting up retail equipment.

In most cases, TSDs go on sale with an installed operating system and several standard programs. There are no disks for installation. Independent attempts to connect equipment by non-specialists can lead to the “demolition” of factory programs and the need to reflash the terminal. The specific model is configured in accordance with the installed operating system, scanner type, and product range.

If you are not a professional, it makes sense to entrust the matter to the experts from the service company that services your commercial equipment.

How to reboot the TSD?

Two types of reboot are considered - hot and cold.

A warm boot is similar to a standard PC reboot and is performed by pressing one or more buttons (one of them is red) depending on the model. Cold boot means resetting everyone installed applications and restoring factory settings. Again, the combination of buttons depends on the specific model. Rebooting can be performed by employees of your enterprise.

How to pass a case-sensitive prefix to TSD?

What is unloading of goods in TSD?

Standard unloading means unloading documents that indicate goods with a barcode. TSD does not read products without barcodes. To account for such goods, modified unloading processing is required.

How to check the TSD - is it working or not?

To check the functionality of the TSD, just press the power button and scan any barcode. If the terminal issues sound signal, then the equipment is in order. If any problems arise with the terminal, you can contact the specialists of our company by calling 2000-215, 2000-214.

How to connect TSD to 1C?

To connect the terminal to 1C, you need to install a special driver included in the package, or download it from the manufacturer’s website. Then you need to configure the connection parameters to the TSD in 1C (port, exchange rate, exchange fields, etc.)

How to reset the password on TSD?

To reset your password, contact our company specialists.

How to find out imei TSD?

Information about IMEI is contained in the settings, in the "About the device" section

How to reflash the TSD?

Reflashing the TSD is exactly the case when you should contact specialists without hesitation.

How to accept weighted goods with TSD?

To accept weighted goods, special driver settings are required.