Smart speaker-alarm clock Xiaomi Mi Alarm Clock – review. Let's understand and study the alarm clock speaker Xiaomi Mi Music Alarm Clock Alarm clock in the new version of the mi fit application

A distinctive feature of the second version of Mi Band from Xiaomi is that it does not have a built-in alarm clock. The device retains the ability to analyze the user’s sleep quality and collect the necessary information for this, but it cannot wake up.

Is it possible to fix the situation to turn on the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 smart alarm clock? Of course it is possible. To activate the function we need, we will have to perform a few simple steps.

How does the technology work?

Its basis is the Smart Alarm application, which is available for free download through the Play Market resource.

Next, the owner of the gadget must set a regular alarm clock on the phone for the desired time. The purpose of the installed program is to activate 30 minutes before the appointed time in order to check what stage of sleep the user is in. If it's time for REM sleep, the application gives a command to give a signal to wake up.

How to set an alarm clock on Xiaomi Mi Band 2?

A mandatory and priority step is to activate all alarms that the user has access to, including the system one, in the Mi Fit application, in the Mi Band 2 Func Button.

The next step is to visit the Play Market to download the Smart Alarm program. Please note that once downloaded, Bluetooth must be turned on to run the app.

Next, go to Mi Fit and click on the “Profile” icon. There you will see the “Devices” sub-item, click on it and go to the Mi Band submenu. Our goal is to find and copy the MAC address belonging to your smart bracelet.

The copied information should be entered into the appropriate field in XSmart Alarm (located at the top of the window).

On the top right side there is a “Check” button. Click on it and wait a bit. If your actions were performed correctly, data about the found gadget and the current battery charge level will be presented.

3 options become available to the owner on how to turn on the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 alarm clock at the desired time. Choose either one of the three proposed options, or all at once - as you like. Set the required time, and the device will do the rest for you. You can be sure that XSmart will wake you up at the optimal time.

Important information about sleep stages

In order for awakening to take place in the most comfortable conditions, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the biological rhythms of sleep in advance. It can be fast and deep, and the easiest awakening occurs precisely in the first, i.e. light phase.

In Mi Fit, information about the phases is reproduced in the form of a bar chart. When the right time to wake up is determined, the owner will hear both the alarm ringing and the vibration of the smart bracelet.


I have long dreamed of a fitness tracker, and now my dream has come true: I won it on VKontakte for reposting (Yes, yes, yes, this happens!!!) My tracker turned out to be yellow.

Of course, it gets dirty quickly. It's not very visible in the photo. And on the light bracelet you can clearly see the small cracks that form when you take out and insert the capsule.

For the first couple of hours, I was happy with the new device, but then... I updated MI Fit on Google Play (to version 2.1.9) and realized why, according to user reviews, the program has a rating of only 3.2.

As it turns out, the smart alarm function has been removed in new versions. It was a complete disappointment. Even your phone can count steps, but only a fitness tracker can accurately track your sleep phases and wake you up at a certain time to improve your well-being.

But these are not all the disadvantages of the updated MI Fit 2.1.9:

1.Counts steps incorrectly. Sometimes it shows that I walked 109 steps at night, although this is not visible on the graph, and there is no data on the sleep graph that I woke up

2. Sometimes it vibrates just like that, for no reason.

3. It tracks your sleep schedule very incorrectly. The time to fall asleep does not show at all. It feels like I immediately lie down and fall asleep. And one day I sat for an hour and a half watching a movie at 20 o’clock, and the bracelet decided that I had fallen asleep. Even though I then walked down the street for another 10 minutes, he didn’t even register it, and in the morning I saw a schedule of 14 hours of sleep without a single awakening))

4. The alarm clock works at random! Not only was the smart alarm clock removed, but the regular one was also ruined. Once I set the alarm for 6:30, on the weekend I changed it to 8:30. And what do you think? He woke me up like on weekdays at 6:30! At first I thought to myself that I forgot to change the time. But no, I went in and checked: the alarm time is clearly set at 8:30, and it wakes me up 2 hours earlier on a day off, ahaha. Then I turned off all the alarms, but he still wakes me up and wakes me up whenever he wants: from 6:30 to 8:30. Untying and re-linking the bracelet to the phone helped get rid of this.

5. Constantly requires you to turn on GPS. Why does he need this? And this will make your phone die faster.

How to return Mi Band to adequacy and smart alarm clock

Actually, it’s not the tracker itself that’s being naughty, but Mi Fit, which reads and processes data from the bracelet. In general, in order for the bracelet to stop playing around, you need to install the correct version of Mi Fit. After googling, it turned out that the most adequate one is MiFit1.7.521MS++. Reviews about it are the best, compared to other versions, and there is a smart alarm clock!

You can download the version of the Mi Fit program with a smart alarm clock here: [link]

Before installing this version, you need to remove the old one. And that’s it, the smart alarm clock is back with you. They write on the forums that this version most adequately monitors the phases of sleep. I was convinced of this myself: it shows the time how long I was just lying in bed, i.e. the time of falling asleep; The smart alarm clock works correctly. There is, however, a minus: there is no way to view the dynamics of sleep. It is possible only for today and yesterday.

Do not discharge Mi Band below 20%

Many people write, and even in the official VK group, it is stated that the tracker should not be completely discharged. Otherwise, it may turn off, and nothing will help turn it on. Although some write that freezing helped) You need to recharge when the bracelet charge is +-20%

Also, regarding the battery, on the updated version of MI Fit 2.1.9, it seems to me that the bracelet discharged faster. It wasn't enough for a month.


Mi Band is definitely a useful thing. Especially for those who move little and monitor the quality of their sleep. The incorrectness of its operation is explained by a bad update of the Mi Band program. By the way, I wrote my negative review to Xiaomi customer support, they responded and promised to fix everything in future updates. Let's hope)

In general, the bracelet looks quite nice on the hand, is comfortable and vibrates pleasantly during an incoming call and when waking up.

Thank you for reading my review. Have a good and healthy sleep with and without Mi Band!

Hello everyone, especially athletes, as well as those who want to be like them (well, like me). Today, running, fitness, a healthy lifestyle and all that sports are trending, and therefore a lot of gadgets are appearing to track your physical data and stress on the body. Programs for various mobile platforms, be it iOS or Android, do not lag behind, they work both separately, they simply run on a smartphone and monitor something there, and together with some third-party gadgets. Now I want to tell you about a very interesting bracelet from Xiaomi - !

What is a fitness bracelet/tracker

Briefly, what is a fitness tracker/bracelet, if anyone doesn’t know? It’s a device that fits on your hand, synchronizes with your smartphone, and that’s almost all. Then you can do whatever you want - run, jump, swim (not with all trackers), and these things will determine the number of steps taken, calories burned, your pulse during exercise, blood pressure, blood oxygen saturation and much more very interesting things , but few people really need it 🙂 No, there are athletes who monitor these indicators, but in most cases, and I’m talking about hipsters now, all they need is calories burned, kilometers traveled and style...

How I chose a bracelet

As I wrote above, I am not an athlete, not even once! I’ve already put a Nike and Adidas fitness tracker on my wrist (I walked around with these terrible things for a couple of days - Nike on my right hand, Adidas on my left), and I wasn’t impressed 🙁 Maybe because I don’t really do sports, or maybe due to the lack of some kind of feature in them, for me personally. In reality, I wanted to experience one single feature - a smart alarm clock! Someone will say that this is nonsense, but I wanted it, and that’s it!

Alas, time passed, and I didn’t see any tracker for myself until my comrades pointed a finger at the Chinese company Xiaomi, known in our market under the Mi brand (by the way, a couple of days ago they began official deliveries to Russia). At first I thought about it when I saw the price ($20), and then, when I realized that this shaitan gadget has an alarm function, I urgently ran to the Chinese guy on , and ordered it!

When I picked up the treasured bracelet from the post office, I rushed home and began to study it. The kit included the tracker itself (a small oval sensor), a strap, a charging cable and instructions.

As for the strap, the kit included a black one and another (orange) one, the kind senders put next to it. The quality of the straps is slightly different, and in particular, the original one is a little stiffer, and it holds the sensor a little better.

I immediately put the instructions aside, since everything was in Chinese, and somehow I don’t know it very well. First, you need to connect the tracker to the charger and charge it 100%, after which you insert it into the bracelet and start synchronizing it with your phone.

What can the Mi Band bracelet do?

So, I present to your attention the Mi Band bracelet! This is a very simple tracker, and at first glance it doesn’t have many functions: pedometer, calorie counter, call alarm And alarm. And for me personally, these opportunities are enough! In addition, the Mi Band bracelet has such advantages as moisture resistance (you can go in the shower, but it’s better not to wear it in the bath), has many replaceable straps and can work up to 30 days without recharging. And don’t forget about the price of $20 :)

Naturally, many sports bracelets and trackers boast a pedometer function, some have an alarm clock (Jawbone), and calorie measurement, and even social functions... Now I will describe everything in more detail.

Mi Band Pedometer

A pedometer is like a pedometer - no more, no less - you walk, it counts. When the model first appeared on the market, the first users complained about the inaccurate measurement of steps taken, but now, after many updates, the pedometer began to show steps almost as expected. Again, you need to indicate your height and weight in the settings so that the bracelet correctly interprets the step data. In addition to the pedometer itself, the tracker determines calories burned, distance traveled, movement time and running distance.

By the way, the pedometer still does not always correctly detect steps. For example, Julia wore the bracelet for a couple of days, and in a day she had fantastic results - from 20,000 steps, when I walked a maximum of 18,000. It turned out that the bracelet counted not only her steps, but also the movements of her hand during a haircut (she I am a stylist and constantly “waves” his hands :). I think that not everyone will experience such failures if your activity is not associated with active waving of the hand, although this also needs to be checked...

Alarm clock Mi Band

As for the most important function for me, the alarm clock, there is something to talk about in more detail!

To begin with, how the alarm clock works: the bracelet vibrates on your wrist 5 times, at the time that you set in advance in the program. In addition to specifying the exact time, it is possible to set a “smart” component: 30 minutes before the appointed time, Mi Band will track your sleep phase and try to wake you up during REM sleep. This way you will wake up quite easily, feel well-rested and generally get up easily. This is exactly what I wanted from the tracker.

In practice, for the first couple of days I could not wake up using the tracker, since I set it to one time, but woke up much earlier and the alarm clock did not wake me up. But after several “wrong” awakenings, the bracelet was able to wake me up at the appointed time and did it very well! I woke up cheerful, not sleepy and wanted to move mountains! It is worth saying that I turned on the smart alarm clock, and it woke me up 20 minutes before the set time. But it’s better to wake up early and alert than to not wake up at all, get up on time, but set the alarm clock 2-3 more times :)

At the moment, I no longer set a control alarm on my phone, except on very important days, if I definitely can’t be late for anything. The bracelet can also be programmed for different wake-up times, depending on the day of the week.

After you wake up and are already drinking your morning tea or coffee, you can launch the Mi Fit application on your smartphone and see clearly how much you slept.

By clicking on the circular diagram in the center, you can view the sleep phases: time of deep and REM sleep, what time you fell asleep and woke up:

And if you click on the chart icon in the upper left corner, you will get more complete details for all previous days:

Setting up the Mi Band

It’s not for nothing that I’m writing about setting up the Mi Band near the end, since everything is quite simple with it, but I’ll still give a little explanation. The bracelet itself works without a smartphone, but information from it must be read from the phone itself, through a special Mi Fit program. Let me make a reservation right away that I tested on an iPhone, which is natural, and the Android version should not be much different, but there may still be slight differences. Also, Xiaomi has its own phones that run on Android, but with custom firmware, and there is a little more functionality for interacting with the Mi Band tracker than on other smartphones. For example, using a bracelet you can receive notifications (vibrates) or pick up the phone. In conjunction with the iPhone, the bracelet can only vibrate for incoming calls, which can be very convenient when using the iPhone in silent mode or while listening to music through an iPod, for example :)

Basically, you downloaded the program, turned on Bluetooth on your device and launched the program. First of all, you will need to create an account - enter your phone number and come up with a password.

You will then need to pair it with the device, which can be done without any problems if you have Bluetooth turned on.

Actually, after all these operations you will see the main screen, where by clicking on “...” in the upper right corner a menu for setting up the gadget will appear.

Go to all the points and see what’s there - nothing complicated or tricky, even if your English is 2+. Pay attention to the Alarm and Profile items, where you can configure the alarm and personal data, respectively. The most important thing is to remember to turn on the “smartness” of the alarm clock - activate Early bird alarm.

I like the Xiaomi Mi Band

Yes, it’s cool - lightweight, compact, with replaceable straps, not overloaded with all sorts of functions and copes well with its responsibilities! And again, it works for a very long time on one charge and costs a penny :)

In addition to all of the above, through the Mi Fit program you can share your achievements on Facebook, Twitter, and tell your friends through WeChat and Snapchat. You can also somehow add friends, although I didn’t succeed. And even though we now have 2 of these bracelets at home, and there are accounts everywhere, nothing has worked out anyway - apparently a firmware glitch...

Over the entire period of use, I can only note a couple of drawbacks: the sensor itself can be easily scratched and the spare strap holds the sensor a little less reliably. Although both straps fit perfectly on the hand! Otherwise, there are no complaints about the tracker! Oh, I almost forgot - I was running with an iPhone 4 for a couple of days, and so it refused to “pair” with it :)

Who can I recommend this tracker to? First of all, for those who want to wake up refreshed - and that’s almost everyone :) For those who like stylish things, and who have long wanted to put something on their wrist, but could not choose what exactly. For those who play sports, it is not important to track pulse, blood pressure and other sports things, but it is enough to know the distance traveled and calories burned. And thanks to interchangeable straps, Mi Band will become an excellent accessory for every day! Personally, I ordered myself an orange bracelet in addition, and periodically I wear it to lift my spirits :)

Who shouldn't buy it? I think it’s for tough athletes who need to track much more indicators than the number of steps taken and calories burned. Also, if you already have a similar bracelet, like Jawbone, which already has everything that the Mi Band has, there is no point in buying it.

If you liked the review of the Mi Band tracker, share the article with your friends, and also visit my page at

The popularity of Xiaomi fitness trackers is due not only to their low price and attractive appearance. The first version of the bracelet was liked by many users because of its excellent alarm clock, which “gently” woke up the owner with vibration and was very smart. After the release of the next update of the proprietary Mi Fit application, the top functionality simply disappeared and I had to roll back the software in order to use my favorite alarm clock. How does it work and is there a smart alarm function in Mi band 3?

Principle of operation

In the utility settings, it was necessary to set the rise time, for example, 6:30. Then, within 30 minutes, the bracelet is activated and analyzes the sleep phase; if it is light, then the device begins to quietly wake up the owner with triple vibration. If the device detects that the sleep phase is deep, it will begin to vibrate only at the specified time.

In this case, the alarm will turn off automatically if you stand up or shake your hand. A maximum of 3 signals could be set, since the memory of the smartwatch is small, and the alert worked even when the phone was turned off.

Mi gang 3

You won’t be able to turn on a smart alarm clock on the third generation of Xiaomi bracelets, since there is simply no such functionality. The clever version was removed in the first generation, so we had to solve the problem through third-party software. It is still unknown what justified the decision to remove functionality that was in great demand.

There are several solutions for those who still want to use the functionality described in the article. To set an alarm you need to install several programs and spend 5-10 minutes of time. Problems may arise, but you can solve them by binding/unbinding the Mi band.

To set up a smart alarm clock, you need to use only one software to avoid conflicts. The bracelet's memory is designed for a small number of signals, so even 2-3 notifications in three different programs can cause an error.

On Android

You can set up a smart alarm clock through a tricky move by connecting the first version of the bracelet; if it is not available, you will have to use third-party software.

Bracelets combination

You need Mi band 1S and Mi band tools installed on your smartphone. Next, follow these steps:

  1. Link 1S to the program.
  2. The “Smart Alarm Clock” menu should appear, and you should configure the alarms in it.
  3. Unpair the previous device and bind Mi band
  4. If everything goes well, the alarm will start going off 20-30 minutes before the set time (depending on the settings).

This method was reported by a user of one of the large electronics forums. This means that the smart alarm clock is excluded at the software level, but the hardware capabilities remain in all generations of Xiaomi trackers.

Xsmart Alarm

This software was actively used with the second generation of Xiaomi trackers and was a full-fledged replacement for a smart alarm clock.

At the moment there is no information that the program supports Mi band 3, since it was updated in December 2017.

On the first and second generations of bracelets, to set a signal you had to complete the following steps:

And paste it into a special field on the main screen of the utility.

The most important point is the response range - the period of time before the alarm clock, when the analysis of the sleep phase begins.

One of the main disadvantages of the software is pop-up advertising, which is frankly annoying. You can buy the PRO version so that it does not interfere with comfortable use. A paid license also provides access to hidden settings. At the moment it costs ~70 rubles.

Tools & Mi band

This program is included in the top software for Xiaomi fitness bracelets. Recently an update was released for Mi band 3. There is integration with the Sleep as Android application - a utility that adds a smart alarm clock to your phone or smart watch with free 14-day demo access.

Tools is a paid application that is sold in the official Android store. There is no worthy alternative for it, so a license for 238 rubles seems not such a bad option.

The utility works great in conjunction with Mi fit (according to the developers). To set up a smart alarm clock you need:

By the way, this program was previously practically the only option for Russification of the new generation of bracelets, until the update for Mi Fit was released.

Many of our articles are devoted to the problems of working with Xiaomi Mi Band 2 and other types of fitness bracelets that work with Android and iOS. Specifically, this article will talk about how a smart alarm clock works on the Mi Band, what are the advantages of this function and, most importantly, how to activate it.

The latter is the most important, because, for some reason, the manufacturer did not make Smart Alarm an active function at all. On the Xiaomi Mi Band 1s Pulse, the alarm clock, which was based on the sleep phases of the bracelet owner, was disabled at the firmware level, and they didn’t even think of building it into the Mi Band 2. This is very strange, because the bracelet has always retained this function, but after collecting information nothing can be done with it except analyze it for general development. So, let's look further at how to turn on a smart alarm clock on Mi Band 2 and what to do with it then.

Principle of operation

So, as already said, the sleep of the tracker owner is monitored based on changes in heart rate, but the device does not wake up the owner, and therefore he will have to be forced to do this. A program called Smart Alarm will help us with this, which can be easily downloaded from the Play Market or App Store (for iPhone).

The operating principle is quite simple:

  • Sets a standard alarm for a specific time;
  • 30 minutes before the set time, the downloaded program synchronizes with Mi Band 1s Pulse/2 and, based on checking the current sleep mode, decides whether it is possible to wake up the owner earlier;
  • If the current sleep state is optimal for exiting it, a signal is given.

Step-by-step instruction

To use a smart alarm clock on Xiaomi Mi Band, you need to do the following:

  1. First, all available alarms must be activated: system, in Mi Band 2 Func Button (a program for setting up certain actions on the function button of the bracelet), in Mi Fit, etc.
  2. Then you need to download the Mi Band Smart Alarm application from the Play Market or App Store.
  1. Be sure to run this application with Bluetooth turned on.
  2. We minimize the open application and go to Mi Fit, where you need to follow the path: Profile – Devices – Mi Band and copy the Mac address of our bracelet.

  1. Then we return to XSmart Alarm and enter the copied value in the address field (above).

  1. Click “Check”. If synchronization is successful, a message will appear indicating that the fitness bracelet has been found, and its battery charge level will also be indicated.
  2. Below the specified line there will be blocks of three alarm clocks that can be set for the desired time. When choosing a type, you need to know that smart corresponds to the name - XSmart.
  3. You can go to bed.

A little about sleep phases

Before setting a smart alarm, you need to study the sleep stages that are determined by the Mi Fit application. This knowledge is needed to understand exactly when the bracelet can vibrate along with the alarm. In fact, the phases are displayed in the form of a bar chart, where REM sleep, deep sleep and wakefulness alternate.

Naturally, the best statistics are those where deep sleep predominates or makes up the majority. But we are talking about an alarm clock, which usually considers the optimal stage of light sleep and gives a signal.

Bottom line

From all of the above, two conclusions can be drawn. Firstly, the smart alarm clock will have to be implemented through additional software. Secondly, if the owner of a fitness bracelet uses it as a unique monitor of his health, then it is imperative to monitor sleep phase statistics collected at night.