Signature underlining. Digital additions at the end of the signature. Identical elements in the signature

Don't know what character a person has? Look at his signature and check this list to get an accurate picture of his personality!

Everyone comes up with their own signature; no one is limited by any rules or laws. But still, in graphic improvisations, their author is subject to certain patterns that reflect the properties of his nature, which makes it possible to draw up a fairly accurate portrait of him.

If the signature cannot be decrypted

These are people who, apparently in the social sphere, are very open, but in privacy or in their personal lives are very sentimental, either because of fears or because they have little interest in things.

If the signature is very clear to read

In this case, people are reliable, sincere, practical and simple, above all.

If the signature is proportionally very large

This is a person with enough ego who has good self-esteem or too much self-esteem.

If the signature is proportionally very small

Here is a person with very poor self-esteem that is belittled or not appreciated. And do you already know what your signature says about you?

1. Signature size:

a) sweeping - global systems thinking;

b) compact - concrete thinking.

2. Signature length:

a) long - the ability to delve deeply into the essence of problems; perseverance, excessive pickiness and tediousness;

b) short - the ability to quickly grasp the essence of events. Inability to do monotonous work.

There are many ways to interpret people's personality, character and temperament. Our way of writing is one of them. Graphology is the study of human character and psychology through the characteristics of his writing and calligraphy. Small print people are introverted, while big print people have self-confidence.

There are a number of general parameters that arise from this science and serve for a deeper knowledge of the individual. Graphology is often used in the workplace for personnel selection as it helps in knowing the abilities and capabilities of each subject for the job; and to determine the author's hand of allegedly falsified or anonymous signatures. In addition, it can serve the characteristics of historical characters. In fact, this method is recognized in the courts for its use.

3. Signature type:

a) rounded - softness, kindness, balance;

b) angular - intolerance, irritability, harshness, independence, ambition, stubbornness.

4. Letter spacing:

a) significant - generosity, squandering;

b) “dense” signature - economy, stinginess (especially if the letters are small).

Once you do this, the exploration will begin. To correctly interpret features in graphology, we must always evaluate together: size, lines, margins, etc. but they are never independently assessed, as Carlos Belgar of the Spanish Society of Graphology warns.

Abnormal features in the signature

The small print provides, among other things, information about the subject's ability to synthesize, introvert and concentrate. On the contrary, in large letters we see that the person who writes this path is confident in himself and that he has a global vision. The address of the line informs us about the subject's state of mind. If you twist up when the line ends, it indicates optimism, and in the opposite case, despondency and pessimism.

5. Presence of various elements in the signature:

a) circle - fixation on problems and ideas;

b) loops - caution, stubbornness;

c) drawings - creative thinking;

d) combining elements - the desire to optimize one’s activities.

6. Signature slant:

a) to the left - waywardness, pronounced individualism;

Presence of various elements in the signature

This includes talking about angles and curves in writing. The curve is a gentle gesture, conciliatory, shows good manners, avoids being rude to others and is interpreted as a sign of kindness. If we go to evaluate the angles, we will find this type of writing in energetic people, tough and even, in extreme cases, aggressive. Although the degree of these characteristics is measured according to frequency and combination with other graphical variables.

Signs of symmetry in a signature

The cohesion of letters evaluates whether a person has a predominance of logic. If it is divided, it indicates the predominance of intuition. It also shows how we treat others: in unions we see more social skills, while in departments there are more relational difficulties.

b) to the right - balance of character, ability to understand;

c) direct slope - restraint, straightforwardness, intelligence;

d) different types of inclination - secrecy, insincerity;

e) “lying” letters - the presence of serious psychological problems.

a) up - optimism;

b) down - a tendency towards pessimism;

c) straight - balanced character;

Here's what Carlos Belgar says: "Writing purity informs us about the subject, but there are several ways to analyze this purity or dirt, just as there are different causes." Example: hairpins can convey information about people who are unsafe or have poor aesthetic taste.

Your signature is your brand and that is why they advise to take care of it as in your column you also show your personality. Our change changes when we change, and so does the signature. It is very common to see a change in signature over the years as we mature. Do you want to know what your signature is? What is the significance of the people surrounding your name with the circle in your signature?

8. Length of the “tail” of the signature.

The longer the “tail,” the more intolerant a person is of other people’s opinions. This is also a sign of caution and caution. The shorter the “tail,” the more careless the person is.

9. Signature Underlining:

a) from below - pride, touchiness, dependence on the opinions of others;

b) from above - pride, vanity;

What is the meaning of the last point in the caption? It is an unconscious tendency to reconsider what has been done. This may be a tendency towards depression, mistrust. It can also indicate reflection or prudence and desires for perfect execution.

What identity corresponds to people who also include their last names in their signature? In the symbolism of the signature, first and last names indicate, among other things, an intimate appreciation of the object itself and, of course, the meaning it gives to the maternal and maternal figure.

The normal thing is to be happy with our first and last name, and we declare this when we reproduce them, but there are people who, due to their promptness, tend to make signatures that are less readable. But any promiscuity defeats or underestimates what it represents. In the firm lies our deepest self, and in it we will see the importance that a person gives to himself. This is the most sincere and unconscious self-assessment of “me.”

c) crossed out signature - self-criticism, dissatisfaction with oneself, doubt.

10. Signs of symmetry:

a) symmetrical - reliability;

b) asymmetrical - unstable character, mood swings.

c) spasmodic - emotionality, imbalance

11. Complexity and simplicity:

a) simple - a person lives according to the principle of “no problems”;

As Belgar says, this interpretation is one of inferiority, concealment of intentions, or fear of responsibility. A legislative proposal proposing an end to funk in Brazil has been discussed in the National Congress since the beginning of May. The controversial idea to finally end the activity related to the musical rhythm is written by the Minister of Entrepreneurship Marcelo Alonso, a Sao Paulo web designer who harbors a deep “anger” over the style.

Married and the father of a teenager, he lives in a simple house in the suburbs near the city of Guarulhos, in the São Paulo metropolitan region. The project does not have a date to begin discussion or voting. However, the debate is gaining momentum. Watch a video discussing a legislative proposal to end the funk.

b) “loaded” - often inclined to “make mountains out of molehills”;

c) original - great creative potential.

12. Legibility

The more clear the signature, the more open the person is.

13. Press:

a) excessive - aggressiveness;

b) weak - secrecy;

c) strong - confidence.

Description of signature

Critics highlight aspects of censorship. Among people who live and work with funk, the proposal has received considerable criticism. The idea behind this project is to censor what people think, say and live. Barreiros draws a parallel between the ban on funk and military dictatorship. In the early years there was not only political censorship, but also moral censorship. The generals told us: it can, it cannot. The problem is you don't know where it ends, he warned. The city of Sao Paulo estimates that around a million young people flock to the weekend to have fun with funky beats.

Begin detailed description signatures.


I.11. The line runs across the entire signature, as if crossing it out.

In other words, this is the one who signs and crosses out his signature or part of it. Sometimes this signal is the crossing out of one of the letters.

At one time we had to work in one of the drug treatment centers, which tried to help drug addicts, alcoholics and substance abusers in overcoming their cravings and dependence on drugs, alcohol and volatile toxic substances, for example MOMENT glue, which is often inhaled by children. We used such psychodiagnostic methods as SAN (well-being, activity, mood), Eysenck test (temperament), Luscher test (color choice test, both shortened and full), sometimes the pathocharacterological questionnaire Lichko (character accentuation), Leonhard-Smishek questionnaire ( character accentuation), Rosenzweig test (overcoming various life situations), LIBIN test - preference for geometric shapes (TIGER - ideographic test). Before or during testing, we asked patients to sign several times. In one study, it turned out that over 6 months of the past year, 48 percent of those surveyed crossed out their signature in whole or in part. We interpreted this as SELF-DENIAL or DECREASED SELF-PRESERVATION INSTINCT.

The author of the idea, microentrepreneur Alonso, rejects the researcher. The micro-entrepreneur believes that people who enjoy the rhythm of music apologize for evil. It is a crime. This group uses the butt as a brain to convince mainly children, teenagers or minds to learn, he shoots. “I use my intelligence to raise awareness about parents, good people, opinion leaders, police officers, judges to change this scenario.”

The funk industry is moving a chain of hundreds of jobs, and it's great fun for the poor in the periphery, he says. Cultural producer Alan Silva, a resident of Capao Redondo, on the outskirts of the city of Sao Paulo, is another who disagrees with the project. "Music brings self-esteem to poor young people who are excluded on the periphery," he says. Twenty thousand signatures do not give anyone the right to stop the fun of millions of Brazilians. Funk is a cry of freedom from the periphery, he says.

Watch those people who cross out their signature. They either get sick or have various special troubles happen to them that complicate their life, and therefore the life of their loved ones. Those lines of poets at the end of each newsletter about self-love are precisely proof of how this category of people does not love themselves and brings grief to their loved ones if they are addicted to drugs, alcohol and volatile toxic substances. In other words, dislike for oneself can be expressed by crossing out a signature, and therefore dislike for one’s loved ones. How to measure SELF-LOVE. It turns out to be LOVE AND ATTITUDE FOR YOUR FAMILY AND LOVED ONES. This is what poets talk about.

For him, the musical genre is a reflection of their experiences on the streets, in the communities. This idea is an attack on freedom of expression. E-citizenship was used for the proposal. It works like this: anyone can visit the Senate website and register a bill, and if it receives 20,000 signatures after four months, the text will be sent to parliament for debate.

If the proposal is approved, it will become law after being processed by committees and voted on by the plenary. “I cast and democratically planted a seed of hope for people who, like me, believe that this garbage will be destroyed,” he says. The speech to defend the idea is ready on the tip of the tongue: There are no prejudices and yes, the concept has been formed that funk is garbage. In fact, funk is not garbage, even because garbage can be recycled, Alonso provokes.

Of course, if we intervene and tell such a person that it is better not to cross out the signature, this will not change anything in his self-perception. However, practice shows that carrying out long-term corrective work often helps to avoid crossing out the signature, and therefore behavior changes, since our behavior is expressed in handwriting and signature. The characteristics of the nervous system are reflected in behavior.

The micro-enterprise initiative has worked so far. In a draw, the project fell into the hands of Romario to report it.

The senator considers it a big mistake to treat the occurrence of possible criminal acts during funk dancing with the artistic and cultural manifestation emanating from the music.

For him, “dancing entertains young people and brings joy to a large part of the population, precisely those who already feel marginalized by poverty and social exclusion.” In addition to saying "short", it should be noted that violence, disrespect for others, vandalism, excessive drinking and sexual exploitation are common to all known celebrations and are not exclusive to funk dancing. “Of course, during the carnival we can see the same scenes that shocked the supporters of this proposal, but for this reason it is not proposed to criminalize it,” the senator said.

Why is such information confidential?

In medicine, there is such a concept as IATROGENY (Greek iatros - doctor + genes - generated, arising). This is harm to the patient’s health as a result of certain erroneous actions of medical workers. More often, iatrogenics refers to unwanted changes in the patient’s psyche. In the formation of mental (psychogenically caused) iatrogenesis, in addition to the careless, wounding statements of the doctor about the patient’s state of health, certain character traits of the patient also play a role (uncertainty, a tendency to anxious fears, increased attention to the slightest changes in well-being, emotional vulnerability, etc.) , predetermining an extremely nervous attitude towards any medical information he receives.

Also diametrically opposed to the idea of ​​criminalizing funk, federal deputy Chico Alencar vehemently rejects the sophistry of the micro-entrepreneur. It's bias, yes. I hope this idea doesn't flourish. The author of the bill, which, contrary to what Alonso wants, seeks to recognize funk as a form of popular cultural expression worthy of the care and protection of state power, Alencar assesses that proposals such as those presented by microentrepreneurs contribute to violence by discriminating against a segment of an important part of the national culture.

Some experts believe that in such cases we should talk about pseudoiatrogenicity, since it does not arise through the fault of the doctor, but rather due to the patient’s character traits, which contribute to the formation of obsessive fears (see “Phobia”) for one’s health without serious grounds. The source of mental iatrogenies can also be improperly conducted medical education, publications of controversial concepts that do not have a scientific basis and data that do not correspond to reality.

“Funk dancing is a distraction for young people and the poorest in the periphery,” says the MP. Alencar's proposal is slowly passing through the Chamber of Deputies and has been lying in the bunkers of the National Congress since last year. “No one is in front of fun, healthy and creative funk,” Alencar asserts.

Readability or illegibility: a question of openness

In the digital age, the signature disappears. If the letters of your signature are thin and long, you are undoubtedly impatient and, if they are well rounded, you are quite introverted. Obviously, the way you end your signature is also important, and those who emphasize it as a trait are betraying a person with high self-esteem. Pulling a small point or making a point after the last letter is a sign of ambition and determination - it's better to take the time to define your signature - before hiring your employees, some recruiters pay close attention to this revealing detail.

...information for a psychologist:

In this case, you need to be careful - this is a dangerous and self-destructive SIGN 18.

It’s as if he wants to erase himself (the unconscious often “thinks” literally) and reduce his existence to zero.

This may also mean a certain tendency to think about SUICIDE 18a He has a presentiment that he does not have the right to live, he fears for his existence. It is obviously difficult to help him. Especially if he “resists” because he seems to be erasing himself from life.

I.12. The signature goes up with its right side

Such a signature is not parallel to the edges of the sheet, but somewhat obliquely and upward. This is how managers usually sign different levels. You just need to look closely. Often found among managers.

AMBITION: 19 developed desire to achieve something significant - an honorable position, for example, fame, glory, power; to subjugate everything that surrounds him to his will.

ENERGY, SELF-CONFIDENCE AND SUCCESSFUL ACTIVITY 20, which lead to the satisfaction of ambition.

Tendency to make extensive plans.

AMBITION - heightened pride, an overly exaggerated sense of one's own DIGNITY (21), imperiousness, touchiness.

Trying to persistently climb the ladder of SUCCESS 22 and love.

This positive self-perception maintains an element of success in his life, albeit often accidental and sometimes undeserved.


II.13. Lack of strokes in the signature.

This is a signature when there are no strokes at all. For example, when the signature is simply a written surname, or just part of it, but without strokes.

The desire to be based only on what is available for factual verification.
Craving for specific manifestations of life.

II.14. Strokes preceding the signature.

The stroke before the signature can be of any shape. Before the first letter of the signature, sometimes some people put a stroke, which usually merges with the first letter or its likeness. Happens frequently.

The habit of acting according to inner conviction, when you have firm CONFIDENCE 23, your OPINION 24, your own views.

II.15. With exaggeratedly long straight strokes before the signature.

The stroke before the signature can be of any shape. Before the first letter of the signature, sometimes some people put a stroke, which usually merges with the first letter or its likeness. But it immediately strikes the eye that such a stroke is too long for such a signature.

STABILITY: 25 intransigence, intractability, desire to do things one’s own way, insistence on one’s own, contrary to necessity and common sense. Doesn't like to admit his mistakes and mistakes, even to himself.

Obstinacy: domineering, does not like objections. Tenacity, perseverance, but can be understanding.

... information for a psychologist:

DESPOTICISM: autocracy, trampling on other people's desires and will, tyranny, the need for unlimited power. The ability to allow arbitrariness, regardless of the desires and opinions of others.

II.16. Long horizontal strokes, especially before or after the signature.

The stroke before the signature can be of any shape. Before the first letter of the signature, sometimes some people put a stroke, which usually merges with the first letter or its likeness. After the signature, a long horizontal stroke also immediately catches the eye, since such strokes are too long for such a signature.

CAUTION: 26 restrains his thoughts, is extremely cautious in his actions and actions. He will stop, think, and only then can he do it, taking the necessary precautions so as not to attract special attention, not rudely, carefully, without causing harm to anyone. Just as carefully, he makes various proposals.

DISTRUST: 27 suspicious attitude towards someone or something and hides one’s understanding of the intentions of others. In this regard, people may be treated with hostility and irritation, but this is often difficult to notice.

II.17. Highly placed, elongated strokes.

Such strokes can be placed, for example, above the capital letters P, T, or simply above the entire signature. Rarely seen.

SELF-LOVE: a developed sense of self-esteem, combined with a jealous attitude towards the opinions of others about themselves. Pride that allows you to often stand up for yourself. Difficulty in reconciliation. Doesn't admit if he doesn't know something. Has a mind with a philosophical tint. Trying to expand his worldview, he does not know how to be ironic at himself and may be more offended by jokes than others. He is naturally inclined to put on airs, cares too much about his authority and often strives for a leadership position.

PERSISTENCE: resolutely strives to achieve his goal. . Tenacity, perseverance and exactingness are the key to the fact that he will achieve his goal at all costs.

POWER: 28 wants to dispose, command, manage. But often he does not want to be content with what he has. Capable of subjugating and conquering, including through indisputable logic.

II.18. A stroke curving down to the left (against the direction of movement).

In the signature, after the last letter, the stroke goes under the signature back, to the beginning, against the direction of movement. And even if this stroke does not go completely back under the signature, but is only outlined that it can go, this corresponds to the interpretation.

CALCULATING CAUTION: restraint of one's thoughts, extreme caution in one's actions and deeds. Time is spent on thinking, and only then actions begin with the necessary caution, so as not to attract special attention, without rudeness, carefully, without causing harm to anyone. Various types of proposals will also be made carefully. Such calculated caution can lead to false actions and statements, hypocrisy, which will not correspond to true feelings, beliefs, and intentions. ...

SELFISHNESS: behavior is structured in such a way that it is entirely determined by the thought of one’s own benefit, benefit, and preference of one’s interests over the interests of other people.

SELF-LOVE: can behave proudly and unapproachably, with cold politeness, in which one can feel the condescending contempt of an official minion and the callousness of a selfish nature with concern only for oneself. Anger, as a rule, is absent, but willfulness and spoiled behavior are possible. There may be a lack of understanding of the strain someone has to work under. The danger of arrogance cannot be ruled out, which will lead to self-importance, arrogance, and disregard for the affairs of others. At the same time, politeness is combined with fearlessness, liveliness and intelligence.

With other signs it may indicate dishonesty and dishonesty of nature.

II.19. A stroke that curves upward above the signature (against the direction of movement).

Such a stroke is bent at the end of the signature up and to the left, above the signature, when writing the last letter, or its likeness, and without breaking away from it, at the end of the signature. Rarely seen.

IMPRESSIVABILITY: easily and vividly susceptible to impressions, very receptive. The slightest little thing can alarm you. In his mind, the surroundings leave a deep imprint and experiences.

CURIOSITY: desire to acquire new knowledge, inquisitiveness. As a rule, there is external meekness, curiosity, you want to see everything, sometimes touch it with your hands. CURIOSITY(29) is one of the most beautiful character traits. It has often saved the lives of many people when all else had failed.

Tendency to improvise, fantasize, the ability to invent, imagine something, DREAM 30. His imagination can be inexhaustible, and proposals for improving something may seem, at first glance, fantastic. Fantasy is a special case of imagination, and imagination is a mental process consisting of the creation of new images based on the processing of past perceptions. No artist could create without relying on fantasy. It helps to imagine what is not directly perceptible. He takes pleasure in inventing, composing, or improvising. Specific proposals bind him, and then it is difficult for him to “ignite” the creativity of both those around him and himself. The fantasy he created at the beginning can support the courage of the desperate. Sometimes he is characterized by whims and QIDS (31), and then he finds himself in a difficult situation due to the fact that he wants to do it now, but it was proposed at the wrong time, ahead of events.

II.20. The strokes and the end of the signature are directed to the right.

The end of the signature in the form of strokes is directed to the right. Occurs with average frequency

EXTRAVERT (extra - outside, verto - turn, turn): outward-facing, aimed at the external world and activities in it, characterized by a predominant interest in external objects. He is more interested in what is happening around him, and not in what is happening to him.

EXCITABILITY: the ability to quickly become excited.

ENERGY 32: ability to lose your temper; easily becomes irritated and angry.

IMPULSIVITY: the tendency to act under the influence of a sudden impulse, on the first impulse; weak-willed behavior at some point.

Often experiences tension - a difficult, cramped state. In such cases, such a person spends more effort, attention and energy than required. Constant tension leaves its mark: seriousness, unnaturalness, concentration, and even gloominess appear. A tense, nervous life “helps” the disease destroy the body. Being in a state of tension requires an outlet: ready to burst into something, for example, an “explosion” of feelings. Therefore, tension, the scourge of mastering new types of activity, is always associated with uncertainty.

IMPATIENCE: It is especially difficult for such a person to wait. He can't stand verbosity. Therefore, this character trait gives rise to many mistakes. But the opposite trait - patience is one of the manifestations of the strong-willed qualities of a person.

II.21. The strokes and ending of the signature are directed to the right, but in an angular handwriting with pressure.

In position II.20 we were talking about the same thing, but now angular handwriting with pressure is added. Rarely seen.

WILLED CHARACTER. The ability to achieve the goals set for oneself.

INITIATIVE: has a certain entrepreneurial spirit, the ability for independent active actions, undertakings, and the desire to command.

II.22. The strokes are long, powerful, directed upward from the right.

Such strokes are most often placed in the letters “b”, “y” and others. Rarely seen.

Constantly experiences CONTRADICTION, i.e. a situation in which one thing excludes another that is incompatible with it.

Sometimes he shows tactlessness in discussions.

Tendency to SELF-ASSERTION - proves by hook or by crook its value and significance, so often there is no energy left to really work.

II.23. Strokes that wrap in on themselves and precede the signature.

Typically, such strokes, wrapping themselves in themselves, are most often depicted in capital letters and at their beginning “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “K”, “L”, “M”, “P”, “T”, etc. This wrapping is similar to that of some dogs - “donut tail” or “crochet tail”. Occurs with average frequency.

PERSISTENCE 33: determined, persistent, achieves his goal.

INCOMPLIANCE: always insists on his own, is intractable, does not want to bow and humiliate himself, or wait, which causes certain difficulties in relationships. Strict and firm in business, but ready to help many. OBSTIVE CHARACTER: characterized by AUTHORITY (SEE 28), does not like objections to anything; , stubborn and self-willed, likes to act contrary to someone, something. At the same time, despite his obstinate disposition, he can obey, especially his mother. Sometimes his disobedience, self-will and stubbornness take on the character of impudence.

II.24. The final stroke of the signature ends with a horizontal stroke.

The signature contains a stroke of varying length, which many people often put at the end, usually in isolation from the signature. Happens frequently.

DISTRUST: a suspicious attitude towards someone, something. He has his own opinion, which he does not share with anyone.

CAUTION: restraint of your thoughts, extreme caution in your actions and deeds. Time is spent on thinking, and only then actions begin, taking the necessary precautions so as not to attract special attention, without being rude, carefully, without causing harm to anyone. Various types of proposals will also be made carefully. Because of this, people may be wary and sometimes irritated, but this can often go unnoticed.

18 . My sign difference the snail crawled,
She managed to sniff out you too.
Lurking here is a fruitless attempt,
Here they immediately see right through everyone.

The desire to always be right is a SIGN of vulgarity. Camus

Qui tacet - consentire videtur - silence is a SIGN of consent.

The first sign of a high mind is condescension. Chesterfield.

This means that if we are lenient towards the shortcomings and minor mistakes of others that do not harm anyone, then we are demonstrating a fairly high intelligence.


Every healthy person's mood can and should change. Sometimes we are overcome by sadness - and this is normal. But if the depression persists for more than two weeks in a row, it can turn into serious depression.

Depression is a fairly common illness. It can affect a person’s physical health and distort his perception of the world around him. In addition, people with depression are at high risk of committing suicide (suicide). Many who experience severe depression are not immune to another episode. But with appropriate treatment, 80 to 90 percent of people suffering from this condition feel better within the first month.

Young people who have attempted suicide in the past or often talk about it are at higher risk of suicide. Approximately two-thirds of those who committed suicide had previously talked about suicide, and in a third of cases they stated it directly. Listen to the words: “I would be better off dead,” “I won’t bother anyone anymore,” or “None of this is important and meaningless.”

Young people who are suicidal tend to feel lonely, helpless and rejected. They are especially likely to indulge in sad thoughts when they have been offended or humiliated in the presence of friends or loved ones, when they have lost self-respect after a failed exam, after a breakup with a loved one, if their parents abuse alcohol or drugs, if there is discord in the family, their parents are in trouble, or they are divorced. However, a teenager may experience depression or even attempt suicide if this kind of trouble does not affect him.

If there have already been cases of suicide in the family, this increases the risk of repeated suicide. This connection may be explained by the fact that adolescents tend to identify themselves with those who are close to them and repeat their actions.

Teenagers who abuse alcohol or drugs are not only more likely to attempt suicide, but also more likely to follow through. It is known that about 80% of people who attempt suicide do so after drinking alcohol. Alcohol is a depressant.

Teens contemplating suicide may engage in "house cleaning": giving away or throwing away their favorite items while clearing out their room. In addition, after a long period of depression, they may suddenly become very cheerful because they “found a way out” by deciding to commit suicide.

If several of the statements below apply to you or any of your friends, then you should seek help from a specialist (psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist), parents, or another adult you trust.
I wake up later than usual, sleep poorly, and feel drowsy all the time.

My appetite has changed, I am rapidly losing or gaining weight.
I feel constant anxiety.
I'm moving away from friends and family.
I can not concentrate.
What I used to really like no longer interests or makes me happy.
I feel hopeless or guilty.
My mood and behavior changed dramatically: before I was very calm, but now I am extremely excited; I used to love being in companies, but now I avoid all communication.
It seems to me that life is not worth living.

For the most part, people who are depressed or thinking about suicide do not talk and do not want to talk about their feelings. They feel unwanted. They have lost hope and do not express their emotions, believing that their experiences will fall on the shoulders of others. Some are afraid of being ridiculed.

This is understandable because those who talk about suicide are often not taken seriously or what they say falls on deaf ears. Such a reaction can lead to irreparable consequences. So if your friend or relative brings up this topic, take it seriously and take the time to have a deep and compassionate conversation.

Try to convince this person that he has someone to turn to. That relatives, friends, school psychologist, doctor or teachers are undoubtedly ready to listen to him. Often the opportunity to talk can ease the pain, and although it is difficult to start such a conversation, it is still necessary.

One should not lecture and point out all the reasons why a person is obliged to live. Instead, listen more and try to convince him that depression and suicidal tendencies are treatable. Depressive conditions respond well to treatment with psychotherapy (a general name for many non-drug methods aimed at correcting behavior) or appropriate medications. Antidepressants (medicines for the treatment of depression) are used in combination with psychotherapy, and only as prescribed by a doctor. Almost 90% of all patients suffering from depression respond well to this treatment.

19. Nothing excites AMBITION more than someone else's glory, which crushes envy and nourishes valor.

AMBITIOUS often want to conquer the whole world, they are usually smart and imaginative, and strive for self-affirmation. This sometimes gives rise to the desire to show off, brag, and exaggerate your true achievements. But they are more capable than anyone else of making jokes about themselves.

When thinking about the end of the matter, worry about getting out safely, not about getting in gracefully. The usual problem with darlings is a loud beginning and a bitter end. The point is not that a crowd greets you at the entrance - everyone can enter pleasantly - but that they regret your departure.

20. ACTING among small ones, you become smaller,
And among the big ones you yourself grow...
But he only takes things seriously
And looks to the root, to the essence of things, to the basis.

21. ADVANTAGES acquire even greater value, flaws will be less visible if you come into contact with art. In this way, beauty is helped, since without such help the beautiful can appear as ugliness. He who has no culture has advantages half. Evil intention is poison for the high advantages.

A sign of perfection is an intolerant attitude towards one's shortcomings. Rarely is anyone free from spiritual or physical defects, but often few people pay attention to them, and sometimes they even cherish and boast about them when they are easy to get rid of. It annoys a wise person to see how an insignificant flaw sometimes spoils a magnificent combination. advantages, - a cloud is enough to outshine the sun. Human malice will immediately notice birthmarks on a good reputation - and stubbornly marks them. The art of hiding one’s disadvantage, turning it into an advantage, is especially valuable ( for every shortcoming is a continuation of our merits). So, Caesar hid his bald head with a laurel wreath.

It is especially important to know your main dignity, develop your best abilities, without forgetting about the rest. Everyone could achieve great heights in something if they knew their strengths. Determine your main gift ( “everyone is capable of much, but not everyone knows what they are capable of”) and apply diligence ( “You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty”); For some, intelligence predominates, for others, valor predominates. Most people do not know their characteristics and therefore cannot achieve success. Easy success flatters passions, but time brings belated disappointment. However, for universal admiration, and especially love, merits alone are not enough - not only words are needed, but even more deeds.

In order to gain and preserve a good name, great dignity, which are as rare as mediocre ones are common.

If you want to show off, brag advantages, not luck; even a king should be revered more for his personal merits than for his external greatness.

At the same time rare dignity For another, the ignorant are inaccessible, and he is consoled by the mediocre, but at least his own.

Another, relying on his dignity, does not seek to win love, which penetrates through feeling into conviction. But devoted love does not always reward for the virtues that it more often imagines - valor, nobility, learning, even intelligence; He doesn’t see any shortcomings because he doesn’t want to see them.

“Everyone is built differently, and there is no person who is complete
a villain. There are no such people who would combine all the advantages: beauty,
restraint, intelligence, taste and loyalty. Everyone is good in their own way, and it's hard to say
who is really better? Murasaki Shikib at

22. Some people are born prudent and with this gift they reach wisdom, which is half the way to SUCCESS.

Others are more concerned about not deviating from the direction they have taken once and for all, rather than thinking about achieving the goal; however, blame for failure always drowns out praise for diligence. A happy ending will brighten everything up ( “winners are not judged”), although the means to achieve the goal are not always good ( "end justifies the means"). The “rule” of the reasonable ones is to sometimes go against all “rules”, otherwise the work begun will not be completed.

Submit a thought... Sometimes you need to remind, and sometimes advise. People often don’t take the right step because nothing comes to mind; In such cases, it is appropriate to give advice in a friendly manner. One of the most valuable properties of the mind is to figure out in time what is important. Who is deprived of this? good luck often misses. Let the quick-witted one give help, and the slow-witted one ask for it; one in this case will be more thorough, the other more attentive, as if they are giving him a hand. The art of presenting a thought is very valuable when it can benefit the person submitting it. It is recommended to do this kindly, but if necessary, be persistent. “No” is always ready, “yes” has to be sought - and wisely. That's why success often not achieved because it is not achieved.

Failure to cope with a task is a lesser problem than indecision. It is not running water that spoils, but standing water ( "a rolling stone gathers no moss").Some people won’t take a step until you push them; and the reason is sometimes not in the flexibility of the mind - the mind can be insightful - but in its sluggishness. It takes a lot of intelligence to anticipate difficulties, but even more to find a way out. Smart and determined people are not embarrassed by difficulties; they are born for great things. Their clarity of understanding breeds speed of action and success; They manage everything by themselves... One of them, having managed his affairs, still manages to take care of the affairs of the other.

Usually they begin to act when there is no doubt. Doubt about the success of the one who acts becomes certainty about the failure of the opponent. It is dangerous to act when you doubt success and it is better to abstain. Is it possible to expect success when an action is barely conceived and is already condemned by fear?

But the other extreme is complacency. It is always useful, even wise, to live with prudent caution - for greater zeal in achieving success and for consolation in case of failure. The cruelty of fate will not astonish those who fear in advance.

Determination often helps achieve success and power.

Skillful calculation is the key success in business.

"I have always noticed that for success in the world you have to look stupid and be smart.” C. Montesquieu

The only condition on which it depends success, have patience. (L.N. Tolstoy)

“I bequeath: do not be zealous in anything, choose the middle in everything. You'll see the same one success, that and working hard.” Theognis

23. The highest perfection in business is achieved with complete CONFIDENCE.

Confidence comes from knowledge, from ignorance and from physical strength. ( Boris Lesnyak).

There is something that gives a special charm to human thought: it is UNCONFIDENCE. A SELF-CONFIDENT mind is annoying and boring. ( A.France)

24. How many people - so many OPINIONS. Any thing according to opinion some are good and others are bad; what one follows, another pursues. An intolerable fool is one who tries to redo everything in his own way.

25. But he is a terrible misanthrope (a person who avoids the company of people is unsociable).

Grouchy, STUBBORN and stubborn.

Anyone who is STUB-FINE is often grumpy and it is very difficult to convince him.

The difference between perseverance and STABILITY is that the first has its source in a strong desire, and the second, on the contrary, has a strong reluctance. (G. Beecher)

I don't care at all if someone is STUBBORN; but if he is impudent, then it already matters to me great importance. The first one defends his views, and this is his property. The second attacks the opinions of others, and this is already common property. (Montesquieu)

STOBARITY. If they give you lined paper, write across it. (Juan Ramon Jimenez)

Only people with a strong character can be truly soft. The great vice of youth - STOBARITY - sometimes leads in mature years to a great virtue - perseverance. (Abu-l-Faraj)

26. When the path is unclear, stick to wise and CAREFUL people - sooner or later they will find a successful way out.

We arrived, I hope, at good hour.
CAUTION has always saved us

At the same time, excessive CAUTION is a frequent accompaniment of various fears and phobias.

“True courage is CAUTION.” Euripides

27. Everyone knows how much deception is around, so be on your guard, but do not show your DISTRUST, so as not to cause distrust in yourself, because... it is dangerous - by generating enmity, it can incite revenge.

We know how often friendships die from DISTRUST.

28. POWER corrupts.
There's no reason for her to confess
She, like small children, is innocent,
And I have no power over her.

Everything in the world is created for their persons.
For them, nothing is sacred in life.
When the judge does not dare to punish,
He is at one with the criminals.

I described the matter gloomily,
But the collapse is even darker.
The mistake of many! Lord
Must be content with POWER.

Let him own it alone
The whole secret of human happiness.
All you have to do is give him an order,
And the world is surprised.
And enjoy, vegetate

Relegates to a lower level.
And this one really lived to his fullest!
And when the collapse began

The country was replaced by anarchy.
Enmity began to divide everyone.
Brothers turned against brothers
And cities upon cities.
Craftsmen fought with the nobility
And with the men, gentlemen.

The priests went to war against the laity,
And everyone you meet is transverse
Killed another from the crowd
With inhuman cruelty.
A merchant was leaving on business -
And I found the end along the way.
Has reached extreme proportions
Entrenched evil.

Everyone has lost their sense of fear
Once upon a time there lived the one who fought, and so it went.

It walked, fell, trudged, dragged,
Until it completely fell apart.

No one was to blame for this.
Everyone wanted to mean something.
Gained the second rank,
And the first one just tolerated it.
However, this mess

The best people didn't like him.
They thought: “We’ll get
Order. The Emperor is ours
We are not a stronghold in the harsh struggle.

Let's choose another one
Which with an domineering hand
We will be familiar with renewal,
To have a happy marriage
And justice and peace.

So skillful domineering the leader knows how to restore justice and order.

“If you want to know a person, give him POWER.”

Only then take POWER into your hands when you learn to obey. Solon

Imperare sibi maximum imperium est - to command oneself is the GREATEST POWER.

29. He is MORE CURIOUS than a fish.
What would this helipad be worth?
Neither incarnated, he is before us
He appears and barely sees the flame.

The common people are more inquisitive,
It doesn't stay away
And, observing strange arrays,
Attributes the miracle to Satan.

When a person is attracted to something unusual, he will definitely come or come up to inquire.

Ordinary people, as a rule, are more inquisitive and notice the slightest inaccuracies. But if these inaccuracies cannot be explained, then they are attributed to non-existent causes.

30. Secular vanity will dispel the DREAM,
Vanity will trample under its heel.

DREAMS, dreams where your sweetness is a famous expression.

S.E. Lenz:
I DREAMED of knowing people from the inside. He was asked to do it from the back door.
The dream of slaves is a market where they could buy masters for themselves.
Where cruel law reigns, people DREAM about lawlessness.

31. FAD is hated as a temptation to prudence.

Yes, you yourself are the enemy of quirks that are not characteristic of the season,
And you love a simple, healthy, simple table.

32. The hot-tempered is often aggressive and in most cases is not capable of striking from behind, as he is accustomed to seeing his opponent face to face. Anyone who gets angry quickly leaves just as quickly. Hot-tempered, all in sight, he will almost never “keep a stone in his bosom,” so he is less dangerous than secretive. It is easier for someone with a quick temper to look into the future, since we know that an outburst will be followed by quick calm. You can be hot-tempered in the family, but you can be in the environment. Although a person can be quick-tempered both in the family and in the environment. As everyone knows, a person in the family is an “angel”, but at work he is a “beast” and vice versa. And this is not compensation, but an innate feature and it is almost impossible to correct it, and there is no need. It is always enough to “forgive” such a person and teach him to ask forgiveness from others for his inconsistency. If he holds back, he will harm his health. So let him be rude? At first, yes. Then you need to put love and respect for your loved ones or employees at the forefront.

33. PERSISTENCE softens fate. ( Flaubert)

Tenacity and perseverance are the guarantee that he will achieve his goal, no matter what. PERSISTENCE is one of the manifestations of the strong-willed qualities of a person.

© V.V. Libin, 2004
© Published with the kind permission of the author.