Control program for laser engravers. Creating a control program for engraving in ArtCAM

The circuit is working, the engraver has started. I even tried to burn something on dark cardboard.

As a first modification, I attached a 40x40x10 fan to the engraver body using a piece of 20x20x1.5mm corner to blow the laser and remove smoke from the engraving area.

Forum participant orensnake suggested trying the T2Laser program. I tried.

The program is excellent. I haven't come across anything more convenient yet. Several evenings of experimentation and I managed to burn the picture onto cardboard with halftones in acceptable quality. Controlled the laser power.

I'll still work on the program.

I found a 12V 2a power supply in a stash and decided to use it for the engraver. I bought and secured the connector for the power supply on the engraver, this is the second minor modification.

As a third and purely aesthetic modification, I drew and printed the caps in a 20x20 profile.

When I was researching the issue of building a laser engraver, I came across Chinese program MyLarser - this is the program that comes with NeJe engravers.

The first attempt to launch the engraver in this program did not work. A little later I read that the program works with the engraver at a speed of 9600 kbit/s. Firmware 1.1f works on 115200.

Since this engraver does not use end switches, and I soldered the board for a larger engraver project, I decided to solder another brain. Not difficult. Fortunately, there was one more Arduino and a number of breadboards in stock. As a 12-5V stabilizer I used a commonplace 7805 in a TO220 package. A plus on the board is a connector for a 12V fan.

I found on the Internet an old firmware 0.8c, running at a speed of 9600. I spilled it into the Arduino. Set it up.

Grbl 0.8c ["$" for help]

$0=106.667 (x, step/mm)

$1=106.667 (y, step/mm)

$2=106.667 (z, step/mm)

$3=10 (step pulse, usec)

$4=250.000 (default feed, mm/min)

$5=500.000 (default seek, mm/min)

$6=192 (step port invert mask, int:11000000)

$7=25 (step idle delay, msec)

$8=10.000 (acceleration, mm/sec^2)

$10=0.100 (arc, mm/segment)

$11=25 (n-arc correction, int)

$13=0 (report inches, bool)

$14=1 (auto start, bool)

$15=0 (invert step enable, bool)

$16=0 (hard limits, bool)

$17=0 (homing cycle, bool)

$18=0 (homing dir invert mask, int:00000000)

$19=25.000 (homing feed, mm/min)

$20=250.000 (homing seek, mm/min)

$21=100 (homing debounce, msec)

In addition to the difference in firmware settings, there is one more difference. In firmware 0.8, the output for laser control is port 12 (and in 0.9j and later, the 11th pin with PWM). The laser has only 2 states, on and off. No PWM regulation!

On the board I soldered the contacts for the jumper and connected them to ports 11 and 12. Now, by rearranging the jumper, the laser can be connected to port 11 or 12 of the Arduino.

The engraver installed this firmware using the MyLarser program. The program is extremely simple; the program comes with a set of pictures. Setting comes down to determining the engraving area and engraving time.

I managed to engrave the following pictures:

Of course, this homemade product is nothing more than a toy. However, this is a small step towards making a larger engraver in the future and with a normal, more powerful purchased laser.

Step 1. Create vector image from a simple/raster image

Please note that vectorizing a raster image does not produce an exact copy, but a set of curves with which you need to work further.

The InkScape program is used (

With InkScape, you can turn a raster image into a vector image, that is, turn it into an outline.

To turn a raster image into vector outlines, download or import raster image.

Highlight in the program field your raster image, which you will convert into contours, and in the main menu select the command “Outlines” - “Vectorize” raster...", or use the key combination Shift+Alt+B.

2. Preview of the result of applying the Brightness Reduction filter.

Second filter - "Detecting Edges". This filter produces an image that is less similar to the original than the result of the first filter, but provides information about the curves that other filters would ignore. The threshold value here (from 0.0 to 1.0) adjusts the brightness threshold between adjacent pixels, depending on which adjacent pixels will or will not become part of the contrast edge and, accordingly, fall into the outline. In fact, this parameter determines the severity (thickness) of the edge.

1. First:

1.1. Select the object that we will engrave. Select and transform tool, in the tool window (the first tool at the top in the form of a black arrow) or press the S or F1 key. The selected inkscape object will have a black or dotted border around it. 1.2. Position object at the desired coordinate point (X;Y) according to the method of attaching our material to the 3D printer stage. Just move the image mouse or arrow keys, or use precise setting of coordinates(on the top command line) using the "X" and "Y" fields:

2. Use the first InkScape plugin: .

2.1. For this feature, we must have the files of this plugin (“laser.inx”, “”) in a folder inside the program location, namely “C:Program FilesInkscapeshareextensions”. For your convenience, we have attached these downloadable files to the instructions.

2.3. Specify in the dialog box required parameters to generate code.

2.3.1. The laser on and off commands used for our printer (for example, for the Wanhao 3D printer these are commands M106 and M107, respectively, and for the DIY engraver, commands M03 and M05, respectively). 2.3.2. Movement speed (when the laser is turned off).

2.3.3. Burn speed (when laser is on).

2.3.4. Delay before movement (burning) in milliseconds after the laser is turned on at the start point of each contour.

2.3.5. The number of passes over our drawing.

2.3.6. Depth in millimeters per pass. This parameter is taken into account in the code when there are more than one passes. After each pass, a command is added that lowers the laser down by a given amount (to maintain focus).

2.3.7. We indicate the directory to save the file with our code, it will be remembered by the program and next time you will not need to enter it again.

2.3.8. Click “Apply” to start the plugin.

2.3.9. In some cases it is possible software error as a result of the plugin running, and we see a notification about this, then the code will not be generated. In such cases, you can edit the vector slightly and re-run the plugin. Or use the following plugin. At the beginning of the code, insert the line “G28 X Y” (Go to origin only on the X and Y axis). This is important if you have mechanically moved the printer head for any reason. The command “G28” (Go to origin on all axes) will return all axes to zero.

3. If the first plugin does not work satisfactorily, use the plugin: "GcodeTools".

In special cases, before calling the “Path to Gcode” function, it is necessary to run sequentially the functions “Orientation points...”, “Tools library...”, “Area...” (eng: “Area...”), for more details, see the lessons on the plugin developers page http:/ / 3.1. If this is our first launch, then go to the third tab: parameters... 3.1.1. We indicate the directory to save the file with our code, it will be remembered by the program and next time you will not need to enter it again.

3.2. We return to the first tab. Run “Apply”.

3.3. We open the resulting code in Notepad++ ( and then make several replacements throughout the code:

3.3.1. Remove the header up to the words “(Start cutting path id:..."

3.3.2. At the beginning of the code, insert the line “G28 X Y” (Go to origin only on the X and Y axis). This is important if you have mechanically moved the printer head for any reason. The command “G28” (Go to origin on all axes) will return all axes to zero.

3.3.3. Place the cursor at the beginning of the file. Press the key combination Ctrl + H. Check that in the “Replace” dialog box in the “Search Mode” settings is set to “Advanced (

3.3.4. Replace everywhere "(" with ";("

3.3.5. Replace everywhere “G00 Z5.000000” with “G4 P1

3.3.6. Replace everywhere “G01 Z-0.125000” with “G4 P1

3.3.7. Replace “Z-0.125000” with “” everywhere (i.e. delete “Z-0.125000” everywhere).

3.3.8. Replace “F400” with “F1111” everywhere (i.e. select the correct speed for our engraving, for example, 1111 is a fairly fast speed) 3.3.9. Note that in this G code we do not specify the Z coordinate (laser height), because Let's set it immediately before starting the laser.

3.4. The edited code looks like this:

4. Our code is almost ready for use in a 3D printer or engraver with an L-Cheapo laser installed.

Any program may have glitches or errors. Here are some tips for overcoming problems:

3.1. Plugin "J Tech Photonics Laser Tool" sometimes does not put a space in any line of the Gcode file before the occurrence of “F”, for example: “G0 X167.747 Y97.2462F500.000000”. To eliminate: Replace “F500” with “F500” everywhere (a space is inserted at the beginning in the last expression).

3.2. Plugin "GcodeTools" sometimes it gives out empty file at the exit. Then you need to execute: menu "Circuit", Further "Outline Object" and repeat Gcode generation.

4.1. Use the Gcode visualization program: Basic CNC Viewer.

Step 4: Printing and Burning.

After turning on the printer, perform auto-detection of the origin of coordinates for all axes (see Step 2, p. 1.2.2).

Before starting engraving, it is necessary to set the laser height Z manually on the printer, if this is not provided for in our code.

The optimal Z height corresponds to a position such that the laser beam is in focus on the surface of the sample.

There is a separate special red button for turning the laser on and off on the top frame of the Wanhao 3D printer.

Wear safety glasses before turning on this button!

Safety glasses can be removed only after turn off this button!

BE SURE TO FOLLOW SAFETY PRECAUTIONS when working with lasers. Operate ONLY WITH SAFETY GOGGLES when the laser is on.


1. M18 (Disable all stepper motors) command releases the table from being blocked by motors, useful, for example, at the end of the entire code execution.

Most of the articles on the site describe working in the ArtCAM v8/v9 program. If you are using later versions of the program (v11/v12 or later), for the convenience of working with the program and articles, you must configure the layout after starting ArtCAM, as shown in the figure:

The file preparation is designed for a blue laser with a power of 1..10 W with a beam diameter of 0.25 mm.

Prepared at your convenience graphics program dotted black and white drawing in .bmp format open in the ArtCam program

File - Open

If necessary, scale (resize) the model.

In the ArtCam program, you need to change the model resolution - increase it approximately twice. Model ->Change resolution.

Use the slider in the left area to set the new resolution (1). The new resolution parameters should be approximately twice as large as the current resolution parameters. Next, click the Apply button (2).

Call the Form Editor. Model -> Form Editor or simply double click left mouse button on the black square at the bottom of the image (1). In the window that appears, select the FLAT button (2). Next, enter a value of 1 mm for the Initial height (3). Next - Subtract (4), Apply (5), Close (6).

A relief will appear in the 3D view area.

We create a LASER tool based on an end mill. For this

Go to the UE tab (1),


Add a new tool (3),

Enter the name of the tool, select the type of tool - END, units of measurement mm/sec (4),

We set the diameter to 0.001, the processing depth is minimal (5),

Step - 0.001, speed, spindle - any (6),

Save the changes (7), save the creation of a new tool (8).

Staying in the NC tab (1), select RELIEF PROCESSING (2).

We adjust the trajectory of movement - SNAKE IN X, angle - 0, allowance - 0, accuracy - 0.001 (1).

Safety height in Z - 1, return point in X and Y - 0, in Z - 1 (2).

Tool Select (3) laser 0.001 (4),Select (5).

We indicate a step of 0.25 mm (laser focus) (1), depth per pass of 1 mm (2)

Determine the material (1), height of the workpiece 1.0 (2), pay attention to the offset (3), OK (4), give a name to the workpiece (5), calculate now (6), close (7).

Move the UE to the saved section (1),

Select G-Code (mm) (2),

Save (3),

Select the storage folder (4) and set the file name (5),

Save the changes (6) and close the window (7).

Next, you need to open the program program in Notepad and replace (Edit - Replace) all values ​​of Z 1.000 with Z 0.010. If necessary, change the speed value to the required F1000. This is done so that the Z axis does not waste time, and the head moves at a constant speed without stopping or delaying turning the laser on/off.

Photo of a picture obtained by burning on a desktop milling machine with installed laser.

ATTENTION! When working with a laser, follow safety precautions. ALWAYS use glasses!

Burning from a photograph on an engraving and milling machine Modelist3040

Video of burning on a desktop milling machine Modelist3040

Video of laser paper cutting on the Modelit3040 machine

To correctly download software for an Arduino-based CNC machine, click right click mouse on the corresponding link and select the item in the drop-down menu Save object as.

If an error appears when launching the application, run Install.bat to install the missing components;
- You may need to configure an antivirus or firewall for the system to check for updates to work correctly;
- If errors occur again, write to me by email: [email protected] ;

Latest version 2.1.6


Changed the main menu;
- Added a form for working with the impact head

Latest version 2.1.5


The form of laser cutting according to the drawing has been improved;
- Optimized traversal of shapes when laser cutting according to a drawing

Latest version 2.1.4


The forms of engraving paintings with a laser and engraving paintings with a burner have been changed. Now there is no need for preliminary preparation images for specific sizes. Please note that for painting/photo engraving to work correctly, you must correctly specify the diameter of the laser spot/tip.
- A button has been added to the form for laser engraving of paintings Invert. The button allows you to invert the image tones regardless of pseudo-toning.
- When burning with a hot thread, the ability to line-by-line drawing of the tip trajectory has been added. Necessary to speed up work on “weak” computers.

Latest version 2.1.1


Minor bugs fixed;
- The GDI+ library is connected, providing the ability to open images in any raster formats.

Latest version 2.0.8


Improved opening of images on all forms of working with a CNC machine. Now color depth does not matter. That is, the program can open a raster image of any depth. Guaranteed extensions supported: BMP, JPG. The ability to open other formats depends on the OS.

Do you already have a machine (laser equipment)? We have what you need!

Fill out the form and find out more about our capabilities!

On this page you will find everything you need to prepare your image for laser cutting or engraving.
Also presented is the entire software package for working with diode (solid-state) lasers installed on the Makeblock plotter, DIY machine and 3D printers.

Software for launching and operating Makeblock XY 2.0 plotter, DIY laser engraver and WANHAO Duplicator i3.
We recommend Acan, CNCC Laseaxe, Grbl, Benbox, Cura, Inkscape, Endurance Inkscape plug-in and others necessary programs for laser cutting and laser engraving.

Getting started with the Endurance Makeblock laser machine

Acan— an analogue of Acan mini with a more complete interface. A description of the interface functionality is available at
Download Acan program

Getting Started with the Endurance DIY Laser Machine

Laserweb software package

Software package for working and editing images

In this section you will find everything you may need to work with images. G-code preparation, raster to vector image conversion.

CHPU converter– a program for generating Gcode burning from raster images; The program has a visually convenient and intuitive interface.

Getting started with the Endurance Neje laser machine

If you need firmware for your machine (laser or engraver), answer the questions of our Wish Bot and we will definitely help you!

If you have any questions, contact us!

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Messenger: @george.fomitchev

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To learn more


Tell us about your lasers / Tell us about Endurance lasers

Endurance has developed semiconductor (diode) lasers that produce radiation that can burn through or melt the top layer of materials on which it is focused. On this moment Endurance offers its customers lasers with a nominal output power of 2.1 W; 3.5 W; 5.6 W and 8 W. More powerful lasers can significantly reduce engraving or cutting time.

Keywords: laser Endurance radiation burn through material engraving cutting

Tell us about engravings / Tell us about laser engraving

Laser engraving is the process of burning or melting the top layer of materials under the influence of directed, focused radiation. The speed of engraving and the depth of melting of the surface of the material directly depends on the output power of the semiconductor (diode) laser.
For additional information For information about the capabilities of Endurance lasers, we recommend visiting our website
Keywords: laser Endurance radiation burn material layer engraving material semiconductor diode

Tell us about your engravers / Tell us about your engravers

Engravers are CNC machines or 3D printers complete with a semiconductor (diode) laser. Basically, engravers are differentiated by the size of the engraving or cutting workspace and the software they support.
For additional information, we recommend visiting our website
Keywords: laser Endurance CNC machine 3D printer semiconductor diode program

I want to buy a laser. What do you advise? / Which laser do you recommend? / I want a laser for engraving

The choice of laser is based on the scope of its application in your work. The output power of the semiconductor (diode) laser directly determines the engraving speed and the depth of melting of the material surface. More powerful lasers can significantly reduce engraving or cutting time, and also allow you to engrave on anodized aluminum and glass. Detailed information about laser performance tests and their technical specifications You can get the site on our website
Keywords: laser Endurance material power semiconductor diode engraving cutting aluminum glass

I want an engraver for engraving on metal

The Endurance 8 W semiconductor (diode) laser is capable of engraving anodized or painted aluminum.
Less powerful lasers are only suitable for engraving on wood (or wood-based materials), acrylic, plastic, PVC, leather, and fabric. To engrave metal, you can engrave a stencil followed by etching or electrolysis.
Keywords: laser Endurance material wood acrylic plastic PVC leather fabric stencil etching power semiconductor diode engraving cutting

I want to buy / I want to place an order / How to order / How to contact you

You can purchase Endurance products by leaving a request on the website, or on To clarify information, you can contact the phone numbers listed on the website.
Keywords: Endurance laser buy application purchase information

I want to buy / I want to buy engravers / I want to buy an engraving laser

The Endurance team recommends the Endurance DIY Engraver paired with the Endurance L-Cheapo 3.5W Semiconductor (Diode) Laser. The engraver is powerful enough to cope with various tasks and become a universal assistant in your business or home. You can get detailed information about the capabilities of the Endurance DIY engraver on our website
Keywords: laser Endurance engraver L-Cheapo DIY semiconductor diode

Question 8
I want to buy a cutting laser
The Endurance team recommends the Endurance DIY Engraver paired with the Endurance L-Cheapo 5.6W Semiconductor (Diode) Laser. This powerful engraver can easily cut 8mm thick plywood. You can get detailed information about the capabilities of the Endurance DIY engraver on our website
Keywords: laser Endurance engraver L-Cheapo DIY semiconductor diode plywood

I want a laser and a 3D printer

We offer you the Endurance Wanhao Duplicator i3 (combo) engraver. This is a simultaneous solution to three problems: the engraver can work as a 3D printer, laser cutter or engraver. Depending on the output power of the installed laser, you will be able to engrave and cut materials such as leather, acrylic, plastic, plywood, wood, fabric, felt, PVC or glass.
Keywords: laser Endurance Wanhao Duplicator i3 (combo) radiation 3D printer burn material cut leather acrylic plastic wood plywood fabric felt PVC glass

Can an engraved inscription or part of it be erased and replaced with another using a laser?

Laser engraving is the process of burning or melting the top layer of materials under the influence of directed, focused radiation. To remove engraving from the surface of the material, you will need to remove the top layer of material to the depth of the engraving or cover the product with a layer of paint.
Keywords: laser Endurance engraving radiation removal layer

Can engraving on a laptop without damaging it?

In our experiments, we did not conduct experiments on samples of electronic equipment. However, we assume that when engraving is carried out on a solid (not damaged) section of a plastic case, that it is definitely possible to engrave on a non-plastic case.
Keywords: laser engraving laptop

What is the difference between laser and mechanical engraving?

During the laser engraving process, the top layer of material is burned or melted under the influence of directed, focused radiation. In this case, the structure of the material changes.
During the mechanical engraving process, mechanical damage occurs to the top layer of the material. The structure of the material does not change.
Keywords: laser engraving layer burning radiation material structure

How thick should the leather be for engraving?

To perform laser engraving on skin, you need to adjust the laser output power level and engraving speed in order to avoid burning through the skin.
Keywords: laser engraving leather power output burn

What is the best laser to engrave leather?

For leather engraving work, the Endurance team recommends the Endurance L-Cheapo 2.1 W and 3.5 W solid-state (diode) engravers.
Keywords: laser Endurance L-Cheapo engraving leather

What is the best laser to engrave wood?

For engraving work on wood (or wood-based) products, the Endurance team recommends the Endurance L-Cheapo 2.1 W and 3.5 W solid-state (diode) engravers.
Keywords: laser Endurance L-Cheapo engraving wood

What is the best laser to engrave plastic?

For engraving work on plastic products, the Endurance team recommends the Endurance L-Cheapo 2.1 W and 3.5 W solid-state (diode) engravers.
Keywords: laser Endurance L-Cheapo engraving plastic

What does it take to start a laser engraving business?

To organize any business, you need to start by developing a business plan.
Regarding the laser engraver, to organize engraving work you will only need to purchase an Endurance DIY engraver complete with an Endurance L-Cheapo 2.1 W laser for only 29,900 rubles.
Keywords: laser Endurance L-Cheapo DIY business engraving engraver

What is the payback period for a laser cutter? / How quickly can a laser cutter (engraver) pay for itself?

The cost of purchasing a laser engraver can pay off in one to three months. This will be a profitable investment when organizing your own business.
Keywords: engraver return on investment business

What software do you need for engraving?

Laser engraving software is included with your selected engraver. If necessary, you can find software on the official Endurance website website
Keywords: laser Endurance engraving software program software engraver

What changes need to be made to the firmware?

To perform laser engraving, you do not need to make changes to the firmware.
Keywords: laser engraving firmware change

Where can I see examples of G-code engraving different types(contour and dot)? / How to see the result of laser engraving?

You have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the results of the work of Endurance semiconductor (diode) lasers from our video experiments.
Keywords: laser Endurance experiments video results

What materials are best for engraving?

Using Endurance semiconductor (diode) lasers, you can engrave or cut leather, acrylic, wood (or wood-based materials), plywood, plastic, fabric, painted or anodized aluminum, stone and glass.
Keywords: laser Endurance materials engraving

How long will the engraving last?

Laser engraving is the process of burning or melting the top layer of materials under the influence of directed, focused radiation. An engraved design cannot be removed without mechanical damage to the material on which it is applied.
Keywords: laser engraving removal radiation melting layer

How long does the engraving process take?

The duration of engraving depends on the output power of the installed laser and the size of the engraved image. The use of lasers with higher output power can significantly reduce engraving time.
Keywords: laser engraving duration application time power

Is it possible to do color engraving with your laser?

At the moment, color engraving using semiconductor (diode) lasers is not possible.
Keywords: laser engraving color color application

Under what conditions can a laser be returned?

The laser can be returned within 14 days for a full refund, in accordance with the law. Russian Federation. If a warranty case occurs, the laser can be sent for repair or replaced with a similar one.
Keywords: laser return warranty period repair replacement products

What should I do if I don’t like the laser?

If, for any reason, Endurance products do not suit you, you can return the product within 14 days from the date of purchase or exchange it for an alternative option.
Keywords: Endurance laser suitable return goods purchase exchange option

How to make a beautiful image for engraving?

To prepare images for engraving, Endurance recommends using graphic editors, such as Adobe Photoshop. Detailed instructions about all stages of preparation for engraving can be found on our website in the “Video instructions” section
Keywords: preparation laser image graphics editor

At what speed is it best to engrave wood (leather, plastic)?

The choice of laser engraving speed depends on the output power of the installed laser and the required piercing depth of the sample. There are no separate recommendations in this case, since to achieve the desired result you will need, during the experiments, to select the necessary engraving parameters for each individual material sample.
Keywords: laser Endurance speed engraving burning experiment sample

Do you do engraving?

Endurance develops and markets laser and robotic technology. We do not do custom engraving work.
Keywords: Endurance engraving development technology work order

Where can a laser be used?

Using the Endurance semiconductor (diode) laser, you can create a portable workplace for engraving and cutting various materials or organize a small business producing souvenirs or making seals and stamps.
Keywords: semiconductor diode laser Endurance work place business souvenir seal stamp

How to choose the optimal model?

To select the optimal model of a semiconductor (diode) laser, you need to decide on the tasks that must be performed. If the main purpose of the purchase is cutting materials, more powerful lasers (3.5 W, 5.6 W or 8 W) will suit you. If the laser is intended primarily for engraving, then the Endurance L-Cheapo 2.1 W is suitable for you.
Keywords: laser Endurance L-Cheapo model engraving optimal task

How to install Endurance L-cheapo (2.1; 3.5; 5.6; 8 W) on a CNC machine?

The installation process for Endurance lasers is quite simple and does not require additional knowledge. As a rule, this will take no more than an hour. You will need to attach the laser to the spindle mount and connect it to your device's power source. Video instructions for the installation process of Endurance lasers can be found on the website
Keywords: laser Endurance CNC machine installation spindle mount

How to install the Endurance L-cheapo laser (2.1; 3.5; 5.6; 8 W) on a 3D printer?

The installation process for Endurance lasers is quite simple and does not require additional knowledge. As a rule, this will take no more than an hour. You will need to mount the laser where the extruder mounts and connect it to your device's power source. Video instructions for the installation process of Endurance lasers can be found on the website
Keywords: laser Endurance 3D printer extruder installation mount

Which graphic editor Is it better to use for preparing images for engraving?

To prepare an image for engraving, Endurance experts recommend using Inkscape.
Keywords: Endurance engraving Inkscape image preparation program

Do you provide a guarantee? / What are the warranty periods for the Endurance L-cheapo laser (2.1; 3.5; 5.6; 8 W)?

The warranty period for Endurance lasers is 1 year from the date of purchase.
Keywords: laser Endurance warranty period

What (What) is the warranty period for Endurance WANHAO Laser Engraver (Endurance Makeblock, Endurance DIY)?

The warranty period for Endurance laser engravers is 6 months from the date of purchase.
Keywords: engraver Endurance warranty period

How to purchase a laser engraver (laser)?

.com or To clarify information, you can contact the phone numbers listed on the website.
Keywords: laser engraver Endurance purchase purchase buy application information

What are the delivery times?

Laser delivery within the Russian Federation is carried out by Russian Post or EMS. You can calculate the time and cost of delivery of goods on the official website transport company. The estimated delivery time within the Russian Federation is from 3 to 10 days.
Keywords: laser Endurance delivery time cost

What additional services do you provide?

Endurance offers warranty and post-warranty service for our products. We have an individual approach to each client.
Keywords: Endurance warranty post-warranty service individual approach

Which plywood is better to use for laser cutting with Endurance L-cheapo (2.1; 3.5; 5.6; 8 W)?

We leave the right to choose the sizes and quality of materials for work to our clients. In the process of work, you will understand the features of engraving and cutting various materials and choose for yourself the option that would suit you in full
Keywords: laser Endurance material selection engraving cutting selection

Is it possible to engrave on metal? / Why can’t you engrave on metal?

Engraving on painted aluminum is available for laser engravers with power ratings of 5.6W and 8W. At the moment, only the Endurance 8 W laser can engrave on anodized aluminum.
Keywords: laser Endurance engraving metal aluminum anodized

Why are transparent surfaces difficult to engrave?

A laser beam, when passing through the thickness of a transparent material, is not able to focus and melt the surface. For successful engraving on samples made of transparent material, opaque substrates should be used. During the process of melting the substrate, the transparent material (plastic or glass) will also be melted and, accordingly, engraved.
Keywords: laser beam Endurance transparent material focusing

What is the accuracy of the images?

The resolution (engraving accuracy) for all types of Endurance semiconductor (diode) lasers is 0.1 mm. This value approximately corresponds to 300 dpi quality.
Keywords: Endurance ability precision quality engraving

What is maximum speed engravings?

The maximum engraving speed depends on the engraver you choose and the software that supports the equipment.
Keywords: engraving speed engraver software

What software is needed for the equipment (operation, laser engraving)?

Endurance specialists recommend users to work with mDraw, CNCC Laseraxe, BenBox, Cura, Inkscape, Repetier-Host software
Keywords: software recommendations

What power source is needed for the Endurance L cheapo 5.6W laser? / What should be the power of the power supply when working with Endurance lasers

To operate Endrurance lasers, a 12 V power supply with a maximum output current of 5 A is sufficient.
Keywords: laser Endurance power supply current power

What power supply is required for the Endurance Wanhao laser engraver (Endurance DIY, Endurance Makeblock)?

To operate this engraver, the on-board power supply of your device is sufficient.
Keywords: laser Endurance engraver power supply network device

Is it possible to upgrade the equipment by increasing its power?

Modernization of equipment to increase its power can only be achieved by replacing the laser.
Keywords: modernization equipment replacement laser power extension

Are your lasers reliable?

Endurance lasers are reliable. Good system heat sink allows lasers to operate continuously for up to 48 hours.
Keywords: laser Endurance reliability heat dissipation work

Which laser is best for making keychains?

Endurance recommends using the Endurance L-Cheapo 5.6 W laser to make key fobs.
Keywords: laser Endurance L-Cheapo keychain manufacturing

Is it possible to laser engrave ceramics?

Unfortunately, Endurance lasers are not currently capable of cutting ceramics.
Keywords: laser Endurance engraving cutting ceramics

Which laser is better to engrave acrylic (plywood, 1mm chipboard)

For engraving applications, Endurance recommends using the Endurance L-Cheapo 2.1W or 3.5W laser.
Keywords: laser Endurance L-Cheapo engraving recommendations

Which laser is better for cutting chipboard (plywood, acrylic)

For cutting applications, Endurance recommends using higher power lasers such as the Endurance L-Cheapo 3.5W, 5.6W or Endurance 8W.
Keywords: Endurance L-Cheapo laser cutting recommendations

Technical support

Endurance not only sells lasers and laser engravers, but also carries out complete technical support for its adjustment and installation.

If you are in Moscow, our specialists will come, install and configure the laser for you.

If you are outside of Moscow, we will conduct a full Skype consultation on laser installation and configuration. We provide detailed engraving and cutting instructions.

Unlike our Chinese counterparts, we value our clients’ time and provide service support ourselves. High Quality, for those who need help with the installation and installation of purchased equipment.

By purchasing an Endurance laser, you receive high-quality service and the most reverent attitude towards yourself!