Speed ​​up your computer work with useful keyboard shortcuts. Speed ​​up your work on the computer with useful keyboard shortcuts Keyboard shortcuts on the Windows 10 keyboard

Nothing makes working on a PC easier than keyboard shortcuts. Clicked - and there is no need to scour the menu, opening tab after tab in search of the desired action.

With growth functionality The number of tasks available to control with hot keys is also growing.

In Windows 10, the same keyboard shortcuts work as in the “seven” and “eight”, plus new ones have appeared. Let's get to know them better and figure out how to customize them “for yourself.”

New in Windows 10

Virtual desktops

One of the tens' new products is virtual desktops where you can place open documents and running programs.

This additional space helps the user to unload the work area by “scattering” the open windows across several screens.

Virtual desktops are created and controlled using the mouse and keyboard shortcuts.

Hotkeys for switching, creating and closing desktops in Windows 10:

  • Windows (key with the same icon) + Ctrl + D - create a new table;
  • Windows + Ctrl + right or left arrow key - switch between adjacent tables;
  • Windows + Ctrl + F4 - closes the active desktop.
  • Windows + Ctrl + Tab - view all windows on open desktops.

Placing open windows next to each other

Another improvement of the "tens" is the Snap function - placing two open windows on adjacent halves of the screen, which is convenient when comparing documents and copying files from one directory to another.

In Windows 7 and 8 this was done only with the mouse, and in Windows 10 - with both the mouse and hotkeys.

These are the combinations:

  • Windows + right arrow - moves the active window to the right;
  • Windows + left arrow - moves the active window to the left;
  • Windows + up arrow - moves the active window up;
  • Windows + down arrow - moves the active window down.

Command line

Explorer, search and programs

Here are the keyboard shortcuts that control search functions, opening utilities, the game bar, etc. These are things that first appeared or changed in Windows 10.

  • Windows + G - Opens the Game Bar of the Xbox app to record screen video and take screenshots.
  • Windows + Q - opens the search module window, the same as clicking on the “magnifying glass” icon in the taskbar.
  • Windows + S - launches the virtual assistant Cortana, which does not work in the Russian version of Windows. Pressing this combination opens the search.
  • Windows + I - open the Settings application - new tens.
  • Windows + A - expand the notification center, which can also be opened by clicking on the tray icon.
  • Windows + Alt + G - enable background screen recording.
  • Windows + Alt + R - stop background screen recording.
  • Windows + plus on the number pad of the keyboard - magnifying the image using a screen magnifier.
  • Windows + minus on the number pad of the keyboard - zoom out the image using a screen magnifier.

Setting up hot keys

"Ten", unfortunately, does not allow you to reassign keyboard shortcuts at your discretion, with the exception of the language bar.

For those of you who are looking for where and how to change hotkeys in the Windows 10 registry, we advise you to better use third party software. For example, free utility MKey.

This program was created to assign actions to additional keys on multimedia keyboards, but it also supports regular ones.

MKey is able to provide new functions to both single keys and combinations with Shift, Alt, Ctrl and Windows.

Using MKey, you can assign the following actions to keys:

  • control multimedia functions: turn on playback, change volume, etc.;
  • opening folders;
  • launching applications;
  • turning off and restarting the computer, going into sleep mode and hibernation, ending the user session;
  • changing the size and location of working windows, minimizing windows to the taskbar, expanding and closing windows;
  • opening, closing, saving and printing documents;
  • connecting to and disconnecting from networks;
  • changing desktop wallpaper;
  • copy, paste, PC lock, PrintScreen, end tasks and more.

And this is a small part of what the program can do.

The procedure for setting up Windows 10 hotkeys in MKey:

  • click the “Add” button in the lower left corner of the window;
  • press 1-2 keys to which you are going to assign an action;
  • give the new combination a name;
  • Expand the Actions tab and select the task that the combination will perform.

To remove hotkeys or change their settings, click right click mouse over their name and select “Delete” or “Customize”.

All MKey assignments take effect immediately.

Windows 10 Hotkeys

Hotkeys for Windows 10 - list, settings and purpose

Even though a mouse makes navigation and interaction easier, many users prefer using a keyboard. Why? Hot keys allow you to perform actions faster, without having to constantly keep your hand on the controller. If you're a keyboard enthusiast like us, then you'll love the new keyboard shortcuts introduced in Windows 10 for easy access to new features. Take a look at the list below and you will surely find several useful combinations that will help you in your daily activities.

Windows 10 Hotkeys

1. Win+I- Using this simple keyboard shortcut allows you to quickly open the Settings app, it is one of the most useful shortcuts in Windows 10.

2. Win+A- One of the best innovations in Windows 10 is the universal notification center. Use the “Win ​​+ A” combination to quickly access current notifications in the panel. There is no longer any need to click on the small icon in the taskbar.

3. Win+S- Personal digital assistant Cortana is one of the major additions to Windows 10. To quickly launch Cortana, you can use this hotkey. When you press “Win ​​+ S”, Cortana starts in keyboard input mode, which means you can type search query, and Cortana will search not only on your computer, but also on the Internet.

4. Win+C- This combination also launches Cortana, but in listening mode, not in keyboard input mode. This combination will be especially useful if you use the “Hey, Cortana” function.

5. Win + Ctrl + D- Adding virtual desktops is one of the most anticipated improvements to Windows 10. Using this keychain, you can create a new virtual desktop.

6. Win + Ctrl + left arrow or right arrow- If you use several virtual desktops at the same time, these combinations will simplify navigation between them.

7. Win + Ctrl + F4- You can use this combination to quickly close the virtual desktop. Don't worry, any programs open in the virtual desktop will be moved to the main workspace.

8. Win+Tab– This combination allows you to access the Task View function, which displays all open source software and virtual desktops.

9. Ctrl + Alt + Tab- this key combination allows you to view all applications that are open on the current desktop. Very similar to “Alt + Tab”, but in this case you need to use the mouse or arrow keys to switch.

10. Win + arrows- Aero Snap has significantly improved the window snapping capabilities in Windows 10. You can use the “Win ​​+ arrow” shortcuts to quickly position a window on the appropriate part of the screen.

11. Win+G- Game DVR feature is less known but is a useful tool for video capture. Using this hotkey, you can quickly open Game DVR and start recording. Although this function Primarily designed for gamers, it can be used to record other programs. However, you cannot record the entire screen; only a separate program window is available for recording.

12. Win+Alt+G- If you want to quickly record an activity current program or games, use this combination. When clicked, Game DVR will open and start recording the active window.

13. Win+Alt+R- After launching Game DVR, you can use this combination to stop recording activity in the current program window.

In Windows 10, Microsoft has made some small but useful improvements to the old Command Prompt. Here are some combinations that will be useful in everyday activities.

14. Ctrl+A(V command line) - Most of you use this key combination to select all text in the active window. This feature is now supported by the command line.

15. Ctrl+C(on the command line) - Unlike previous versions, you can use the well-known shortcut “Ctrl + C” to copy text or output data on the command line. As an alternative, you can use the shortcut “Ctrl + Insert”.

16. Ctrl+V(on the command line) - Just like with copying, you can paste text into the command line using “Ctrl + V”. As an alternative, you can use the shortcut “Shift + Insert”.

17. Ctrl+M(on the command line) - Using this shortcut, you can enter Marker mode so that you can select text or output data using the Shift and arrow keys.

If you think we've missed any important keyboard shortcuts introduced in Windows 10, please comment below.

Skills such as using the keyboard effectively help you navigate your operating system quickly without becoming fatigued as you work through it. This is well facilitated by hot Windows keys 10. Setting up for efficiency can force you to learn certain combinations of buttons, which will help make the work of a person working at a computer much easier. There are already familiar combinations that are inherited from operating systems previous generation. It is not necessary to learn such combinations in one day; it is enough to first write down the most necessary ones, and then, as the training progresses, gradually learn new ones. All combinations are typed on the keyboard, where the Win button, or Windows, or Start, or Start is a key with the image of the Windows logo. In the article we call it differently for the convenience of those who are accustomed to one option. But essentially, it's the same thing.

Window management

This section describes keyboard shortcuts for working with Windows windows 10.

  • Win + left arrow - this way you can attach the program window to the left side of the screen.
  • Win + right arrow - this way you can attach the program window to the right side of the screen.
  • Win + up arrow - with this combination you can expand the program window to full screen.
  • Win + down arrow - these keys minimize the window of a running application.
  • Win + D - These keys either show or hide the desktop.
  • Win + Shift + M - this way you can restore minimized windows.
  • Win + Home - this combination minimizes all windows except the one in which the user is working.
  • Alt + Tab - this combination switches running applications.
  • Alt + F4 - this combination closes the running window.
  • Win + Shift + Left (or Right) Arrow - Move windows to another monitor.
  • Win + T - using this combination you can go through the icons located on the taskbar one after another. In this case, the Enter button starts the application.
  • Win + 0…9 - launches from the taskbar those applications that are assigned to a specific serial number.

Working with Explorer

  • Start + E - with this combination you can launch the file manager.
  • Ctrl + N - this combination opens a new window.
  • Ctrl + mouse scroll wheel - means changing the appearance of elements (tables, icons, etc.).
  • Alt + up arrow - go up one level.
  • Alt + left arrow - look at the previous folder one by one.
  • Alt + right arrow - look at the next folder in order.


  • Start + Ctrl + D - add a new virtual desktop.
  • Start + Ctrl + left arrow - using this combination we switch between desktops from right to left.
  • Start + Ctrl + right arrow - using this combination we switch between desktops in the opposite direction.
  • Start + Ctrl + F4 - this is how we close the desktop, which is in this moment used.
  • Start + Tab - view all desktops and their applications.


Hot keys significantly speed up your work on the computer. If you learn them, then the time will come when interaction with the computer will come into the realm of the subconscious. That is, you don’t have to worry about how to call certain buttons or windows. Of course, everything doesn’t happen at once, but the more you practice working with the keys, the faster they will be remembered. There will come a time when you won't need to look at the keyboard at all. In the century information technologies- this is a very useful skill. Only specialized programs help you set up your own hotkeys, but is it really worth wasting time if there are already ready-made solutions?

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In the list below you can find both keyboard shortcuts that are well known from previous versions, and those that appeared only in Windows 10. There is absolutely no need to learn them all at once, and this is impossible. Just choose 3-4 operations that you use most often, write down the corresponding keys on a sticky note and attach it in a visible place. You yourself will not notice how very soon you will learn them by heart and will not be able to do without them. And when this happens, you can move on to mastering the following hotkey combinations.

Managing windows and applications

Win + left arrow- attach the application window to the left edge of the screen.

Win + Right Arrow- attach the application window to the right edge of the screen.

Win + up arrow- expand the application window to full screen. Or, if the window was previously stuck to one of the edges, it will take up a quarter of the screen at the top.

Win + down arrow- minimize the active window. Or, if the window was previously stuck to one of the edges, it will take up a quarter of the screen at the bottom.

Win+D- show and hide the desktop.

Win + Shift + M- restore minimized windows.

Win + Home- minimize all windows except the active one (restores all windows when clicked a second time).

Alt+Tab- switch between running applications.

Alt+F4- close the active window.

Win + Shift + Left (or Right) Arrow- move the window to another monitor.

Win+T- sequentially sort through the icons on the taskbar. Press Enter to launch the application.

Win + 0…9- launch an application from the taskbar, the icon of which is fixed to the position corresponding to the number.


Win+E- launch the file manager.

Ctrl + N- open a new window.

Ctrl + mouse scroll wheel- change the presentation of elements (icons, table, thumbnails, etc.).

Alt + up arrow- go up one level.

Alt + left arrow- view the previous folder.

Alt + right arrow- view the next folder.

Virtual desktops

Win + Ctrl + D- add a virtual desktop.

Win + Ctrl + Left Arrow- switch between virtual desktops from right to left.

Win + Ctrl + Right Arrow- switch between virtual desktops from left to right.

Win + Ctrl + F4- close the virtual desktop in use.

Win+Tab- display all desktops and applications on them.


Ctrl + Shift + Esc- launch task manager.

Win+R- open the “Run” dialog box.

Shift+Delete- delete files bypassing the trash can.

Alt+Enter- display properties of the selected element.

Win + space- switch input language and keyboard layout.

Win+A- open the “Support Center”.

Win+S- open the search window.

Win+I- open the “Options” window.

Screenshots and games

Win+PrtScr- take a screenshot and save it in your images folder.

Win + Alt + PrtScr- take a screenshot of the game.

Win+G- open the game panel to record the progress of the game.

Win+Alt+G- record the last 30 seconds in the active window.

Win+Alt+R- start or stop recording.

Win+P- switch between display modes (if there is a second display).

Do you use keyboard shortcuts in your work?

Windows 10 - new system, traditionally designed to make it easier for users to communicate with the device, but at the same time has many innovations that need to be understood.

Keyboard shortcuts are not the most obvious, but extremely useful feature. It greatly speeds up working with programs, folders and files, providing quick navigation.

Main keys used for shortcuts:

  • Windows key. Further in the text it will be abbreviated as “Win”. Marked on the keyboard with a characteristic “window” - the system logo;
  • "Ctrl" key. For combinations, both left and right “Ctrl” are suitable;
  • Alt key. Just like the previous one, both sides are active in combinations;
  • "Shift" key. You can connect both keys to combinations.

On a note! Below we have collected the most popular keyboard shortcuts that a novice user needs to know in order to facilitate their interaction with programs.

  • “Ctrl+X” – cut the selected element (text, image, file, folder);
  • “Ctrl+C” (or “Ctrl+Insert”) – copy the selected text/element;
  • “Ctrl+V” (or “Shift+Insert”) – paste a previously copied or cut element into the selected position;
  • “Ctrl+Z” – undo the previous action in any program.

What's new in Windows 10?

Among the main features that make it easier to use are virtual desktops, automatic filling of windows with parts of the screen for simultaneous work, and a variety of background programs and add-ons. And for all this variety of functions, key combinations are provided on the keyboard. Next - about each aspect in order.

Desktop management

Virtual desktops are a means of simultaneously running windows and instantly switching between them. This feature will help organize open programs into separate sections, thus avoiding filling up the space with many windows. Especially useful for devices with a small monitor.

Using the key combinations below, you can manage your workspace without minimizing windows or making unnecessary clicks.

  • “Win+Ctrl+D” - create a new virtual desktop;
  • “Win+Ctrl+← or →” (arrow keys) – switch between several created desktops;
  • “Win+Ctrl+F4” – close the desktop that is currently active;
  • “Win+Ctrl+Tab” – show all windows on all created desktops.

"Snap" shell

On a note! And this function is suitable for large monitors, on which it is possible to divide the workspace into sections.

The new "Snap" feature allows you to place two open windows next to each other so that they fill exactly half the screen. There was a similar function in previous versions, but Windows 10 made it into a full-fledged environment with the ability to instantly select a second window.

  • “Win+←” – align the active window to the left. The window will take up half the screen;
  • “Win+→” – attach the application window to the right edge of the screen;
  • “Win+” – stretch the application window to the full width of the screen;
  • “Win+↓” – minimize the active window. If the window was previously stuck to one of the edges, it will take up a quarter of the screen at the bottom.

Managing background programs and tools

New applications and programs for quick access to previously hidden functions - main Windows feature 10. A lot has appeared: the ability to record what is happening on the screen without additional programs, new “Settings”, and even the game bar. And keyboard shortcuts are not spared from this innovation.

  • “Win + I” – open the “Options” panel, which will be needed to configure the device;
  • “Win + G” - launches the Xbox Game Panel - an environment for recording games, screenshots and managing the store;
  • “Win + Q” – open a search for system elements, which is located on the control panel;
  • “Win + A” – open “Notification Center” - a menu at the bottom right of the screen, where all the main functions and options of the system are collected;
  • “Win+Alt+G” – start recording video from the screen;
  • “Windows+Alt+R” – stop recording video from the screen.

More keyboard shortcuts

It is difficult to place the entire volume of useful keyboard shortcuts within one article, so below we have sorted all the most important keyboard shortcuts into tables into separate useful categories.

Window manipulation

Keyboard shortcutFunction
Win+DOpen desktop
Win+Shift+MRestore windows that were previously minimized
Win+HomeMinimize all windows except the active one (click again to restore all windows)
Alt+TabSwitch between applications that are already running
Alt+F4Close active window
Win+Shift+← or →Move the window to another monitor
Win+TSwitch cells on the taskbar. “Enter” - launch the selected
Win + 0…9Launch an application from the taskbar whose cell is located at the position that matches the number

Managing folders and explorer

You can configure specific keyboard shortcuts for Windows in two ways - using the OS configuration tools itself, or using additional software. Let's look at both methods in turn.

System Settings

In actual Windows versions 10 appeared a lot additional features for keyboard shortcuts, using almost all keys. Therefore, unfortunately, in the “ten” you can only change key combinations to switch languages.

You can configure switching languages ​​and keyboards as follows:

Third-party programs for setting up hotkeys

If you still want to customize keyboard shortcuts at your own discretion, then for this kind of personalization you will have to use third-party applications

Key Remapper

Helps to reassign any key on the keyboard, radically change the layout, or assign additional actions to the mouse wheel.

In this program, it is possible to enable multiple profiles in order to provide the ability to set different settings for different applications or forms of work.

In order to assign the required keyboard shortcut, you must:


Reassigns all types of keys at your discretion, setting additional values ​​for combinations, reassigning additional multimedia buttons on the keyboard.

Using this program is even easier than the previous one, as it has an intuitive interface.

That's all! Now you are fully equipped and ready to make your work easier and more optimized in Windows 10!

Video - Windows 10 Hotkeys