We install or update, fix errors. How to find out which versions of the .NET Framework you have installed and where to download them Environment no 4.0 not installed what to do

The .NET platform, developed by Microsoft, is an integral part of most games and programs that run on Windows OS. In the user's understanding, the .Net Framework 4.5 and 4.0 represent the basis for running programs in the development of which this platform was used. It has become a standard for developing web applications, so without it, there is a high probability that you will encounter problems with their operation. In addition, missing files for the required version of the .NET Framework may prevent games from running.

Starting with Windows 7, this platform comes bundled with the OS distribution, but a separate installation may be necessary if the required version is not available on the computer, or the .NET Framework fails.

Program versions

The most common and necessary today are .NET Framework 4.0 and .NET Framework 4.5. The first comes standard with Windows Vista and Windows 7, the second comes with Windows 8, however, regardless of which system you have, it is better to download and install both versions to avoid problems with launching games and programs.

How can I find out which versions of the .NET Framework are installed on my computer?

This can be done in two ways:

  1. Download and run ASoft .NET Version Detector from the official developer website.
  1. Look in the system registry. For this:
    • run registry editor via Start – Run – regedit;
    • open the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP;
    • The names of the branches correspond to the installed versions.

.NET Framework 4.5

This version comes with Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. To install it separately, just download the .NET Framework 4.5 distribution for free from the official website and follow the installation instructions.

NET Framework 4.5 is typically not available by default on Windows 7 and must be downloaded manually. For this:

  • Download .NET Framework 4.5 from the official Microsoft website

  • Follow the web downloader and installer instructions.

The installation process is extremely simple, but it is important to remember that Earlier versions of Windows (XP and below) do not support .NET Framework 4.5.

.NET Framework 4.0

The previous version of the platform, which is automatically supplied with the Windows 7 OS distribution. Despite the update to version 4.5, it is still relevant. Most applications run smoothly with .NET Framework 4.5, but some may still require an older version.

Also, you will need version 4.0 if your OS does not support version 4.5.

The installation process is just as simple.

The Microsoft .NET Framework is the common language runtime (CLR) and associated files required to run applications developed for the .NET Framework.
The Microsoft .NET Framework is a new managed code programming model for the Windows operating system.
As soon as you install the .NET Framework, the component will instantly create all the necessary conditions for the program to work. Thus, this component creates the necessary conditions for the operation of your programs.
The .NET Framework can be installed on Windows NT, 98, Me, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Server 2008 and 7, 8 operating systems.
I would say that the .NET Framework is not codecs, but an alternative to java - a virtual machine capable of executing code written for it on different platforms.
Unlike Java, the code can not only be interpreted by a virtual machine, but also translated for execution directly on hardware (this gives higher performance).
Its use is not limited only to the Internet; regular software is also written for .NET. The advantage of this software is that it will run on any computer and on any operating system with .NET support, for example on cell phones.
The .NET Framework has been bundled with Windows for a long time. Windows 7 comes with version 3.5 and some previous versions for compatibility. Currently version 4 is current.
Unlike Windows 7, 8 comes with platform version 4.5, which is installed automatically during installation of the operating system. Therefore, if you have the Windows 8 operating system installed, then you do not need to download any installers, everything is already installed. Read more about the platform on the MSDN website.

How to determine which version of .NetFramework is installed?

There are 3 simple methods for determining the version of the .NET Framework installed on your computer:
Method 1:
Using Windows Explorer
Using Registry Editor
Using a small portable utility.NET Version Detector All versions of the Microsoft .NET Framework are installed in the following folder:

Where " %windir%" - the root folder in which "Windows" was installed, i.e. C:\Windows\.
Go to the menu Start->Run and then enter the command %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\ This command can also be entered into the address bar of Windows Explorer (i.e. any folder). A folder will open, it is shown in the following screenshot:

In this folder you can see which versions you have installed.
Method 2: Using the Registry Editor.
You can also find out which version of the .NET Framework is installed on your computer through the Registry Editor:

  1. Go to the menu Start->Run and then enter the command regedit and press Enter.
    A window will open.
  2. Now we are looking for the following key:
  3. This key contains several more sections, each of which displays the name and version of the .NET Framework installed on your system.

Method 3:
Checking for installed versions of the .NET Framework is very easy using the .NET Version Detector

List of all versions of Microsoft .NET Framework

Below is a list of all currently released versions of the .NET Framework:
  • .NET Framework 1.0
  • .NET Framework 1.1 (included with the operating system starting with Windows Server 2003)
  • .NET Framework 2.0
  • .NET Framework 3.0 (included with the operating system starting with Windows Vista and Server 2008)
  • .NET Framework 3.5 (included with the operating system starting with Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2)
  • .NET Framework 4.0

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0

(web installer) (requires internet connection during installation)

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (Fully Offline Installer)

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

Download (web installer) (internet connection required during installation) (Russian)

If you need to work with 4.5, download and install the file to run this library package should only be from the official website of the developer - Microsoft.

On this resource it is easy to find versions for 32-bit and 64-bit systems.

And also earlier or later versions if you use, for example, Windows XP (which does not support Net Framework 4.5 and only works with the 3.5 package) or 10.

Platform version 4.5, active since August 2012, is intended to complement the previous 4.0 package.

The main difference is increased reliability and compatibility with such languages programming like F#, Visual Basic and C#.

Software development is simplified with 4.5, which reduces both application production time and cost.

In addition, the use of the platform allows you to optimize the process of creating programs that work with the Internet.

The package consists of the Common Language Runtime and the Framework Class Library.

The first, abbreviated as CLR, is intended for executing regular and server applications.

The second, FCL, contains elements for working with the network, files and the user interface.

With these components, application developers can use ready-made classes like ADO .NET, WPF and WCF ( intended, respectively, for working with databases, graphical interface and data exchange), without dealing programming"from scratch".

The best way to evaluate the benefits of the version is when using it when creating high-performance middleware software.

And, despite all the additions and improvements, the size of the platform is reduced compared to the 3.5 package and slightly increased when compared to Framework 4.0.

As a result, downloading and installing software requires minimal time.

When you run programs that work only with version 4.5 and it is not present on the computer, appropriate message .

Its appearance indicates the need to update the package.

Installation steps

Before you download Net Framework 4.5 for Windows 7 (as well as 8 and 8.1), it is worth noting that the new package does not necessarily have to replace the one already installed on the system.

In the case when the software on the computer is newer (for example, 4.6), there is no need to update - just as there is no need to uninstall the previous version.

However, the Net Framework installer will not allow you to replace the new version of the platform with an older one, displaying a message about the impossibility of action.

Therefore, before installing a software package, it is worth determining which version of Windows is running.

Checking the installed version

You can check which NET Framework is installed on your computer in the following ways:

  • By downloading and installing the special utility ASoft .NET Version Detector, which is simple and intuitive to use;

  • By browsing the registry to find the version number.

The method for determining the version using the Windows registry is to perform the following steps:

  • call the run menu (Win + R);
  • typing the command to launch the registry editor “regedit” and clicking the “OK” button (this requires logging in as an administrator);
  • search in the editor for the HKEY _LOCAL _MACHINE \SOFTWARE \Microsoft \NET Framework Setup subsection (ignoring the .NET Framework item with a dot);

selecting sub-items NDP, v4 and Full in turn. If the Full section is not in the list, it means that platform version 4.5 or higher is also missing.

If you have the required subsection, you need to check the value of the DWORD parameter for the Release item.

Its presence also shows that the computer has NET Framework 4.5 and installation of a new platform is not required.

The value (in decimal system) is a six-digit number that can easily be used to determine the version:

  • 378389 indicates the presence of NET Framework 4.5 (which means you should only install versions 4.5.1, 4.5.2 and later);
  • 378675 is a feature of version 4.5.1 (for Windows Server 2012 R2 or 8.1);
  • 378758 – NET Framework 4.5.1 (Windows 7 SP1, 8 or Vista SP2);
  • 379893 testifies about the installed version 4.5.2;
  • 393297 (for Windows 10 – 393295) – NET Framework 4.6;
  • 394271 (or 394254 for the tenth version of the OS) – 4.6.1.

Advice : when downloading the NET Framework 4.5 software package (if there is a need for it), you should take its distribution kit from the official website of the developer. You should not use third-party resources for this because of the threat of infecting your computer with viruses.

Installation Requirements

The difference in installation for a 32-bit and 64-bit operating system is only in the system requirements.

For the first you will need 850 MB of free space, for the second – 2 GB.

At the same time, regardless of the version of Windows, the platform will only work on computers with RAM of 512 MB or more, as well as a processor with a frequency of 1 GHz.

Installation for Windows 7 and 8

Before installing the software package, first of all, you should download the appropriate version from the Microsoft website:

  • 4 .5 ;
    4 .5 .1 ;
    4 .5 .2 .

Now you need to launch the distribution, agree to the license agreement, click “Next” (or Next in the English version).

After selecting “Install”, installation of the selected version of NET Framework begins.

After some time the package will be installed. At the same time, the software is updated, and there will no longer be error messages when launching applications.

In the same way, you can download Net Framework 4.5 on Windows 8 and even on 8.1. There will be no special differences in installation for versions 7 and 8.

Advice : It is not advisable to install packages simultaneously in two languages ​​(Russian and English). It is recommended to choose one of the options and use only it. In addition, before installation, you should run an antivirus and clean the system from possible infection with malicious code, which may not affect most applications, but will negatively affect the operation of the Net Framework.

Problem solving

Problems may arise during the installation process. An error message appears.

To solve problems you should use special utilities:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework Repair Tool;
  • Microsoft Fix It;
  • .NET Framework Cleanup Tool.

The latest program will allow you to both fix errors and remove a previously installed platform with errors.

It is recommended to use it if the system displays a message about the presence of version 4.5 on the computer, and applications continue to require updating the software package.

Installation Features for Windows 10

Due to the presence of the built-in platform version 4.6 in the latest version of Microsoft's OS, there is no need to download Net Framework 4.5 for Windows 10.

All the features of the old software (4.5, 4.5.1 or 4.5.2) are already available in the new one.

The only thing the user can do is enable the disabled 4.6 package in the system components.

What is the mysterious .NET Framework for ordinary users? This is a proprietary Microsoft programming model designed for developing a variety of programs. The .NET Framework is needed both for developing programs and for running them.

Therefore, if a programmer is actively creating a program in a specific version of the .NET Framework, the user will not be able to run it until they have the correct version of the .NET Framework installed.

It's disgusting, we understand. However, everything is not so bad, since Windows 7 comes with the required version of the .NET Framework installed by default. However, more on this a little later.

For now, let's understand the existing versions of the .NET Framework.

.NET Framework version 1.0 and 1.1

Version 1.0 has long been outdated and, in fact, is not used. The same applies to version 1.1, which needs to be installed only in very rare cases when some ancient program requires it.

To install .NET Framework 1.1, you need to download it from the link below, then install it. Do this only if absolutely necessary - most Windows 7 users will download this version no need.

You may encounter error messages when installing the .NET Framework 1.1 and SP1. In this situation, you can manually install the .NET Framework 1.1 as follows:

1. On drive C: create a folder Fix (C:\Fix).

3. Open a command prompt (you must be running with an administrator account). To do this, click on the button Start, enter in the search field cmd and press .

4. Enter the following two commands.

Cd /d C:\Fix dotnetfx.exe /c:"msiexec.exe /a netfx.msi targetdir=C:\Fix"

5. Confirm the execution of the commands and enter the next three commands.

NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe /xp:C:\Fix\netfxsp.msp msiexec.exe /a c:\Fix\netfx.msi /p c:\Fix\netfxsp.msp netfx.msi

The .NET Framework 1.1 package should now install without errors.

Version .NET Framework 2.0 – 3.5.1

This version is installed by default on Windows 7, as you can easily verify for yourself. Select a team Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features, then click on the link Turn Windows features on or off. Here's proof that .NET Framework 3.5.1 is installed by default on Windows 7:

Version .NET Framework 4.0

This version is needed primarily by programmers and is rarely required to run client programs. However, to run software created in the .NET Framework 4.0, you can (and should) install the KB982670 update, which has been distributed through the Windows Update service for a long time. Over time, there will be more and more programs that require this version of the .NET Framework.

You can download .NET Framework 4.0 from the following links. We remind you that the full version of the .NET Framework 4.0 will need to be downloaded only for program development! If you are a regular user, you need the regular client version of the .NET Framework 4.0 - client profile update KB982670, which should be downloaded through Windows Update.

However, if you download the full version of the .NET Framework from the first link and install it, nothing bad will happen - the system will simply be replenished with a bunch of extra files that you don’t need at all.

What version of .NET Framework do I have?

You can check this in the window Turn Windows 7 features on or off shown above. However, there are other options.


If you frequently install programs, you've probably encountered Microsoft .NET Framework errors. The two most common ones are that it is either not installed, or the wrong version is installed.

Why is this happening? What is it and why do we need the NET Framework?

What is the .NET Framework?

You probably know that the main activity of programmers is writing code. They use different programming languages ​​to tell the computer what it should do:

But there is one problem - programming languages ​​are quite primitive. With their help, you can easily perform simple operations like addition and multiplication. Everything else requires long and hard work. Do you want to display text or images on the screen? Then you will have to write a lot of code using the simplest elements of the language.

This is where the .NET Framework comes to the rescue. Essentially, it is an extensive collection of written code snippets ( created and maintained by Microsoft), which programmers can use to write programs faster.

For example, the .NET Framework takes care of all operations for rendering windows on the screen. The programmer can only insert text, think over the program menu, set the behavior of the buttons when the user presses them, etc.

But the .NET Framework is much more than just a bunch of extra code. It includes tools designed to reduce development time and additional APIs that programmers can use to easily interact with services such as the Windows Store. Instead of manually writing all the necessary code to support the Universal Windows Platform, you can use the .NET Framework:

There is only one drawback to developing applications using the .NET Framework - they cannot run if .NET is not installed on your system.

NET Framework consists of two parts. The first part includes a set of pre-written code ( officially referred to as SDK, Dev Packs or "Developer Packs"). The second part includes a program that can interpret .NET Framework code into commands for the operating system. This part, which is called " runtime", allows you to run programs written using the .NET Framework.

In this respect, the .NET Framework resembles Java - to use applications written in it, you must download the Java Runtime Environment.

In a nutshell, why do you need the Microsoft NET Framework: If you are a casual user who doesn't intend to do any programming, you only need the .NET Framework runtime.

How to install the .NET Framework

Most Windows computers already have the .NET Framework installed, but the version may be outdated. For example, Windows 8 and 8.1 come with version 4.5.1, and Windows 10 comes with version 4.6, 4.6.1, or 4.6.2.

At the time of writing, the latest version is .NET Framework 4.7. This is what we will install:

The .NET Framework can also be installed via Windows Update. But many people disable Windows update, so this method will be preferable.

Before installation - .NET Framework 4.7 can be installed on Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 SP1 on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems. For installation to proceed without errors, Microsoft recommends having at least 2.5 GB of free space on your hard drive.

Microsoft offers two types of installers: the web installer and the offline installer. The web installer weighs less than 2 MB and downloads all the necessary components during installation. Therefore, you will need a stable internet connection.

The offline installer weighs about 60 MB and does not require Internet access during installation.

Both installers contain the same versions of the NET Framework, but we prefer to use the standalone installer. It is more reliable and will always be at hand if you need to reinstall the .NET Framework. Once downloaded, the installation process should not be difficult - just follow the instructions that appear on the screen. And then you will quickly understand why NET Framework 4 is needed.

NET Framework 4.7 Web Installer

NET Framework 4.7 Offline Installer

Please note that version 4.7 is an ongoing update to versions 4, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, and 4.6.2. Therefore, do not uninstall previous versions after installation. .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and older versions are installed separately.

By default, the .NET Framework installs the English version no matter which installer you use. To localize, you need to download the appropriate language pack. At this time, language packs for version 4.7 are only available as standalone installers.