Installation and Russification of Prestashop. Transfer Prestashop to hosting

PrestaShop - full Russian translation(including translation of tabs)

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03/31/17. Updated! Pump it up. Bugs fixed. Added missing files to mails/ru.
    • Tabs in the back office are updated.
    • The word "Email" has been replaced with "Address" Email", "El. mail", "Letter".
    • All variations of the word “Carrier” have been replaced by “Transport company”, “Delivery method”, “Delivery method”, “Delivery”.
    • Everything unnecessary has been removed, including the translation of modules in the template folder (that is, only the core is updated, regardless of the template).
PrestaShop - Ukrainian translation

Also, you can add this file to the folder: /your_site/translations

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Old version hats

Translation of Prestashop and its modules.

Translations for 1.6:
PrestaShop™ - full Russian translation (Suitable for earlier versions as well)

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Old version of the header

Requires careful selection of an engine for managing the product range, orders, working with a warehouse, shopping cart, etc. Nowadays there is no need to reinvent the wheel, since there are many free scripts for creating a functional online store - Prestashop, OpenCart, Magento, Virtuemart and others.

Prestashop has become one of the most popular and downloaded engines recently. This is a French CMS, which is constantly evolving, updated with new templates and modules, and has high degree integration with various ERP systems and demonstrates the growth of its fans.

Where can I download the engine?

A commercial focus on Prestashop begins with searching for a distribution kit for the engine, a template and their Russification. This article will discuss just these points. You can download the latest distribution on the official website of the developers, which provides decent support and advice on the script. In this article we will look at installing Prestashop version 1.5.2, which is virtually no different from installing any other version.

Prestashop installation

So, step-by-step instruction for installing Prestashop.

  • 1. The first thing you need to do is download the Prestashop distribution from the official website - see the link above.
  • 2. There are two types of CMS installation:
    • installation on local server(on your computer);
    • installation on hosting.

    Let's consider the first case.

  • Before installing the engine, in this case you need to install virtual hosting on your machine. To make your life easier, I recommend installing the so-called Gentleman's development kit - Denwer. You can download it on the website - http:\\ This set includes everything necessary for the operation of the CMS - Apache, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, SSL.
  • 3. If you did everything correctly, then your virtual hosting will appear on virtual disk z:/. Next you will need to go to the directory /home and in it we create a folder with the desired name, which will be the address of our site.

  • 4. We are creating a database (DB) for our future online store. The database is required, since in addition to information about products and orders, the database stores various system information and the content of the CMS itself.

  • On the local server, by default the server name is localhost, the user name is root, and no password is specified. Our database name is myshop_bd. The database prefix is ​​mainly needed if you will use one database for several sites.
  • Select the installation type and enter the mailing address.

Installing Prestashop on hosting

Installing Prestashop on hosting is not much different from installing it in Denver. In this case, the creation of the database is performed on the hosting in phpMyAdmin or using the hosting control panel.

To transfer Prestashop to hosting, you will need an archive of the existing CMS distribution and a database dump, which can be done using the MySQL export tools in phpMyAdmin.

We upload the site archive to the root directory of your hosting, and import the database dump using phpMyAdmin tools into a newly created database on the hosting.

Define('DB_NAME', 'database name'); define('DB_SERVER', 'localhost'); define('DB_USER', 'DB user'); define('DB_PASSWD', 'DB Password');

Russification of Prestashop

In the latest versions, Prestashop localization has been quite developed. In fact, the entire engine - front and back office - is Russified.

The first thing you need to do is go to the administrative panel in the menu Localization. Here we import the required localization package. Along with the package, language, currency, and units of measurement are imported.

On the configuration tab, mark the desired default language - Russian and country. You can also specify the currency, time zone, and symbols for various units of measurement.

After that in the menu Localization > Languages Make sure that the Russian language appears and is activated.

The changes also affected the back office. To see them, simply re-login to the administrative panel.

If you are not satisfied with the translation of any words, or some part of the engine has not been translated, you can adjust or set your translation in the menu Localization > Translations.

The Prestashop community is constantly evolving and quickly responds to user feedback. Performing a language update is very simple. To do this you need to go to the menu Localization > Translations, on the tab Add/Update translation select Russian and press the button.

Localization updates are also constantly posted on public access on the website - There you can find localizations for virtually all common languages ​​and import the language manually.

I hope that I have answered all the questions regarding the installation of Prestashop, the transfer of the engine to the hosting site and its localization. If you have any questions or comments, I’ll be glad to listen.

Join the blog and follow latest news! And finally, a video on the topic.

We have previously published a lesson on. In this post you will find an updated tutorial on installing PrestaShop, this time version 1.6 on real hosting This hosting has a 30-day trial period - this will give you the opportunity to try PrestaShop without paying for hosting. We tried to make the lesson quite detailed with big amount pictures.

The PrestaShop script is free and can be downloaded from the downloads page: on the official website.

On the downloads page, you need to enter your E-mail, one of the five descriptions that most fully characterizes you, and simply click on the blue “Download now” button.

You can download the latest version of PrestaShop from our website by going to the page.

Everything is very good with Russification in PrestaShop now. At the time of the next release, Russification is almost ready, the installation menu already has built-in Russification. And after installation on the hosting, the program automatically downloads the Russian localization. But if necessary, Russification of PrestaShop can be downloaded from the page:

Simply click “Download” next to the line with the Russian flag to download Russification for latest version PrestaShop.

It is also possible to download Russification for earlier versions. At the time of writing, Russification for version 1.6 is 99% ready. This is very good result- you can use it. If necessary, you can complete the translation from the PrestaShop admin panel yourself - there is a special translation module there. Very convenient by the way.

After all the downloads, you should have two files with archives on your computer:

  • is an archive with a script
  • ru.gzip is an archive with Russification (you most likely won’t need it)

Registration on hosting

In our lesson we will describe the installation of the PrestaShop script on the hosting We chose this hosting for several reasons. Firstly, it has a free trial period - this will allow you to install PrestaShop right now, while reading the lesson, without paying for hosting; secondly, this hosting supports all online store scripts.

If you install on another hosting, it's okay. The general plan of action for installation is the same. It’s just that the menu items in the hosting control panel may differ.

Let's start the installation. Now we will register for hosting and take advantage of the free test account. We will be provided with full hosting for 30 days, plus Domain name third level for experiments. After 30 days, if you do not pay for hosting, you will lose access to your site and account.

Let's go to hosting: Select the “Start” tariff. If you decide to stay on this hosting in the future, you can change the tariff at any time.

Installing PrestaShop Fig. 3 (click to enlarge)

A message about the selected tariff and a “Next” button will appear. Click on it and you will be taken to the hosting registration page.

Installing PrestaShop Fig. 2 (click to enlarge)

Fill out all the fields on the form and click “Register an account.” You will then be asked to receive and enter a code to confirm your registration. After entering the code, we see a window for a few seconds informing about the progress of creating an account.

The next window will be a window with the login and password to access the hosting control panel.

Your login and password will be assigned to you automatically. This information will also be sent to you by letter to the address you specified during registration. Mailbox. To enter the hosting control panel, click the “Go to control panel” link and see this panel.

The left panel of the control panel is informational. In it you see the current balance, the number of sites, the size of the occupied disk space. In this panel we see that your current balance is 0, but this is enough for 30 days. Registration is completed, let's proceed with installation.

Preparing to install PrestaShop on real hosting

Before installing PrestaShop on a real hosting, you need to perform preparatory operations: you need to create a database on the hosting and upload script files to the hosting.

Let's create a database. Select MySQL in the hosting control panel.

To create a database you need to enter a login and password. The password can be generated. After the login and password have been created, click the Create button.

That's all - the database has been created. We see it in the list of databases in the same window.

Now you need to remember the data to access the database, it is better to write it down in a notepad.

  • Host address: Localhost
  • Database Name: This will consist of the username plus the database name you entered. In our example this is: mailrusc_baza1.
  • Database username: It is not displayed in this window. By default, it is the same as the database name. In our example this is: mailrusc_baza1.
  • Password: the one you entered or generated.

The database has been created, we have remembered the access data. Go ahead.

Now you will need to extract the "" archive because the script files are placed in the "prestashop" folder inside the archive. We need to rebuild the archive in such a way that there are script files inside it, and not script files in a folder. To do this, unpack the “” archive, go to the “prestashop” folder, select all the files and add them to the new archive. We will download the script as an archive. We do this because there are a lot of files in the distribution and downloading all the files will take a very long time. This makes it faster to upload one archive to your hosting and then unpack it there.

We are not touching the archive with Russification “ru.gzip” for now. We will fill it after installation, if necessary.

You can upload an archive with a PrestaShop script to your hosting in two ways: through file manager hosting and via FTP. The first method is more convenient, but it may not work if the Internet speed is low. The second method will also work on low communication channels but will require installation special program: FTP manager to your computer.

In this lesson we will look at the method of uploading through the hosting file manager. In the hosting control panel, select the “File Manager” item:

When we go to the file manager, we will see one single folder “public_html”.

Gently upload the archive with the script into this folder. To do this, you need to open it, remove the stub index file from it and click the “Upload files” button:

In the window that opens, you need to select Brouse and specify the path to the file with the PrestaShop distribution on your computer. After that, put a checkmark next to the selected file and click “Download”:

Next, close the download window, click on the downloaded archive right click mouse and select “Unpack archive”.

Direct installation

All preparatory steps have been completed and you can proceed directly to installing Prestashop. We enter your domain name into the browser and follow the steps of the installation wizard.

Step 1. Select the installation language.

The Russian language will be automatically selected:

Press forward.

Step 2: License Agreements.

We tick the box that we agree.

Step 3. Check the compatibility of your hosting and PrestaShop.

If your hosting meets all PrestaShop requirements, then you will see only one message: Your system is completely ready to install PrestaShop!

Step 4. Store information.

You will need to enter the name of your store, admin login and password, and area of ​​activity in order for PrestaShop to best prepare the system for you.

Step 5: Enter information to connect to the database.

In this step, you need to enter the name and password for the database that you did earlier. In the “Database Login” field you also need to enter the database name (they are the same on Beget hosting). We do not touch the remaining fields.

Step 6: Installation

There is no need to do anything here. Just watching the runner.

Step 7. After installation.

Once the installation is complete, you will be advised to delete the Install folder. You can do this through the hosting file manager.

You will also see two buttons to go to the admin panel and to go to the showcase. Go to the admin panel and remember the path. It will look like this: Using it you will always log into the admin panel of your online store.

Before considering the localization of your own modules in PrastaShop 1.6, let's look at how localization usually works in other CMSs. Most often, each language is represented as separate files, which the module author fills out independently. Typically, files are presented as ini files or something similar, where code variables are assigned a value (this approach is typical for Joomla). There may also be xml files. Or the files can be PHP constructs, for example, like localization in OpenCart. In particularly perverted variations, localization can be stored in the database (inconvenient and slows down the CMS).

No matter how the files look, their translation by the author of the module involves manual filling and creation of files. And this is the usual pattern. Its advantages are simplicity and ease. The main disadvantage is that many ordinary users, far from programming languages, simply cannot correctly cope with editing the translation (in some places the quotation marks are not closed, in others the separator is not placed, and so on), which either leads to output errors (for example, squares or codes instead of phrases), or to temporary failure of the module.

Support for module localization in PrestaShop 1.6

In this sense, PrestaShop 1.6 has a rather interesting approach to automating localization support for several languages, while ordinary users can easily create localizations for their own languages. Localization files are still used here, but compiling them manually is not recommended and is somewhat pointless. Firstly, this is a very difficult and routine task (file names and the MD5 hash of each phrase are used), so mistakes can be made. Secondly, the built-in standard PrestaShop tool makes this task much easier and simpler (including ordinary users, which don't necessarily need to know anything about your module).

Example translation from the Cron support module (Standard package PrestaShop 1.6):

cronjobs_682ee2e41e510efdbced967430173c66"] = "Cron Job Manager"; $_MODULE["<{cronjobs}prestashop>cronjobs_c75e110ddb05aea61563c50d7baf0ae0"] = "Manage store automation tasks from a single interface."; $_MODULE["<{cronjobs}prestashop>cronjobs_4093808c9781fb6ca2ed5ade71deff4d"] = "To use this module, please enable the cURL PHP extension."; $_MODULE["<{cronjobs}prestashop>cronjobs_035d5cdab2c65ad42b303f8125025160"] = "Cron jobs"; $_MODULE["<{cronjobs}prestashop>cronjobs_6588952424b58b4c9fc9df026b668991"] = "Create a new job"; ....

What is the essence of the PrestaShop localization mechanism and how does the whole process work? To ensure possible translation, it is enough to use only the built-in functions for outputting phrases:

In php this is:

// For the main module file and back office controllers $this->l("My comment"); // For front office controllers $this->module->l("My comment");

In the Smarty template it is:

(l s="My Comment" mod="mymodule")

It is important to immediately note several points (stated in the PrestaShop documentation):

1. All phrases must be in Latin, otherwise there may be errors during localization. By the way, these same phrases are the default value (in the absence of translation files), which allows you to get rid of PHP errors like "Warning" / "Notice:" and from displaying codes. In other words, no matter how many languages ​​you have, the module will open everywhere.

2. Absolutely all texts and parameters (mod for Smarty - a parameter where the name of your module is indicated) must be enclosed in single quotes. Otherwise, the localization tool will not find the phrase. In addition, there is one interesting point here. In Smarty, if you use double quotes for the mod parameter, then the phrases end up in the general list of translation phrases, and not in the module phrases. If you use single quotes, then the module is defined correctly and, accordingly, the phrases themselves. In this case, an error with double quotes for the text itself (parameter s) is detected only by their validator (while the translation itself is carried out correctly).

It is worth noting that if the first point is partly clear - there are no problems with encoding, then the second is rather introduced to simplify all the issues associated with alternating single and double quotes. However, the second point is still controversial, since if you write modules for other systems, then this is very inconvenient, especially considering that the Smarty engine itself reacts normally to single and double quotes.

But, coming back. If you adhered to these designs in all your php files and Smarty templates, then all further translation will not require you to make any changes to the files; they will be generated by the PrestaShop 1.6 tool.

It’s worth knowing that all translation files are placed in the “translations” directory of your module (or in templates, if you have several templates and each one has its own translation planned), and the name of each file is formed as “%language code%.php” (for example , ru.php for Russian and so on). By the way, all translation phrases inside files are wrapped in single quotes.

Translation (localization) of your own modules in PrestaShop 1.6

Now, let's look at how to translate (localize) your own modules into PrestaShop 1.6 step by step:

0. First, make sure that the “max_input_vars” parameter in php.ini is set to at least 3000 elements (or better yet, 10000 at once, so as not to have to worry about this question anymore). Otherwise, when opening the translation, the page will fall out with errors. Unfortunately, all phrases for translation are displayed on one page at once (in the standard package for templates there are about 1900 +/-; the usual PHP limit on the number of parameters is 1000). As such, there is no way to view the translation of just a single module.

1. Open the admin panel. Then in the left menu, expand the "Localization" item and select "Translations".

2. In the window that appears, select the "Translation Type" field as "Translations of installed modules", the "Select a template" field as "Core (regardless of the template)" (then translation files will be created directly in the directory with your module), and then in In the "Select language" field, specify the desired language. Well, at the end, click the “Change” button.

Note: Only those languages ​​whose translations are installed in PrestaShop 1.6 itself are displayed, so if you want to support any additional languages, you must first install them in the store.

3. A window will open where all installed modules and all translations inside the files of each module will be listed. All you have to do is fill out the fields of the module you need and use the "Save and Stay"/"Save" buttons. Please note that your module (regardless of its name) will be located at the very bottom. Well, or use the standard search on the page.

Note: Please note that single quotes must be escaped with a slash. For example, Vasya was walking in a place called “Edge” and was happy about it.