Set reminders using Google Now. Reminders in Google Keep Create a simple task

At the Google I/O presentation, the company announced some small updates to the Google Now service. One of these updates added the ability for users to create reminders based on their location and time.

There are several different methods for adding Google Now reminders. You can use your voice or enter a reminder manually.

To create a voice reminder, launch Google Now and say "Google" or tap the microphone icon. As soon as you hear a beep warning you that recording is starting, start the command with “Remind Me” (you’ll have to speak in English, everything is pretty sad with Russian speech on Android) and add what you’re afraid of forgetting. You also need to add the time or place when the reminder will go off. You can set a specific time or a general time frame, such as afternoon or evening.

When you add a reminder using your voice, Now will present you with a card filled in with the information you dictated, making sure it's correct. Click on the "Set Reminder" button to save it to your account.

To add a reminder manually, launch Google Now and go to the bottom where you will find a menu icon. Click on it. Select "Set Reminder" from the list of options. After that, you need to enter a name and select a trigger (time or location).

When adding a location to Now Reminders, it does something pretty amazing. When you need a reminder to pick up some milk at your local grocery store, you can simply enter the name of the store instead of the address (again, in our provinces, I wouldn't really hope for this). Now Google will find nearby places and use them as a trigger for a reminder.

You can't do this with Siri unless the address is saved to contacts in your address book.

Unfortunately, you can only access reminders in Google Now, and you won't be able to edit existing reminders. To access your set reminders, you must launch the Now menu and select "Settings>My items> Reminders". You'll see a list of your current and past reminders. Clicking on a reminder will only give you the option to delete it and nothing else. If you need to change something in a reminder, you can only delete the current one and add a new one in its place.

When your to-do list includes items that shouldn't be on your calendar, you need Google Reminders. This time management feature makes it easy to stick to your busy schedule without forgetting anything.

Google Reminders are part of Google Calendar

You may already use Google Calendar to stay on top of your busy schedule filled with appointments you need to keep track of. Google Reminders offers a way to make sure you don't forget the little things, too. Reminders can be set for a specific date and time and have many autofill options to make it as easy as possible.

Reminders are a great way to stay on top of your to-do list, and they stick around until you cancel them or mark them as completed. When you go to create a reminder, Google will use what it knows to help predict your reminders and save everything quickly. This means that if you set a reminder to call your sister on her birthday, Google will pull the phone number associated with that name.

How to Set a Google Reminder

This is important to remember: Google Reminders can only be set for a future date and time. This means that if you're trying to remember to pick up eggs from the store on the way home from work, it won't let you add a reminder for today because the reminders need to be set for another date in the future. Likewise, if you don't mark a reminder as completed on the day it was originally set, it will repeat. This is, after all, a reminder.

Setting up reminders is actually a fairly simple process once you follow these steps:

1. Open Google Calendar on your phone.

2. Click red plus icon in the lower right corner of the screen.

3. Click "Reminder".

4. Enter the event or item you want to be reminded of and click on it.

5. Select a date for the reminder. (This can be all day or by pressing a switch you can select a specific time slot).

How to change a Google reminder

Sometimes you need change reminder. Again, the process is very simple.

1. Open Google Calendar.

2. Click reminder in your calendar.

3. Click pencil icon, to change your reminder.

4. Change the name, date, time or repeat of the reminder.

How to cancel a Google reminder

You can cancel or edit a reminder from the Google Calendars app. If you've finished what the reminder is for, you can open the reminder and then tap "Mark as Done" and it will stop notifying you. You can also delete a reminder by following these steps:

1. Open Google Calendar.

2. Tap a reminder in your calendar.

3. Click overflow icon in the upper right corner. (This looks like three vertical dots).

4. Click "Delete".

One of the oldest features of the iPhone, which not every owner of the gadget uses, is a reminder of birthdays and memorable dates. Proper notification will allow you to buy a gift for a loved one in advance or remember to congratulate a work colleague or acquaintance.

Unfortunately, this feature is disabled by default on new iPhones.

Entering birthday data manually

First, the smartphone needs to provide data about all memorable dates. If they are not fixed anywhere, you will have to drive them in manually for each contact.

1. Open the contact card in the application Telephone or Contacts and press Change in the upper right corner.

2. Scroll the list to the item add birthday, enter the date and press Ready.

Importing data from a Gmail account

If you've previously used an Android smartphone or simply kept an address book in Gmail, you can import birthday data from this service.

1. Let's go to Settings – Contacts – Accounts and choose Add an account.

2. After entering your login and password, check the boxes Contacts And Calendars. Your iPhone will download all the phones, emails, addresses, and birthdays from Gmail.

If the account you need has already been added to use mail in the standard Mail application, you just need to activate the switches Contacts And Calendars for this entry.

Setting up reminders

Now all that remains is to turn on birthday notifications. To do this we do the following:

1. Opening Settings - Calendar and go to the section Default reminders.

2. Click on the item Birthdays and select the appropriate type of reminder.

3. We check that system notifications are enabled for the Calendar application ( Settings – Notifications – Calendar).

iPhone can remind you about an upcoming holiday 1 or 2 days in advance, a week or on the day of the event. The entire list of dates will be displayed in the Calendar application.

For convenient viewing, you need to click on the Today button, and to hide other dates and holidays, you should go to the Calendars section and disable unnecessary ones.

We transfer data to all devices

When everything is set up on the iPhone, all that remains is to transfer memorable dates to other gadgets. An iCloud account will help us with this.

All you need to do is turn on calendar synchronization in the iCloud settings section. This must be done on all devices.

If you will use a different iCloud account on your computer, tablet or smartphone, and you need to duplicate birthday reminders, simply transfer the data using the method from the previous section.

Thank you to re:Store for the succinct and comprehensive instructions!

The first thing a user sees when visiting the obvious address is a prompt to enter basic information about yourself: a username that members of your public calendars will see from them a little later), as well as your primary time zone . Did you enter? Let's move on. We go to the settings and first of all switch the application language to “Russian”, and then return to the calendar and click on the “Month” tab. We see 30 (with a probability of slightly more than 50% - 31) squares, each of which symbolizes one day. The date of the day is indicated by the number in the upper right part of the square. The current date changes its color, making it slightly yellowish.

To move through time, use the left and right arrows at the top of the screen. If you want to travel back to 1981, for example, all you need to do is be patient as you rewind month after month. It is very convenient to “wander” through dates using the mini-calendar, which is located in the left sidebar. It also allows you to sequentially move from month to month using arrows. If, during your time travels, you get stuck somewhere in the middle of the last century, then the “Today” button located next to the navigation arrows will help you urgently return to the present.

But stop wandering through eras and climbing into the deep future! It's time to create something in our calendar - for example, a reminder of a meeting with an old friend who returned from a long business trip abroad to Holland (why to Holland? It's just that my friend just returned from there. Amsterdam, according to him, is wonderful!). Move the cursor to the desired date, click on the “Create event” link and begin to explore the input form that appears.

Naturally, first of all you need to enter the name of the event. Conciseness will not hurt here, because it is the name that will be displayed in the date square you select, and the space there is limited for obvious reasons. It is more logical to move a lengthy explanation of the intricacies of a business meeting or the details of a swashbuckling bachelor party into the “Description” field - that’s where it belongs. Time management professionals recommend encoding task names by adding, for example, the name of the project, but for this purpose we use other functionality. Therefore, once again: be restrained when creating an event; its purpose should be specific and understandable from the first, or maximum from the second word. Do not write “Friendly sabantuy regarding the departure of one of the employees of my department on vacation,” because in a week you will not understand what this event is and whether it is worth going there at all! It is much better to write: “Sergeev” - and even a month later, having received notification of such a significant date, you will remember exactly for what occasion the banquet is being organized.

The Calendar divides all events into two types - temporary, that is, tied to a specific time, and daily, i.e. tasks that can be completed during the selected day, without being tied to a specific hour. To set the start and end times of events, click on the “Edit information” link and adjust the start and end times in the appropriate fields. It is advisable to enter the exact time only when we are talking about events that are strictly tied to a certain hour, for example, meetings, going to the cinema, flight departures. In all other cases, it is highly advisable to limit yourself to the day you complete a particular task - this way your schedule will become more flexible.

In fact: what difference does it make when exactly during the day you start sorting out the rubble on your desktop, in the morning or a little later than lunch? Don’t force yourself into too tight a time frame - our life is much richer than any fantasy plans. Therefore, later you will inevitably have to “move” such tasks, which is annoying and... that’s right - time-consuming! If you don’t want to determine the exact time or the task is guaranteed to take the whole day, feel free to check the “All day” checkbox - the fields for entering time will disappear.

Venue of the event. Do not write coordinates here if they are obvious. A picnic, by definition, can only be outside the city, a Friday party under the slogan “Thanks God it’s Friday!” always takes place in the office of the general director, and you learned the address of the institute where you are defending your diploma by heart in your third year. In what cases is it worth filling out this field? Use the principle of reasonable sufficiency: if the planned meeting takes place in an unfamiliar city, then it would be reasonable to indicate not only the name of the street and house, but also the descriptions of signs that were given to you by your business partner. Examples: “This is opposite the house with a yellow roof”, “Our office is located next to the Clothes store”, “I will be in a red blouse and a denim miniskirt”... (However, the last one seems to be a little different.) But the principle did you understand.

Events can be one-time or recurring. A one-time event can be considered a trip to the cinema, a meeting with friends in a cafe, buying a laptop - in a word, everything that happens once or when the date of the next similar event is unknown to you. (Of course, I know that someday my faucet will break again, but I don’t know the exact date of the next plumbing disaster, and therefore the task of “visiting a plumber” is a one-time task.)

In contrast to one-time events, the dates of repeating events are well known to us. Birthdays, loan payments (damn them!), gym workouts - these are all recurring events. This means that you don’t have to enter each episode manually, but simply indicate the desired frequency and once again admire the high technology, seeing how the periodic tasks you specified have automatically “multiplied” for many months in advance. The frequency can be set annually (suitable for birthdays, christenings and wedding anniversaries), monthly (visiting a hairdresser, for example).

By the way, you can specify not only monthly frequency, but also the period “every few months”. Then it will be possible to include quarterly reports every three months or changing the oil in a car engine every nine months. You can go further and set up the repeatability of events on a weekly basis - then you will only need to indicate the day of the week on which English language training takes place or meetings are organized at a business club. Every time we change the period, the Calendar tells us whether everything has been done correctly - the line at the bottom of the screen in one sentence fully describes the frequency of the event “Weekly on Fridays at 17:00”, “Annually, January 21 at 15:30”, etc.

Have you set it up? Let's move on to notification mode. Events created on the calendar are worthless if we find out about them a week after they end. The habit of looking at your calendar before starting your work day is great, but it forces you to either store all the events of the day in your head, or keep the calendar open and look at it periodically. There is a better way. The calendar can remind you of an upcoming brainstorming session in the conference room or a visit to the dentist using pop-up windows in the browser, an email message or an SMS on your mobile phone. Let's take a closer look at each of these modes.

When you set the reminder mode to “Pop-up window”, a hint will appear in the browser window a specified time before the event occurs, which will help you remember to take out the trash, buy a new toothbrush, or replace a burnt out light bulb in the attic. After clicking the “OK” button, you will have the chance to take a little more time off from completing the task at hand by clicking on the “Remind me in five minutes” link that appears at the top of the screen. The pop-up window will reappear only after 300 seconds.

Setting reminders to be sent by email is convenient if the only browser window you have that is constantly open is already occupied by the Gmail service. (After the praises of GMail, I don’t believe that you use other email clients and services! No, I simply refuse to believe it!) When you install this type of notification, the system will, without any questions asked, send a short postcard to the address specified in your Gmail account settings this kind. It contains all the necessary information about the event, as well as a “Additional Information” hyperlink, which, when clicked, will send your browser straight to the event on the calendar.

I personally find the SMS notification method the most convenient, so after trying other types of “reminders”, I chose this one. In fact, a mobile phone is the only device that accompanies me everywhere from the moment I wake up in the morning until I go to bed exhausted. If your working day takes place not only behind a computer screen, but also, say, in a factory workshop, a car, or just an open field, there is no better way to find it. However, to connect it, you need to configure and verify (confirm) your phone number - this is done for security purposes. Let’s go to the settings (the link to them is located in the usual upper right corner of the screen) and select the “Settings for mobile devices” tab. Select a country and a cellular operator: for Russia, both the “big federal three” are available - MTS, Beeline, MegaFon, as well as a lot of smaller local operators. In my favorite foreign country, Ukraine, Kyivstar and UMC are supported, and residents of Latvia, for example, are lucky with the operators Latvian Mobile Telephone and Tele2.

After selecting an operator and entering your mobile phone number in the adjacent field, you must click the “Send verification code” button. You will receive a test SMS message with a secret code, which you must enter in the confirmation response in the “Verification code” field. This will mean that the number really belongs to you and is not blocked or entered incorrectly. After successful verification, the “Status” field will change its value to the treasured “Phone number successfully verified.”

Now you can return to the notification mode and select the much-desired SMS sending mode. Now, at the time specified before the event, a short reminder text message of this type will be sent to your cell phone - Reminder: foreign passport exchange @Fri May 1, 2009 (Denis Baluev). If the event text is too long, the system will split it into two or more messages - another reason to name things succinctly. After the symbol @ comes the day of the week (Mon, Tiie, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun - analogues of our Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri., Sat. and Sun), followed by the date and name your main calendar. Once all the details are entered, click the “Create Event” button and you will see a small blue rectangle appear at the specified location on the calendar. This is your task, event or meeting. In response to a mouse click on the rectangle, a small cloud will appear next to it with a detailed description of the event and a proposal to change certain details.

By the way, here's a super-fast way to create events: just click once on an empty space for the day you need. In the pop-up bubble, enter the task name and time - and that's it! If this information is not enough, you can clarify it by going to the details. But if you simply specified “Lunch with a friend” and the time from one to two, then just click “OK” and the event will be created. In order to change the time of an event, it is absolutely not necessary to go back to the editing form. Such actions are easily performed with the mouse. By holding down its left button, events can be dragged to a completely arbitrary day of the year, and deleted using the Delete key. In the event of a single event, it will be destroyed without any questions asked.

With periodic events everything is much more interesting. After all, there are options here! Let's say you just want to delete that Friday swim at the pool that you miss because of a date with a beautiful girl / an attractive young man without bad habits / an elderly millionaire who was just registering his fortune in your name. In this case, you will only need to delete one episode of the series, leaving all the others untouched. The second option: you want to give up going to the pool altogether, replacing them with visits to the gym - apparently, you still won’t turn out to be a second Michael Phelps, but you still have a chance to surpass Schwarzenegger himself. In this case, you will need to agree with the system's proposal to delete the entire series of events. You can also compromise - delete only all subsequent events of the series, leaving the current and past events intact.

By the way, the Calendar provides the same choice in case of changing the time and dates of recurring events - you can change them both for one episode and for the entire series. Quite reasonable. If your life is rich in events (I assure you, mine is exactly like that!), then very soon it will begin to seem to you that a bird’s eye view of the month’s affairs is clearly not enough: the treasured rectangles in the day cubes become too many, and the small print is bad we read. Let's change the focus! Pay attention to the “Day”, “Week”, “Month”, etc. tabs located above the main calendar area.

These tabs allow you to change the view mode, switching from the most detailed analysis of the day back to the month overview. In “day mode” you can see how tasks are distributed over hours and even minutes. When viewing today, the bright red stripe symbolizes the current time - everything that is above it is already in the past. For other days, the hours and minutes are represented by a small red triangle moving from top to bottom along the time scale. In the day view mode, it is convenient to change the duration of tasks without even touching the keyboard - just pull the small slider that resembles the “=” symbol and is located at the very bottom of the event. By the way, in daily as well as weekly mode, you can create events by simply selecting the desired time area with the mouse. Once you get used to this method, such an operation will take less and less time. After all, all that remains in this case is to enter the name of the event and click “OK”.

Things planned for the whole day are located in a special area above the timeline. Everything is correct - after all, they do not relate to specific hours and minutes and therefore can take place at any moment. The weekly plan, as you might guess, shows all seven days of the week in a row. This mode will be useful for people who are accustomed to assessing the work plan for a week in advance: I know from experience that this mode is preferred by workers in factories and large enterprises - their activities are subject to the weekly cycle. Do you know what week it is now? And these people know for sure.

A compromise between daily and weekly views is the “4 days” tab. Once you select it, you will see exactly four columns on the screen. It is very convenient that the number of days or weeks on this tab can be changed - just go to the settings and specify the desired value. You can select from two days to as many as four weeks (the “Default View Mode” option).

The last bookmark is the most interesting. It’s not called “Agenda” for nothing! Its task is the consistent conclusion of events planned for the near future. Click on a bookmark and you will see a list of to-dos and meetings in the immediate future. By clicking on any action, you can, as in any other tab, view the details of the event and, if necessary, change it. The “Agenda” tab is convenient to use if you need to quickly assess the scale and number of tasks without an exact reference to time. It is also convenient to start your working day with its help. Initially, Calendar displays a list of 12 upcoming events for each calendar, warning that the set is limited to a particular date. You can view future events by clicking the “Later” link at the bottom of the screen.

Remember when I said that I don’t recommend adding fancy encoding to their names to divide tasks into projects? It's just not necessary here at all. Instead, you should use the calendar functionality. The fact is that there can be several calendars in the Calendar (I apologize for the involuntary but obligatory tautology). Yes, you only have one for now - for main events. But the joy is that you can create as many calendars as you like and link your events to them! This approach has a lot of advantages, and now I will try to convince you of them. Plus number one: for each calendar (and therefore event) you can choose your own color.

Remember about the visualization that I talked about in the articles about Tables? Everything is the same here: critical tasks can be attributed to the “Important!” calendar, shining with inviting red, and professional holidays and optional events, on the contrary, should be placed in the “Events” calendar, painted in neutral gray! Plus number two: calendars can be turned off. Just click on one of them - the background colored strip will disappear, and all associated events will disappear from the timeline. Moreover, you will no longer receive notifications about them! It’s definitely worth turning off any reminders about business meetings during your vacation - it will be difficult to get to them while lying on the hot sand of a Thai beach, right?

Another huge advantage of maintaining multiple calendars is that notification modes for each of them can be configured independently. Therefore, no one bothers to set the “Meetings with Friends” calendar to remind you via SMS two hours before gatherings in a cafe, while for the “Birthdays” calendar it is reasonable to set up reminders to be sent by e-mail a couple of days before the significant date, so as not to forget to find a worthwhile gift for the birthday boy.

To set up a new calendar, click on the “Create” link under the “My Calendars” list. Further work proceeds according to the usual pattern. In the window that appears, indicate the name of the calendar. We remember that it will be displayed in a very small window, and therefore should not be too long. You can practice written Russian and mention all the details in the “Description” field. The “Location” column, generally speaking, serves to indicate the location of the events, but if you can’t write anything meaningful there, you can leave it blank. The Calendar Time Zone field is very important.

If you yourself live in Moscow, and the events marked on the calendar will have Novosibirsk time (for example, because this is what your friends from the Siberian capital mean when they report the opening time of a scientific conference in Akademgorodok), then in order to To avoid confusion and recalculating hours back and forth, you should select the desired country and time zone from the drop-down lists. Initially, there is a belt specified in the general settings. An interesting point: if, for example, Russia is selected as the country, and the “Show all time zones” checkbox is turned off, then in the “Now select a time zone” field we will see only the zones belonging to our vast homeland. When the checkbox is enabled, you can select any time zone on planet Earth without being tied to a specific country.

Don't want to tell people such detailed details? Check the box “Open access only to information about free and busy times” - and the details of the events will be hidden, only the dates and hours of your employment will remain. I will definitely tell you a little later about how to publish this information on your website. If the circle of people you want to share with you about the details of your schedule is known in advance, then instead of sharing it, it makes more sense to use the “Share with individual users” option.

In the proposed fields, the email addresses of friends and colleagues and the level of their access to the calendar are sequentially entered - from the maximum (participants can both make changes to the calendar and, in turn, provide access to it to other people) to the minimum detailed (view free and busy time). Have you created a calendar? It should now appear in your list, and you can specify it when creating new events. Want to change the calendar color? Click on the small triangle to the right of its name and choose a color to suit your aesthetic preferences. Let's set up the calendar notification mode. In the same drop-down menu, select “Notifications” and set one or more alert modes for upcoming events.

In addition to our own calendars, we always have the wonderful opportunity to connect open calendars of third-party users and companies. In fact, why put in the schedule of the World Cup matches yourself, if other “tiffozi” had already set it up long ago, providing detailed information about the participants and the venue? It couldn't be simpler: the functionality of so-called public calendars allows you to view data created by others, just like your own. Pay attention to the "Other calendars" list. Initially it is empty. In the “Add” drop-down menu, we are offered several installation options: adding so-called “interesting” calendars, adding a friend’s calendar, adding by URL and, finally, importing from a file.

Popular calendars were created for our benefit and pleasure by Google employees and are divided into three sections. The “holidays” section allows you to choose one of several dozen schedules of national holidays of the peoples of the world. Russian holidays are also present here - however, this calendar does not shine with details, and only the most important significant dates are taken into account. The “Sports” section will give, for example, the opportunity to follow the schedule of matches of your favorite team in hockey, football and even cricket. By the way, there is also a calendar of matches between teams of the Russian Football Premier League. The “Advanced” tab contains calendars on a variety of topics - here you can find sunrise and sunset times for the current time zone, and display the week number of the year, as well as birthdays of people from your Gmail contact list!

The “Add by URL” option is perhaps the most versatile. Google calendars perfectly understand the iCal calendar file format, and therefore in the field that appears, you can simply enter the address of such a file, located on any site that provides similar information. One example of such sites is, which contains several thousand calendars on various topics. Finally, the last option for importing a calendar is from a file. The iCal format file can be obtained by exporting from almost any modern calendar manager, be it Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Sunbird. That is why by importing files you can easily solve the problem of migration from regular “desktop” calendars to their more advanced online counterpart. Simply select the required file, select which calendar you want to add the information to, and click the “Import” button.

Another surprise for readers of our site - I have prepared an excellent calendar of Russian holidays, which every Google Calendar user can add to their schedule! The list of holidays is taken from the wonderful service, which tells about the important dates of many peoples of the world, and now you will not be caught off guard by Easter, the harsh Day of the Airborne Forces or the hooligan joy of Ivan Kupala. Just add another one to the list of calendars, located at, using the “Add by URL” function - and you will no longer need to remember what day of the week New Year or First Day falls on this year. May.

But let's go back to setting up your own calendars. See how the options window has changed a bit? In fact, when entering the calendar, there were several options missing. One of them is the ability to publish a link to the calendar on your website. To do this, you need to copy the code specified in the “Paste this calendar” field and place it in the desired place on the site or blog. You can pre-adjust the appearance of the calendar to the design and color scheme of your resource by selecting the required color and size using the “Customize color, size and other parameters” link.

Closed calendars are a completely different matter! For each of them, a “secret” address is created, which it is advisable to keep secret and share it only with reliable people. However, even if the secret has become clear, the old secret path to the file can always be erased or replaced with a new one - to do this, you need to select the “Reset closed URLs” option. It's worth sending links to calendars to friends if they don't have a Google account or use a different calendar program. In all other cases, it is much more convenient to configure access rights using the “Open access to calendar” tab.

A short note on how to create a reminder for a recurring event.

It could be a friend's birthday, a regular loan payment, or any other monthly or annual event that you might accidentally forget about.

Many Google users know about such a tool as Google Calendar. I would characterize it like this: convenient, ugly, functional, cross-platform, there are widgets for operating systems.

If you have a Google account and are logged in to any of its services, you can get to the calendar from the top navigation menu:
In addition, if you actively use GMail, you can install this widget:

Create a reminder

We go directly to the application itself and click the “Create” button.
I have an English interface for all Google products, so the screenshots will be in English.
But in the Russian version everything is the same, so don’t worry.

The event creation window opens:

In the date field, enter the date of the event, check the “All day” checkbox, and optionally fill in the “Where” and “Description” fields:

To create an annual reminder, click the “Repeat” checkbox and enter the necessary settings in the pop-up window, in particular: the frequency of repetition, the date from which to start tracking and the end date of the event:

Click the “Done” button to save the repeat settings.

After this, we set up notifications that will arrive before the event occurs:

In my case, I will receive an email a week in advance and two SMS messages to my phone (3 days in advance and 24 hours in advance). As you can see, everything is quite simple.

It's worth remembering that if you're using a group calendar with someone, such as your wife, you can set the calendar's visibility to other participants. This is done here:

Now our event is visible in the calendar itself:

In the widget in GMail:

And in the Google Calendar widget for Android.

As with all company services, Google calendar synchronization occurs automatically with any change.

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