Installing Windows 10 Lumia phone. How to install Windows using an Android smartphone

Many gadget owners often wonder how to install Windows 10 on mobile phone, if he supports the new product. The answer is quite simple, Microsoft developers have released an OS version specifically for smartphones Windows Phone 10. However, not all gadgets support it. Therefore, let's look at examples of how to install Windows 10 Mobile on unsupported smartphones and compatible devices.

How to install Windows 10 Mobile on Nokia Lumia?

Since Microsoft bought the brand Nokia Lumia, the new Windows Phone 10 operating system was immediately adapted to these devices. However, this only applies to new Lumiya models. Old smartphones that were released by Nokia are not included in the list of compatible devices, which can be viewed on the developer’s official website.

If your mobile phone is compatible with Windows 10 and you decide to install a new operating system, then follow the instructions:

    We charge the device 100%. The gadget's battery must be full.

  • Personal data may be deleted during installation. Therefore, we copy everything you need to a flash drive or computer.
  • Follow the link to the official website of the developer and register in the customer support program.

    will appear new page. Scroll down and accept the terms of the license agreement. Click “Send”.

    Now go to the Windows Phone Store and download the program to evaluate the new OS.

    After installing the application, click “Get preview builds”.

    In the next window you need to sign in to your Microsoft account.

    After that in Windows program Insider the update version will appear (the very first line). You need to go to the gadget settings, select “Update”. The search for updates will start. Installation will take up to 30 minutes or more.

    If you don’t like the new operating system or critical errors occur, you should connect your device to your PC and download the Windows Phone Recovery Tool and restore Windows Phone 8.

IMPORTANT! After installing a new OS on your phone, you may experience problems with language packs, connecting to Wi-Fi networks, alarm clock and calendar, others standard programs. They will have to be downloaded from the Store again.

How to install Windows 10 Mobile on unsupported devices?

The question of how to install Windows 10 on a mobile phone interests many. Therefore, we suggest that you read the instructions for installing the OS on unsupported devices.

IMPORTANT! You perform all actions at your own risk. It is worth copying all the data from the phone. The instructions are intended for Lumia models manufactured by Nokia.

What is necessary?

    A device that has Interop Unlock with a registry editor or just a registry editor installed.

  • A utility for editing the WP SDK8.0 registry if Interop Unlock is not installed.
  • CustomPFD Registry Editor utility for hacking Windows Phone 8.


    On unsupported Lumia, launch the CustomPFD Registry Editor.

  • Go to the branch HKLM/SYSTEM/Platform/DeviceTargetingInfo.
  • We find the parameters (strings): PhoneHardwareVariant, PhoneManufacturer, PhoneManufacturerModelName, PhoneModelName and write down their values ​​on a piece of paper so that in case of an error these parameters can be returned back.
  • The following values ​​need to be replaced:

PhoneHardwareVariant on RM-1085

PhoneManufacturer at MicrosoftMDG

PhoneModelName on Lumia 950 XL

PhoneManufacturerModelName on RM-1085_11302

    We return to the “Preliminary Assessment” program (we wrote above how to install it). Select the slow update circle.

  • We wait for the download to finish and reboot the device (in the classic way, no removing batteries or pressing buttons).
  • Ready. Windows 10 Mobile installed on your device.More detailed instructions How to install Windows 10 on your phone, watch the video.

How to install Windows 10 Mobile on top of Android OS?

Before you try to install Windows 10 on Android, there are a few key points to consider:

    Not all smartphone processor chips support Microsoft's operating system.

  • Windows Phone 7, 8 only support ARM and i386 processors. With Windows 10 things are different.
  • The new operating system requires large quantity memory. Weak gadgets should not be flashed for Windows 10, as the old OS can be damaged beyond repair.

Instructions for installing Windows 10 over Android will be as follows:

    Download the archive.

  • Download the program sdlapp.apk.
  • Install the application on your phone.
  • We extract the archive data into the SDL folder.
  • We copy the system image file (usually c.img) into the same directory.
  • Let's launch the utility.
  • We are waiting for the installation to complete.
  • Reboot the device.
  • Ready.

It is important to note that we do not recommend installing a Microsoft product on Android. Operating systems may conflict and the device itself may be damaged. If you are impatient to find out how to install Windows 10 on an Android phone, then it is worth noting that it is better to wait official way or change your phone altogether. It will be more reliable this way.

Detailed instructions about Windows installation 10 on Android, watch the video.

Microsoft begins shipping the first build of Windows 10 for Windows Phone smartphones. The company has not yet announced the release date for the final version of Windows 10, but they say that it will be launched this year. Unfortunately, not all devices are included in the first wave. Windows 10 Technical Preview is available only for the following smartphone models: Lumia 630, Lumia 635, Lumia 636, Lumia 638, Lumia 730 and Lumia 830. You can view the list of devices on the official Microsoft website.

Before updating, I recommend that you first read full review operating room Windows systems 10 of the latest build, because a new version operating system behaves extremely stable and there are no problems with it, after using Windows 10 only positive emotions arise: according to the Windows Insider program, the latest build (Build 10.0.10512).

Before you install Windows 10 on your smartphone, you should remember that your device may experience crashes, security vulnerabilities, data loss, or damage. So, to get an operating system update to Windows 10 you need to do a few things: simple steps, after which your phone will be with the most latest version software and you will see all the features and innovations!

Step 1: The very first thing you need to do is to enroll in the Windows 10 testing program and accept all the terms and conditions, after which you can complete the registration process. To start registration, you need to click the "Start" button or independently to start registration.

Step 2: The registration process only takes a few minutes. To register as a developer tester, use your standard account. Windows entry Live ID to log into the Microsoft website. I'm using my standard account as an example.

You will see the registration start page, on which, by and large, you don’t need to do anything, just scroll down and agree to the rules that you supposedly just read!

It is also necessary to tick the boxes: what exactly will you develop applications for, whether you are an individual or a huge company, and other little things that don’t even need to be ticked, but I will.

Then you need to click the only “Submit” button on the page, after which you will immediately see a welcome window with congratulations, which means that you have just registered as a developer-tester.

Step 3: Now that you have enrolled in the testing program, download the Windows Insider app from Windows Store Phone Store. The Windows Insider app is now available for download in any region; there is no need to change your region to the USA! This application must be downloaded to your smartphone, not to your computer!

Step 4. Log in to the application using your Microsoft account or developer account, if you have registered one previously. Now you can get your first Windows assembly 10 for smartphones. If you want to receive builds more often but risk stability, select Insider Fast. But I would suggest staying on the slow cycle by choosing Insider Slow. In any case, if you have many problems with the system, you can roll back the system to the previous one Windows version.

Step 5. After the update version appears in the Windows Insider program (the very first line), you confirm its selection, and then you need to go to the phone settings, the “Update” item. A search for new updates will occur and you will see that your smartphone has started updating. This update occurs in several stages and literally in 30 minutes you will have the Windows 10 operating system on your smartphone.

Step 6. If for some reason you do not like the new Windows 10 operating system, then at any time you can make a restoration old version operating system Windows Phone 8, using new program recovery Windows data Phone Recovery Tool 1.0.4:

Main problems after Windows installations 10 for smartphones and temporary solutions:
- Existing alarms do not transfer from Windows Phone 8.1 to Windows 10, they will have to be reset and configured again;
- Get lost Wi-Fi settings, passwords must be entered again;
- There is no VPN support in the current build, it will be implemented later;
- Additional language packs disappear when installing the American version of the assembly. Need to open Windows application Insider, switch between Insider Fast/Slow - after that you can download these packages;
- The Photos application sometimes does not launch when trying to attach a photo to an email. Try opening it several times, after a number of attempts it will succeed;
- Quiet Hours does not work if there is an event on your calendar for which you should not be disturbed. There is no solution yet;
- The list of applications has disappeared in Battery Saver. There is no solution yet;
- Access Point Names (APNs) are not saved correctly in recovery images. In some networks, this causes the loss of cellular communications and the ability to exchange MMS messages. You can solve this problem if you restore the APN settings using Windows Mobile Recovery Tool;
- Internet via cellular communication stops working in roaming, even if the corresponding option is activated in the settings. It needs to be turned on, off and on again;
- When watching videos and outputting audio through Bluetooth headphones or speakers, the video quality is low due to the influence of Bluetooth. Use wired headphones;
- Unable to connect to fitness tracker Microsoft Band. Go to bluetooth settings, disconnect the connection with the Microsoft Band, and then re-establish it;
- The data in DataSense is reset to zero. There is no solution, after a reset the data is calculated again;
- Sometimes it is not possible to install background image to the blocking page. Try it several times;
- Playlists of the standard player do not open from the start page. There is no decision;
- The Cortana and settings tiles disappeared from the start page voice assistant. Reattach them.

Alexander Grishin

Microsoft has released a technical version of Windows 10 Mobile for select Lumia smartphones. If you are interested, then you can install Windows 10 on Lumia phone today. Below are step-by-step instructions:

We immediately warn you that installing the current technical version on your main smartphone is not recommended for two reasons:

- There are a lot of errors in the operation of the operating system.
- the device is out of warranty.

If this doesn't stop you, here are the installation instructions:

How to install Windows 10 Mobile on your phone?

  1. Download the Windows Insider app from the store
  2. Launch the application and log in with your account Microsoft entry. Also be sure to make sure you are enrolled in the Insider Program (
  3. Confirm that you agree to the Insider Program and that your smartphone will no longer be under warranty.
  4. Check the box
  5. Go to Settings -> Updates
  6. Start searching for updates. You may need to install some Windows updates

If everything is done correctly, your phone will start loading Windows 10 Preview. Make sure Wi-Fi is turned on and the battery is at least 40% charged.

Installation time takes approximately 20 minutes.

Let us know if you managed to install Windows 10 Mobile and try it out. Share screenshots or videos on our

USB flash drives are very useful, but not everyone has one on hand when needed and when they need a bootable system like a Windows recovery drive every time you want to install Windows 10 on your computer.

With Drivedroid, you can simply use the Android phone you carry with you to download and install Windows 10 on your computer. It takes only a few minutes. In this article you will learn about how to install windows using Android smartphone in the fastest way.

How to install Windows using an Android smartphone: Requirements

By the way, we have already talked about this before.

Before starting this guide, make sure you have the following:

  1. Root an Android device
  2. 4.5 GB free space on your Android device
  3. Windows 10 ISO file


First, you need to install Drivedroid on your device. Launch the application Google Play Store on your device, search for "Drivedroid" and install it on your phone there.

After installing it, you can run the wizard USB settings to configure the application. Click "Setup" to get started

It will check that your device has not been blacklisted. Click Continue and then grant access to the application root file.

Then connect your Android device to PC using a USB cable.

You need to select from a list of USB systems to work with USB. Most devices will work with the first available USB system.

Finally, open the file manager on your PC and make sure your device is mounted as a USB drive or CD. This means your device works well with Drivedroid. You can close the Wizard and continue with the rest of the tutorial.

If your device doesn't show up at all, go back to the previous page and try other USB systems until you get it working.

Creating a boot image of Windows 10

After you have changed initial setup, Creation bootable Windows ISO 10 on your Android device should be a walk in the park.

Follow the instructions below and make sure your device remains connected to your computer before continuing.

1. Download last file Windows 10 ISO and move it to internal storage your device or SD card.

2. Launch Drivedroid and click the "+" button at the bottom of the screen.

3. Select "Add image from file".

4. Name your image and tap the magnifying glass icon to select the path to ISO file. After that, click the checkmark at the top to save.

5. Click on the newly created entry and select one of the hosting options. "CD-ROM" worked for me in this case.

6. Now Windows image 10 must be mounted. A notification will appear on your phone indicating that the image has been successfully installed.

7. Finally, restart your computer and boot from the Drive where you mounted the Windows ISO.

Ready! Windows 10 should boot normally and you should be able to continue the installation process from there. Did it turn out very easy or what? Tell us about it. Now you know how to install Windows with using Android smartphone.


As you understand, everything is done very simply. We tried to talk in as much detail as possible about how to install Windows using an Android smartphone in just a few steps.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

We have already described in detail for Lumia smartphones. However, it is aimed at devices equipped with a memory card. The method described below is simpler and more universal - it is suitable for any Lumia smartphone, regardless of whether it has a memory card slot or not. True, there is still a small limitation: the smartphone must have at least 600 MB of free space.

Warning: Remember! Everything you do is at your own risk. Neither the author nor the site administration is responsible for the actions you take!

If you don’t know what Windows Insider is and how to flash your Lumia smartphone with the firmware on your computer in dead mode, then DO NOT read further!

According to some reports, you should not have PFD (Preview for developers) installed - there are problems with it. Perhaps you just need to disable it in the program itself - I haven’t checked. Based on the experience of those who tried it, the instructions did not work on Malaysian Denim. This instruction was checked and written in pure Russian Cyan!


Install the Windows Insider application on your smartphone.

Download the WPInsiderHacks archive, unpack it on your computer and run the WPInsiderHacks.exe file.

Connect to the same WiFi networks to which the computer is connected. Then go to the WiFi settings on the phone, when the network is connected, turn it on proxy, register the IP address to which the computer is connected ( network control center - connected network - details - ipv4 address- may vary depending on the OS installed on the computer), set port 8877, save.

Let's launch Internet Explorer on a smartphone, in address bar enter: http:// PC IP address:8877 - let's move on.

Launch the Windows Insider application installed on your smartphone and click get preview builds. A list should appear in which we select the topmost item, where it says RM-976_1161.

We agree with everything proposed, the application is closed.

After these steps we return to WiFi settings on your smartphone and disable the proxy. Go to Windows Insider again, click get preview builds(You may have to sign in with your Microsoft account first). Only 2 options will appear. Select the second one (where fast) and confirm. At this moment my smartphone went into reboot.

After turning on the smartphone, go to Settings - updates and check for updates available for our device. If an update is found, make sure that the smartphone is charged at least 30% (if not, connect it to a charger) and begin the update process.

The method was tested by me personally - everything works. Good luck!

wall637 Updating all Lumia smartphones to Windows 10 Technical Preview