Eliminate the ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE error. ERR EMPTY RESPONSE: what is the error and how to fix What is the error net err empty response

While working on the network, the user of the Windows operating system (regardless of the version and build of the system) may encounter an error, the text of which is as follows: “It is impossible to load the web page, because no data has been received from the server. Error code ... ERR EMPTY RESPONSE ". In this case, the numerical code is different for each individual case. The error is common for all existing browsers.

Causes of the ERR EMPTY RESPONSE error

ERR EMPTY RESPONSE is translated as "connection to the server is interrupted". It indicates that the browser, when trying to load a page, terminates with an error. The reasons for this error are different. Let us single out the main ones among them.

In addition, the ERR EMPTY RESPONSE error may appear when incorrect work router. Therefore breakdown this device also shouldn't be ruled out.


One of the causes of the ERR EMPTY RESPONSE error is the cache. Therefore, if this problem occurs, it is worth cleaning it. It is quite simple to do this:

  • We open the browser. Click on the tray (three dots in the upper right corner of the screen) and select "Settings".

  • We select "Additional settings".

  • We click "Clear history".

  • Select clear cache and click "Delete".

  • After deleting the contents of the cache, it is worth restarting the browser.

The next reason that causes the ERR EMPTY RESPONSE error is extension. If you installed any extensions, you need to disable them. To do this, go to the browser settings and select "Accessibility". Next, go to "Extensions" and disable suspicious ones.

If you do not want to remove your extensions or have not installed anything recently, then we recommend starting your browser in "Incognito" mode. In this mode, the browser is launched with bare settings. If everything works fine, it means that after all changes have been made to the program settings.

Finding out what changes have been made to the browser settings is quite difficult. Therefore, you need to check the system for viruses, and then reset the browser settings. To reset browser settings, you need to open "Settings" and click "Reset".

If resetting the program settings did not bring a positive result and the error continues to appear on your PC, it is worth updating network settings... To do this, do the following:

  • We start the command line with Administrator rights.
  • We enter the following commands one by one.

ipconfig / release

ipconfig / flushdns

netsh int ip set dns

netsh winsock reset

After entering these commands, be sure to restart your computer.

Also, when this error occurs, it is worth checking system drivers... If you have updated the operating room Windows system, then it is worth rolling it back to an earlier state. Maybe, network drivers updated and do not work correctly.

If the update has not been completed, but it is worth updating the network drivers separately. To do this, open the "Device Manager", select network adapter and click on it right click mice. We select "Update driver". We follow the prompts of the Installer Wizard. After updating the software, you should restart your computer.

Alternatively, if the system settings have been changed and the ERR EMPTY RESPONSE error starts to appear, it is worth cleaning the registry. To do this, launch the CCleaner program and select "Registry", "Search for problems".

Then we select "Fix problems".

After fixing the registry, you need to restart your PC for the changes to take effect.

If the above methods did not help fix the problem, it is worth running System Restore. System rollback solves many problems, including the ERR EMPTY RESPONSE error.

ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE is a fairly common error that you might encounter in a browser Google chrome... In fact, this error means that an attempt was made to access the web resource, but no response was received from it. A similar error can occur in browsers from other developers, but there it looks a little different. However, you can apply the solutions to the ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE error, which we will consider in this material, for browsers such as Opera or Mozilla Firefox.

So what could have caused the ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE error at all? You may have been comfortable using your browser for a long time without any problems. But one day everything changed - when you open any web resource, the notorious screen with an error code now appears. We look at the network connection - there is access to the Internet. Unclear.

The ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE error could occur for various reasons. For example, extensions that you installed earlier to improve your browsing experience may have contributed to it. Among other things, the error could be caused by incorrect network connection settings. Also, do not exclude and damaged files most google browser Chrome (or whatever). In general, you need to watch and check what, in fact, we are now going to do.

Fixing the ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE error in Google Chrome

Removing Google Chrome Extensions

Extensions in the browser are called so because they can incredibly extend the functionality of this very browser. However, not every such extension has a positive effect on the operation of the Internet browser. It has long been known that some extensions for Google Chrome can significantly slow down the browser, forcing it to consume more random access memory and resources central processing unit... Other extensions may even force it to close on its own or crash with various errors.

The ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE error could just appear as a result of the negative work of one of the previously installed extensions for the Google Chrome browser. It is quite simple to check this - remove all extensions in the browser settings. Yes, you may find some of them extremely useful, but if you really want to get rid of this error, you will have to remove them. So, to remove extensions in Google Chrome, you need to do the following:

  1. open the Google Chrome browser;
  2. click on the "Menu" button;
  3. select the "Additional tools" section;
  4. go to the "Extensions" tab;
  5. click on the "Remove from Chrome" button next to all third-party permissions.

You can try to leave official extensions like Google Docs in the browser, since they are probably not involved in the appearance of the ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE error. Try to navigate somewhere without third-party extensions and see if the error goes away. If it is still present, try removing the official extensions as well.

Reset Google Chrome preferences

The ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE error could occur as a result of unsuccessful settings in your browser. It is extremely rare to get stuck in such a situation, but sometimes it is possible. At least, this is what some users on the network say, who eliminated given error and others like her.

You can reset the settings of the Google Chrome browser - and any other browser - with the help of a single button, which is located in its settings. Let's see how to reset Chrome:

  1. open Google Chrome;
  2. click on the "Menu" button;
  3. select the "Settings" section;
  4. go down and click on the link "Show advanced settings";
  5. click on the "Reset settings" button;

That, in fact, is all that you needed to do to reset the settings of the Google Chrome browser. As you can see, there is only one button in the settings. Restart your browser and then try using it for its intended purpose again. The ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE error may have been resolved.

Reset network settings

Perhaps the problem in the form of an error ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE arose not through the fault of your browser, but because of the network connection settings, which were changed for some reason, which led to this situation. You can easily reset these settings to their original appearance with a few Command Line commands:

  1. click Windows + X;
  2. select "Command line (administrator)";
  3. run the following commands:
    • netsh int ip reset;
    • netsh winsock reset;
  4. close Command Prompt.

Restart your computer after running the above commands in the system console. After logging in again, try logging into some web resource through Google Chrome to check if the ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE error has disappeared or not.

Reinstall Browser

Such an error, although extremely rare, could occur due to the fault of the files of the Google Chrome browser, which were damaged for one reason or another. If this really happened - the only logical solution is to reinstall the browser. Probably as soon as you do it the ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE error will be fixed.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

The internet world has filled in requests for errors popping up in users' browsers when they are about to take a certain action or visit a website. One of them is “ err empty response ". How to fix it and what are the reasons for its occurrence, we will tell you further.

Reasons for "err empty response".

This error appears because your browser cannot open the web page, but it appears with a 324 code, which indicates that "err empty response" is displayed. They also inform you that the page at the given web address is not available and are offered to review the error data (signature). If you look at the signature, then the information is compiled on empty data that your computer received from the provider, in other words, someone or something interferes with the transfer of data. In most cases, this "limiter" is virus software that could get to your PC anytime and anywhere.

How to fix the empty response error

First of all, update the current antivirus program, run a scan, remove the found virus programs and restart your computer, reinstall your browser, after reinstalling, check access to the pages. If everything remains the same, use a registry cleaner such as CCleaner. Go through the registry and remove non-system errors from it, because by removing the reverse ones, you can break the OS, and you will have to reinstall it or make a backup. After these steps, the err empty response should be corrected.

If the above steps did not help to solve the problem and the error continues to bore you, you can try a fallback option. Its essence lies in the fact that the network settings set by the user are reset and restored by default. We open the command line in any way convenient for you, we recommend - Win + R, enter cmd in the drop-down field and press "Enter". In the command prompt window, you must enter the command to reset to factory settings: netsh winsock reset. Press "Enter" again and restart your computer. The err empty response error should leave you after following the above steps and tips.

Hello! Today I will tell you what kind of err error empty response, why it might occur and how to fix it.
In general, I want to note the fact that lately people have often asked me what this or that mistake means. Yes, and the pages of forums on the network are full of messages about one error, then about another. Of course, you cannot tell about all the errors in one article, so let's go straight to our topic.

The reason for the appearance of this error lies in the following: when your browser cannot open a particular web page, the error message "err empty response" immediately pops up, and usually it is accompanied by code 324. In addition, you are informed that the page on the specified web -address is not available and they offer a signature (that is, specific information about this particular error).

If you decide to deal with the signature, you will understand that the information there is based on those empty data that your PC snatched from the provider - that is, something interferes with normal data transfer. In normal cases, a virus is hidden under this "something".

Correction of the error "err empty response".

What steps should I take to fix this error and access the selected web pages?

  1. Step one. Update your antivirus software. Maybe even install a new one good antivirus program... Then scan your PC for threats, restart your computer and try to access the sites again.
  2. Step one. If the error "err empty response" still pops up, we proceed as follows: we call the cleaner program for help. For example, CCleaner is a very convenient and free utility. With it you can safely clean system registry by removing any garbage and cache from it.
  3. Step three... Well, if Ccleaner couldn't help you either, you will have to reset all network settings that you personally set while working with your PC. Resetting them will take you to the default settings.
  • In order to do this, press simultaneously on two keys Win + R;
  • Appears command line, in the open field of which we write cmd and confirm the selection with the Enter key;
  • In the window that opens, enter the command to return to the default settings - netsh winsock reset and again click on


That's all you need to do to get rid of the "err empty response" error forever! After reading my article, I'm sure no one else will have a question: what is this err empty response error? If suddenly something remains unclear to someone, or you cannot correctly correct this error - please write in the comments, I will answer and help everyone!

What is the "err empty response" error and how can I fix it?

All computer users are familiar with errors. One of the most common is err_empty_response. How to fix it and why does it arise? This is what will be discussed in this review.

Error symptoms

  • An error message may appear with a simultaneous crash of the active program.
  • The user's computer often shuts down after an error occurs at the time of launching a particular program.
  • Periodically, the computer freezes for a few seconds.
  • The operating system starts to work slowly and thinks for a long time when typing from the keyboard.
  • The error mentions the name Chrome browser.

Such messages and signs appear during the installation of programs, their launch, at the start or shutdown of the operating system. It is important to track down the moment when the err_empty_response error occurs. What to do to fix it?

Causes of occurrence

  • Damaged download or incomplete installation of the browser from Google.
  • Damage to browser-specific registry files due to a recent change.
  • Malicious software or a virus that has damaged system files or browser files.
  • Some program has deleted the required documents on purpose or by mistake.

A variety of factors can cause err_empty_response errors. How do I fix it?

Eliminating the error

This sequence of actions can help you get rid of the error. It is presented in such an order that the steps go from easy to difficult, as well as from time-saving to costly. It is recommended that you follow them in order to avoid unnecessary costs.

Registry entry recovery

It is not recommended to manually edit records unless the user is a computer service technician. After all, editing errors can lead to the complete inoperability of the operating system. It happens that even an incorrectly set point prevents the computer from booting. Therefore, it is imperative to use reliable utilities to clean the registry. For this, the program WinThruster, which will scan the registry for errors, including err_empty_response. How do I fix it? The program automatically searches for links to missing files and removes them. Before checking, a backup copy, so that if something happens, you can do a rollback.

Scan your PC for malware

It is possible that it was a virus infection that caused the err_empty_response error to appear. How do I fix this? First of all, if the computer does not yet have protection against malware, it is recommended to use utilities like Anti-Malware. Most often, they are 100% likely to cope with viruses.

Cleaning the disk from garbage

The computer accumulates over time unnecessary files... Failure to remove them can slow down the performance of the Chrome browser and generate an err_empty_response error. Disk cleanup utilities will help you remove such files, fix the error, and significantly increase the speed of work. WinSweeper is suitable for this purpose.

Updating Drivers

What does err_empty_response mean? It is possible that some device drivers are damaged or outdated. We recommend that you update them. A special utility or collection of drivers for all devices and platforms is perfect for this. Even if the error persists, the update is still necessary to improve the performance of your computer.

Reinstall Browser

Since the error is often related to Chrome, you can try to uninstall it and then install it again. Removal is carried out through the "Control Panel" of the operating system. After completion, you need to re-download from the official site latest version and install it. The error may disappear.

Finally, it is worth saying that if none of the above steps helped, you need to reinstall the clean operating system... If this does not help, then the problem is most likely in the hardware.