Utm tags for Yandex. How to create UTM tags for Yandex.Direct and any other advertising

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What are utm tags for?

They are used to track traffic sources. By adding tags to the URL, you can understand where the user came to your site from: whether it was an ad in the mail, on the Yandex search page, or on one of the Display Network sites.

You can use this tool not only for individual advertising campaigns in Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords, but also for banners placed on websites, as well as in targeted advertising systems such as VKontakte, Mail.ru, and mailing lists.

Meaning of UTM tags

Thanks to the markup, I will be able to understand whether the visitor went to the site from an ad in search, or whether it was an ad shown on one of the sites that are part of the ad network.

How to manually add the utm tag to a link

  • utm_source=yandex_direct;
  • utm_medium=cpc;
  • utm_campaign=search (for a search campaign) or utm_campaign=rsya (for a YAN campaign).

Here's what each setting means:

  • utm_source is the source of the advertising campaign. In my case, this is Yandex. Direct. You can write and mark the source as you need. For example, google for Google Adwords, vk for VKontakte, etc.
  • utm_medium - marketing tool, traffic channel, interaction method. In my case, this is Cost Per Click - pay per click. Options are also possible here, for example, you can write cpm instead of cpc if you place banners.
  • utm_campaign - here you specify the name of your advertising campaign.

These three variables are mandatory, so I recommend using them all. Of course, you can skip any of them, but by doing so, you will only confuse yourself.

In addition to the required items, you can also use the utm_term (keyword) and utm_content (ad content) tags.

Automatic UTM tags in Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords

  1. (source_type) – site type. Search means showing on search, context means showing on YAN.
  2. (source) - the address of the site where the ad was shown, if the traffic came from YAN. If the user saw the ad in the search, then the address will be replaced by the inscription none.
  3. (position_type) – the block in which the ad was shown in the search. If the traffic is from YAN - the inscription none.
  4. (position) - the position of the ad in the block. When transitioning from outside the search, the value is zero.
  5. (keyword) – the keyword for which the ad was shown.
  6. (addphrases) - takes the value yes if the ad was triggered by additional relevant phrases, and no otherwise.

site. ru/page.html?utm_source=yandex.direct&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=search&type=(source_type)&source=(source)&added=(addphrases)&block=(position_type)&position=(position)&keyword=(keyword)

Adwords uses the following automatic parameters:

  • (network) – platform type: search or context;
  • (placement) – site address, used only in ;
  • (adposition) – ad position, takes the value none for the display network;
  • (creative) – unique ad identifier;
  • (keyword) – keyword;
  • (ifmobile:mobile) is mobile if the impression was on a mobile device;
  • (ifsearch:search) takes the value search if the impression was in a search;
  • (ifcontent:content) takes the content value if the impression was in the GCM.

How to track utm tags

For this, web analytics systems are used. In Yandex.Metrica, you can create a separate report on them with the settings you need. To do this, go to the "Standard Reports" section, select the "Sources" item, and then select UTM tags:

In Google Analytics reports, select the "Traffic Sources" section and then the "Campaigns" item:

URL Builder

We created with the following set of features and functions:

  • Markup of several links at once.
  • Create the required values ​​both automatically and manually.
  • Templates that will fill in all the fields with basic values ​​for you.
  • Detailed help for each of the options.

UTM tags are an excellent tool for tracking in detail the sources of visitors to your site from Yandex.Direct ads. All such statistics can be viewed through web analytics systems, for example, Yandex.Metrics. With the help of utm tags, you can easily find out from which contextual advertising block and position in it the client came to your Internet resource, from which region, by which keyword, from which site (YAN, search), etc. This data will help make advertising the most effective and efficient.

Visually, utm-tags are a set of static or dynamic parameters to the advertiser's link, in other words, for beginners, this is an additional tail to the link in the form of various labels.

How to create UTM tags for Yandex.Direct

You can perform this action without any difficulty by reading the article to the end. Once upon a time, I myself used the Internet for several days to find comprehensive and understandable information on how to create these most wonderful utm tags for my Direct campaign. I read a lot of articles and didn’t really understand a damn thing: they write superficially, without delving into the essence of the matter; then in general, nonsense-rewriting - so I did not find explanatory information from A to Z.

I also learned about utm tag generators, which automatically create links with utm markup - and then I was not impressed, they all do it somehow crookedly and not completely. In general, I collected everything bit by bit from different sources, of which the official Yandex.Direct website itself explains best of all, put everything on the shelves and now I offer you a step-by-step procedure for creating perfectly working utm tags.

The level of detail and segmentation of traffic from various channels is impressive: you just need to set the UTM tag correctly, and you can see how much traffic came from a particular VKontakte post, Yandex ad. Direct or a banner in an email newsletter.

Set up UTM tags and you will have full information for referrals and conversions from all sources.

This guide will help you get started with configuring, tracking, and parsing UTM tags.

What are UTM tags

UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) - web page address parameters that transmit information about visitor transitions from each source to analytics systems. Simply put, these are additional "tails" that are added to the URLs.

The end goal is to find out which sources bring in the most traffic. Most often, tags are used to analyze advertising traffic, but not only. They can and should be inserted everywhere - posts on social networks, email newsletters, publications in third-party media where there is a link to your site.

Analytics services (Yandex.Metrika and Google Analytics in the first place) take information from UTM and register page views. You will know where the visitor came from and what path he traveled to get to your site.

Here is an example report in Google Analytics:

Google tracks traffic using cookies, but UTMs allow you to change the standard method to your own: with the parameters that you need.

In Yandex.Metrica, the same principle.

The only thing where tags are not needed is internal transitions: every time a link with UTM is clicked, the analytics system registers a new visit.

For example, a visitor came to you from an ad in Yandex.Direct. Then he clicked on a banner on the site leading to another page, and this page is marked with a utm tag.

The analytics system will record a new session with a new referral source, resulting in two sessions with different sources, but in fact there was one. This will turn the statistics into chaos.

To track internal actions on the site, it is better to use JavaScript events. UTM tags are for tracking external traffic.

Anatomy of UTM tags




Standard Variables

The label consists of:

1) utm_source - the channel where the traffic comes from.

In essence, utm_source is the only required parameter. Without it, the label will not work - more precisely, the analytics system will not record such a transition.

Although the value of this parameter can be set arbitrarily. There are no uniform rules here. The main thing is that you understand what kind of channel it is when analyzing statistics.

Utm_source is the top level, and all subsequent parameters specify the specific source of traffic from this channel.

2) utm_medium - channel type (usually campaign type).

With it, you can distinguish one advertising model from another. Contextual and media advertising, for example. Hence the generally accepted notation for this parameter is cpc, cpm (payment for clicks and for impressions). Separately - retargeting (for retargeting campaigns).

As a rule, this is a transliteration of the full name.


Here the Campaign name is context, which means that the traffic came as part of a strategy aimed at those who are looking for information related to contextual advertising.

When choosing Campaign tags, pay attention to what is really important to you. Don't try to be super secret to hide something from your competitors. This will only mislead you.

Try to make sure your Campaign name is unique to a particular campaign or product. However, the same Campaign can be used in different Sources and Channels.

You will be able to compare campaign performance across different channels only if these three metrics don't interfere with each other.

Traffic Sources -> Campaigns -> All Campaigns.

For example:

This shows that visitors from the zamena campaign (1st position) spend the least time on the site, while they account for 43% of all traffic, 80% of which are new visitors.

And visitors from the remont_stekla campaign (2nd position) have the lowest bounce rate and view more pages on the site.

UTM tags provide enough data to draw conclusions about the success of sources, channels, and campaigns.

4) utm_content - usually identifies a specific ad in an ad campaign.

Good for testing different ad placements, designs, wording, or any other variable that needs to be tested.

5) utm_term - as a rule, these are keywords or a set of targetings.

Most often, utm_term is relevant for contextual advertising in Yandex.Direct and Google Ads, as well as advertising in the myTarget network.

Attention! UTM parameters are case sensitive.

site.ru/?utm_medium=CPC and site.ru/?utm_medium=cpc will be recognized as two different sources

Dynamic Options

it Extra options in UTM tags that allow you to do two things.

1) Make it easier to populate the utm_campaign, utm_content and utm_term variables. You can, of course, enter them manually. But this is acceptable only on very small volumes, when you have only a few ads in your advertising campaign.

It is much more convenient to specify dynamic parameters. With their help, automatic substitution of the campaign ID, ad, key phrase or targeting set will take place. ID is a unique identifier, a combination of several numbers. Each advertising system has its own values.

2) Transfer deeper data to analytics systems. Campaign type, device type, platform type where the ad was shown; region, ad position number in the ad unit, and so on.

For example, you want to automate the filling of the utm_campaign variable for traffic from Yandex.Direct. To do this, use the dynamic parameter (campaign_id).

For ads - (ad_id).

For key phrases - (keyword).

That is, you make a construction of the form


and paste it into every ad. When visitors go to the site from one or another ad / one or another phrase, their ID will be automatically inserted into the UTM tag.

How to use UTM tags

In advertising systems, UTM tags show which ads, which key phrases or targetings brought in traffic and conversions. Without them, the conduct of an advertising campaign turns into chaos, "shooting sparrows from a cannon."

This is how the report in Yandex.Metrica looks like for phrases, taking into account UTM tags:

Here are all user requests and data on them- number of visits, time on site, bounce rate, etc.You can turn off impressions for ineffective phrases, so analytics using UTM tags allow you to spend your advertising budget more wisely.

You can find it here: Reports -> Standard reports -> Sources -> UTM tags.

Auto-tagging of advertising systems and UTM tags: when and how to combine

Yandex.Direct and Google Ads have their own markup for capturing clicks from advertisements.

If you enable the corresponding option when setting up a campaign, each time you click on an ad, the system will automatically add a special label to the link to the site. In Yandex, this is a label of the form yclid, in Google - gclid.

What is their difference?

UTM parameters transmit data to analytics systems by source transition.

At the same time, its task is to record only transitions from advertising. Any other sources (posts in social networks, email newsletters, etc.) are not included in the scope of auto-tagging.

As a rule, traffic to the site is not limited to advertising in search engines. Therefore, it is necessary to combine auto-tagging and UTM tags. Even in Direct / Google Ads, using them at the same time will not be superfluous.

Create your own labels or use generally accepted standards?

Some specialists use their own designations for parameters in labels. In excel, a template is created, formulas are set up and you can generate anything. To put it bluntly, this is a normal, working way. In the case when you do analytics at the level of advertising systems, without transferring data outside.

Everything changes when end-to-end analytics is needed - to reduce advertising costs with sales from CRM in order to understand which advertising works and which does not. To calculate ROI in the end.

It is impossible to equate the number of a specific ad to a utm-tag, which at best translates the names of this campaign, at worst - the union of many campaigns that advertise a specific product. The correspondence is clearly not 1:1.

In such a situation, it is better to conduct analytics in those sections that statistics on the costs of the advertising platform understand. In this case, you can easily consolidate data on expenses and sales from CRM. In other words, use standard parameters - they are in UTM generators.

Generation of UTM tags

If you have a small or one-time campaign, you can use the builder utmurl.

Enter the site address, parameter values, click "Generate link" below and you're done.

Pros: there is transliteration (automatic translation of Russian text in the parameters into Latin) and shortening of links (by default, through the clck.ru service).


  • No help on dynamic parameters;
  • Autocompletion of required parameters (utm_source and utm_medium) is configured only for two systems - Yandex.Direct and Google Ads;
  • There is no automatic error correction (the service will just highlight the red field where you made a mistake).

For larger campaigns, you can use the UTM tag generator Alexei Yaroshenko.

Pros: there are pre-installed standard parameters for advertising in Google Ads, Yandex.Direct, VKontakte, myTarget + dynamic insertion parameters with help for Direct and Google Ads.


  • No transliteration (when entering Russian-language text, the final link will contain "abracadabra");
  • No bug fixes. Generally. That is, the service, for example, will not react in any way to an extra character in the parameters;
  • No link shortening.
  • There is no copying of links (in the final line, you must first select it, then Ctrl + C and then paste it where necessary).

We created our own service, where we took into account all the most important things for users.

And in the fields with variables utm_camaign, utm_content and utm_term - dynamic parameters for automatic substitution of campaign IDs, ads, key phrases / targetings.

In the final line below, immediately in the course of filling, a specific label is automatically formed.

Example for Yandex.Direct:

The Yagla generator has:

  • Transliteration function (when entering parameter values ​​in Russian, they automatically change to Latin);
  • Automatic error correction (when you enter extra question marks / slashes / hashes / ampersands in the final label, they are not taken into account);
  • Complete reference book of dynamic parameters for each advertising system;
  • Copying and shortening links (four services to choose from);
  • Video guide for use, help for common mistakes generation of UTM tags and their correction;
  • Technical support from living experts.

Instead of a conclusion

UTM tags have 2 advantages at once.

First, you get great detail and results across channels, sources, and campaigns in one place.

Secondly, you get all the information about how and where the traffic came from. This is what every marketer should be doing.

Note #1. For those concerned about SEO, be sure to use canonical tags in your page titles. This will eliminate any duplicate content issues due to UTM tags.

Note #2. Before running UTM tags, ALWAYS check that the site opens the tagged URLs correctly. Due to a security conflict with the site's settings, clicks on such links can lead to a 404 page.

In this case, you need to contact your site's support service with a request to resolve this conflict and allow the use of UTM tags.

Remark number 3. With all the resulting tails, the link becomes too long and inconvenient to share and share, for example, on social networks.

For this in Yagla generator there is a "shortener" URL - right above the line with the result, the corresponding option.

Choose one of the services:

And you get the result:

Then it remains only to click "Copy shortened link" and paste where you want.

High conversions for you!

Once upon a time, when I was taking my first course in contextual advertising, I found out that there are some UTM tags. And then the question bothered me for a long time, well, why use them in Yandex Direct, if all the transitions from this advertising system are already visible in the Yandex metrics reports. I re-read a bunch of articles from the search results for the query "why use utm tags", but I saw only abstruse answers like "to pass special parameters for your links and blah ... blah ... blah." In general, I didn’t come across anything in a normal, human language that would explain what utm tags are and why they should be used.

I asked more experienced colleagues, continued to dig and remember exactly my insight with the answer to this seemingly simple question. I still remember that I gave this insight to the Skype chat of the course where I studied at that time and saved this insight to myself in a notebook evernote software. Here's what it sounded like:

“If you have a campaign set up in direct and in the campaign settings there is a checkmark next to “link markup for Metrica”, then this is enough for the metric to collect complete statistics, and additional tags in direct are not needed.
But if you decide to set up an adwords campaign, and are too lazy to install analytics on the site, then all adwords ads will need to be labeled to correctly track statistics in the metric.
And yet, if you prescribe tags for ads in Google adwords, and at the same time install analytics on the site, then in the adwords settings you must check the “tracking” column, and in the analytics in advanced settings, check the box next to “Allow manual tagging”, then everything will work correctly.

If my experienced fellow Internet marketers are reading this article, then after reading the top paragraph, they will probably laugh at me. But let me remind you that at that time I was just starting my professional activity and we all learn from mistakes.

And now, after 1.5 years since this entry, I understand how incomplete and little correct it is.

I will start to analyze this entry in order and add to it excerpts from the sometimes bitter experience of my work, so that it is as clear as possible for the average reader who is not familiar with the technical aspects of the work of Internet resources to explain why you still need to use utm tags when placing links to your site on third-party resources, and when conducting advertising campaigns.

What are UTM tags

It’s worth starting to talk about utm tags with what it is in general. In common terms, utm tags are a special set of characters that we add to a link in order to understand where we used this link in the future. I understand that it is not clear, but I will explain with an example.

//site/ ?utm_source=vk&utm_medium=group&utm_campaign=em&utm_content=post_utm

You see a link to home page site, in which after the link itself there is a question mark and a certain set of characters. This question mark with a set of characters is the utm label. In this example, I can understand from the utm tail that this link is on VKontakte ( utm_source=vk), it is in the group ( utm_medium=group), in a specific group Internet Marketing for Entrepreneurs ( utm_campaign=em) and in a post about utm tags ( utm_content=post_utm).

You can change everything after the = sign at your discretion, but by clicking on such a link you will still go to the same page of the site, to the one indicated before the question mark. Only in analytics systems it will be fixed from where the transition was made. Watch the video and you will know how to see statistics on utm tags in Yandex Metrica.

Let's say that you put a link to your site in a VKontakte or Facebook post. And you want to know how many people came to your site from each of those posts. It's simple, put a link in a VKontakte post with the tag utm_sourse=vk, and on Facebook with the tag utm_sourse=fb. Or any other values ​​after = that will let you know exactly where this link was placed. Then let's say you're linking to three different posts and you want to know which post got the most clicks.




Voila! Put different labels and see all the transitions in the context of different posts. In the same way, you can use tags on any resources on the Internet when conducting advertising campaigns.

Why UTM tags are needed in Yandex Direct

Now let's talk about Yandex Direct. Yes, direct support says that it is enough to check the “link markup for metrics” checkbox in the settings and that’s all, you will see all the data correctly in the metric statistics. But actually it is not. A particularly striking example is the last few failures in the transfer of statistics data from direct to metrics, for example, on August 20-22, when data was not transferred at all. And this is where you realize what utm tags are a huge benefit!In the label report, data is transferred and even during failures, you can safely work with statistics. And here's another reason to use labels to analyze your campaigns.

So even for a simple analysis of an advertising campaign, it is better to use utm tags. Besides you can analyze advertising campaigns in Direct with Google Analytics which is sometimes very useful. The same applies to reverse analysis. Data from Google Adwords thanks to utm tags can be analyzed in Yandex Metrica.

But that's not all they need. To optimize advertising campaigns, you can use various tools, for example; multi-landing services, various conversion optimizers, transfer data to CRM, etc. I will not say that all these services, but most of them work correctly only if utm tails are substituted with their own parameters.

How to quickly put UTM tags

And now about how to quickly put utm tags in your advertising campaigns in Yandex Direct and Google Adwords.

You do not need to write a separate label with unique parameters for each ad. Everything is much easier. You can put a utm tail with dynamic parameters, and Yandex Direct will automatically substitute the advertising campaign number, ad number and keyword instead of these parameters. The same goes for Google Adwords.

In addition, you can use Google's url builder service, with it you can also very quickly get a link with a set of utm parameters you need.

So, I will summarize. Here are just a few for using UTM tags:

  1. Convenient analysis of statistics for different traffic sources
  2. The ability to analyze advertising campaigns, even if one of the analytics systems installed on the site has failed
  3. Ability to use various tools to optimize advertising campaigns
  4. No need to create individual pages for different traffic sources to get accurate data analysis (yes, many people do this)
  5. Ability to analyze advertising campaigns in various systems analytics.

I hope that my generalized experience made it clear for everyone, and especially beginners, to explain what utm tags are for and you will also use them. If you have any questions, I will be glad to answer them in the comments.

24.08.2018 895

Hello friends! Evgeny Tridchikov is in touch, and in this video we will talk about how to set up UTM tags in contextual advertising.
Too lazy to read? at the end of the article!

What are yutm tags?

Well, let's start with a little history. How is UTM decrypted? This abbreviation stands for Urchin Tracking Module. Oh, I want to say “Uruchie Tracking Module”, Minskers will understand me.

Those. initially there was a company that had the name Urchin, and it had some kind of standard for link tracking, later it was absorbed by Google and left the Google technology itself, made it popular and led to the standard.

Those. today, you may know, not only UTM tags are used, but also From tags, Openstat tags, but UTM tags are the generally accepted, most widely used standard for link markup. What is the essence of the UTM tag and in general, why mark up links that lead to the site?

Why are utm tags needed?

The bottom line is to keep track of promotional activities. That is, how can we tell an audience about ourselves on the Internet. Initially, our offer is a site, a platform, in order to find an audience, we place ads on other sites with an appeal to visit our site.

How it works?

Now let's define how it works. You must understand that the UTM tag, and link markup in general, does not change where the user landed. In fact, we use the same link, only a certain tail is added to the end, called the referral tail.

Now let's figure out what this tail is. What is UTM markup?

utm tag structure

Here we have 5 specific containers, and this is a classic example that is used in contextual advertising. Of course, the options may be different, but this is, let's say, a certain standard. Now let's break it down element by element.

So let's start with the first one. As you can see "/?" - this is a kind of separation of the site address, i.e. or rather, the page on which we land the user, and the separation of the UTM tag itself. Those. on the left we have a landing site, on the right we have the referral tail itself. "/?" - it's like saying that the link does not end yet, the most interesting begins. So what's next.

It turns out that we have the site address, “/?”, which indicates that this is not the end of the link, then there is a container with the same UTM tag alone, then there is a hitch &, then another label, then a hitch, more one label and so on. Those. containers are linked with &.

Container Structure

Okay, let's take a closer look at what a container is. The container, as you can see on the screen, is the name of the label, its contents. Container: on the left we have a parameter, and this case t is utm_source, i.e. the source, and on the right is the value of the container, i.e. parameter value, it can be static or dynamic.

The structure of the yutm container

Static– when we explicitly set the parameter value, i.e. we write by hand, for example, in this case word google, i.e. google source, maybe yandex. Another label will have a different meaning.

dynamic value - when we use the macro. A macro is a kind of syntax, a kind of variable that is dynamically transferred to a label, i.e. we do not write here with our hands, but using a macro, we can transfer to given container, for example, a key phrase, or a campaign id, or an ad group id, or an id of the ad itself, and so on.

There are many such dynamic parameters, I will definitely attach links to this video so that you can go and see what is the difference between yandex and google dynamic parameters.

Yum container tree

I have prepared a small table for you, or rather, I did not prepare it, but this is just a screenshot in which 5 main UTM tags are located. As you can see, they have their own hierarchy, let's deal with them. Let it be in English, but this should not bother you.

Types of yutm containers (tags)

So the top level is utm_source or source. As a rule, it takes the value of google, yandex, in principle, you can write some kind of abracadabra here, this will also work, then I will show you why.

Campaign Name, i.e. utm_campaign- this is the name of the advertising campaign, we can set it explicitly, for example, or pass the campaign ID using a macro, more on that below.

Utm_term- this is a UTM label for passing a key phrase, you can also set it manually, write it, for example, in Latin, or write it using a dynamic macro variable.

And finally, utm_content- this is an additional container, as a rule, here we put the ad id.

I draw your attention to the fact that utm_source, medium and campaign are, let's say, desirable, in some sources they are even called mandatory, since their use in UTM markup of links guarantees that statistics will be collected correctly.

How to generate UTM markup?

Very simple. Today, there are a huge number of special services that, with the help of one button, allow you to mark up a link for any popular traffic source system, for example, for Direct, Google Adwords, Vkontakte.

yutm markup generator

On the screen you have a screenshot of the tools.yaroshenko.by service, I will definitely attach a link. I give it as an example because I use it myself, and among other services I like it because it has a human interface.

Where can I see statistics?

Well, friends, and now the most interesting thing, let's figure out where to look at reports on UTM tags.

In Yandex Metrica

So, in order to view the report on UTM tags in Yandex Metrica, go to Standard reports - Sources - UTM tags.

Please note that the UTM tags report has a tree structure, which is very convenient. For example, in this case, we see that the topmost rung of the hierarchy, this is utm_source, has the name yandex.

Report Tags - UTM in Yandex Metrica

We begin to open the tree. As you can see, utm_medium is cpc, you see here, by the way, there is another illustrative example, two channels - poisk and rsya, this is done for the reason that the contextual advertising specialist in the utm_medium label did not transmit, as it were, the standard accepted channel cpc, i.e. pay-per-click advertising rather than a networked advertising campaign, i.e. either poisk or rsya, I decided to simplify the task so-so in order to eliminate an extra step in the tree.

Well, let's continue the standard way. The channel is deployed in the campaign identifier, you can set them and, by the way, I recommend that you set the name of the campaigns in an explicit form. It's easier, for example, now I can't figure out by identifiers what kind of campaign brought me 912 clicks.

If I manually entered the value of the campaign in the utm_campaign label, then I would see its name here, just the reports would become more humane and understandable. What am I doing them for? - in order to analyze traffic sources right here in the moment.

Further inside the campaign we see the ad ID, inside the ad we see, in fact, the key phrases that were clicked on. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is not search queries that are transferred to the Keyword label in this dynamic parameter, but the key phrases that we use in advertising.

The difference between a keyword and a search term is that search query this is what the user enters into search engine, and the keyword is our tool for finding the audience.

In Google Analytics

In Analytics, we look at reports on UTM tags in the corresponding section. Go to traffic sources - Campaigns - All campaigns. Again, if the utm_campaign label were set to an explicit value, i.e. the name of the campaign, it would be easier to watch.

Report All Campaigns in Google Analytics

Now I see advertising campaigns from Yandex Direct, or rather, I can’t immediately understand their identifiers, I will have to return to the Yandex Direct advertising account and see what kind of campaign is listed under this identifier. I hope you get the idea.

Go to a specific advertising campaign, on the "other" tab you can select the appropriate section, for example, by the content of the ad, i.e. by ads or key phrases. You can see which keywords brought you those 104 clicks.

How to insert yutm tags?

Well, friends, how do you insert a UTM tag into existing advertising campaigns? To do this, friends, choose some service for generating UTM tags, for example, tools from Yaroshenko. Let's imagine that we are advertising some site, and I don't even know, even Yaroshenko tools.

To Yandex Direct

We take the address and paste it into this utility. We select Yandex Direct, as you can see, the settings are automatically substituted, where we have 2 static UTM tags: utm_source is set to yandex, utm_medium is set to cpc, and 3 other UTM tags have dynamic parameters, the same macros that dynamically substitute values ​​in UTM -tags and are transferred to the web analytics system, respectively.

Marking up links with Direct Commander

You can learn more about dynamic labels in the corresponding help, they are not all here. So, we press the "Generate" button and a ready-made link is automatically highlighted, we press "Command + C" or "CTRL + C" depending on which system you are working on. Go to Direct Commander.

Here I want to highlight the point that you can do this, of course, in Excel and upload campaigns through the interface in the browser, but this is not very convenient, no matter how anyone likes it. Personally, I'm more comfortable in Direct Commander, because there are mass editing functions.

So, suppose we want to put this link in the Search in all ads campaign. Important point, friends, be sure to check its performance. Depending on the content management system, there may be options with "slashes", so there may be unpleasant moments.

In Direct Commander, I select the relevant campaign, relevant groups, relevant ads. Next, I press the keyboard shortcuts "Command + H" or Ctrl + H, and I'm thrown into the multi-editing tool.

Here I choose Link, here I choose Append, insert our tail, and here I click All Values. Pay attention here I have this tail itself a referral tail, i.e. in ads, I understand I just have a link to a page, either to the main one, or to some internal one.

I want to add a specific tail to all the links that I have selected. Ads selected, for example, if you do not select the entire campaign, "Replace all", "Close". Thus, now we have all the links in the ads received the corresponding tail.

As you can see, I got 2 slashes here, this is because my ad link initially contained a slash at the end. But I can fix it very easily. Again, I turn to the multi-editing tool, this time I press “Search”, I am looking for a combination of two slashes, no, here I will have rf//, because there are still 2 slashes in http//. Rf//change to rf/, “Replace with”, approx.

And do not forget, friends, the link that you have, you must definitely check it. Again, go here, paste it into the browser, press Enter. Great, the site is loading, so everything is done correctly.

In Google Adwords

Now let's see how to set up UTM tags in Google Adwords. To do this, go to your account, as you can see, I already have new interface, go to the campaign you need, for example, here.

Next to the settings and here, notice at the campaign level we have additional settings and in them Campaign URL Parameters. We will work with you with the so-called tracking template. What is its essence?

Marking Up Links with a Tracking Template

The bottom line is that we can set some tail at the campaign, ad group or ad level, which will be attached to the link in the ad. The same thing that we just did with you using Direct Commander, only there we did for each ad, and here we can reduce this task to one link at the campaign level.

Very comfortably. In addition, I did not find it in the new interface, but in the old one it is definitely at the account level. Those. you understand, yes, that you can do one action at the account level, but this is not always convenient, because in this case you will not be able to set explicit values ​​for the campaign, for example.

Those. it will be more convenient when we set some human name in the utm_campaign tag at the campaign level, and do not pass the campaign ID, because the set of numbers is not clear later in the reports on UTM tags. Do you understand? We can forward all other containers using dynamic variables.

So, the tracking template in Google Adwords works a little differently than when passing UTM markup to Yandex.Metrica. Look, here at the beginning we need to substitute this construction, it looks like this: (lpurl)?

Again, do you remember the "?" acts as a disconnect between the landing site and the referral tail. And after that comes the already familiar set of containers.

Thus, we kind of say to the campaign URL parameter, or rather to this tool, we say: “Insert the link from the ad here, and attach this tail to it, and do this for all ads of this campaign.” Understandably?

Please note that here we have a “Check” button, run this test, the system quickly tests whether the final URL is loaded, i.e. whether there are links to which we are going to lead users.

If so, you'll see a green checkmark and a message that the landing page has been found. If you hover over this message, you will see all relevant information.

The myth about UTM tags in contextual advertising

And now the most interesting, friends. In order to use contextual advertising to the full extent, it is not necessary to use UTM tags. This is one of the most common contextual advertising myths, when experts say that the absence of UTM tags in contextual advertising markup is error .

The fact is that today the Direct and Adwords contextual advertising system works in such a way that, with the right link, all the necessary information is by default in the reports.

In Yandex.Metrica, this report is called "Sources" - "Direct" - "Summary". As you can see, friends, this report contains the same nested structure, only it has a more informative look.

We see the name of the campaign that is indicated in the interface itself, in the ad account itself, we see its number, we see how it unfolds - how it falls inside the ads, in each ad we see the key phrases that brought clicks, and inside the phrases we we see how they unfold into a search query.

An important point, in order for the information to be correctly and clearly transmitted, you need to specify the counter number in the campaign settings, or check the box “mark links with a metric”.

As for Google Analytics, it's the same here. For a long time there has been a corresponding report in the Adwords group, which allows you to collect all the necessary information. In order for information to be collected correctly, automatic tagging is enough, and it is in this moment works in the new interface by default.

As you can see, in the Adwords reporting group, for example, on the Campaigns tab, we can, just like in Yandex Metrica, fall inside the campaign, inside the group, etc.

If you use UTM-tag and auto-tagging at the same time, be sure to make sure that this checkbox is not checked in the resource settings (this checkbox is here). If it is set, then UTM markup will replace Google Adwords auto-tagging and there may be discrepancies in reports.

And then a logical question arises: “Why use UTM tags in contextual advertising”? Well, for example, it makes sense when we need to transfer, or rather, bring together information on several systems into one.

For example, as a rule, Yandex Metrica is more understandable to users, since it is used more often with Direct than with Adwords, for example, rather than with Analytics, and therefore if we mark traffic from Adwords with UTM tags, we will be able to see all at once in Metrica in one report. information. Let's see what it might look like.

For example, here is a project where 2 traffic sources participate at the same time. To view information in one, most convenient service, we can drop UTM tags and, thus, see how the traffic from Google Adwords behaved and expand the tree.

The second point is the use of UTM tags in order to forward the value to third party systems, for example, CRM, i.e. customer accounting system. When we need to link a specific deal, or even profit, to the original source of traffic.

For example, in CRM, the deal card contains immutable fields. As you can see, this is the traffic source, i.e. utm_source, type of traffic, i.e. utm_medium, the name of the advertising campaign, as you can see, all familiar UTM tags are here.


Well, friends, I hope this video was useful to you, I am sure that in these few minutes you have learned what UTM tags are, how they appeared, how to use them in Yandex Direct and Google Adwords. I hope all this was useful, the corresponding links to dynamic parameters for each system, let me remind you that they are different, I attach to this video.