How to disable caps lock notification on screen. How to disable Caps Lock indicator

Key Caps Lock- a convenient tool that can be used when the user needs to write one or more letters or even an entire text in capital letters. It is worth keeping in mind that pressing this key will cause a change appearance only letters to be typed: for example, numbers and others Special symbols will not change from its use.

Using the Caps Lock key

The Caps Lock key on a standard keyboard has a fairly convenient location: it is located in the middle of the left row of the main part of the keyboard, located between the Tab key, the letter A on the Latin layout and the Shift key. Enabling the Caps Lock key allows you to switch to using capital letters mode on permanent basis. The transition to this mode is carried out by pressing the Caps Lock key once. In turn, in order to disable this mode, you must press the indicated button on the keyboard once again. In order to inform the user about enabling the mode, standard keyboards have a special indication of this key: if it is pressed, above digital block on the right side of the printing device, a green indicator, indicated by the capital letter A, lights up, which goes out when the corresponding mode is turned off.

Additional options for using the key

Thus, the mode that turns on when you press the Caps Lock key is convenient if you need to type several words or even entire text in capital letters. If you need to capitalize one or more letters, you can resort to another method: for example, holding down the adjacent Shift button while pressing the key indicating the letter will automatically capitalize it. Some users find this method more convenient, since converting one letter to capital case actually requires only one press of an additional key, whereas Caps Lock mode must first be turned on and then turned off, that is, using a double press.

This technique, however, can be used in the opposite way. For example, you are typing text in capital letters with the Caps Lock key turned on, and you need to change one or more letters to lowercase. In this case, you should hold down the Shift button while pressing the required letters: it is temporarily lower case, and after you release it, Caps Lock mode will become permanent again. Don't forget to turn it off after you've finished typing in capital letters.

The article describes a couple of ways to disable CapsLock – a key in Windows.

Everyone knows why it is on the keyboard. The owners mobile computers Those who have limited keyboard space know something else. CapsLock tends to turn on whenever it is not required: on small keyboards, the spread between the keys, as well as their size, is small. And that’s why sometimes you just want to get rid of it. No, we won’t rip it out, as they sometimes did in ancient times. Let's just turn it off.

What are the ways to disable CapsLock?

  • from the registry
  • using the program KeyTweak

How to disable the CapsLock key from the registry?

Press WIN + R and in the Run line enter the command to launch the registry editor


After opening the editor window, go to the section

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout

On the right, through the right-click menu, we will create Binary parameter:

Let's give it a name Scancode Map. Let's double-click on it and assign it the following value:


If you have some difficulty creating or editing the value, you can create a registry modification file manually. Open Notepad, enter this code:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 "Scancode Map"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,02,00,00,00,00,00,3A,00,00,00,00, 00

Save under any name, but it must be .reg. If something doesn’t work out here, download the finished file, unpack the archive, and in the file properties, unlock it in the tab Safety and run, agreeing to the changes:

Download free archive

To apply the changes, either reboot or log out via the Start button and log in again. From now on the key CapsLock will not respond to pressing.

How to disable CapsLock using programs?

If you don’t want to bother with the registry and have questions about the other keys, you can use third party programs. The most popular of them, of course, is. The program has not been updated for a long time, but up to Windows 7 (inclusive) it worked flawlessly. Small in size (less than 300kb), but will require installation. Easy to use:

  • Let's launch
  • Select the desired key (they are numbered, but described below)
  • Disable ( Disable) or enable ( Enable)

You can easily navigate this “numeric” keyboard on the screen when looking at yours. Business. Good luck.

The Caps Lock key on any computer is really useful key, when it comes to printing anything in block letters is very easy. But sometimes, while intending to use the Tab or Shift key, the user tends to press Caps key Lock and hence it interrupts their workflow. An alternative to the Caps Lock key is the Shift key, which you can hold down to type something in block letters. This makes it possible to disable the Caps Lock key and use the Shift key instead to enter block letters. Today we will look at how to disable the Caps Lock key in Windows 10. If the Caps Lock key is not working, this post will show you how to enable it.

We will look at two methods that will show us how to turn the Caps Lock key on or off in Windows 10.

  • Using the Registry Editor.
  • Usage software KeyTweak.

Enable or disable Caps Lock in Windows 10

1] Using Registry Editor

Press the WINKEY + R key combination to launch the Run utility, type regedit and press Enter. After opening Registry Editor, go to the following

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout

Now click right click mouse in the right sidebar and select New → Binary Value.

Set the name of this newly created Scancode Map binary value.

Double click on the newly created binary value and set its value to this:


This will disable the Caps Lock key.

If you want to re-enable the Caps Lock key, simply delete the newly created binary value.

Alternatively, you can simply run the REG file we created to easily add a registry value.

In any case, restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

2] Using KeyTweak Software

Download KeyTweak for free. Be sure to opt-out of third-party software offers, if any.

Once you have downloaded and installed it without any additional unnecessary programs, launch the software.

From the resulting keyboard maps, select the location of the Caps Lock key. In most cases this will be #30 on the map, as shown in the snippet above.

Once you select it, it will show you the current key assignment.

Simply click the Disable key button to disable the Caps Lock key.

In case you want to re-enable the key that you have just disabled, you must follow the same steps and enable it.

You will have to restart your computer in both cases for the changes to take effect.

Does Caps Lock get in the way because you sometimes accidentally press it? If you do not use this key, you can turn it off completely. See how to disable the Caps Lock key.

Each of us has ever accidentally pressed Caps Lock at the most inopportune moment. Active Caps Lock enables the input mode in capital letters, which causes problems, for example, when entering a password. It happens that we enter the wrong password just because we have this key enabled on our laptop or computer.

Caps Lock is not one of the keys that we often use in Windows 7, 8.1 and 10. In principle, if you do not use programs or applications that require this key, you can disable it. For many users, this is an extra key that only causes problems. If you are one of them, you can completely disable it using the Registry Editor in Windows.

How to disable the key function via Registry Editor

Let's move on to how to disable Caps Lock. To do this, we use a method that involves removing the function that it performs when pressed. Thanks to this, nothing will happen when you click on it. The corresponding parameter is in the following section:

At this point, you need to create a binary Scancode Map parameter, which will allow you to assign a different function to the selected key. This procedure can be done using the Registry Editor in Windows 10, but there is a much easier way.

Open system Notepad and paste the following fragment into it:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Scancode Map"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,02,00,00,00,00,00,3a,00,00,00,00,00

You need to write the file in REG format. To do this, open “File” - “Save As”. Select the type "All files" and then save it as "off key.reg" for example

A *.reg file will be created with a ready-made registry modification that disables the key function. Now you just need to make changes; to do this, double-click on “off key.reg” to disable it.

A window will appear asking if you really want to make changes to system registry. Confirm this procedure and restart your computer once completed. Now Caps Lock Windows will be disabled and will not switch to capital letters when accidentally pressed.

Restoring the original Caps Lock function

If you suddenly need this key in the future, you can easily restore its original function and remove the above changes.
To do this, press the combination on your keyboard Windows keys+ R and in the window that opens, enter the following command:

In the Editor window that opens, go to the following section:

To quickly navigate to the above path, you can copy it and then paste it into address bar Registry editor. Then open the Keyboard Layout section. WITH right side The window will display records relating to this section. Find your Scancode Map modification here. Simply right-click on the Scancode Map option and select Delete.

After removing this entry, restart your computer. The button should function according to its original function.