Increased amd processor performance. Increasing processor performance

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will talk about how to make your computer work at full capacity. Surely, you have noticed that over time, your iron friend begins to perform operations more slowly, takes longer to load, and freezes on seemingly simple tasks. This is a problem for all Windows. The simplest solution is to reinstall the operating system. It would seem - what could be simpler? The problem is that you will need to spend time saving personal data. That is, select important information and copy it to a disk or flash drive. But that's not all! After reinstalling Windows, it will take half a day to install all the necessary programs and completely personalize the system. In total, we will spend the whole day on all the work related to reinstalling the operating system.

Therefore, before formatting everything and reinstalling it again, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following methods that will help increase the performance of your computer.

1. The first and most effective way is removing unnecessary or rarely used programs. Oddly enough, what slows down the system the most is the large number of installed applications. The standard Windows Uninstaller doesn't do its job well - it leaves behind a lot of undeleted files and registry entries. I advise you to use the utility.

2. The second, no less important and no less effective way is removing rarely used programs from startup. How to do this, I wrote here. Thanks to this, Windows loading speed increases significantly.

3. You most likely knew this method without me, but nevertheless, I consider it my duty to remind you of it. Its essence is that You should not run a large number of programs at the same time. Any application takes up system memory, and this can significantly affect performance. Leave open only those programs that you need at a given time.

4. A virus may be the cause of slow or inadequate computer operation. Be sure to (if you haven’t installed it yet) and do full computer scan.

5. Execute hard drive defragmentation. Usually, this takes quite a long time, so be patient, but still carry out this procedure. The system will thank you very much. To do this in Windows 7, click Start/All Programs/Accessories/System Tools/Disk Defragmenter. Next, you need to select the disk, mark it with a checkmark, and press the button Disk Defragmenter.

6. Update Windows. Try regularly. Microsoft releases new patches almost every day that fix problems with the security, usability and reliability of Windows. Thank God, the update process in the “seven” is automated, so no action is required from you. The only thing is, do not forget to enable automatic updates in the control panel.

7. Driver Update. If your computer is far from new, and you have never updated the drivers, then be sure to follow this step. Moreover, new versions are released quite often. Motherboard and video card - for these devices we install new drivers first. I wrote about how to update them correctly and where to download them from here.

8. Another quite effective way is disabling visual effects in Windows. As you know, the “seven” uses the Aero interface, which eats up system resources. If your computer does not have enough RAM, it is better to disable this interface. To do this, go to Control Panel (Start/Control Panel), and in the search write Counters and Productivity Tools,then click on the item of the same name.

In the window that appears, click Setting up visual effects. Here we select the item “Ensure the best performance” and click Apply.

I think you will agree that a fast computer is better than a sluggish and beautiful one.

9. Regularly carry out reboot the computer. It would seem, what could be simpler? But not everyone follows this rule, especially laptop owners. After finishing work, they simply close the lid, thereby putting the computer into sleep mode. A reboot will clear memory and terminate many erroneous processes that were started but not terminated. There are situations when it is difficult to determine the cause of a slow computer. In such cases, rebooting also helps.

10. And finally, you can use the built-in Windows utility called “Disk Cleanup”. She herself will find and delete unnecessary files that slow down the computer. Among them are temporary files, recycle bin, web page visit files and others. To start the program, click Start, in the search field enter Disk Cleanup. Next, select the drive you want to clean. In the window that appears, check the boxes for the types of files you want to delete. After that, click Delete files.

In this article, I did not write about the fact that you can increase the speed of your computer by increasing RAM or replacing the processor, because this requires financial investment. I also didn’t write about all sorts of miraculous programs that, with one click of the mouse, increase performance a hundred times - I don’t really trust them. The methods described above are simple and definitely work, tested.

Good afternoon, dear Internet users! Crap. I almost went nuts. Yesterday it snowed so much that I could barely get to work today. Did you ask for snow? Keep it snowing. So what? I asked for it myself, to be honest. Anyway. Let's get closer to the topic. Surely, each of you has once wondered how to improve computer performance. Yes, it happens that it freezes, slows down, where it is necessary and where it is not necessary. I even want to hit the computer. But we are kind, intelligent people, and we will not do this. Isn't it true?

It’s not difficult to increase performance using built-in Windows tools. Let's try it together.

Visual effects

  1. Go to the control panel in any way convenient for you and find the “System” element, or right-click on “Computer” and select “Properties”.
  2. So, we are in the system properties. Select “Advanced system parameters” in the left menu block.
  3. Now in the window that appears, go to the “Advanced” tab, if you are not already there. And in the performance section, select “Options”.

These parameters will help you significantly improve the performance of the operating system. Checked personally!

This whole farce begins with setting up visual effects. This function will allow you to change the appearance of the main menu and windows that open within the OS. You should not overlook this step, because it will help significantly speed up Windows performance. If you select “Best performance”, then all effects will be removed altogether, and if there are special parameters, then you yourself choose what you need and what you don’t. Try it and experiment with the settings yourself. You definitely won’t break anything here). Well, how is everything working out? So that's great!

Cleaning your hard drive

Now let's clean up the hard drive from unnecessary things. You need to clean your hard drive regularly to remove temporary files and also make room for the most useful, required materials.

  1. Go to Computer and right-click on the drive where Windows is installed (most likely drive C). Select properties there.
  2. In the window that appears, in the “General” tab, click on “Hard Disk Cleanup”. This will be followed by information collection and assessment.
  3. When the collection of information has finished, the “Disk Cleanup” window will open. There you will be shown how much potential system junk you have that you can get rid of. You can check the boxes everywhere to remove all unnecessary files. Or, for example, leave temporary Internet files. It stores information about the sites you visited, etc. And don't be afraid to delete anything. This is really preliminary garbage and it will not cause harm to the system, rather the opposite.

In general, this procedure also significantly increases system performance. So don't lose sight of this point.


When Windows boots up, some programs are loaded along with it automatically. And when there are a lot of such loaded programs, this significantly reduces the performance of the PC, because they are already loaded and consuming resources, and they are not even interested in whether you are currently using them or not. Therefore, it is better to remove some programs from startup, then PC performance will again increase.

With your permission, I will not tell you about this in this article, since I talked about this in detail earlier. But this process is also very useful for speeding up the computer, since we do not overload our computer with various crap. So remove from startup everything that you don’t need.

Disk Defragmenter

From time to time you need to defragment the disk. When you install and then uninstall various programs, they always leave traces in the form of clogged clusters, so when you install new programs, they occupy clusters scattered, i.e. those that are currently available. Due to the fact that these applications are not located in one place, but are written to different areas, the execution of many processes is slower than it should be.

To organize all these clusters and connect everything to the shelves and in its place, you need to defragment the disk. But I will talk about defragmentation in my next article, since I would like to write about it separately.

Third party programs (Software)

Personally, I use not only basic programs, but also “play around” with what I can download and buy on the Internet:

  • CCleaner. A magical tool for quickly cleaning the registry, other junk and junk. Probably doesn't need any introduction. In another article, I will describe in detail how to use CCleaner to increase the performance of your computer and get rid of junk.
  • Unlocker. It will help you delete any, even the most capricious file.
  • Glary utilities. Includes everything you need to speed up the OS and optimize it. It's better to try than to talk. Checked!


Of course, one of the most effective means for increasing productivity is replacing components. In general, upgrading any hardware in a computer will only benefit it. But the first step is to increase the amount of RAM.

To do this, you need to look at how much RAM you currently have, what type of memory (DDR, DDR2, DDR3), how many slots for these sticks, what is the maximum volume of one module and, of course, the maximum amount of memory in general. Based on this, you can add more memory, which will speed up your computer. I already wrote an article about that, so take a look. Everything is written there in detail.

By the way, don’t forget your system, because if you have 4 GB of RAM and the system is 32-bit, then you should not increase the volume, or only if you reinstall the system to 64-bit.

The speed also depends on the hard drive. To achieve maximum effect, it is best to install the system on an SSD drive. They are much faster than regular ones, but of course more expensive.

And of course, the processor and video card will not be left out, especially if you play games. But a good card is not cheap, so take a look. But I would classify iron replacement as a last resort, if nothing else really helps or

These are the simple and proven ways to increase the performance of your PC. But this is only a small part of the ways to improve performance. In the following articles, I will definitely tell you about other ways to increase productivity. If you want to delve deeper into this and other topics, be sure to subscribe to blog updates. I look forward to seeing you on my blog again, and I, in turn, will write new and, I hope, interesting and useful articles for you.

And by the way, I would highly recommend that you watch wonderful video course on productive work at the computer. The course is very interesting and thanks to it you will be able to work effectively at the computer, speed up your regular work, and also make it much easier. Be sure to check it out.

Well, on this cheerful note, I say goodbye to you. I hope that my article was useful to you. See you in the next articles. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

Many programs start automatically when you turn on your computer, causing your system to take longer to boot. In addition, these programs take up extra RAM and are not always needed by you.

To edit the list of programs for startup, you need to click the “Start” button and type the msconfig command in the search bar. In the Startup tab, programs that start when you turn on the computer are checked. All that remains is to uncheck unnecessary programs.

Be careful not to disable autoloading of utilities and antivirus products.

3. Disable autoloading of unnecessary fonts

When you turn on your computer, Windows downloads a selection of over 200 different fonts. You can disable unnecessary ones like this: “Start” - Control Panel - Design and Personalization - Fonts. Open the context menu with the right key and on the unnecessary font and select “Hide”.

Comic Sans only , only hardcore!

4. Deleting temporary files

In the process of work, many temporary files are created daily on the hard drive, which somehow imperceptibly become permanent. They also greatly reduce the overall speed of your computer.

Regularly cleaning your computer will speed up the loading of the operating system and programs, and will also free up space on your hard drive.

To do this, just open My Computer - the partition with the operating system (usually Drive C:\) - the Windows folder - the Temp folder, and then delete all files and empty the Recycle Bin.

5. Disk Cleanup

To optimize Windows, Microsoft developers have provided a built-in disk cleanup utility. It searches for and deletes junk files, such as temporary Internet files, distributions of installed programs, various error reports, and others.

Go to the Start menu - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Cleanup.

6. Disk defragmentation

After deleting unnecessary programs and files, start defragmenting the disk, i.e. regrouping files on your hard drive for maximum PC optimization.

Defragmentation can be done using Windows tools, or you can use special programs - this is a topic for a separate article.

The standard procedure will look like this - in Explorer, select the partition to defragment (for example, drive D:\) and right-click on it, in the menu that appears, open Properties and in the Tools tab, click “Defragment.”

7. Install SSD

A solid-state drive will help speed up the loading of the operating system and programs, the self-installation of which in a laptop we discussed in. If you don’t have enough money for a 500 GB SSD, it makes sense to purchase a disk at least to install the operating system - it will simply fly on the new SSD.

8. Install HDD

There are many video guides on HDD installation on YouTube. Here's one of them

If your budget does not allow you to spend money on expensive SSD drives, you should not give up more traditional components. Installing an additional HDD will significantly improve PC performance.

So, if the hard drive is more than 85% occupied, the computer will work many times slower. In addition, installing an additional hard drive on your desktop PC yourself is even easier than an SSD.

9. Installing additional RAM

RAM is used to process running programs. The more information you need to process, the more RAM you will need.

If there is not enough memory, the system begins to use hard disk resources, which leads to a critical slowdown of the computer and freezing of Windows.

Adding or replacing RAM sticks is not difficult. For a regular computer with a set of standard office programs, 4 GB of RAM is enough, and for a gaming PC you can think about 16 GB or higher.

10. Cleaning

Dust is computer enemy No. 2 (everyone knows that enemy No. 1 is). It prevents normal ventilation, which can cause PC components to overheat, slowing down the system. Extreme overheating of components can lead to their complete failure.

Turn off your computer at least half an hour before you start cleaning. Do not clean in synthetic clothing - friction may result in a static charge that can damage components. To remove static, touch the unpainted part of the central heating radiator.

Turn on the vacuum cleaner at low power and carefully remove dust from all parts of the PC. Particular attention should be paid to the power supply, processor cooler and video card, where most of the dust accumulates.

Hello my readers!

The computer has long been part of our lives. Today we cannot imagine how we could live without this faithful friend and helper.

Thanks to this smart technology, we can not only work productively, but also have a good rest after a busy day while watching our favorite movie or playing a video game. You can also find interesting information, talk with old friends and find new ones, send emails, etc.

The level of efficiency of performing the above processes depends primarily on the performance of the PC. Constant “braking”, “freezing” during online communication or in games, to put it mildly, is not encouraging.

Most users prefer not to pay attention to this behavior of their PC, believing that this is a temporary phenomenon. Some people are aware of the need for prevention and diagnosis, but have no idea how to do it. In this material I will present you with several options on how to increase the performance of your computer.

Ways to improve PC performance can be divided into:

Let's look at them all in order.


This group includes software products aimed at increasing the performance level of a PC or laptop.

They are designed to declutter Windows OS by eliminating unnecessary files. In addition, these applications monitor the presence of necessary components and libraries, the integrity of the registry, and correct detected errors.

One of their most important functions is defragmentation (updating the logical structure) of the hard drive, which allows the system to find the necessary system files with greater efficiency and speed. There are quite a lot of such programs, they are written about in the articles:


The functioning of the Windows system is ensured by a huge number of various resources: different services, processes. Most of them are not needed for your PC to function. When it is turned on, all elements included in the operating system are loaded, which leads to a slowdown of the computer.

To increase the startup speed and raise the level of performance of a computer or laptop, you should adjust startup and disable all unnecessary services, you can also adjust the size of the paging file. This is quite enough for overclocking.

How to set up autoload?

First, press the Win and R keys simultaneously, and in the line that appears, write the word “ msconfig».

In the window that opens for you, go to the tab called “Startup”.

You will see all the applications and services that are downloading without your knowledge. To disable it and thereby significantly increase the performance and speed of your computer, you just need to remove the checkbox in the line that corresponds to unnecessary loading.

Important ! When carrying out the steps described above, you need to understand what can be disabled and what cannot.

How to disable services?

Most services of any version of the Windows system operate “idle”, and the user does not need them at all to perform any tasks. To speed up your computer and thereby improve its performance, you need to disable them. To do this, from the previous “Startup” window, go to the tab called “Services”. Next, disable services you don’t need.

But to complete this task, you must have some experience in this area and know what can be disabled without consequences and what cannot.

It must be remembered that most programs previously installed on the computer also launch their own services when loading. You can see and disable them in the same window.

Increasing the swap file

Systemic ways to improve PC performance also include increasing the size of the system swap file. It insures the performance of RAM. If its volume is insufficient, the operating system can use the paging file as temporary storage. The size of the paging file should be several times larger than the amount of RAM.

To increase the paging file, you need to go to the control panel, the “System” section, and from there to the “Advanced” tab. Select “Settings” next to the “Performance” subheading. In the same window, go to “Advanced” and click “Change”.

If your computer has more than one hard drive or parts of a disk, you can reserve a specified amount of paging file for each of them.


Technical methods, as you well understand, include all PC components that ensure its fast and uninterrupted functioning. To increase power, the following diagnostic measures should first be carried out:

1. Check the correct operation of the processor and video card.

If some element of the chain works poorly, then the computer will work slowly while performing certain operations. If any faults are detected, be sure to replace the device.

2. Test the processor cooling system, auxiliary coolers, and power supply.

Clean the cooling radiators thoroughly and replace the thermal paste. High temperature conditions contribute to a decrease in the speed of the CPU and video card. Thus, the computer protects itself from overheating and subsequent combustion. After fixing this problem, your device will be able to work at full capacity.

Remember! If you have a new PC and less than one year has passed since you purchased it, then technical reasons are unlikely. In addition, at this time the warranty is still valid, and if you open the case, you will thereby violate the warranty conditions.

Now you know how you can improve your computer. Maximum speed and high performance will allow you to get only pleasant emotions from using your PC. And you can check the result of your work using the methods described in the article.

If you cannot “make friends” with your computer, I recommend that you take a training course “ Computer genius" It is perfect for both those who know nothing at all about PCs, and for those who already have a certain amount of knowledge and would like to learn something new. Highly qualified teachers in clear and simple language will tell and show you how to use certain programs and how to surf the Internet.

Share the information received with your friends on social media. networks, subscribe to blog updates and you will turn into an advanced user. See you soon!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

There is a well-known picture when thoughts about buying a new PC come to mind at the moment when your old computer stops coping with the task that it previously solved much faster. Loading the operating system seems like an eternity, launching programs takes a relatively long time, and more than a dozen browser tabs “hang” the computer. Yes, the picture is quite old, and it is strange to see it when all modern computers contain multi-core processors. Even CPUs from five to seven years ago have sufficient performance for the needs of a modern user. The cause of problems with your PC can be a mere trifle, and in order to make your work on the computer more comfortable, you do not have to incur large time and financial costs. In this article, you will learn about possible solutions to common problems and find a solution for yourself in them.

Speed ​​up your computer boot

After pressing the power button on the computer, the motherboard BIOS initializes the PC hardware components, conducts various hardware tests, searches for the operating system boot file on available storage media, and then transfers control of the computer to it if it starts successfully. It takes a lot of time to go through and complete these procedures. If you are inexperienced in tinkering with the settings, your computer may take more than a minute to boot before you see the Windows logo and it starts loading. Let's first look at how to optimize BIOS settings your computer.

Login to BIOS. After turning on your computer, press the key several times Del . In most cases, this action will open the BIOS Setup settings. Laptops and some desktop motherboards may use a different button (such as F2 or F10) to enter BIOS settings. It is worth noting that in modern versions of BIOS Setup, a simplified mode for displaying settings first opens, so you need to switch to the advanced mode (Advanced BIOS Features or similar).

Disabling the RAM test. The option that has the greatest impact on your computer's boot speed is "Quick Boot" , "Skip Memory Check" or something similar. You can find it in the boot settings (for example, the “Boot Settings Configuration” item). If this function is active, then hardware testing - for example, checking RAM - is not performed. Enabling the option "Quick Boot" can reduce computer boot time by more than 10 seconds.

Download priority optimization. The BIOS can search for the boot sector on all storage devices connected to the system board. However, the system disk is not always detected immediately. In this case, time is wasted. To avoid this, I recommend in paragraph Hard Disk Boot Priority or similar, select your system drive as the first boot device.

Attention. When installing an SSD, you may need to select this device in the “First Boot Device” item or similar as the first disk so that the SSD appears in the boot device priority list.

Disabling unnecessary devices. In modern PCs, all internal drives are connected via the SATA interface. Despite this, many motherboards have a built-in (P)ATA controller, also known as IDE, which takes a few seconds to boot. If your PC does not have drives connected via IDE cables, then disconnect this controller. To do this, open “Integrated Peripherals | OnChip IDE Channel" or a similar item and change its value to "Disabled". You can also disable other controllers, such as the parallel (LPT) and serial (COM) ports, as well as the built-in sound card if you are using an external sound card for audio output. However, these measures can only slightly reduce loading time.

Optimal settings for Windows

The old Windows OS, combined with a large number of applications, loads very slowly. The problem lies in the countless programs and services that start when the operating system starts, regardless of whether they are used or not. Therefore, before deciding to replace a slow-running PC component, you should first “clean up” the system folders and registry. Cleaning the registry and removing unnecessary programs from startup using special software will save tens of seconds on boot speed. For these purposes I recommend using the program Vit registry fix or CCleaner . They can also be used for the following actions.

Disabling services. Windows services are installed with drivers or software, and often their main task is to search for updates for this software. Some of them are necessary for another application to work. One way or another, when the operating system boots, they also need time to start. To disable unnecessary services, use the keyboard shortcut "Win+R" , enter « msconfig" and press "Enter" . The system setup program will open. On the tab "Services" check the box opposite "Do not display Microsoft services" . Uncheck any services that are not part of your antivirus software. However, remember that software update services, such as Adobe Flash and Reader, on which the security of your entire system depends, must be left turned on.

Disabling programs at startup. On the tab close to services in msconfig Listed are programs that automatically start after the computer boots. Disable here first all elements that are not related to your antivirus program or are not necessary, for example, a client for synchronizing a smartphone or an instant messaging program.

Result | Checking OS startup speed. The next time you reboot, the OS should start faster, and your computer will only reach its optimal speed after several reboots. If you receive various error messages during startup, reactivate the services and items you have disabled. The same applies to programs that have stopped working, which, however, happens very rarely.

Replacing a standard hard drive with an SSD

When loading the operating system or launching programs, the computer tries to access many small files, which are often stored on different parts of the hard drive, due to the way information is recorded. The read/write head moving from one place to another spends a lot of time searching and reading them. An antivirus program running in the background also slows down your hard drive significantly. , on the contrary, is capable of providing data instantly without mechanical delays. The access time (that is, the time that passes before data transfer begins) for an SSD is 600 times less than for a hard drive.

A computer with the Windows operating system installed on a solid-state drive starts up on average in 15-20 seconds, which is 2-3 times less than the results when using a regular HDD. A computer with a standard hard drive responds more slowly than one with a solid-state drive.

Installing an SSD. There is always room for a 2.5-inch SSD in a desktop computer case, just like in a laptop. Instead of using a mounting frame for the 3.5-inch chassis bay, you can side-mount the SSD with two screws to one of the 5.25-inch slots, which are usually free. Connect the SSD to the SATA power connector of the power supply and to the motherboard with a SATA cable. Check your user manual to see if it supports the current SATA 6Gbps standard, and if the answer is yes, which port, then connect an SSD to it.

Windows installation. After installing the solid-state drive, you must reinstall Windows and all programs to obtain optimal system performance and stability. To do this, disconnect the old HDD, boot from the Windows installation DVD and install the operating system on the SSD, and then all your programs. When everything is ready, reconnect the hard drive. To access the information on it, use the libraries function in Windows 7. To do this, click in one of the libraries (images, documents, music, videos) on the link following "Includes:" . You can later delete any directories that do not contain your data.

Adding RAM

Even if you're just browsing the web or using office programs, your computer should have at least 4 GB of RAM to ensure that the system accesses the page file on the notoriously slow hard drive as little as possible. To work with multimedia files and modern three-dimensional games, you need to have from 8 to 16 GB of RAM.

Attention! Only the 64-bit version of Windows can recognize more than 3 GB of RAM.

Analysis and increase in RAM capacity. Before you upgrade your RAM capacity, find out how much and what type of memory is installed in your system. Install and run the CPU-Z program. On the tab "SPD" in the drop-down menu in item "Memory Slot Selection" you can determine the number of slots, and by clicking on one of the slot numbers, information about the installed memory module will appear. For example, if your system has two 2 GB modules and two more slots are available, purchase two additional modules. It's best to stick with identical models with the same catalog number (by which you can find memory on price comparison portals). If you cannot find them, then you need to select memory that matches the old one or exceeds it in timings and clock speed. If there are no free slots, replace the existing modules with new ones of larger capacity. As a rule, it is best to set an even number, since in this case the fast dual-channel memory mode will be available.

Installing RAM. Installing RAM into a computer is quite simple: press the two DIMM slot latches outward and install the new module so that the groove between the contacts coincides with the slot. Then push the module down until it clicks, first on one side, then on the other. You should make sure that Windows recognizes the installed hardware. To do this, use the “Win+Pause” combination and view information about the computer - among other things, the amount of installed memory will be indicated.

Installing a powerful processor

Tasks that can fully utilize modern processors are very rare. Converting videos or processing RAW photos are among them. In everyday work, a more powerful CPU means a faster computer response time to user actions, but only if you have an SSD and sufficient RAM. If you are sure that your PC is “slowing down” precisely because of insufficient performance of the central processor, then there is nothing left to do but replace it. This procedure will take you several hours and can cost a lot of money, and this is exactly the case when you should think about purchasing a new device, especially if other components are also outdated.

Hardware check. In the corresponding CPU-Z tabs, determine the processor and motherboard model. In chapter "Support" Manufacturer's website to determine the most powerful CPU compatible with your motherboard. The difference in relation to the old processor must be noticeable, otherwise the replacement procedure will lose its meaning. For example, if you change the weakest chip to the most powerful one of one series or install a device from another, more advanced line, then the computer will work significantly faster. Otherwise, the performance gain will be minimal.

Attention. Some older models of processors, which have already been discontinued, are still on sale and are often offered at a higher price than the new generation chip and motherboard. If you are going to buy a powerful CPU, be sure to order a quiet and efficient cooler from a third-party manufacturer for it, and if you need to use an old cooling system, you definitely need a tube of thermal paste (usually included with the cooler).

Installing the processor. Disconnect the power and release the cooler lock. Carefully lift it up and away from the processor, turning it slightly left and right if necessary. Open the CPU socket locking lever and carefully remove the chip. Use a lint-free paper towel and an alcohol-based cleaner to remove any remaining thermal paste from the cooler as well as the CPU socket. Then install the new processor so that the highlighted corner aligns with the socket mark. Squeeze a small amount of thermal paste into the center of the CPU surface (a drop no larger than a pea), then install the cooler and carefully turn it left and right a few times to evenly distribute the paste. The clamping force that appears when you close the cooler clamp will “smear” the paste over the entire surface of the processor. After this, you can connect the cooler's power plug to the motherboard.

Replacing the video card

If three-dimensional games “slow down” and errors appear when they are launched, despite the fact that a fairly powerful video card is used, or if during video processing, contrary to the manufacturer’s information, it is not possible to use the computing resources of the graphics processor, then, most likely, the video card drivers are outdated. Updated utilities will help improve performance and compatibility with new games and applications that use the GPU, but you can only get a noticeable boost in power from a new GPU device that you can install yourself.

Search for the required driver. If you don't know the name of your GPU, install and run the GPU-Z program. Using the information received on the site or you can find the drivers you need. Installing graphics drivers is carried out similarly to other programs, but before installing new ones, it is recommended to remove old ones, or use special applications from the manufacturer to automatically update them (for example, GeForce Experience from Nvidia).

Selecting a video card. Graphics card costing up to 6,000 rubles. (for example, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti/660 or AMD Radeon HD 7850) copes with all modern games in resolutions up to Full HD. If you want to have some stock for next-gen gaming, then for around RUB 9,000 you can purchase an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 or AMD Radeon HD 7950. All of these models support DirectX 11. Video cards that cost more than these amounts are intended for gamers who play in resolutions exceeding Full HD, or strive to obtain maximum graphics quality.

Installing a video card. Disconnect the PCI-e power connectors from the old video card, and also unscrew the screw or remove the fastener near the metal strip on the back of the case. Push the PCI Express slot latch towards the motherboard and remove the card from the slot. Installation is carried out in reverse order, but do not forget to connect the power connector. All of these boards work in combination with a 500 W power supply.