Restore the computer to its original state.

operating room Windows system, which is a very complex software, may malfunction due to various reasons. In this article, we will look at ways to fix the problem with code 0xc0000005 when starting applications.

This code, displayed in the error dialog box, tells us about problems in the application being launched or the presence of interfering devices in the system. normal operation all update programs. Problems in individual programs You can try to solve it by reinstalling them. If you are using hacked software, then you should abandon it.

If reinstallation does not help, then proceed to the methods described below. Our task is to remove problematic updates, and if the result is not achieved, restore system files.

Method 1: Control Panel

Method 2: Command Line

This method will help in cases where, due to a failure, it is impossible to launch not only programs, but also system tools - “Control Panel” or its applets. To work, we need a disk or flash drive with installation distribution Windows 7.

  1. After the installer downloads all the necessary files and shows the start window, press the key combination SHIFT+F10 to launch the console.

  2. Find out which section hard drive is system, that is, it contains the folder "Windows". This is done by a team

    Where "e:" is the expected partition letter. If the folder "Windows" is missing on it, then we try to operate with other letters.

  3. Now we get the list installed updates team

    dism /image:e:\ /get-packages

    We remember that instead of "e:" you need to write your letter system partition. DISM utility will give us a long “sheet” of names and parameters of update packages.

  4. Finding the required update manually will be problematic, so we launch the notepad with the command

  5. Hold down LMB and select all lines starting from "List of packages" before "Operation completed successfully". Keep in mind that only what is in the white area will be copied. Be careful: we need all the signs. Copying is done by right-clicking anywhere in "Command line". All data must be pasted into notepad.

  6. In notepad, press the keyboard shortcut CTRL+F, enter the update code (list above) and click "Find Next".

  7. Closing the window "Find", select the entire name of the found package and copy it to the clipboard.

  8. Let's go to "Command line" and write the command

    dism /image:e:\ /remove-package /PackageName:Package_for_KB2859537~31bf8906ad456e35~x86~~

    In your case, the additional data (numbers) may be different, so copy them only from your notepad. One more thing: the entire command must be written on one line.

  9. Using the same method, we remove all updates from the list presented and reboot the PC.

Method 3: Restore system files

The point of this method is to perform console commands to check the integrity and restore certain files in system folders. In order for everything to work as we require, "Command line" should be run as administrator. This is done like this:

Commands to be executed in order:

dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
sfc /scannow

After completing all operations, reboot the computer.

Please note that this technique should be used with caution if your Windows is not licensed (assembly), and also if you have installed themes that require replacement system files.


Fixing error 0xc0000005 can be quite difficult, especially when using pirated builds of Windows and hacked programs. If the above recommendations do not bring results, then change the Windows distribution and replace the “cracked” software with a free analogue.

The appearance of all kinds of errors and failures when working with Windows OS is not uncommon, and troubleshooting has become a common thing for users of different versions of the system. If the issue does not concern hardware faults, then it is quite possible to solve the problem yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists. As a rule, each error has its own code and is accompanied by a message, which sometimes even reveals the essence of the problem. In the case of failure 0xc0000005, which occurs when opening applications and games, the picture is not so clear, and it will not be possible to immediately figure out what is wrong. At the same time, there are several solutions, each of which is effective in one case or another. The problem is more relevant for Windows 7 and 8, less common on the “Ten”, mostly unlicensed versions are susceptible to failure, but exceptions are possible.

Fixing error 0xc0000005.

“Error when starting the application 0xc0000005” means that there was a failure when initializing software components and is often a consequence of system updates. The text of the message may differ, but the code will remain unchanged; sometimes the OS may also freeze and a blue screen of death may appear. So, after installing new packages on the “Seven”, instead of improving performance, a crash often appears when starting a game or program. In version 10 Windows reasons, provoking an error, others and the problem must be solved in other ways. Uninstalling or stopping the antivirus often helps, but there may also be problems with RAM memory, so you will need to scan using a special utility. The main reasons causing error (exception code) 0xc0000005 on Windows 10, 8, 7:

  • OS updates, software, drivers.
  • Errors in the memory module.
  • Conflict between hardware and software.
  • Impact of viruses.

Depending on the version of the operating system, you should approach the issue of eliminating the error differently. Getting rid of the problem is not difficult and, following the instructions, even an inexperienced user can cope with the task.

How to fix error 0xc0000005 on Windows

Service packs that make changes to critical system files to improve security are common culprits of crashes. Due to the fact that the key cause of application error 0xc0000005 is updates for Seven, we will solve the problem by removing them, which can be done in several ways.

Let's look at how to fix error 0xc0000005 by getting rid of updates using the Run console. To carry out the procedure, follow these steps:

  • Go to the console (for example, through Start or using the hot keys Win+R or Win+X for Eight).
  • In the line, write the command wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2859537 and press the enter key (for Windows 8, use exe /uninstall /kb:2859537).
  • We wait for the removal process to complete, then restart the computer.
  • If the problem persists, in the same way, using the console, we delete the updates kb: 2872339, kb: 2882822, kb: 971033.

Another method that offers to solve the problem of a crash when starting the software will take a little more time than the previous one, but it will also not be difficult. To get rid of error 0xc0000005, do the following:

  • Go to the “Control Panel”, go to the “Programs and Features” section, where we select “View installed updates”.
  • We find updates kb:2859537, kb:2872339, kb:2882822, kb:971033 and delete them in the same order by pressing RMB to select the delete option.

If none of these methods turned out to be effective, and it was not possible to resolve error 0xc0000005, the problem may have affected the launch of utilities used to solve the problem. In this case, we use a more serious method.

Uninstalling updates through safe mode

To manually remove updates we use the capabilities of safe mode:

  • Reboot the PC and press F when turning it on
  • The bootloader offers a choice of launch options, select safe mode that supports command line, press the enter key.
  • We repeat the steps described in the first or second options for removing updates.

After solving the problem by removing updates, it would be better to disable the function automatic updates to avoid surprises in the future.

How else to fix error 0xc0000005

Since there are many sources of the problem, error 0xc0000005 can be resolved using other methods.

In Windows 10, the problem is often related to a module malfunction random access memory, which often happens after expanding the RAM or upgrading. The best way The problem can be identified using the Memtest86+ utility (the software is freely available). If serious faults are detected, the module will need to be replaced.

Restore the system to a restore point

A universal way to eliminate errors is to restore the system. The function allows you to return to a time when problems had not yet arisen; for this, a restore point must have been previously created on the computer, which is a saved copy of the settings on specific date or event.

Another method involves restoring damaged system elements using the command line:

  • Open the “Run” console as an administrator.
  • We enter the commands one by one:
  • dism/online/cleanup-image/restorehealth.
  • sfc/scannow
  • After completing the processes, the device must be rebooted.

The essence of the method is to scan system files and restore them if damage is detected. It happens that during the procedure you are asked installation disk or a flash drive with Windows OS.

Changing printer settings

The occurrence of error 0xc0000005 may be due to incompatibility of printer settings with certain software. To correct the situation, you will need to create another profile in the printer settings, as well as update the drivers.

Rolling back updates or removing device drivers

Often the problem is a consequence of updating drivers. If the error begins to occur after installing the driver for the device, then you will need to remove it or roll it back to previous version. To do this, you need to go to Device Manager (via Control Panel) and find the hardware whose driver has recently been updated. In the device properties, you can rollback or delete.

Cleaning the registry

Incorrect entries in the registry are also one of the reasons that provoke errors of various types. You can manually clean the registry only if you have the necessary skills and knowledge, since even with the slightest incorrect changes, the system may crash or not start at all. Before work is usually created backup copy. For the average user, it is better to use a tool that allows you to safely diagnose and correct registry entries in automatic mode, for example, CCleaner or other special software.

Software startup blocking can occur when software tries to execute its code in the area of ​​the computer's operating system allocated by DEP. Thanks to the function, it is possible to prevent malicious code from running from the data area, which allows you to effectively protect the system from a number of threats. At the same time, sometimes DEP blocks useful software, in which case it is necessary to take the following measures:

  • Launch the “Run” console as an administrator.
  • In the line, enter the command bcdedit.exe /set (current) nx AlwaysOff.
  • We reboot, after which the function will be disabled. To activate it, use the command bcdedit.exe /set (current) nxOptIn.

To disable DEP only for some applications, do the following:

  • Go to the Control Panel, open the “System” section, where we select the additional parameters item.
  • In the new window, in the Performance block, click “Options”.
  • On the “Data Execution Prevention” tab, check the box next to “Enable DEP for all programs and services except those selected below.”
  • Using the “Add” button, we create a list of exceptions, and then apply the new settings.

It would also be a good idea to check your system for viruses. Except installed antivirus, you can additionally use special utilities, for example, Dr.Web CureIt (the software is freely available, does not require installation and does not conflict with existing security software). In addition, you should see if the problematic application files are in the quarantine of your antivirus. This happens when a vigilant defender considers objects dangerous. If the files of the program that causes an error when launched are in quarantine, and you are convinced of their safety, then you need to add items to the antivirus exclusion list.

The last resort is to reinstall the system; it should be resorted to only if other methods have failed and when the problem does not concern a specific application, because it is easier to refuse to use one program. If the scale is more significant, then the installation new Windows will be a good solution.

Many owners of PCs running Windows have encountered a problem in which many programs simply do not start. Error when starting the application 0xc0000005 is a typical problem that occurs when updating the operating system. In addition to the inability to run any program, it may cause .

The error appears mainly among owners of an unlicensed copy of the OS who have not disabled the automatic update mechanism. In addition, it is better to install exclusively original images, and not various assemblies from not always “straight-handed” masters.

You can solve the problem yourself in several ways, so don’t despair. Some inexperienced users immediately rush to reinstall Windows, although this is a radical measure and not at all mandatory.

Error when starting the application 0xc0000005: how to fix it quickly and “painlessly”

To do this, follow the path Start => Control Panel => Programs and Features => View installed updates. Next you need to find in the list Microsoft Windows“defective” updates and remove them by right-clicking and selecting the appropriate item. The error is caused by the following: KB2859537, KB2872339, KB2882822, KB971033. Once completed, you need to restart your PC, after which the problem should disappear.

This method is good for beginners, but is quite inconvenient due to the fact that the list of updates can contain 200 or more items. It may take some time to visually identify the “heroes of the occasion.”

The second solution to the error when starting the application 0xc0000005 is a little simpler and faster, but it will require at least minimal knowledge in setting up the operating system.

    Open the command line using the Win+R key combination.

    Enter the following text wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:ХХХХХХХ, where the x's are the numbers of the updates that cause the error, specified earlier.

    Do this manipulation for each of the 4 options, then restart the computer.

If none of the methods help, try “rolling back” the system to a state when everything worked without failures. To do this, follow the path Start => All Programs => Accessories => System Tools => System Restore and select the required point. You can also focus on the installation date, if you roughly remember what date the problems started, and delete all updates carried out on the day the error appeared.

Preventive measures - how to avoid problems

To prevent such problems from arising, you need to take care of the system and regularly clean it of digital debris. The method described below will also help users who are interested in the question.

Without experience, it is impossible to do this without calling a “computer technician” later. Therefore, it is better to use specialized software. One of best programs– “Computer Accelerator”, the name of which speaks for itself.

Main advantages of the software:

    1. The interface is clear and simple even for beginners - the menu is divided into tabs.

    2. Rich functionality.

    3. The ability to save the original state of the registry before cleaning it.

    4. Many additional useful tools.

The first screen contains 4 buttons with which you can remove unnecessary system garbage, scan the registry and adjust startup. There is also one big button “for the lazy” - "SCAN COMPUTER".

Next bookmark "Cleaning", in which you can check the categories that will be erased. It is recommended to leave all checkboxes in the system submenu, and not mark passwords and autofill in browsers. This way you won't have to re-enter your data on frequently visited sites.

Tab "Registry" responsible for cleaning system registry, which records everything that happens to Windows. It is also better to leave all the marks here. In the event of a failure, you can restore its state from a saved copy. To do this, click “Menu” on the left top corner and select the appropriate item.

In “Startup”, uncheck those programs that you do not need immediately after starting the PC. During installation, a lot of software is automatically registered in it, which is why later.

Through “Tools” you can find unnecessary and large files that take up valuable space on your hard drive, view system parameters and its current state.

Very useful feature“Scheduler” allows you to automatically configure the necessary manipulations with the required frequency, for example, once a week.

A PC is a device that needs “care”. Use system cleaning software as often as possible, and your computer will no longer upset you with critical errors.

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Sometimes, when starting an application, an error code 0xc0000005 may occur. It prevents a program or application from starting. The error itself indicates an incorrect access to the computer's memory ( RAM). In Windows 7, its appearance is most often associated with an update. This article will discuss the causes and ways to eliminate this problem.

It doesn’t matter what system you are using: Windows XP, 7, 8 or 10. Error ( or exception code) 0xc0000005 can occur for any reason and for completely different reasons:

  1. Installing updates, drivers, programs.
  2. Problems with the memory module.
  3. Viruses.
  4. Antivirus problems.
  5. Outdated registry entries.
  6. Failures in DEP ( data execution prevention).

Initialization error 0xc0000005 is mainly encountered by users using a pirated version of Windows, but it can also be present on a license.

How to fix error 0xc0000005

Please follow the instructions below. I'll rank them in order of popularity. Be sure to try everything if you don’t know why the application initialization problem appeared.

Be sure to restart your computer after each instruction for the changes to take effect.

Windows Update

Perhaps you or the system installed an update and after it error 0xc0000005 began to appear. You need to remove them.

To do this, go to Start >> Run ( or Win+R buttons) and enter in the line cmd.

You will be taken to the command line. From here it will be easiest to remove all problematic update packages. Enter 4 commands in turn:

  1. wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2882822
  2. wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2859537
  3. wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2872339
  4. wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:971033

Kb and number are the name of the package. After that, I recommend the way they can lead you to the same problem again.

PC memory

If 0xc0000005 appears on blue screen (screen of death) and the computer does not start, then most likely this is due to the RAM strips at the physical level. Just try to place them more tightly, and also check the maximum allowable volume. Perhaps you just exceeded it.

If you haven't touched the RAM module at all ( made a replacement), then it is necessary. If errors occur, memory sticks should be replaced with functional ones.


The antivirus could quarantine the files necessary for running the application. Go to the quarantine database and check if there is necessary files. If so, make an exception for them.

Also, after that, scan your PC. This will exclude possible problem the appearance of 0xc0000005 due to a virus.


If 0xc0000005 began to appear after installing the driver, then you need to either remove it or roll back to a more recent one. old version when everything was working.

Go to Start menu >> Control Panel ( large icons) >> Device Manager.

Find the device for which you updated the driver and go to its properties. Roll back here or complete removal. After this, the problem should disappear. Example with a video card.

Data Execution Prevention

This is a security feature it is also called DEP for short), which prevents the execution of malicious code by additionally checking the computer's memory. Incorrect access may cause error 0xc0000005.

Put the problematic applications in a DEP exception and check if the error is resolved.

Go to your control panel. Go to “Counters and Productivity Tools”.

In the Data Execution Prevention tab, set an exception.


Perhaps the error appears due to incorrect entries in the registry. To fix it, use CCleaner program. It's free and safe. Download it and install it.

Go to the registry tab. Here, search for problems several times until all problems are resolved.


If the problem is related to the printer, then simply create a new profile for it. The fact is that manufacturers use a standard profile, which may be incompatible with any programs and applications on the system. IN in this case Only creating something new will help. How to do this, see the instructions for the device.

How else can you fix 0xc0000005

If the advice above does not help, then only the most extreme actions remain. If the error is related to a specific application, then it can be reinstalled or replaced with another one.

In other cases, all that remains is to roll back the system to an earlier state using a restore point. If this method impossible to implement, then it will help. This is the very last thing you can do.

Did you manage to resolve error 0xc0000005 using the tips from the article?

So, let's consider one of the unpleasant moments that may arise in the operation of the OS - an application error with the code 0xc0000005. The highlight of this problem is that there is no clear description of the source of origin for it. In fact, the reason for its manifestations in work can be any nuance.
Even if you couldn’t get to the root of the problem, it can be easily fixed thanks to simple step by step actions, which we will now consider.
So, you are faced with an unpleasant phenomenon 0xc0000005 when starting your favorite game or useful program. Or maybe even just opening it a long time ago installed application on PC.

Windows updates that lead to error 0xc0000005

Over the course of two years - 2014 and 2013 - Microsoft developed a number of updates for the seventh and eighth versions of Windows. It was they who led to the collision with the error. This update can be configured either manual mode confirmation, or automatic. It’s better to protect yourself from downloading from the beginning unnecessary programs using simple and effective steps - find the update installation package in the operating system and select the “Hide” option.

Thanks to such surprises, for example, very often applications with a 32-bit scheme refuse to work in the eighth version of Windows.

Of course the owners pirated versions operating systems are much more likely to encounter such an unpleasant moment, but even in the operation of a licensed program there is a risk of encountering it. This is a matter of chance, but it’s safer to use the full-fledged legal version.

There are several message options that indicate this problem:

  1. Error while initializing the application (0xc0000005).
  2. Exception 0xc0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION.
  3. The operating system completely freezes and a blue monitor is detected.
  4. Error: access violation 0xC0000005.
What to do? In such situations, you should definitely try to remove updates. This can be done in two main ways.

Working with the command line in the Start menu (method 1)

It is important to check after each entry to see if the problem has gone away and reboot the system before the next entry attempt.
For the seventh OS, enter in the start line.

For the eighth - press first "Win+X" select “search”, and then enter the following combination: wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2859537 and press “Enter”.

If such manipulations do not work, then, after rebooting the system, try the following in the specified sequence until it works:
  • wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2872339
  • wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2882822
  • wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:971033

We work through the Control Panel (2nd method)

You need to go to the section for viewing installed updates. You can do this in three clicks: “Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> View installed updates”

We carefully study the entire list of updates installed on the computer. It is necessary to identify the following combinations in parentheses near the security settings: (KB971033), (KB2872339), (KB2882822), (KB2859537).

This method is more labor-intensive than the first. And all because you will have to track about two hundred lines with installed innovations.

If both options are unsuccessful

If the above methods do not help to cope with the disaster that has befallen you, you will have to work with “heavier artillery”. Most likely the problem has penetrated into the launch of even the panel itself or the utilities from the first method.

You need to do the following: when starting the OS, press "F8" and in the menu that opens, select safe mode with the ability to run the command line.

Then, perhaps, it will be possible to perform actions from the solutions described above.

In very difficult situations, even this method may not work. Therefore it is necessary after pressing "F8" and refer to the troubleshooting point.

You will be required to enter the PC administrator password and select a language. But sometimes this window does not open.

This means you will also have to use the installation media (disk, flash drive), from which, when starting, you need to go to the section system recovery, rather than a normal installation. And in the field that appears, select command line.

Now determine on which disk the infected OS was installed. With a standard breakdown of space, space is allocated for it local disk C.

But to check for sure, just type the word notepad in the command line. We get a simple notepad, in which through the “File” and “Open” sections we get to “Computer”.

The system disk contains a folder called Windows.

When we know exactly what drive the operating system is installed on, we need to enter the following combination on the command line: DISM /Image:drive letter:\ /Get-Packages Similar to the second method described above, you get an information list where you need to find the same update numbers that looked for in method 2. An example of what it would look like:

To make a lengthy search easier, you can simply copy everything that is displayed in the information sheet into a notepad, which will allow you to use the standard search function to find the required line.

If you yourself looked for the required fragment, then you need to select it (mouse, left button), copy it (mouse, right button) and transfer it to the buffer.

Now enter DISM /Image:C:\ /Remove-Package /PackageName: into the command line and here is the code of the update package you copied. It should look something like DISM /Image:C:\ /Remove-Package /PackageName:Package_for_KB2859537~31bf8906ad456e35~x86 ~~ Press Enter.

Similar manipulations must be carried out with all found updates. Perhaps there will be entries about them in the OS log, but the programs themselves will be permanently deleted. There is no doubt about it.

Between complex and in simple ways One more thing can be called intermediate. For some, it has long become the only and indispensable use.

It consists of the following set of steps:

  1. We go to the local disk that contains the installed operating system.
  2. Find and open the folder “ Windows».
  3. In it we look for the section “ Software Distribution».
  4. And finally we get to end point rescue route - the folder with downloads, that is, " Download».
  5. It is necessary to remove everything that lends itself to such action.
  6. Using a button F8 go into safe mode and select the option to restore to the earliest save location.
  7. We reboot our entire system.

Other methods of dealing with error 0xC0000005

Since there are a huge number of reasons for the problem, in some cases even deleting programs that were installed during updates will not give a positive result.

In this case, it is best to restore the operation of the entire OS from the point when these files did not yet appear on the PC. Approximately determine the day when the ill-fated update worked and roll back to a date a couple of days earlier.

Among the variety of sources of danger, the following should be highlighted:

Help for those working with a license

If you purchased and installed the legitimate version, then you have the right to blame the whole problem on the developers.

Without time restrictions, you can send a request to them in the feedback form.

If you decide to call them, the time to contact the support service is from eight in the morning to eight in the evening. Saturday from ten to nineteen.

Their phone numbers:

  • In Belarus 8-820-0071-0003
  • In Ukraine 0-800-308-800
  • In Russia 8-800-200-8001
If you encounter a problem on a PC that you just purchased with operating system, then you should contact the seller. And he will pass the information to the developers.

And, of course, there is always a win-win way - to tear down the old Windows and install a new one again.


Start solving the problem small and don't panic. Perhaps the scale of the tragedy is localized by one faulty application, carelessly downloaded from the Internet. Try the most basic ways to fix the error first. And move incrementally, as described in the article.
Those who use an unlicensed version should initially understand that they are putting their work at risk. After all, “hacked” and rewritten systems a priori become a potential source of any harm on your personal computer.