Bring back visual bookmarks. How to get back old visual bookmarks for Google Chrome

There are many useful sites on the Internet whose addresses you want to save. This purpose is served by bookmarks - a special archive where web resources are added for further viewing. The Yandex browser also has an option to add to bookmarks - to save a site, you need to click on the asterisk in the address bar or use the Ctrl + D combination. But what to do if you accidentally deleted a bookmark (or tab, as they are also called) or they simply disappeared after reinstalling the system?

Recovering bookmarks

If you deleted a saved site, do not restart your browser. The Yandex browser has an undelete function, which can be accessed in the bookmark manager:

The deleted bookmark will come back. After restarting the browser, this function no longer works, so you won’t be able to get your lost tabs back. You can try to roll back the system to a checkpoint - there is a chance that the web browser files will return to the state when they still contained the necessary data:

When you roll back the system, all changes that were made after the date you selected will be canceled. If the function of saving checkpoints has been disabled, you will not be able to roll back the system.

Data synchronization and export

If you do not want to lose your tabs, then take care of saving them as an html file or enable synchronization. To save in HTML format:

To restore bookmarks in Yandex Browser, use the “Copy from” option. HTML file" Specify the path to the bookmark file and click “Open”. All the tabs you previously exported will return to their place.

To avoid hassle with exporting/importing files, use synchronization, which is carried out using your Yandex account. If you have a Yandex mailbox, then there is a profile with which all data is synchronized.

In the window that appears about enabling synchronization, click the “Change settings” button and specify what data should be saved in the profile. You can access them from any computer: you just need to enable synchronization in Yandex Browser and go to your profile.

Visual widgets on the scoreboard

Yandex Browser has a “Tableboard” where you can save visual bookmarks. They change on their own, showing frequently visited sites. Therefore, if you forgot about a site and did not visit it for a long time, then it may well disappear from Tablo.

Are you constantly confused by bookmarks in search of the right web resource? Place the most visited sites on home page browser - this will make surfing much easier. You can do this using the Visual Bookmarks add-on from Yandex.

These “tiles” look more than attractive.

Visual bookmarks - what are they?

Visual bookmarks are a list of your bookmarks in the browser, displayed as organized icons on the start page and in a new browser tab. Maximum amount There are 25 links that can be placed, which is quite enough for comfortable access to the most visited resources.

Visual bookmarks from Yandex compare favorably with competitors thanks to:

  • Easy to install and configure;
  • They do not load the browser with additional advertising;
  • The design is thought out to the smallest detail;
  • Ability to import/export your own bookmarks directly into the panel.

Installation methods

Install Visual Bookmarks in Chrome browsers, Mozilla, Opera in two ways:

  1. Download a special extension from the store, for example, or
  2. Install Yandex elements from the page

In the Yandex browser, bookmarks, like , are part of it; you just need to enable them in the settings.

Enable bookmarks in Yandex Browser

1. By default, bookmarks are already enabled and appear in a new tab. If they are not there, go to settings.

2. Enable the items shown in the screenshot and restart the browser.

3. Switch to the “Scoreboard” section and the coveted “tiles” will appear in front of you.

Custom Settings

You can add the site you need or rearrange the list by clicking on the inscription “Customize screen”.

To make changes, use the buttons indicated in the figure and at the end, confirm by clicking on “Done”.

Visual bookmarks for FireFox and Chrome

As mentioned above, there are two options for installing Visual Bookmarks in third-party browsers.

Installation and configuration will be carried out in Mozilla, believe me, the differences from Google Chrome are minimal and you can easily repeat all the steps.

Special extension

1. The first method is to install a special extension for Mozilla. Download and activate it from the link -, from the official add-on store.

2. Open new tab– bookmarks should already appear. Go to settings and adjust the number of addresses displayed and their appearance.

3. You can sort the “tiles” to your liking by simply dragging them across the screen. To change or delete an address, hover your mouse over it and wait until the settings icons appear.

1. The website was created so that users do not embarrass themselves long searches required extension in stores – just press one button.

The setup is no different from the procedure described above.

How to remove visual bookmarks

As you may have already understood, you cannot delete bookmarks from them - you can only hide them by doing all the steps in reverse order.

To remove it from Chrome and FireFox, go to the add-ons section and delete the “Visual Bookmarks” extension.

How to restore bookmarks

When you change browser or move to new computer, there is a need to transfer and restore previously added bookmarks.

You can restore them only if you have a previously saved data file. The method for obtaining it depends on the browser used, which we will discuss below.

Yandex browser

1. To save all data in the Yandex browser, go to the bookmark manager.

2. By clicking on the “Arrange” inscription, select “Export all bookmarks to an HTML file”.

3. Save the file in a safe place, and if you need to restore, do the same steps, selecting “Copy bookmarks from HTML file” at the end.

Visual bookmarks

Saving bookmarks using the Visual Bookmarks add-on is no different in other browsers.

1. Going to the add-on settings, select “Save to file”.

2. To restore – “Load from file”.

To summarize today's review, it should be emphasized that the add-on in question makes surfing the Internet much easier. Installation and configuration does not cause any special problems for users, apparently the experience of Yandex employees has affected it.

And most importantly, visual bookmarks are absolutely free and do not pose a threat to your computer.

If you have lost your visual bookmarks in Firefox, do not rush to lament and say goodbye to them forever. At a minimum, there are a couple of ways to return them to their place. In this article you will learn how to restore saved links in Mozilla Firefox and also how to do it backups bookmarks and then load them in the browser. Plus, you will learn some useful nuances about working with the magazine and links in FF.

How to recover?

Top panel

Have your URLs and folders with their selection disappeared from the top bar located under the main menu of your web browser? Then do the following:

1. Place the cursor in top part FF window, in which there are no options (to empty space).

2. Click the right mouse button.

3. In the list, right-click and check the box next to the “Bookmarks bar” item.

All previously saved and installed links should return to their place.

Thumbnail pictures in an empty tab

If website addresses that are important to you are located in visual windows under the search bar, you can record them. This way you will prevent them from accidentally disappearing. To perform this procedure, move the cursor to the upper left corner of the bookmark image and click the “pin” that appears in it.

An accidentally deleted URL from the graphic blocks of an empty tab can be immediately returned to its place using the “Restore All” button. It will appear in the top right.

How to return bookmarks manually

Did the above “recipes” help you restore your visual bookmarks? Then try the following:

  1. Make sure the bookmarks bar is turned on.
  2. Press the keyboard shortcut - Ctrl + B.
  3. In the “Bookmarks” sidebar, click one by one on the links that you want to move to the quick access panel.
  4. Then copy the URL from address bar.
  5. Click right click in the panel area. Select New Bookmark or new folder"(to create a thematic collection of links).
  6. Enter the copied address and name into the form.

Attention! If there is nothing in the side list (by pressing Ctrl + B), open the log of visits to web resources (Ctrl + H) and try to find the necessary addresses in it to add to the visual interface.


If you used special extensions to manage bookmarks, but want to return the default settings (integrated thumbnails on the tab), then do this:

1. In the menu, click: Tools → Add-ons.

2. In the addon column, click “Delete” or “Disable” (for temporary deactivation).

3. Open the “Tools” section again and click “Settings”.

4. On the “General” tab, set the “At startup...” field to “Show windows and tabs...” to have Firefox display recently opened websites.

To bring back mini link bars, in the " Homepage" place the command - yafd:tabs.

Additionally, you can use the “Restore Default” button. After activating it, Firefox will automatically perform a global reset of the settings (they will take the values ​​that were set immediately after installing the browser).

Restoring bookmarks from backups

There are several ways to save and load a file with a collection of bookmarks in the browser. Let's look at their implementation step by step.

Advice! This user practice will help you in the future to always keep the addresses of your favorite sites, online games and other web resources at hand, not only on your personal PC, but also remotely on other devices (mobile, tablet, another PC or laptop). In addition, you will save yourself from the risk of losing your own selection of URLs as a result of a browser crash, virus attack, add-on installation, or incorrect settings settings.

Method #1: Create an HTML file

A list of links in an HTML file makes it possible to return them to the FF panel, as well as transfer them from one browser to another. For example, in this format you can save the URL in Google Chrome and then use the standard options to place it in Firefox.

This is done like this:
1. Click the “Three Stripes” button at the top right.

2. In the tiled menu that appears, click “Journal”.

3. Under the list of links, click the “Show entire log” command.

4. In the “Library” window, left-click to open the “Import and Backup” section.

5. In the drop-down block, select “Export bookmarks to HTML…. "

6. In Windows Explorer, specify the disk partition and folder in which a copy of your bookmarks will be stored. For convenience, you can indicate the date of saving in the file name.

Attention! Do not save a copy on drive C; you may lose it as a result of a system reinstallation or a virus attack.

When you need the saved collection of links (for example, after installing Firefox, OS), follow these steps:

1. Press together - Ctrl + I.

2. Click the mouse to select the “Journal” section in the right block.

3. Click: Import and backups... (menu at the top of the window) → Import bookmarks...

4. In the window with the system explorer, specify the path to the HTML file with URL. Click "Open".

5. To check whether the restore was successful or not, press Ctrl+B. All links from the copy should appear in the sidebar.

Attention! If bookmarks in HTML format were exported from another browser, then FF they can be placed in a separate folder with the same name (for example, Opera or Internet Explorer).

Method number 2: synchronization

This backup option allows you to store bookmarks remotely, on a special FF server, and, if necessary, load them into a browser installed on any device after providing your profile credentials.

To set up synchronization in FF you need to follow these steps:

1. In the web browser menu, click: Tools → Settings → Synchronization.

2. Click on the “Create” option in the right block account».

3. Enter the login (address) of your current mailbox.

4. Invent strong password to log in to your profile.

5. Click the blue “Create account” button.

6. Log in to your account specified mail. In the letter from the Firefox service, click “Activate now” to confirm your rights to the e-mail.

7. In the browser, in the “Select what to sync” panel, be sure to check the box next to the “Bookmarks” element. When you're done setting up synchronization, click Save Settings.

To restore links from a copy:

5. In the bottom panel, select the line with the FF distribution version. Click Next.

6. In the “Save...” column, specify the path to save a copy of the profile. Click “Next” again.

8. Specify which items you want to reserve. Be sure to check Bookmarks so that your URLs are included in the file.

9. Click “Next”.

To make a backup from a file, follow these steps sequentially:

1. Close Firefox, launch MozBackup.

2. In the panel, set the “Restore...” mode.

3. To start, click “Next”.

4. Specify the path to the copy file and run the recovery option.

5. Open Firefox, all bookmarks should be there.

Good luck restoring links in your browser!

After Firefox updates visual bookmarks disappeared. How to recover? Something with the settings and got the best answer

Answer from Vladimir[guru]
Have you even looked at Settings? The fact is that Firefox does NOT have built-in visual bookmarks, and bookmarks from third-party bars (I assume from Yandex - bar, but could also be from Sputnik are mercilessly turned off when updating, since their developers do not care about timely updates your creations. Firefox in its original form is just a browser platform, unlimited functionality is provided by the ability to easily install ADDITIONS, in particular, real visual bookmarks are called Speed ​​Dial (there are others, but SD are the highest quality) (remove @ - this is the developer’s site and here latest version Speed ​​Dial). However, you can also enable the semi-finished products that are dear to your heart Tools>>Add-ons>>Extensions and see what is disabled there and how it is configured, you just have to update this add-on, if possible, or install the checkCompatibility extension link to disable the compatibility check. And at least get acquainted with Tools>>Settings. link

Answer from Mark Flemeng[guru]
I would not recommend using this browser
it's unfinished and rather chalked
try opera - it's something like a hybrid of FireFox and Google Chrome
at the same time more functional

Developers of search services are doing everything to make life as easy as possible for users - the functionality is being simplified, the time to master it is decreasing, the interface is becoming more and more concise. Today we will talk about how to recover missing visual bookmarks in Firefox. During the story, we will look at several ways to solve the problem.

Let's move on to the immediate consideration of the topic of the article. There are several ways to get back visual bookmarks in Firefox.

For ease of understanding, we will divide the further narration into several logical blocks.

Changing settings

By default, this option is enabled, but due to negligence the user could change the browser settings, or this is the machinations of ill-wishers (for example, viruses).

In any case, to correct the situation it is enough:


It is worth understanding that the selection of pages does not appear instantly. It is compiled based on user preferences, in particular, on transitions to various sites and so on. For this reason, clearing your browsing history may also delete the selection. If the browser is configured correctly, it will begin to display over time.

Let's sum it up

There are several reasons why visual bookmarks in Mozilla Firefox may disappear. This problem can be solved experimentally and by elimination. The procedure, even if it requires time, will pay off handsomely in the future.