Views on YouTube autosurfing. How to get views on Youtube for free

Hello, dear friends and blog guests!

Today I will tell you and show you a video on how to get free views on YouTube. And this is not the whole trick of how to get free views on YouTube, but the trick is not to get banned on YouTube.

And just today from this article you will learn about all this.

So, let's get started...

How to get free views on YouTube and not get banned?

As you know, boosting views on YouTube, and all kinds of boosting in general, is an unnatural process SEO promotion and always carries the risk of being banned. But in some cases, you simply cannot do without cheating and you need to go for it, but do it consciously and with as little risk as possible for your resource.

Therefore, now we will begin to disassemble one of the safest and effective ways increase views on YouTube.

I discovered it for myself not so long ago and have been using it myself for some time now, and therefore I can declare with full responsibility that it is safe and effective. At least the views that I get on YouTube count towards me, and not only views, but also likes and comments, which can also be gained there, oddly enough.

And one more plus this method cheats and I think he is one of the main ones. This method of increasing views on YouTube is completely free!

So how to get views on YouTube for free?

As always, everything turned out to be extremely simple! I came across one very wonderful service that offers, using a special program, to view videos on YouTube of third-party users, and in due course they will view your videos on YouTube. That's the whole secret.

This is what it looks like:

What makes it convenient is its security, since your videos on YouTube are viewed from different IP addresses and the videos are viewed in full, so your channel on YouTube will never be banned.

Now about the main thing:

First you need to register in order to get free views on youtube. This is it.

And then...

How to do all this technically and how to get free views on youtube? You can find out by watching the video that I recorded especially for you:

Click to watch the video: How to get views on YouTube for free?

You see, everything turned out to be not so difficult.

And now you know: and not get banned?

PS: In my next posts, I will tell you and show you several more types and ways of how to get free views on YouTube.

So, don't go far, or best of all, subscribe to blog updates.

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) is the largest video hosting with huge traffic. According to Alexa, YouTube ranks third. This directly speaks of a huge audience and potential profit. Let's figure it out in order, what and how.

How YouTube videos are ranked

Youtube, like a search engine, has its own search. We won’t talk about all the nuances of how and what. Let us note only the most important points. What exactly affects the position of a video clip:

  • Video title and description. Labels and keywords to the video. All this must be spelled out clearly, without elements of spam.
  • The percentage of video views is more than 50%. From here, by the way, we can conclude: do not make the video very long. The longer the video, the lower the percentage who will watch at least 50%.
  • Total number of views

pay attention to last point. Therefore, answering the question: “Is it necessary to increase views on YouTube at all?”, we can safely answer that yes.

What are the options for cheating?

  • Wind it up yourself
  • Use services (paid/free)

But before we begin, I want to make an important note:

I also want to note that there is no point in promoting a video that is obviously of poor quality. You will only waste your time and money. If you promote videos, then only good ones that are valuable to users.

1. Services for increasing views on YouTube

Let's look at a couple of services for increasing views on Youtube.

  • PROSPERO - there are many options for tasks for YouTube

2. Increase views yourself

In principle, you can try to increase views on YouTube yourself. For example, the most in a simple way is to enable the browser to auto-refresh after a certain period of time in the Opera browser. You open your video on Youtube, turn on auto-update and that’s it. Views are slowly accumulating. However, you can't make that much money. Plus it's risky. Videos can be banned for “manipulation”.

You can also try to do the same thing in terms of browser “auto-update” from computers with different IP addresses.

We looked at all the cheap gray ways to increase views. I am sure that one of the proposed options will suit you too.

25 Mar 2016

Cheating views. In this article we will talk about how to increase views on YouTube. Increasing views on YouTube is a relevant and interesting topic for many. That's why I decided to write this article. Cheating YouTube will increase the number of views on your YouTube channel. The success of your brand directly depends on the number of views, so increasing views on YouTube is very important as an element of promoting your business as a whole. Most services that provide views boosting services are calculated by YouTube, which ultimately leads to views being written off after the fact. That is, at first the views are counted, we see this from the statistics, but after a day or two almost all of them are written off. We have selected services, the increase in views from which is counted 100%.

3) – With the help of SMOFast, in addition to YouTube, you can promote everything popular social. networks. The service is very good at gaining subscribers. Be sure to set a daily limit of 20-25 subscriptions; if there are more, YouTube will write off everything. The scheme is familiar: you show social behavior. activity (like, post, subscription...), you get credits for it and spend them on increasing subscribers. Cheating videos on SMOFast doesn’t work; YouTube cuts off 90-95% of the boosted views.


Hi all. In this article I will briefly tell you how to increase views on YouTube for your videos. The question - how, in fact, is not so interesting; it might be more interesting to understand whether it is necessary to increase views (likes, subscribers, etc.) and if so, under what circumstances is it useful and under what not.

I’ll tell you about my experience and share what I know.

All small channels and beginner YouTubers have this problem - there are few subscribers, and there are also few views. You make a video, try your best (I’m sure!), post it. Repost. But then you get 10-50 views in a few days, sometimes even less.

Here, almost anyone will begin to get the idea that top YouTubers, and indeed everyone there, are getting more views for themselves. This is wrong. Some people use cheating in some situations, but this is far from universal mass use.

A small digression: for new channels you can to end watch your video 50-300 times. Turn off the sound and just play it in the background. You can make a new playlist and cram one of your new videos there and put it on auto-play, but be careful with such things.

Services for increasing YouTube views

There are many services for cheating, they all work according to approximately the same scheme. For example:

These are sites, these are special programs, as in the last link. New ones are constantly appearing, old ones are often closed. I couldn’t find the one I used before to see how it all works.

You register in the system and watch/comment/like other people's videos, earn points, and then spend points so that other people do the same for you.

I think that these systems could destroy YouTube in principle, if they were more widespread, but the owners of YouTube are not fools and they will not encourage such behavior. Also, they are constantly working to improve mechanisms for tracking cheating and punishing those who do it. But for the most part, you shouldn’t exaggerate the scale of cheating; many top YouTubers receive most of their views honestly.

This is due to the fact that all such promotion services can greatly help a beginner only for short videos lasting up to 5 minutes, but rather for videos lasting 30-60 seconds. After all, views will not come out of nowhere, all this will be watched by other people, of course, without much interest and trying to quickly earn as many points as possible.

In those systems, points can simply be purchased for real money and then get your video to the top. Have you noticed that the top videos are usually short ones? And there (especially in the Russian top) it’s easy to see who cheated and who didn’t. At least in terms of the number of subscribers.

To reach the top, you need to get 50-100k+ views in a very short time, most likely even 300-500k or more. This it won't be very cheap, and even after hanging there for 1 day, no one guarantees that you will somehow get your money back.

If you are a beginner and want to receive good external traffic (visitors, views, etc.), then it is advisable for you to get into the so-called recommended videos. It's hard to do. To do this you need to dial a certain total viewing time, preferably quickly and at the same time have good retention (so that you watch the video to the end).

Now, and for a long time now, it has highest value only one indicator - total video viewing time. On this basis, videos occupy high positions in searches and are included in recommended, etc. Respectively for videos lasting 10-30 minutes and something more wind up may not only be useless, but even harmful. You will ruin the retention and then such a video will no longer get anywhere naturally.

I tried to cheat this way and had both successful and unsuccessful experiences. One time I got about 300-600 views right after uploading the video and then it started gaining more views quite well. True, later they almost completely stopped watching it.

Another time I got 500 views and then YouTube copied them from me. That is, how is it? And like this. It was 500, then they took it and made it 50. That is, everything that was screwed up was removed. And apparently they determined this, and I wasted these points and my time on promotion.

So I didn’t really use these cheats anymore.

Greetings, dear readers. In today's article I will tell you about how to get free views on Youtube without getting banned. I have already encountered those who do various stupid things and then suffer from various sanctions from YouTube and Google - I want to protect you from this.

Here's a quick outline of what you'll find in this article:

What do views on YouTube give?

You have already noticed that the volume of video content on the Internet has grown many times in recent years. Previously, its distribution was limited by low speeds and expensive traffic; now in every village people watch videos and films via the Internet. By the way, if you don’t yet know how to add your clips to the Internet, then read my article, where I described everything in detail.

The largest video hosting Youtube, today, is in 3rd place in the world among the most visited sites (according to Its audience is huge and taking a bite of it is an attractive idea for every Internet entrepreneur.

I can’t say that video has replaced or will replace text in the near future, since text materials are much more practical, but the popularity of video is growing and we can use it to promote our business. Videos allow us to get both direct clients and transitions to the website pages we need. If the video is done correctly, then each material posted on the site will be a kind of advertising page. My blog traffic statistics this moment shows that the share of traffic from video hosting is 16.6% - this is a considerable figure.

Again, according to my observations, the traffic from this site is very targeted, those people who have watched my videos already understand what awaits them on my blog, what topics I touch on and only go if they are interested. This reduces the bounce rate, visitors view many pages and read articles for a long time, thereby improving the behavioral factors that we have been working so hard to analyze lately.

How is the rating of video clips on YouTube determined?

As you understand, the high popularity of the site also attracts a large number of people who want to advance through it. Every day a huge number of videos are uploaded to this video hosting, among which yours may simply get lost.

Youtube is a kind of search engine. There is a system inside the site, in simple language this means that the service searches for the most suitable videos for the query entered by the user. Just as Yandex searches for information on pages, YouTube searches for information in its video database. There can be many suitable videos, but there are a limited number of places on the first page and getting there is not always easy.

Among the parameters that affect a video’s rating are the correspondence of the video description to the request, the age of the owner’s channel and the video itself, the average viewing time, and many others. I have plans for the future to do detailed guide to popularize the video. Fortunately, I already have a positive experience (now my channel is viewed daily by more than 600 people), all that remains is to systematize all the information.

So, let's return to the topic of the article. One of the factors that is used to determine the place of a video clip in search results is its past popularity, i.e. the number of people who have already watched the video previously. And videos that have already received views on YouTube in the past have an advantage. Not that this is decisive, but if two clips have the same other indicators, the one that received more views earlier will be higher.

This is exactly why promotion is done - in order to outplay competitors. Of course, such promotion is not needed for all topics, but since you are reading the article, it means it is relevant for your videos.

What is the danger of boosting views?

You probably guess that cheating is not a natural process, that is, you are artificially trying to make your video seem more authoritative than it actually is. As is the case with conventional search engines, YouTube does not welcome such manipulations - you are deceiving the service. Therefore, if the video is “caught” for cheating, then you can receive various sanctions, including an account ban.

The likelihood of getting caught depends on the way you increase video views and your actions in general.

By the way, with this article I in no way encourage anyone to engage in cheating; this is a voluntary matter; decide for yourself whether to use it or not. Many of my videos have become quite popular in their niche - the quality and relevance of the content is the key to success.

What needs to be done at the very beginning - BEFORE

In my opinion, the process of increasing views is needed only at the initial stage, in order to move the video you created from the zero point, then your video should become popular on its own. This means that the video must have good quality, both in terms of information content and in terms of design - look at how competitors in the TOP do it and do it better.

So you need to start increasing views on Youtube with natural methods. It sounds a little paradoxical, since natural methods are not just cheating. Naturalness at the beginning is the key to success in the future. The service monitors the first steps of your videos more actively, then you can relax a little.

Do the following:

1. Watch the video for yourself

2. Ask him to look at all your friends, acquaintances and relatives - from different computers.

3. Add videos to all your social media accounts; if you have a lot of friends there, you can get a lot of views. If the video is good, then your friends will also share it with their friends - it can have a viral effect.

4. Add the video to all thematic communities to which you have access (social media groups, thematic forums, etc.)

You can repeat these procedures 2-3 times. It is advisable that your video gets at least several hundred views naturally. The more you collect, the lower the risk of receiving all sorts of fines.

How to increase video views on Youtube?

And only now we move directly to the promotion. Fundamentally, methods of increasing impressions are divided into 2 categories.

The first is that you wind it up yourself, using the means available from home.

The second is using various services, exchanges, and companies.

Self-promotion is easy to implement and 100% free. How to make it? - very simple - open your browser and periodically, every 3-5 seconds, refresh the page - impressions will be counted. You can automate this using Opera browser– you can configure it there automatic update pages every X seconds.

I don’t see any point in giving any instructions on this method, if you want to take a risk, type in the search “How to get views on YouTube” and you will immediately find a bunch of video clips that show everything in detail.

For true kamikazes, I will even provide suitable instructions. If you want to take risks, watch the video and repeat. But I would advise you to skip this option and move on to the next paragraphs of the article - there I will talk about safe ways to cheat.

For more reasonable people, I recommend increasing views in clever ways that imitate people’s real interest in videos. It is unrealistic to do this at home; you need to use special services. The principle of their operation is similar - many people watch each other’s videos. Those who are sorry for money, but not sorry for their time, watch videos through barter, and for whom time is valuable, they pay for others to watch their videos.

While studying the topic, I found 2 services for promotion.

Service for boosting views PumpYT

One in Russian with a Russian-speaking audience, called PumpYT. Upon registration, a certain amount of internal currency is credited, which can be spent on promotion, and then this currency can also be earned by watching other people’s videos. Moreover, the service has a lotion built into google chrome, allowing automatic surfing.

I was confused by the lack of the ability in PumpYT to simply buy internal currency with money; for such a service this is not serious. Apparently it only attracts an audience of schoolchildren who have nothing else to do. On home page A video on setting up the system was posted inside the account, but when I tried to launch it, a message appeared that the video had been deleted.

I managed to set everything up and run without it, but for PumpYT to work, I needed to register a separate account on YouTube, I couldn’t register it right away, Google constantly apologized and refused to register the left account (it was kind of strict). I spent a lot of time and realized that the game was not worth the candle, so I had to abandon it and move on to the next service. I felt that there were too many cons gathered at one time in one place.

Service for boosting views Addmefast

Website -

The service is bourgeois, so everything is fine English language, however, there is a built-in translator. As usual, register an account. Apparently I’m not happy; again I wasn’t able to do everything without problems. To me, when trying to create account, they wrote that someone had already registered from my IP, so I was denied creating an account - this is a kind of protection against double registrations. I had to write the following text to technical support:

God bless. The answer came a few hours later, my IP was removed from the database and I registered without problems. Surely nothing like this will happen to you, but if it does, I told you what needs to be done. After registration, you will receive an email asking you to confirm by clicking on the link. After confirmation, enter the service and accept the system rules.

Now I will show you how to use addmefast. You are logged into your account. The 50 points awarded to you as a sign-up bonus are displayed at the top right. As I wrote above, these points can be additionally obtained in two ways - purchased or received for your actions with other projects, for example, for watching videos of other users.

How to get points in addmefast

You can pay for addmefast glasses by bank card, paypal, I haven’t seen any common payment systems here yet. I won’t dwell on the payment section for long. We go to the section for receiving free points, it opens when you log into your account by default.

As you have already noticed, addmefast works not only with increasing views on Youtube, it allows you to get likes and even collect subscribers to your channel. In addition, it can interact in a similar way with Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and even Vkontakte (here I wrote about that). Each function has a corresponding icon. In the picture I have highlighted icons for increasing indicators in YouTube, or more precisely for receiving free points.

The very first icon is points for video views - Youtube Views. These same icons are on the left side of the site, you can go directly to them. Click on Youtube Views, a page opens asking you to start watching. You don't have to watch all the videos - you can skip the ones you don't want to watch.

The viewing video opens in a new window. The window automatically closes after 30 seconds. Then an antibot will appear - you will need to arrange the pictures correctly.

A message appears saying that everything is fine and you have been awarded points, the amount of points in the upper right part of the site also increases - everything seems simple. You can go straight to the next video.

They also have bonuses for active users: once a day you can get 150 points as a gift, you need to complete at least 20 tasks for this.

We figured out how to get points, you will need to spend your time or money.

How to increase video views on Youtube using Addmefast?

Now let's move on directly to increasing views of our video. To do this, click the big green button on the left side of the site “Add Site/Page” and fill in the fields for the project we are creating in order.

Type – select the type of parameter that we will increase (increase impressions on youtube - Youtube Views)

Countries are the countries from which you can receive markups. By default, there is a checkmark from any countries, you can uncheck it and select the desired country/countries, for example Russian Federation, in this case, transitions will only be from Russia.

Title – the name of your page (heading). It is not necessary that it completely coincide with the real name - write in general terms in Latin.

Total Clicks, Daily Clicks – limit on the number of clicks (total and per day). If you don’t fill in anything, there will be no restrictions, the entire budget will go away quickly. For new videos, I recommend setting a limit on views per day at a level of a couple of hundred, when you get the first couple of thousand, you can remove it.

CPC – cost of one action in points. Put it more expensive - views will go faster, put it low price, slower. If the budget is small and there is nowhere to rush, put something in the middle.

Click the confirmation button and your advertising campaign will start rolling. I had some kind of glitch when launching advertising - it did not start until I set the maximum price for the video - 10 points. But then I couldn’t slow down :), the views flooded very quickly, while the price was being reduced, the balance had already gone into the minus. Then the situation stabilized. It was experimentally revealed that there are practically no views cheaper than 9 points, so you won’t be able to get a freebie for 2 points.

The My Sytes section shows statistics, and also, there you can pause your pages and edit settings - everything is quite convenient and clear. You can add as many projects for promotion as you like.

Of all the options I considered, it turned out to be the easiest to increase views on YouTube using addmefast. In the same way, you can set up campaigns to increase subscribers or boost your accounts on other social services, such as facebook or twitter.

Soclike service

For those who are too lazy to independently understand various promotion services and delve into their settings, you can simply buy everything you need. Views, likes, subscribers - all this is for sale and there are a lot of companies that provide such services. True, their choice should be taken seriously, since “careless” actions can lead to a ban.

Of the serious companies, I would pay attention to Negative feedback I did not find. Of the videos they promoted (which I had a chance to check), 100% are still working and have collected a considerable number of natural views since the promotion. They promote videos on Youtube by embedding your video in social media, file hosting services and other visited resources. Subscribers to the channel come from Russia and Ukraine and are attracted using a similar method from online games.

Unlike services, on Soclike you don’t have to configure anything yourself - you choose what you need to sell, press the order button, pay for the selected amount and wait for the result. That is, the process itself is simpler, but you will have to pay, although, in my opinion, the prices are not bad.

I wish you success in your promotion, Dmitry Zhilin

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