Windows won't load blue screen. Why does the Blue Screen of Death appear, how to remove it and what the error codes mean

Users operating system Windows often encounters the following problem: blue screen(BSoD or screen of death) on a PC monitor. As a rule, the computer may slow down, freeze, take a long time to load, or shut down on its own. This reaction to critical errors occurs in any version of the OS, be it XP or 10. To solve the problem, you need to conduct an analysis to find out what the blue screen on the computer means in each specific case. In this article I will tell you how to troubleshoot and troubleshoot.

All reasons for a computer crashing to the “screen of death” can be divided into 2 types: software and hardware. The latter arise when there is a conflict between incompatible components (HDD, RAM), their breakdown, and during overclocking central processor or video cards. Possible reasons occurrence of software errors - a whole lot. But the most common are driver conflicts, application problems, viruses or other malware.

First of all, you should check whether processor overclocking is enabled. This can be done in the BIOS. To enter the BIOS, you need to press a special button after starting the computer. As a rule, this is F1, F2 or F12. If overclocking is enabled, then all settings must be set to default. It would be a good idea to check the startup list to find applications that somehow affect the operation system bus or video cards. They need to be removed.

After checking the CPU, you need to run diagnostics using the built-in tools of the operating system. Before doing this, I recommend turning off auto-reboot so that the computer does not turn off while the program is running. For this we work hard right click mouse to "My Computer". In the drop-down list, select “Properties” and then “Advanced”. In the “Boot and Recovery” footnote, click on options. Remove the marker from the “Automatic reboot” line and press Enter.

Any error in Windows is recorded in a minidump. You won’t be able to read it yourself; you need a special program. The free "BlueScreenView" will do. When you launch the application, you will see a list of dumps created by the system. Select the newest one. Detailed information is written at the top, and all installed drivers are displayed at the bottom. Click on the desired dump, now the data is conveniently compiled in one table. Go to settings and click on “crush drivers”, and then select “HTML-Report”. All information will be recorded in one html file. Open it with any browser. Look at the indicated drivers, some will be highlighted in color - they are the ones causing the failures. You can also view a copy of the original death screen through this utility. To do this, select the desired dump and click the “View” button.

Error names

Blue Screen contains hints for the user, deciphering which you can find out in which direction to dig further. IN Windows versions up to 8.1 inclusive, the name of the error is written after the first paragraph in capital letters with underlining, instead of a space between words, like ХХХ_YYY_ZZZ. In Windows 10, the code is indicated at the very bottom of the screen. Let's decipher some words in the following codes:

  • NTFS - means that the problems arose due to malfunctions file system Windows. This happens due to physical damage hard drive or violation of the software integrity of the file system.
  • BOOT – indicates a read error boot sector. It may appear due to physical damage to the hard drive or a virus being written to the boot area. If malware is to blame, you need to boot into safe mode and scan your computer with an antivirus utility.
  • BUS – as a rule, these are malfunctions random access memory or video cards. If new RAM boards are installed, then perhaps the problem is their incompatibility with the motherboard or previously installed RAM boards.
  • KMODE - an error indicates problems with computer components or drivers. There can be many reasons.
  • IRQL - malfunction system programs operating system.
  • NONPAGED – data search error. The computer searches for the data it needs to work, but finds nothing. This happens due to hardware failure, file system failures, or files being deleted by an antivirus.
  • STUCK - the system cannot retrieve data from the paging file. The reason is HDD damage or RAM failure. Scan your HDD system utility chkdsk to check for damage.
  • INPAGE_ERROR – the reasons for this error are similar to the previous one. The difference is that here the system cannot load the drivers necessary to start.
  • KERNEL – incorrect operation of the Windows kernel. The causes can be anything - viruses, hardware damage, malfunctioning pirated software.
  • SYSTEM is a software error caused by incorrect work system services or third-party software.
  • PFN_LIST_CORRUPT – error related to the SWAP file. Occurs as a result of corruption of the paging file number list.

Friends, I have prepared an article for you about how, in some cases in practice, to remove blue Windows screen BSoD (or as the professionals also call it - blue death). A blue screen occurs in the event of a critical error in which further Windows work impossible! What to do when a blue screen appears, how to decipher the error code, how to help friends if they have the same problem, in our article.

Windows Blue Screen

  • Letter. I have a question for you, dear admin, I can’t remove the blue screen on my computer. Safe mode is not available, there is the same blue screen. I asked a question on one of the forums on the Internet, and they asked me for a blue screen error code. I say I can’t read the error code, a blue screen appears for a second and the computer goes into reboot again, and they tell me - Well, then we don’t know.
  • On another forum they say that I have a driver conflict, they advise me to update or reinstall the problematic drivers. Firstly, how can I find out which driver is to blame for the blue screen if I can’t log into the system.
  • I went to the third forum and asked for a blue screen, what should I do, dears? They answer me - Boot your computer from any Live CD, then remove your files from disk (C:) and reinstall the system. I answer them - That’s the point, it doesn’t work out. I boot the computer from a Live CD, but there is simply NO disk there (C:). And you know what they answered me - This doesn’t happen.
  • I called the technician, he said that the file system on the drive (C:) had crashed, which meant new formatting and reinstallation. And in general, when Windows blue screen , the best way out one, installing the system again and naturally losing data from system partition(C:), the second partition of the hard drive (D:), will not be affected by reinstalling the operating system. In principle, I already agree to reinstall, I have everything important files and folders on (D:), but I need to at least pull out my photos and documents from the drive (C:), located on the desktop C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Desktop. Is this possible? Alexander.
  • Admin Note: Quite often, file system errors can be corrected even when the operating system does not boot; read the article "".

Error KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR or STOP: 0x0000007a (0xc0519750, 0xc000000e, 0x0f6b9be0, 0xa32ea000) caused by an error in the hard drive controller or the inability to read data due to a damaged block on the hard drive itself, read how to solve the problem at the end of the article!

(This blue screen indicates an error in the compiled file HDAudBus.sys, responsible for sound)

There are few ways to help you, but they exist. Friends, I advise you to read the entire article, since this topic is very serious. We will analyze everything using specific examples that took place in life. I want to say that even experienced PC users often cannot successfully determine the cause of a blue screen, and even reinstalling the system does not always help solve the problem. The blue screen appears again. This is evidenced by numerous forums dedicated to the blue screen of Windows, where many managed to establish the cause of the blue screen with great difficulty.
In fact, the author of the letter that came to us in the mail has a damaged file system or many errors appeared on the hard drive, this happens in most cases from an incorrect shutdown of the computer, it froze a little and we rebooted it using the Reset button or even completely turned off. Of course, there may be problems with a power outage in your home. One of the results of all of the above will be a blue screen with error 0x000000E3 or error code 0x00000024 name NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM, which indicates problems with the file system and hard drive.

  • Information on how we solved our reader’s blue screen problem and several other similar problems is at the end of the article, but first we’ll look at what causes the blue screen, how to decipher the blue screen error code and what to do if The error code could not be deciphered at all.

Blue screen instead of desktop when booting Windows, indicates a critical error in the operating system that makes further operation impossible. Even if a blue screen appears to you from time to time when loading the system, this is still a reason to look for a possible error.

The most common causes of a blue screen in Windows:

Of course, to solve the blue screen problem on our computer, it is very good to first find out the reason for its appearance. To do this, the operating system displays the relevant information to us on a blue screen, which is basically the same, except for two small items - the name of the error and the error code.
How to decipher a blue screen error. Let's look at two cases you may have.

  • A blue screen appears when the computer boots and remains on the screen for a long time, giving us the opportunity to read the name and error code.
  • A blue screen appears when the computer boots for a second and disappears, at the same time the computer goes into reboot again, so we don’t have time to read anything (more on this complex option below).

You cannot rely on deciphering error codes alone to solve the blue screen problem. The same error, for example 0x0000008E, can indicate a faulty RAM and at the same time infection with a rootkit, and another error 0x0000000A IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL can indicate dozens of reasons. But you shouldn’t reinstall Windows right away if a blue screen occurs, you still need to try to figure out what’s wrong...

In order to ensure that in the event of a critical error your computer does not constantly reboot and you can read the error code on the blue screen, the first thing you need to try is when you turn on the computer, press the F-8 key on the keyboard and get to the menu Additional options download, then select Disable automatic reboot on system failure,

If it doesn’t help, then it would be useful for you to know this information. I want to say that the operating system is able to save information about the blue screen error in a special file called memory dump, it will be located in the folder C:\Windows\Minidump. But for this you need to enable debug entry Windows information . Do it right now.
On Windows XP:
Right-click on My Computer, then Properties->Advanced->Startup and Recovery Options->System Failure->Turn off the option. Select Small memory dump (64 KB) and click OK.

For Windows 7:
Start –>Control Panel –>System and Security –>System –> Extra options System ->Advanced tab ->Boot and recovery->Options, uncheck Perform automatic reboot. Select Small memory dump (128 KB) and click OK.

Let's now move on to specific examples (that I actually had to solve) for fixing the blue screen problem.
So the first option. We have logging of debugging information enabled. On the computer, after installing the newest game, the sound disappeared, after updating the audio drivers, the computer went into reboot and got a blue screen with this error. We write down the name and error code; the decoding of almost all error codes is given on the website You can also search for information about your error code on the Internet using any search engine. Anyone has already encountered it and some kind of solution can be applied to it.
In our case, the name of the error directly indicates the system compiled file HDAudBus.sys. belongs Microsoft program UAA Bus Driver for High Definition Audio, a large percentage is that our blue screen is due to a problem with the system's Audio driver. Error code:
STOP: 0x00000101 (0x00000031, 0x00000000, 0x807c9120, 0x00000001)

In this case, you can try to reinstall the drivers on sound card. What to do if there is no name of the faulty file on the blue screen. In this case, you can download the BlueScreenView utility on Ozone to more accurately determine the driver or file that caused the Windows BSOD blue screen. I will now tell you how to use the BlueScreenView program. The program is very simple, we launch BlueScreenView and it immediately scans the folder for a memory dump file, which, let me remind you, is located at C:\Windows\Minidump and looks like this:

We select the memory dump with the left mouse in the upper window of our program and immediately look at the lower window, information about the error will certainly appear there.

By the way, if you press F-8 while the program is running, then our blue screen will appear in the lower window.

Microsoft has its own debugger Windows tool Debugging Tools, link

but I would say the BlueScreenView utility works simpler, and the result is no worse.
You may ask, our computer won’t boot, how can we reinstall the audio drivers? First, you need to try to roll back a certain period of time using system restore points, this can be done in safe mode or in the Windows 7 troubleshooting menu (when loading F-8) or from the seven recovery disk. To remove the problematic driver in case of a blue screen, you can try to enter safe mode with command line support and type the command devmgmt.msc and you will be taken to the device manager.

After removing the problematic driver, you need to install updated versions of drivers, preferably taken from the official websites of device manufacturers. Or vice versa, install an old and stable driver.

Now let's move on to a more complex issue. What to do if a blue screen appears for a second and it is not possible to read the name and error code?

  • Be aware that if you are dealing with someone else's computer, you will often not be able to see the error code; a blue screen will appear for a second when you turn on the computer and disappear. Since not everyone unchecks the option Disable automatic reboot when the system fails. Now you know what to do so that the blue screen remains on the monitor and the computer does not immediately reboot, you could read it above.

In this situation, do not hesitate to ask on various forums, and remember particularly interesting cases. If you even know the error code, but you can’t fix the situation, just talk to people, ask what programs or drivers were installed last before the blue screen appeared. Which latest actions were carried out with a computer.
What else can you do if your Windows shows you a blue screen? Let's take an interesting case from our reader, especially since I had to solve a similar problem very often.

  • Real examples of eliminating blue screens in the Windows XP and Windows 7 operating systems.

Our computer broke down at work, the Windows 7 system reboots regularly, the screen is blue, appears for a second, you can’t read the error, although it shouldn’t be like that, since there’s a check mark in the box Perform automatic reboot(see information above), I cleaned it up. There is a lot of important data on the computer, they all appeared on the computer within the last few hours and everything is on the disk (C:), on the desktop, everything needs to be obtained at all costs, and then you can restore the system’s functionality, for example, simply restore it’s from a backup that was made last night, but that’s if all else fails.
The first thing I do is try to go into , press F-8 when loading, I think I’ll try Startup Recovery, or maybe I’ll roll back using a restore point, but also Safe Mode with command line support, as well as (maybe the video card is faulty) to no avail. I opened the system unit - everything was clean, not a speck of dust, changed the RAM, then the video card, it didn’t help. I think let me boot the computer from (I always have two disks with me, 32-bit and 64-bit), maybe I’ll be able to get to system recovery.
Well, I booted with sin in half from the disk Windows recovery 7, but I couldn’t find a single system

I want to say that even experienced PC users often cannot successfully determine the cause of a blue screen, and even reinstalling the system does not always help solve the problem. The blue screen appears again. This is evidenced by numerous forums dedicated to the blue screen of Windows, where many managed to establish the cause of the blue screen with great difficulty.

Usually the file system is damaged or many errors appear on the hard drive, in most cases this happens because the computer was turned off incorrectly, it froze for a bit and we rebooted it using the Reset button or turned it off altogether. Of course, there may be problems with a power outage in your home. One of the results of all of the above will be a blue screen with error 0x000000E3 or error code 0x00000024 name NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM, which indicates problems with the file system and hard drive.

· Information on how we solved our reader’s blue screen problem and several other similar problems is at the end of the article, but first we’ll look at what causes the blue screen, how to decipher the blue screen error code and what to do if the error code cannot be deciphered at all managed.

A blue screen instead of the desktop when loading Windows 7 and Windows 8 indicates a critical error in the operating system that makes further work impossible. Even if a blue screen appears to you from time to time when loading the system, this is still a reason to look for a possible error.

The most common causes of a blue screen in Windows 7 and Windows 8:

o Incorrect driver operation, you installed an incorrect or misspelled one into the system, or maybe old driver, does not work properly with any device. Or in other words, the driver tries to perform an impossible operation on the system (many drivers can make changes even to the system kernel) and Windows, protecting itself from severe system violations, blocks what it can and goes into a reboot, creating an entry in the system log, as well as postponing dump file to the C:\Windows\Minidump folder, with which you can determine the cause of the blue screen (a memory dump is not always created, more details below).

o Software conflict,for example, damage to the file system, or the simplest example - two anti-virus programs were installed on the computer and, in addition, a firewall. Naturally, a problem arises with startup: one program perceives another as a virus and blocks it, the result is a blue screen when the computer boots. Or there is often a conflict between the program and the operating system, for example, many users sometimes try to install a 64-bit application on a 32-bit system.

o If there are small children at home,they probably often press the red lit button of the surge protector or the big POWER button system unit, after which the computer naturally shuts down abnormally, as a result of which the structure of some system file may certainly be disrupted, which is also the reason for the appearance of a blue screen. If this happens quite often, you just need to move the filter away and disable the POWER button "Control Panel->Power Options->Power Button Action->select When the Power Button is Pressed->No Action Required". And when you click on it, your computer will turn on, but not turn off. In this case, the operating system, for example, can be brought back to life through a system restore or update in the XP installation menu. In more complex cases, the file system is damaged and has to be restored (in detail below).

o Iron conflict or, in other words, incorrect operation of one of the computer components, for example RAM, video card or hard drive. Once for a long time I could not determine the cause of the blue screen, and most importantly, reinstalling the system did not help. I began to ask what actions had been performed recently on the computer. It turns out that the day before they added a RAM stick to the system unit, which not only operated at a different frequency from the others, but also had a different supply voltage.

o Viruses, The cause of a blue screen is quite rare.

Of course, to solve the blue screen problem on our computer, it is very good to first find out the reason for its appearance. To do this, the operating system displays the relevant information to us on a blue screen, which is basically the same, except for two small items - the name of the error and the error code.
How to decipher a blue screen error. Let's look at two cases you may have.

· A blue screen appears when the computer boots and remains on the screen for a long time, giving us the opportunity to read the name and error code.

· A blue screen appears when the computer boots for a second and disappears, and the computer then reboots again, so you and I don’t have time to read anything (more on this complex option below).

You cannot rely on deciphering error codes alone to solve the blue screen problem. The same error, for example 0x0000008E, can indicate a faulty RAM and at the same time infection with a rootkit, and another error 0x0000000A IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL can indicate dozens of reasons. But you shouldn’t reinstall Windows right away if a blue screen occurs, you still need to try to figure out what’s wrong...

In order to ensure that in the event of a critical error your computer does not constantly reboot and you can read the error code on a blue screen, the first thing you need to try is when you turn on the computer, press the F-8 key on the keyboard and go to the Additional boot options menu, then select the item Disable automatic reboot on system failure,

If it doesn’t help, then it would be useful for you to know this information. I want to say that the operating system is able to save information about the blue screen error in a special file called a memory dump, it will be located in the C:\Windows\Minidump folder. But to do this, you need to enable Windows debug recording. Do it right now.

On Windows XP:
Right-click My Computer, then Properties->Advanced->Startup and Recovery Options->System Failure->Turn off the Automatically restart option. Select Small memory dump (64 KB) and click OK.


For Windows 7 and Windows 8, 10 :
Start -> Control Panel -> System and Security -> System -> Advanced system settings -> Advanced tab -> Boot and Recovery -> Settings, uncheck Automatic restart. Select Small memory dump (128 KB) and click OK.
Let's now move on to specific examples (that I actually had to solve) for fixing the blue screen problem.
So the first option. We have logging of debugging information enabled. On the computer, after installing the newest game, the sound disappeared, after updating the audio drivers, the computer went into reboot and got a blue screen with this error. We write down the name and error code; the decoding of almost all error codes is given on the website You can also search for information about your error code on the Internet using any search engine. Anyone has already encountered it and some kind of solution can be applied to it.
In our case, the name of the error directly indicates the system compiled file HDAudBus.sys. belongs to the Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for High Definition Audio program, a large percentage is that our blue screen is due to a problem with the system Audio Driver. Error code:
STOP: 0x00000101 (0x00000031, 0x00000000, 0x807c9120, 0x00000001)

In this case, you can try to reinstall the drivers on the sound card. What to do if there is no name of the faulty file on the blue screen. In this case, you can download the utility on Ozone– to more accurately determine the driver or file that caused the blue screen Windows BSOD. I will now tell you how to use the BlueScreenView program. The program is very simple, we launch BlueScreenView and it immediately scans the folder for a memory dump file, which, let me remind you, is located at C:\Windows\Minidump.

We select the memory dump with the left mouse in the upper window of our program and immediately look at the lower window, information about the error will certainly appear there. By the way, if you press F-8 while the program is running, our blue screen will appear in the lower window.

Microsoft has its own debugging tool, but I would say the BlueScreenView utility works simpler, and the result is no worse.
You may ask, our computer won’t boot, how can we reinstall the audio drivers? First, you need to try to roll back a certain period of time using system restore points, this can be done in safe mode or in the Windows 7 troubleshooting menu (when loading F-8) or from the seven recovery disk. To remove the problematic driver in case of a blue screen, you can try to enter safe mode with command line support and type the command devmgmt.msc and you will be taken to the device manager.

After removing the problematic driver, you need to install updated versions of drivers, preferably taken from the official websites of device manufacturers. Or vice versa, install an old and stable driver.

Now let's move on to a more complex issue. What to do if a blue screen appears for a second and it is not possible to read the name and error code?

Be aware that if you are dealing with someone else's computer, you will often not be able to see the error code; a blue screen will appear for a second when you turn on the computer and disappear. Since not everyone unchecks the option Disable automatic reboot when the system fails. Now you know what to do so that the blue screen remains on the monitor and the computer does not immediately reboot, you could read it above.

In this situation, do not hesitate to ask on various forums, and remember particularly interesting cases. If you even know the error code, but you can’t fix the situation, just talk to people, ask what programs or drivers were installed last before the blue screen appeared. What were the last actions performed on the computer?
What else can you do if your Windows shows you a blue screen? Let's take an interesting case from our reader, especially since I had to solve a similar problem very often.
Real examples of eliminating blue screens in the Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems

Our computer at work broke down, the system

Windows XP, Windows 7 And Windows 8It reboots regularly, the screen is blue, appears for a second, the error cannot be read, although it shouldn’t be like this, since I unchecked the Perform automatic reboot option (see information above). There is a lot of important data on the computer, they all appeared on the computer within the last few hours and everything is on the disk (C:), on the desktop, everything needs to be obtained at all costs, and then you can restore the system’s functionality, for example, simply restore it’s from a backup that was made last night, but that’s if all else fails.

I opened the system unit - everything was clean, not a speck of dust, changed the RAM, then the video card, it didn’t help. I think let me boot the computer from the recovery disk (I always have two disks with me, 32-bit and 64-bit), maybe I’ll be able to get to system recovery. Well, I booted with sin in half from the Windows 7 recovery disk, but I couldn’t find a single system

We write notepad , notepad opens, then File and Open, the Computer window appears, I open it, I think now I’ll go to the drive (C:) on the desktop, copy necessary files on a flash drive and reinstall the system, I look, but there is no drive (C:). There is a disk (D:), but there is no partition on which Windows 7 is installed, and therefore there are no necessary files located on the desktop C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Desktop.

I booted from a simple Live CD and the same thing happened there, there was no drive (C:).
Loading into Acronis program Disk Director 11, my disk (C:) is visible and the data on it is all intact, but nothing can be done with it, during any operation with the partition, Acronis immediately gives the error The file system is damaged!

There was nothing to do, I decided to remove the hard drive and connect the hard drive to another computer with the Windows 8 operating system installed.

A utility available in Windows 8 or 7 for hard checks CHKDSK disk, immediately discovered a problematic disk with a broken file system and began checking it for errors in five stages: checking files, checking indexes, checking security descriptors, checking data in files, and checking free space!
I had to wait three hours, then I rebooted and my system booted safely, and the missing partition of the connected hard drive also became accessible. In general, friends, this is the first sign that the hard drive will soon become unusable and needs to be checked special programs , for bad sectors and Bad blocks (failed or bad sectors). If everything is more or less successful, in order to use such a hard drive, ideally completely format it and reinstall the operating system on it.

Friends, when your operating system does not boot due to errors on the hard drive, then check Chkdsk utility it is not necessary to remove it, you can boot the computer from the installation Windows disk 7 or recovery disk, then enter the recovery environment, select command line, then enter the command:
chkdsk c: / f, which means run a check of the system disk (C:) with the parameters /f - checks for file system errors on the disk and corrects them. Details in our article: Chkdsk program.

Another example: an old friend of mine spent a long time looking for the cause of a blue screen on one computer. A newly installed operating system, with native drivers installed on all devices, after 5-10 minutes of running any active application (for example, a game), it went to a blue screen with the Stop error: 0x00000019. Tests were carried out on almost all components, including the Mem test program; the 512 MB RAM was successfully tested, which ultimately turned out to be the culprit. The fact is that on a computer with a relatively weak configuration, there was a powerful gig video card, and only 512 MB of RAM. He replaced the 512 MB RAM stick with a 1 GB one and the blue screen stopped appearing, but the old RAM stick still works on another computer with an integrated video card.

· My friends bought a computer, two years passed and they periodically began to experience a blue screen when playing games. We decided to reinstall the system. We reinstalled and started installing drivers on all devices; when installing the driver on the video card, the system went into a blue screen. Updating the driver on the official website did not help, the problem was solved only by replacing the video card. By the way, on another computer, this video card behaved the same way.
· Exactly the same case happened with a network card installed as an expansion card in the PCI slot. We went through all possible and impossible drivers during installation Windows drivers 8 showed a blue screen with an error and immediately went into reboot, preventing me from reading the name and error code. Network card Replaced it and everything started working fine.

· Sometimes people spend a long time looking for the cause of the blue screen, reinstalling the system and drivers, but the problem is simply overheating of the processor; once you remove the side wall of the system unit, look at the dust cap on the processor cooler, and everything will become clear.

· Overclocking the processor, also often the cause of a blue screen, can be treated by resetting the BIOS settings.

· Once, friends, they really asked me to save Windows system 8 from the blue screen, there was no time limit, they gave me the whole day. It was not possible to find out the error code; the operating system kept rebooting. First of all, just in case, I made a backup of the faulty system, namely the system partition-drive (C:). If I can’t fix the problem, I’ll deploy a backup and give the computer back without changes, maybe someone else can do it.

I tried almost everything that can be done in this case, the last thing I tried was this method - I replaced all the registry files SAM, SEKURITY, SOFTWARE, DEFAULT, SYSTEM from the C:\Windows\System32\config folder with the same files from the C folder :\Windows\System32\config\RegBack, in it every 10 days the Task Scheduler creates backup copy registry keys - even if you have System Restore disabled and Windows 8 boots safely.

Most users, when interacting closely with a computer, have encountered a sudden shutdown of the system, accompanied by a blue screen with incomprehensible information. This is the so-called "BSOD", and today we will talk about what it is and how to deal with it.

BSOD is an acronym that literally means Blue Screen of Death. It was impossible to say more precisely, since after such a screen appears, further work without a reboot is impossible. In addition, such system behavior indicates quite serious problems in the software or hardware PC. BSODs can occur both when the computer boots and while it is running.

There are a great many options for errors written on blue screens, and we will not analyze each one separately here. It is enough just to know that the causes that cause them can be divided into software and hardware. The first includes failures in drivers or other programs closely related to the operating system, and the second includes problems with RAM and hard drives. Incorrect BIOS settings, for example, incorrect voltages or frequencies during overclocking can also cause BSOD.

Most special cases are described on the website To work with this resource, you need to understand the structure of the data provided by the system.

The most important thing is hexadecimal code errors shown in the screenshot. This information should be found on the website.

In the event that the system automatically reboots and there is no way to read the information, perform the following actions:

Now when a BSOD appears, a reboot can only be performed in manual mode. If you cannot access the system (an error occurs during boot), you can set the same parameters in boot menu. To do this, when starting the PC, you need to press the key F8 or F1, and then F8, or Fn+F8. In the menu you need to select to disable automatic reboot during a failure.

Reason 1: Drivers and programs

Drivers are main reason occurrence of blue screens. These can be either firmware for hardware or files embedded in the system by some software. If a BSOD occurs precisely after installing the software, then there is only one way out - to “roll back” to the previous state of the system.

If there is no access to the system, then you need to use installation or bootable media with the version of the OS recorded on it that is on this moment installed on PC.

Read more: How to create a bootable USB flash drive with Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

Carefully monitor the behavior of the system after installing any programs and drivers and create restore points manually. This will help you correctly identify the causes of errors and eliminate them. Timely updating of the operating system and the same drivers can also save you from a lot of problems.

More details:
How to update the operating system Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
How to update drivers on Windows
Driver installation programs

Reason 2: "Iron"

The hardware problems that cause BSOD are:

  • Flaw free space on system disk or section

    You need to check how much storage capacity is available for recording. This is done by right-clicking on the corresponding disk (partition) and going to properties.

    If the space is small, that is, less than 10%, you need to delete unnecessary data, unused programs and clean the system of debris.

  • New devices

    If a blue screen occurs after connecting new components to the motherboard, then you should try to update their drivers (see above). If unsuccessful, you will have to stop using the device due to its possible malfunction or inconsistency of characteristics.

  • Errors and bad sectors on your hard drive

    To identify this problem, you should check all drives for problems and, if possible, resolve them.

  • RAM

    Faulty RAM modules are very often the cause of failures. You can identify “bad” modules using the MemTest86+ program.

  • Overheat

    BSOD can also be caused by overheating of components - processor, video card or components motherboard. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to correctly determine the temperature of the hardware and take steps to normalize it.

Reason 4: BIOS

Incorrect motherboard firmware settings (BIOS) can lead to a critical system error and a blue screen. The best solution in this situation would be to reset the settings to default.

Reason 3: Viruses and antiviruses

Viruses that have entered your computer can block some important files, including system files, and also interfere with the normal operation of drivers. You can identify and eliminate “pests” using free scanners.

If a virus attack has blocked access to the system, then Kaspersky Rescue Disk, recorded on removable media. Scan to in this case runs without loading the operating system.

Antivirus programs can also behave inappropriately. They often block "suspicious" system files responsible for normal work services, drivers and, as a result, hardware components. You can get rid of the problem by disabling or uninstalling your antivirus.

Features of a blue screen in Windows 10

Due to the fact that Microsoft developers try to limit user interaction with system resources, the information content of BSODs in Windows 10 has decreased significantly. Now we can only read the name of the error, but not its code and the names of the files associated with it. However, the system itself now has a tool for identifying and eliminating the causes of blue screens.

  1. Let's go to "Control Panel" by calling the line "Run" keyboard shortcut Win+R and entering the command

  2. Switch to display mode " Small icons" and go to the applet "Security and Service Center".

  3. Next we follow the link "Troubleshooting".

  4. Open the block containing all categories.

  5. Select an item "Blue screen".

  6. If you want to fix the problem immediately, click "Further" and follow the prompts "Masters".

  7. In the same case, if you need to get information about the error, click on the link "Additionally".

  8. In the next window, uncheck the box next to the inscription "Automatically apply fixes" and proceed to the search.

This tool will help you get detailed information about BSOD and take appropriate action.


As you can see, fixing BSODs can be quite complex and demanding. large quantity time. In order to avoid critical errors, update your drivers and system in a timely manner, do not use dubious resources to download programs, do not allow components to overheat, and before overclocking, read the information on specialized sites.

Blue screen (screen of death, BSoD screen) is a fairly common occurrence when working on a computer. It reports that the system has experienced a critical failure, after which operation cannot continue. Usually it contains a code for such a failure by which you can classify what exactly is wrong with your personal computer went wrong and try to solve the problem. Sometimes it’s enough just to reboot the system, but sometimes the consequences are very serious.

You can often find articles that say that all blue screens have a common nature, but this is complete nonsense and has nothing to do with the truth. The occurrence of a blue screen can be caused by either a technical or software failure, or a combination of both.
Technical problems include the failure of any component or their conflict with each other. Pollination of slots, overheating of the motherboard, as a result of its failure, short circuits.

Software problems include incorrectly installed or incompatible drivers, a software conflict, or a crooked operating system update.

In order to reduce the range of reasons, you can use the free, portable utility “Errorka”. It contains a list of error codes, their descriptions, and recommendations for eliminating these shortcomings.
If a blue screen appears to you often and without good reason, then it is better to contact service center to specialists. It is not advisable to joke with this matter.

The first thing worth trying in this case is to try to reset the BIOS settings by pressing the DEL button at the beginning of booting and selecting engineering menu Load setup defaults or something similar. If it was not possible to reset the BIOS in this way, for example, in the case when an unknown password is set, it is enough to turn off the power to the system unit, remove the battery from the motherboard and let the device stand in this state for 10-15 minutes.

When the motherboard capacitors are discharged, an automatic reset will occur. Recovery or reinstalling Windows If reset BIOS completed, and the blue screen still prevents the operating system from loading, you can try to “roll back” Windows to the state of the latest working version. To do this, before booting the system, you need to press the F8 key, which brings up the boot options menu, and select safe mode in it. When the computer is booted, the system itself will prompt the user to start backup restore.

This process is fully automated; you just need to select one of the proposed dates for the computer to be in good condition. If it is impossible to start the system in recovery mode, it is recommended to restore it from the original installation disk, from which it was originally installed. In order not to lose important information, in this case it is necessary to remove the hard drive and connect it to a known good computer, and after the backup, restore the OS to a working state.

The most common reasons for a sudden stop of the operating system are: installation of new equipment; virus; lack of drivers for some components; outdated Bios firmware; overheating of components; bad sectors on the hard drive. lack of free space on your hard drive; lack of normal contact of components with motherboard; incompatible equipment; failure of RAM, hard drive, motherboard components, power supply; damaged files operating system.

Incorrect overclocking of the RAM or processor can also cause an error. If the overclocking parameters are set incorrectly, the power supply is weak, or the motherboard is specific, the system will constantly generate an error upon startup. The lack of critical updates can cause the system to crash. How to remove blue screen death of Windows XP If you still get a blue screen of death, what should you do? Windows XP is very sensitive to installing incompatible hardware and drivers. This is what you should first pay attention to.

To overcome the problem, you must take the following measures: turn off all new equipment; check the system for viruses; delete unnecessary files, freeing up at least 15% on each logical drive; update device drivers and BIOS firmware; rollback recently installed drivers; install the latest OS updates; test the hard drive for bad sectors (How to check a hard drive for bad sectors).

If the system does not boot, then you can check Windows for viruses and remove drivers using bootable flash drive. To do this, you need to record an image of the bootable version of the operating system and carry out all the necessary operations, including backup important information. You can burn the image using the UltraIso program. A countermeasure that will eliminate hardware problems is to reinstall Windows.

If after this operation and BIOS updates The blue screen will not disappear, which means the PC has hardware problems. If installing the OS solved the problem, then the system crashed due to software error. To find out which components have failed, you will need to sort through them, replacing: RAM; power unit; a hard drive with an installed OS for a given hardware configuration. If the above components turn out to be working, you need to thoroughly clean the system unit from dust and clean the darkened contacts on all components with an eraser.

To reduce the high heating temperature, you can install more powerful coolers on the processor and case to cool the motherboard, hard drive and memory. Recommendations for avoiding problems starting the OS Now you know how to remove the blue screen of death in Windows XP, and what measures you need to take to do this.

Best protection from such problems is prevention. Install device drivers only from official websites of manufacturers. Do not download proprietary software from external resources. Make sure that your antivirus regularly receives database updates. When installing new hardware, make sure it is supported by your operating system and motherboard. If your power supply fluctuates, install a UPS to provide stable power to your PC.
Let's look at situations in which a blue screen of death may occur and figure out what the user should do in such cases.

Blue screen when installing an operating system update.

There is no need to take any action here, the system will return to previous version.

BSOD appears after installing an update package or drivers.

Ways to solve the problem:

if the operating system boots, you can simply remove Last update. To do this, you need to know exactly what is causing the error. If you have installed both an OS update and the latest driver versions, then try rolling back sequentially. To do this, open “Search” in the taskbar, then “View” installed updates", select the one you need and delete it.
sometimes after a blue screen appears, the operating system does not boot, and the computer itself restarts several times. After this it starts automatic recovery, and the user is prompted to choose how to resolve the problem.
Go to Advanced Options and click System Restore.

It will roll back to the last restore point (they are created automatically when you install updates or drivers). After a system restore, these drivers and updates will be removed. The process will not affect other files on your computer. If the error is resolved, disable it for a while automatic update operating system.
A blue screen appears when loading Windows 10 or while working on the computer.

The problem may be caused by an OS or driver update, incorrect operation of the equipment, overheating, or viruses. What can you do in such cases?

update the OS. To do this, open “Search” on the taskbar, then “Update Center”, follow the link and on the page that opens, click “Check for an update”.

If you recently installed new hardware, try turning off your computer and unplugging the new hardware. Replace it with the old video card, memory stick, etc. and see if the issue is resolved.

There may be a problem with the RAM lines. To check if they work correctly, use test programs like memtest86+. If they identify “broken” rulers, the memory stick will need to be replaced.
It is possible that the equipment is overheating. Run the Everest program to check. It happens that to eliminate constant blue screens, it is enough to turn off the computer and thoroughly blow out all the fans from a bottle of compressed air.

Sometimes a BSOD is caused by a firewall or antivirus software (if the DeviceLock Service agent is active). In this case, you will either need the help of a professional who will determine the cause of the software conflict with DeviceLock Service, or disable Unhook protection (Service settings → Administrator → disable Unhook protection).

if you have constant blue screens and you know for sure that the problem is not a system update, not drivers or overheating, try scanning the system antivirus programs– it is possible that they will discover a Trojan or a virus, perhaps even more than one.
another probable reason large number BSOD – operating system errors. How to fix this problem?

Either by installing the latest service packs (if the manufacturer has already worked on the errors), or, on the contrary, by rolling back to the previous version (if the problem appeared after installing the latest Service pack, and the manufacturer does not yet know about it).

Incorrect BIOS settings. If you or some “handy person” have recently changed something in the BIOS, after which blue screens began to appear, simply return the settings to default.

incorrect work hard drives. Open the hard drive menu with the right mouse button, go to the “Tools” tab, select “Check volume for errors.” If there are bad sectors, they can be restored using standard system tools, and the blue screen problem will be solved.

BSOD most often appears to the user for a reason; usually it is the person who provokes it. For example, adding new components, installing new, untested programs, or downloading new driver versions. Very often, a blue screen of death appears when loading Windows when the user decides to increase the memory capacity of the RAM modules on his device.

In this case, this means that the added line of RAM for some reason begins to conflict with the already installed ones. It also makes sense to check whether all the wiring inside the system unit is connected correctly, remove and reinsert the RAM modules, video and sound card.

If everything is in order with the computer hardware, then you should remember what was changed in the software part of the computer. You will most likely need to log into the system in safe mode and carry out the process of rolling back all changes to the point when everything functioned without failure. This can be done by restoring the system to an earlier point, that is, to the moment when nothing caused the blue screen. To do this, select Control Panel from the Start menu and find the “Recovery” item there.

System Restore

A window will open in which you should click on the “Run System Restore” button and click “Next”.

Running System Restore

After this, the PC will prompt you to select a system restore point (they are created automatically when you make changes to the software)

Selecting a system restore point