Vk com VKontakte social is mine. Old VKontakte page: how to find, open, log in

Good afternoon everyone. In this article we will tell you in detail, from a personal computer, from a phone, and also find out what problems there may be when logging into the site. This article is more for those new to the Internet who do not yet know how many simple actions and operations are performed. We will try to explain simply and clearly how to access VKontakte from a PC and phone, whether it is possible and what to do if you are unable to access the site.

  • from a personal computer;
  • from your phone, if installed on it mobile app"In contact with";

Let's look at both login methods.

How to log into VKontakte from a personal computer

In the last article we showed in detail and clearly. Let's now see how to log into the site. To do this, in the browser line you need just enter the name of the site vk.com and you will be taken to

Here, in order to enter the site, in the “Phone or email” and “Password” fields you need to enter the data specified during registration. Next, you just need to click the “Login” button - and you will be taken to your VKontakte page.

By the way, if you are already registered and have logged in at least once social network and saved the login data in your browser’s memory, it will offer you your login data in the “Phone” and “Password” fields.

That’s it, enter your registration data, click “Login” - and you’re on the site. As you can see, there is nothing complicated here. If you have not yet registered, click the “Registration” button and follow the instructions described in. If you suddenly for some reason forgot your password, click “ ” under the registration form and follow the instructions to restore your login credentials.

I would like to point out one thing. If you suddenly access VKontakte from a computer other than your own, do not forget to check the “Someone else’s computer” checkbox. This is done so that your login information is not saved in the browser memory of someone else’s computer, and someone else cannot use it later.

We go to the site from the phone

IN mobile version“VKontakte” login is carried out in exactly the same way as from a personal computer. The only difference is in the interface. First, you need to install the site's mobile application. To log into “VK”, simply click on the icon, and the following window will open in front of you on your phone screen:

If you are registered, then click the “Login” button. A window will open where you will need to enter your registration data – Email or phone number.

Half a minute and you're on the site. By the way, if you have already logged into the site, then all subsequent times in the mobile version you will be logged in automatically if you have a SIM card in your phone, the number of which was used for registration.

Login via anonymizers

It happens that system administrators At work, access to social networks was blocked. Oh, how I want to check your page :) In this case, they will help you anonymizer sites. The principle of their operation is simple. You access the desired social network not directly, but through an intermediary site.

I would like to immediately warn you that through such anonymizers, attackers can steal your data. You should use only proven and well-known anonymizers and should not trust unknown resources. But even on a well-known anonymizer site, you run the risk of being hacked

Let's look at an example of logging in through the Spoolls.com anonymizer. To do this, follow the link: http://spoolls.com/anonymizer/. Select “Mirror VKontakte”.

Remember! Very often, antivirus programs can also block these sites, and then you will not be able to log in using them. Also, recently, many anonymizers have been blocked by hosting providers.

How to access a website using the Browsec browser extension

If you have any sites at work blocked by the system administrator, then using the Browsec extension, you will still be able to open the web pages you need. In this case, you will get to the site you need through a server located in another country. Your traffic will be encrypted and your location hidden and changed. For example, you will log into the social networks “VKontakte” or “Odnoklassniki” with an IP address from another country.

First you need to install the Browsec extension, after which it should be activated in the upper right part of your browser panel.

Then in the window that opens, set the switch to the position “on”. The extension icon at the top of the panel will then turn green. That’s it, now you can go to the VKontakte website.

Is it possible to log into VKontakte without a password?

Sometimes you just need to log into a site to view another user's profile, but you don't want to be seen online. In this case, you can resort to help special programs, - For example, VKlife. But there is a simpler way that does not require installation of any additional applications or programs.

You can log into the social network through a search engine. How? First, you should log out of your page. Then we go, for example, to the Yandex search engine and enter the request like this. Let's say you are looking for a person named Baba Yaga. Then enter the request “Baba Yaga VKontakte”. Follow the link and you will be taken to the user's page.

You will be able to view the wall of the user and his groups. A message will appear under the avatar that you need to log into the site or register to Baba Yaga. In the same way, you can log in to your page. Unfortunately, you will not be able to see news or messages that were written to you. But you will be able to view or view information in a group. For example, you want to calmly read the news in the “Uryupinsk News” group, but you don’t want to be pestered with messages at this time. Then this method is for you.

I can't log into VKontakte. What to do?

It happens that You can’t log into VK. Typically, when you are unable to log in, the following message appears:

let's consider main reasons, by which the user cannot get to the “VKontakte” website:

  • introduced incorrect login or password. There may be several reasons. It could be a simple typing error - users often come up with rather complex passwords to protect themselves from being hacked. Then you just need to enter the password again. Also check if you have enabled Caps Lock on keyboard. When entering a password, it is always case sensitive, so this could be the problem. It’s also possible that you forgot to switch the input language and are typing the password in Russian instead in English. Check all options and try to enter the password again;
  • Perhaps you are visiting some third-party site disguised as vk.com. Such resources can be used by attackers to steal your logins and passwords. Once upon a time, I myself accidentally almost entered a site like vkotakte.ru(at that time “VK” still had Domain name vkontakte.ru). Be careful;
  • Your computer or phone is infected with a virus. Then you may be required to transfer money for entry, which is under no circumstances worth doing. Be sure to scan your PC or smartphone with an antivirus;
  • Blocking of your account or hacking by attackers. The page may have been blocked by moderators, and then you should be provided with instructions on security and further actions. Contact user pages are also hacked quite often (especially if simple (“weak”) passwords were used during registration. The hackers could change the password, or the site administration itself could notice suspicious activity on your page and block it. In this case, you need to recover your password;
  • site crash. Even such monsters as VKontakte sometimes have glitches. Try waiting a bit and logging in again. If you are one hundred percent sure that there are no viruses on your computer and that you could not be hacked in any way, then you need to contact technical support. The problem is that only users who are logged into the site can write there. In this case, just write them an email [email protected] or , and state the essence of the problem;

Exit from VKontakte. How to leave the site?

The question seems to be elementary, but since we have already started to analyze the topic of logging into VKontakte, let’s bring the matter to the end and find out how to exit the site. There are also small nuances here, and let's look at the exit procedure in more detail.

How to log out of VK on a computer

Exiting the VKontakte page is easy. To do this, you need to hover your mouse over the username thumbnail at the top right of your page.

Logging out of social networks on your phone

Exiting the mobile version of VKontakte is a little more difficult. To do this, scroll down your page a little and select “Settings”.

As you can see, logging out of your VK page is very simple.

How to log out of VK on all devices at once

Imagine that you are logged into a social network on several devices at once ( Personal Computer, tablet, smartphone). And you need log out of VKontakte on all devices in one action. This can come in handy when you suspect that your account has been hacked. There is the following method for this.

1. Open the menu and go to the section

In the following articles we will find out what it is and learn. Good luck!

In contact, My page is the main place where all information about you is displayed. This page contains your avatar (main photo), your data: first name, last name, age, place of residence, work, study, etc. Also here you can see your photos, videos and news published by you. You fill out all the information yourself. How to go to your VK page, see below in the article.

How to log into my VKontakte page without a password - a detailed method

Having forgotten the personal data required to log in, it makes no sense to look for them on the site. It is impossible to log into your VKontakte page if it is blocked or directly from the vk.com website without a password. By correctly completing all the points in this instruction, you will be able to use your page without any problems with a new password.

Download VKontakte to your computer– messaging app

You just need to remember that you are putting information about yourself on public display. Of course, you can limit the circle of people who can see your page - for example, open access only to friends or to some selected people, but not everyone cares about this. Keep in mind that although this is called private information, you are giving information about yourself to the Contact owners, and they can use this information at their discretion. That is, of course, you are not the full owner of the page, because this site is not yours. But it’s like that everywhere on the Internet, don’t worry about it, just know when to stop when you say something about yourself.

To go to your page, you can go to the official website of the social network VKontakte, you can also do this by clicking on the link below:

Where is she located?

You need to log in to the official website and your page will be there. To get to it, log into the site (first you will see the news feed from your friends and groups) and click on the “My Page” link in the left column. You can log in using the link above.
If you can’t log in or the page is “blocked”, read this: “” and follow all the instructions.

Page details

“My Page” is your kind of control center, and for guests who visit it, it is a source of information about you.

What can you see on it? If you look from left to right, then first there is a menu through which you can get to other sections. Then - information about you; in the left column - your photo (or avatar, ava), a list of friends who are online now, links to your photo albums, etc. The right column shows information about you: name, date of birth, hometown, marital status, contact information, places of study and work.

Usually, to view all the information, you need to click on the “Show” link full information" Below is the so-called “wall” on which you can write something - you can write it yourself, you can write it for other people (if you allow them - all this can be customized).

To change or add information, use the “Edit” links. or “Edit” (top left), don’t forget to click “Save” later. And please note that when you go into editing, at the top there are tabs “Main”, “Contacts”, “Interests” - by clicking on them, you will be taken to editing other sections of your page.

Quick login

Almost every one of us has at least once tried to log into our VKontakte page without a login and password. Agree, it happens that important information like a password completely disappears from your head and you can’t remember it.

We will tell you how to get to the VK page without a login and password. A few simple ones, but effective ways will help you out in a difficult situation!

Option 1: Use a browser

If you've forgotten or lost your password, first contact your browser for help!

Most likely, your browser “remembered” your password because in most cases it has a convenient feature selected that saves information for login forms. This allows you to log into a social network at any time, and very quickly.

But you shouldn’t always rely on saving your password in your browser! Otherwise, sooner or later you will still have to contact VK support and reset your password, since the data saved in the browser is periodically erased. This can happen after you have cleared your cache or cookies, after scanning your device with an antivirus, or after reinstalling operating system computer or laptop.

To prevent this from happening, write down important information in a notepad! Yes, this may seem like an ancient method, but believe me, it is reliable. One more in a good way will store passwords in special application for a phone with a password, such applications encrypt information, so it is secure!

Option 2: if there is no password, but you have a login and phone number

So, you do not have a password for the VKontakte page. Here's what you need to do to solve the problem:

1. Go to home page VC.

2. WITH right side Below you will see a link “Forgot your password?”. You need to click on it, and then in the window that opens, enter the numbers of your telephone number, linked to the page, or the address Email, which you specified when registering on a social network, or your login (if you remember it).

3. After completing the steps described in the second paragraph, click “Next”.

4. In the window that opens, you must enter your last name (the one you specified in your profile), and then click “Next.”

5. At this stage, the system will provide you with data that should match your personal information. If you see that everything is correct, click “Yes, this is the right page.”

6. Wait a little - you will receive an SMS with a code. Keep in mind that the information will be sent to exactly the number you provided during registration! You must enter the received code into the form that opens on the page and click on the “Change password” link.

7. Come up with a new one complex password and enter it into the form.

8. On final stage You will receive another SMS message, which will be sent to the phone number specified during registration. It will contain all the necessary login information. Save it!

If you did everything correctly, you will easily get to your page.

Option 3: if you don’t have a password, login or phone number

If it happens that you have neither a password nor a login, and access to your phone is temporarily unavailable, then this method is just for you!

Here's what to do:

2 . Select “Forgot your password?”.

3. At the very bottom of the form you will see the inscription “If you do not remember the data or do not have access to the phone, click here.” Click on this link!

5. Enter all the required information in detail in the form that opens.

6. If you don’t even remember your old password, then you need to use the extended recovery application. Enter as much detail as possible.

7. At the final stage, you will need two personal photos. The first photo should clearly show your identity document, and the second photo should show you in the background open page VC. All this is necessary so that the administration of the social network is sure that access to the page is restored by the owner, and not by the attacker.

Once you upload the correct images, your application will be reviewed. Keep in mind that this will take time (from several hours to several days). If you send only one of the two required images or attach someone else’s photo, the administration of the social network will write to you that the data was not accepted. The application will be rejected without consideration!

But if you did everything correctly, you will soon be able to access your personal page.

Option 4: via phone

Do you want to get back to the “My VKontakte Page” tab, but have forgotten your login and password? We hope that you still have a phone, because this simple method will tell you how to get to your personal page using a mobile device.

Having a smartphone at hand, you don’t have to worry about forgetting your data. The sequence of actions to solve the problem is as follows:

1. Go to the VK main page from your phone, and then click on the “Forgot your password” link.

2. Enter your email or phone number in the field on the tab that opens.

5. Wait for the SMS message. It will be sent to the phone number associated with your profile and will contain a verification code. Enter the verification code and click Continue.

6. You will be asked to come up with New Password, come up with it and enter it in the appropriate field.

9. After clicking on the “Change password” button, you will see the long-awaited news feed of your page

We hope you got it right the first time!

There are a couple more questions that plague VKontakte users who have lost their personal data:

  • Can someone besides me recover my password?
  • Can an attacker access my page if I have forgotten my username and password and are temporarily not using it?

The administration of the social network made every effort to prevent this from happening. As you can see, if you have lost your login and password, you can restore the data, but an attacker will not be able to get to your page without a login and password!

And here is a video that tells you how to get to your VK page if you have forgotten your password!

This information article dedicated to such a topic as logging into the VKontakte website. People who actively use this social network very often enter the site not through bookmarks or by entering the site address from memory, but prefer to enter the site through a Yandex or Google search, entering queries like “ in contact with», « VKontakte login to the site», « VKontakte login», « VKontakte website», « VKontakte: Welcome», « VKontakte login to page», « VKontakte my page" and even " vk.com login" Currently, this method of logging into the site is redundant and now we will explain why.

As it was before

Previously, when the VKontakte website did not have a particularly short address vkontakte.ru, there was an extremely high probability of making a mistake when entering the site. Fraudsters actively took advantage of this opportunity and created phishing sites for various variants of the vkontakte.ru address with errors made, for example vkontatke.ru or vkontalke.ru so that an inattentive user who makes and does not notice an error is guaranteed to end up on a phishing site and, without noticing the substitution, enters data from his page. Over time, this method of deception became generally known, which is why it became popular to enter the VKontakte website through a search engine using one of the queries listed above, because the real website is guaranteed to be in first place there.


With the final move of VKontakte to the international address vk.com in 2012, the situation changed dramatically - the site address became very short, which means you don’t need to be afraid to enter the site address manually, since you are unlikely to make a mistake in it. This, in turn, means that you can refuse to enter the site through search engines– this is a completely unnecessary step.

The easiest and safest way to log into the VKontakte website is to enter the address in address bar browser. And if you have already visited the VKontakte social network site and do this regularly, you do not need to enter the entire site address at all - you just need to enter only the first letter of the address (the first letter of the vk.com address, that is, v), and the browser will automatically substitute the entire address .

Other ways to enter the VKontakte website

  • Bookmarks in the browser . In any modern browser, it is possible to add a site to bookmarks for easy access to it at any time. In order to add the VKontakte website to your bookmarks, you need to go to the vk.com website, and then click on the star icon in the address bar of the browser, or press the keyboard shortcut CTRL + D.

    Once a bookmark has been created, you can access it from the bookmarks section of your browser. And you won’t need to enter any addresses, which is very good if for some reason your keyboard is missing or not working.

  • Desktop shortcut . Another convenient way to enter the VKontakte website without constantly entering the site address is to create a shortcut on your desktop or in any folder on your hard drive that leads to the site. This shortcut implies a link, but in essence it is a regular file that can be called anything and placed anywhere. Double-clicking on the created shortcut opens the link embedded in it in the default browser.

    As the location of the object, you must specify the full link to the VKontakte website, that is https://vk.com.

    In the last step, you can set any name for the shortcut you are creating, for example “ VKontakte website" Whatever name you specify will be the name of the shortcut on the desktop or in the folder.

    As soon as you click on the " Ready", you will see the created shortcut in all its glory - with the name and default browser icon. Subsequently, this shortcut can be moved to any folder on the computer, it can be renamed as you please. And the best thing is that it is convenient - to open the site you only need to double-click on the shortcut, and there is no need to enter the site address each time.

  • Panel on an empty tab in the browser . IN modern browsers There is such a thing as an “Empty Tab” - this is new inset, in which not a single site has yet been opened. In order to make the empty tab more informative and useful, browser creators have provided it with a search bar and a quick access toolbar.

    The Quick Access Toolbar displays your most frequently visited sites, or sites that you have created and pinned manually. If you add a link to VKontakte in this panel and pin it, you will get quick access to the site. All you need to do is open an empty tab before logging into VKontakte.

    We find the quick access panel under the search bar, and there we find the button “ Add a shortcut" If your browser's quick access bar is already full, you can easily edit the least needed shortcut.

    In the Create a New Shortcut window on the Quick Access Toolbar, you need to enter the name of the shortcut, for example “ In contact with", and a link to the site, that is https://vk.com. The process is similar to creating a shortcut on your computer.

    Ready! A shortcut leading to the VKontakte website has been created and is available at any time from an empty tab in your browser!

The popular social network VKontakte has existed for more than 10 years and during this time, not only has it not lost popularity, but on the contrary, it is only gaining it from year to year, surpassing the figure of 60 million!
Over these 10 years, a lot of changes have passed and now this is not the same site that it was in 2006, when it just appeared. The domain name was changed from vkontakte.ru to a shorter and more convenient one - vk.com. The owner has also changed: previously it was Pavel Durov, and now it is the Mail.ru Group holding.
The main audience is young people under 25: schoolchildren and students. But even despite this, older people, even pensioners, also join Contact.
The range of functions available to the user is very wide: creating an account and your page, posting photos, audio and video content, creating groups, uniting users in events based on interests, tracking news and most importantly - communication, communication and more communication!!!

What is “My Page” in contact?

So that your classmates, friends and acquaintances can find you, indicate on it your first and last name, as well as your place of residence, study and work. You can, of course, enter fake data. That is, anything. But no one will be able to find your person. Is it necessary? You are not some kind of spy! Therefore, it is better to provide truthful information about yourself. This is good form and not only on social networks! And in order to limit access to personal information to strangers, simply hide them in the settings, namely in the “Privacy” section.

As a result, you can make sure that only your friends see information about you. Everyone else will see something like this:

That is, first name, last name, birthday and year. Nothing more important will be displayed on My Page on VK.com! In slang, this operation is called “Delete Contact Wall”. As you can see, everything is very simple and quick to do!

How to go to “My Page” from other sections of the site?!

The first point in it is the necessary link that will lead you to the main page of your account. It will automatically open after you are authorized when entering the portal with your username and password. So, I think, don’t get lost!!!

Advice! To go directly to My VKontakte page after opening the browser, just make the social network your home page. This is done very easily. You need to go to your browser settings. I will explain with an example Google Chrome, on Opera and Yandex.Browser everything is done exactly the same.

Find the “Network” section and click on the “Change proxy server settings” button. A window like this should open:

Here, on the “General” tab, in the “ Homepage"You need to enter the link http://vk.com. Click on “OK”. Now the browser will automatically go straight to My VKontakte page when launched. For browser Mozilla FireFox The sequence of actions is approximately the same, the only difference is in the design of the settings menu. But the meaning of the actions is exactly the same.

What sections are there in “My Page” on VK.COM?!

Using the main menu of the site, you can look at the News that happened to your friends and comrades, enter into correspondence through the “Messages” item, add or remove someone from the “Friends” list, and join a new Community.

There is also a menu item responsible for your photos, audio recordings, games and applications.

VKontakte does not open, the page is inaccessible - why and what to do?!

Let's look at the most common case - yesterday everything was fine, but today, when I try to log into Contact, the page does not open. What to do? This largely depends on what you see on the screen. If the password has simply been lost or temporary browser files have been cleaned, it will display start page social networks with authorization form:

Just enter your username and password again and click on the “Login” button. My VK page should open immediately.
If you see a page like the one in the screenshot below, then your page has been hacked:

There is no need to be alarmed, the administrators have already noticed this and have frozen the activity. account. You need to click on the “Restore” button and wait until the confirmation code is sent to your phone. Please keep in mind that in this case the real VK.COM website will not ask you to provide your mobile phone number:

And even more so, they won’t ask you for money to unlock it. If you are faced with this fact, then know that it is a virus. Download and install some good antivirus and check the system disk with it.

After the malicious script or program is found and neutralized, access to My VKontate page will be restored again.

In any case, if something seems suspicious to you and you want to check it, just go to the social network from your tablet, phone or other computer. Based on the result, it will immediately become clear what the reason is and what needs to be done. All the best!!!