VKontakte social network chameleon anonymizer. Which free anonymizers are best to choose? What is TOR

Using this article, you can access a blocked site through an anonymizer in just two clicks. This method is the best because you only need to enter the domain of the blocked site, and the online program will do the rest.

What is an anonymizer

This computer program or a script for browsers. The whole point is that Roskomnadzor blocks sites for Russian IPs. That is, in Russia, if you go to a blocked site, you will not be allowed in, but a user from France, with the IP of that country, can easily access this resource.

So the anonymizer changes your IP to some other non-Russian one. And then everything becomes in order and you can come in freely. Another question is if the hosting has blocked the site, then no anonymizers will help.

Popular anonymizers

I will analyze the three most popular anonymizers on this moment which I use myself. I will experiment on two sites that are currently blocked.

  1. new-rutor.org is my favorite torrent tracker
  2. nnm-club.me is a cool portal with a large library of files and articles.

To bypass this lock you need to use one of the methods, I choose an anonymizer.

Access a blocked site using the anonymizer proxfree.com

The easiest way for everyone is to access a blocked site through the anonymizer proxfree.com, all attempts were successful. In order to open a blocked site, go to proxfree.com and enter the domain name and click proxfree.

After clicking, the server will connect its fake IPs and successfully access the site. Since the tool is free, it inserts its own advertisements, don’t worry, everything is fine.

Second unblocksit.es

The domain zone unblocksit.es is not Russian, but the site is in our language. Everything is the same, go in, enter the domain, check the “I’m not a robot” checkbox and unlock.

Third cameleo.xyz (chameleon)

The most famous is cameleo.xyz. It doesn’t work well, I only logged into Rutorg the fifth time. Go ahead and enter the domain in the field.

Then you can freely browse the site. It works very poorly and not always; this anonymizer is more suitable for social networks, for example, Odnoklassniki, logging in under the guise of another person with a different IP.

These three sites are still working, they are very often blocked, so I will supplement the article with new ones and delete old ones.

So you have learned how to access a blocked site through an anonymizer in three ways, and absolutely free. And also a video, watch the lesson.

Anonymizer chameleon for any website - best service in order to open access to closed sites. Free, popular and easy to use...

Hello dear readers. Has your robot boss blocked access to social networks? Can't access the site due to stupid geo-restrictions? It’s okay, today I’ll talk about a service that unlocks all the doors on the Internet that lead to forbidden content. Anonymizer Chameleon for any site is the savior. The service is completely free and is very popular.

For those who are hearing about anonymizers for the first time, I will explain the essence of their work. As you may know from visiting sites on the Internet, social media doesn’t matter. networks, forums or chats, we transfer into the hands of the owners some information about ourselves: IP address, browser name, provider, etc. So, an anonymizer is a service that works on the principle of a proxy server, allowing you to hide real information from site owners. Instead, they will find out the IP address and other data of the proxy server, and there will be no traces leading to you.

This approach to visiting sites allows you not only to access restricted content, but also to protect your data from reaching the competent authorities. In our time, this is especially relevant, because the so-called Yarovaya package right and left restricts or, in general, closes access to sites, due to allegedly extremist activities that can harm security Russian Federation. Even an ordinary person on the Runet can go to prison if he leaves a comment that is objectionable to the government. Simply put, you can be punished for simply expressing your opinion in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Anonymizer Chameleon open any blocked site

The great popularity of the service has given rise to a huge number of similar resources, which were created with only one purpose - to deceive user data. In order not to fall for the bait of scammers, write the correct address of the chameleon anonymizer website - cameleo.ru.

By clicking on the correct link, you will see in front of you a site that is simple in appearance and also easy to use, in the very center of which is located address bar, it’s hard not to notice. In order to go to the site we need, we need to enter its address into this very line and click the “Go” button.

How to check whether the anonymizer works, acting as an intermediary between us and the site or not? To do this, when going to the desired resource, pay attention to the address, it should look like something like this - http://o5swell2mfzgcytporxwwltjnztg6.cmle.ru/. This is what our website address looks like.

The advantages of proxy servers are obvious, let's better talk about the disadvantages, and there are some:

  • If you download a free anonymizer to your computer, then there is a chance that when installing it, viruses will enter your computer.
  • When going to social sites through an anonymizer, some functions may not be available to you: comments, voting, etc.
  • The risk of your personal information being stolen if you use an unreliable anonymizer.

The Chameleon service is not subject to all these shortcomings, which is why I recommend it for use. A simple and intuitive website design, more than decent robot speed, make the Chameleon anonymizer one of the best in Runeti, if not the best.

Friends, this is all I wanted to tell you today. , participate in ours and may luck accompany you.

Best regards, Stein David.

What, and now you can’t log into your social network account? Then an anonymizer for VKontakte (Odnoklassniki and other social networks) will help you. Let's figure out what it is.

It's no secret that most people visit social networks from computers at work. Those. Instead of working and benefiting our employer, we communicate on VKontakte and classmates, look for music, videos, etc. there.

Of course, this state of affairs does not suit our boss and he resorts to various measures to block our access to social networks.

Usually, the system administrator is simply given a command to close access to social networks from all PCs. The system administrator adds these sites to the list of prohibited sites and thereby blocks our access.

There is a solution - an anonymizer

There is a way out of this situation - an anonymizer that will allow us to secretly visit any sites.

What is an anonymizer? It is a specialized tool that hides data about the user and his PC on the Internet.

Such a tool could be a specialized software, or a special Internet site.

In most cases regular users use exactly these sites. Because they are very easy to use and widespread.

Such sites are called proxy servers. Proxy servers, also known as anonymizers, work as intermediary sites.

You just need to go to one of these anonymizers and enter your VKontakte address. And the proxy will redirect you there, but incognito for your system administrator.

The big advantage of proxies is that most of them are free.

Harmful system administrators

I wrote above that you will visit your favorite Vkontatka incognito, and the admin will not know anything. In fact, I was lying, admins are not fools either, and it’s not in vain that they get paid.

Sooner or later he will discover that you are using an anonymizer and will block him too. What to do?

Yes, everything is simple, as I wrote above, such sites a large number of. When one suddenly stops working, you just need to switch to another and that’s it.

Chameleon is one of the most popular anonymizers for VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. It is well known for its unique ability to disguise your Internet activities.

Moreover, it is completely free. So enjoy it for your health. It is available at cameleo.xyz

Also, for completeness of information, I bring to your attention a list of free anonymizers known to me.

cameleo.xyz - Chameleon - a free anonymizer for VKontakte.
daidostup.ru is a free proxy server for VKontakte.
katruk.ru/2 is another free anonymizer for the VKontakte website.
serqus.ru/2 - you can bypass the blocking of the VKontakte site through this anonymizer for free.
berock.ru/2 - a free anonymizer for full use of a contact if you are blocked.
raders.ru/2 - anonymizer for any sites.
razard.ru/2 - another Proxy Server
zerfod.ru/2 - free anonymizer in VKontakte.
gredor.ru/2 - a good anonymizer vkontakte.ru for free.
arkhaim.ru/ - free access to a blocked contact (vkontakte.ru).
vesvrabote.ru - 17 days of free use
v.antiblock.ru/ - anti-blocking for contact.

The Chameleon anonymizer for VKontakte allows you to quickly visit this site for free. It is easy to use and does its job perfectly. But why use an anonymizer?

Let's study the probable reasons for using anonymizers:

  • Blocking at the provider level.
  • You need to use VK without restrictions at work.
  • Other blockages that prevent you from visiting the site.

At the moment, VK is blocked at the level of providers in Ukraine. Anonymizers can be used to bypass restrictions. They change the data so that the destination site cannot be determined.

There is another option - VPN. How does this technology work?

  1. The traffic is sent to a server in another country.
  2. The entrance already occurs from it.
  3. The provider sees that the traffic is going to a foreign server, but cannot determine the destination site.

VPN can be used comfortably not only on a computer, but also on a smartphone. You will need to download a suitable program from the official store to install on your phone.

The Chameleon anonymizer for VKontakte is also necessary when restricted at work. Administrators often block access to social networks. What is it for?

  • This saves employees time.
  • Specialists will not visit websites and chat with friends instead of doing work.
  • It is possible to increase labor productivity.

We strongly advise against using mirrors if visiting social networks is prohibited by your superiors. When you are caught chatting with friends, you cannot avoid a reprimand and a fine. Is visiting VK worth such a high risk? You'll have to decide for yourself.

Mirror Chameleon

Chameleon is one of the popular anonymizers. It has a number of advantages:

  1. Easy to use.
  2. You can quickly log in.
  3. Provided free of charge.
  4. Works stably.
  5. Unlike VPN, there is no significant drop in speed. But users still often note a decrease in parameters.
  6. You can go not only to VK, but also to other portals.
  7. You can visit sites anonymously and increase your security.

The disadvantage of this option is that services can also be blocked. If your System Administrator has enough knowledge, then rest assured that he will soon restrict entry to VKontakte through the anonymizer Chameleon mirror.

In the future you will have to look for another service or more complex ways bypass the blocking. Therefore, you should not rely solely on this method, it is not a panacea.

How to enter through the Chameleon mirror

Has your system administrator started blocking anonymizers yet? Then you can use Chameleon. Required:

  • Go to cameleo.xyz.
  • Select a site. IN in this case VC.
  • The page is navigated.
  • Please login.
  • The portal is entered.

The whole procedure takes no more than a minute. The anonymizer quickly replaces data to bypass various restrictions. In the future, you can fully use the site and there will be no difficulties.

Important: Chameleon cannot be used to perform actions that are prohibited by the laws of the Russian Federation. This fact is described in the service rules. In case of violation, the anonymizer has the right to release all information at the request of law enforcement agencies. After identifying the user's location, you can wait for guests.

Anonymizer without restrictions

Not only can you log into VK through the Chameleon anonymizer. There are many other services to use:

  1. proxy.org
  2. hideme.ru
  3. 2ip.ru/proxy
  4. dostupest.ru

There are dozens of services available online. But it’s worth using reliable anonymizers that you can be completely confident in.

Rating: 4.1 out of 5
Votes: 11

On July 30, 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law prohibiting in Russia the use of technologies for accessing blocked sites, that is, anonymizers and VPNs ( the federal law dated July 29, 2017 No. 276-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Information” information technology and on information protection“) In other words, anonymizers and VPN services It is prohibited to provide access to sites blocked in Russia by a court decision or Roskomnadzor.

Chameleon(cameleo.ru) - a free anonymizer, a service for visiting blocked sites VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc. Very often, Internet users have problems accessing popular sites. The causes of problems vary, from sites being blocked by viruses through a file, to access to entertainment sites being disabled in offices. To bypass all these restrictions, you can use a special service - Chameleon. In order to access any site through an anonymizer, just enter the site address and press the GO button. For greater user convenience, Chameleon offers a quick links option. To go to the desired site, you just need to click on the link with its name. The service's quick links include the following sites: odnoklassniki.ru, vkontakte.ru, dating.ru, loveplanet.ru and mamba.ru.

What is an anonymizer? This is a special service (site) that allows you to anonymously visit any site. The connection to the desired site is not carried out directly, but through an anonymizer. In this case, from the point of view of the virus or the administrator, you are not viewing VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, but the anonymizer’s website.

Below you can watch a video about how to use these services (using the Chameleon site as an example), what they are, and how to find them on the Internet.

Review address:

Comments and reviews: 25

1. Oleg 15.05.2011
Anonymizers are sometimes very helpful, but I still wouldn’t take their use so lightly. All data you receive through anonymirez goes through it. And these are your passwords and personal correspondence, etc. Who creates them and why is the question.

2. Dmitry 23.05.2011
Administrators are not fools; when looking at logs of sites visited, they will quickly notice that the same site is visited frequently. Having visited the site, the administrator quickly figures out what it is and why they use it. So you won’t be able to use the same anonymizer for a long time. But the good news is that there are many such services.
As for viruses, many of them, in addition to blocking VKontakte, also block some popular anonymizers.

3. Tftyana Kochergina 02.06.2011
I was hacked and I have a lot of personal information there, please send me the password so that I can go there again! Thank you in advance!!!

There, there... not very informative.
If you have been hacked, use the password recovery system that is available on any normal website. In any case, only the support service of the service you are using will help you restore access.

5. Svetlana 04.08.2011
I also sometimes use such anonymizers at work, but after using them I often can’t log into my page and it shows that my profile is temporarily blocked! Now I am tormented by the question, can my page be hacked after visiting through an anonymizer?

If you use normal Anonymizers there will be no problems. But do not forget that all your personal data is transmitted through Anonymizer, so you should not abuse it.

but after them I often can’t access my page; it shows that my profile is temporarily blocked!

Did you happen to download anything to your computer before?

6. Lyudmila Shirnina 07.08.2011
I can't access the page

Which page of cameleo.ru anonymizer?

7.melani 30.08.2011
Tell me, I wanted to add photos to Odnoklassniki, but I can’t, what should I do?

8. Elizabeth 31.08.2011
What to do if the "Filter Avoidance" web category is blocked? how to get in touch now???? =)

9. Katerina 04.09.2011
Please give me a list of various working anonymizers for entering the site vkontakte.ru, since chameleon was blocked a few days ago.

I really suspect that many of them are not working. Check

Alternatively, you can try a good, time-tested anonymizer http://hidemyass.com
True, he is very famous and many straightforward admins know about him.

11. Sveta 14.10.2011
After Chamelenon at the entrance" in the usual way"A window appears in contacts and classmates asking you to indicate the phone number to which the SMS code will be sent (megaphone is not supported). What should I do? How to disable it?

12. SolodovNik 14.10.2011
A couple of days ago I tried to log into VKontakte through the Chameleon anonymizer (cameleo.ru) and saw the following message:

"You are trying to log in as *** from an unusual location.

To confirm that you are indeed the owner of the page, please provide the last 4 digits of the phone number to which the page is linked."

Then I tried to log in directly through the site Vkontakte.ru, I logged in normally. I actually have a phone number linked to my account.

Sveta, most likely your number is not linked and the contact is asking for it as protection. After all, in order to cover up their backside, hackers are trying to act through all sorts of proxy servers and anonymizers. You just need to link your number, it's free.

Although of course the logic of VKontakte is strange. You never know where the user can come from, it’s his business. Apparently the contact is able to determine that they came from an anonymizer, and not just from another computer, and he doesn’t like it.

13. Inga 21.10.2011
I can’t open classmates with photos on the page

15. Olya 13.11.2011
I can’t send photos to VKontakte. They won’t load, please tell me what to do?

16. rus 36 13.11.2011
After using Chameleon, it is better to change the password right away... why? This is already clear, free cheese only.

17. Mikhail 29.01.2012
The protection doesn’t even allow the chameleon(((what should I do?? I tried other programs, it doesn’t work...
Access is denied.
Setting up access control does not allow you to fulfill your request.
-that's what he writes...

Chameleon is a very famous anomizer. Administrators know about it. The solution is to use less well-known services(at your own peril and risk), or use paid services on the "Access Is" website.

18. Denis 22.02.2012
I can’t listen to music from a contact, it won’t play, tell me what to do

You cannot watch videos or listen to online radio or music through the anonymizer. It loads the page, but does not broadcast its media content, since it simply cannot cope with such a volume of traffic.

19. Valeria 25.02.2012
I can’t log into my contacts and classmates as soon as I start entering my login a sign pops up
Account Validation
Enter your phone number.
Phone number: +7

Your phone number is needed so that we can send you a confirmation code and make sure that you are a real person!

VKontakte guarantees that information about your number will under no circumstances be disclosed or transferred to third parties. This measure was taken in order to protect users from automated spam bots.

Having access to the specified number, you can always recover the password to your page.

The service is not available to Megafon subscribers in some regions.
What should I do

1. Make sure that you are offered to enter the number on the VKontakte website, and not on a similar one.
2. Link your phone number to the profile, there are no other options.

20. Byafya 02.07.2012
Tell me how to disable the aninomizer on your phone, otherwise it’s eating up a lot of money

Here we describe a site that provides anonymizer services absolutely free.

Apparently you used some kind of service that charges money for its service (subscription to a service via SMS). Find it on the website whose services you used Terms of use(usually at the bottom in small, inconspicuous font) and read it carefully, everything should be written there.

Never indicate your numbers mobile phones on sites offering some services. 99% that you will be signed up for a paid service.

21. Karina 15.08.2012
I can bet. You can leave your phone number. As soon as you receive the code, enter it where necessary and that’s it. Then we call the operator and tell them to turn off the “short number” service.

22. Roman 20.09.2012
Anonymizers are both useful and safe. The second, of course, does not apply to all anonymizers, but only to those that you install yourself on your own hosts. For example, I did exactly this - I installed an anonymizer on my website and calmly use it.

Not everyone, not everyone, has knowledge of how servers and server scripts work. For many people the usual line in hosts file, which contains the command “vk.com” is an insurmountable barrier to accessing the Vkontakte site.

23. Yayaya 22.09.2014
all these anonymizers are bullshit, they won’t let you into any of them

24. Vlad 18.03.2016
Who knows for 100% - Gebnya can figure out the user if he uses the chameleon cameleo.RU?43

http://cameleo.ru/terms.html - Terms of use of the service

The rules are very simple:
The service is NOT intended for:
- DoS attack
- Hacking sites
- Publishing messages that defame others
as well as for any other activity that violates:
- Laws of the Russian Federation
- Rules of the site you are viewing

If these rules are violated, we reserve the right to disclose information about the violator at the request of law enforcement agencies or the injured party.
Using this service, you agree to comply with these rules.

25. Alexey 14.09.2016
I went to Diaccess today and saw the following message:
Resource is blocked
Sorry, but requested content was blocked.

I don’t understand why he was blocked? This is not a torrent site or a political portal. Just a harmless service that sometimes helped a lot.