VKontakte login and registration is instant. How to register on VKontakte for free: with or without a mobile phone

How to register on VKontakte for free - in this short article the material is presented in the most accessible and understandable form. Want to do it right now? Let's get started then!

So, to register on VKontakte you need:

Your mobile phone number. Because registration without SMS, unfortunately, is now impossible. However, this is not only in VK :)



Enter your first and last name. It’s up to you to decide whether they are real or not :) After which, click on “Register”.


At the top right, click on the “Complete Registration” tab.

Good to know. This is the shortest way to register on VKontakte. You can skip the rest of the steps now, and then fill out the form slowly :-).


Enter your mobile phone number and click the “Get code” button.


When the SMS arrives, enter the received code in the field "Confirmation code" and click "Submit Code".


There is now a new “Password” field

Create a password, enter it in this field and then -
“Log in to the site.”

ADVICE. On the one hand, it is better to make the password more complex.
How more complex password, the more difficult it is to hack VK. On the other hand, it should be such that you yourself can
it's easy to remember. Be sure to remember your username and password! Better write it down somewhere!
To write good password, you can do this:
switch keyboard to English language, then enter some word in Russian.
For example, the word “coffee maker” would be written “rjatdfhrf”. This password is easy to remember and very difficult to crack. And even better, even more reliable, like this: “coffee28654brew”, in the English layout, of course.

However, this advice is perhaps outdated. If you are going to get in touch with mobile device, it's better not to use
Russian letters on an English layout are inconvenient. But... try harder! 🙂 After all, whatever one may say, we are talking about your safety and comfort :)

Dear users, I welcome you to today's article. Nowadays it is quite difficult to meet a person who does not have a page on VKontakte. The most popular Russian network meets people of different ages.

Well, if you just came to Russia and want to know how to register in contact, and also understand how registration generally takes place, then I will explain everything to you in detail. The process is quite simple and takes no more than 5 minutes. However, in addition to the usual registration, I want to look at a more complex question - how to register in a contact without a phone, that is, make an account without specifying a mobile phone number.

Reference! In Russia, SIM cards are sold per passport, that is, one SIM card per person. But sometimes we need to create a second page in social network, and the work number is already busy. I will not describe the reasons for creating an additional account. The process will follow my example.

Method No. 1

It is assumed that your mobile number is free and the page is not linked to it. So, let's move on to the instructions.

We go to the website vk.com of the social network. On the right side of the screen you will see a window for authorization - entering your login and password. We don’t have it yet, so we look in the lower right part - there is a registration window there, it looks like this:

Looking ahead, I will just say that I will describe the login process via Facebook later. Enter your first and last name - it is recommended to provide real data; according to the rules of the social network, you cannot enter pseudonyms instead of first and last names. You may be asked to change this information in the future. Next, enter your date of birth. If necessary, this item can be hidden after creating an account. Now click the “Register” button.

All you have to do is enter your mobile phone number and click the “Request Code” button. Please provide a real number. In a couple of seconds you will receive a message with a code on your phone - enter it in the appropriate field. After this, the site will redirect you to the created page. Done, master the social network, but don’t forget about real life! Next, I suggest you consider how to register with a contact through a mobile application.

It is not necessary to register in the browser on personal computer– you can perform the process in mobile application. First, download it from the desired store. For Android it will be " Google Play", for iOS - " App Store", for Windows Phone - " Windows Store" Just type VK in the search bar. After that, download and install the application on your phone or tablet.

We go into it, the system will prompt you to enter your login and password. Since we don’t have an account yet, we click the “Register” button. Enter real data - first name, last name, year of birth. We confirm our actions and go to the second window - here you should enter your phone number. In a few seconds you will receive an SMS with a confirmation code. Enter it and go to your account, you're done! Now it’s the turn to find out how to register in a contact without specifying a phone number

Method No. 2

Don't be intimidated by the number of steps - just follow the instructions and compare your steps with the screenshots.

I’ll say right away that now you can register through email will not work. To improve security, the developers decided to remove this feature. And this approach brought a positive result - the level of fraud, as well as the level of fake accounts, decreased. As a result, the load on the servers dropped significantly.

You can’t register by email, one page is already linked to your SIM card, what should you do?

To do this, you can use a virtual telephony server to receive an SMS with a confirmation code. I recommend using the “Pinger” service for this; accordingly, an example will be shown there.

Registering with Pinger (Textfree Web)

We go to the service website http://www.pinger.com/tfw/ Click on the “Create account” button. After this we will need to enter the data.

As you can see, there is no Russian version, so here is the filling scheme:

Username – This is what you will then enter to log into Pinger.

Password - everything is simple here.

Password confirmation

Email - please indicate real address, since a confirmation code will be sent to it.

Gender (male – man, female – woman).

Captcha is a code that confirms that you are not a robot.

Confirm button.

Now watch your own virtual number– it is located in the upper right corner:

Select this number and click on it right click mice - in context menu you must select the “Copy” item. You can also press “Ctrl+C” on the highlighted number. Great, now we have a phone number to register another page, let's move on to the social network site.

VK registration process

We go to the page of the social network VK. Here you need to go through the usual registration procedure - in the lower right corner there is a window for entering personal data - first name, last name, date of birth. Fill out all the fields and click the “Register” button.

Now we will be taken to the page for specifying a phone number - copy our virtual number received from the Pinger service into this window. Next, click the “Get code” button. Go to the Pinger website. An SMS from the social network should appear in the message window - enter this code in the appropriate field and click the “Confirm” button.

Done, now you can fully use the new page. As you can see, the process is quite simple, if you have any difficulties creating a page on VK, then read the first instructions - the screenshots will help you quickly create a page.

Additionally – use Facebook to log in

You've probably noticed that you can log into VKontakte without registering - to do this, you need to click the "Log in via Facebook" button. Click this button and then log in to your Facebook account. After this, a window will appear in which it is written that the VKontakte social network will have access to email and other data of your account, click on the “Continue” button.

Your first and last name in Contact will be exactly the same as on Facebook. As for Pinger, you can also log in via Facebook - the process follows exactly the same pattern. But as practice shows, even logging into VK via Facebook requires linking a mobile phone. Accordingly, your account on an American social network is most likely linked to a valid mobile number. I am attaching the following video to today’s article:

So, concluding today’s post - How to register on VKontakte, it is worth saying that before the authorization process was much simpler. But if you try, you can get around the restrictions today. In addition to Pinger, there are other services that allow you to get a virtual mobile phone number. Pinger seemed the simplest to me, so I decided to make instructions on it. Now I have a second page, it definitely won’t be superfluous. In any case, I know that you can have more than one page on the VK social network.

For some time now, the social network has tightened its rules registering new accounts, making it mandatory to link to mobile phone.

Now you must use your phone number when registering.

Those who are interested in how to register in contact via email you will have to disappoint - such an opportunity no longer exists.

Note! VKontakte administration has excluded the possibility of registration account through only one mailbox in 2012. This decision was dictated by security considerations and optimization of the social network. Due to the tightening of the rules, the number of registered accounts has decreased - the level of fraud and the load on the servers have decreased.

In any case, there is still a way to register an account without using your own phone number.

To do this you will need to use a server virtual telephony to receive SMS messages.

Proovl SMS

Pinger allows you to get a virtual number to which you can receive messages.

Pinger registration process

So, how to register in contact if there is already a page? First you need to visit the service page.

We won’t need a form to log in for an existing user yet, so you need to select the “Create account” option.

Important! To fully use the service you will need a fresh Flash version Player.

Selecting this option will direct the user to a page with a registration form.

Be afraid that all the points are not in English, even though the browser translator will not translate them. In any case, there is no Russian version of the service.

Fill this form necessary as follows:

  1. Username, which will subsequently become the login for logging into the service.
  2. Unique secure password, which you will also need to log in.
  3. Password confirmation.
  4. E-mail address to receive notifications and restore access in emergency situations.
  5. Mandatory agreement with the terms of use of the service
  6. A verification code that confirms that the user is not a robot.
  7. Account creation button.

If you fill out the fields incorrectly or do not confirm your agreement with the terms of use and privacy policy of the resource, then registration will be impossible.

For this you will need:

  1. Enter postcode(this site will help you find out).
  2. Select your gender (Male – man, Female – woman).
  3. Indicate age (it is better to indicate age over 18 years).
  4. Click the button to search for the most suitable phone number.

After this, the system will select numbers for some time.

As a result, a list of them will appear. You need to select one from those offered and confirm your choice with the “Confirm” button.

The choice occurs once, after which it is impossible to change the number for a specific account.

After this, the system will offer to publish news about the acquisition of virtual mobile number On the page Facebook. This choice is optional, so you can simply click “Cancel”.

After this, a page with a message manager will open. There will be a field in the center of the screen. In which received messages will be displayed.

There will be an update button above it (useful if the message does not arrive for a long time).

To view your own virtual phone number, gently press the “Options” button. It will be indicated at the top of the form, in the “Phone number” column.

It can be selected and copied to the clipboard (Ctrl+C).

It is only important not to copy anything after this, otherwise the number will be erased from the buffer and you will have to copy it again.

Registration in VK without a phone number

Now you can proceed to registering an account on a social network. To do this you need to open home page and click “Registration” in the middle of the screen or under the login form.

The first thing you need to do is choose a first and last name. They will be real or an alias - the user’s personal choice.

You just need to remember that the administration blocks frankly fictitious names.

The next step is to indicate the country and city of residence. The veracity of this information also remains at the discretion of the user who is registering.

And finally, the reason for registering with Pinger – confirmation by phone number:

  1. In the country selection field, you must indicate the country with the code of which the newly created virtual number begins (in in this case this is the USA, code +1).
  2. Then enter the phone number in international format.
  3. Click the button to receive a verification code.

A line will appear under the form in which you must enter the received code. You can view it on the Pinger page created in the first part of the instructions.

The social network VK is one of the most popular. The number of users is increasing, but at the same time the number of bots and fake accounts is increasing significantly. To solve this problem, the VKontakte administration decided to enter the number during the registration process personal phone, which not everyone liked. Users began to decide how to create a page on VK without a phone number 2020, and began to look for and develop registration options without a phone number.

  1. Increased security level. If you link a phone number to your profile, bots that send spam will not be able to perform such actions. At the same time, possible account hacking is completely prevented.
  2. Linking to your phone allows you to use convenient mobile version networks.

The developers have planned to gradually abandon registration by email, to which profiles were previously linked. All this is aimed at significantly increasing safety.

Is it possible to register in VK without a phone number?

There is no exact answer; you will still have to enter your phone number - personal or registered on special resources. It is possible to leave this field blank, but in this case the user will not be able to access certain resource capabilities. Among the most important of them are:

  • Sending messages online is prohibited;
  • It is forbidden to add as friends;
  • You can join a variety of communities.

If the resource is used to listen to music and watch videos and films, registration without using a phone is quite enough. In all other cases, you will need to register a phone number or resort to other effective methods when deciding how to register in VK without a phone number 2020.

How to register on VKontakte without a phone number via mail in 2020

On this moment three methods are used free registration creating a personal profile on VK without using a phone. This could be the creation of fake fake phones, you can log in through Facebook or through a virtual phone received on the site. Each option has its own individual characteristics and should be considered separately.

Using a fake number

The essence of this technique is based on the use of a normal phone number in the process of creating a profile. You can take not your number, but friends or relatives. Users are given the opportunity to contribute not only mobile phone, but stationary. A special robot will call your phone and indicate the registration code. This is a more advantageous method, as it allows you to register a large number of profiles and pages using just one phone.

Important! This method is quite risky; if information from an account is lost, it is not easy to completely restore it.

Experts advise using a similar technique if you plan to activate an additional, but not the main profile.

Registration via Facebook

VKontakte is a Russified resource. The owners of Mailru are trying to gradually reach the demand of other countries by establishing cooperation with other foreign social networks.

VK provides the opportunity to register via Facebook only for users from other countries, so in the process of activating the profile you will need to use a special anonymizer.

One of the most popular applications of this kind is Chameleon. Registration via Facebook follows a relatively simple procedure.

Through the installed anonymizer, you need to click “login via Facebook”. In this case, you must have an account on this social network. Next, you need to follow the steps indicated in the registration instructions. The technique also has its own certain risks - this is the inability to recover accidentally lost profile information.

Registration with virtual phone

This is the most difficult method of solving the question of how to create an account on VK without a phone number 2020. You can use a special pringer.com as an assistant. With its help, the question of whether it is possible to add a new user to the system is resolved. It is not possible to make calls, but you can receive SMS messages. To activate a new account, perform the following sequence of actions:

The number on the network is issued and assigned forever. If the code from the entrance to new account is issued forever, it can be changed to a virtual phone. Services providing virtual phone numbers, is getting bigger. You can get a phone not only on Pringer, but on other similar portals Room5, Kontiki, Bizo, Kendo UI. They help in solving the problem of how to register in VK without a phone number 2020.

Summing up

Despite established restrictions, users can completely bypass the administrative system of VK and register without entering a phone number, solve the problem of how to “register” for free and very quickly from a computer right now and create an account and page in VK. If you follow the instructions presented, you can get a new account or several, completely free of charge. Of all the presented methods, it is better to give preference to the one that uses a virtual phone number. This will protect against unauthorized actions.