All about the float property. All about the float property Horizontal navigation with unordered lists

The Float property is a significant and powerful asset for web developers working with HTML and CSS. On the other hand, it can be frustrating and confusing if you don't fully understand how this property works.

Translation of the article CSS Floats 101. Original

Also, in the past, due to some pretty nasty bugs in the browser, it was normal to be nervous when using the property float in your sets CSS rules. But let's calm our nerves and try to ease the disappointment. I'll show you exactly what the float property does to your elements and how to use it conveniently.

We see floats every day in the print world when we look at a magazine article with an image positioned to the left or right and text nicely arranged around it. In the HTML/CSS world, text will wrap an image depending on the float property that is applied to that image. Using the float property on an image is just one of many examples. As another example, using the float property, we can very easily make a popular two column layout. In fact, you can apply the float property to any element in your HTML. By learning and understanding the use of the float property, along with the position property, you can feel comfortable and confident when creating any layout.

Definition of float

Let's start by defining what is float.

Float is a box that moves right or left along the current line. The most interesting characteristic of a float is that content can flow along its side. When applying the float: left property, the content will flow down the box on the right side and similarly with float: right - down on the left side.

The float property has 4 values ​​that we can apply: left , right , inherint and none . Each meaning is pretty clear. For example, if you use float: left on an element, it will move to the leftmost border relative to its parent element. And, if you specify float: right , then the element will similarly move to the right. The ihnerit value tells the element to inherit the property from its parent element. And the last value none is the default and says not to apply the property float to this element.

#container ( width: 960px; margin: 0 auto; ) #content ( float: left; width: 660px; background: #fff; ) #navigation ( float: right; width: 300px; background: #eee; ) #footer ( clear: both; background: #aaa; padding: 10px; )

Our #footer is stuck under the #navigation block. This happened because there is space for a #footer below the #navigation block and for the normal flow of block placement this is correct behavior. But this is absolutely not what we need, is it? I assume you already see the relationship between float and clear and understand how they complement each other.

If you have obsessive-compulsive disorder like me, you may have noticed the different heights of the #content and #navigation columns in Example F; There are several solutions, but this is beyond the scope of this article. I highly recommend reading Faux Columns by Dan Cederholm to learn how to make blocks the same height, regardless of the content inside.

Float first

So far we've seen some pretty simple examples that don't create many headaches. There are, however, a few pitfalls to be aware of when using the float property. Surprisingly, one of the biggest pitfalls has less to do with CSS and more to do with HTML. Placing your floated element inside your HTML can lead to different results. Take a look at Example H.

Here we have a small block that has an image with a float:right property and text surrounding it. Our CSS looks like this:

#container ( width: 280px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px; background: #aaa; border: 1px solid #999; ) img ( float: right; )

Our parent #container element has a narrow width and keeps our floated element (the image) within its borders. Our HTML code looks like this:

This example gives us the desired result, but what if we take and rearrange some elements in the HTML? In Example I I moved after the text

This is some text contained within a small-ish box. I"m using it as an example of how placing your floated elements in different orders in your HTML can affect your layouts. For example, take a look at this great photo placeholder that should be sitting on the right.

Our result is not what was expected. Our image has moved to the right, but is no longer in top corner as we want, but fell down under the paragraph; Even worse, it sticks out from the bottom of our parent #container element. What's happening?

Firstly. My rule that I found for myself is to float elements first. In my HTML, I almost always add floated elements at the beginning of the markup, and before any non-floated elements that my floated ones will interact with, such as the paragraph in the example above. In most cases this gives a positive result

Secondly. The reason the image appears to be sticking out from the bottom of our #container block is due to something called collapsing. Let's talk about collapsing and solutions.


Collapsing is when an element that has any number of floated elements will not expand its borders around its nested elements as it would if the nested elements were not floated.

Now let's try to fix this with using CSS instead of adding additional HTML markup to our document, as we did before. There is a method that allows a parent element to "apply" the clear property after all floated elements. For this purpose it is used CSS property overflow with the value hidden . Please note that the overflow property was not intended to be used this way and may cause some problems, such as hiding content or causing an unwanted scrollbar to appear. For our example, however, we will still apply the overflow: hidden property to our parent #container element:

#container ( overflow: hidden; width: 260px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px 0 10px 10px; background: #aaa; border: 1px solid #999; )

And finally, Eric Meyer explains a third solution to this problem in his article Containing Floats. According to CSS Spec 2.1:

an element with the float property will expand its borders to floated elements inside.

So, by applying the float property to #container , our container will contain our image and paragraph, similar to the methods described above.

Ultimately, all of these solutions do the same thing. They force parent elements to count their floated elements into the flow. Each method has its own advantages and benefits. You must understand each of them and then apply the ones that will work best for your situation.


By using the float property you can significantly improve your technique for arranging elements. Understanding how a given property works and what influences its behavior will give you a solid foundation for using float effectively.

Formatting cascading tables). This language has existed since 1996 and is still evolving. On this moment developers are already using the third version of CSS. Using the CSS programming language, it is possible to create a completely beautiful and pleasant website that will not seem outdated or inconvenient for the user, even if you do not use JavaScript at all. The modern capabilities of the third version allow you to do this.

Developers can also use more convenient formatting options, such as Flexbox or Position to change the location of an element on the site, but first things first. First, you should understand the advantages and disadvantages of the Float property.

CSS Float - why is it needed?

Float is a property for positioning elements. Every day it can be seen on the pages of newspapers and magazines, looking at the pictures and text that very neatly flows around them. In the world of HTML and CSS code, the same thing should happen when using the Float function. But it is worth remembering that image editing is not always the main purpose of this function. It can be used to create a popular arrangement of site elements in two, three, four columns. In fact, the Float CSS property applies to almost any html element. Knowing the basics of editing the arrangement of elements using the Float function and then Property, creating any website design will not be difficult.

Special programs of layout designers can sometimes not notice images, but go on top of them. Quite similar things happen in web design, only taking into account that the text, instead of climbing onto the image, is displayed (if the Float property is used incorrectly) next to it or below it, but always not where the developer needs it.

CSS Float property description

In fact, knowing how to use the Float property is a very good ace up the sleeve for any web designer. But, unfortunately, a lack of understanding of how this function works can lead to collisions of site elements and other similar frustrations. Previously, similar situations also occurred due to bugs in browsers. Now the secret of how to properly use the Float property will be revealed, and no more problems should arise with this.

The Float property has four values:

  • Float:inherit;
  • Float:right;
  • float:left;
  • Float:none;

For those who know English, the values ​​of the Float property parameters should be clear. But for those who don't know, here's a little explanation. Parameter :left; Moves the element's body to the far left corner of the parent element. The same thing happens (only in the other direction) with the bcgjkmpjdfybb parameter :right;. Meaning :inherit; tells the element to take on the same settings as its parent. Such elements are also called child elements, since they are located directly inside the parent in the html code. A property :none; allows the element not to disrupt the normal flow of the document, it is set by default for all parts of the code.

How does Float work?

The Float CSS property works quite simply. Everything that was described above can be done without much difficulty. Then everything will be just as simple. But before we continue studying the Float property, it's worth understanding a little theory. Every element of a website is a block. You can easily verify this by opening the console in Google Chrome by pressing Ctrl + Shift + J. Text, title, image, links and all other components of the site will be displayed in blocks, just of different sizes. Initially, all these blocks come one after another. As you can see in the example below, the lines of code follow each other, so they will be displayed strictly one after another.

This is called normal flow. With this flow, all blocks lie on top of each other (without intersecting the bodies of the elements) vertically. Initially, all the content of a web page is located in this way. But when using, for example, the CSS Float Left language property, the element leaves its natural position on the page and is floated to the far left. This behavior inevitably leads to a collision with those elements that remain in the normal flow.

In other words, the elements, instead of being arranged vertically, are now next to each other. If the parent element has enough space so that it can accommodate two children inside itself, then a collision does not occur, but if not, then the overlap of one object with another is inevitable. This is extremely important to remember to understand how the CSS Float property works.

Clear function to solve problems

The Float function has a dear friend - Clear. Together they - Both of these functions complement each other and make the developer happy. As stated above, adjacent elements break out of their normal flow and begin to "float" as well, just like an element that has the Float property applied to it (for example, CSS Float Top). As a result, instead of one floating element, you get two, and not at all in the place where the developer intended to place them. From this moment all the problems begin.

The Clear function has five values:

  • :left;
  • :right;
  • :both;
  • :inherit;
  • none;

By analogy, you can understand when it is best to use the Clear function. If we have a line in the code Float:right;(CSS code is meant), then the function should be Clear:right;. The same applies to properties float:left; will complement it Clear:left;. When writing code Clear:both; It turns out that the element to which this function is applied will be located below the elements to which the Float function is applied. Inherit takes settings from the parent element, and none does not make any changes to the site structure. By understanding how the Float and Clear functions work, you can write unique and unusual HTML and CSS Float code that will make your website one of a kind.

Using Float to Create Columns

The Float property is especially useful when creating columns on a website (or centering CSS Float content on a web page). It is this code that is the most practical and convenient, so it is worth considering several options for creating a familiar site template consisting of two columns. For example, let's take a standard website with content on the left, a navigation bar on the right, a header, and a footer. The code will be like this:

Now we need to figure out what is written here. The parent element, which contains the main part of the html code, is called a container. It allows you to prevent elements to which the Float function is applied from scattering in different directions. If it were not there, then these elements would float to the very borders of the browser.

Then, in the code there are #content and #navigation. The Float function is applied to these elements. #content goes to the left and #navigation goes to the right. This is necessary to create a two-column site. It is necessary to specify the width so that the objects do not overlap each other. The width can also be specified as a percentage. This is even more convenient than in pixels. For example, 45% for #content and 45% for #navigation, and give the remaining 10% to the margin property.

The Clear property, which is located in #footer, prevents the footer from following #navigation and #content, but leaves it in the same place where it was. What can happen? if you don't specify the Clear property? In this code, #footer will simply go up and end up under #navigation. This will happen because #navigation has enough space to accommodate one more element. This visual example clearly shows how the Clear and Float properties complement each other.

Troubles you may encounter when writing code

The above examples are quite simple. But problems can arise with them too. In general, in fact, a lot of unexpected troubles can happen with the Float function. No matter how strange it may be, problems usually arise not with the CSS, but with the html code. The place where the element with the Float function is located in the html code directly affects the operation of the latter. In order to avoid various kinds of difficulties, it is best to adhere to simple rule- place elements with the Float function first in the code. This almost always works and minimizes their unexpected behavior.

Collision of elements

A collision occurs when a parent element containing multiple children cannot contain them all and they overlap each other. It even happens that elements may not be displayed, but disappear from the site. This is not a browser bug, but quite expected and proper behavior of elements with the Float function.

Because these elements are initially in normal flow and then disrupted by the Float property, the browser may remove them from the site page. However, do not despair, because the solution is simple and clear - use the Cear property. It is possible that of all the ways out of this problem, using Clear is the most effective.

But the problem of collision of web page elements can be solved in another way. There are at least two more ways:

  • using the Position function;
  • using Flexbox.

The Position function is sometimes a good alternative to CSS Float. When using Position, it is best to place images in the center of the web page. If you apply the values:absolute and:relative correctly, the elements will fall into place and will not overlap each other.

Analysis of the Position and Float function code

It’s worth taking a closer look at how to replace Float with Position in HTML and CSS code. It's actually very simple. Let's say there is a #container and a #div element.

In this example, using the (CSS Div) Float function in the second container will help create a standard two-column site. Never forget about the Clear function. Without it, you will only get elements superimposed on each other.

So how do you change your CSS and Float code to use Postion? Very simple:



In this case, #container and #div will take the position the developer needs in the parent element. Main? place #div and #container in one parent element that will match their sizes.

Flexbox - how will this feature help replace CSS Float?

Flexbox is the most advanced way to create websites at the moment, so this feature is not supported by older versions of browsers. This fact should not be discounted, because users with outdated versions of browsers will not be able to see the correct version of the site.

Flexbox is not a property, but a separate module. Therefore, flexbox supports a number of properties that work only with it. In addition, the display function, which has three parameters inline, block and inline-block in flexbox, has only one flex-flow left.

How does Flexbox work?

This technology will help the developer to easily align elements horizontally and vertically. Flexbox can also change the direction and order in which elements are displayed. This technology has two axes: Main axis and Cross axis, around which the entire Flexbox is built. It also removes the effect of the Float and Clear functions. It builds its system in code, in which it uses properties unique to it, so, unfortunately, it will not be possible to duplicate other properties, such as Float and Position, in elements. And this would be very useful, because, as mentioned above, Flexbox only works in new versions of browsers.

It's worth remembering that in the end, Position, Flexbox and Float do the same thing - create an unusual and original design for your site. Each option discussed in the article does this in its own way and therefore has both advantages and disadvantages. In addition, it happens that somewhere the Float function is perfect (for example, in a site with a simple structure), but somewhere it is better to use Position or Flexbox.

Double Margin Bug

However, sometimes, unfortunately, every developer has problems related not to the written code, but to bugs in a particular type of browser. For example, in Internet Explorer There is a bug called the Double Margin Bug. It multiplies the Margin parameter by two, which leads to displacement of site elements beyond the boundaries of the browser. To avoid this, just specify the Margin parameter as a percentage. Typically this bug occurs when the values ​​of the Margin and Float properties match.


This code will move the element in Internet Explorer 20 px to the left. You can change the code like this:


or so,


Both of these options will solve the problem of element displacement.

Browser bugs and incorrect display of the site

It is worth remembering that Internet Explorer is not the only browser in which bugs can occur. Old Google versions Chrome and Mozilla also display some elements of modern websites incorrectly. For each of these bugs, a solution can be found. In general, I would like to note that using Float will create an original and attractive website design. Understanding the basics and operating principles of this property will help you avoid mistakes and make life easier for any developer.

Determines which side the element will be aligned to, with other elements flowing around it on the other sides. When the float property is set to none , the element is rendered on the page as normal, but it is allowed that one line of wrapping text may be on the same line as the element itself.

brief information


float: left | right | none


<тип> Indicates the type of the value.<размер>
A && BThe values ​​must be output in the order specified.<размер> && <цвет>
A | BIndicates that you need to select only one value from the proposed ones (A or B).normal | small-caps
A || BEach value can be used independently or together with others in any order.width || count
Groups values.[ crop || cross ]
* Repeat zero or more times.[,<время>]*
+ Repeat one or more times.<число>+
? The specified type, word, or group is optional.inset?
(A, B)Repeat at least A, but no more than B times.<радиус>{1,4}
# Repeat one or more times separated by commas.<время>#


left Aligns the element to the left, and all other elements, such as text, flow around it to the right. right Aligns the element to the right, with all other elements flowing around it to the left. none The element's wrapping is not specified.


Winnie the Pooh was always not averse to a little refreshment, especially at eleven in the morning, because at that time breakfast had long ended, and lunch had not yet begun. And, of course, he was terribly happy to see that the Rabbit was taking out cups and plates.

img ( float: (( playgroundValue )) ; )



Behaviorism, no matter how paradoxical it may seem, illuminates the sublimated stimulus; for example, Richard Bandler used a change in submodalities to build effective states.

The result of this example is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Using the float property

Object model



In Internet Explorer 6, there is an issue with doubling the left or right padding value for floating elements that are nested within parent elements. The margin that is adjacent to the parent's side is doubled. The problem is usually solved by adding display: inline to the floated element. This browser also adds 3px padding (the so-called “three-pixel bug”) in the direction specified by the float value.


Each specification goes through several stages of approval.

  • Recommendation - The specification has been approved by the W3C and is recommended as a standard.
  • Candidate Recommendation ( Possible recommendation) - the group responsible for the standard is satisfied that it meets its goals, but requires help from the development community to implement the standard.
  • Proposed Recommendation Suggested Recommendation) - at this stage the document is submitted to the W3C Advisory Council for final approval.
  • Working Draft - A more mature version of a draft that has been discussed and amended for community review.
  • Editor's draft ( Editorial draft) - a draft version of the standard after changes were made by the project editors.
  • Draft ( Draft specification) - the first draft version of the standard.



The following notations are used in the browser table.

Today I will tell you about such an item parameter in CS:GO as float value or float value. This is a decimal number up to 1. The larger this number, the more scratched the item will look like. Why is it important to find out what float value an item has before purchasing?

Look, there were two for sale in the Steam Market today at approximately the same price. But one had float 0,54 , and the other 0,81 .

It’s immediately obvious that a rifle with less float looks much more attractive. I would even say that it looks worn rather than battle-hardened.

There are five states of items in total:

  • Battle-Scarred 1.00 – 0.44
  • Well-Worn 0.44 – 0.37
  • Field-Tested 0.37 – 0.15
  • Minimal Wear 0.15 – 0.07
  • Factory new 0.07 – 0.00

Accordingly, our AWP | Asimov (Battle-Scarred) with float value 0,57 looks similar to Worn.
Resellers are also chasing a good float value, since a good indicator of this parameter can almost double the price of some items.

So how do you find out the float value in CS:GO?

If you want to find out the float of items in your inventory, then the website will help you. Go to the site, click the login button using Steam and wait until the site loads your inventory (the more items, the longer it takes to load). Next, just point at the weapon and see the value.

How to view float value on the Market?

Not long ago I wrote a review of the plugin. So, another great feature of this plugin is determining the float of an item on the Market. After installing the plugin, a link appears next to each item “View on glws”, upon clicking on which you will be taken to a page where, among other things, the parameter is indicated "WEAR_FLOAT".

Floating is also enabled by default on sites for selling skins. Such as

In addition to viewing Float, I still advise you to view each item separately in the game or on the website

Thanks for reading the article. I hope it helped you. If this is the case, then I will be glad to receive any consumer goods as a donation using the link. Thank you .