All about the keyboard. Learning keyboard keys

The keyboard is used to enter information into the computer and provide control signals. It contains a standard set of alphanumeric keys and some additional keys - control and function keys, cursor control keys, as well as a small numeric keypad.

General concepts

Information entry point (cursor)- the symbol “|” flickering on the monitor screen, indicating the position in which the next character entered from the keyboard will be displayed.

The keyboard has a built-in buffer- small intermediate memory where entered characters are placed. All characters typed on the keyboard are immediately displayed on the monitor at the cursor position. However, if the system is busy, then the characters may not be immediately displayed on the screen, but placed in the keyboard buffer in order to display the entered characters on the screen after the system is released. If the keyboard buffer overflows, the key press will be accompanied by sound signal, meaning that the character was not entered (rejected).

The most common today is 105(7) - a keyboard with a key layout QWERTY(read “querti”), named after the keys located in the upper left row of the alphanumeric part of the keyboard.

Alphanumeric keys

The alphanumeric keys of the keyboard are designed for entering English and Russian letters, numbers, punctuation marks and some other symbols. To change the input language, click in the indicator area Taskbars on the keyboard indicator icon and select the desired language.

The language can also be changed using the keyboard. To do this, you usually use one of two keyboard shortcuts: Alt (left) + Shift or Ctrl + Shift.

Alphanumeric keys also enter characters from other national alphabets. For example, if you have the Belarusian language installed on your system, then most of the letters of the Belarusian language coincide with the arrangement of the letters of the Russian language. But there are also differences. They are presented in the following table:

Function keys

At the top of the keyboard are 12 function keys. F1-F12. Function keys may have different meanings in different applications. Here is an example of the actions that the key performs F5.

Note that in many programs, the key is used to get help (hints). F1.

Control keys

Control keys have the following purpose:

Enter- enter key. In word processors, pressing the Enter key ends the paragraph entry. When working, for example, in a folder window or Conductor pressing the Enter key performs the same functions as double click left mouse button (usually the default action is open).

Esc(escape - exit) a key to cancel any actions, for example, to exit a dialog box, menu, etc.

Key Alt used to select a command from the active application menu without using the mouse. By pressing the Alt key, the user accesses the first menu item of the active application. Further selection of the command is carried out using the movement keys ↓ ← → and pressing the key Enter. Key Alt widely used in combination with other keys. Here are some of them:

Key Ctrl has no independent meaning, but when pressed together with other alphabetic or control keys, it changes their action. Here are some examples of using such combinations:

Shift(register) - provides change the register of keys(top to bottom and vice versa). For example, pressing a key Shift Together with the alphabet key, it allows you to enter capital letters.

Insert(insert) - switches insertion modes (new characters are entered between those already typed, moving them apart) and replacement modes (old characters are mixed in with new ones).

Delete(delete) - deletes a character from a position to the right of the cursor (information entry point).

Back Space deletes the character in front of the cursor, i.e. to the left of the information entry position. Recall that the key Back Space located on the keyboard above the key Enter.

Tab - tab key, in text editors, ensures that the cursor moves to the right several positions at once until the next tab stop, in dialog boxes serves to move between different control elements.

Caps Lock - fixes uppercase, providing entering capital letters instead of lowercase letters. Note that the key Caps Lock Works only with letter keys and does not affect special character input.

Scroll Lock- used only in spreadsheets to scroll information without changing the active cell.

Print Screen- provides copying information, currently displayed on the screen in Clipboard.

Long bottom key untitled - intended for entering spaces (to separate words).

The Windows logo key displays Main menu Windows. In addition, it is used to execute some commands, a list of which is given in the table below:

Keyboard shortcut Purpose
Windows + Break Opening a dialog box Properties of the system
Windows + D or Windows + M Minimize all windows
Windows + Shift + M Restoring minimized windows
Windows + E Opening the My Computer window
Windows + F Search for a file or folder
Ctrl + Windows + F Search for computers
Windows + F1 Displaying Windows Help
Windows + L Lock the computer when connected to a domain or switch users if the computer is not connected to a domain
Windows + R Opening a dialog box Execute
Windows+U Opening Utility Manager

The key serves to call the context menu of the selected object, i.e. it replaces right-clicking on the selected object.

Navigation keys

Navigation keys have the following purpose.

The ↓ ← → keys are used to move the cursor accordingly up, down, left and right per position or line.

Home and End- provide movement of the cursor to the first and last position of the line, respectively.

Page Up and Page Down- provide movement through the text one screen page back and forth, respectively.

Small numeric keypad

Small numeric keypad can be used in two modes: for entering numbers and for cursor control. These modes are switched using the key Num Lock.

A keyboard is a device for entering information into a computer. With its help, you can quickly type text, manage programs, and play games. Newbies are often intimidated a large number of buttons with unknown functions. But don’t be afraid, in this article we will take a detailed look at the keyboard structure and the purpose of the buttons.

Keyboard selection

Depending on the type of connection to a computer, keyboards can be wired or wireless.

Wireless keyboard with USB adapter
  • Wired ones are connected via PS/2 or USB. Recently, manufacturers are more often making connections via USB, because this universal method connections, suitable for many devices. Many laptops no longer have a PS/2 connector.

  • Wireless keyboards connect to your computer via Bluetooth or a USB radio. The signal radius is about 10 meters. Operates on batteries or rechargeable batteries.
  • According to their design, keyboards are divided into membrane, scissor, mechanical, and semi-mechanical.

    You can find exotic options on sale: rubber, wooden, glass, laser keyboards. But they are not popular because they are not very practical.

    There are also two convenient types of keyboards: ergonomic and gaming.

    Ergonomic keyboards have a non-standard shape; the keys are not located in straight rows, but follow the position of the hands. Convenient for quick touch typing, but it takes some getting used to.

    Gaming keyboards are distinguished by their bright design, convenient key layout for games, and the presence of additional keys and functions. For example, on some keyboards you can write macros to automate certain actions. Gaming keyboards often come with backlit keys, which is convenient for use in the dark.

    When choosing a keyboard, pay attention to the type of printing on the buttons. In normal printing, the letters visually protrude slightly, like stickers. Over time, they will wear off and you will have to replace the keyboard or apply stickers. Laser-printed keys do not wear out for a long time, but are not as bright.

    Laser printing on keys

    Simple printing

    Laptop keyboards are usually more compact, without extra buttons, and with short key travel. Sometimes without the number pad on the right.

    How to clean

    Dust, crumbs, and hair get under the buttons. The keyboard needs to be cleaned once every 1-2 months.

    The best way to clean it is to remove each button and wipe it with an alcohol solution (be careful not to erase the inscriptions). The buttons on membrane keyboards are easy to pull out; you need to pry them off with a knife or screwdriver. Remove large keys carefully so as not to break the mount.

    You can also use pneumatic cleaning without removing the keys - this is compressed air with a tube for hard-to-reach places, sold in computer stores. You can replace it with a vacuum cleaner in blowing mode.

    There are special cleaners that are similar to slimes - they leak into the cracks between the buttons and dirt sticks to them.

    Read more about it in a separate article.

    Purpose of the buttons

    A standard keyboard with a separate number pad has 101 or 102 keys.

    Keyboard button assignments

    The main part of the keyboard is occupied by writing keys. The top row is occupied by numbers from 0 to 9, below there are 3 rows of keys. This keyboard is often called QWERY because of the first row of keys in the English layout.

    Keyboard close up

    The function keys F1 to F12 perform various auxiliary actions. They differ depending on the programs. Usually the F1 button calls up help for the program.

    The Esc key always means exiting the program or canceling an action; in games, this button is used for the pause menu.

    The Print Screen button takes a screenshot of the screen at the moment you press it and places it on the clipboard. Then you can paste it into another program (Edit - Paste). To remove only the active window without unnecessary elements, press Print Screen while holding down the Alt button.

    The Scroll Lock key is now almost never used, as it is ignored by many modern programs. When you press it, the indicator on the keyboard lights up and the cursor keys control the position of the screen (up, down, left, right). When the button is disabled, the cursor keys control the cursor position.

    Pause Break button - almost never used. Pauses the computer. In modern Windows versions only works while the computer is booting. In some programs and games it is used to interrupt the current process.

    Tab key (sometimes indicated by two arrows resting against the wall). Performs a jumping function. For example, it can shift text alignment, switch between form fields, and, in combination with the Alt button, switch windows.

    Shift key (left and right). A modifier key used in conjunction with other buttons. When you press Shift together with a letter, a capital letter will be printed; together with a number, a symbol will be printed. Can be used in conjunction with any buttons on the keyboard and mouse to access program functions.

    Caps Lock. When you press this button on the keyboard, the indicator lights up and all letters when typing become capitalized, as if you were holding Shift. Pressing it again turns off the mode.

    Backspace. Removes one character before the cursor in text editors. In other programs it often performs the function of going back (to the previous page, to the previous folder).

    Del (Delete). Removes one character after the cursor in text editors. In other programs, it deletes something (selected file, object). In combination with Shift, deletes an object permanently (bypassing the trash can). In combination with Ctrl+Alt, it launches the task manager or restarts the computer. Some laptops do not have this button; its function is performed by the Fn+Backspace key combination.

    Ctrl (left and right). Typically used in conjunction with other buttons as a modifier key. For example, Ctrl+C copies the selected object or text, Ctrl+V pastes. On MacOS laptops, the Ctrl key has different functions than in Windows. There it is replaced by the Cmd button. You can also find references to the Strg key on the Internet. This is the Ctrl button on a German keyboard.

    Alt (left and right). Like Ctrl, this is a modifier key. Used in conjunction with other buttons to perform some actions. For example Alt+F4 closes the program. Sometimes the right button is indicated as AltGr.

    The Menu key on your keyboard is usually represented by a list icon and an arrow. It is located between the right Win button and Ctrl. Opens when pressed context menu. Analogue pressing right button mice (PCM).

    Enter. The largest key on the keyboard. There is also a second Enter button on the number pad on the right. IN text programs moves the cursor to a new line. In other programs it is used to confirm some action. Analogous to clicking the left mouse button.

    Win (left and right). Windows key between Ctrl and Alt and between AltGr and Menu. Opens the Start menu. In combination with other buttons, it performs various Windows functions.

    Space. The longest button on the keyboard is located under the letters. Used to separate words with a space.

    Insert - determines the input mode. Switches the mode of inserting new or replacing existing text to change the status of an object from passive to active.

    Page Up - scroll the page up.

    Page Down - scroll the page down.

    Home - move the cursor to the beginning.

    End - move the cursor to the end.

    The arrows ← ↓→ move the cursor position.

    The numbers from 0 to 9 are duplicated in the digital block in the usual position for dialing, like on a calculator. There is a period, an additional Enter, separate buttons for basic arithmetic operations: plus, minus, divide, multiply. Some keyboards have a Return button instead of a second Enter on the number pad. It often duplicates the functionality of Enter, but in some programs it has a line break function without confirming the action.

    The digital pad works when Num Lock is active. Without it, the keys will perform other functions. For example, the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8 act as arrows, 0 acts as the Insert button, and the dot acts as Delete.

    Which button do you need to press to...

    You can change the layout from English to Russian (or vice versa) using the keyboard shortcut:

    Alt+Shift (standard), Win+Space, Alt+Shift.

    The comma on top (apostrophe) is placed using the E key. It must be pressed together with Shift on the English keyboard layout.

    A period on the keyboard is placed using the key with the symbol / and? (next to the letter Y) on the Russian layout. On the English keyboard layout, a dot is placed with a button with the symbol > and. (letter Y).

    A comma is placed on the keyboard using the button with the symbol / and? (next to the letter Y). It must be pressed together with Shift. In the English layout, the comma is placed using the sign key< и, (буква Б).

    The letter е is on the left top corner keyboards. On some keyboards it is moved to Enter or left Shift.

    A colon is inserted using the key combination Shift+6 on the Russian keyboard. On the English layout, enter a colon using the combination Shift+F.

    You can cut, copy and paste an object using the hotkeys Ctrl+X (cut), Ctrl+C (copy), Ctrl+V (paste).

    The grid is inserted on the English layout using the Shift+3 keys.

    The root sign √ cannot be typed on a standard keyboard layout. You can do this by holding down the Alt button and typing code 251 on the numeric keypad.

    The vertical stick sign is placed on the English keyboard while holding down the Shift key with the \ icon (next to Enter). Some keyboards have a separate key under Backspace or next to the right Shift.

    A question mark is inserted using the Shift+7 key combination on the English layout or on the Russian layout using the button with the slash icon / (between the right Shift and Yu) together with the Shift key held down.

    The division and multiplication sign is located at the top of the keyboard number pad. Also, the division sign (slash) is next to the right Shift, and the multiplication sign is on the number 8 (press together with Shift). In the text, the division sign can be replaced with a colon, and the multiplication sign with a cross (the letter x).

    If the number pad (right) on your keyboard isn't working, check to see if the Num Lock light on your keyboard is lit. If not, turn it on with the Num Lock button.

    If only capital letters are printed, turn off Caps Lock using this button.

    The Fn key is found only on laptops. This is an additional modifier key. Typically used in conjunction with the F1-F12 keys to control screen brightness, volume, and touchpad.

    Video about popular hotkeys in Windows:

    If a button on your keyboard is missing or doesn't work, use the virtual keyboard. It can be found through a search in Start or Control Panel - Accessibility. Also, many text programs have the ability to insert additional characters. For example, in Word, on the “Insert” tab, there is a “Additional Symbols” button. If you often need to enter non-standard characters, I recommend installing the Birman typographic layout on your computer.

Not every user knows what all the keys on a PC keyboard are for. But among them there are many necessary and unused buttons. To learn how to use them more effectively, you should know the purpose of the keyboard keys and be able to use them at the right time.

When first starting to use a computer, a novice user does not think about what additional keys are needed for, and then completely forgets about them, using only those that allow typing. But additional buttons and their combinations can save time and, in some cases, money.

All keys are divided into 7 groups, each of which allows you to speed up your computer work and make the process more efficient. Thanks to the use of additional buttons, the user quickly types text, compiles a report, or simply switches between windows.

Depending on their functions, the keys are divided into groups:

1. Function keys (F1-F12) are designed to perform special tasks and, when pressed again, cancel the triggered action. For example, F1 is pressed to open help for the program whose window is active at the time of pressing. In games, the key performs the function assigned to it in the settings.

2. Alphanumeric needed to enter numbers, keys, punctuation marks and other symbols used when working on a PC.

3. Control keys, which include HOME, END, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, DELETE and INSERT.

4. Cursor keys are used to move the cursor while working in text editing programs, in a browser, or when selecting files on a computer.

5. Control keys (modifiers) (Alt, Ctrl, Win, Caps Lock, Fn), most often used in combination with each other or with other buttons on the keyboard.

6. Number keys are needed to quickly enter numbers, so they are often used when drawing up reports or working with a calculator.

7. Editing keys (deleting information) – Backspace, Delete.

The layout of the keys on different keyboards may differ, but they are all located in approximately the same places relative to each other. Additional keys can also be built in to mute the sound, increase or decrease the volume, and quickly go to the mailbox.

Let's take a closer look at the purpose of the computer keyboard keys with their full description.

Each key can perform one or more functions:

  • Spacebar located at the bottom of the keyboard and is the largest. When typing, it makes a space between words, and when a fragment of text is selected, it replaces it with a space, which speeds up work text editor. In an Internet browser, it performs the scroll-down function.
  • Esc when pressed, cancels the last action, closes or minimizes open windows.
  • Print Screen creates a screenshot that is inserted into text and graphic editor. The image obtained in this way is called a “screenshot”. The key is also used to print images from the screen.
  • Scroll Lock needed to enable a mode in which you can scroll the page up and down using the cursor keys. But it doesn't work on all computers.
  • Pause/Break pauses the running process, for example, when you boot the computer, you can pause and view system information, but like the previous key described, it does not work on all devices.
  • Insert activates a mode in which characters are entered over the printed text. After pressing, printing occurs over the entered characters, which at this moment begin to be erased. To cancel the action, press the key again.
  • Delete denoted on the keyboard as Del and is needed to delete characters entered in a text editor or selected files. If an action is performed in a text input field, it is deleted to the right of the cursor.
  • Home This is the key that jumps to the beginning of the filled line. If the cursor is at the end of a sentence in a word processor, pressing the specified button will move the cursor in front of the first letter on the line. If you click on an empty line, nothing happens. In the browser, rewinds the page to the beginning (up).
  • End moves the cursor to the end of the line. In the browser, it rewinds the page to the very bottom.
  • Page Up turns the page up. In some media players, when you press a key, playback occurs. previous file in folder.
  • Page Down scrolls the page down, and in the players includes the media file that is next in the playback queue.
  • Backspace is used to remove characters to the left of the cursor in a text editor or in a field intended for entering characters.
  • Tab used to insert a tab character equal to 8 spaces (forms a paragraph, for example in Word). Also used in combination with other keys.
  • Caps Lock switches capital letters to uppercase and vice versa.
  • Shift When pressed simultaneously with a letter, it becomes capitalized. If Caps Lock is on, it will be lowercase.
  • Alt used in several keyboard shortcuts. Together with Shift, it changes the layout to English; if you press Tab at the same time, it will switch to the program window that was open before.
  • Num Lock turns on a mode in which additional numeric keys work.
  • Enter needed to move to the next line in a text editor, as well as to enter information and confirm actions in many programs.
  • Windows used to open the menu called up when the mouse clicks the “Start” button.
  • Context is located near the right key and calls up a context menu, which differs depending on the program used.
  • The cursor keys move the cursor and allow you to scroll pages in the browser.

Hot keys speed up work on the computer by triggering one or another action. In the described combinations, the keys are pressed in the order in which they are written. Using button combinations it is easy to speed up the process of calling a particular function.

Windows + Pause/break - opens a window that displays information about the computer.
Windows + L is a combination that locks the computer. It helps you change faster account user.
Windows + D - minimizes all windows. To open them, the keys are pressed again.
Windows + Space – the combination is designed to show the desktop.
Windows+ E - needed to go to “my computer”.
Windows + R - Opens the Run window.
Windows + Tab - switches between windows running programs.
Ctrl + Shift + Esc - opens the task manager.
Win + F - opens a search window for file system computer.
Ctrl + F - activates the search function in a document or program.
Alt + F4 is a keyboard shortcut that closes the active window. If the desktop is active, allows you to restart or shut down the computer when pressed again.
Ctrl + - zooms in or out depending on which way you scroll the mouse wheel.
Alt + Print Screen – the combination creates a screenshot of the program window that is active at that moment.

Hot keys when working with text and files

Ctrl + A - selects all characters in a text editor or files in open folder.
Ctrl + C - copies the selected fragment or files.
Ctrl + V - Pastes text or files contained in the clipboard.
Ctrl + Z – the combination is needed to cancel last action.
Ctrl + P - opens the print window.
Ctrl + N - opens a new window of the program that is running at that moment.
Ctrl + S - saves the typed text or project.
Shift + Delete – the combination completely deletes files without placing them in the trash. Be careful and careful when using this key combination!

Typing constantly on one keyboard makes it difficult to get used to another if you have to use several computers. In an electronics store, it is difficult to choose a specific model if you do not know what types of devices exist.

Depending on the buttons, all keyboards are divided into 3 types:

    1. Compact - are devices that do not have additional numeric keys. Such keyboards are convenient on a small computer desk and have a lower cost.
    1. Standard or full-size have all the described keys.
    1. Multimedia have additional buttons designed to control the playback of media files and control sound. Also, such devices often have a key to turn on the calculator and other programs. It is possible to reassign keys to suit your own needs. Multimedia keyboards often have USB hubs.

To understand which keyboard is more comfortable, try pressing several keys and comparing the sensations. Some devices click too loudly during use or press harder. When pressed, it becomes clear to what depth the buttons go.

In order not to get tired of the noise of the keyboard, for constant work you need to choose models with “softer” keys. Standard devices have a long pitch, while laptops have a short pitch. This also needs to be taken into account.

A multimedia keyboard with additional buttons and connectors significantly increases the degree of comfort when working at a computer, so for long-term work it is worth choosing just such models.

Important! For comfortable work, it is worth purchasing white keyboards. If English and Russian letters are different in color, this allows you to quickly switch from one language to another.

Regardless of which keyboard you choose for your work, it is important to create a comfortable environment. To do this, your hands should be located in a comfortable position. Don't forget about posture. Choosing the right keyboard and following the basic rules of working with a computer will allow you to enjoy the process.

Friends! I hope this article was useful to you, and now you know the purpose of the computer keyboard keys and will use them as efficiently as possible.

So, you bought your first computer, brought it home (we are considering the option that it already has installed operating system Windows), the specialists assembled it for you, showed you how to turn it on and off, and left. What now? To effectively interact with the computer and give commands to it, you have two devices - a mouse and a keyboard. And if with a mouse everything is more or less clear, since there are only two buttons and a wheel, then more than 100 keys on your keyboard can quite confuse you.

So, standard keyboards usually have 101 or 104 keys. “Why so much?” - you may ask. After all, everyone knows that the Russian language has only 33 letters and 10 basic numbers. Let's figure it out.

In this article we will look at the main part of a standard keyboard:

The simplest and most understandable buttons on the keyboard are numbers (the top highlighted row) and letters (the three middle rows) - they are also called alphanumeric or symbol keys. Here are Russian letters (in red) and English letters (on the same buttons as the Russian ones, but a little higher and in black.

Pay attention to the tricky letter “е” - it is hidden at the top left of the highlighted area on the keyboard. The largest bottom key is the spacebar, with a corresponding function for setting spaces between words in the text.

Now let's look at the keys to the left and right of the alphanumeric ones:

These are very important and useful keys with the following functions:

The Ctrl and Alt keys are two keys duplicated on the right and left (they are usually called that, depending on the side of the location: right Alt, left Ctrl), which by themselves cannot do anything (like the therapist in the famous joke, who is a doctor, who himself knows nothing, but knows for sure, who knows), but in combination with other keys they are very useful actions. For example, the key combination “left Alt” + “Shift” (or, depending on Windows settings, “left Ctrl” + “Shift”) allows you to switch the keyboard from the Russian layout to the English one, and vice versa. You can also install special program, which will automatically change the keyboard layout to the language in which you type words, as if anticipating which language you want to use. You can read more about this program.

Also, the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Delete allows you to open the manager Windows tasks, change the computer user, block it, turn it off, reboot, and so on.

The key between Alt and Ctrl with the Windows checkbox icon is similar to clicking the mouse on the Start menu. And the key to the left of the right Ctrl is similar to pressing the right mouse button (calls up the context menu).

The Shift key is also duplicated on the right and left and is usually involved in switching the keyboard layout, but its main purpose is the ability to type capital letters (holding this key, click on any letter of the alphabetical part of the keyboard), as well as typing characters located on the numeric keypad above them meanings of numbers, like this:

! » № ; % : ? * () _ +

The Caps Lock key is the reason for the most frequent typing incorrect passwords, case sensitive, or, to put it in simple language- dialed in capital letters instead of lowercase. When pressed (accidentally or on purpose), it switches pressing all letters to capital mode (that is, all lowercase letters are printed in capitals), that is, it essentially imitates the Shift key being held down forever

A clue that you have the Caps Lock key activated will be that one of the three indicators on the top right of the keyboard is lit - namely the middle indicator.

Pressing the Caps Lock key again removes the caps mode.

The Tab key allows you to make a red line (indent) in a new paragraph. Also, if you hold down the Alt key and press the Tab key, you can switch between all the programs you have open.

One of the largest keys on the keyboard - Enter - serves to confirm your choice if you have any dialog menu in front of you, and also, if you are typing text, allows you to move to a new line and start the text on a new line.

If there is a key to confirm your action (Enter), then there should also be a key to cancel your action. This key - Esc - is the top-left key on the keyboard (I highlighted it in light blue in the figure below), it cancels the last command entered, closes the dialog box without making a choice.

The Backspace key is located above the Enter key, depicted as a left arrow, and with its help you can delete those characters that are located immediately before the cursor when editing text.

Now let's look at the top row of the keyboard:

The F1-F12 keys are called function keys. Let's look at them in order:

F1 - "help" key - calls up help in Windows and other applications

F2 - allows you to rename a file or folder

F3 - opens a search window for a file or folder in Windows Explorer

F4 - opens a drop-down list, for example, in the address bar of the browser (and also with this key there is a convenient combination Alt + F4, which allows you to close almost any windows and programs).

F5 - refreshes any active window (browser page, file folder, etc.)

F6 - allows you to navigate in the browser between the main page and address bar this page

F7 - in MS Word and MS Excel you can quickly check the spelling of text

F8 - F10 - used quite rarely, mainly in file managers

F11 is a very convenient key that allows you to go to full screen mode viewing the site's web page (you can click it right now, and then click it again to exit the full-screen view of that page)

F12 is also a fairly convenient key that allows you to immediately go to saving any file in the location you specify (specify the folder and file name).

The most used key combinations, or so-called “hot” keys Windows keys you can study in .

This concludes our acquaintance with the main part of the keyboard. I hope this article was useful to you!

Post navigation

The keyboard with which we type text has quite a few keys. And each of them is needed for something. In this lesson we will talk about their purpose and learn how to use them correctly.

Here is a photo of a regular computer keyboard:

Keyboard button meanings

Esc. The full name of this key is Escape (pronounced "Escape") and it means "Exit". Using it we can close some programs. This applies to a greater extent to computer games.

F1-F12. In the same row as Esc there are several buttons whose names begin with the Latin letter F. They are designed to control the computer without the help of a mouse - only with the keyboard. Thanks to them, you can open and close folders and files, change their names, copy and much more.

But knowing the meaning of each of these buttons is completely unnecessary - most people have been using computers for decades and have no idea about any of them.

Immediately below the F1-F12 keys there is a row of buttons with numbers and signs (! " " No.; % : ? *, etc.).

If you simply click on one of them, the drawn number will be printed. But to print a sign, press the Shift button along with it (bottom left or right).

If the character printed is not the one you need, try changing the language (bottom right of the screen) -

By the way, on many keyboards the numbers are also located with right side. The photo shows this part separately.

They are laid out exactly like on a calculator and are more convenient for many people.

But sometimes these numbers don’t work. You press the desired key, but nothing is printed. This means that the numeric portion of the keyboard is turned off. To turn it on, simply press the Num Lock button once.

The most important part of the keyboard is the keys that are used to type text. They are located in the center.

As a rule, each button has two letters - one foreign, the other Russian. To type a letter in the desired language, make sure it is selected correctly (at the bottom of the computer screen).

You can also change the language in another way - by clicking on two buttons at once: Shift And Alt or Shift And Ctrl

Win. The key that opens the Start button. Most often it is not signed, but simply drawn on it Windows icon. Located between the Ctrl and Alt buttons.

Fn. The laptop has this key - as a rule, it is not found on regular keyboards. It is designed to work with special functions - increasing/decreasing brightness, volume and others.

To turn them on, you need to press the Fn key and, while holding it, press the button with the required function. These buttons are usually located at the top - at F1-F10.

Let's say I need to increase the brightness of my laptop screen. To do this, I look for a button on the keyboard with the corresponding picture. For example, I have F6 - there is a sun drawn on it. So, I hold down the Fn key and then press F6. The screen becomes a little brighter. To increase the brightness even more, I press F6 again along with Fn.

How to print a capital letter

To print one large letter (capital), you need to hold down the Shift key and click on the desired letter together.

How to type a period and a comma

If the Russian alphabet is installed, then in order to print point, you need to press the last key in the bottom letter row (on the right). It is located in front of the Shift button.

To print comma, press the same button while holding Shift.

When the English alphabet is selected, to print a dot you need to press the key that is located before the Russian dot. The letter "Y" is usually written on it. And the comma in the English alphabet is where the Russian letter “B” is (before the English dot).

Text decoration buttons

Tab - creates an indent at the beginning of a sentence. In other words, you can use it to make a paragraph (red line).

To do this, click the mouse at the beginning of the text and press the Tab key once. If the red line is adjusted correctly, the text will move slightly to the right.

Used for printing large letters. Located under the Tab key.

Press Caps Lock once and release it. Try typing a word. All letters will be printed in capitals. To cancel this feature, press the Caps Lock key once again and release it. Letters, as before, will be printed small.

(space) - makes spaces between words. The longest button on the keyboard is located under the letter keys.

According to the design rules, there should be only one space between words (not three or even two). It is not correct to align or shift text using this key. Also, a space is placed only after a punctuation mark - there should be no space before a space sign (with the exception of a dash).

Delete button. It erases those letters that are printed in front of the flashing stick (cursor). It is located on the right side, immediately after the numbers/signs. Often there is no inscription on it at all, but simply an arrow drawn to the left.

The Backspace button is also used to raise text higher.

Enter - is intended to go to the next line.

Thanks to her, you can omit the text below. Enter is located under the delete text button.

Additional keys

These are keys such as Insert, Home, Page Up and Page Down, arrow buttons and others. They are located between the alphabetic and numeric keyboards. Used to work with text without using the mouse.

You can use the arrows to move the blinking cursor (flashing stick) across the text.

Delete is used to delete. True, unlike the Backspace key, it deletes letters not before, but after the blinking cursor.

The Home button moves the blinking cursor to the beginning of the line, and the End button moves it to the end.

Page Up moves the blinking cursor to the beginning of the page, and Page Down (Pg Dn) moves the blinking cursor to the end of the page.

The Insert button is needed to print text over existing text. If you click on it, new text will be printed, erasing the old one. To cancel this, you need to press the Insert key again.

The Scroll Lock key is almost always completely useless - it simply doesn't work. And in theory it should serve to scroll text up and down - just like the wheel on a computer mouse does.

Pause/Break almost never works either. In general, it is designed to suspend an ongoing computer process.

All of these buttons are optional and are rarely or never used by people.

But the button can be very useful.

She takes a photo of the screen. This image can then be inserted into Word program or Paint. In computer language, such a photograph of the screen is called a screenshot.

Keyboard buttons to remember

— if you press this button and, without releasing it, press another key with a letter, the letter will be printed in capital. In the same way, you can print a symbol instead of a number: No! () * ? « + etc.

— after pressing this button once, all letters will be printed in capital letters. You don't need to hold it for this. To return to printing in small letters, press Caps Lock again.

— indents (red line).

- space. Using this button you can add space between words.

- drops to a line below. To do this, you need to place a flashing stick (blinking cursor) at the beginning of the part of the text that you want to move down, and press the Enter button.

— deletes the character before the blinking cursor. In other words, it erases text. This button also moves the text up a line. To do this, you need to place a flashing stick (blinking cursor) at the beginning of the part of the text that you want to move to the top, and press Backspace.

All other keyboard buttons, except letters, numbers and symbols, are used extremely rarely or not at all.