Shutting down the computer for the desktop. How to create a shortcut to restart or shut down your computer Create a shutdown button for your computer windows 7

In order to correctly shut down the Windows 8 or 7 operating system, it is not at all necessary to use the Start panel. There are many alternative ways to shut down your PC. In one case, this function is performed by a special Windows computer shutdown timer, and in the other, by a gadget whose functions include turning the computer on and off. Let us immediately note that the standard Windows 8 system administration package provides an option to turn off the PC via the command line. But there are many interesting applications that expand the capabilities of Windows and with their help you can shut down the OS.

Let's take a closer look at the ways in which Windows 7 and 8 can shut down a computer:

The standard Task Scheduler utility can automatically turn off the computer, as well as turn it on according to a schedule that must be set by the user. A task with the name “Shutdown” and the description “How to turn off a windows computer” will permanently shut down the PC at a specified time. This option optimizes and automates work in offices, where at the end of the working day the administrator remotely turns off all computers simultaneously over the network.
The Run command line also allows you to set a computer shutdown timer, which fires after the time set by the shutdown command syntax in seconds.
You can download a special timer to turn off your PC and use it to set the computer to automatically turn off at a time. As a rule, users are offered software that also contains a set of settings for locking the PC and rebooting it. It is often available for free.

So, we have confirmed that in addition to the standard method for shutting down Windows, you can use the OS utility service and determine the time to automatically shut down the PC through the Task Scheduler. In addition to this method, it is possible to download a free timer to stop Windows in the form of a special gadget. Such a program will have its own specifics, which the client will learn during use.

There are different ways to turn off and restart your computer or laptop. And if in Windows 7 and XP it is enough to click Start - Shutdown, then in Windows 8 this procedure takes longer. Here you need to move the mouse cursor to the right corner, wait 1 second, select Settings - Shutdown and only there will be “Shutdown”. Quite inconvenient, right?

The good thing is that in Windows you can make a PC shutdown button and place it on the desktop, pin it to the taskbar, or place it on the Start screen. And then just one click - and the PC or laptop will immediately turn off.

A shutdown button on the Windows desktop can be created for various reasons: for parents, inexperienced users, or for yourself (it’s convenient). It will also help out if the PC does not turn off in the standard way (problem with drivers, etc.).

This is a common shortcut. You just need to create it, enter the appropriate command and save it. For clarity, below is an example of how to create a button to turn off, restart and hibernate a PC.

The instructions described are universal and suitable for Windows 10, 8, 7 and XP. Moreover, you can save these shortcuts to a flash drive, and then use them at work, give them to friends, etc.

How to create a shortcut to turn off your computer?

That's all. The shortcut has been created successfully.

Since it doesn't look very good, you can change the icon. For this:

Now the PC shutdown shortcut looks nicer, right? For convenience, you can select it, right-click and pin it to the Start panel or taskbar. In Windows 8 and 10, you can also pin it to the Start screen.

How to make a reboot shortcut?

If you need to restart your PC or laptop frequently, you can make a restart button on your desktop, taskbar, or start screen. The principle of operation is the same, only the command is slightly different.

So, to make a reboot shortcut:

It will not be possible to register two commands at once. Therefore, if you need to make a shutdown and reboot button at the same time, you will have to create two shortcuts.

Hibernate button on desktop

If you need a hibernation shortcut, then:

Done – the hibernation shortcut has been created.

One of the simplest practical applications of creating a shortcut is creating system shortcuts. Typically these are functional shortcuts for launching a particular service or program. Now let’s look at an example of how to create shortcuts for system management: shutdown, reboot, lock, sleep and log out, that is, a set of the most common tasks used by the user when working on a computer.

First, some general introductory information on how to create a shortcut:

  1. We go to the desktop and right-click in an empty space
  2. From the context menu, select the “Create” item, and in it the “Shortcut” sub-item.
  3. Afterwards you will see a window for creation, as in the figure below. In the “Object location” line, enter the address of the application, program or website you are looking for.
    In our case, let's try the website address:
  4. Then click the “next” button. The next step is to assign a name to the shortcut, enter it in the line and “Done” to continue.

  5. Afterwards you will have a created shortcut, which will be among the desktop icons. This shortcut is launched in the same way as other programs on your computer - by double-clicking or pressing the Enter key.

Once you understand the principle of creating shortcuts on the desktop, all that remains is to put your knowledge into practice. Below are five possible shortcuts to manage the operating system:

1. Create a shutdown shortcut

  • Object location: C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -s -t 00
  • Shortcut name: Shutdown

2. Create a system lock shortcut

  • Object location: C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe User32.dll,LockWorkStation
  • Shortcut Name: Lock

3. Create a logout shortcut

  • Object location: C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe /l
  • Shortcut name: Logout

4. Create a reboot shortcut

  • Object location: C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -r -t 00

5. Create a sleep mode shortcut

  • Object Location: C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Sleep
  • Label name: Sleep

How do users usually turn off their computer? Most often, this is, of course, the shutdown button located in the start menu, yes, of course, there are so many harsh guys who turn off their devices by unplugging the cable from the socket or simply holding down the power button on the system unit itself, but still the majority do this namely with the help of “Shutdown”.

But, there are those who prefer to turn off the computer not through “Start”, but use a button that is located directly on the taskbar or somewhere on the desktop. This shutdown option was especially relevant for those users who were working with Windows 8 and could not get used to turning off the PC through the “Options” menu. And for some, the procedure for shutting down the system in Windows 8 was generally a mystery.

So, now you will read the instructions on how to create such a shortcut or button to turn off the computer and place it on the same taskbar, or maybe in some other place on your computer, but that’s up to your imagination.

Add a shortcut or shutdown button to the taskbar

So, to create a shutdown button, we need to right-click on any free space and call up the context menu. Next, in the context menu, click on the items “Create” - “Shortcut”.

Accordingly, in the object selection field, we need to indicate its location, but since we want to make not an ordinary shortcut, but a full-fledged button to shut down or restart the computer, we need to specify this file with certain parameters.

For example:

  • shutdown -s -t 0 — a parameter responsible for turning off the computer. If you want to create a shutdown shortcut, then copy this command into the “Object location instructions” field and move on.
  • shutdown -r -t 0 this parameter is responsible for rebooting. Therefore, when creating a shortcut or button on the desktop to restart the computer, we indicate exactly this parameter in the location line.
  • shutdown -l normal logout of the account or, as indicated in “Start,” “Log off the system.” This, of course, can be done with the “Win+L” key combination, but if it is more convenient to use the shortcut, then we specify this particular parameter.
  • rundll32.exepowrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0 – this command will be useful to fans of, let’s say, sleep mode. That is, by copying this line into the file location field, you can create a shortcut responsible for instantly switching to hibernation mode.

Okay, the command is selected, for example, for me it will be a shortcut to turn off the computer.

Decorating the PC shutdown shortcut

Ok, we made a shortcut to turn off the computer, but it doesn’t look very good. I think it wouldn’t be bad if we assigned it an appropriate icon, which would somehow indicate the action it performs.

So, by calling the context menu, we go to the properties of our shutdown or reboot button.

Also, if you wish, you can set your own icon using the “Browse” button.

In principle, the shortcut to the computer shutdown button is ready, all you have to do is select its location. Let me remind you that this can be not only the taskbar, but also any free space on the desktop.

By the way, to move this button to the taskbar, you just need to drag it there.

Well, as usual, I’ll remind you about our Youtube channel, which you should subscribe to and I wish you good luck!

Creating a shortcut - shutdown computer buttons on the desktop