Flash player crashes in chrome. “Shockwave Flash Has Crashed” error in Yandex Browser: causes and solutions

A plugin of this type is a wonderful development that is responsible for displaying graphics, quality of various games and other elements in computer system. Many users experience problems with this program.
How can you solve the problem? in a simple way? Please note that the browser, where Flash playback is not required, will work exactly the same as before the program crashed.

Shockwave Flash plugin not responding? - Quick solution in Google Chrome

To fix this problem, you can use the most basic method and restart your computer. But this will only help if the failure occurred without repetition. If the plugin fails systematically and reboots in this case does not help, the problem can be solved within two (maximum five) minutes.

In modern society, the most popular browser among Internet users is Google Chrome . Other types of browsers are equipped with a standalone version Adobe Flash Player, and Chrome has an integrated version, that is, the plugin is updated along with the browser.
Users who have two or more plugins on their computer are more likely to encounter a problem of this nature, since competition often arises between them. To check whether this is true or not, enter chrome://plugins in the address bar and click the " Enter».
In the window that appears in front of you, find the line with the name Adobe Flash Player.

Focusing on the line called “ Location", select one of the plugins that you want to disable. Remove it by clicking the corresponding button. If the version of Adobe Flash Player has not been updated up to this point, by closing your browser, you can download and install it here without any problems. If your problem is not solved this way, try, on the contrary, disabling the second plugin and leaving the first one in working order.

Shockwave Flash - solution in Opera and Mozilla Firefox browsers

Problems with Shockwave also occur when working in a browser called Opera. You can fix this problem by entering opera:plugins in the address bar and pressing the “Enter” button.
A window will appear in front of you in which you can find a plugin called Shockwave Flash and turn it off.

Sometimes the Google Chrome browser starts to slow down, after which a message appears: “Failed to load Shockwave Flash.” You will learn what to do in such a situation and how to fix the bug in this article.

Important! Starting in September, Google begins blocking Flash Player in favor of HTML5 to increase user security. But if you are using older versions of the browser, this article will be useful for you!

Reasons for the error

The problem appears after the user opens a site that uses Flash. But this only happens when other Internet browsers are installed on the PC in addition to the Google browser.

Chrome has a built-in Flash player, so there's no need for additional Windows software. For other browsers, you need to install the Flash player separately. In this situation, when a user opens a site with Flash, Chrome connects all plugins at once: its own and those installed in the OS (all versions). After this, the error “Failed to load Shockwave Flash” appears.


Getting rid of the bug is easy. There are several ways to do this.

Browser update

Setting up Adobe Flash Player

If this does not help, configure Adobe Flash Player on your computer and browser.

Disabling unnecessary modules

The shutdown process is shown in detail in the video.

Important! If the problem persists after this, enable the built-in OS plugin and disable the internal Chrome plugin.

Removing an external plugin

Use this method if the previous one did not work.

Important! If you need a Flash player for work, go to the official Adobe website and download it latest version for a specific browser and reinstall it on your PC.

Disabling hardware acceleration

Flash Player has hardware acceleration enabled by default. But it may not work correctly.

In the Internet

Launch a site with Flash (for example, any online cinema) → RMB on video → Settings → Display tab → uncheck the “Enable hardware acceleration” checkbox.

Good day, friends! The Shockwave Flash plugin is responsible for displaying graphics in games, applications and video content. It just so happens that the developers of popular browsers have not fully integrated their programs with this plugin, which is why such crashing errors appear. Today we will try to correct the situation when Shockwave Flash is not responding.

First, simply restart your computer and look at the result after rebooting the system. Such easy way It will help if you experienced a similar error once or for the first time. In case of frequent or constant failure Shockwave plugin Flash, read below.

Instant solution to problem in Google Chrome when Shockwave Flash plugin is not responding

The Google Chrome browser is used by most users, so we’ll start with it. This browser, in addition to its bells and whistles, has one more feature - it already has Adobe Flash Player built-in, that is, there is no need to download, install and update this component. If several similar plugins are installed in Chrome, then for this reason conflicts may arise between them. As a result, we see that the Shockwave Flash plugin is not responding.

So, to determine which plugins are installed in the Google Chrome browser, enter “chrome://plugins” in the address bar.

A window will open in front of you with installed plugins, where you need to find Adobe Flash Player. Look carefully, if the message “2 files” is present, then the plugin crash is most likely due to this.

To solve the problem, disable one of the plugins. Click the “More details” link and see we have two plugins, disable one of them.

We restart the browser and try to launch the video or application, after launching which an error occurred with Shockwave Flash. If the problem is solved, great; if not, try disabling another plugin by enabling the first one. Restart the browser again and take a look. Most likely the problem will go away. If this does not help, then try downloading the latest Adobe version Player follow the link and update/install.

Shockwave flash plugin does not respond in Mozilla Firefox or Opera

If you saw a similar error in Opera browser, then we take the following steps. First we drive into address bar“opera:plugins” and press enter.

Next, in the window with installed plugins, find Shockwave Flash and disable it using the “Disable” button.

Turn off, turn on Opera and check.

If you encounter a similar error in Mozilla Firefox, go to “Tools” - “Add-ons” - “Plugins”. Same here, find the Shockwave Flash plugin and disable it.

After all the above steps in any browser, you can get rid of the error “ Shockwave flash plugin is not responding", spending about a minute. If you know any other methods that will help solve a similar problem, then be sure to describe the actions in the comments, because helping others increases karma, don’t forget about it! That's all, thanks for your attention!

The error “Shockwave flash has crashed” has appeared in your Yandex browser, what does it mean and how can you quickly fix it, what can you do to prevent it from appearing again and detailed instructions How to eliminate it you will find below.

First of all, it should be noted that Flash and Shockwave are players that are used by all browsers, including Yandex for games, downloading music, and so on.

Most often, the “Shockwave flash has crashed” error can be resolved by updating your browser.

Of course, sometimes you can simply reboot it, and the error disappears. This also happens quite often. However, if these two methods do not help, serious measures must be taken. To do this, go to “Modules” - “Settings”. On the page that opens you need to select "Show additional settings» (You will find this at the very end of the page). Here you need to find a button with the name "Content Settings"(shown in the picture).

Now we need to find the module "Adobe Flash Player" and press "More details" turn on Shockwave player. If a function appears next to this module that allows you to update it, then perform this procedure (it is free).

If translated literally, it would be something like this: “Shockwave Flash failed.” Shockwave Flash is a player from Adobe, which is usually installed (or already built-in initially) in all browsers and thanks to which you can play Flash games, as well as see various banners that work through Flash.

The message means that this flash player tested itself and found some kind of inconsistency in itself, that is, either an error, or the absence of the files it needs, or some kind of prohibition from the operating system on its operation. This could happen either because of a virus, or because of some malfunctions in the operation of programs, or because of damage to some files, or because of some restrictions on it by antivirus programs or the operating system protection itself.

If the error keeps creeping out, then first try to uninstall the current Flash Player through “Add or Remove Programs”, and then download it from the website Adobe new and install. If the error does not disappear, you can do the same with the browser or switch to another browser. If all else fails, then you need to check your antivirus software to see if the player is blocked or even reinstall the operating system, because if this is due to operating system is damaged, then this damage will also negatively affect other programs.

“The following plugin has crashed (stopped working): Shockwave Flash” is exactly what it means in translation from English - “The following plugin has crashed: Shockwave Flash” or “Shockwave Flash has crashed” - such browser messages sometimes spoil the mood of users, especially if this The “crash” occurs while watching an interesting movie, TV series or video on YouTube. There is nothing particularly scary here, except perhaps a spoiled mood.

But to say for sure, to single out one objective reason, due to which Flash Player crashed, is not always possible. If "Shockwave Flash has crashed" occurred in the Google Chrome browser, then possible reasons there may be quite a lot for this. Often, simply refreshing the browsing page or restarting (restarting) the browser itself can help.

In more “complicated” cases, you may need to reinstall the browser, update or reinstall the Shockwave Flash plugin... But one of the most common reasons for Flash Player failure in the Google Chrome browser is a “conflict” between the plugin built into the browser and the standalone Shockwave Flash plugin installed into the system to support other browsers.

If you have the Google Chrome browser installed and the Flash player crashes, then some recommendations can help you, which I already wrote about in the answer to this question - - the answer is quite detailed, with “pictures”, read this answer, try to follow the instructions there are actions in it and it is quite possible that this problem will no longer appear on your computer.

For other browsers, the following methods for restoring the functionality of "Shockwave Flash Player" are possible - refreshing the viewing page, restarting (restarting) the browser, updating or reinstalling the browser, updating or reinstalling... and, as they say, so on..

This means that such a plugin has failed, it can be fixed simply by restarting the browser, or best of all, to ensure that this does not happen again, it is better to reinstall the browser! For more experienced users, you can simply replace this plugin in the browser folder!

The Shockwave Flash plugin has stopped working; I think it is used to play videos on YouTube. Usually in such cases it is enough to restart the browser; as a last resort, try reinstalling the plugin.

The Google Chrome browser is very popular, like all Google products. It attracts the attention of many with the simplicity and speed of its work, but... There is one thing, namely crash "shockwave flash has crashed"— what to do and how to solve this problem? And as always, any error appears at the most inopportune moment - when several tabs are open that I have been looking for for a long time.

Cause of shockwave flash has crashed error

Maybe you noticed that after installation Google browser Chrome, you could immediately watch online videos without installing additional plugins. And other browsers always ask you to install Adobe Flash Player separately. This is because Chrome already has Flash Player built in. And when running, Chrome automatically loads both its built-in Flash Player and the one that was previously installed on the system before Google Chrome. It turns out there is a conflict and voila: “shockwave flash has crashed.”

Solution to shockwave flash has crashed

Go to Chrome and paste chrome://plugins/ into the address bar

A window will open Plug-ins. And immediately the flash player will be the first Adobe Flash Player (2 files).

Click on the top right on +More details and see the following picture.

We see two plugins Shockwave Flash

The 1st one is built into Chrome itself, because it is installed in the Chrome folder:

The 2nd one is built into Windows C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\

So, the one in Chrome is updated along with Chrome itself - quite rarely. Then we will turn it off - click under it Disable.

We restart the browser and try to work.

If “shockwave flash has crashed” comes out again, what should I do?

Then we try to disable the second plugin and enable the first. But remember, one must remain turned on.

If it didn't help?

Try removing Adobe Flash Player. To do this, close all browsers, go to “Control Panel -> Uninstall Programs” in Windows 7 and uninstall Adobe Flash Player Plugin. Look carefully, you need to remove it exactly Plugin.

If you work in other browsers, then when watching online videos they will ask you to install Adobe Flash Player - just allow them and they will install the latest version themselves.

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