WoT crashes on startup. World of Tanks crashes on startup - fixing bugs Tanks won't start white crash screen

White screen- an error due to which the game does not start.

How to avoid

To resolve this issue, carefully follow the instructions below in the suggested order:

  • Update your drivers your video card from the manufacturer’s official website, installing the latest version;
  • Disable User Account Control(User Account Control) as it blocks updating of application files. To do this, go to the Control Panel >> Accounts users >> Enable or disable User Account Control (UAC) >> uncheck the checkbox (or move the slider to the bottom position if you have Windows 7). After this, you need to restart your computer;
  • A white screen appears when loading a game if system resources not enough. You need increase the swap file;
  • The cause of the "white screen" may be work firewall or antivirus, you need them disable. If you have Kaspersky anti-virus installed, try turning it off before entering the game.
  • If you have Windows 7, launch the game on behalf of the Administrator(click right click mouse on the game shortcut and select "Run as administrator").
  • A white screen may appear if the resolution is set higher than what is available on your screen. Go to settings at startup and try installing minimum requirements . You can change them later.

Recently I encountered a problem, a client contacted me with the problem “World Of Tanks is slow.” The client has a laptop HP 15-e270ur

Intel Core i3 5010U 2100 MHz

4 GB DDR3L 1600 MHz

500 GB 5400 rpm

NVIDIA GeForce 830M 2048 MB GDDR3

Initially, the tanks worked on the computer, but according to the client they were very slow, and he gave examples of other more weak computers, I explained to him that this was not an argument and got to work.

First of all, I encountered 3 main problems. First of all, the problems were slowed down by the Windows OS, the hard drive was in GPT format, all programs and downloads went into one partition, there was no antivirus other than the built-in one, and the CPU load and other things were very high.

I started by formatting the HDD, unpacking a fresh OS image in *.tib format, and in the process I discovered a significant problem with ping and Internet access. The problem with ping turned out to be in the d-link dir-300 router, besides the fact that this is the most unsuccessful company and router model of all possible, it is old and slow, besides all this, the game did not want to run on the new OS at all. When turned on White screen, you can only hear the sounds of the game itself (music when entering the game, etc.)

From everything listed on the Internet, we managed to find out what the problem might be.

  1. You need to make sure that it is installed latest version WOT client
  2. Check for a video card driver update, in this case this is nvidia
  3. In addition, the latest directX must be installed
  4. You should also check net framework
  5. Check system libraries that affect the operation of applications Visual C++
  6. Just in case, you should update Adobe FlashPlayer, Java Runtime, Microsoft Silverlight
  7. Also, 1 of the users recommended deleting the preferences.xml file, having first found it using the search
  8. Another 1 user put forward a theory that it cannot be used on system disk NTFS markup and others, but only use FAT32 (a very strange assumption)
  9. You should definitely check that visual c++, netrframework and other libraries are not installed in multiple copies.

Since the client is very specific, I want to help him with tanks and figure out this problem myself. Please tell me, put forward your hypotheses and solutions to the problem of the white screen in tanks, please comment and share your experience.

what to do if the client world of tanks crashes I press to play. I press play, a white screen appears and crashes and got the best answer

Answer from Dasha Potemkina[newbie]
What this error looks like:
When you start the game, you immediately see a “white” screen, after which the game closes.
Also, after selecting a server, during the “loading” screensaver, you see a white screen and then the game closes.
Here different versions on how to solve this problem:
1. Check if the drivers are installed on the video card.
2. Another method for Vista:
You need to disable User Account Control, as it blocks updating application files. To do this, go to Control Panel => User Accounts => Enable or disable User Account Control (UAC) => Uncheck the box. After this you need to restart your computer.
3. A white screen appears when loading a game if there are insufficient system resources. You need to increase the swap file.
4. The white screen is due to an antivirus or firewall. If you disable them, then perhaps the game will work.
Note: if you have Kaspersky antivirus on your computer, disable it before entering the game.
5. In Windows 7, running the game as Administrator can help (right-click on the game shortcut and select “Run as administrator”).
6. A white screen may appear if your resolution is set to higher than what is available on your screen. Go to settings at startup and try setting the minimum requirements to start.

Answer from Vladimir Kudinov[guru]
try reinstalling the client

Answer from Vera Stan[expert]
Possible mistakes:
- The client is not installed correctly
- Viruses
- Old client
Well, actually there today engineering works, And automatic update client.
If the next day there is the same error, then try reinstalling the client.

Answer from Alexey Laryushkin[newbie]
the client enters the game, a white screen pops up and immediately disconnects

Answer from Alex Mercer[newbie]
I had such bullshit
you must turn off the computer and sleep, you will wake up and play in peace!!!

Answer from Olenka[newbie]
Why does the game crash after updating the hangar??

Answer from 1 1 [newbie]
On my laptop too, after updating the hangar it crashes and closes

Answer from Den Zinchenko[newbie]
User has launched client. Executable: worldoftanks.exe
Stop. Reason: user started game; Code: 0x01000004
what to do with it?

Answer from Nekit Ivanov[newbie]
I advise everyone it helped me

Answer from Alexei.....[newbie]
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application name: worldoftanks.exe
Application version:
Application timestamp: 575ebbf5
Module name with error: worldoftanks.exe
Module version with error:
Module timestamp with error: 575ebbf5
Exception code: c0000005
Exception offset: 00938c67
OS version: 6.1.7601.
Language code: 1049
Additional information 1:0a9e
Additional information 2:
Additional information 3:0a9e
Additional information 4:0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

The first difficulties may begin at the stage of the game launcher. If the launcher crashes after launching, you will need to configure it correctly.

  1. Remove the Updates and Wargaming.net folders from the system Windows folders: XP C:\Documents and Settings\UseName\Local Settings\temp, Vista and Win 7 C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Temp
  2. Launch the launcher again, specifying port 6881 and using a torrent connection.
  3. We add the game to the firewall and antivirus exceptions (if you are using a standard firewall, this is done directly in the launcher settings).

Launcher freezes, gear spins

If you see a picture like this, try the following:

The game crashes after clicking "Play"

Launcher launched normally, but when you press the “Play” button it doesn’t start or the game client itself crashes? The following options are possible.

System requirements do not meet

Although WoT performs well on older PCs, there are minimum requirements without which the game will not run. Only upgrading your computer will help.

Wrong graphics settings

Crashes are possible if you used graphics settings higher than the computer can handle. Difficulties can begin both during the battle and when the game itself starts.
For a solution, choose more modest ones graphic settings, starting with the recommended parameters.

Rights and Compatibility Issues

Security systems in new operating systems(from Vista and newer) do not always provide games with comfortable conditions for launching. Try running Tanki with administrator rights and in compatibility mode.

  1. Right-click on the WoT shortcut and select “Properties”.
  2. Go to the “Compatibility” tab.
  3. We set the level of rights and check various compatibility modes.

Drivers for video card are not suitable

To run the game correctly and ensure good performance, be sure to install drivers on your video card.

  1. Visit the NVIDIA or AMD/ATI website to find a driver for your device.
  2. Select your video card model from the list on the website.
  3. Download the full installer (we do not recommend using the update).
  4. Install the drivers.

Windows system components are missing

For correct operation of Tanks, quite a lot of auxiliary programs are required. If they are not on your computer, you will not be able to launch World of Tanks. Let's briefly go through the components necessary for launch. link).

Individual case

If all the above recommendations do not help, you should contact the Wargaming.net support forum to resolve the issue. To get an accurate decision, be as informative as possible when preparing your application.

  • PC configuration;
  • under what circumstances does the game crash?
  • what have you already tried to solve;

We hope that these methods will allow you to resolve the issue of client crashes and help you enjoy playing Tanks. full program. If none of this helps, try deleting it and again, or write in the comments, we will try to help you.

The World of Tanks project has found many fans around the world, but many of us sometimes have a problem - World of Tanks does not start. Let's try to figure out what can cause this phenomenon and how to solve this problem. Let me make a reservation right away - it is assumed that your computer fully complies system requirements for this game, it has the Windows operating system installed, as well as the latest versions of drivers for motherboard, video cards and other equipment.

There are two main types of problems: the game launcher does not start and the client itself does not start. Let's look at each of them.

Problem: When launching WOTLauncher, the message “Critical error. Failed to install updates. The application cannot continue running. detailed information available in the log file."
Solution :
1) delete the wargaming.net folder located along the path C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Temp (for operating systems Windows systems 7 and Vista) or C:\Documents and Settings\UseName\Local Settings\temp (for Windows XP),
2) delete the Updates folder from the root directory of the game;
3) restart the launcher and specify port number 6881 in the settings and allow it to use torrent sessions.

Problem: The World of Tanks launcher does not start, but the gear icon is constantly spinning.
Solution #1: Reset your settings Internet browser Explorer;
Solution #2: Update your Java software and Adobe Flash to the last available version from the website of the manufacturer of this software;
Solution #3: Try reinstalling Internet Explorer.

Problem: The launcher starts and immediately disappears.
Solution: Try reinstalling Internet Explorer.

Problem: When you launch the launcher, the message “An unhandled exception has occurred.” appears. The application will be restarted."
Solution: Uninstall "Microsoft Visual C++" components from your PC, then reinstall them from the official website in the following order: Version 2010, then Version 2008 (for 86-bit systems) or Version 2008 SP1, then Version 2010 (for 64-bit systems) ).

Problem: The launcher has loaded, but the “Play” button is grayed out.
Solution: Try reinstalling Internet Explorer.

Problem: The launcher has loaded, but the status bar contains the message “Bootloader update: checking for updates.”
Solution: Try resetting your DNS settings.

Now let's move on to cases when World of Tanks does not start at the game client level. In most cases the problem is outdated drivers, however, since we decided at the beginning of the article that with software If everything is fine, then you can fix the problem in one of the following ways: - try adding the game folder to the trusted area of ​​your anti-virus software; - using programs that come with video cards, reset their settings to their original values; - try to “roll back” DirectX version up to version 10.0.

The next part of the text is for those who want to run World of Tanks on other operating systems. If you have Linux, then you cannot do without the wine program version 1.6 or higher - there is no native client for this OS family yet. The same applies to computers with MacOS - but for them there is a ported game client that can be downloaded from any torrent.

In general, what distinguishes the World of Tanks game from many others is its well-organized support service and forum. So if you didn’t find a solution in this article, then try going to the official website of the project indicating your own problem or studying the corresponding forum thread - you will probably find the information you need there.