WebMoney Keeper WinPro free download Russian version. WebMoney Keeper WinPro free download Russian version of Webmoney program for games

WebMoney Keeper Classic

WebMoney Keeper Classic download from the official website

WebMoney Keeper Classic (WinPro)– a program that allows you to manage the electronic currency WebMoney. The capabilities of this program, which can be downloaded for free using the direct link at the end of the page, are the transfer and receipt of funds to your wallets, quick authorization for payment for services and goods, currency exchange, payment and invoicing, and much more.

Main advantages of WebMoney Keeper Classic (WinPro)

  • quick access to WebMoney wallets;
  • in convenient execution of financial transactions;
  • in creating electronic wallets for different currencies;
  • in billing other users;
  • in video calls to other users;
  • in the reliability of storing savings.

When installing the program, you must install certificates (you must allow the program to do this). If a wallet is already linked to the WM ID, you will need a key file and a password for this file. When installing WebMoney Keeper Classic for the first time, you need to create wallets for different currencies (WMR - rubles, WMZ - dollars). It is also recommended to install WebMoney Advisor, an add-on that displays the reputation of the site accepting WebMoney payments.

Download WebMoney Keeper Classic for free in Russian for Windows 7, 8 and Windows 10. The download link leads to the official website of WebMoney Keeper Classic. Our website monitors all program updates so that you have the latest version of WebMoney Keeper Classic.

WebMoney is the most popular system for making payments and a comfortable business environment. The system’s platform offers a variety of services for maintaining records, exchanging funds, attracting financing, resolving controversial issues, concluding transactions with different levels security. All service operations are carried out instantly and are irrevocable.

WebMoney Classic Keeper is one of the WebMoney Transfer wallet management systems that provides users with extensive capabilities.

WebMoney Keeper Classic service

To register with WebMoney, you will need to enter your data and indicate your e-mail. To check your mail, a special registration code will be sent to your address. To gain access to interact with other WebMoney users, each participant must leave personal information about themselves. All provided data is verified by a special WM certification service.

The Webmoney service is based on providing the user with certain sample interfaces designed to manage rights to values ​​held by Guarantor companies. Each participant can open a wallet with the selected Guarantor. All wallets of one participant are placed in storage (keeper), they are assigned a WMID number.

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Types of wallet management services

WebMoney offers several systems for managing wallets. For beginners, WebMoney Standart is suitable, which is the simplest wallet site. It is available on Mac OS X and Linux, and is adapted for mobile platforms. Keeper WebPro (Light) has more advanced functionality.

Users of MS Windows products will be able to appreciate Webmoney Keeper Classic. This is a program written for operating rooms Microsoft systems. When using the Webmoney Keeper Classic service, the Webmoney wallet becomes more functional and reliable. It is especially different high level security.

To measure the monetary component, the WM currency unit is used. Login to the service is possible:

  • with login and password;
  • by personal identifier.

What do you need to do to start using it?

To be able to use the Webmoney interface, install Webmoney Keeper Classic. To do this, you must have one of the versions of Windows OS. The site has a program that works with XP SP3, 2003, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10.

The service website contains a video showing how WebMoney Keeper Classic is installed on a computer. The video is available in the following path: “About the system”, “Wallet management”, “WebMoney Keeper Classic”.

Software installation

WebMoney Keeper Classic is installed according to the instructions that appear during the installation wizard. You will need the following:

  • run the installation file;
  • check the box to agree to use the service;
  • select the installation directory and program group in which the wizard will create shortcuts;
  • pay attention to the installation window root certificate WebMoney, continue;
  • at the end of the installation process you will be asked to confirm permission to install the certificate, click Yes;
  • Now you have the WebMoney Keeper Classic program, the installation of which is complete.

A shortcut will appear on your desktop and you will have access to use the financial instrument. Please note that all information offered by the developers must be read carefully. After learning how to install webmoney keeper classic, do not forget that an important certificate is saved on your PC.


Activation is required to access the software. Before you log into WebMoney Keeper Classic and start using it, you will need to register. Click the program shortcut and fill in registration form. In Keeper Classic Webmoney, registration begins with opening a program window prompting you to choose one of 3 actions:

  • to come in;
  • register;
  • initialize the program.

Select the second option. Next you will need the code sent to email: it was intended to confirm your e-mail when registering with Webmoney. Enter it into the form and continue. Create your own password using letters, symbols and numbers. Enter it into the field that opens. Remember it, write it down and don’t show it to anyone.

Generating and receiving keys

The process of gaining access to use the program includes a number of important steps. During the installation process of keeper classic for webmoney, many people have a question about how to get the key file and what it is needed for. Instructions on where to get the key file for Webmoney Keeper Classic can be found in advance in WebMoney reference materials.

This point will not cause misunderstandings if you carefully follow the instructions of the installer: a key generation window should appear during the process. To initiate generation, the user must randomly press keyboard buttons and move the mouse. This preparatory stage when installing Webmoney Keeper Classic, which must be completed before you receive the key file. Key generation takes a relatively long time. As a result, a WMID will be determined for you, allowing you to log into the system. Write it down and save it!

Access code

At the next stage, when the program starts saving keys, the user must enter the access code. Key files will be required if it is necessary to restore access to WebMoney Keeper Classic when moving to another computer or when reinstalling the operating system.

The access code is a password that will be required so that the program can read the key information during reinstallation.

In the window that opens for saving WMID access keys, specify the storage location (use removable media). Enter your created access code. According to the procedure, users are offered a certificate, by default they are assigned an Alias ​​Passport. Enter the activation code that was sent to Mailbox in a separate letter. Click OK twice. You are registered as an active user and can log into Webmoney Keeper Classic to manage your cash flows.

Regain control and update

If for any reason the key file or password was lost, you can find out how to recover the webmoney keeper classic key file and how to recover the password in webmoney keeper classic on the Webmoney website. All actions are performed according to the instructions for restoring control over the WM Keeper WinPro application.

If you stop using the software for a certain period of time, do not worry about the program becoming outdated. It will be enough to simply run the program as usual; to update WebMoney Keeper Classic you only need access to the Internet.

Greetings, blog readers. In today's article I want to tell you how to install and configure a management program monetary transactions in the WebMoney electronic payment system called WebMoney Keeper Classic. Let’s also look at the question: “ How to create a WebMoney wallet?».

Installing WebMoney Keeper Classic.

We'll sort it out with you step-by-step installation of this software. First, download the program by following the link.

Download the Russian version of this program to our computer.

Then we actually move on to installing the program. Launch the downloaded file and click the “Next” button.

At this step of installing the application, we need to select a location on the computer’s hard drive (1) where we will WebMoney Keeper Classic program installed. To do this, click on the “Browse...” button (2) and select the folder where we would like to install the program. By clicking on the “View” button (3), we will see all sections hard drive and the amount of free memory in each partition. Having chosen the installation location, click the “Next” button again.

This window shows in which group of folders in the Start menu the shortcut to our program will be located. We leave everything as it is and click the “Next” button.

We are warned that the installation is about to begin. Click the “Next” button.

Copying files to the directory we specify on our hard drive. We wait…

The window shows us that the installation is complete. We are also offered to install a plugin for browsers Internet Explorer and FireFox called " WebMoney Advisor" It shows whether the site is safe, according to WebMoney. I believe that installing it is not necessary and will only take up useful space in the browser. If you agree with me, then simply uncheck the box (1). Click the “Done” button (2).

That's all there is to it installing WebMoney Keeper Classic. Easy, isn't it?

Setting up WebMoney Keeper Classic.

Our program has been successfully installed, now we launch it using a shortcut on the desktop.

We are asked to enter our WMID in field (1). Let me remind you that WMID is the login that is sent to us by email after . We also enter our password in field (2). Click the “OK” button.

In the window that appears, put a “dot” (1) opposite the second point “this is the first attempt to enter the program with this WMID on this computer" Click the “Next” button.

In the next window, again put a dot opposite the second point “I have a key file and the password for this file.” Click the “Done” button.

At this step, we are asked to enter the path to the file with WebMoney keys in field (1) on our computer. Click the “…” button and find the file with the keys that we saved. (Let’s say I had it on my desktop, so the path is as you see in the picture). In field (2) we enter our password, which we came up with during registration.

Since we are registering in the WebMoney system for the first time, we do not have created wallets. Therefore, we put a “dot” (1) opposite the first point “ Create new file wallets" Click the “OK” button.

Our WebMoney Keeper Classic program. And literally a minute later this error window pops up. She says that this equipment was not activated. To activate, follow the link (1).

We go to our mailbox, they sent us a code to activate the equipment. Copy this code and paste it into field (1). Enter the characters in the picture (“captcha”) in field (2) and click the “Activate” button. In the window that opens, confirm the operation by clicking on the “Yes” button.

Now our WebMoney Keeper Classic program is completely installed and ready to use.

Creating a wallet in WebMoney.

We launch the WebMoney Keeper Classic program or simply go to it if it is already running.

In the program window, press the “Menu” button (1), then move the cursor to “Wallets” (2) and in the tab that opens, click “Create new...”.

In the window that opens, we see that we do not have any wallets created yet and simply click the “Next” button.

We are asked to create a wallet and select the currency that will be used in it. Let's create, for example, a wallet in rubles. To do this, select the line “WMR - equivalent to RUB” (1). In field (2) we must enter the name of the wallet, for example, “My wallet in rubles.” Click the “Next” button.

We are invited to read the “Agreement” (1). Since we are talking about money, I strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with it. After reading the “Agreement”, put a “tick” (2) - this means that we have read and agree with it. After we clicked the “tick”, the “Next” button (3) became active, which we need to click.

And in the last window for registering the WebMoney wallet, we see that our wallet with such and such a name was successfully created. It is assigned a specific wallet number (1). It can be compared to a bank account. That is, in order to replenish our wallet or someone could transfer money to us, we must indicate this number. It consists of the letter “R”, which means a wallet in rubles, and twelve digits of identifiers. After reading this information, click the “Finish” button.

Go to our WebMoney Keeper Classic program. Go to the “Wallets” tab and press the “F5” button on the keyboard, which is responsible for updating the data. In the “Wallets” tab we see the wallet we created in rubles. We also see more accurate data for each wallet: name (1), amount Money on the electronic account (2), wallet number (3) and the date of its creation (4).


That's basically all I wanted to say in this article. We have learned install WebMoney Keeper Classic program which helps manage our finances in electronic payment system WebMoney. We also discussed the setup of this program and the principle creating a WebMoney electronic wallet. If you have any questions or want to add anything, write about it in the comments. I will be happy to answer all your comments! Don't forget to subscribe to my blog to receive interesting and useful information immediately after its publication.

Today, for dessert, I suggest you watch a video about “financial magic.”

WebMoney is one of the most popular electronic currencies on the RuNet. With its help you can make mutual settlements, pay for purchases, carry out Money transfers. For convenient management of your electronic wallets, there is special program- WebMoney Keeper Classic, by downloading for free which you can get quick access to your funds, view the status of wallets and perform any financial operations. Let's take a closer look at this application.


  • quick access to WebMoney wallets;
  • convenient execution of financial transactions;
  • creation of electronic wallets of different currencies;
  • viewing transaction history;
  • issuing invoices to other users;
  • sharing accounts and files with other users;
  • video calls to other users;
  • secure storage of your savings.

Principle of operation:

The main functions of WebMoney Keeper Classic (WinPro) are getting quick access to your electronic savings and their secure storage. To do this, you must enter a password each time you start the program.

The software interface consists of four tabs: “Correspondents”, “Wallets”, Inbox” and “My WebMoney”. In the first section, you can exchange messages, bills and files with other users, as well as make video calls. The second tab contains information about your wallets: status, numbers and creation date. Here you can create additional wallets in other currencies, top them up, or transfer existing money to other users. In the “Inbox” section, you can view messages from other users and notifications about past transactions on your accounts. And finally, in last tab you can find out in more detail about the WebMoney system, where you can earn this money, how to exchange it for other currencies or what you can spend it on.

You can install WebMoney Keeper Classic on Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8.


  • quick access to electronic savings;
  • instant execution of financial transactions;
  • secure storage of funds;
  • support for different currencies;
  • Russian-language program menu;
  • simple interface.


  • Without saved wallet files, it is very difficult to restore access to your funds after reinstalling the program or system.

This program is great for storing personal funds and quickly completing financial transactions. This is perhaps the most The best way for instant money transfer in international format. At the same time, in the “arsenal” of this system there are wallets in different currencies: rubles (WMR), hryvnia (WMU), dollars (WMZ) and others. By downloading WebMoney Keeper Classic for free, you will get instant access to your savings, be able to pay utility bills, buy necessary goods, send or receive money transfers and much more. Note that on the Internet there is a large number of services for converting money into the desired WebMoney currency, as well as for conveniently depositing or withdrawing these funds to a bank card.


Please note that there are a large number of services on the Internet for converting money into the desired WebMoney currency, as well as for conveniently depositing or withdrawing these funds to a bank card. As an analogue of WebMoney Keeper Classic, you can use the WebMoney Keeper Light application, which provides access to your wallets, but works through a browser.
In addition, you can use other types electronic money, for example, Yandex. Money or Qiwi. The only drawback of such payment systems is the lack of separate applications to control your funds.

Without this program, you will not be able to use the WebMoney service. And if you often make purchases in online stores, work remotely for a foreign company, or want to transfer funds to someone without leaving your computer, you will definitely find WM Keeper WinPro useful - downloading this client program for free will be useful for any active user of the World Wide Web. networks.

With the exit latest version and changing the name from Webmoney Keeper Classic to WM Keeper WinPro, the developers placed even more emphasis on security and stability. Now users can find the account access key as in special file, and in mobile application E-NUM (working on the “question-answer” principle).

Electronic wallet (so called this software) allows you to create a virtual account and store money on it in any currency in the world. Replenishment is usually carried out through terminals or - with bank cards. Each currency requires a separate wallet. The funds in the account are called web money - WebMoney or WM for short and are equivalent to real money.

For example, 100 WMR is 100 Russian rubles, and 500 WMZ is 500 US dollars. You can cash out web money at any time (through a bank or special services).

The WebMoney Transfer system in which the application runs allows you to carry out transactions instantly, in real time. Thanks to powerful traffic encryption, users do not have to worry about the safety of their funds, as well as the confidentiality of messages (senders and recipients of payments can correspond).


  • creating virtual wallets for different currencies;
  • transfers from one wallet to another (+ conversion);
  • payment for goods and services on the Internet;
  • display of payment and invoice history;
  • list of WebMoney Transfer users with whom transactions were carried out;
  • viewing incoming and outgoing invoices.


  • micropayments are available - up to 1 cent or one kopeck;
  • Webmoney Advisor addition with reviews of sites that request payment in Webmoney;
  • WebMoney Keeper Classic interface is in Russian.

Things to work on:

  • commission must be taken into account;
  • Withdrawals do not always go through the first time.

The software launches quite quickly - you need to click on the application shortcut with the ant depicted on it. The menu is presented in four main sections: “Correspondents” (these are users with whom transactions were carried out), “Wallets” (your electronic wallets with different currencies are located here, respectively), “Messages” (reports, notifications and requests from correspondents), “My WebMoney "(quick access to popular functions such as "Deposit", "Transfer", "Withdraw").

It is quite possible that at first it will be difficult for an inexperienced user to understand the interface, but a little of your time and attention will completely eliminate the problem.

The popularity of WebMoney has led to the fact that almost all commercial sites began to work with this payment system. And if you often order something on the Internet, we recommend installing WebMoney Keeper Classic - you can download the software on both Windows 64-bit and 32-bit.